Zhang Qian and CCP crackdown

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Marco Polo

逼问 / 逼問 bīwèn

Question closely

纵火焚烧 / 縱火焚燒 zònghuǒ fénshāo

Set fire to

对空鸣枪 / 對空鳴槍 duì kōng míng qiāng

Shoot in the air

蔓延 / 蔓延 mànyán


一拥而上 / 一擁而上 yīyǒng'érshàng


催泪瓦斯 / 催淚瓦斯 cuīlèi wǎsī

Tear gas

寺庙 / 寺廟 sìmiào


企图 / 企圖 qìtú


封锁 / 封鎖 fēngsuǒ


戒严 / 戒嚴 jièyán


驱散 / 驅散 qūsàn


丧命 / 喪命 Sàngmìng

Get killed

截获 / 截獲 jiéhuò


桥梁(橋梁) qiáoliáng

n. bridge

外交家 wàijiāojiā

n. diplomat; expert in diplomacy

探险家[-險-] tànxiǎnjiā

n. explorer

开拓者[開--] kāituòzhě

n. pioneer

蜀 Shǔ

n. short name for Sichuan province

疆域 jiāngyù

n. territory; domain

匈奴 Xiōngnú*

n. 〈hist.〉 Xiongnu; Huns

好奇 ¹hàoqí*

s.v./n. curious; full of curiosity

隔绝[-絕] géjué*

v. completely cut off; isolate

征讨[-討] zhēngtǎo*

v. mount a punitive expedition

闪烁(閃爍) shǎnshuò

v. twinkle, glisten; be evasive

扬/飏帆[揚/颺-] yángfān*

v.o. 〈wr.〉 hoist sails

誉为[譽為] ¹yùwéi

v.p. honor

张骞Zhāng Qiān

(2nd cent. B.C.) n. 〈hist.〉 diplomat famed for exploits in Inner Asia

国际特赦组织 / 國際特赦組織 guójì tèshè zǔzhī

Amnesty International

光芒 guāngmáng

adj. rays of light, radiance

夜郎自大 yèlángzìdà

f.e. ignorant/parochial arrogance

源源不断[---斷] yuányuánbùduàn

f.e. in a steady stream; continuously

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