World Music Final Exam

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El Aparecido (The Apparition)

- it's a song by Victor Jara -Dorian mode -"run run they're going to kill you" -phrase and cadences, no finality -dedicated to Che Guevara -has tones of text painting and methaphors -Structure: intro, V1, interlude, V2, R intro, V3, interlude, V4, R sped up a the end of the song--intense tone -cyclic form, focuses at the end of 3rd cycle, text painting 4th verse: "son of rebellion, they pursue him" each time "run run run" is song it rose melodically, adds to intense tone -backup singers pursued him, polyphonic -polymetric with 6/8 and 3/8--duple and triple time -text painting divice> take minor scale, raise it sixth degree, you produce something brighter, still minor, but the way the top half works becomes much brighter, used selectively, uplift in "leaves his mark on the wind and eagle gives flight" example of text painting (Dorian mode) minor scale with high sixth scale degree or scale step


American art form, specifically African American artform, used in American musical theatre, popular songs tended to become basis of improv, considered America's classical music,

Text painting in Amor imposible

Amor impossible- D major ends up defeated by b minor in Amor Imposible and this is reflected in the song (text painting) it takes the form A, B, C no nice return to A, no formal closure, just like impossible love (song form represents this); Constantly shifting meter- lots of metrical shifting during sections and that's what it feels like to be in an impossible love situation

Primary chords (tonic, subdominant, dominant)

A 4 measures I A 4 measures IV> I B 4 measures V>IV>I Primary chords of major key- tonic (I) sub dominant (IV) & dominant chords (V) on 1,4,5 respectively;World beat what happens when you have synthetic approach to music from two cultures 12-Bar Blues Structure I I I I IV IV I I V IV I V musicians just repeat these 12 measures or bars of music over and over again. Chord progression refers to the order in which chords are used in these 12 bar note: upper case numerals indicate major chords

Pelog scale

7 step scale, divides octave into 7 steps (diatonic has 5 whole 2 half) in this one, all steps are the same size

Gamelan (indonesian)

Musical ensemble of Java or Bali, made up of gongs, chimes, metallophones, and drums, among other instruments.

Nueva cancion

Nueva canción is a social movement and musical genre in Iberian America and the Iberian peninsula, characterized by folk-inspired styles and socially committed lyrics; revolutionary genre from Chile, el aparecido (could say something about text painting in that)

Azucar de cana

about her homeland and environment where she lives; valleys filled with sugar cane, includes workers, and sugar mills, the music is set in cyclic form bc she's signing about the day night cycle, sings about going out to gather in the morning, but sings about what happens in her cabin, paints sunrise in a minor key (ironic text painting),long fade out suggest that this cycle will continue forever

Text painting

all decisions author makes while setting text to music; can be direct text painting or can be ironic text painting


any place in music where foreward motion has come to a momentary halt; doesn't mean that the beat stops, just means that harmonically speaking, progression has come to an end, at least momentarily; like punctuation marks. End of phrase identified by a cadence, depends on what kind of cadence could be non final (half) or final cadence (authentic); (antecedent consequent relationship)

Diatonic scale

The 7 step scale used in the West, consisting of 5 whole steps and two half-steps

World Beat

deliberate combinations/fusions of popular genres of music that have a level of international recognition with a local/indigenous music usually considered "exotic"; ethnomusicological category; collaboration from many different types of music, like pelog and diatonic scale are paired; World beat what happens when you have synthetic approach to music from two cultures


music from Ecuador, dance music, was made for the feast of St. John Baptist; style of dance music from Ecuador, fast Duple time, a lot of rhythmic sameness (isorhythmic technique) notes change but rhythm is the same, slipping back and forth between major key and it's relative minor key (d major and b minor): Andean bimodality ~>

Andean bi-modality

music that can go both directions in terms of what scale it is in; back and forth between a major and a minor modality

Musical irony

bright word to dark chord, words say one thing, music says another; example of text painting


family of instruments, 1 huge one, ex: knob gong. this is apart of gamelan music, Indonesia

Imbabara harp

folk harp from Ecuador, played by two people bc has golpe

Art reflects life

general maxim, any culture can be understood by their art and what they are trying to say; the art u make tells truth about u and tells truth about your culture, art does not lie; general formula used all semester, a great deal of what he has said fits under that heading, write essay over Andy goldsworthy film


keeping same rhythmic pattern even though notes have changed;


when someone is speaking/singing about his own life, blues is autobiographical art form


when you use one thing to talk about another; you let something stand for something else (without like or as); a comparison, ask reader to draw conclusions; big in Latin American culture bc poetic


notched, vertical bamboo flute; one in pelog scale, other in different scale

Pointilism in music

refers to a style of 20th-century music composition. Different musical notes are made in seclusion, rather than in a linear sequence, giving a sound texture similar to the painting version of Pointillism. This type of music is also known as punctualism or klangfarbenmelodie.; enough silence that u can hear all gestures in it, short jabbing strokes (musically);example (a Azucar de cana)

call and response

shows up in lots of music, common in jazz, one player offers call/challenge, answered by different play; can also be done vocally; self-explanatory


the most complicated music you can write, involves at least two independent parts that play off against eachother; simpler than homophony or monophony. Indonesian traditional is polyphony, music from africa, & western music is often using polyphony


two string violin, found in gamelan


used in el aparecido, folk instrument, notched flute that you find across foothills of the andes, simple instrument, can make it yourself


Blues song is usually a strophic song (simple form) and each of those verses follows 12 measure pattern: 12 bar blues progression; 2 aspects to pattern- one is musical, one is lexical; blues tends to be major key

Sesquialtera metrical rhythm

a common form of polymetry in Latin American music; 3/4 or 6/8 rhythm simultaneous or alternatively - superimposition of Duple and triple meter - used in El Aparecido as a text painting device During the verses you hear conflict, but not during refrains where every singer is unanimous in what they're singing, everyone on same page; 4th verse these a reference to a pursuit, that verse is repressed at the end of the song and at that point the lead and backup singers sing it in a round, which means that the backup singers are pursuing the lead (El Aparecido)


a continually repeated musical phrase or rhythm (San Juan)


a period is a group of phrases consisting usually of at least one antecedent phrase and one consequent phrase totaling about 8 bars in length (though this varies depending on meter and tempo). Generally, the antecedent ends in a weaker and the consequent in a stronger cadence; often, the antecedent ends in a half cadence while the consequent ends in an authentic cadence. Frequently, the consequent strongly parallels the antecedent, even sharing most of the material save the final bars. In other cases, the consequent may differ greatly

Dorian Mode

a scale with the pattern of whole step, half, whole, whole, whole, half, and whole; The Dorian mode is very similar to the modern natural minor scale. The only difference is in the sixth note, which is a major sixth above the first note, rather than a minor sixth.


sound board of the imbabara harp

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