ZOO 3731 Exam 3 Review

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Which cord is formed by all trunks?


Sally was blindfolded and someone placed her hand on top of the hot stove? Which stimuli did she feel first?

Reflex (Removal of hand)


Respond to stimuli arising outside the body Receptors in the skin for touch, pressure, pain, and temperature

Where are pacemaker cells found?

SA node

Which glial cells are found in dorsal root ganglion?

Satellite cells

Which glial cells are present in ganglia?

Satellite cells

The white, outer tough connective tissue covering of the eyeball is called:


Why is it important that a spinal tap be done below L3?

To make sure you don't puncture the spinal cord

examples of phasic receptors

Touch and pressure receptors of the skin, smell receptors of the nose

This nerve innervates the superior oblique muscle. Which nerve is it?

Trochlear nerve (CN IV)

T/F: Mechanoreceptors that are sensitive to the stretching or organs such as the stomach and the urinary bladder are baroreceptors.


Below L1-L2, the vertebral canal is occupied by a bundle of spinal nerve roots called the:

cauda equina

What prevents the AV valves from everting into the atria?

Chordae tendineae and papillary muscles

Motor Nuclei exiting at the Lateral Gray Horn:



detect internal stimuli

Which space between the right and left spinal is the widest?

Anterior median fissure

The glial cells that guide migrating neurons in the developing fetal brain are:



monitor the position and movement of skeletal muscles and joints

Lateral cord gives rise to

musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve

Which of these is NOT a region of the spinal cord?


Anterior & Posterior gray horn location:

throughout theterm-167 spinal cord

Sciatic nerve branches into the ________ and _________ at the level of the knee

tibial nerve ; common fibular nerve

Filum Terminale is a terminal thread of fibrous tissue that is going to extend from

tip of the conus medullaris to coccygeal region

examples of tonic receptors

photoreceptors, nociceptors, and receptors that constantly monitor body position

Epithalamus contains the

pineal gland (produces melatonin hormone)

Which of the following is not involved with the unidirectional flow of blood out of the right ventricle into pulmonary trunk?

Pectinate Muscles

When the weather gets too cold, the body tries its best to keep itself warm by preventing as much heat loss from blood through the skin as much as possible. What autonomic reaction would help blood vessels to avoid losing heat through the skin and how would it affect blood flow?

Vasoconstriction; decreased blood flow

Which step in the cardiac cycle causes the first "lubb" sound (S1)?

Ventricular systole-first phase (early ventricular systole)

What is the first artery to branch off the subclavian artery?

Vertebral artery

C5 is split into

cervical plexus and brachial plexus


respond to changes in temperature

Middle Trunk location


The radial nerve arises from which cord?

Posterior cord

If right heart failure, blood backs up in the _____.

Systemic Venous Circulation


-Smaller cells that greatly outnumber neurons -Support, nourish, and protect neurons -Continue to divide throughout an individual's lifetime

subarachnoid layer

-contain CSF -true layer

Lamellated corpuscles (Pacinian corpuscles)

-large receptors location: deep in the dermis -sensitive to deep pressure and high frequency vibrations

How many Lumbar nerves?

5 pairs

How many Sacral nerves?

5 pairs

How many cervical nerves?

8 pairs

Which blood vessel receives the highest blood pressure and why?

Aorta bc thats where pressure is generated

The blood vessels that play the most important role in regulating blood pressure and blood flow to a tissue are the:


If the postsynaptic membrane belongs to a neuron, which part of the neuron can it be?

Cell body and dendrites

The inferior vena cava and the azygos vein go through the canal foreman (canal opening) of the diagram:


Which of the following is an example of tonic receptors at work?

Feeling pain from a cut

What provides longitudinal support to the spinal cord?

Filum Terminale

a shunt that communicates the RA and LA

Fossa Ovalis

The cerebellum is considered separate from other parts of the brain due to the presence of which structure listed below?

Fourth ventricle

The area of the eye with the sharpest vision is the?

Fovea Centralis

The inferior trunk gives rise to which cords?

Medial and Posterior

Which of these blood vessels receives the highest blood pressure and why?

Pulmonary Artery b/c its closer to the heart

Lateral gray horn location:

T1 - L2

Your patient is declared brain dead shortly after being put on a ventilator. Is it possible that his heart remained beating even though his brain is gone?

The heart will remain beating for as long as it has nutrients and energy

Receptors for hearing are located in the ______________.


Compared to the endocrine system, the nervous system is:

faster and more specific

Three types of unencapsulated tactile receptors

free nerve ending, tactile disc, root hair plexus

Function of Commissural Fibers:

interconnect corresponding lobes of different hemispheres

special senses

refers to smell, taste, balance, hearing, and vision

Which of the following is responsible for coordinated and complex skeletal muscle movements such as the fine motor coordination necessary to take handwritten notes?


The right and left thalamus are connected via

interthalamic adhesion

Which of the following describes how signals pass through a typical single neuron?

signals pass from the dendrites through the cell body and down the axon to the axon terminals

Dural venous sinus

spaced filled with venous blood at which the majority of the blood from the brain drains to

outer membrane of peripheral nerve


tactile discs are also called

Merkel discs

The spinal cord can be divided into ___ different segments


arachnoid mater

-middle layer


-phagocytes; they remove cellular debris and phagocytize microbes and damaged nervous tissue

Superior and Middle Trunk gives rise to

Lateral cord

Inferior Trunk gives rise to

Medial cord

While listening to a song, you felt like dancing it. Where in the brain would you plan to make a move of your skeletal muscles?

Premotor Cortex

During ventricular diastole, which of the following allows the blood to pass passively from the atria to the ventricles?

Pressure difference

Neurotransmitters are found in:

Synaptic Cleft

_________ occurs when a receptor becomes so accustomed to the stimulation that it stops gathering impulses.

sensory adaptation

Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes):

-form the myelin sheath (PNS) -participate in axon regeneration

T/F: Baroreceptors are found deep in the skin, and they are sensitive to deep pressure and stretching of the dermis.


sensory nerve information will arrive through the

dorsal root

Protoplasmic astrocytes are found in

gray matter

Six types of neuroglia:

-Astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, and ependymal cells are found only in the CNS -Schwann cells (neurolemmocytes) and satellite cells are present in the PNS

Neurons (or nerve cells)

-Comprise the circuitry connecting all regions of the body to the nervous system -Highly specialized cells -Lost the ability to undergo mitotic division

tonic receptors

-receptor that adapts very slowly or not at all -with continuous exposure, sensitivity to the stimulus remains constant

During a stroke, recalling that the brain has collateral circulation and involves multiple blood supplies, which of the following arteries would not have a blockage?

External Carotid Artery

Which structure allows the transmission of the electrical impulse from one cardio myocyte to another, thus allowing the heart cells to contract as one unit?

Gap Junctions

With regard to structure, motor neurons are usually classified as:


Postsynaptic membrane belongs to which structure?

Neurons, Muscle and Gland

What makes the Atrioventricular (AV) valves close prior ventricle contraction?

Pressure of the blood in the ventricles

Which part of your brain would be related to you actually start dancing?

Primary Motor Cortex

The spinal cord communicates to the periphery through the ____.

Spinal Nerves

Jugular vein

drains blood out of brain and gets the blood supply from dural venous sinus

receptor specificity

each receptor responds to one specific stimulus

inner layer of peripheral nerve - each axon is going to be involved by this connective tissue


Pressure, pain, and temperature receptors in the skin are:


merkel cells

specialized epithelial cells that responds to light touch on skin which then results in the release of a neurotransmitter

hypothalamus functions include

-autonomic nervous system control center (homeostasis) -center for emotional expression and behavior (wired to the limbic system) -Pituitary gland (produces oxytocin and ADH hormone)

The superior trunk originates from the branches of which cervical nerve?

C5 and C6

Inferior Trunk Location

C8 & C9

Which of the following is not a cranial nerve that innervate the eye?

Facial (CN VII)

Susan went to one of her favorite restaurants for her birthday. As she took a bite of her favorite pasta dish, she noticed difficulty tasting anything on the anterior 2/3rds of her tongue. Which cranial nerve may be affected?

Facial Nerve (CN VII)

T/F: The blood contained in an artery is always rich in oxygen.

False -artery takes blood away from the heart -pulmonary arteries are deoxygenated blood

A young man was in a fight in which he suffered severe trauma in the left eye. Upon entering the ER, it was found that the young man could no longer move his left eye due to detachment of the lateral, medial, superior, and inferior rectus; the superior and inferior oblique, and the elevator palpebra muscle. Which layer of the eye sustained the damage?

Fibrous Layer

The axon of the Purkinje cells are located in the:

Granular cell layer

Robert was out in the hot sun playing soccer. What part of the brain is responsible for causing Robert to sweat in order to maintain homeostatic temperature in the body.


Sciatic Nerve location


We have two main cell types in the Nervous System. What are they?

Neurons and Neuroglia

Do pacemaker cells (SA node cells) need a stimulus to depolarize?

No! They do not need a stimulus

Jeff is in an accident and is found unconscious. To check for brain damage, paramedics immediately shine a flashlight into Jeff's eyes in hopes of seeing pupillary light reflex. Which cranial nerve are the paramedics assessing with this test?

Oculomotor Nerve (CN III)

Just like with any surgery, removal of pituitary tumors can be risky due to its location and proximity to other structures. More specifically, damage to which cranial nerves is most probable? Likewise, leaving the tumor can also affect these structures.

Optic Nerves (CN II)

The scientific term for "blind spot" is:

Optic disc

Which of the following is considered an elastic artery?

Pulmonary artery

The phrenic nerve ______________.

Reaches diaphragm and innervates it

General senses (somatic and visceral)

Refers to temperature, pain, touch, pressure, vibration, and proprioception

Sensory Nuclei arriving at the Posterior Gray Horn:

Somatic and Visceral

CSF fluid passes through where in the spinal cord

central canal

Which type of general sense receptor detects pressure changes in walls of blood vessels and in portions of the digestive, reproductive and urinary tracts?


The larger the receptive field, the __________ it is to localize the stimulus.

more difficult

Ependymal Cells:

-Line the ventricles of the brain and central canal of the spinal cord -produce, possibly monitor, and assist in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid -form the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier


-Provide strength -In the embryo, astrocytes secrete chemicals that appear to regulate the growth, migration, and interconnections among neurons in the brain -Play a role in learning and memory by influencing the formation of neural synapses -Form scar tissue after injury


-forms the myelin sheath (CNS) -increases the speed of nerve impulse conduction

Function of Association Fibers

-interconnects cortical areas within the same hemisphere

Denticulate ligament

-stability of spinal cord -extension of pia mater -connects pia mater to arachnoid mater and dura mater

Cervical Enlargment

-supply or take information from the pectoral girdle in the upper limb

Satellite cells:

-surround the cell bodies of neurons of PNS ganglia -regulate the exchange of materials between neuronal cell bodies and interstitial fluid

Which of the following is NOT part of the conduction system of the heart?

AV valve

Which cranial nerve innervates the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid?

Accessory (CN XI)

Which cranial nerve has a cranial root and a spinal root?

Accessory nerve (CN XI)

Which bundle of white matter is involved with the communication between the premotor cortex and the primary motor cortex?

Association fibers

What area of the brain are you likely to find astrocytes surrounding endothelial cells that are attached to one another via tight junctions?


During a trip up a mountain, you start to breath more heavily. Deciding to take a break, you then accidentally burn yourself while trying to cook a meal. What two receptors were stimulated during this process of events?

Chemoreceptors and nociceptors

Seizures are abnormal electrical activity in the brain that affects both sides of the body. Which brain part can be severed or cut to avoid the seizures from spreading?

Corpus Callosum

Classification scheme based on sensory/receptor location

Exteroceptors, Proprioceptors, Interoceptors

Neuroglia are ____________. Some examples of neuroglia in the CNS are _________.

Support (framework) and isolate the neurons; Oligodendrocytes, Microglia and Ependymal Cells.

The process of gustatory transduction starts with which structure of the tongue?

Taste Hairs

95% of the sensory information goes to the


The vascular coat of the eyeball is called:


Small receptive fields have receptors _____ together, which makes it _____ to localize a stimulus

close ; easy

common fibular nerve will branch into

deep fibular nerve and superficial fibular nerve

large receptive fields have receptors spread _______ apart, which makes it ________ to localize a stimulus.

far ; difficult

Spinal Cord is going to extend from

foramen magnum to first lumbar vertebrae (L1)

Which structure communicates the lateral ventricles to the third ventricle?

interventricular foramen

What happens after sodium ion enters the post-synaptic terminal?

it causes depolarization of the post-synaptic membrane

free nerve endings

location: -common in the dermis, dendrites goes up the epidermis -found throughout the skin receptors: -detect light contact with skin (little pressure) -nociceptors -thermoreceptors

The glial cells that destroy microorganisms in the CNS are:


The lateral cord gives rise to which nerves?

musculocutaneous and median

The posterior cord gives rise to which nerves?

radial and axillary


stretch receptors that monitor changes in stretch of organs due to pressure location: stomach, small and large intestine, urinary bladder (senses bladder is full), carotid artery, lungs

Which of the following branched patterns of nerves is part of the brachial plexus?

superior trunk, lateral cord, musculocutaneous nerve

The abducens nerve _________.

supplies innervation to the lateral rectus muscle of the eye

three types of encapsulated tactile receptors

tactile corpuscle, Bulbous corpuscle, and lamellar corpuscle

Three types of mechanoreceptors

tactile receptors, baroreceptors, proprioceptors

Diencephalon is composed of

thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus

During atrial systole,

the atrioventricular valves are open.

Pia mater

"delicate mother" -most internal layer -vascularized

Pudendal Nerve becomes the

fibular nerve

Dura Mater

"hard mother" -outermost -toughest

phasic receptors

- fast-adapting - send signals at beginning or end of stimulus

How many Thoracic nerves?

12 pairs

After inspecting a child, you find that the child has strep throat and an infection in their middle ear. The middle ear infection has spread to the hair cells near the beginning of the cochlea. Which structure likely made it possible for this infection to reach the middle ear and what kind of sounds will the child have trouble hearing?

Auditory tube, high frequency

What happens to the neurotransmitters after they are released from the presynaptic terminal?

Bind to receptors on the post-synaptic membrane

Superior Trunk location

C5 & C6

Brachial Plexus location:

C5 - T1

Which of the following separates the motor information from sensory information?

Central sulcus

4 different types of plexuses:

Cervical, Brachial, Lumbar, and Sacral

A patient with a tumor in his brain is going to see an oncologist. The oncologist asks for his colleague, the neurologist to come in and see the patient as well. It is noted that the size of this tumor is exerting its effects and creating pressure within the skull to the extent where the patient can no longer taste food. Where in the brain is the tumor causing pressure against?

Deep to the Temporal Lobe

The ____________ is the outermost meninx, and forms supportive and protective partitions between some portions of the brain.

Dura mater

A patient complains of difficulty maintain an erection. What artery that supplies blood to the external genitalia is most likely affected?

Internal Illiac Artery

All of the following apply to the bicuspid valve except: -also called mitral valve -it is a semilunar valve -found on the left side of the heart -it prevents blood from backing into the left atrium

It is a semilunar valve

What happens after the excitatory neurotransmitter binds to the receptors on the sodium-gated ion channels?

It opens up the channel and allows sodium ions to enter

A sample of tissue shows large flattened spaces lined by fenestrated endothelium. The tissue most likely came from:


Femoral Nerve location


The dendrites of the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum are located in the:

Molecular layer


Monitor the chemical composition of body fluids


Sensitive to physical distortion of cell membranes, pressure and vibration

What type of epithelium is the endocardium of the heart and blood vessels?

Simple Squamous Epithelium

Metarterioles contain:

Smooth muscles

Motor Nuclei exiting at the Anterior Gray Horn:


Select the correct statement about the heart valves.

The AV valves are supported by chordae tendineae so that they do not blow back up into the atria during ventricular contraction

CNS consists of

The Spinal Cord and the Brain

What happens when you have an inhibitory neurotransmitter like GABA instead of an excitatory neurotransmitter like acetylcholine?

When GABA binds to the receptors on the post-synaptic membrane, it maintains the sodium channels closed, blocking the membrane depolarization


an area of skin that provides sensory input to the CNS via a pair of spinal nerves

In the spinal cord, the somas of the lower motor neurons are found in the:

anterior horns

Which of the following structures connects the third and fourth ventricles?

aqueduct of the midbrain

Which of the following helps maintain the intraocular pressure; located in the anterior part of the eye?

aqueous humor

__________ connects cerebellar cortex with cerebellar peduncles

arbor vitae

Two types of association fibers are:

arcuate fibers and longitudinal fasciculi

tactile discs

associated with: merkel cells in the stratum basale (epidermis)

polysynaptic reflex

at least one interneuron between sensory neuron and motor neuron

Autorhythmic =


During the early phase of ventricular filling:

blood flows passively from atria to the ventricles

Once the spinal paired nerves exit, they form __________, which then forms __________.

branches ; plexus

The afferent division of the PNS __________, while the efferent division of the PNS ______________.

brings sensory information to the CNS; carries motor commands from CNS to effectors.

Function of Projection Fibers:

connects cerebral cortex to diencephalon, brainstem, cerebellum, and spinal cord

Foramen ovale:

connects the two atria in the fetal heart

sensory areas of cerebral cortex

conscious awareness of sensation

Posterior & Anterior Gray Commissure

contains fibers of nerves that are going to be passing from one side of the spinal cord to the other; left to right or right to left

motor areas of cerebral cortex

control voluntary movement

The spinal cord tapers at a conical tip called the:

conus medullaris

Two types of commissural fibers are:

corpus callosum and anterior commissure

When is it that an impulse does not have to reach the brain?

in a reflex arc

Ventricular systole happens:

in a wave that begins at the apex and spreads toward the base

The hypothalamus is connected to the pituitary gland via the


association areas of cerebral cortex

integrate diverse information

What separates the two hemispheres?

longitudinal fissure

Potentially damaging stimuli that result in pain are selectively detected by:


Which of these types of receptors responds to pain stimuli?



pain receptors

middle layer of peripheral nerve - forms fasicles


_____________ separates the anterior and posterior lobes of the cerebellum

primary fissure

vertebral column

protects the spinal cord from external environment

tactile receptors

provide sensations of touch, pressure, and vibration

Lumbosacral Enlargement

provides innervation to structures of the pelvis and lower limbs


provides protection, physical stability, and absorbs shock

Which structure prevents backflow into the right ventricle?

pulmonary valve

Posterior cord gives rise to

radial nerve and axillary nerve

What separates the cerebrum and the cerebellum?

transverse fissure

Which structure is known as an AV valve with three flaps?

tricuspid valve

Which structure prevents backflow into the right atrium?

tricuspid valve

Which structure separates the external auditory canal form the middle ear?

tympanic membrane

medial cord gives rise to

ulnar nerve and median nerve

The longest nerve that innervates the digestive system is the:

vagus (CN X)

motor nerve information will exit through the

ventral root

_____ separates the two cerebellar hemispheres


Which structure contains the utricle and saccule?


Fibrous astrocytes are located mainly in

white matter

The cervical plexus is comprised of how many nerves?


Which of the following statements regarding pericardial fluid is/are TRUE?

Pericardial fluid acts as a lubricant, reducing friction between the opposing surfaces

The receptors that get adapted over the course of time, and provide information on the intensity and rate of change of a stimulus are termed:

Phasic receptors

Superior, Middle, and Inferior Trunk gives rise to

Posterior Cord

The cell body of the Purkinje cells are located in the:

Purkinje cell layer

Presynaptic membrane belongs to which structure?

Terminal Button of the Axon

What is the largest nuclei in our brain?


You were kidnapped, blind folded and put in the trunk of a car. Even though you can't see anything, you can feel the car is moving. Which structure(s) would be involved with this sensation?


Is it true when people say: "you must have rocks in your head"


Is the Brachial plexus larger than the cervical plexus?

Yes, more nerves branches out

monosynaptic reflex

direct communication between sensory and motor neuron

Tactile corpuscles (Meissner's corpuscles)

location: papillary layer (dermis) found in: high concentration areas (fingertips, lips, nipples, and genitals) -involve define sensations in more insensitive parts of our body -capable of responding to low frequent vibrations that happen when objects are moved across our skin (no hair) -sense if something is rough or smooth in texture

Bulbous corpuscles (Ruffini endings)

location: deep in dermis function: responds to deep and continuous pressure and detects stretch in skin

root hair plexus

location: dermis associated with: hair follicles throughout the skin function: sensing movement of hairs on body surface example: allows us to feel when a mosquito lands on our skin

How many cervical plexus?


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