World History Philosophes And Physiocrats

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Jean Jacques Rousseau

"Man is born free but everywhere is in chains" french has influenced political and social thinkers for 200 years. Passionately committed to individual freedom. Brilliant and strange he believed that civilization (reason, science, art) would corrupt people's natural goodness. In earlier times people had lived in primitive state of nature but as people became more civilized the strongest among them forced everyone else to obey unjust laws, thus freedom and equality were destroyed. He believed the only good government was one that was freely formed by the people and guided by the "general will" of the society - a direct democracy. Under such a government people have to give up some freedom in favor of the common good. His view varies from Hobbes. Hobbes: the social contract was an agreement between society and its governemt; for Rousseau the social contact was an agreement between free individuals to create a society and a government


"My trade is to say what I think". He used his pen to expose corrupt officials and idle aristocrats. He battled corruption, injustice, superstition, inequality. He detested the slave trade and deplored relogious predjudice. He offended the Catholic Church and the French govrnment. He was imprisoned and forced into exile. Many of his bookd were banned and burned as he defended free speech. "Ecrasez I enfame!" Crush the evil thing. "I do not agree with a word you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

Baron de Montesquieu

1748 admired British governemt and thought incorrectly that the British had instituted the separation of powers to prevent tyranny (Legislative, judicial and executive). He criticized Absolute Monarchy. He felt the best way to promote liberty was to have each branch of government check on each other thought the idea of checks and balances. "power should be a check to power"

Adam Smith

British economist Laissez Faire Argues that a free market should be allowed regulate business activity. Tried to show how manufacturing, trade, wages, profits and economic growth were all linked to the idea of the market force of supply and demand. Whenever there is a demand for goods and services, suppliers seek to meek it. They do it because of the profits and rewards they get from fulfilling the demand. Smith believed the marketplace was better off without any government regulation. At the same time he argues that a govt. has duty to protect society, administer justice, and provide public works.

Denis Diderot

French produced a 25 volume encyclopedia. His purpose was "to change the general way of thinking" by explaining new ideas on topics such as govt., philosophy, and religion. It denounced slavery, praised freedom of expression, and urged education for all. It attacked traditional religions, and absolute monarchs. French critics argued that it was an attack on public morals and the Pope threatened to exommunicate Roman Catholics who bought or read the Encyclopedias.

Caesar Beccaria

Itlaian Laws exist to preserve social order not to avenge crimes. He railed against common abuses of justice. Including torturing witness and suspects, irregular proceedings in trials, and punishments that were arbitrary. He argued that a person accused of a crime should receive a speedy trail and torture should never be used. Moreover, punishment should be based on the seriousness of the crime. He believed Capital punishment should be abolished. The principle that governmentd should seek the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Thomas Hobbes

english People are naturally cruel and selfish. if not controlled would oppress and rob one another. Life was a "state of nature without laws would be short, brutish and poor". To escape this one needed to institute a "social contract", am agreement where one gives up that state for an organized society. For him that would involve an Absolute Monarch, which would compel obedience.

John Locke

english much optomistic viewpoint. People had certain natural rights they were born with including life, liberty, and property. He argued that people formed governemts to protect their natural rights. The best kind for Locke was a govt. with limited powers that was accepted by all citizens. He rejects Absolute Monarchy. He also believed rather radically that a government has an obligation to the people it governs. If a govt. falls in its obligations or violates the peoples rights than the people have the right to overthrow that government


rejected mercantilsim which required government regulation of the economy to achieve a favorable balance of trade. Instead they favor Laissez faire economics which allows buisnesses to operate with little or no government interference. Unlike mercantilists who call for acquiring gold and silver wealth thru trade, physiocrats claim real wealth comes from making the land more productive. Extractive industries such as agriculture, mining, and logging produce real wealth. They also support free trade and oppose taxes or tariffs on trade.

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