World War II Facts

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U.S. drops how may bombs on Japan?

2 bombs


30, 000 Fascists marched on Rome

The U.S. imprisoned how many?


Axis Commanders

Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy), and Emperor Hirohito (Japan)

Kellog-Briand Pact

Agreement signed in 1928 in which nations agreed not to pose the threat of war against one another. Japan signed

How did the war with Japan end?

Americans dropped 2 bombs and killed 110, 000, which led to the surrender in 1945.

How did the Americans react to the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

Americans were shocked, even though relations were tense for years between Japan and the U.S.


Date: Treaty of Versailles - End of WWI- Paris Peace Converence

More reasons WW2 started

Due to fatigue and fear of another War so soon after WW1, Great Britain and France repeatedly appeased Hitlerś aggresive moves in Europe. However, on September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland (the Blitzkrieg or Lightning War) leading Great Britain and France to declare war on Hitlerś Nazi state.

September 1, 1939 to September 2, 1945

Duration of World War II

Locations for WWII

Europe, Pacific, Atlantic, South-East Asia, China, Middle East, Mediterranean and Northern Africa


Fascist party founded by Mussolini


Francisco Franco became Spain´s Dictator


Francisco Franco led revolt in Spain


Germany invades Polish airspace.


Germanyś unemployment dropped 4.5 million


Hitler announces that Germany would not obey the Treaty of Versailles


Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany


Hitler demands Sudetenland, historical German name for the northern, southern, and western areas of former Czechoslovakia which were inhabited primarily by Sudeten Germans.


Hitler joins Nazi party


Hitler leaves prison and revived the Nazi party


Hitler planned to absorb Austria and Czechoslavakia into the Third Reich

Key Points

Hitler sweeps through Belgium on his way to France. France falls in June of 1940


Hitler wanted to have the Polish Corridor be returned to him


Hitler was jailed 5 years


Japan fell under military rule


Japan leaves the League of Nations


Japan signed an international treaty agreeing to respect China´s border


Japan takes Nanjing


Japan, Germany and Italy became the Axis Powers


Japanese army seized Manchuria


Japanese government blamed for Great Depression


Japanese invasion of (rest of) China (rape of Nanking)


Jewish people attacked and robbed


Jewish rights limited

Commanders of the Allies

Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Chiang Kai-Shek, Charles De Gualle

Hitler invades the Soviet Union on...

June, 1941


Many of Hitler´s enemies killed

Even more reasons WW2 started...

Meanwhile, the U.S. maintained an isolationist policy, passing 3 separate Neutrality Acts


Miklos Hortho the first European dictator in Hungary


Munich Conference


Mussolini ordered an invasion on ethiopia


Nazi party becomes leading party


Nazi party tried seizing power in Munich


Neutrality Acts to ban sales of arms to nations at war


Non-Aggression Pact signed by Axis powers

When did Japan surrender?

September 2, 1945

Reasons WW2 started

Some scholars debate whether it was really one event that started WW2. Japan seizing Manchuria from China, Italyś invasion of Ethiopia in 1935, Hitlerś re-militerization of the Rhineland in 1936, the Spanish Civl War from 1936 to 1939 and German Occupation of Checkoslavakia in 1938 could all be cited as contributing to growing tensions around the world.

America declared war on Japan after what event?

The Bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941

Why were the Nazis defeated in Moscow?

The Soviets fought hard, but it was the brutal winter really defeated the Nazis in Moscow.

Who had tense relations over control of the Pacific for years?

U.S. and Japan

What were some outcomes of WW2?

U.S. and Russia became global super powers (Cold War)

More outcomes of WW2?

U.S. gains a booming economy.

Robert Oppenheimer

United States physicist who directed the project at Los Alamos that developed the first atomic bomb (1904-1967)


powerful nations were split into democratic and totalitarian

Germanyś LuftWaffe

the aerial warfare branch of the combined German Wehrmacht military forces during World War II. This Airforce starts bombing Great Britain. Britain´s Prime Minister, Winston Churchill declares ¨We shall never surrender.¨

Adolph HItler committed suicide before...

the ally powers could capture him on May 7, 1945.

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