world oceans chapter 11, 12, 13

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Which of the following statements are true regarding seals and sea lions?

-They both have hair and blubber. -they both have four characteristic flippers -they both need to rest and breed on land

Viruses are ______.

-only able to carry out their metabolic activities and replicate themselves inside a host -obligate parasites

Which of the following traits are common among sea snakes?

ability to close the nostrils, extremely poisonous, flattened tail

sea otters are __

considered keystone predators in kelp forests the smallest marine mammals

Cyanobacteria play an important role in __ fixation.


One example of a toothed whale is the __ whale featured in the image.


Which of the following marine birds best fits this description: strong fliers, found mainly in coastal areas, and have a large beak with a pouch for catching fish?


Echolocation is ______.

the ability to use sound to picture the environment

If one were to examine all the producers, consumers, and apex predators in an ecosystem and define their relationships to one another, this would be a food ______ analysis. If one were to examine one phytoplankton species and identify an herbivore that consumes it, and then identify a predator that consumes that herbivore, this would be an example of a food ______ study.

web; chain

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