World Music Review

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Music Culture Model

A. Ideas about Music 1. Music and the belief system 2. Contexts for Music 3. History of Music 4. Aesthetics of Music B. Activities Involving music C. Repertories of Music 1. Text 2. Genre 3. Style 4. Composition 5. Transmission 6. Movement D. Material Cultures


African American music of play. presents problems. emphasis on this genre as the roots of Americana music. wrapped tightly around the history of African Americans


Ancestors of modern Arabs. transient desert tribes. Qualities include bravery in battle, protection of the weak, hospitality toward the visitor, generosity to the poor, loyalty to the tribe, and fidelity - values that are embodied in the tradition of epic performance.


Indian time cycle. counting system. Adi Tala is the most common of the Indian time cycles. Adi Tala - 8 beats subdivided as 4+4+2


Islamic Call to Prayer, heard five times a day from mosques and over mass media among Muslim communities throughout the world.

Question 1: Latin America/Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru (Schechter). Consider in detail the political dimensions of several specific pieces introduced in this chapter. Contextualize these political dimensions in terms of the "memory/history" aspect of the music-culture model Think about the political dimensions of several songs introduced in the Latin American section of the book. Give these political dimensions meaning in terms of the "memory/history" aspect of the music cultural model. How have politics been relevant to songs in the Latin American section of the book?

La Aparecion Correle

Mahabharata, Ramayana

M- one of two major indian epics widely known in Java and Bali; centers on conflict between rival sets of cousins culminating in major way. R- one of two major indian epics widely known in java and bali; centers on story of Prince Rama

wayang kulit

Shadow puppetry, using flat leather puppets made of water buffalo hide

Formulaic Composition

Speculation that epic performance was not the work of individual authors. Speculated that rather than relying on written scores, poets drew their improvisations from a storehouse of familiar ideas and poetic formulas. Contributes to understanding of how the blues and modern rap function.

Agbekor (song)

Title: Agbekor "Clear Life" Music Culture: Ewe - Africa Performers: David Locke as stated in text How is it organized? Composed? Performed? Explained?: Three slow-paced songs (0:00-2:52) b. One song in free rhythm (3:02-4:20) c. One fast-paced song (4:27-5:32.) call and response. there is a song leader and a group, monophony. polyrhythmic percussion - drum language. ABA musical form.

Al-shaghal song

Title: Al- shaghal "Obsession" Music Culture: Arabic Performer: arabic music retreat ensemble How is it organized? Performed? Composed? Explained?: heterophonic, quarter tones. part of tarab repertoire. after an 8 measure melody, the ensemble plays a sort of melodic, rhythmic ostinato durign which each indiv plays a solo taqasim or improvisation. audience is expected to participate and does so in this recording "Ahhh" and then audience.

Goralski suite

Title: Goralski Suite Music Culture: Polish - Goral Performer: Trebunia-Tutka family band How is it organized? Composed? Performed? Explained?: just involves one couple and then a group of people as opposed to other dances that have a lot of couples. each part of the suite has a pause so that the couple can take a break or talk to other people. music for dancing. primary male dancer hums the tune to the musician. begins with Ozwodna, Kresana, drobna, or Ozwodna, Zielona. pg. 272

Ladrang "Wilujeng" song

Title: Ladrang Wilujeng Music Culture: Central Java/Indonesia Central Javanese gamelan Performer: The Musicians of Ngudya How is it organized? Composed? Performed? Explained? performed in slendro (type of notation) 1-6 number scale. gamelan ensemble.

Muyu Muyari Warmigu song

Title: Muyu Muyari Warmigu "Please Return Dear Women" Music Culture: Quichua Performer: Efraín, harp; Rafael, voice and golpe How is it organized? Performed? Composed? Explained?: sanjuan Cotacachi Quichua. repetitive form, in which one or two different phrases, typically contrasting in register, are occasionally inserted into an otherwise similar phrase pattern. rhythm of the first half is almost identical to the rhythm of the second half.

Nhemamusasa song

Title: Nhemamusasa Music Culture: Shona - Africa Performers : Paul Berliner How is it organized? Composed? Performed?: An offering that calls ancestors near. Two interlocking parts, a kushaura (main part), and kutsinhira (interwoven second part). Each part is polyphonic on its own but interaction between the two creates a multilayered sound. Features the Mbira. played for a spirit that protects the entire nation. p. 143

Poor Boy Blues song

Title: Poor Boy Blues Music Culture: African American Blues Performer: Lazy Bill Lucas Trio How is it organized? Composed? Performed? Explained?: 12 bar blues, rhythmically complex. drums play mostly long-short figures. straightforward with the rhyme. sentimentality about christmas.

Sarasiruha song

Title: Sarasiruha Music Culture: Southern India Performers: Ranganayaki Rajagopalan and Raja Rao How is is composed? performed? organized?: raga Natai which is associated with the great God Shiva. Two improvisational sections, then a composed song, two more improvised sections, a drum solo, the return of the Kriti (is the only composed portion of the song) and then the close.

Yangguan San Die song

Title: Yangguan San Die Music Culture: China Performer: Wang Tingting How is it organized? Performed? Composed? Explained?: played on qin. performed solo like most qin pieces. a very short introduction, three main sections which successively develop and extend the same musical material, and then a coda with a free meter feel and use of harmonics.

Yeibichai Song

Title: Yeibichai "Gods their grandfathers" Music Culture: Navajo dance song Performer: Sandoval Begay and his Yeibichai singers How is it organized? Composed? Performed? Explained?: call of the gods (way) themselves begins every song "hi ye, hi ye". song is sung entirely in vocables, and almost entirely on tonic.

Beiguan ensemble

a band of wind and percussion players who perform outdoor ritual music, predominantly at funerals and temple festivities. music emanates a muscular self-confidence that perfectly matches its setting.

Agbekor explained

a creation of Ewe-speaking people. type of singing and drumming that originated as a war dance. West African origin. features a percussion ensemble and a chorus of singers. complex lead drumming part rides on a rich polyrhythmic texture established by an ensemble of bells, rattles, and drums of different sizes. songs are clear examples of call and response. music and dance of the Ewe people. funerals are appropriate for Agbekor now, rather than war.


a dispersion of a people that was formerly concentrated in one place.


a free flowing exposition and exploration of the raga Natai, its facets and phrases, its ornamentation, its pushes and pulls of intonation, as well as its mood and character. Has a general plan set both by the tradition as a whole and by the improvisational habits of the particular musician. Phrases begin slowly and gradually increase in speed and complexity as hey move higher and higher in the range of the voice or instrument.


a musical entity characterized by distinctive elements (scale, ornaments, etc.) that provides the raw material for melodic composition and improvisation.


a narrative form of Beijing opera. rich costuming and makeup. classifies onstage characters. combines four basic expressive means, singing, speech, acting, and fighting.


a native american social, ceremonial, and spiritual gathering featuring food, singing, and dancing.


a nonlexical syllable used in many different kinds of vocal music from around the world.


a people. one of several ethnic groups who share certain physical, historical, cultural and social features as well as adaptations to the natural world. differs dramatically from the traditions of the Ewe, Mande, Dagbamba, and Shona. Central Africa. Forest people. used to be called Pygmies but that's WRONG. Three images of them: Primal Eden, Primitive Savage, Unique culture in global village Song - Makal, mabo, eboka

Che Guevara

a person. soldier and activist who helped cuban revolution and subsequently helped incite revolutions in other latin american countries. assassinated. and the subject of El Aparecido (song). marxist and communist. worked under fidel castro.


a pitched trilling cry that proclaims excitement, usually performed by women


a relatively simple song sung at the end of an act of devotion. a major genre of music usually hindu but potentially muslim.

gamelan (javi/bali)

a set of instruments unified by their tuning and often by their decorative carving and painting Consist of several kinds of metal slab instruments Knobbed gong instruments Accompany in Balinese Shadow Puppetry Shimmery quality Each section is identified not only by characteristic rhythm and texture but also by tonal center

tahkt ensemble

an ensemble. comprises seven instrumentalists who play the most important instruments in Arab traditional music. all musicians play same melody, but aren't playing in unison.


an ethnic group. Western Africa. Lunsi - members of a hereditary clan of drummers. like a Mande jali. Verbal artists, genealogist. counselor to royalty, cultural expert, entertainer. Lunsi developed in Dagbon, the hierarchical centralized kingdom of the Dagbamba.


an instrumental improvisation or solo. one of the most important building blocks of Arab and Middle Eastern music.

jiangnan sizhu

an instrumental tradition found in and around Shanghai. means the silk and and bamboo music of the Jiangnan region in east China. Flexible ensemble. used to be played by hired instrumentalists at weddings and in local opera, but known as amateur music today mostly performed in tea shops.


ancient design. consists of a convex length of wood, narrower at one end than the other. A baseboard is fixed underneath with two holes in it. makers use old seasoned wood b/c it produces the best resonance. seven strings, traditionally made of silk but metal is the new substitute in China's conservatories. every part of the instrument is given a symbolic name. ex: two holes underneath are named "dragon pool" and "phoenix pond". rich in timbres. generally performed solo. used to be associated with elite scholar-officials who governed the Chinese empire "literati".


bridge harp played by the jalolu of Mande music culture.

cultural revolution erhu

by using western techniques there was a formalization of the erhu. Liutianhua wrote ten technical etudes for the erhu they were widely broadcast and performed to this day. His compositions included new techniques. used compound time in minor keys and western notation to show dynamic. played for elite audiences.


either a type of song played at the festival of St. John. (san juan) the baptist held in june or a type of dance performed at that festival. today it is a northern ecuadorian highland Quichua genre.


empire that includes Mande people. Mali itself exerted authority over a LOT of land. A bunch of city-states arose out of cultural crossroads one of which was Mali. Jali/Jalolu. Jali are distinguished from people of slave descent.

Alan Lomax

field collector of folk music and interviews. director of the archive of american folk song at the library of congress. pioneering oral historian.

work songs

found in music cultures everywhere; function ranges from coordinating complex tasks to making boring and repetitive work more interesting


in andean south america, refers to panpipes, a set of endblown bamboo rubes lashed together, each tube producing a particular pitch. in the southern Andes, (peru and bolivia) zamponas are put in two ranks, or lines, of pipes and, in traditional performance format, are played in hocket, with the two ranks being divided between two different performers. The south andean zamponas are traditionally played in large ensembles, accompanied by drums.


interaction between musicians and audience is at eh same tiem a catalyst for and the result of tarab, which translates as "ecstasy" or "enchantment". The concept gets to the very heat of Arab musical aesthetics. Term refers to a repertory of traditional compositions as well as to a style of performance that both embodies and evokes the tarab. In Tarab culture, performances are meant to be inspired or inspiring. Listeners are expected to contribute to the overall atmosphere of the evening's music, by offering exclamations of encouragement to performers.


language and group of people. they lived as a minority within kingdoms of more powerful people. Agbekor music. Very big on ancestors and heredity. Claim to have gotten talents from ancestors. Say that their involvement in music is their destiny. funerals are appropriate for Agbekor.

mridangam, tabla, sitar, veena

m- principle south indian drum, barrel shaped, two headed, and played with fingers and palms. one of the main instruments in Sarasiruha t- principle north indian drum comprising a set of two small drums one of metal and pot shaped, the other of wood and cylindrical played with fingers and palms. s- plucked twenty two string classical instrument of north india v- a seven stringed south indian plucked lute

muzyka podhala

music considered indigenous and unique to the Podhale region of southern poland.


music that can be felt in both 3/4 and 6/8 metrical rhythm. either simultaneously or alternatively. This metrical rhythmic ambiguity is the heart and soul of much Hispanic derived Latin American regional folk music.


musical mode in the Arab tradition; maqam bayyati is the name of a mode; this conceptualization of scale is found in variation throughout the Arab world and Middle East region, including parts of central asia.


musical organization that occurs when two or more voices or instruments elaborate the same melody in different ways at approximately the same time.


musician. chinese musician music is performed in china often and is very popular brought up in Daoist temple "Blind Abing" played lute pipa and on two stringed fiddle erhu


national music. drew on aspects of Western music while attempting to preserve and develop national music content as an alternative to western music. includes ensemble pieces and those for a full orchestra of Chinese instruments.


on location work done by ethnomusicologists. often done alone, carrying and operating own equipment. capture the spirit of the moment. In-person observing, questioning, recording, photographing, and in some cases participating, which leads to information about a culture. Work "in the field" rather than the library, Internet, or laboratory.


one of Africa's broad zones, north of the Saharan desert. comprises part of the Arab world. "the place where the sun sets". Maghrib became part of the Arab empire though trade.

Enemyway Ceremony

one of the most frequently performed rites in traditional Navajo religion. it is a curing ritual. believed that sickness is brought on by the ghosts of outsiders who have died. often performed for a returned Navajo member of the US Armed forces or for others who have been away from home among strangers for a long time.

Sirat Bani Hilal

one of the oldest continuously performed epic traditions in the world. This epic recounts the adventures of the Bedouin tribes of the Bani Hilal and Bani Sulaim as they migrated. Tribes were ultimately defeated and scattered throughout North African desert.


one stringed traditional African American instrument usually strung with thick wire held on supports out from and parallel to a barn wall. many blues singers who grew up on Southern farms recall it as their first instrument

nueva cancion

or "new song". a political song movement through which people stand up for themselves in the face of oppression by a totalitarian government or in the face of cultural imperialism from abroad. developed first in argentina, chile, and uruguay during the 1950's and 1960's. spread throughout latin america.


outdoor songs from china used for agricultural work, flirting, and courting


people of Ecuador. musicians typically live in small clusters of houses on the slopes of a mountain. gather often for children's wakes or weddings.


polish word for people from the mountains, sometimes used as an ethnic category.

grass dance

powwow music. historically linked to a Sioux warrior society dance that has now evolved into a highly competitive form of powwow styled dancing. northern powwow style.

sléndro, pélog

s - five tone scale with nearly equidescent intervals. java and bali 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 p - seven tone scale, of small and large intervals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


single part music


song of praise to god. particular to Baptists.

Question 2: The Arab World (Rasmussen). Consider in detail how "performance" is at the center of this chapter by referencing several specific pieces. How does the music-culture model provide a more insightful, nuanced entry into the music in this chapter than a music/performers/audience/time & space approach.

talk about Al-Shaghal and tarab call to prayer - azan. they don't necessarily see it as music

Andean Ensemble

teaches students how to play and perform folk music from the south american countries of the Quichua


term used by Europeans for the hereditary sound artisans of West African polities such as the mande jalolu or the dagbamba lunsi.

Carnatic Music

the classical music of South India."Carnatic" refers to South India's plateau. roots of this music lie in courts and palaces. has the three great saint poet composers. golden age is the late 18th and early 19th century.


the man who performs the Call to Prayer or Adan. muezzins broadcast the islamic call to prayer at five designated times a day.

main concert piece

the most incredible complex improvisation that can possibly be created by mankind....followed by a drum solo. most of the concert is kriti after kriti. maybe have a stately kriti or major raga at its core or basically completely improvised

Native American Church

the peyote religion, a specific set of ritual practices that are known today as the Native American church. did not develop until after Indian reservations had been established by the U.S government during the nineteenth century. music is their prayer. hymns derived from christian hymnody.


the principal song form of South Indian Music.


the study of peoples making music in different cultures.


the trinity of supreme divinity in Hinduism in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified as a triad of deities, typically Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer/transformer


thumb piano - what speakers of the Shona language call the unique African type of musical instrument. Kaleidophonic sound. can transform a group of separate individuals into a participatory polyphonic community.


traditional music genre of the navajo found in the nightway ceremony. genre of navajo music refers to ancestor deities dancers become gods to bring blessings to cure sick persons.


used in Andean ensemble. same exact thing as the zampona.

wawa velorio

wake for a deceased Quichua child

field hollers

words and tunes of work songs that fit the nature of african american labor after emancipation. people working by themselves or at their own pace in a group sang slow songs without a pronounced beat. the singer hummed tunes or fit words in as desired to pass the time.

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