WW2 Test

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List the 4 failures of Pearl Harbor.

1. The salvage of ships and soldiers 2. Targeted battleships instead of aircraft carriers 3. Failed to destroy oil reserves, naval yard, and submarine base 4. Didn't crush American morale

What techniques were used to give America the edge in industry?

18 million people were working in factories to create military devices War Industry Board- made supplies for the war effort Penicillin is created and brought to soldiers

Who organized a protest march on Washington, DC in 1941?

A. Philip Randolph

What allowed the Allies to win the Battle of the Atlantic?

Allied codebreakers were able to break German code, most of the U-boats were destroyed, and battleships created convoys to protect supply ships


Also known as hell- crocodiles, leeches, bad climate, snakes The first land battle with the US Marines They fight for 6 months, ends in American victory

What was the role of the WAACs?

Ambulance drivers, telephone operators, and nurses

How did the Allies deceive Hitler on D-Day?

America creates the Ghost Army, and puts George Patton in charge to make it seem like the attack is coming from somewhere else

Who were the combatants of Midway? Who won?

America vs Japan- Americans won

What "bloody" battle raged for 4 months in Italy?

Bloody Anzio

Casablanca Meeting

Churchill and FDR meet to talk about the unconditional surrender(establishing terms of surrender for Hitler) and where to attack next

What is the main difference between fascism (Mussolini) and communism (Stalin)?

Communism believed that citizens weren't allowed to have private property, fascism was allowed as long as it wasn't government owned.

Who commanded the Allied forces in the Philippines/Pacific?

Douglas MacArthur

Who was the Allied Supreme Commander?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

What was the outcome of the Battle of Coral Sea?

Ended in a tie, but the Americans strategically won

What German commander surrendered in North Africa?

Erwin Rommel

Who attended the Yalta Conference?

FDR, Stalin, Churchill

What was referred to as the "Wolf-packs"?

German U-boat submarines

Who were the "rattlesnakes of the Atlantic"?

German U-boats

How were Britain and France drawn into war?

Germany takes Poland over after Britain and France give Hitler an ultimatum.

Name the three Axis powers.

Germany, Italy, and Japan

What was FDR's stance on joining the war?

He didn't want to get involved in another foreign war- he wanted to remain neutral for as long as possible.

Why did Truman order the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

He wanted to save American lives and bring the war to an end quickly.

Operation Valkyrie

Hitlers assassination plan

What did the Office of Price Administration target?


D-Day- invasion and goal?

Invasion of Normandy, France. Goal was to take over this location so the Allies get control over the beaches and air.

What strategy did the Allies use in the Pacific?

Island hopping- take one island over quickly and move to the next

What was the goal of the Atlantic Charter?

It paved the way for the creation of the United Nations. The goal was stability and safety for each country.

Why did Hitler oppose the Treaty of Versailles?

It targeted Germany and was unfair to them. They lost their army, had to return land to France, pay billions of $, and admit they started WW1.

What was the goal of Doolittle's Raid?

It was a revenge plan to show that Japan wasn't safe. They attempted to bomb Tokyo.

Kamikaze- What and where was it first used?

It was first used during the Battle of Leyte Gulf in 1944 in the Philippines

Why was the Battle of the Bulge significant?

It was the last time Germans had offensive efforts during the war

What happened during the "Battle of Britain"?

It's a battle between the German Luftwaffe and the British Royal Air Force. The German goal is to destroy them and their planes. They do this by targeting British civilians and bombing big cities. Hitler ends up retreating and the British win.

VE Day

May 8, 1945- victory in Europe Day when the Germans surrendered

What contributed to the Soviet victory at Stalingrad?

Nazi's couldn't get food because they were surrounded, and they were also wearing their summer uniforms during winter

What two factors were instrumental to the success of D-Day?

Paratroopers, fog( postponed invasion), and the Ghost Army

George Patton-What European city did he help liberate?

Paris, France

Where did the Allied forces first invade Axis-controlled Europe?

Sicily and Italy

Describe the Japanese defense of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

The Japanese soldiers dug tunnels in the volcanoes and lived in them until Marines landed on the beach.


The Navajo language was used to communicate throughout the military so that the Japanese couldn't figure it out

Who were the defendants at the Nuremberg Trials?

The Nazi leaders

What was the Lend-Lease Act?

The US supplies guns and Destroyer ships to England in return for a piece of their bases.

What is genocide?

The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

What was the Manhattan Project?

The plan to develop an atomic bomb to drop on Japan.

What was America's "secret" weapon?

The woman that helped work during the war

What was the goal of Japan in attacking Pearl Harbor? What did they fail to do?

Their goal was to scare Americans and crush their morale. They failed to sink our aircraft carriers and destroy the oil tanks.

Why did FDR order the removal of Japanese-Americans to internment camps?

There was extreme discrimination and racism in America after Pearl Harbor.

Why were the Germans initially successful during the Battle of the Bulge?

They attacked at 5 am and hid in the woods. (Malmedy and Bastogne)

What was Germany's goal during the Battle of the Bulge?

This was known as Hitlers "hail mary". He wanted to take Antwerp.

The Battle of Midway

Turning point of the war Americans break Japanese code to figure out the attack is coming Takes place in June 1942 Damage done to Japanese navy is irreplaceable

Why did most democracies fail following WWI?

Weak governments were set up that lead to dictatorships that consolidated power.

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