02AF1 - General

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In a balance computation of an aircraft from which an item located aft of the datum was removed, use

(-)weight X (+)arm (-) moment

If a 40-pound generator applies +1400 inch-pounds to a reference axis, the generator is located

+35 from the axis

What is the total capacitance of a certain circuit containing three capacitors with capacitances of .02 microfarad, .05 microfarad, and .10 microfarad, respectively?

.0125 uF

In the flammability, reactivity, and health blocks of the SDS risk diamond there are the numbers

0-4. Zero represents little or no hazard to the user while four means that the material is very hazardous.

Certificated mechanics with a powerplant rating may perform

100-hour inspections required by the Federal Aviation Regulations on powerplants, propellers, or any components thereof, and may release the same to service

A rectangular-shaped fuel tank measures 60 inches in length, 30 inches in width, and 12 inches in depth. How many cubic feet are within the tank?


A 48-volt source is required to furnish 192 watts to a parallel circuit consisting of three resistors of equal value. What is the value of each resistor?

36 ohms

The maximum distance between end fittings to which a straight hose assembly is to be connected is 50 inches. The minimum hose length to make such a connection should be

52-1/2 inches

The rust or corrosion that occurs with most metals is the result of

A tendency for them to return to their natural state.

When the specific torque value for nuts is not given, where can the recommended torque value be found?

AC 43.13-1B

An aircraft owner was provided a list of discrepancies on an aircraft that was not approved for return to service after an annual inspection. Which of the following statements is/are true concerning who may correct the discrepancies?

An appropriately rated mechanic

An aircraft owner was provided a list of discrepancies on an aircraft that was not approved for return to service after an annual inspection. Which of the following statements is/are true concerning who may correct the discrepancies?

An appropriately rated mechanic.

Nickel-cadmium battery cases and drain surfaces which have been affected by electrolyte should be neutralized with a solution of

Boric Acid

How are aviation fuels, which possess greater antiknock qualities than 100 octane, classified?

By performance numbers

14 CFR part 21

Certification Procedures for Products and Parts

What is the class of working drawing that is the description/depiction of a single part?

Detail Drawing

What nondestructive testing method requires little or no part preparation, is used to detect surface or near-surface defects in most metals, and may also be used to separate metals or alloys and their heat-treat conditions?

Eddy Current Inspection

Newton's first law of motion (law of inertia)

Every body persists in its state of rest, or of motion in a straight line, unless acted upon by some outside force.

Three things are required for a fire. Remove any one of them and the fire extinguishes.

Fuel Heat Oxygen

14 CFR part 91

General Operating and Flight Rules

Which would have an effect on aircraft CG results when conducting a weight and balance check?

Leaving the downlocks installed

14 CFR part 43

Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, Rebuilding, and Alterations

All of the following are consequences of human error, except

Mental Stressor

The presence of any small amount of potassium carbonate deposits on the top of nickel-cadmium battery cells in service is an indication of

Normal Operation

Certificated mechanics, under their general certificate privileges, may

Perform 100-hour inspection of instruments

There are four colors in the SDS risk diamond, what do they represent?

Red = flammability Yellow = reactivity Blue = Health White = Special Hazard

Which is the ratio of the water vapor actually present in the atmosphere to the amount that would be present if the air were saturated at the prevailing temperature and pressure?

Relative Humidity

What did Dr. James Reason do?

Theorizes human errors

On occasion, a mechanic may need to make a simple sketch of a proposed repair to an aircraft, a new design, or a modification.

This statement is true

Why is it considered good practice to normalize a part after welding?

To relieve internal stresses developed within the base metal

What is the purpose of the ground symbol used in electrical circuit diagrams?

To show that there is a return path for the current between the source of electrical energy and the load.

What FAA-approved document gives the leveling means to be used when weighing an aircraft?

Type Certificate Data Sheet

A fuel that vaporizes too readily may cause

Vapor Lock

What unit is used to express electrical power?


List a few precautions (when working with machine tools) that can reduce the chance of injury

Wear eye protection; Securely clamp all work; Set the proper revolutions per minute (RPM) for the material used; Do not allow the spindle to feed beyond its limits of travel while drilling; Stop the machine before adjusting work or attempting to remove jammed work; Clean the area when finished

Which of the following logic gates will provide an active high out only when all inputs are different?


In magnetic particle inspection, a flaw that is perpendicular to the magnetic field flux lines generally causes

a large disruption in the magnetic field

Where is the record of compliance with Airworthiness Directives or manufacturers' service bulletins normally indicated?

aircraft maintenance records

What is the means by which the FAA notifies aircraft owners and other interested persons of unsafe conditions and prescribes the condition under which the product may continue to be operated?

airworthiness directives

Product means

an aircraft, aircraft engine, or aircraft propeller

Which statement is true regarding the requirements for maintenance record format?

any format that provides record continuity and includes the required information may be used

Record means

any writing, drawing, map, recording, tape, film, photograph or other documentary material by which information is preserved or conveyed in any format, including, but not limited to, paper, microfilm, identification plates, stamped marks, bar codes or electronic format, and can either be separate from, attached to or inscribed on any product, part, appliance or material.

If work performed on an aircraft has been done satisfactorily, the signature of an authorized person on the maintenance records for maintenance or alterations performed constitutes

approval for return to service only for the work performed

If all, or a significant part of a stall strip is missing on an airplane wing, a likely result will be

asymmetrical lateral control at or near stall angles of attack

If a flared tube coupling nut is overtightened, where is the tube most likely to be weakened/damaged?

at the sleeve and flare junction

(1) In nondestructive testing, a discontinuity may be defined as an interruption in the normal physical structure or configuration of a part. (2) A discontinuity may or may not affect the usefulness of a part.Regarding the above statements,

both of these are true

(1) Bonded clamps are used for support when installing metal tubing.(2) Unbonded clamps are used for support when installing wiring.Regarding the above statements,

both statements are true

How is the locking feature of the fiber-type locknut obtained?

by the use of an unthreaded fiber locking insert

Airworthiness Directives are issued primarily to

correct an unsafe condition

How is a flooded engine, equipped with a float-type carburetor, cleared of excessive fuel?

crank the engine with the starter or by hand, with the mixture control in cutoff, ignition switch off, and the throttle fully open, until the fuel charge has been cleared

Which of these will cause the resistance of a conductor to decrease?

decrease the length or increase the cross-sectional area

The temperature to which humid air must be cooled at constant pressure become saturated is called


A hydraulic system schematic drawing typically indicates the

direction of fluid flow through the system

A simple way to find the center of a circle on a sketch or drawing, or a circular piece of material is to

draw two non-parallel chord lines across the circle and then a corresponding perpendicular bisector lines across each chord line

Frayed surfaces cause concern in chemical cleaning because of the danger of

entrapping corrosive materials

What may result if water is added to a nickel-cadmium battery when it is not fully charged?

excessive spewing is likely to occur during the charging cycle

When starting and ground operating an aircraft's engine, the aircraft should be positioned to head into the wind primarily

for engine cooling purposes

Diffusion is not considered a method of

heat transfer

Which atmospheric conditions will cause the true landing speed of an aircraft to be the greatest?

high temperature with high humidity

The electrolyte of a nickel-cadmium battery is the lowest when the battery is

in a discharged condition

Why should an aircraft maintenance technician be familiar with weld nomenclature?

in order to gain familiarity with the welding technique, filler material, and temperature range used

The desired effect of using winglets on an aircraft's wingtips is to

increase the lift to drag ratio

An increase in which of the following factors will cause an increase in the inductive reactance of a circuit?

inductance and frequency

Class C fire

involve energized electrical wiring and equipment

Class B fire

involve flammable petroleum products or other flammable or combustible liquids, greases, solvents, paints, and so forth.

Class A fire

involve ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, paper, upholstery materials, ect

When an airworthy (at the time of sale) aircraft is sold, the Airworthiness Certificate

is transferred with the aircraft

Both gasoline and kerosene have certain advantages for use as turbine fuel. Which statement is true in reference to the advantages of each?

kerosene has a higher heat energy/value per unit volume than gasoline

What is the maintenance recording responsibility of the person who complies with an Airworthiness Directive?

make an entry in the maintenance record of that equipment

What may be used to check the stem on a poppet-type valve for stretch?


The replacement of a damaged engine mount with a new identical engine mount purchased from the aircraft manufacturer is considered a

minor repair

The three types of human error are

omission, commission, and extraneous

An Airworthiness Directive requires that a propeller be altered. Certificated mechanics could

perform and approve the work for return to service if it is a minor alteration

The boiling point of any given liquid varies directly with


The direction that aircraft are to be parked and tied down is determined by

prevailing or forecast wind direction

Alclad is a metal consisting of

pure aluminum surface layers on an aluminum alloy core

For aircraft operated under part 91, which of the following records must be retained for at least one year, or until the work is repeated or superseded?

records of maintenance, alterations, preventative maintenance, 100 hour, annual, and progressive inspections

For aircraft operated under part 91, which of the following records must be retained and transferred with the aircraft when it is sold?

records of the current status of applicable AD's, and date and time when recurring AD's are next due

What is descriptive of the annealing process of steel during and after it has been annealed?

slow cooling; low strength

If it is necessary to accurately measure the diameter of a hole approximately 1/4 inch in diameter, the mechanic should use a

small-hole gauge and determine the size of the hole by taking a micrometer reading of the ball end of the gauge

Capacitors are sometimes used in dc circuits to

smooth out slight pulsations in current/voltage

What is generally used in the construction of aircraft engine firewalls?

stainless steel

A fiber-type, self-locking nut must never be used on an aircraft if the bolt is

subject to rotation

How can the dimensional inspection of a bearing in a rocker arm be accomplished?

telescopic gauge and micrometer

Airworthiness means

the aircraft conforms to its type design and is in a condition for safe operation

What happens to the current in a voltage step-up transformer with a ratio of 1 to 4?

the current is stepped down by a 1 to 4 ratio

If a hot start occurs during starting of a turbine powerplant, what is the likely cause?

the fuel/air mixture was excessively rich

High temperature and high humidity are the atmospheric conditions that will cause the true landing speed of an aircraft to be

the greatest

In the four-digit aluminum index system number 2024, the first digit indicates

the major alloying element

Which of the following statements is true regarding minimum allowable bend radii for 1.5 inches OD or less aluminum alloy and steel tubing of the same size?

the minimum radius for steel is greater than for aluminum

An aircraft was not approved for return to service after an annual inspection and the owner wanted to fly the aircraft to another maintenance base. Which statement is correct?

the owner must obtain a special flight permit

Aspect ratio of a wing is defined as

the ratio of the wingspan to the mean chord

A repair, as performed on an airframe, shall mean

the restoration of the airframe to a condition for safe operation after damage or deterioration

Absolute humidity is the actual amount of

the water vapor in a mixture of air and water

The twist of a connecting rod is checked by installing push-fit arbors in both ends, supported by parallel steel bars on a surface plate. Measurements are taken between the arbor and the parallel bar with a

thickness gauge

Class D fire

usually involves magnesium in the shop, or in aircraft wheels and brakes, or are the result of improper welding operations.

The speed of sound is most affected by

variations in ambient temperature

How may magnesium engine parts be cleaned?

wash with a commercial solvent, decarbonize, and scrape or grit blast

Which aircraft record entry best describes a repair of a dent in a tubular steel structure dented at a cluster?

welded a reinforcing plate over the damaged area

If both the volume and the absolute temperature of a confined gas are doubled then the pressure

will not change

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