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Origins of the Zealots

Militants - 'freedom fighters' Revolutionary, religion-political movement

Did Zealots arise out of the movement that began with FOURTH PHILOSOPHY according to Horsley?

NO: Josephus - seems Zealots were small partly newly formed in 60s Took title of Zealots as self designation Group of people called zealous does not mean that they were Zealots Thinks they formed in around AD 67/68


One who is zealous on behalf of God

3) Zeal for Purity and LAW

Opposed Sadducean priests - Jonathon executed May have seen Temple as polluted and attempted to capture it to appoint their own High Priest Final battle took place in the Temple


Zeal for purity and Law - link to Pharisees Eschatology - new age will be established with their help

Role of Zealots in the revolt

They fled to Jerusalem to join Eleazar

AD 6

'Fourth Philosophy' - Judas

Wright on Horsley's argument

'Horsley succeeds, I think, in showing that the start of the war was not due to the work of a single organised and longstanding Jewish resistance movement, but rather came about through the confluence of many streams'

Key slogan

'No master but God'

2) 'No master but God'

'No master but God' Turned on aristocracy during war - feared aristocrats (Sadducees) were too close to Rome. Assassinated several including Jonathan, High Priest

Heard's argument

'The Zealots were not the Fourth Philosophy mentioned by Josephus; indeed they were not a sect or a philosophy at all'

Horsely on Zealots in Jewish War

'The Zealots were relatively insignificant as a fighting force'

Key Josephus quote on Zealots in 'Jewish War' 7:268-70

'They faithfully copied every ruthless deed, and there was no crime on record that they failed to commit. Yet they took their name from the fact that they were zealous for what was right, either in ridiculing those injured (brutal types that they were), or regarding the worst evils as good'

Josephus on the Jewish War

'When at last the chiefs of the scattered brigand bands had had enough of raiding the countryside, they joined forces, forming a single pack of thugs, and infiltrated Jerusalem'

Jewish War

AD 67 - Romans under Vespasian began re-conquest of Palestine Infighting in Jerusalem Attacked nobility because of 'ancient quarrels' and because they thought they were in league with the Romans

What caused the Jewish Revolt

Actions of Procurator Florus (AD 64-66) - pilfered temple treasury, allowed army to loot city and attempted to capture and control Temple Lesser priests led by Eleazar

1) Zealot Beliefs according to Hengel

Agree with Pharisees in everything 'except that they have a passion for liberty that is almost unconquerable, since they are convinced that God alone is their leader and master' (Ant. 18:23)

What happened during the Jewish revolt?

Eleazar and lower priests reacted to Florus' actions by agitating for war. Stopped twice daily sacrifices for Rome and Roman Emperor Eleazar and Sicarii defeated their rivals including Chief Priests and Pharisees

AD 67

Formation of Zealots as a recognisable group

AD 66

Jewish Revolt sparked off

Zealots in Jewish War

Joined with lower priests under Eleazar John of Gischala joined them Elected their own High Priests Leadership split Some went to John of Gischala Further splits when Simon Ben Giora declared himself 'Messiah'

Did Zealots arise out of the movement that began with FOURTH PHILOSOPHY according to Hengel?

Josephus blamed Fourth Philosophy for Jewish revolt (go back to AD 6) Hengel thought they did due to overall unity of rebellious movement and ideology between zealots and fourth philosophy Luke 6:15: 'Simon the Zealot' Started as fourth philosophy - changed into the Sicarii (assassins) - evolved into Zealots

Particular beliefs that we can deduce (not from Josephus)

Probably were devoted to God against foreign occupation so believed that in overthrowing the Romans they would bring about a restored Israel. May have cherished restoration of Israel as part of covenantal promise from God

Two Schools of thought on the Zealots

Richard Horsley: short-lived group with no clear aims Martin Hengel: More significant and organised movement than spanned C1st AD - much more influential in war

Aftermath of Revolt

Romans defeated (heavily outnumbered) and then reinvade

Josephus' opinion

Shows antipathy towards them - not very flattering. Blames them for the disastrous effects of their rebellion on Israel - Temple destroyed and things never the same again.

Size of Zealots

Smallest rival group 2,400 Zealots with 6,000 others under John of Gischala and 15,000 under Simon bar Giora

Why did the Zealots go to Jerusalem?

Surrounded by defensive walls and high up on a mountain

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