World Literature Unit #12

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Who wrote "The Death of Socrates"?


Who wrote "Two Images from the Republic"?


Who wrote "Lives", from which "Alexander" is taken?


Who was Hector's father?


Who painted "School of Athens"?


How did Antigone die?

She killed herself.

What did Eurydice do when she learned of Haemon's death?

She killed herself.

How had Penelope made her needlework take longer?

She removed the string from the work every night.

How did Penelope test the stranger to be srue that he really was her husband Odysseus?

She wanted the bed removed and asked him to do it, but he explained he created it and it cannot be moved.

What ruling of Creon's had Antigone violated?

She wanted to bury the body of Polynesses, but Creon disargreed.

"One short sleep past, we wake eternally, And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die."

"Death Be Not Proud"

"Vital spark of heavenly flame! Quit, oh quit this mortal flame."

"Dying Christians to His Soul" -Alexander Pope

"Boys, my father will get everything before we can and leave nothing big and brilliant for me, to show what we can do!"

"Lives: Alexander"

"The Death of Hector" is part of what larger work?

"The Iliad"

What were Homer's two epic masterpieces?

"The Iliad" and "The Odyssey"

What was the philosophical question posed by Socrates?

"What is the best way to live"?

Who wrote "The Dying Christian to His Soul"?

Alexander Pope

What does Creon find when he goes to the cave to free Antigone?

Antigone hanging dead; she killed herself.

Who helped Achilles in his fight against Hector?

Athena helps Achilles

Where is Mars Hill located?

Athens, Greece

What do the poems "The Dying Christian to His Soul" and "Death Be Not Proud" show about the Christian attitude about life and death?

Dying for non-Christians is horrific and scary, but for Christians it is a beautiful and glorious homecoming.


Green poetry that combines critism with wit or ironic humor to ridicule human folly or vice with the purpose of correcting it.

How did Haemon die?

He killed himself because Antigone was murdered by his own father's actions.

How did Socrates die?

He was sentenced to death by the government because he was thought to be a blasphemer; he drank poison to end his life.

Why do the people in the cave kill the philosopher?

He was trying to teach them his belief.

Whom did Creon blame for the deaths of his son and wife?


Who was the blind Greek poet who wrote stories about the ancient Greek gods?


Who tried to share Antigone's punishment, although she refused to help with the deed?

Ismene (Antigone's sister)

Who wrote "Death Be Not Proud"?

John Donne

How did Creon intend to kill Antigone?

Leave her in a cave with no food so she will starve to death.

How long did the Trojan War last in "The Return of Odyesseus"?

10 Years

How long had Odysseus been away at battle?

20 Years

When did Homer live?

700 Years before Christ.


A brief anecdote told in a simple, direct style in prose or verse.


A conversation in which a character either directly addresses the audience or another character to comment on the action.


A conversation in which two or more people converse between one another.


A group of dancers or singers who comment upon the action of the play.


A house where costumes are changed during a performance, and stores scenery.

What is an odyessey?

A long journey or trip

What two imgages does Plato compare the world to in his Republic?

A ship and a cave


A short poem whose point is satirical or witty; used at time on grave markers or tombs for humor


A short poem written in pairs of unrhymed lines.

Who does Hector fight against?


Who wrote Antigone?


Who convinces Creon to change his mind, bury Polynesses and free Antigone?

Teiresias (The Prophet)

What does Plato say is the true pilot of the ship? How do the people treat him?

The Philosopher; They deny him.

What was the enemy that Penelope and Telemachus faced?

The Suitors


The area where the audience sits.


The place where the action is performed.


The third part of the choral ode that is delivered when chorus is stationary.

Why had Antigone's brothers been fighting?

They both wanted to be king

What city is Hectory from?


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