084 Social Studies (Secondary) - General 2.0

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progressive historians

-emphasize importance of class conflict -e.g. Charles Beard- Civil War caused by economic conflict, struggle for economic power

production possibilities frontier

-shows combo of goods country can produce (out of 2 options) -efficient use of resources on curve, inefficient inside curve -shows opportunity costs of producing certain # of goods


-technically, 2 successive quarters (6 months) show decrease in real GDP

Qin Dynasty (221 BCE)

-unified China

installment plan

buying over time with regular, periodic payments

Industrial Revolution (Europe/Phase 1)

1750-1830, textile industry mechanized, steam engine, waterways improved, railroad developed,

Louisiana Purchase

1803 purchase of French-controlled territory in North America by the U.S., authorized, controversially, by President Jefferson; nearly doubled the size of the country

Battle of Lake Erie

1813 recapturing of Detroit by the Americans.

Battle of Gettysburg

1863, Robert E. Lee defeated, largest casualties in the civil war. Confederate army withdrew

Plessy v. Ferguson

1896; where supreme court upheld the constitutionality of "Seperate but equal"

16th amendment

1913, federal govenment can collect income tax

Battle of Bull Run

Civil War, 1861, Union forces defeated in first land battle of the civil war

Monopolistic Competition

Characterized by a relatively large number of sellers producing differentiated products (I.E., clothing, books, furniture)

contractionary intervention policy

counteract inflation, increase taxes and reduce gov't spending

Fort Michilimackinac

established by the French at straits of Mackinac


establishment of outlying settlements by a parent country

relief map

shows various elevations across the area of choice


signatures collected to place name on the ballot, can also be used to place legislation on the ballot

clayton antitrust act

prohibited price discrimination. Passed in 1914.

13th ammendment

prohibited slavery, 1865


smuggler of illegal alcoholic beverages during Prohibition

Suffrage and Franchise

terms for the right to vote

Atmospheric Pressure

the force exerted on a surface by the air above it as gravity pulls it to Earth

Human/ Environment Interaction

the relationship between people and their environment; how people adapt to the environment and how they change it

Fifth/Sixth Party Systems (US) -1933-now

-last major realignment occurs w/ New Deal reforms -We start to get liberal/conservative split we have today -Democrats- this is where African Americans begin to support Democratic Party

French and Indian War (Michigan History)

1763, the end of this war gave Michigan and the region surrounding it to Britain

GI Bill of Rights

1944 law that gave financial and education benefits to World War II veterans

Korematsu v US

1944; internment constitutional

Ancient Greek

Cradle of western civilization, Hellenistic culture expanded into near middle east.

9th amendment

even if rights are not explicitly written out in constitution, the gov't cannot claim they aren't rights

grandfather clause

exempted Southern whites from the strict requirements applied to African-American voters


limitation on the amount of certain goods people may buy, usually in wartime to insure enough for the military

geographic monopoly

only one business offers the product in a certain area

Ellis Island

opened in 1892, processed immigrants in NY


opinions towards others that develop over time based on history, experience, and other factors


opponent of U.S. participation in Vietnam War

in groups and out groups

oppose each other or exclude members of other groups


organization of farmers to combat power of railroads, late 19th century

Hume and Bentham

politics should focus on making the greatest amount of people the happiest that they could, also believed in empiricism, skeptics

sudantic empires

powerful city states trades gold and salt for other materials.

mayan civilization

powerful city states, no huge empire. large population centered around agricultural developments, structured society.


preoccupation with purchasing material goods

Sherman antitrust act (1890)

prohibited trusts, monopolies, and any other situations that eliminated competitions

Flat plane projections

projected on flat piece of paper, able to route things

han dynasty

restored order to china after qin dynasty collapse. imposed government monopoly over production. opened silk road in china. founded civil service system.


result of transportation, refers to when the material being transported settles. builds moraines and sand dunes

Great Awakening

revival of religious feeling in the American colonies during the 1730s and 1750s

Revolutions of 1848

revolts again monarchies of France, Germany, Italy, & Austrian Empire. All failed.

Great Depression

the global economic collapse that resulted in widespread poverty and unemployment in the U.S. and the world

Andrew Johnson

took over the presidency after Lincoln, supported the black codes and vetoed the civil rights bill. Congress overrode the veto and impeached Johnson. Came within one vote of being convicted.

Golden age of Greece

took place in Athens under the leadership of Pericles.

Battle of Bunker Hill

took place on June 17, 1775; caused King George III to declare that the colonies were in rebellion

Political Features

towns and cities; county, state or national borders


transition between plains and mountains

1853 post war treaty

treaty between US and Mexico, determined America's southwest border

causes of rise of totalitarism in europe

treaty of versille italy felt they won the war, lost peace curbing of growing japanese power by gb and us need to spread communism

USS Maine

warship that exploded and sank in Havana harbor, February, 1898

social change (Sociology)

ways societies change overtime

Place (Marketing Plan)

what outlets will be used to see the product, whether traditional outlets such as brick and mortar stores or through direct mail or Internet marketing.

Primary Socialization

when a child learns the values, actions, and attitudes that are appropriate for members of his or her particular culture

Opportunity Cost

when a consumer makes a choice at the cost of another choice or the value of an opportunity

Technological Unemployment

when advances in technology results in elimination of certain jobs.


rule by a single individual,tend to rule with a violent hand using police force to enforce their rules

Environment and Society

The purpose of the fifth essential element of geography is to show how the the physical environment is modified by human activities, largely as a consequence of the ways in which human societies value and use Earth's natural resources.

Places and Regions

The purpose of the second essential element of geography is to show how identities and lives of individuals and peoples are rooted in particular places and in those human constructs called regions

The use of Geography

The purpose of the sixth essential element of geography is to show how the knowledge of geography enables people to develop an understanding of the relationships between people, places, and environments over time -- that is, of Earth as it was, is, and might be.

Physical Systems

The purpose of the third essential element of geography is to identify how physical processes shape the Earth's surface and how they interact with plant and animal life to create, sustain, and modify ecosystems.

Economic Growth Rate

The rate at which a nation's Gross Domestic product (GDP) changes/grows from one year to another.

Washingtons accomplishments

Ushered in the Bill of Rights and Residence Act, which authorized the president to select the seat of permanent federal governance Established two-term precedent Signed the Jay Treaty to normalize trade relations with Britain


a person who opposes all forms of government


a person who works to protect the environment


a process whereby individuals learn skills, beliefs, values and behavior patterns of society and how these can influence their own norms and cutsoms

Ownership Utility

a product's desirability is increased because ownership of the product passes to the consumer

Planned economy

a public entity or planning authority decides what products will be produced, how they will be produced, and who will benefit. means of production, like factories, owned by public rather than private entity

Multinational Corporations (MNC's)

companies based in one country with operations in one or more other countries; the primary driving forces of globalization

Panic of 1893

economic crisis that effected most of the globe, Republican party gained power due to the crisis

free enterprise

economic system based on private property, free markets, and individuals making most economic decisions


economic system in which private individuals and corporations control the means of production and earn profit on them


economics driven by ecommerce and online trading

Traditional economy

economy based on age-old traditions

Americanization movement

education program designed to help immigrants assimilate to American culture


elevated areas that measure 2,000 feet or more above sea level


elevated areas that measure 500-2,000 feet above sea level

Napoleon Bonaparte

emperor of France, conquered europe, Attacked by the British in Waterloo

Volcanic Activity

eruption because in the mantle the rise in temperatures with increasing depth of the earth because the tectonic plates movement


established in 1478 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms and to replace the Medieval Inquisition, which was under Papal control.


legally required military service


lie between hills and mountains, very from fertile to rugged

19th Amendment

makes it unconstitutional to restrict voting based on sex


making or threatening to make public accusations of disloyalty without offering evidence, as done by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s

Forms of advertising

Radio, Print, Online, TV, Mobile App

4 Major elements of a marketing plan

1. Product 2. Price 3. Place 4. Promotion

3 ways money is used

1. as an accounting unit 2. as a store of value 3. as an exchange medium

2 major distribution channels

1. wholesale 2. retail

What emerged during World War I?

Aircraft carriers

Johannes Gutenberg

Invention of the printing press

Islam holy book


Native Americans of Michigans

Ojibwa, Ottawa and Potawatomi

tennessee valley authority

TVA (FDR):projects to build damns in the tennessee river


The Father of Western Philosophy


a group of islands


ancient Egyptian monarch


in between liberal and conservative

Orville and Wilbur Wright

the airplane, 1800s


-art changes from emotionless illuminations to depictions of suffering, humanity

Lyndon B. Johnson

"Great Society", fight disease and poverty, support edu and environmental conservation, Medicare

Karl Marx and Engels

"The Communist Manifesto", society boiled down to the constant battle between the classes. Said that lower class would eventually revolt

Unemployment Rate

# of unemployed / Labor Force

Roe v Wade

(1973) legalized abortion on the basis of a woman's right to privacy during the first 2 trimesters

Population Density

(in agriculture: standing stock and standing crop) is a measurement of population per unit area or unit volume; it is a quantity of type number density. It is frequently applied to living organisms, and most of the time to humans


- too much inflation decreases purchasing power of money- you can buy less stuff with same amount of money -business costs increase as ppl demand more money for labor -interest rates increase- harder to get loans for houses, cars

Fourth Party System (US) -1896- 1932

-Dems vs. Reps -corresponds w/issues of Progressive era, WWI, Great Depression -central issues are gov't regulation of railroads and trusts, protective tariffs, labor unions, party corruption, women's suffrage

First Party System (US) -1792-1824

-Federalist Party (Hamilton) vs. Democratic-Republic Party (Jefferson/Madison) -Feds: national bank, fed assumption of state debts, generally support fed involvement in economy -Dem-Reps: strict reading of Constitution, oppose strong exec power, against standing army.

Royal absolutism in France

-France does not have same rep gov't traditions as England -associated with Louis XIII, XIV -supported by Cardinal Richilieu

Pontiac's War

-1763 -Indians furious about GB control of MI -War begins @ Ft. Detroit, led by Pontiac

Baker vs. Carr

-1962 -concerned redistricting

Baron de Montesquieu

-Influenced US separation of powers

European Renaissance

-begins in Italian trading ports -ideas from outside world (Greek, Arabic) -rich trading cities- support/sponsor/politically protect scholars and artists

low interest rates

-borrowers find it easier to pay back loans= borrow more and spend more

high interest rates

-borrowers find it harder to pay back loans= borrow less and spend less

Collapse of Mali and Songhai empires

-both great trading kingdoms famous for gold -Mali- after death of Mansa Musa- smaller states it had collected break off -Songhai- internal political struggle, invaders (Morroccan army)

concurrent powers

-can be exercised by state and provincial gov'ts as well as national -e.g. power to tax


-no technical definition. Really bad recession

Meiji Restoration

-to emulate Euro powers, Japan creates centralized state and constitutional monarchy -emperor now serves as central figure (military-Prussia style)

popular sovereignty

-ultimate political authority is based on will of the ppl -from Michigan Constitution: "All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their equal benefit, security, and protection."

housing bubble

-unsustainable rise in prices (depends on continually increasing supply of buyers) -diverged from usual supply/demand rules -2001-2006: deceitful lending practices and low interest rates encourage ppl to buy homes. -raises demand, raises price -ppl assume prices will continue to rise, home purchases increase more


-value of all final goods and services produced w/in country's borders w/in time period -transactions left out= used domestic car sale, illegal activity, household and other nonpaid work

3 stages of economic development

1. Agricultural stage 2. Manufacturing stage 3. Service sector stage

Military events from the war of 1812

1. Battle at Lake Erie 2. Battle on Lake Champlaign Kept British out of america via canada. American attempts to conquer canada were unsuccessful

Gerald Ford

1. Became president after Nixon's resignation 2. wanted to reduce government control overall (esp. business) 3. reduce Russian nuclear arms 4. worked to prevent escalation of conflicts in the middle east

3 Classifications of inflation

1. Creeping inflation-an inflation rate of about one to three percent annually. 2. Galloping inflation- a high inflation rate of 100 to 300 percent annually. 3. Hyperinflation- an inflation rate over 500 percent annually. Hyperinflation usually leads to complete monetary collapse in a society, as individuals become unable to generate sufficient income to purchase necessary goods.

Yalta and Potsdam Conferences (1945)

1. Divided germany and Berlin into four sections 2. demilitarized germany 3. Poland remains under soviet control 4. outlawed nazi party 5. USSR joins united nations 6. Relocation of numerous german citizens

10th century events

1. Europe= dark ages, leading up to crusades 2. China= wars, first use of gunpowder in warfare 3. Americas= Mayan empire winding down, Toltecs became more prominent, Pueblo culture at it's zenith 4. East= Muslims and Byzantine empire experiences growth and development

Powers delegated to the US government

1. Expressed powers: directly defined in the constitution 2. Implied powers: powers the govt must have to carry out expressed powers 3. inherent powers: powers inherent to any gov't

George H.W. Bush

1. Fall of Berlin Wall, Germany reunification 2. Dissolution of Soviet Union 3. Gulf War and Desert Storm 4. Arrival of world wide web

Bill Clinton

1. Family and Medical leave act 2. Don't ask, don't tell - military gay compromise 3. NAFTA 4. Defense of marriage act 5. Oslo accords

six principles found in the US constitution

1. Federalism: national and state govts 2. Popular sovereignty 3. separation of powers 4. judicial review 5. checks and balances 6. limited government

5 types of unemployment

1. Frictional 2. Structural 3. Cyclical 4. Seasonal 5. Technological

Advantages of North in Civil War

1. Larger population 2. better transportation and finances (more railroads) 3. more vital wartime materials (metals)

Scopes trial

1925 trial over the teaching of evolution in Tennessee

4 traits of a Civilization

1. Has a written language 2. Use of metal weapons and tools 3. A defined territorial state 4. Calendar

5 characteristics of a developing nation

1. Low GDP 2. Rapid Growth of Population 3. economy depends on subsistence agriculture 4. poor living conditions 5. low literacy rate

5 major characteristics of a developing nation

1. Low GPD 2. Rapid growth of population 3. Economy that depends on subsistence agriculture 4. Poor conditions, including high infant mortality rates, high disease rates, poor sanitation, and insufficient housing 5. Low literacy rate

Woodrow Wilson's International Diplomacy

1. Maintain strong military 2.Promote democracy around the world 3. expand international trade to boost US economy

3 steps taken to evaluate product's market

1. Market research 2. market surveys 3. test marketing

US Cold War Foreign Policy Acts

1. Marshall Plan: sent aid to war torn Europe post WWII, prevent spread of communism 2. Containment: containing the spread of soviet communism 3. truman doctrine: economic and military support to any country threatened by the USSR 4. National Security Act: passed in 1947, created department of defense, CIA, and national security council

4 Types of Monopolies

1. Natural monopoly 2. Geographical monopoly 3. Technological monopoly 4. Government monopoly

Earliest Civilizations in River Valleys (Fluvial Civilizations)

1. Nile River 2. Mesopotamia (Fertile Crescent 4,000-3,000 BCE) 3. Indus River 4. Hwang Ho in China

Alien Registration Act

1940, all aliens 14 and older must be fingerprinted and registered. targeted Japanese americans

Duties of the US citizen

1. Paying taxes 2. loyalty to the gov't 3. support and defend the constitution 4. serve in the armed forces if required by law 5. obeying laws

4 types of market structures (output market)

1. Perfect competition 2. Monopoly 3. Monopolistic competition 4. Oligopoly

Campaign funding

1. Personal funds 2. Donations by individuals 3. special interest groups

Three phases of reconstruction

1. Presidential reconstruction: Driven by Andrew Johnson's policies, lenient on the south and allowed discrimination 2. Congressional reconstruction: congress controlled by radical republicans, provide greater range of civil rights for blacks, and greater control of the southern govt 3. Redemption: gradually readmitted southern states into the Union, Troops removed from south by 1877

6 Characteristics of Free Market Economy

1. Private Property 2. Freedom of choice 3. Motive of self interest 4. Competition 5. System of Markets and Prices 6. Limited Government

Ronald Reagan

1. Reagonomics (trickle down economy) 2. MASSIVE increase in national debt 3. Reduction of nuclear weapons 4. Deregulation of savings and loan 5. Iran-contra cover up- us involvement in Nicaragua and El salvadorrevolutions

Ways to collect data for sociology

1. Survey 2. controlled experiments 3. field observations

2 ways to measure Gross Domestic Product

1. The expenditures approach calculates the GDP based on how much money is spent in each invidious like sector. 2. The income approach calculates based on how much money is earned in each sector.

5 major elements of maps

1. Title 2. Legend 3. Grid 4. Directions 5. Scale

goals of economic policy makers

1. keep econ growing over time 2. limit unemployment 3. keep prices stable

US immigrant policy after WWII

1948- displaced person's act = accepted european refugees 1952- President's Escapee program= allowed refugees from communist europe 1950- Internal security act= allowed us to deport communists 1962- Migration and refugee assistance act 1965- Immigration act= ended quotas based on nation of origin 1986- Immigration reform and control act= prohibited hiring of illegal immigrants

Cold War

1949-1989, fight between communist russia and democratic west, lasted until the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union was dissolved

Lawrence v. Texas

2003; struck down state laws that prohibited sodomy between consenting adults

District of Columbia v. Heller

2008; upheld 2nd amendment rights

Citizens United v. FEC (federal election commision)

2010; holding: political spending is a form of protected speech under the first amendment, and the government may not keep corporations or unions from spending money to support or denounce individual candidates in elections

national federation of independent business (NFIB) v sebelius

2012; upheld Congress' power to enact most provisions of the patient protection and affordable care act and the health care and education reconciliation act

Nicene Creed

325 CE, First council of Nicaea, addressed what exactly should be fundamental as Christian beliefs and what was blasphemy

Persian Wars

499-448 BCE, Persians (Cyrus the Great/Darius) and Greeks, battle of Marathon, Battle of Thermopylae, Battle of Salamis, Battle of Plataea: Did not end Persian Empire, but discouraged any other invasion of Greece

Persian Empire

550 BCE-331 BCE, monarchs or oligarchy, Iranians settled in and set up cities

Agricultural revolution

6,000 years ago, Mesopotamia, the plow was invented and allowed for larger scale farming

Federalist Papers

85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison 7 John Jay to promote ratification of US constitution

Climate change

A change in temperature, precipitation, or wind of a region, lasting for an extended period of a decade or longer.

Savings and loan associations

A financial institution designed to collect savings and use that capital to make loans


A gaseous shell surrounding earth, it is composed of vital components (oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen) necessary to contain life


A government ruled by or subject to religious authority.


A landmass going into the water

Basics of a market economy

A market economy is based on supply and demand. Demand has to do with what customers want and need, as well as how quantity those consumers are able to purchase based on other economic factors. Supply refers to how much can be produced to meet demand, or how much suppliers are willing and able to sell. Where the needs of consumers meet the needs of suppliers is referred to as a market equilibrium price. This price varies depending on many factors, including the overall health of a society's economy, overall beliefs and consideration of individuals in society, and other factors.

Pure Monopoly

A market structure in which one firm is the sole seller of a production or service (I.E., consumers energy)


A measure of how much buyers and sellers respond to changes in market conditions/ a measure of the responsiveness of quantity demanded or quantity supplied to one of its determinants

Lower Paleolithic

A million years ago, Also known as "Old Stone age", Humans use crude tools


A playwright of dramas and comedies still performed today.

What is an appropriate question for students to consider in preparing a debate?

A question that asks students to form their own opinions based on their knowledge.

Punic Wars 264-146

A series of 3 wars against the Phoenicians for dominance of the Mediterranean Sea.


A system of government that is centralized and doctoral and requires complete subservience to the state

Representative Democracy

A system of government where citizens elect public officials to govern on their behalf

Agriculture adjustment association

AAA(FDR): increased agricultural income by adjusting both prices and cost of production

American Civil Liberties union

ACLU, founded in 1920, helped conscientous objectors avoid going to war in WWI, and helped immigrants stay safe from sedition acts and espionage acts

24th Amendment

Abolishes poll taxes or any other tax to vote


About _____ % of the population in the U.S. lives in urban areas or areas immediately surrounding urban areas

Which U.S. Founding Father is credited with founding the Federalist Party?

Alexander Hamilton was the Founding Father who is credited with founding the Federalist Party. Hamilton was a proponent of the idea that the young country required the support of the rich and powerful in order to survive. This party grew out of Hamilton's political connections in Washington and was particularly popular in the northeastern United States. John Adams was a member of this party. George Washington's personal beliefs were most closely aligned with the Federalist Party, but he disliked political parties and refused to become a member of one. Thomas Jefferson was the founder of the Democratic-Republican Party.

A historian is researching daily life in your home town in the 1840s. What might he do to locate sources?

All of the listed methods are ways that a historian might locate sources, depending on his actual research question.


All water on or near earth, bodies of water and moisture in the air

Erie Canal

Allowed Detroit to ship via waterway to NY and Eastern Seaboard.

Judicial Review

Allows the court to determine the constitutionality of laws

greek contributions to civilization

Alphabet modification, merchant class arises, rapid population increase, rich/ poor classes

Horace Mann

American education reformer, promoted free universal public education.


An area defined by everything within it. All places have features that distinguish them from other places

What level of Bloom's Taxonomy must students use to look at a graph and determine relationships?


Which of the following was not an ancient Egyptian ruler?

Anubis was the Egyptian god of the dead, typically depicted as being half human and half jackal. Hatshepsut was an Egyptian queen who declared herself king while acting as regent for her stepson (who was also her son-in-law). She was the fifth pharaoh of Egypt's 18th dynasty Ramesses (or Ramses) II was the third pharaoh of Egypt's 19th Dynasty, and Egypt's greatest, most powerful and most celebrated pharaoh. He is also traditionally considered to be the pharaoh of the Bible's Book of Exodus. His tomb in the Valley of the Kings was discovered in 1881. Tutankhamen was the boy pharaoh whose tomb was found in 1922, intact and untouched by tomb raiders, leading to a surge of popular interest in ancient Egypt.

Law of Demand

As the price of a good increases, the less quantity will be demanded for the good. As a good becomes more expensive to purchase, the opportunity cost of that purchase increases as well.

Law of Supply

As the price of a good increases, the more quantity will be supplied of the good. As the price increases, suppliers will be able to sell more units at a higher price, thus increasing their revenues


Asking citizens to be civil minded and independent and making the people as a whole sovereign

WWI Highlight

Assaination of Franz Ferdinand, Austria Hungry delclairs war on Serbia, Germany invades Belgium, WWI ends 1918

Analytic rubric

Assesses a student's understanding of more detailed skills (I.e. appropriate vocabulary)

Which of the following was an advantage that the South held over the North at the beginning of the Civil War?

At the beginning of the Civil War, the Confederacy drew many skilled officers such as Robert E. Lee out of the Union army and used them as the backbone of its military leadership. The Union Army, meanwhile, went through a series of unsatisfactory generals before Lincoln found Ulysses S. Grant. The other options were advantages that the North held over the South.

Sigmund Freud

Austrian doctor, subconscious holds many repressed feelings, stressed sexual desires

hundred years war

Battle between House of Valois (France) and House of Plantagenet (England) over control of France in 1337-1453. Hight of Chivalrey and decline of it Promotion of nationalism

Roman Empire

Began as a republic, a representative government, rising to a dominant empire in 2 centuries.

WWI in Europe

Began-Assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 heir to Austrian throne, shot by Serbian national. Allies: Britain, France, Russia, US, Japan, italy Central: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Turkey europe super indebt, Germany most devastated, GREAT DEPRESSION--> Opened door to fascists, communists, and socialists

What was the ancient Agora of Athens?

Besides being Athens' primary marketplace, the Agora also served as a central point where ancient Athenians would go to meet friends, conduct business, discuss ideas and participate in local government. While most ancient Greek cities contained agorés, the Athenian Agora was particularly known for its intellectual opportunities. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were all known to frequent the Athenian agora. The Athenian Agora is also credited with being the birthplace of democracy. The ancient Athenian democracy allowed all citizens the opportunity to vote on civic matters and serve on juries.


Between the two rivers: Tigris & Euphrates, Modern day Iraq , first language, religion & agriculture. Developed glass, Pythagorean theorem, & sanitation technology.

Ancient India

Bhimbetka rock shelters, Indus Valley

Zimmerman note

Brought US into WWI, German telegram sent to Mexico to ask for help invading the US

Open Market Operations

Buying or selling of securities is financial market, affect the amount of excess reserves in the banking system and the ability for banks to support new loans

Civilian conservation corps

CCC (FDR): provided jobs in the forestry service

Price (Marketing Plan)

Calculates cost of production, distribution, advertising, etc. as well as the desired profit to determine the final price.

Potsdam Declaration

Called for Japan's unconditional surrender after WW2

Reserve Requirements

Can change the requirement for all checking, time, or saving accounts in the country

Sinking of the Lusitania

Caused many US citizens to want to get involved with WWI, even thought Wilson prided himself on the fact that he kepy the US out of the war

spread of Nationalist ideas in Europe

Causes -French Revolution -Napoleon and Napoleonic Code -Enlightenment ideas- self determination based on cultural identity

Method to determine the credibility of research resources?

Checking the author and date of research

Treaty of New Echota

Cherokee Indians, led to trail of tears and over 4,000 deaths of native people

Appomattox Courthouse

Civil war comes to an end when Grant accepts Lee's surrender in 1865


The process, condition, or result of being covered by glaciers or ice sheets

20th Amendment

Congress begins on January 30th; President starts on January 20th

Virginia plan

Congress rep should be based on state population


Conquerors, the conquered could practice their own religions, laws, etc.

Executive Branch

Consists of the President, VP, presidential advisers and any other members of the cabinet. These are appointed by the president, but must be approved by Congress

Right to bear arms, right to address witnesses arranged by the government when on trial and freedom of speech are all...

Constitutional amendments


Contain specific facts, statistical data, tables of comparative information, and organized lists of basic reference information related to people, places, events, etc. Usually covering broad periods of time


Contained an organized group of physical, political, road, and/or thematic maps. Symbols, scales, and terms used in the atlas should be explained in an easy way to understand complete manner

Sunk costs

Costs already incurred

Russian revolution of 1915

Czar rule/feudalistic, conditions were made worse for lower class after the war with Japan in early 1905, economics ground to a halt, Czar Nicholas II signed the October Manifesto, which established a constitutional monarchy and parliament, but he soon violated it and ignored civil liberties that it granted.

1870 to 1890

During what decades did the population double due to dairy farming, logging, railroad construction, and diverse industries?

The Battle at Trenton

December, 1776: First colonial victory, led by Washington crossing the Delaware for surprise attack on the British

Nativism (Philosophy)

Descartes, there is a certain body of knowledge that all people are born with

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data. Used in engineering, environmental science, land surveying, urban planning, emergency management, business intelligence, and web mapping applications. Applications make up the heart of this. These applications are used to edit data, create queries on data, model and analyze geospatial relationships, and create and display maps.

Democrats and Whigs

Developed before the Civil War, disagreed on issues such as slavery

Written Language

Developed in Mesoamerica 600bc

Technological advances after WWII

Discovery of Penicillin (1945) Supersonic Air travel (1947) First commercial airline (1948) Nuclear power (1951) Orbital space travel (1957) Man on moon (1969)

Prince Henry the Navigator

Driving force in the european advancement of nautical technology.

Most of the earliest civilizations flourished in or near what sort of geographic feature?

Early civilizations flourished alongside rivers such as the Nile in Egypt, the Euphrates in Mesopotamia, and the Yellow River in China. Besides providing the ancient settlers with a water source, these rivers also provided the land with the rich and fertile silt that the rivers deposited during their regular flooding cycles, making large scale agriculture possible for the ancient peoples.

Byzantine Empire

Early fourth century, Roman empire splits and this becomes east half, 330 CE constantine founds constantinople, famous for code of Justinian-which brought Roman codes of law into a clear system, Christian based, but with Greek language

12th Amendment

Election of President and VIce President


Elevated, but flat on the top. Some are extremely dry because surrounding mountains prevent them from receiving moisture

equal area map

Emphasizes correct proportions of various land forms

conformal map

Emphasizes correctness of shape instead of realistic proportions

Federal Trade Commission

Ended monopolies on trade, thanks to muckrakers.

Revolutionary War

Ended with the treaty of Paris and Michigan came under there authority of the new US government.

salutary neglect

English policy of relaxed enforcement of laws in return for colonies' continued loyalty

Kennedy's New Frontier

Eradicate poverty, & increase space program, unemployment benefits & aid for housing & transportation


Erie Canal opened, connected the great lakes with the Hudson river and NYC, brought large number of people and provided an inexpensive way to ship crops to market

Territory of Michigan

Established in 1805

Mapp v Ohio

Established that state courts could not use evidence that was gained illegally

Which statement is an accurate reflection of Mayan urban life?

Even though the Maya were one of the two cultures to develop an urban civilization in a rain forest, their culture was predominately based upon rural life. Cities were primarily used as religious centers while day-to-day life usually centered around farming in the surrounding rainforest. Due to the rainforest land's relative infertility, Mayans used slash and burn agriculture methods that required them to move to new farming plots every two to seven years. Under these conditions it took a large amount of land to support even one family.

Far North Indians

Ex. Aleuts and Inuits, lived in skin tents or igloos, talented fishermen, built kayaks

Liberal Democratic State

Fair & free elections, separations of powers, rule of law

Early French Explorers of Michigan

Father Jacques Marquette and Claude Dablon established first mission at Sault Ste. Marie


Father of Geometry

Gender roles

Feature behaviors considered appropriate for each sex by society Center on the ideas of masculinity and femininity Prevailing gender roles have been challenged

Trans- Mississippi West

Frontier of Urban and industry moving west compared to original western movement of agriculture


GOV'T should be limited, usually religiously based, business should not be regulated/free market

Who was Genghis Khan?

Genghis Khan, also spelled Chinggis Khan, was the son of a minor Mongol chieftain, born circa 1162 AD. His birth name was Temujin and he grew up in poverty, but gradually built his own power base to include a confederacy of Mongol clans. He was named Genghis Khan, or universal ruler, in 1206. Attila the Hun was the 5th Century Hunnic leader who led his people to attack into Western Europe, going as far as Gaul (modern day France). The leader of China's 19th Century Taiping Rebellion was Hong Xiuquan, also known as Hong Houxiu.

Actions to stabilize economy after depression

Glass Steagall act: separated investment from business of banking Social Security Act of 1935: provided pensions and unemployment payments

Truman Doctrine

Goal was to counter geopolitical expansion of Soviet Union during the Cold War

Private Property (Free Market Economy)

Individuals own their own land, buildings, goods, etc.


House Un-American Activities Committee; investigated alleged Communist influence in U.S. after World War II

The Great Compromise

House of reps members based on state population, two senators per state

Dorian Invasion

Hypothetical explanation for the end of the Mycenaeans in Greece, 1200 BCE, only Athens was left in tact


If the price results in a quantity supplied greater than a quantity demanded

Detroit and Fort Makinac

Important strategic positions during War of 1812 due to their waterway positions, and their helpfulness in travel.

In a market economy, what is the theoretical basis for the price of an individual good?

In a pure market economy, price is typically seen as a reflection of supply and demand. A larger supply will result in a lower price and a greater demand will result in a lower price.


In greece, a fantastic monument.

Where were the earliest civilizations developed? Why? Examples?

In river valleys where reliable, fertile land was easily found, including: -Nile River valley in Egypt -Mesopotamia -Indus River -Hwang Ho in China

After reading the journals of several citizens of your home town, you find that several of them share the same opinions on a topic. In your paper, you infer that most of the population shared this opinion. What is this an example of?

In this situation, you are using the information you have to create a generalization about the opinions of the population.

23rd Amendment

Inclusion of District of Columbia, Washington DC in Presidential Election System

Tropical Rainforest

Intense sun and rain everyday, with high humidity. Temperature is always high, but it rarely exceeds 90 degrees


Invented the wheel, brought irrigation systems to use, cuneiform, developed the time keeping system we use today, Epic of Gilgamesh, city states with own god and leader was high priest

Nikola Tesla

Invents the alternating current in the 1800s

Richard Gatling

Invents the machine gun in the 1800s

Which of the following was one of reasons that James Oglethorpe wished to found the colony of Georgia?

James Oglethorpe was a philanthropist who wanted to give England's "worthy poor" the opportunity to prosper away from the highly stratified class structure in England. The original idea was to include people released from debtors' prison among the colonists, though none of the original 114 colonists were debtors just released. Oglethorpe's intention was to create a classless society so that Georgia would not develop the same problems that had plagued England. Oglethorpe was one of the original colonists, even though the colonial charter prohibited him from profiting from the colony and was frequently referred to as the colony's "resident trustee."

Which of the following American cities was not founded by people fleeing religious persecution?

Jamestown, Virginia was originally founded and settled by members of the Virginia Company of London, chartered by King James I of England. The Virginia Company was a profit-making venture and the first settlers of Jamestown were instructed to search for gold and a water route to Asia. Plymouth, Massachusetts was founded by the Pilgrims in 1620. Boston, Massachusetts was founded by the Puritans in 1630. The Pilgrims and Puritans were fleeing religious persecution in England. Providence, Rhode Island was founded in 1638 by followers of Roger Williams, a former Puritan leader, and his followers who had been exiled from Massachusetts due to their break with the Puritans.

Gentlemen's Agreement

Japanese government agreed to limit emigration to the U.S., 1907-1908

Fort Pontchartrain

Known as Detroit now, founded by Antonie de la Cadillac in 1701

George W. Bush

Known for 9/11 presidency, invaded Iraq with no actual evidence of them having weapons of mass destruction, overwhelming economic issues

Glorius revolution

Laws that were permitted were the bill of rights and the toleration act which granted freedom or worship.

27th Amendment

Limits the power of Congress to increase its own salaries. raises cannot take effect until the next Congress is seated

22nd Amendment

Limits the president to two terms.

26th Amendment

Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18

System of Markets and Prices (Free Market Economy)

MArket Economy is dependent upon an efficient market that regulates prices. In an efficient market all buyers ans sellers have equal access to the same information upon which to base their decisions.

What was Manifest Destiny?

Manifest Destiny was the idea that the United States was intended by God to expand to fill North America. There were various ideas on what this meant, yet at minimum it was the belief that the United States should expand to the Pacific Ocean. At maximum, it was the belief that the United States should expand to fill North America and South America. The idea behind why the United States should expand through greater territorial acquisitions was to expand the American ideals of freedom, democracy and self-government.

Uses of Maps

Maps are two dimensional renditions of a place, they can cover any area, ranging from a park to the whole world

Wounded Knee

Massacre in 1890, surrender of geronimo, led to natives fighting to preserve culture rather than their land


Michigan Territory is created with William Hull is the governor

Indiana Territory

Michigan was part of this territory from 1800-1805

Nation's automotive captial

Michigan, rich history with GM, Chrysler and Ford

Impact of Natural Resources on development of Michigan

Minerals, soil, water, forest resources

Consumer Fraud

Most common types: Mortgage Fraud, Debit Card Fraud, Fake Lotteries, Fake charities

Which of the following is an effect that mountains can have on a society?

Mountains provide societies with a natural protective barrier, making it difficult for an outside force to invade them. The Swiss Alps are frequently credited with being a reason that Switzerland has managed to maintain its independence and neutrality. The barrier created by the mountains can also discourage trade and prevent cultural diffusion.

Ojibwa, Ottawa, Potawatomi

Native American tribes that sided with the British during the war of 1812


Nazi troops attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues in Germany November 9, 1938

Foundation of ancient civilizations

Nile River in Africa Indus River in India Tigress and Euphrates Rive in Middle East Yellow River in China


North Atlantic Treaty Organization: came to be in 1949, US and western Europe formed alliance


Nothwest Ordiance defines the procedure for obtainning statehood in the Northwest Territory

Roman Catholicism in Medieval Europe

Only church supplied edu, more political than religious, churches controlled large amounts of land in Europe, and kings were heavily swayed by the pope and other church officials

dollar diplomacy

U.S. foreign policy of using the nation's economic power to exert influence over other countries; use first associated with Pres. Taft

Public works administration

PWA (FDR): initiated over 30,000 projects, created jobs

Treaty of Versille

Signed June 28 1919 Most of the blame on Germany others

Induced expenditures

Part of planned expeditures that does depend on income

Autonomous expenditures

Part of planned expenditures that doesnt depend on income

bipartisan reform act

Passed in 2002, made it illegal for local and national parties to spend soft money and for national party committees to accept or spend soft money. Also banned corporations or trade unions to contribute to issue advertisements

Ancient American Civilization: Norte Chico

Peru, agricultural society of 20 groups, 5,000 years ago, oldest known in the Americas


Pontiac, Ottawa chief leads a 135 day siege of Detroit, capture all forts except Detroit

progressive movement

early 20th-century reform movement focused on quality of life as well as business and government corruption

17th Amendment

Popular Election of Senators

Constitutional principals

Popular sovereignty Republicanism Federalism Separation of powers Balance of powers Limited government Individual rights


Powerful city state, in Peloponnesus, oligarchic military state, valued military arts and discipline, practiced farming, strongest military force in the area for a long time.

New Frontier

President John Kennedy's legislative program

Great Society

President Johnson's program to end poverty and racial injustice, 1964-1968

25th Amendment

Presidential Succession; Vice Presidential Vacancy; Presidential Inability

Allocatively efficient

Produce the goods and services that consumers most desire to consume

Productively efficient

Produce these goods and service at lowest possible cost, wasting nothing

18th Amendment

Prohibition of alcohol

11th Amendment

Prohibits citizens of one state or foreign country from suing another state.


Pupil of Plato, influenced philosophers from the renaissance to today' personal tutor of Alexander the Great.


Pupil of Socrates, author of The republic, influential political scientist.

Chinese act of 1882

Put limits on chinese immigration


Receives less than 10 inches of rain a year. Temperatures are extreme with intense heat during the day and intense cold at night. Often have some pockets of vegetation called an oasis

Radical Republican

Reconstruction congressmen who favored full rights for African Americans and decreased power for former slave owners

Eisenhower's Modern Republicanism

Reduced taxes, balanced budgets, decrease in govt, return of power to states


Refers to the set of government policies that aim at restricting, or even eliminating, the flow of imports into a country and/or creating an artificial advantage to exporting firms. ex. placing high tariffs on imports, limiting number of foreign goods to protect local business

3 Tools of Monetary Policy

Reserve Requirements, Open Market Operations, Discount Rate


Riots erupt in Detroit amid racial tensions

Division of the Roman Empire

Roman Empire split into 2 empires; western and eastern empires. Western fell in 476 eastern lasted until 1453 when Muslims solidified control of the turkish regions.

Roman Empire/Republic

Romulus and Remus=mythological founders raised by wolves, Greek hellenization was inspiration for the spread of Roman culture from England to the east, Rome was autocratic, limited administrative system lengthened life of empire

Autocracy Government

Rule by a single, authoritarian leader


SPECIALIZATION makes people more productive. TRADE makes them better off

Phoenicians and Assyrians

Sandwiched together in Mesopotamia, subject to random and unpredictable flooding of the Tigris River. Constant threat of these two being in war made resources of towards Military preparation rather than technological advancement.

Carpetbaggers VS Scalawags

Scalawags were white men who aligned with freedmen to take over local gov'ts in the south, Carpetbaggers were northerners who moved to the south while they were in crisis to take advantage of opportunities to gain money, and political power

Adams accomplishments

Signed the controversial Alien and Sedition Acts, which were designed to protect Americans from foreign insurgents. The Acts were a reponse to the XYZ Affair, a botched diplomatic effort with France after French ships began attacking American vessels with British cargo Built up the army and navy to fight France in the unofficial "Quasi War," but eventually found a peaceful resolution to the conflict

moral diplomacy

U.S. foreign policy used by Pres. Wilson to withhold support for any Latin American country which was oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile to U.S. interests

Pearl Harbor

U.S. military base in Hawaii; on December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, causing the U.S. to enter WWII

1848 revolutionaries

Series of republican revolts against European monarchies began in Sicialy spreading to france germany italy austria All end in failure and repression

President of the US responsibilities

Setting foreign policy, delivering the State of the Union address, and pardoning fellons

Open Door Policy

U.S. request that China be open to trade with all countries

Jefferson's ideals

Small local government, taxes to wealthy, Republican, sided with French, thought military would be a threat to states


Social Structures become more complex: Family structures, religious, and political structures, make fires, domesticated animals, houses


South Vietnamese communists who fought against the government of South Vietnam, aided by North Vietnam, 1957-1975

Kush Kingdom

South of Egypt (Sudan)

Budgeting Process

Step 1: Assess your personal and financial situation Step 2: Set personal and financial goals Step 3: Create a budget for fixed and variable expenses based on projected income Step 4: Monitor current spending patterns Step 5: Compare your budget to what you have actually spent Step 6: Review financial progress and revise budget amounts

robinson-patman act

Strengthened provisions of the Clayton Antitrust Act. Passed in 1936.

Hamilton's Ideals

Strong national government, Federalist party, taxes on lower class, wanted to trade with Britain & increase taxes to create navy & expand army


Studies past human cultures by evaluating what they leave behind. Ex: bones, buildings, art, tools, pottery, graves and trash.

What would be a good activity to reinforce the civic value of tolerance while communicating the relevance of history to students' lives today?

Study discrimination against Irish immigrants in the 19th and early 20th century.


Takes place when factors of production perform only tasks they can do better or more efficiently than others

What is the historical significance of the Dome on the Rock's site to Muslims?

The Dome of the Rock is the oldest existing Muslim structure, the shrine having been completed in AD 691. The rock in question is the traditional site for Mohammed's ascent into heaven accompanied by the angel Gabriel and documented in the Koran. The Dome of the Rock is a shrine for Muslim pilgrims and non-Muslims have commonly been barred from visiting the monument. The most recent ban lasted from 2000 to 2006. The religion of Islam was founded in Mecca, which is located in present-day Saudi Arabia.

Phillipine Revolt

The Katipunan, led by Andrés Bonifacio, was a liberationist movement whose goal was independence from Spain through armed revolt.

What was the purpose of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 was enacted in response to the growth of large monopolies in the period following the end of the Civil War. While its purpose was to prevent restraints on free trade, it was not strictly enforced. Additionally, the wording was vague enough that it was also used to break up labor unions. It was replaced by the Clayton Antitrust Act in 1914.

Comparative Advantage

The ability of an entity to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another entity

Remote Sensing

The are and science of making measurements of the earth using sensors on airplanes or satellites. These sensors collect data in the form of images and provide specialized capabilities for manipulating, analyzing, and visualizing those images. Largely integrated with GIS.

Why did the US enter into World War II?

The attack on Pearl Harbor


The benefit is in a bank account is that it's a liquid asset secured by the FDIC (government). The risk is that it earns you very little interest and there is an opportunity cost to keeping it as cash.

What contributed to the fall of ancient Egyptians?

The death of Cleopatra

Which of the following is most likely a lasting influence ancient Romans had on modern society?

The development of republican democracy


The distribution of government power between a central authority and the states

Commercial Banks

The largest and oldest of all financial institutions, relying institutions, relying mainly on checking and savings accounts as sources of funds for loans to business and individuals


The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle. The solid earth (including soils and minerals) that provides habitat and nutrients for plant grown and other life forms

Which amendment prevents the government from quartering troops in private homes?

The third amendment

In studying the causes of the crusades, which other academic discipline would be the least beneficial?

Therefore, sociology would describe reason 2), a decision based upon sociological factors, such as unemployed youth, ready for war. Geography, combined with economics, would help explain the critical nature of the city of Constantinople, in that it controlled the Bosporus, the waterway between the Mediterranean and Black seas, and thus was the primary non-sea route to the Middle-East). For the crusaders, were it to fall, Muslims would control trade with the East even further, and the heart of Eastern Christianity would be lost.

Which of the following best describes The Truman Doctrine?

This was almost a direct quote from President Truman's 1947 address before Congress which later became known The Truman Doctrine. The address explained his reasoning as to why the United States needed to offer assistance to Greece and Turkey.


Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry: Against the constitution

Uses of globes

Three dimensional renditions of the entire Earth. Very useful in the teaching of concepts such as location, spatial patterns, Earth-Sun relationships and time


Toledo War happens over the Michigan- Ohio boundary, Michigan needed to surrender claim to the toledo strip, exchanged for western section of the UP

Outcome of the Toledo War

Toledo was awarded to Ohio, but Michigan received the UP as a consolation


Tripitaka, Mahayana Sutras, Tibetan Book of Dead

Berlin airlift

U.S. and Britain dropped supplies into West Berlin, blockaded by Soviets, 1948

Before 1854, which of the following countries had regular trading relations with Japan?

Under the rule of the shoguns, Japan was primarily a closed country; contact with outsiders was severely limited. As a general rule, outsiders who attempted to go to Japan were killed, as were Japanese people who attempted to leave. The primarily exceptions to this rule were Chinese and Dutch traders who were granted permission to trade with the Japanese people. This situation changed in 1854 when the United States and Japan entered into a treaty of permanent friendship following U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry's entry into what is now Tokyo Bay Harbor in 1853 (albeit with an armed fleet).

Civil War strategies

Union: Offensive, had to reconqoure areas in the south. Anaconda plan: slow economic plan. Confederate: Defensive plan

Genghis Khan

Universal ruler who led the Mongols Stirrups, cross bows, allowed them an overwhelming force against enemies.

Keynes' Fiscal policy

Using increased gov't spending or lower tax rates to help fight recession

Which of the following is an example of providing a connection between history and economics?

Using maps to show post-World War II migration patterns or using charts and maps to illustrate the growth of U.S. cities would be examples of using appropriate visual aids in teaching history. Discussing the effects of weather on world history would be an example of connecting history with geography. Food shortages and inflation are both connected to economic conditions and discussing their destabilizing influence as a contributing factor to the Russian Revolution in 1917 would be an example of connecting history and economics.

Peloponnesian War

War between Spartans and Athenians in 431-404 BCE

Taxes after French and Indian War

War led to need for more taxation and revenue for British : to pay off debt, expand empire, more money to govern their many other colonies

Vietnam War

Was a French colony, 1946-1954 was the war of France VS Democratic republic of Vietnam run by Ho Chi Minh, ended in split between communist north vietnam and south vietnam, US Leads fight in south vietnam. 1976 south vietnam surrendered in a loss for us.

Product differentiation

What makes our product unique

Economic incentives

What motivates you to behave in a certain way, while preferences are your needs, wants, and desires.

Market Efficiency

When a market is capable of production output high enough to meet consumer demand, that market is efficient.


When condensation occurs above the ground particular matter serve as surfaces for water vapor condensation (microscopic dust, smoke, salt particles, etc)


When market price and market quantity meet

You are researching the Battle of the Bulge's Malmedy Massacre. Four potential sources offer conflicting accounts of one aspect of the event. Based on the principles of historical research, which source is most likely to be accurate?

When researching historical events, the best sources are typically the earliest sources, particularly if they are primary sources written by witnesses soon after the event. While Wikipedia and your colleague's notes might be accurate, they are removed from the actual event and to you, their sources are thus in question. The newspaper article and the wounded survivor's account are both good sources. Without knowing anything about the personal reliability of the authors, it is best to accept the survivor's account as it is both a personal, primary account and the earliest record available to you.

Republican party formation

Whiig party members form to fight slavery

Which of the following is not a result of the Civil Rights Movement's work in the 1950s and 60s?

While Civil Rights Era Supreme Court decisions did declare that segregation in schools violated the equal protection clause of the Constitution, these decisions did not lead to instantaneous desegregation of schools, as people in many locations resisted desegregation even going to the length of closing public schools to prevent it. In other areas the National Guard had to be called in to enforce orders to integrate the schools.

Geographic Dictionaries

Words of a given language and other information

Quartering Act

a 1765 law that forced American colonists to provide shelter, even in their homes, to British troops stationed in the region


a Sumerian development; the earliest known example of writing using characters to form words (not pictographs)

John Stuart Mill

a british philosopher/economist, progressive in policies like women's suffrage, emancipation, developing labor unions and agricultural coops


a climate located in the middle latitudes far from the ocean, characterized by flatlands and minimal rainfall


a cold climate located in the high latitudes north of the taiga; with extremely cold and long winters, the ground is frozen for most of the year and becomes mushy during the short summer


a colonist who supported the British government during the American Revolution

European Union

a forum for European countries to organize and cooperate politically, militarily and economically; formed after the Cold War to promote European unity


a meeting, usually of party leaders, to determine the political candidacy. However, most states do not use this anymore

Iron curtain

a metaphor for the concept of a post-WWII Europe divided between east (with communist governments generally aligned with the USSR) and west (with democratic capitalist governments generally aligned with the U.S.)

Monopolistic competition (output market)

a number of firms sell similar products, but they are not identical, such as different brands of clothes or food. Barrier to entry are low.

Pax Romana

a period of stability in the Mediterranean region under the Roman Empire


a residential community near a city

Underground Railroad

a secret network of safe houses and connections to help Southern slves escape to the North and to Canada

Technological monopoly

a single company controls the technology necessary to supply the product.

Monopoy (output market)

a single seller controls the product and its price. Barriers to entry, such as prohibitively high fixed cost structures, prevent other sellers from entering the market.


a sovereign state encompassing one dominant nation that it claims to embody and represent


a state's refusal to recognize an act of Congress it considers unconstitutional


a term meaning "transparency" referring to Soviet reform

biographical dictionary

a type of encyclopedia related to biographical information.


a way for a proposed law to be voted on by the people


a way for people rather than legislatures to originate laws


a way for people to remove public officials from office

Characteristics of Sumerian Cities

a. Sumerians inhabited various city states. City Center. b. Each centered around a temple called a Ziggurat. c. They believed that a God owned each city. d. Since the Sumer city states were not united, they fell to the Babylonians.

operant conditioning

behavior is either rewarded or punished, leads to desired long-term behavior

domino theory

belief that if one country falls to communism its neighbors will


accuse a government official of serious offenses

monetary intervention policy

affects amount available to banks for loans

Neolithic period

agricultural revolution, tribes no longer nomadic, irrigation & deforestation led to surplus of food, densely populated, division of labor

Hatch Act of 1887

agriculture experimental stations brought into the picture, discovered new techniques


all citizens would equally and easily participate and debate matters of government.


all gov't should be eliminated and individuals should rule themselves. (historically attached to violence and assassination to further these goals)


area that occurs at river mouths, rivers carry sediment to the deltas and make them very fertile

Dust Bowl

areas of Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas hard-hit by drought and dust storms, 1930s


areas of low elevation where rivers drain

Frontier Theory

argument advanced by Frederick Jackson Turner in 1893, american democracy was formed by the American frontier, the moving frontier line

Mediterranean climate

between 30-40 degrees latitude, both north and south, year long growing season, hot/dry summers, mild winters, sparse rainfall during the winter months

The plague

black death. trade ships carrying infected rodents.


blocking of a nation's attempt to spread its influence, especially attempts to spread communism after World War II


calculated the circumference of the earth.

value/ limitations of newspapers

can provide information of scope of culture of time period provide daily record limited perspective censorship in some nations commercial motive adgenda


committed to removing all trace of Roman Catholic ritual from the Church of England

Keynes' Monetary policy

changes in the money supply to change interest rates in order to stimulate economic activity

Arms Race

competitive weapons development between the U.S. and the USSR during the 1980's; the U.S. intended to outspend the USSR, thereby weakening it

Sioux Locks

completed in 1855, helped transport iron and copper in the UP


confinement or restriction of movement, especially under wartime conditions; used against Japanese Americans during World War II

3rd amendment

congress cannot force people to house troops

Commerce Compromise

congress received power over all trade, slaves could continue to be traded without gov't intervention

Legislative Branch

consists of 2 houses of Congress: House of Reps and Senate


costly financial compensation charged of Germany by the victors of WWI to cover the cost of the war


covert tavern in which alcoholic beverages were sold and drunk illegally during Prohibition

Cylindrical projection

created by wrapping the globe in a cylindrical piece of paper, and projecting the image of the globe onto the paper **distortion occurs on outer edges

important figures of the renisansse

da vinci, michelangelo, rapheal. new thought and perpective on world.

Responsibilities of Judicial Branch

decide if laws passed by congress are constitutional, supreme court can review lower court choices to determine constitutionality

marginal propensity to consume

defines the tendency of consumers to increase spending in conjunction with increases in income.


deliberate and systematic extermination of a particular ethnic, national, or religious group


describes the satisfaction experienced by a consumer in relation to acquiring or using a good or service.

Bleeding Kansas

description of the antebellum Kansas Territory, due to conflict over slavery

political institutions (social institution)

determine the distribution of power in a society

economic institutions (social institution)

determine the distribution of wealth in a society

Distribution channels

determine the route a product takes on its journey from producer to consumer. can influence the final price or availability of the product

important aspect of adams administration

distrusted federalists wanted to stay out of foreign affairs

triangle trade

dutch, english and french. guns and cloth in europe to africa, and trade these for slaves, slaves were taken and then traded for tobacco and cotton.

Checks and Balances

each branch of government as certain powers that limit the power of the other branches

components that make up GDP

each is a different group that can purchase things in the economy 1. consumer spending- 70% of GDP in US (relatively high) 2. business spending (investment) 3. government spending 4. net exports (spending by other countries that factors in to that country's GDP)

Emile Durkheim

responsible for making sociology a study in major universities, influenced by Comte


extensions of core social values created in response to varying individual and group needs; include government, private enterprise, religious institutions, academic institutions, local communities and the family unit

nativism (Political)

favoring the interests of native-born people over those of immigrants

Red Scare

fear of communist takeover of America in the 1920s

mayflower compact

first governing body made by passengers.

Keweenaw Peninsula

from 1845 to 1877, produced more native copper ore than any other mining area

geography and its uses

geography enables people to develop and understanding of the relationships between people, places, and environment over time

Public goods

goods or services that are impossible to provide to just one person


government in which citizens rule through elected representatives

Government Regulation

government involvement in the economy to effect an economic or social outcome

Social Regulation

government regulation that encourages businesses to behave responsibly and prohibits harmful behavior


having to do with population

Parliamentary gov't

headed by a prime minister typically from the dominant party, legislative and usually elected


in opposition to political entanglements with other countries

Four Freedoms

in the context of the rise of fascism, FDR defined these as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want and freedom from fear

Plains Tribes

included the Sioux, Cheyanne, Apache, Comanche and Arapaho who lived in the Great Plains area; nomadic peoples; depended mainly on the buffalo for sustenance

Economic Regulation

indirect or direct price control by the government

Global Networks

interconnected nodes without a center.

Goode projection

interrupted equal area projection, sizes and shapes are accurate, but distance is not

George Eastmen

invents the camera in 1800s

Pure Competition

involves a very large number of firms producing a standardized product (I.E., Agriculture: wheat, corn)

aztec civilization

one ruler over all the empire. lived on island city in tenochtitlan. powerful middle class, majority commoners.

Declaration of Independence

issued on July 4, 1776, this document, written in great part by Thomas Jefferson and signed by the leaders of the Second Continental Congress, asserted the U.S. independence from Britain


limiting gov't power to defense of country and supports social and economic freedom

Separation of Powers

limits the powers within the federal government by dividing power among three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial

Humid Subtropical Climate

located in the middle latitudes, a warm and moist climate on coastal areas north and south of the tropics that receive warm ocean currents and warm winds year round

Humid Continental Climate

located in the middle latitudes, the agriculturally productive, true four-season climate


lowlands covered in wet vegetation

mass media

means of communication that reach large audiences, such as radio, television, newspapers

urban flight

migration of people from cities to suburbs


mutual adaptation between minority and majority groups


names of people barred from working in Hollywood because of alleged Communist connections


nations are aggressive by nature and work in their own self interest, relations between nations based on military and economic conditions

unalienable rights

natural rights which cannot be taken away by any government; Declaration of Independence lists them as "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"

temperance movement

organized effort to prevent drinking of alcohol

standard of living

overall economic situation in which people live

whig history

presents the past as an inevitable progression towards ever greater liberty and enlightenment, culminating in modern forms of liberal democracy and constitutional monarchy.


primarily an astronomer, experienced mapmaker, also had great knowledge of geography

Parliament v presidency

prime minister is elected directly from parliament and president is elected by people

Rule of Law

principle that the law applies to everyone, even those who govern


process by which a person's or group;s culture come to resemble those of another

4th amendment

protection from unreasonable search and seizure

social networks

provide multiple links to an often large number of individuals

Religion (Social institution)

provides mores and beliefs that help unify a culture

value/ limitations of government records

purely factual gives intimate glimpse only what government wants to see, you see

de facto segregation

racial separation based on custom rather than law

de jure segregation

racial separation based on law

Acid Rain

rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere when industrial gas emissions (especially sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) combine with water

Female vigilant society

raised funds to help the underground railroad, as well as slave refugees

Silk road

ran from China through Afghanistan, through Persia and Eastern Europe. Trade route traversed by camel. Safety purposes for travel from china to egypt.

literacy test

reading test formerly used in the South to keep African Americans from voting

Sport (Social institution)

reflects values of society, promotes unity, outlet for aggression


refusal to have economic relations with a person or group


refusal to take sides in conflicts between other nations

21st Amendment

repeals the 18th amendment. making alcohol legal again

consistent scale map

same scale used throughout the whole map


scandal involving the Nixon administration's attempt to cover up the 1972 break-in at Democratic National Committee headquarters


seafarers and navigators, used stars to navigate at night, developed purple dye that was in great demand in the ancient world, phonetic alphabet

Ancient American Civilization: Maya

southern Mexico, northern central America, 2,600 BCE, written language, and complex calendar


specific physical environment and all the organisms that live there


supported constitution


supporter of U.S. participation in the Vietnam War

income tax

tax on individuals' earnings

immigration act of 1882

taxed immigrants, 50 cents per person to pay for regulating immigrants

new england

the ___ ____________ component of the state's population dominated Michigan culture and politics for many years


the alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan during WWII


the authority of a state to govern itself or another state

family (social institution)

the basic unit in any society, important to sociological study

Main goods of the Mid-Atlantic Colonies

the big food-producing region that included corn and wheat and livestock including beef and pork. Other industries included the production of iron ore, lumber, textiles, furs and shipbuilding


the body of lawmakers in Congress with equal representation - two senators are elected to represent each state (the upper house of Congress); governing body of republican ancient Rome as of 509 BCE

Industrial Revolution

the change in society that occurred through replacing hand tools with machines and developing large-scale industry, late 19th-early 20th century

System of Alliances

the complicated diplomatic and military alliances among European powers that led to the outbreak and magnitude of WWI

Manifest Destiny

the concept that it was the mission and fate of the United States to expand westward and settle the continent

appellate courts

the highest courts in the state court system

Which land was acquired during the Louisiana Purchase?

the land roughly bordered by the Rocky Mountains, the Mississippi River, and the northern border of modern day Texas (Napoleon sold this land in 1803 to finance European wars)

House of Representatives

the lower house of Congress; the body of lawmakers in Congress with proportional representation reflecting the population of each state

trial courts

the lowest courts in the state court system

reserve ratio

the portion of deposits required to hold vault cash or on deposit with the Fed


the process of manufacturing; the process of an economy transforming from dependence on agricultural to industrial production; replacement of hand labor by machines as the main way of manufacturing, exponentially increasing production capacities

Executive Privelege

the right, claimed by the president for the executive branch of the US government, of withholding information in the public interest

Cultural Diffusion

the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another


the study of groups, institutions and society


the study of humans and their cultures

Gross National Product

the total income that is earned by a country's factors of production, regardless of where assets are located

Treaty of Versailles

the treaty that ended WWI, held Germany accountable for the entirety of the war and brought economic hardship to the country by forcing it to pay reparations to the other powers


type of land degradation in which a relatively dry area of land becomes increasingly arid, typically losing its bodies of water as well as vegetation and wildlife.

Greatest political movement in Egypt

unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, due to the efforts of the Pharaoh Menes.


united the christian leans of europe during a military conquest. encouraged education and the building of libraries.

urban sprawl

unplanned and uncontrolled spreading of cities into surrounding regions

Navajo code talkers

used navajo language as code because the axis powers couldn't decipher it

Conical projection

useful for middle latitudes, paper wrapped like a cone and only touches base of globe

education (social institution)

values and norms of the culture transferred through institutionalized education

Cyclical Unemployment

when natural business cycles bring about loss of work.

neolithic revolution

when people began to farm and heard animals. move from hunter gatherers to staying in one spot longer.

Seasonal Unemployment

when seasonal cycles reduce the need for certain jobs

stock market

where stocks and bonds are bought and sold


wrote description of the ancient world called geographica

Beginning of modern era

~1500 Marked by... -increased hemispheric interaction -Columbus and early exploration in Americas -Is and Ferd in Spain -Tudor monarchs in England -Reformation in Germany

Margaret Mead

"Coming of Age in Samoa", studies sexual norms in south pacific

Effects of Recession

- Unemployment - Lifestyle Changes - Tap into investing accounts - Education - Credit and Debt - Realestate Value - Determining Necessity

Enclosure Movement

-1760-1832 -peasants lose land as landlords convert it to pasture (high demand for meat) or more efficient ways of growing grain -potatoes become major staple for many grain farmers -generates massive # of ex-peasants moving to cities

Shay's Rebellion

-1787 -Soldiers of Rev War fight to prevent foreclosure of farms as a result of high interest and taxes -highlighted weakness of individual states, need for federal system

Brown vs. Board of Education

-1954 -racial segregation in schools violates equal protection clause of 14th amendment

Columbian Exchange

-Africa experiences pop. growth when America crops (cassava, manioc, corn, peanut) introduced

Deng Xiaoping

-Chinese leader after death of Mao (1978) -Mao focused more on rural, Deng more broad -marketized Chinese econ and allowed small businesses to operate -collective farms dissolved 1980 -privatized state owned factories (Nike, Adidas)

Second Party System (US) -1828-1854

-Democratic Party (Andrew Jackson) vs. Whig Party (Henry Clay) -Democrats: primacy of president, oppose bank of US, not in favor of federal modernizing programs (too much $ from taxpayers). Tended to be more rural. -Whigs: primacy of Congress, support modernization programs (activist gov't).Tended to be more urban, better educated

mining in Michigan

-Keweenaw Peninsula mines produced more native copper ore than any other mining area in N. America

Great Compromise

-Part of ratification of US Constitution -ensured support of smaller states, as well as larger states -bicameral legislative branch

National Security Council

-President's forum for considering nt'l security issues -coordinates gov't agencies involved w/nt'l sec and foreign affairs

Why were early civilizations founded near rivers?

-Provide drinking water -Provide water for crops -Provide a gathering place for animals that could be easily hunted -Provides water for domesticated animals -Produces rich soil as a result of regular flooding

teaching 5 themes of geography- PLACE

-What makes a place different from other places? (climate, phys features, people, culture) -MEANING -create a postcard -compare soil samples from around the world. What do they tell you about different places? -weather report


-absolute monarchs aim to curb independence of nobles

iron Age

1,200-1,000 BCE Metal tools replace stone tools, humans develop knowledge of smelting

American Colonies

1. Spain= Converting to christianity, gold 2. Dutch= fur trade, imported slaves 3. French= fur trade, then slave trade in Louisiana 4. British= escape from religious persecution, or looking for more income

Divisions of Geography

1. Topical: study of a single feature on the earth or a single human activity that occurs worldwide 2. Physical: various physical features on earth and how they are created, the forces that change them, etc. 3. Regional: specific characteristics of physical places or regions 4. Human: how human activity affects the environment

Michigan history- sequence of events

1. Treaty of Paris ends French colonial struggle in MI 2. William Hull appointed 1st governor of MI territory 3. American Indian nations cede over 6 mill acres in Treaty of Saginaw 4. Mich establishes 1st land grant uni in U.S.

Richard Nixon

1. Vietnam war ends 2. Improve diplomatic relations between US and USSR and China 3. compulsory draft ended 4. Watergate in 1972 5. National environmental policy passed for protection of the environment

Advantages of South in Civil War

1. better trained military 2. more familiar with weapons 3. defensive position, north was invading them in their territory 4. well defined goals to fight for southern ideologies and preserve the southern way of life

5 kinds of market failure

1. competition is inadequate 2. information is inadequate 3. resources are not mobile 4. negative externalities or side effects 5. failure to provide public goods

4 economic sectors that make up a country's economy

1. consumers 2. business 3. government 4. foreign sector

Reasons behind human geographic divisions

1. control of resources 2. control of important trade routes 3. control of populations

processes that bring cultural change

1. discovery 2. invention 3. diffusion

4 purposes of every government

1. ensuring national security 2. providing public services 3. Ensure social order 4. make decisions regarding the economy

4 theories for the origin of the state

1. evolutionary: state evolved from patriarchal or matriarchal family 2. force: one group brought everyone under their control 3. Divine Right: nation created by deities 4. social contract: people allow themselves to be governed to maintain the social order

5 classifications of markets

1. existence of competition 2. number and size of suppliers 3. influence of suppliers over price 4. variety of available products 5. ease of entering the market

Ancient American Civilization: Ancient Pueblo People

1200 BCE, Southwestern USA, complex adobe dwellings

Incan Empire

1532 -Francisco Pizarro conquers w/600 soldiers -Incan royal fam had succession disputes at time, Pizarro manipulates -Polytheistic -founded in 1100s -creation of great road networks - capital CUZCO

Etienne Brule

1620; First European explorer to visit the lands of Michigan, traveled from Quebec under Samuel de Champlain.

Treaty of Paris

1763; Ended the French and Indian War. Required the French to surrender to the British all the land claims east of the Mississippi river.

Acts of British Parliament

1765-The Quartering Act: Provide supplies and housing for British troops 1764-The Sugar Act: taxes on molasses, right for british to search suspicious homes 1765-The Stamp Act: taxed printed materials 1767-The Townshend Acts: taxed paper, paint, lead, and tea coming into the colonies

Boston Massacre

1770 event in which British troops fired on a crowd of American Protestors

Battle of Yorktown

1781 defeat of British forces by the Continental Army with support from France, ending in the Revolutionary Way

Constitutional Convention

1787 meeting of the states to resolve problems arising from limitations on federal power; a decision was made to completely throw out the old Articles and write a new governing document from scratch - the Constitution

Bills of Rights

1791; the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution; a set of guarantees of certain rights enjoyed by Americans

Treaty of Ghent

1814, ended war of 1812 and led to a new wave of nationalism in America

Indian Removal Act

1830 law that forced Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Choctaw and others from their lands in the Southeast to Indian Territory (Oklahoma)

Industrial Revolution (Europe/Phase 2)

1830-1910, photography, electricity, new chemical processes, petroleum and hydroelectric power become the most popular, spreads from england to Europe, Japan, and US

Mexican American War

1846, after attack on US troops at texas-mexico border, war ended in 1848

14th amendment

1868 -citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in US (mainly affected former slaves) -equal protection of law, due process -overturned Dred Scott Decision

Transcontinental Railroad

1869, first section finished by Union pacific, most employees were chinese and worked with low pay and dangerous conditions.

15th ammendment

1870, every man regardless of race has the right to vote

Mexican Revolution

1910, failure of 35 year regime of Portofino Diaz to find a solution to the presidential succession. Power crisis among elites and agrarian insurrection. Madero revolted against Diaz & ousted him.

Chinese Revolution

1911; People against Quing that started the Peoples' Republic of China based on social darwinism

Anti-defamation league

1913, formed to prevent anti-semitic behavior and practices, prevented a lot of racism

Woodrow Wilson's "14 points"

1918 basis for peace settlement to end WWI

Brown v. Board of Education

1954; Supreme Court case that rejected the idea that separate could be equal in education

Graphic scale

A linear scaled, also called bar scale, with means of visually showing the scale of a map, nautical chart, engineering drawing, or architectural drawing

Dorothea Dix

Activist for mentally ill, created mental asylums

Adoption of Christianity 312

Adopted by the Roman Empire, under the rule of Constantine.


Author of the first known novel, the Iliad and the Odyssey

Biased technological innovations

Benefits one product bt not the other


Etienne Brule and Grenoble (french) first white men to Lake Superior

What continents are in both the eastern and western hemisphere?

Europe and Africa

Indian culture

Hinduism and Buddhism


Hitler's political philosophy based on nationalism, racism, and military expansionism in 1930s Germany

Freedom of Choice (Free Market Ecomony)

Individuals are free to produce, sell and purchase goods and services in the market

Discount Rates

Interest the fed charges on loans to financial institutions, fed wants easy money policy will Lower rate and/or allow more borrowing then before, fed wants tight money policy with discourage borrowing by raising rate

Cyrus McCormick

Invents the reaper, 1800s

Isaac Singer, elias howe, walter hunt

Invents the sewing machine in 1800s

Alexander Graham Bell

Invents the telephone in the 1800s

George Westinghouse

Invents the transformer, the airbrake 1800s


Involves only a few sellers of a standardized or differentiated product, so each firm is affected by the decisions of its rivals and must take those decisions into account in determining its own price and output (I.E., automobile industry)

Upper Peninsula

Iron Copper and Lumber


John B. Watson, nurture over nature


June 6, 1944; when the U.S. led the invasion of Normandy, invading Europe during WWII

Lewis and Clark

Louisiana Purchase Exploration in 1803, President Jefferson encouraged this. Allowed for new settlements and expansion of American people to the west

Female Anti-slavery group

Margaretta Forten, because women couldn't join the other anti-slavery societies

Motive of Self-Interest (Free Market Ecomony)

Market is driven by everyone trying to sell their good or service for the highest return while also seeking out to purchase the cheapest good and services for them.

Notable contributions from Ancient Egypt

Mathematics, written language, and the advancement in agriculture and military technology. (Most famous for their Great Pyramids)


Mesopotamia, south of ancient Egypt, heads of state were female and matrilineal, settled/not nomadic, 800 BC conquered by Nubia


One of the most advanced ancient cultures, great pyramids, hieroglyphics, highly complex religion, solar calendar, mummifying the dead, advanced knowledge of mathematics Bronze Age


Protestant religious movement based on belief in literal truth of the Bible

Antabellum Reforms

Response to many social ills Temperance abolishment of imprisionment for debt, pacifism, abolish capital punishment

Russo-Japanese War

Rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria & Korea (1904-1905). Russia wanted warm water port. Japan offered compromise, but Russia refused.

Adoption of Christianity

Solidified the influence and importance of Christianity in European thinking, as well as established the Catholic church as an important governing body.

The world in spatial terms

Studying the relationship between people, places, and their environment by mapping information about them into a spatial context

Jan. 26th 1837

Territory of Michigan entered the United States as the 26th state of the nation.

Compromise of 1850

Texas surrended New Mexico, California free state, South prevented Wilmot Proviso, slave trade banned in DC, stricter fugitive slave laws

What ended the cold war?

The August coup

What was the purpose of John Locke's Two Treatises on Government?

The Internet has increased the number of methods in which near-instantaneous communication is possible, but this is not necessarily an economic spur. The internet has also generally caused a decrease in transaction costs and barriers to entry in retail situations (e.g., it is much less expensive to start a website to sell your goods than it is to open a brick and mortar store. Ones website has the potential to reach out to a much larger group of potential consumers). The Internet has also increased consumer access to goods by making it easier for consumers to locate what they want.

Which group(s) of people were originally responsible for selecting the members of the U.S. Senate?

The U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 3 states that: "The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the legislature thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote." This was the practice until the Seventeenth Amendment was ratified on April 8, 1913. The Seventeenth Amendment states that U.S. Senators are to be elected by the people of the states which they serve and that the state executive branches may appoint replacement Senators if a Senate seat becomes vacant midterm, until the state legislature can arrange for a popular election.

Which of the following is the most appropriate reason to use audio-visual materials in the classroom?

The most appropriate reason listed in the question is to give students additional insight into the forces that shaped the historical event they are studying. Audio-visual materials can be used to give students additional perspective; for example, a documentary about the Battle of Gettysburg could be used to provide them with visual representations of historical locations or as a means of illustrating the differences in perspective.

Roman Catholic Church

The most powerful institution in medieval Europe.

Which of the following was a contemporary argument against The Bill of Rights?

The people who were opposed to the idea of having a bill of rights in the Constitution were primarily concerned that by specifically enumerating a set of rights, that there would be an argument that the rights not listed did not exist or were not important. The Bill of Rights did not initially apply to the states even though there was some concern that the states were more likely to infringe upon individual liberties than the federal government.

Which of the following documents would be most appropriate to determine a historical figure's personal opinion on an event in which he was involved?

The personal journal is the best source in this case because it is the only primary source listed. While a close friend's biography or an aide's letters might include information on the historical figure's personal opinion, the information will be filtered through the other person's memory and personal opinions.


The portion of earths physical system where all living organisms are contained

federal election campaign act

This act, passed in 1974, requires candidates to disclose sources of campaign contributions and expenditures

Using a map to answer questions about landmarks and places assesses what skill?

Understanding spatial relationships

Frictional Unemployment

Unemployment due to the time it takes for workers to search for the job that best suits them


Until 1860, Michigan's economy was based on what?

Information technology

Use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information

Consumer Price Index

Uses consumer spending as a measure of the strength of an economy. Based on a market "basket" of 400 consumer goods in a predetermined base year. A price index is then created, measuring costs in future years against that basket in baseline years

Structural Unemployment

When there is not enough jobs available for amount of workers


Worshipped different Gods.

Fractional Scales

Written as fractions and do not have units


ancient Greek military city-state


banning of the manufacture, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages


bodies of water that flow from higher to lower elevations

Transform boundary

boundary between two plates that are sliding past each other

Magna Carta

charter between King John of England in 1215 protection of church rights and limits of payments to King

personal relationship

close relationships formed for a variety of reasons


cover 2/3 of earth's surface, salt water 1. Atlantic 2. Pacific 3. Indian 4. Arctic

Iron and Copper

discovered in the UP in 1820-40

Oil and Gas Field

found in 64 counties, located in the LP

reference groups

help form an individual's identity


horizontal air flow wind blows in response to differences in pressure

Middle East International relations and Economics

hotbed for violence, controls much of the world's oil supply

expansionary intervention policy

increase gov't spending, reduce taxes to create employment opportunities

Too much debt

leads to economic downturn

Ancient Greece notable contribtions

mathematics, government, philosophy, architecture, and naval technology.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

negotiated peace treaty with Russia after Stalin's death, enforced desegregation, NASA

8th amendment

no excessive bail, no cruel and unusual punishment


no real "beginning date" founded by aryans many gods, many books spread through trade Brahman- connects highest universal principals

Nominating Conventions

official meeting of a party to determine nominations for future elections

cash crop

one grown for sale rather than personal use


period of history before writing was developed

Time Utility

product is desirable based on it's availability at a certain time

buying on margin

purchasing stocks or bonds on credit

Manhattan Project

secret U.S. program to develop the atomic bomb during World War II

New Jersey plan

states should have equal representation in Congress regardless of population


the branch of the federal government that makes laws (the legislative branch); technically, it has the most power in government

Samuel Morse

the telegraph, 1800s

Charles Goodyear

vulcanized rubber, 1800s

technological unemployment

when advances in technology eliminate certain jobs


Developed horse-drawn chariots, and an organized military Sumerian-based civilization in the Near East; established military dominance and played an important role in regional trade

Roman Catholic Vs. Eastern Orthodox

East thought images of christ and holy things in art were heretical and inconoclastic, catholics did not.


Eastern part of US, northern tribes hunted and gathered, southern planted crops like corn, lived in wigwams

William Lloyd Garrison

Editor of "The Liberator", anti-slavery and women's rights activist

Johnson's Great Society

Education, poverty aid, eliminate racial injustice

Boxer Rebellion

-1900 -against spread of western and Japanese influence

teaching 5 themes of geography- LOCATION

-Where is something located? -coordinates (lat/long), distance from somewhere else -label or create maps

contractionary fiscal policy

-a decrease is gov't spending and/or an increase in taxes -meant to slow down an economy that is expanding too quickly


-anything accepted as a medium of exchange

Montgomery Bus Boycott

-first major confrontation of mass action phase of postwar civil rights struggle

statutory law

-written laws enacted by legislative bodies

4 subsistence patterns

1. Hunter/gatherer 2. Pastorlism- herding 3. Horticulture- small scale farming 4. intensive agriculture

5 main forms of social interaction that help define social groups

1. cooperation 2. coercion 3. conflict 4. conformity 5. social exchange

Obama's Major Initiatives

1. economic bailouts 2. improvement in women's rights 3. broadening LGBTQ rights 4. Health care reform legislation 5. Reinforcement of the war in Afghanistan

Jimmy Carter

1. elected in 1976, faced with high deficit, high unemployment, and cont. inflation 2. Panama canal treaties 3. Awesome at international diplomacy 4. Iran Hostage Crisis

2 ways to calculate GDP

1. expenditure approach- calculate GDP based on how much money is spent in each sector 2. income approach- calculate GDP based on how much money is made in each sector

types of unemployment

1. frictional- ppl temporarily unemployed and looking for new jobs 2. structural- lack of demand for specific type of labor (VCR repair) 3. cyclical- unemployment due to recession (ppl stop buying stuff, businesses lay off workers, ppl have no jobs and buy even less...)

Resource/input/factors of production

1. land 2. labor 3. capital 4. Entrepreneurship Can be fixed or variable

Affects of federalism on political balance of power in the US

1. makes it difficult for one party to totally seize power 2. individuals can participate in govt at a variety of levels 3. individuals working within the system can make an impact on policy at some level

Variables studied in macroeconomics

1. output 2. consumption 3. investment 4. gov't spending 5. net exports

4 elements of a marketing plan

1. product 2. price 3. place 4. promotion once these elements are determined a producer can produce and distribute their product

obstacles to creating a stable economy

1. rapid population growth 2. trade restrictions 3. misused resources, often done by the gov't 4. traditional beliefs that can slow or reject change

Issues with cybernomics

1. secure online trading 2. intellectual property rights 3. rights to privacy 4. bringing developing nations into the fold

Responsibilities of the US citizen

1. vote in elections 2. not infringing on others' rights 3. staying informed in national and political issues 4. respecting one another's beliefs

Navigation Acts

1651, attempt by Britain to control international trade. Aimed at the Dutch, banned foreign ships from transporting goods to British colonies, many colonists made money in the shipbuilding industry because of this.

French and Indian Wars (US/World History)

1689-1748, British and French fought in this war, resulted in end of France's reign in North America, costs spiked and led eventually to the American Revolution

Boston Tea Party

1773 protest of the Tea Act in which American colonial protestors disguised as Native Americans and tossed tea off a ship in the Boston Harbor

Intolerable Acts

1774 Acts enforced by Britain in response to tensions and violence in the colonies, including closing Boston Harbor and bringing Massachusetts back under direct royal control

Second Great Awakening

1800-1830, led by protestant evangelical leaders, temperance movement and also led to new denominations like mormons and 7th day adventists

Emancipation Proclomation

1862, President Lincoln, worked in the union's favor and also freed slaves as the war progressed

Federalism Debate

2 main factions of disagreement on this: 1. State's rights: states should have power dealing with local issues. 2. Nationalist: national gov't should deal with those problems

Upper Paleolithic

6,000-8,000 BCE, "New Stone Age", Caves! People start to organize into groups, practice art, social structures, and better tools and clothes

Geographic positioning system

A radio navigating system that allows land, sea, and airborne users to determine their exact location, velocity, and time. 24 hours a day, in all weather conditions, anywhere in the world.

War of 1812

America and the British resumed military hostilities because of the British impressment of American sailors and other reasons. Detroit was captured by the BRITISH

Triangular Trade

American colonies (Rum)--> Africa-->Africa (Slaves)<-->West Indies(molasses, sugar)--> American colonies (gold, silver, molasses, sugar)


American youth in the 1960s opposed to mainstream culture; based on peace, love, individual freedom

Humid continental

Another middle latitude clime, generally found inland, this climate is the truest four-season climate. Precipitation happens year-round, with winters ranging form cold to extremely cold, and summers from hot to extremely hot based on distances from the ocean

Types of Credit

Any arrangement where you get "stuff" (money, goods, services) and you agree to pay for it in the future

The Battle of Lexington and Concord

April, 1775: 1st engagement of the Revolutionary war


Architect of geometry; known for the pythagorean theory.

Roman contributions

Architecture, public health programs, public welfare, Latin language, Virgil's Aeneid, & Roman calendar


Are defined as having the following characteristics: -Use of metal to make weapons and tools -Written language -A defined territorial state -A calendar

Alexander the Great

Arguably the best military commander in history. Conquered the known world in 12 years' responsible for spreading Hellenistic(greek) culture through out the known world. Died at 33


Authored accounts about the Peloponnesian Wat and the battles between Athens and Sparta.

Aristotle and Plato

Believed political science would lead to order in political matters, scientifically organized societies would create juts and stable governments

Communism and Socialism

Both focus on public ownership and distribution of wealth . Communism leads to overthrow of upper class and revolution/ Socialism builds on democracy that already exists.

differences between Massachusetts and Virginia Colonies

Colony was dependent upon plantations and mass crop growing. they grew things such as tobacco, indigo and rice. The other colony grew few crops but most of which were not staple crops in which they could trade with other areas. They grew crops like wheat, barley and oats.

Hebrew/Ancient Israelites

Developed monotheistic religion that developed into modern Judaism and Christianity

John F. Kennedy

Formed the peace corps, expanded US economy more than ever since WWII, oversaw passage of civil rights legislation, support of the arts, assassinated in 1963

Constitution of 1835

Formed the state government of Michigan, but the congressional recognition was delayed because of border disputes with ohio called the "Toledo War"


Founded Islam, meaning submission to the will of god.

Jacques Marquette

Founded Sault Ste. Marie in 18. First settlement in Michigan.

Ancient China

Human civilization developed along the Yangtze River around 500,000 years ago. Produces silk, grew millet, and made pottery, including Longshan black pottery.


In what year did the Michigan statehood become official?

Competition (Free Market Economy)

The Forces of Competition keep prices moderated and promote the efficiency of the supply of goods and services.

Gestalt psychology

Things happen in a pattern larger than the individual

Works progress administration

WPA (FDR): helped unemployed people secure employment in govt work projects or elsewhere

United Nations

an international organization formed after WWII to prevent another world war, to champion human rights and to uphold international security

10th amendment

any rights not delegated to federal govt specifically fall into the hands of the states or the people


colonist who supported American independence from Britain


consolidation of competing companies into one large corporation

Concentration Camps

forced labor and death camps where the Nazis imprisoned and killed Jews, Roma and Slavic people, homosexuals, disabled people, people of color, prisoners of war, communists and others as part of the Holocaust

secondary groups

form around the need to complete a task

Leakey's and the Olduvai Gorge

major escavations and discoveries on the origin of the human species


movement of foreigners into a country

Cardinal Directions

north, south, east, west

Medici Family

patrons of the arts and saw art as a social status icon.

National Origins act of 1924

placed limitation on immigration, based on nationality and fear of communism


Europe throughout most of it's history, gov't led by king or Queen, position is hereditary, rulers are not elected, can be limited or unlimited


separation of people based on race

WWII highlights

sept. 1 1939 germany invades poland march 11 1941 lend lease act dec 7 1941 pearl harbor aug 1945 atomic bombs dropped spet 4 1945 end

Sault Ste Marie

served as a trading post for furs.


situations where ones behavior either positively or negatively affects another


state controls production of goods, but does not necessarily own all means of production, state provides social services to people, guides the economy, often exists with a democratic form of gov't

Nuclear Weapons

very powerful weapons that can destroy entire cities; possessed by only a few world powers; first developed by the United States and the Soviet Union


working to increase equality, gov't should not interfere with individual rights, health/justice/education are main focuses

Diminishing returns

Eventually the more you make of something, the more it costs

Pacific Coast Indians

Ex. Tlingit, chinook, salish, lived on fish, rectangular homes housed large family groups, totem poles

Verbal Scale

Expresses in words a relationship between a map distance and a ground distance. Ex. One inch represents 16 miles

4 Ecomomic Phases

*Boom- GDP is high and the economy prospers * Recession- GDP falls, unemployment rises * Trough- the recession reaches its lowest point *Recovery- Unemployment lessens, prices rise, and the economy begins to stabilize again.

4 obstacles developing nations face regarding economic growth.

*Rapid, uncontrolled population growth *Trade restrictions *Misused resources, often perpetrated by the nation's government *Traditional beliefs that can slow or reject change.

How to Obtain Credit

- Apply for credit card - Loans - Get a co-signer - Become authorized user on someone else's credit card - Get credit for the rent you pay

Mixed Economy

- Lies between the two extremes of the Command economy and the Free Market system. The vast majority of the world's economies fall into this category - which is very broad. - involve some to quite a lot of government regulation in the economy. This can range from something as simple as setting a minimum wage to having the state run its own companies within a liberalized market, competing with privately owned companies.

Factors that Affect Credit Eligibility

- Payment history - Amount owed - Length of Credit history - New Credit - Types of Credit

Cost-benefit Analysis

- People make trade offs and decisions as to best allocate their resources. - The benefits of a given situation or business related action are summed, and then the costs associated with taking that action are subtracted.

common law/case law

-created by court decisions

1860 election candidates

1. Abraham Lincoln: Republican/anti-slavery 2. Stephen A. Douglas: northern democrat/ slavery laws should be state determined 3. John Breckenridge: southern democrat/ pro-slavery 4. John Bell: Constitutional Union Party/focused on keeping the union in tact

Anthropology subsets

1. Biological/Cultural 2. Linguistic 3. Archaeology

Expansion of Minority rights

1. Civil rights act 1964 2. Voting rights act 1965 3. age discrimination act 1978 4. Americans with disabilities act 1990

Freud's psychoanalytic theory

1. ID- driven by instinct and human drives 2. Ego- most conscious and produces self-awareness 3. Superego- strives for perfection and appropriate behavior

11th Century Developments

1. India= After Mauryan dynasty Gupta's rule, peaceful time, produced cotton and calico, ended in 11th century with muslim takeover, Akbar took over as Sultan and promoted freedom of religion 2. Khan's unified Mongol Empire, China led by Ming (porcelain) and Manchu dynasties (road building) (isolationists) 3. Japan=borrowed buddhist religion, chinese writing system . Ruled by divine emperor/feudal system, isolationist until the 1800s 4. Africa=Muslim religion dominated, technological adv was sparse, defined by migration

Factors that earn income

1. Land= earns rent 2. labor= earns wages 3. capital= earns interest 4. entrepreneurs= earn profit

Affects of federalism on US public policy

1. determining whether state or national govt should originate the policy 2. affecting how policies are made 3. ensuring policy-making functions under a set of limitations

4 kinds of output market structures

1. perfect competition 2. monopoly 3. oligopoly 4. monopolistic competition

3 patterns of conflict

1. population transfer- one group pushed out 2. subjugation- one group controls another 3. genocide- one group slaughters another

Causes of the Great Depression

1. rich amassing more wealth way faster than the middle class 2. Disparity in economic distribution in industries 3. growing use of credit, leading to inflated demand for some goods 4. gov't support of industry over aggriculture 5. Risky stock market investments, leads to stock market crash of 1929

3 Driving Factors of an Economy

1. what goods are produced 2. how those goods are produced 3. who acquires the goods or benefits from them

three questions of economics

1. what goods to produce? 2. how to produce the goods? 3. for whom are goods being produced?

naturalization act

1870, put limits on US citizenship, allowing full citizenship only for African people and whites

Panama Canal

1880, french began the work and completed the suez canal, US swooped in and finished complex canal in 1914 and maintained control by helping panama in gaining its independence from columbia

Spanish- American War

1898 US intervenes after USS main is blown up intervenes in Cuban and Phillipene war

United States v Windsor

2013; federal government must provide benefits to legally married same-sex couples

Shelby County v. Holder

2013; states and localities do not need federal approval to change voting laws

Obergefell v. Hodges

2015; same-sex marriage is legalized across all 50 states


3 conditions for existence: 1. Easy access to resources such as food, water, and raw materials 2. Ability to transport materials, access to waterways 3. Room to house a sufficient workforce

Bronze Age

3,000 BCE, Metals discovered/ Humans become more advanced


Alexander hamilton, john jay, james madison: convincing states to ratify the constitution!!

River Raisin Massacre

Bloodiest battle even fought in Michigan with the highest number of deaths.


Bodies of freshwater, inland


Book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically

Who was Boris Yeltsin?

Boris Yeltsin was a Russian politician who was instrumental in the breaking up of the USSR and the end of Communism in Russia. In 1991, he was elected President of the Russian Federation in Russia's first democratic election.

Contributions to the outbreak of the American Revolution

Boston Tea Party (colonists threw 298 chests of sea into sea), Britain banning further westward expansion (Proclamation of 1763), and Charles Townshead taxing glass, oil, lead, and paint

Tax curve

Captured supply curve after taxes have been imposed


Features details that are considered important on a map

Judicial Branch

Federal court system, headed by the supreme court

the Tuskegee airmen

First African American aviators allowed to fight for the US, WWII

Ming Dynasty

First dynasty after Mongols leave restore civil service restrict foreign traders

Treaty of Saginaw, Treaty of Chicago

Forced Indians to sell their lands and move west of the Mississippi.

Chinese Empires

Han=Most famous dynasty (220 BCE-206 CE), built great wall, silk production, artistic development, paper, paper money, gun powder, printing


Ida Tarbell: standard oil trust exposure Jacob Riis: helped improve life for the poor in NYC, through photography Lincoln Steffens: worked to expose political cprruption Upton Sinclair: Exposed meat packing industry of chicago in "The Jungle"

Which of the following is not a skill that a student should have learned by the beginning of eighth grade?

Identifying the reasons that the U.S. entered World War I is most appropriate for high school students studying U.S. History. Important events in the European exploration and colonization of North America, evaluating the relationship between past and present conflicts, and creating and interpreting timelines are all lower level skills.

Fall of West Roman Empire

Increase in size of empire made it hard to rule, opposition from goths, saxons, and franks, germanic tribes refused to follow the Nicene creed and followed Arianism instead, Rome eventually lost control to all of these tribes and fell around 750 CE

Significant effect of the depletion of the ozone layer

Increased skin cancer rates, build-up of greenhouse gases, and increased UV levels

What are unique features to a place?


Researching the history of levee building in the United States is most likely to also touch upon which of the following disciplines?

Levees are built to prevent flooding in areas along rivers. They consist of large embankments along the side of a river and typically have a flat top atop which sandbags can be piled to increase the levees' height when necessary. The Mississippi River has one of the world's largest levee systems.

Which early feminist work was written by Mary Wollstonecraft?

Mary Wollstonecraft wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in the late eighteenth century in response to contemporary events and practices. Wollstonecraft called for equality in education at a time when many people believed that women only required domestic education that would enable them to run households. The Declaration of Sentiments was a document addressing the rights of women; it was primarily written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and then read to and signed by the delegates to the Seneca Falls Convention. Frankenstein was written by Mary Wollstonecraft's daughter, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. The Awakening was written by Kate Chopin and published in 1899.

How did the Crusader army that went on the First Crusade differ from the Crusader armies that Pope Urban II envisioned?

Pope Urban II's plan for an army made up of previously trained military personnel was thwarted by the popular excitement concerning the First Crusade. This led to the creation of large armies primarily made up of untrained, unskilled, undisciplined, and ill- or unequipped soldiers, most of whom were recruited from the poorest levels of society. These armies were the first to set forth on the Crusade, which became known as the People's Crusade. Even though some of these armies contained knights, they were ultimately ineffective as fighting forces. These armies were prone to rioting and raiding surrounding areas for food and supplies and were viewed as a destabilizing influence by local leaders. They were defeated in battle and many converted to Islam to avoid being killed..

Free Trade

Refers to international trade (exporting and importing of goods and services) that is not subject to any form of protectionism (to any type of trade barriers). In terms of volume, trade has become more free as a result of the success of the GATT and its successor the WTO. World trade volume has increased by about 17 times since the early in the past 50 years. Also, world exports as a proportion of world output (GDP) had more than doubled since 1950.

Who was Lewis and Clark's guide?

Sacagawea acted as Lewis and Clark's guide during their exploration of the Louisiana Purchase. She had been separated from her family at a young age and was reunited with her brother on the course of the expedition. Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan, the leader of the Algonquian tribes at the beginning of the 17th Century when the colony of Jamestown was founded in modern-day Virginia. Squanto's actual name was Tisquantum. He was the Native American who helped the Pilgrims after their first winter in Massachusetts. Wauwatosa is a suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Southeastern Native American civilization thought to be descended from the Iroquois; emerged in present-day Georgia; forces during the Trail of Tears to leave their land and migrate to Indian Territory (Oklahoma)

The Pueblo Indians

Southwest desert, adobe homes, domesticated animals and cultivated corn and beans. Ex. Zuni, Hopi, Acoma


Soviet reform meaning "openness"

Korean War

Soviets occupied North Korea in WWII and US South Korea, UN ordered an election to unify the two after the war, but Soviets refused to allow that. 1950, US withdraws from SK, and NK plans to invade. UN PLAYED MAJOR ROLE, 1952 war ends with truce, but no peace agreement was ever achieved

mayor council , commission city, city manager

The 3 types of city governments

What led to a decline in immigration?

The Immigration Act of 1924 and the Great Depression

Fiscal Policy

The federal government efforts to keep the economy stable by increasing or decreasing taxes or government spending.

Why were the "Five Civilized Tribes" given that name?

The term Five Civilized Tribes came into use during the middle of the 19th Century as a means of referring to the Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole tribes, each of whom had developed complex social and government systems including written constitutions, judicial, legislative and executive systems, complex agriculture practices and the establishment of public schools.

six essential elements of geography

The world in spatial terms. ... Places and regions. ... Physical systems. ... Human systems. ... Environment and society. ... The uses of geography

Warsaw Pact

USSR and eastern Europe's response to NATO, became another group of alliances under the influence of USSR

Capture of Fort Henry

Ulysses S. Grant, 1862, Union's first victory in the civil war

Grid system

Way to accurately pinpoint a location on earth (Lat and long)

Doubling Time

When a population is doubled over a certain period of time the period of time required for a quantity to double in a size or value. It is applied to population growth, in inflation, resource extraction, consumption of goods, and many other things that tend to grow over time.


a fee charged on goods brought into one place from another

Air masses

a large body of air with approx. uniform temperature and humidity at any given altitude


a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat, e.g., forest or tundra.

Truman's Fair Deal

ambitious set of proposals: healthcare, fair employment, education


ancient Greek word meaning "people power"


centers on a single individual, includes single party state and centralized control, power of the leader lies in "the cult of personality", focuses on expansion and conquering other nations


civil rights protest demonstration, sitting down in a business and refusing to leave until served


first group to create a society based on one God; monotheism.


insufficient supply to meet demand

Responsibilities of Legislative Branch

law making, but must be approved by Congress, Responsible for regulating money and trade, Congress can impeach, bring charges against the President, propose amendments to the constitution. Only Congress can declare war

Perfectly inelastic

no matter the price, price does not affect supply

Gross domestic product (GDP)

overall economic condition of a country, measures the nation's economic output over the course of a year or other limited time period

Tragedy of the Commons

overexploited resources due to perverse incentives created by common ownership


selling of indulgences by the roman catholic church... If a person committed a sin, they could buy and indulgence and be forgiven of that sin.

competitive markets

voluntary exchanges -paying $5 for box of strawberries- you value strawberries more than $5, seller values $5 more than straws -being paid $10/hr to work at grocery store- you value $10 more than other things you could be doing (fine, whatever), store values labor more than $10 -said to allocate resources to most efficient use. If farmers produce too many strawberries, prices will fall as farmers try to sell off. Less profit= less incentive= farmers produce less.

Appropriate use of Credit

- Use moderately and within your budget - Pay your balance in full

Kansas-Nebraska Act

-1854 -Ppl within each territory may choose whether or not to allow slavery -repealed Missouri Compromise of 1820 -bleeding Kansas -Northern Whigs and Democrats who oppose act form Republican party

Michigan economic history

-1868- nation's leading source of iron ore, copper, and salt -late 1800s- timber, ores, farming reach peak-- manufacturing begins to rise (Kellogg, Dow, furniture in Grand Rapids)

Development of U.S. government bureaucracy

-George Washington begins tradition of patronage for gov't positions -Jackson- "spoils system" -westward expansion creates need for land management, expanded post office -Industrial Revolution- need more gov't agencies to regulate -Reform movements in Progressive era -New Deal -Great Society

centralization of monarchies in Europe

-after 1450, unified nt'l monarchies begin to replace feudal polit system -towns more connected= ability to collect taxes -ppl become more aware that they have king -power of church, feudal landlords, nobles declines-

marginal analysis

-assesses costs and benefits of economic decisions -e.g. profit added by one additional unit


-established in 1994 to drop trade barriers b/w Canada, US, Mexico -economists: increased US trade deficits, decreased # of manufacturing job, has decreased prices of consumer goods

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

-formed in 1960 by leaders from sit-in movement

circular flowchart (economics)

-illustrates voluntary exchanges of free market system -must also include gov't--gov't buys products in product market (i.e. planes) and resources in resource market (hiring gov't employees). Pays for transfer payments to individuals in need, public goods and services

Parliament in England

-important step in development= Magna Carta- limits King's ability to tax, sets up Great Council (nobles and clergy), which becomes parliament -power grows during 100 yrs war (king must go to par for $)

Supremacy Clause

-provision in Constitution that makes Const and federal laws to any conflicting state and local laws

Morrill Land Grant acts

1862, allowed land-grant colleges

Lau v Nichols

1974 case when court decided that the lack of supplemental language instruction in public school for students with limited language proficiency violated the Civil Rights act of 1964

Which President of the United States changed the date of Thanksgiving from the last Thursday of November to the fourth Thursday of November?

Abraham Lincoln issued the Thanksgiving Proclamation on October 3, 1863, in which he specified the last Thursday of November as a day of thanksgiving. The last Thursday in November was the traditional date for the Thanksgiving holiday for the next 76 years. In 1939, President Roosevelt tried to change the holiday's date from the last Thursday in November to the second to last Thursday in November in order to stimulate the economy by creating a longer Christmas shopping season. This action met with resistance in some parts of the country, and a compromise was reached in 1941, setting the date of Thanksgiving as the fourth Thursday in November.

Thomas Aquinas

Adopted Aristotle and Plato's opinion, but with a Christian spin. Laid groundwork for modern constitutionalism

Which of the following words can be defined as "a list events organized in order of their occurrence?"

Chronology can be defined as a list of events organized in order of their occurrence. An anachronism is a chronological error; something or someone who appears out of order chronologically. Anachronisms are frequently seen in popular entertainment dramatizations of historical events. Anno Domini is a Latin term meaning "in the year of [Our] Lord," more frequently seen as the abbreviation A.D. (e.g., "the Battle of Hastings was fought in A.D. 1066."). Chroma is a word used to describe color.


First major civilization in Europe, relied on conquest over trade, Practiced religion that grew into the Greek Pantheon, wrote in Linear script B- which eventually led to Greek writing system, famous for Homer (documented trojan war and other events), eventually destroyed by either Greeks from the North or Dorians


French surrender Fort Pontchartrain to the british, ending french rule in Detroit

According to Plato's Republic, which sort of person would make the best head of state?

In The Republic, Plato calls for a philosopher king, selected from the ranks of philosophers who are at least fifty years old and given the power of absolute rule for life. Plato's belief was that in this society there should be no laws as they would interfere with the king's ability to use his judgment.

Harry S. Truman

Made decision to drop atom bomb on Japan, "Fair Deal", plan that expanded social security/provided public housing, participated in formation of NATO

Greek civilization

Men & women lived in different parts of a house They built aqueducts to carry water to public toilets Socrates was a famous Greek philosopher

Hittite Empire

Modern Turkey, but spread to Palestine and Syria. Conquered Babylonians, but adopted their laws and religion. Peaked from 1600-1200 BCE. Fell in 700 BCE to the Assyrians

Contributions of Ancient Greece

Modern theatrical performance, alphabet, geometry, historical writing, philosophy (socrates, plato, etc)

Who was the first President of South Africa to be elected in a fully representative South African election?

Nelson Mandela was the first President of South Africa to be elected in a fully representative South African election. He was succeeded by Thabo Mbeki, who was succeeded by Kgalema Motlanthe. Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian who lived in South Africa for a time and greatly influenced Nelson Mandela. He was also the leader of India's independence movement.


Prominent in 18th and 19th centuries, led to imperialism in less developed countries and manifest destiny in the US


Prominent sea traders which diffused their language, arts, food and sciences across the world.

Nazi Party

Promised change and growth in time of depression, Adolf Hitler (fascist leader), violated peace treaties that ended WWI through expansionist policies

What dynasty was overthrown in 1911 Chinese Revolution



Sun' says are most direct at the earth's equator, so solar radiation is more intense and heating a smaller area which warms and creates a solar surplus in the lower latitudes

What were the Federalist Papers meant to accomplish?

The Federalist Papers were written and published anonymously by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison as part of their effort to ratify the Constitution. There are 85 letters in total and they were meant to convince normal Americans that they should support the Constitution by explaining what it meant and what it was intended to accomplish.

What was the purpose of the marshall plan?

The Marshall Plan was the popular name for the European Recovery Program, named after Secretary of State George C. Marshall. Marshall had originally proposed the Plan as a solution to the widespread inflation, unemployment, food shortages and general lack of resources following World War II in a commencement speech at Harvard University in 1947. As enacted, it was intended to provide a solution to these problems and to prevent the spread of communism by decreasing Soviet influence.


The benefits are they put your money to work earning money. The risk is that an investment is not always a guarantee and you can lose all that you invest.


The quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied

nuclear freeze movement

U.S. and international movement in 1980s to stop all testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons

American Anti-Slavery Society

William Lloyd Garrison, Quakers, "The Liberator" news paper was the groups focus

League of Nations

a largely toothless international organization established after WWI and designed to prevent future outbreaks of international war; the basis for the later United Nations

Model Parlament 1295

britains first legislative body whose purpose was to tax the wealthy landowners, and the creation of a system of making laws carried out by an elected parliament.

Bessemer process

cheap, efficient way to make steel, developed c. 1850


climate located in the low latitudes north and south of the rainforest; dry in the winter and wet in the summer, experiencing an average of 10 to 30 inches of rain


descendants of english puritans who colonized the northeastern part of America, had large families.


first to begin the trade slave


formed in 1911, prevented racial segregation, protested lynchings, helped black soldiers become officers in WWI, helped defend Scottsboro boys who were unjustly accused of rape

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

formed in 1957 by Martin Luther King, Jr., and others to achieve racial equality through nonviolence

American Indian Movement (AIM)

formed in 1968 to work for Native American rights

Anti-slavery convention of american women

group cont. to meet even after pro-slavery activists burned down their meeting place

John Locke

influenced the modern philosophy of democracy


institutions provide structure and incentive to cooperate with other nations

Creek, Chickasaw and Choctaw

major Muskogean-speaking southeastern Native American civilizations; descendants of the Mississippi Mound Builders

Natural monopoly

occurs when a single supplier has a distinct advantage over the others


perceptions of countries change relations, but cooperation is possible


placing regional interests above national interests


policy of extending national influence over other countries by political, economic, or military means

annales school

stressing long term social history

works progress administration

this hired over 500,000 unemployed workers in Michigan during the Great Depression

Relative location

where a place is situated in relation to another place or places

seneca falls declaration

women's rights activists

Command Economy

- Heavily regulated by the government and the markets are controlled by the government: they set the prices on goods and services and may also dictate how much of a certain good and service should be produced - Private property rights are either limited or do not exist as the government controls property - Choices are usually limited - Typically make up for limited economic freedoms by also adding social and economic protections (I.E., right to shelter, food, employment, education, and other valuable goods and services)

Free Market Economy

- Individuals are the primary drivers of economic activity: they are free to work, participate in economy, invest, and establish business - Government regulation is typically minimum - The laws of Supply and Demand are an essential tenant. The production of goods and services and how much they cost is determined by how much is available and how much individuals are willing to pay for them

Consumer Rights

- Safety: protection against hazardous goods or services - Choose: access to a variety of products and services at competitive prices - Information: protection against fraudulent, deceitful, or grossly misleading information, advertising, labeling, or other practices. As well as information to make informed choices. - Heard: assurance that consumer interests will receive full consideration in the formulation of government policy and review

Factors to consider when evaluating advertisements

- Scale: the ability to reach a large enough audience to move the needle for the retailer. - Engagement: the delivery mechanism for the offers and messages - Targeting: the ability to accurately target offers to consumers. - Offer Activation: which refers to a solution that requires a consumer to 'accept' the offer. - Privacy Protection

Consumer Responsibility

- Use products safely - Analyze information and products wisely - Choose products and services carefully - Express concerns to those who can help - Make the effort to seek compensation for a wrong - Learn about the changing nature of products - Make choices that minimize the impact of your purchases on the environment and others - Consume sustainably, i.e. do not exceed your needs

When Fed stimulating the economy...

- buying government securities ( FOMO) lovers the federal funds rate - decreasing the reserve requirements gives banks more money to loan out - decreasing the discount rate makes it cheaper to borrow money for banks


- falling prices may discourage spending because ppl may expect prices to become even lower -less spending in econ- GDP decreases, unemployment increases -severe recessions often accompanied by deflation

Application of Spatial Thinking

- generating a representation, either by recalling an object or event from long-term memory or by creating an image from words or ideas; - maintaining a representation in working memory in order to use it for reasoning or problem solving; - scanning a representation that is maintained in working memory, in order to focus attention on some of its parts; and - transforming a representation, for example, by rotating it to a new viewing perspective, shrinking it, or imagining its shape if it were transformed by being folded or compressed.

Marbury vs. Madison

-1803 -first case to apply judicial review: Sup Court has right to determine constitutionality of other branches actions

Treaty of Saginaw

-1819 -b/w Gen. Lewis Cass and Chief John Okemos, other Ottawa and Potawatomi chiefs -indians cede 6 mill. acres of land in central Michigan to US

McCulloch vs. Maryland

-1819; Maryland tries to impede operation of 2nd Bank of US by imposing tax on bank notes not from Maryland - Court uses "Necessary and Proper"/elastic clause -establishes that Const gives Congress implied power for carrying out their expressed powers -state action may not impede fed gov't

Gibbons vs. Ogden

-1824 -used Commerce Clause to recognize fed gov's right to regulate any commerce that crosses state lines (in this case, ferry operation). Fed regulation trumps conflicting state regulation

Schenck vs. United States

-1919 -Charles Schenck arrested for protesting military draft, said to be violating espionage act. -court rules in favor of gov't - sentiments Schecnk expressed were immediate threat to country's safety

Gideon vs. Wainwright

-1963 -14th amendment requires states to provide attorneys to defendants who can't afford it (extends right from federal responsibility- as contained in amends 5&6- to state responsibility)

Griswold vs. Connecticut

-1965 -pulls together amendments, establishes right to privacy in marital relations -struck down Connecticut's law criminalizing doctors' provision of birth control

William Hull

-1st gov of MI territory (1805-13) -surrendered Ft. Detroit to British during War of 1812

Michigan State University

-1st land grant university in US (1855)

Age of Pericles

-400s BCE, after defeat of Persians -golden age of Athenian democracy and culture -based on belief that all citizens have obligation to participate in political process

Politics in early modern England

-Henry 8 and split from Cath Church -merchants extend power through colonial trade and financing wars -British Parliament... --king like CEO --merchants= MPs --how do we make $$ ? Let's decide together

teaching 5 themes of geography- REGIONS

-How can earth be divided into different regions for study? -can be defined by # of things including area, language, political divisions, religions, vegetation -create map showing school region (area where students come from) -look at how technological development has affected area

trends in Chinese history

-Huge projects that require centralized gov't and bureaucracy-- Grand Canal -Paper money since 2nd century BCE -civil rule by education scholar-bureaucrats (Confucian)

Third Party System (US) -1854-1890s

-Republican Party vs. Democratic Party -Republicans (influenced by Whigs)-

Effects of maritime expansion

-Spanish and Portuguese traders success ends monopoly of Italian and Arab traders over int'l trade -influx of currency into Europe= inflation

transfer payments

-an attempt to bring about a redistribution of income and to correct the problem of income inequality (i.e. welfare, unemployment)

expansionary fiscal policy

-an increase in gov't spending and/or a decrease in taxes -meant to stimulate a stagnant economy with high unemployment

U.S. immigration trends

-b/w 1880 and 1910- immigration produces significant changes in religious makeup- Jews

savings and loan associations/thrifts

-by law, 65% of lending is residential mortgages -emerged in response to past exclusivity of commercial banks (used to require high amount of wealth) -can be chartered at state or federal level

Soo Locks

-completed 1855 -connect Lake Superior to other Great Lakes

market economy

-comprised of free enterprise, individual entrepreneurship, competitive markets, and consumer sovereignty -answers 3 questions with supply and demand

constitutional law

-defines relationship of different entities w/in state -how is gov't allowed to exercise its authority -can limit gov't power

World Trade Organization

-designed to eliminate protectionism, get rid of barriers to trade -gets countries to agree to specific rules, accused of favoring rich countries, does not care much about environment or workers

Rise of socialism

-emerges to address excessive poverty and inequality that were consequences of Industrial Revolution -Response to Laissez Faire -advocates egalitarian distribution, minimum wage, max hours

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009)

-ex. of gov't intervention in macroeconomy through expansionary fiscal policy -stimulus bill that added 800 billion dollars to econ -split 60/40 new gov't spending/tax cuts

What makes some countries more productive than others?

-factors of production: land (all natural resources), workers, capital (machines to make things, factories, infrastructure, worker education/knowledge/skills) -how country uses factors of production= organizational effectiveness= TECHNOLOGY. Find ways to combine the labor and capital that country already has -connectivity enabled by computers increased productivity in U.S., wages rose

exchange rate

-how much your currency is worth when you trade it for another country's currency

value of international trade

-it doesn't make sense to make everything on your own if you trade with other countries that have a comparative advantage (why might they have comparative advantage? can be issue) -tv imported from Malaysia costs $200 less than US tv because of lower labor costs


-kings convert to Christianity, accept Portuguese traders -Kongo gives copper, ivory, slaves to Port traders -Port traders give cloth, tobacco, metal goods, guns to Kongo kings

per capita GDP

-measure of how wealthy country is -country's w/high per capita GDP also have lower infant mortality, poverty, preventable diseases, life expectancy (i.e. high standard of living- UN Human Development Index) -still need to take distribution of income into account (GINI index)


-mutual reliance b/w 2 or more groups - good ex: Germany trades w/ Saudi Arabia -non-examples (or at least less clear ones)- UN mediating dispute, one country giving aid to another

What makes a country rich or poor (higher or lower per capita GDP)?

-not just about resources (Singapore has few resources, Zimbabwe has many) -leadership -economists say that main reason countries are rich is higher PRODUCTIVITY- workers able to produce more output per hour -BUT in U.S., per cap GDP has been increasing, median family incomes not changing

Why does church power decline in early modern Europe?

-now that world has expanded, so much Bible can't explain -intellectuals increasingly criticize administration and corruption of church -increasing power of nt'l monarchs. Now, a person is not just Catholic, they are also German (sense f regional identity growing)

teaching 5 themes of geography- MOVEMENT

-patterns of movement of people, products, and information -transportation, exports/imports, how do people communicate? -where do the products we use originate? -make a commuter graph -where do ancestors come from? -keep track of license plates you see w/in a week -analyze data on US investment in different countries -Brain Drain- too many ppl leave area -impact of immigrant pop on native pop

Hindu nationalism

-people of Indian subcontintent are diverse, but share concept of kharma and dharma -now alsonshare life under British rule, famine -Hindu nationalism= common element of new nation (binds them, excludes Brits) -

business cycle

-process of booms and busts -EXPANSION: lots of spending, GDP up, unemployment down, factories produce at full capacity to keep up w/demand, INFLATION -then... production costs increase as workers demand higher wages... -CONTRACTION: workers laid off, ppl spend less -Hoover believed G.D. part of this

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

-provides member countries with funds to help them overcome short-term, balance-of-payments difficulties. It also provides advice and oversees financial coordination -empowered by the governments which control it (led by the U.S., the U.K., Japan, Germany, France, Canada, and Italy -- the "Group of 7," which holds over 40% of the votes on their boards. Russia is now also a member 8 -1980's, took on an expanded role of lending money to "bailout" countries during financial crisis. This gave leverage to begin designing economic policies for over 60 countries - has enormous influence not only in structuring the global economy, but also on real-life issues such as poverty, environmental sustainability and development.

central banks

-regulate and oversee nation's commercial banks, make sure they have enough money in reserve to prevent bank runs -conduct monetary policy: increasing or decreasing money supply to speed up or slow down economy

teaching 5 themes of geography- HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION

-relationships between people and places. how do ppl change enviro to suit their needs? -Read the Lorax -Differences between how people live in deserts vs. cold climates -Look @ pics of your town t/o history. How has it changed?

natural rights

-rights believed to be somehow inherent in natural law, not just dependent on gov'ts -John Locke: natural law is superior to human law, includes "life, liberty, and property"


-ruled Egypt and Syria from 1250-1517 -lose control to Ottoman Empire -originally slaves of Abbasid caliphs, brought up to be Sunni Muslim soldiers -convert to dominant religions of lands they conquer (like Vikings)


-seizes power during French revolution -takes advantage of new French feelings of nt'l unity -declares self emperor

market basket

-set of commonly purchased items -percent change in price of basket over time= inflation rate


-the investigation of a historical group by means of collective study (not using individual bios) -ex: historian learns about status relationships in 18th century New England by looking at records showing local church seating arrangements -tax lists to study power relations in Boston

Earths four main physical systems

1 Atmosphere (Air) 2 Lithosphere (Land) 3 Hydrosphere (Water) 4 Biosphere (Life)

Civilizations of Mesopotamia (6) Similarity?

1) Sumerians 2) Amorites 3) Hittites 4) Assyrians 5) Chaldeans 6) Persians All were autocratic. Had a single ruler that served as head of the government as well as the main religious ruler. Were often tyrannical, militaristic leaders that controlled all aspects of life, including law, trade, and religious activity.

4 problems with rapid industrialization

1. use of tech. not suited to product being produced 2. poor investment in capital 3. lack of time for population to adapt to new paradigms 4. lack of time to experience each stage of development/adjust to each

income factors to take into account when calculating GDP

1. wages paid to laborers 2. rental income derived from land 3. interest income derived from invested capital 4. Entrepreneurial income


11th century- 12th century, goal was to stop progression of muslim influences in Europe and to expel them from the holy land, led to greater power to the pope and catholic church in general, opened cultural and trade routes from east to Europe

Hundred Years War

1337-1453 between England and France, England had lands in France & conflict over the throne


14-17 century, Bridged gap from middle ages to modern history. Started in Italy and spread, rediscover classical greek thinking, humanistic method of studying, Dante

Ottoman Empire

1400s, in power in Anatolia, and attempting to take Constantinople. 1453 finally conquered it and renamed it Istanbul. United people through religious tolerance like the Romans, governed by a just monarch (Sultan)

Age of Exploration

1400s-1600s, navigation (Compass/Astrolabe), mapmaking, and shipbuilding improvements (Caravel), European countries wanted to find routes to Asia and ended up discovering new lands

Spanish Inquisition

1478 by Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand & Isabella to maintain Catholic Orthodoxy. 150,000 persecutions; 35,000 executions. Identified heretics, then ordered Jews & Muslims to convert or leave Spain

Christopher Columbus

1492, Italian explorer who received funding from Spain to explore trade route to Asian indies to the west, failed at that, but accredited with discovering the Americas.

Aztec Empire

1519 -Hernando Cortez lands in Mexico w/about 500 soldiers -Aztecs going through crisis- population increase, lack of food -corn was main staple -human sacrifice, cannibalism, war among neighboring tribes -Cortez conquers- better armor and weapons, SMALLPOX

Missouri Compromise

1820 legislation that allowed Missouri to join the union as a slave state but provided that any other states north of the thirty-sixth parallel would be free

Monroe Doctrine

1823, any attempts to establish new colonies on American continent by european powers would be considered interference in American politics and that the US would stay our of european matters in return.

Women's Rights movement

1840s, Seneca Falls Convention, "Declaration of Sentiments"

Birth of Democratic and Republican parties that exist today

1850s, slavery was supported by democrats and republicans were anti-slavery.

Dred Scott v. Sandford "Dred Scott Decision"

1857; denied citizenship to African American slaves

Battle of Fort Sumter

1861 attack on Union troops in Sumter, South Carolina, by Confederate forces shortly after South Carolina seceded from the Union; this battle sparked the Civil War

Dept of Agriculture

1862, worked for the interest of farmers and ranchers across the country

The overland campaign

1864, Grant led all union armies, positioned them for civil war ultimate victory

Lincoln's Assasination

1865, John Wilkes Booth shoots him at the Ford Theater thinking that the war was still happening and that he was playing his part in the confederacy conspiracy

populist party

1890s 1. national currency 2.income tax 3.gov't ownership of railroads, telegraph, telephone 4. secret voting ballots 5. immigration restriction 6. term limits for president and vp

Homestead Strike

1892, Iron and steel association struck against Carnegie steel works. Carnegie was able to eliminate the union. However, this led to the labor movement and union rights.

Fichte and Hegal

18th century, german philosophers, supported socialism grounded in nationalism

Smith-Lever act

1914, provided cooperative programs to help edu people about food, home ec, community development, and agriculture. Helped agriculture grow to match demand of growing nation

Emergency quota act

1921, severely limited amount of immigrants allowed into US

Roosevelt's "New Deal"

1932 1. Relief: create jobs 2. Recovery: Stimulate economy thru national recovery administration 3. Reform: passed legislation to prevent another crash

Social Security Act

1935, provided aid to retirees, unemployed, disabled, and dependent mothers and children

Civil Rights Legislation

1954: Brown V Board of Edu- separate, but equal 1964: Civil rights act- declared discrimination illegal 1965: voting rights act

3 major events of Civil rights movement

1955: Montgomery Bus boycott, Rosa Parks 1957: Desegregation at Little Rock Birmingham campaign

Cuban Missile Crisis

1962, Missiles from USSR in cuba made US nervous, USSR nervous about missiles in turkey. Both removed them (UNDER JFK)

New York Times v. Sullivan

1964; lawsuits based on libel or defamation must show intent or recklessness

Miranda v. Arizona

1966; prisoners must be advised of their rights before being questioned by police

Loving v. Virginia

1967; invalidated state laws prohibiting interracial marriage

United States v. Nixon

1974; president cannot use executive privilege to withhold evidence from criminal trial

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke

1978; upheld the use of race as one of many factors in college admissions

Social Gospel movement

19th-century reform movement based on the belief that Christians have a responsibility to help improve working conditions and alleviate poverty

Production Possibility Curve

A curve depicting all maximum output possibilities for two goods, given a set of inputs consisting of resources and other factors. The PPF assumes that all inputs are used efficiently.

Credit Unions

A financial institution owned by its members that provides savings and checking accounts and other services to its members at low fees

Direct Democracy

A form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives


A protection against risk. The benefit is you receive a payout for paying a premium protecting you from whatever you're insuring yourself against. I.e. health insurance provides you and your family with financial support associated with health costs at a fraction of the price by paying a premium. The only "risk" would be that you pay your premium and never use it.

What is the purpose of a research question?

A research question can be used to focus a research topic that is too broad to be appropriately handled in the format for which one is researching.

Early India

Ancient humans in the Indus Valley: Developed the concept of zero in mathematics. Practiced an early form of the Hindu religion. Developed a caste system which is still prevalent in India today. Archaeologist are still uncovering information about this highly developed ancient civilization.

Which of the following is not necessarily an example of an educator introducing his own bias into the educational process?

Bias is a form of prejudice, and a historical work is considered biased when it is unreasonably shaped by the author's personal or institutional prejudices. It is wise for a teacher to choose material that comes from reputable sources and to verify that all material used in classroom presentations is reliable and appropriate. As long as the teacher is willing to do these things and show a variety of historical opinions, this is not an example of bias.

Who was César Chávez?

Cesar Chavez was a migrant farm worker who founded the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee. He was instrumental in bringing about several reforms that improved living and working conditions for migrant workers including the banning of certain grape pesticides and of the short handled hoe used in lettuce harvesting.

Scientific Revolution

Challenging the church's doctrines on science, Copernicus=earth revolves around sun, Brahe=astronomical observations, Kepler= laws of planetary motions, Galilei= defended heliocentric views of Copernicus, Newton= gravity

World Bank

Created in 1944 at the conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire shortly before the end of World War II, the original goal was to assist in rebuilding the infrastructure of Europe destroyed during the World War II. -world's largest source of development assistance, providing nearly $30 billion in loans annually to many of its 181 member countries. -After an initial focus on Western Europe shifted its lending toward the third world **The bank is made up of five institutions: • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) • International Development Association (IDA) • International Finance Corp. (IFC) • Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) • International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). **Rebuilds infrastructure of Europe after WW II - Focuses on developing countries after end of colonialism (early 1960's) -Finances big projects: dams, roads, ports, railroads, power plants - Long-term financing and investment

Ancient Indus Valley Civilization

Developed concept of zero in math, urban culture, early form of Hindu religion, caste system, Indo-European languages have there roots here, Sanskrit, Yoga

What was the basis of Edward Jenner's original smallpox vaccine?

Edward Jenner's initial smallpox vaccine was comprised of liquid from a young milkmaid's cowpox sores. Jenner was a country doctor who had noticed that persons who had suffered from the relatively mild disease of cowpox did not later catch the much more serious and deadly smallpox. At this time, the main preventative measure against smallpox was to inoculate healthy people with the liquid from smallpox sores from those who had mild cases of smallpox. Unfortunately, this practice often lead to healthy people having full blown cases of smallpox that resulted in death. Jenner's belief was that if he could inoculate someone with the liquid from cowpox pustules, they would then be immune from smallpox without the risk of contracting a full case of smallpox. In May 1796, Jenner diagnosed a patient, a milkmaid named Sarah Nelmes, with cowpox and received permission from a local farmer to inoculate the farmer's son James with cowpox, and then expose him to smallpox. Jenner made two cuts on James's arms and poured liquid from Sarah Nelmes's sores on them before binding the wound. James came down with a mild case of cowpox six weeks later, after James was well again, Jenner exposed him to smallpox, which the young boy did not contract. Jenner conducted further tests and in 1798 he published his findings in a report which introduced the words vaccination (adapted from the Latin word for cow).

How did the invention of the cotton gin change the cotton industry in the United States?

Eli Whitney's cotton engine (or gin) was designed to aid in the cleaning of American cotton. Before this invention, cleaning American short-staple cotton was a long and tedious process as all the cotton seeds had to be removed from the cotton by hand, usually by slaves. Whitney's invention could clean more cotton than an individual person could, thereby increasing cotton's profitability and turning it into a cash crop. As cotton became a viable cash crop, the amount of land dedicated to its cultivation increased, as well as the number of laborers needed to work in the cotton fields, which resulted in an overall increase in the number of slaves held in the southern United States. As cotton production increased, cotton also became a major Southern export as textile mills in both the northern United States and Europe became dependant on Southern cotton.

Which of the following peoples did not practice a form of feudalism?

Feudalism was a common practice during the Middle Ages, popular as a means of providing social structure and for maintaining the established government and social order. It was most widespread and systemic in Europe but also practiced in other parts of the world including Persia and the Byzantine Empire. The Norsemen of what is now known as Scandinavia, however, were an exception to European feudalism and lived in a fairly egalitarian society where rank was strongly based on personal merit. This is not to say that the Norsemen were entirely opposed to the class delineations of feudalism; when the French King Charles the Simple ceded to them the land that became the province of Normandy, the Norsemen who settled there settled into a feudalistic structure that their descendants took with them to England during the Norman Conquest, where the feudal system was used to assist with subduing the newly-conquered English people.

Earliest civilizations are referred to as?

Fluvial Civilizations, because they were founded near rivers.


Focused more on observations to make conclusions about scientific and philosophical theories, rather than building on past beliefs from the church. Descartes= logic and rules of observation Hume= pioneered empiricism kant=morality relies within humans Rousseau= social contract, government agreed upon by people

Battle of the Bulge

Followed D Day invasion, lasted from december 1944 to january 1945, losses on both sides, but Germany's army suffered crippling losses

Why did the United States originally get involved with Vietnam?

Following World War II, European powers found themselves in a position where they faced resistance to their colonial rule at a time when they lacked the resources to maintain their presence by force. After France was defeated in Vietnam, the United States remained for reasons that included the two listed in A and C.

Example to describe respect to elementary school students

Foregoing an opportunity to cut a line. Respect involves taking into consideration the feelings of others.

Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac

Founded the fort in detroit in 1701 with many other frenchmen

The Battle of Saratoga

France joined rev. war as allies to the colonists, considered the turning point of the war

What president was responsible for the New Deal?

Franklin D Roosevelt supported laws that helped those unemployed and impoverished due to the Great Depression

What method did Johannes Gutenberg use to create printing plates for his printing press?

Gutenberg's press used moveable metal type which he formed casting a metal alloy into molds made for each character. These individual pieces were then organized by letter. The letters were loaded into composing sticks that were then loaded into a metal form to create printing plates. As the printing press spread across Europe, printers began using woodcut prints to include illustrations in their products. While Gutenberg is generally given credit for the invention of moveable type, in the 1040s Pi Sheng, a Chinese inventor and alchemist, created moveable type using clay characters which were then pressed into waxcoated plates for printing.

What is a primary reason for a teacher to discuss authority figures with students?

Helps them understand the role of an authority figure in gov't and what is demanded of a person to take on that role and to understand responsibilities of voters.

Which of the following are topics that should be covered in a high school (grades 9-12) U.S. history class?

High school U.S. History classes are intended to cover the history of the United States since Reconstruction. The Great Depression, The Cold War, and the Progressive Era all occurred following reconstruction. The Jacksonian era took place during Andrew Jackson's presidency which lasted from 1829 to 1837.

Which Japanese city was the first to be attacked with an atomic bomb?

Hiroshima had an atom bomb detonated over it on August 6, 1945, officially beginning the atomic age; Nagasaki was bombed three days later. Both cities were selected for atomic bombing because they had not been previously bombed during the war.

Which of the following is an example of historiography?

Historiography can be described as the study of the study of history. It is a term used to describe the entire body of historical literature, the writing of history and the critical examination of past historical writings and historical sources. A typical historiographic essay will be a critical look at the past historical research whether it is a broad look at the study of history as a whole or of a specific subject that is being analyzed.

Who famously crossed the Rubicon in 49 BC?

In 50 BC, Julius Caesar was called back to Rome by the Roman Senate in order to stand trial for treason and corruption. When he reached the Rubicon, he decided to ignore Roman Law and the Mos Maiorum (uncodified tradition with nearly the force of law), and instead took one legion to Rome with him, famously uttering the words "the die is cast." This was the beginning of a chain of events that led to the creation of the first Roman triumvirate and the transition of Rome from a Republic to an Empire, with Julius Caesar as "Perpetual Dictator," until his murder in the Senate. His adopted son Octavius (later taking the regnal name "Augustus") eventually became the first emperor.

Which western European monastic order developed an early form of banking that helped make pilgrimages to the Holy Land safer for the pilgrims?

Knights Templar is the name by which the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon is more commonly called. The Knights Templar began as a small and impoverished order intended to serve as a fighting force in the Holy Land, but soon grew into a large organization and a favorite charity. As the Templars' resources grew, their operations did and their activities included the management of an early form of banking that permitted travelers to carry less money with them, making the travelers a less tempting target for thieves and increasing their safety.

Factors of Production

Land: resources not created by the people Capital: equipment, machinery, tools, and factories used to produce Labor: people and all of their skills, work, and abilities Entrepreneur: The capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit.

Maurya Empire

Large, powerful, India, 322-185 BCE, ruled by Chandragupta after withdrawal of Alexander the Great in India, Buddhism and Jainism, laws protected civil, social, and animal rights, very peaceful! Empire fell due to weak rulers and Demetrius (greco-bactrian king) took over and conquered Afghanistan and Pakistan around 180 BCE

Tropical Deforestation

Latin America; - clustered (the arc of deforestation; Paraguay, Argentina, savannahs of Brazil, 1/2 million hectares a year; mostly intact forest) - primarily deforestation is done for cattle pasture - deforestation for crop land is relatively small, if it is for crops; crops are soya bean and sugar cane


Law of Gravity and Law of motions

The Plain's Indians

Lived in between the Mississippi River and the Rockies, nomadic tribes that slept in tepees, followed buffalo. Ex. Sioux, cheyenne, comanche, and blackfoot


Lived on Crete, 2700-1450 BCE, Used syllabic writing system, built colorful palaces, made sewage systems, flush toilets, modern plumbing, running water, etc. Wrote in linear script A-still don't know how to decipher it, Mycenaeans eventually replaced their society


Located in souther part of Mesopotamia. Consisted of dozen city-states. Each city state had its own gods, and the leader of each city-state also served as the high priest. Cultural legacies of Sumner include: -The invention of writing -Invention of the wheel -First library -The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (1 of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World) -First written laws-Ur-Nammu's Codes and the Codes of Hammurabi -The Epic of Gilgamesh-First epic story in history

What was the purpose of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society?

Lyndon Johnson became president following the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. The Great Society was a series of social programs implemented under the direction of Lyndon Johnson. The Great Society's goal was to eliminate poverty and racial injustice in America. The Great Society began with economic reforms including a tax cut and the creation of the Office of Economic Opportunity. From there, it grew to include the enaction of laws creating the Medicare and Medicaid systems to assist the elderly and poor with their health care costs, respectively. Educational and Housing reforms followed.


Macroeconomics examines economics on a much larger level than microeconomics. While microeconomics studies economics on a firm or industry level, macroeconomics looks at economic trends and structures on a national level. Variables studied in macroeconomics include: Output Consumption Investment Government spending Net exports The overall economic condition of a nation is defined as the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP. GDP measures a nation's economic output over a limited time period, such as a year.

How did the ruling in Marbury v. Madison alter the Supreme Court's power in the federal government?

Marbury v. Madison started with the election of Thomas Jefferson as third President of the United States. The lame-duck Congress responded by issuing a large number of judicial patents, which the incoming president and Secretary of State refused to deliver to their holders. Marbury, who was to receive a patent as Justice of the Peace, sued to demand delivery. What makes this case important is the decision which declared the judiciary's ability to overturn legislation that conflicted with the Constitution. The case states: "It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is. Those who apply the rule to particular cases must, of necessity, expound and interpret that rule. If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each.\

Bretton Woods

Meeting of Western allies to establish a postwar international economic order to avoid crises like the one that spawned World War II. Led to the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, designed to regulate currency levels and provide aid to underdeveloped countries.

Which of the following events was a proximate cause of World War I?

On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife the Duchess Sophia von Chotkova were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a member of The Black Hand, a secret society whose intention was to create an independent Serbian country. This act was the first of a series of events that resulted in the beginning of World War later that summer. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, bringing the United States into World War II. The sinking of the RMS Lusitania and the British interception of the Zimmerman telegram, in which Germany attempted to encourage Mexico to attack the United States, led to the United States entering World War I in 1917.

colonial regions in pre-Revolution U.S.

Pennsylvania- religious and ethnic diversity

Gadsden purchase

Purchase in 1854 after Mexican-American war, that added the southwestern part of the US

Islamic civilization/ caliphate

Quran Mecca, Muhammad Influenced by Judaism and Christianity Islamic A religious successor to Islamic prophet Muhammad

demand curve shifts

REASONS -changes in income -changes in prices of substitutes or complements -change in tastes, expectations

supply curve shifts

REASONS -changes in technology -cost of inputs -expected changes in demand -changes in # of producers

The crusades

Religious wars intended to revoker the Holy Lands from the Muslims. Increased trade because crusaders brought back Oriental items.

Jim Crow laws

Southern laws that separated whites and blacks


Sumerian-based civilization in Mesopotamia; developed courts and an early codified rule of law - the Code of Hammurabi - "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"

American system

Supported henry clay, spurred by trade conflicts of 1812, set up tariffs to protect american interests from competition with products overseas

Which of the following U.S. Constitutional Amendments lowered the voting age to eighteen?

The 26th Amendment states: "The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of age. " The 24th Amendment invalidates poll taxes as a requirement to vote. The 25th Amendment deals with presidential succession. The 27th Amendment deals with Congress members' compensation.

What were Martin Luther's 95 theses?

The 95 Theses were part of a letter of protest that Martin Luther wrote to his archbishop in 1517, when Luther was a monk in the Catholic Church. These theses criticized church practices, particularly the practice of selling indulgences. Some sources claim Luther nailed this document to the door of the All Saint's Church in Wittenburg (located in modern-day Germany). Luther's intention was to reform the Catholic Church from within, but his letter soon placed him at the center of a religious and civil revolt. He was excommunicated in 1520.

Which of the following was a power granted to the U.S. Congress under the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation granted the federal Congress the power to enter into treaties. It did not grant Congress the abilities to collect taxes, enforce laws or to regulate interstate commerce (it could impose some regulations on commerce with foreign entities), these shortcomings led to the eventual abandonment of the Articles of Confederation in favor of the Constitution, which is still in force today.

What does the Communist Manifesto claim makes up all of history?

The Communist Manifesto claims that history has been a series of class struggles; that the rise of Communism will eliminate class boundaries and end the struggle. Karl Marx, the Manifesto's primary author, ended with a call for the working class of the world to start a revolution against the order of things, forcibly taking over the means of production. The final lines read:"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite!"

What is the historical significance of the Dome on the Rock's site to Jews?

The Dome of the Rock is the oldest existing Muslim structure and was built on the traditional site of Mohammed's ascent into heaven on Temple Mount. Before this, however,the Temple Mount was the site of the Jewish Second Temple which stood from the 6th Century BC until AD 70 when it was destroyed by Romans in response to a Jewish uprising in Jerusalem. The Temple Mount is also the traditional site of Solomon's Temple (also known as the First Temple) and its one remaining wall, known as the Western Wall or the Wailing Wall is an important Jewish shrine.

Which of the following were causes of The Dust Bowl?

The Dust Bowl was a period of time, largely coinciding with the Great Depression, in which severe droughts, poor farming techniques, wind erosion and several other factors led to the collapse of farming in the southern Plains states. High grain prices had encouraged farmers to over-cultivate their fields and to bring previously uncultivated land under cultivation, leading to soil depletion and an overall loss in soil moisture as farmers would frequently burn their wheat stubble. This was a problem because the long grasses in the Plains states had previously been instrumental in keeping the soil in place. This loss meant that windstorms now began picking up soil, eroding fields and destroying crops. The Dust Bowl resulted in thousands of farmers losing their farms. Many of them traveled to California where they worked as migrant farm workers. John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath tells the story of one family who lost their farm in Oklahoma due to the Dust Bowl.

Enlightenment principles signaled a departure from which of the following types of government rule?

The Enlightenment, also known as The Age of Enlightenment and The Age of Reason, occurred in the eighteenth century and centered on a belief in reason. The Enlightenment encouraged the ideals of liberty, self-governance, natural rights and natural law. Both the American Revolution and the French Revolution had their genesis in Enlightenment ideals which encouraged the idea that the common man should have a say in government. This was a departure from the most common types of governance, including monarchy and the belief in the divine right of kings. Enlightenment leaders tended to prefer representative republics as a form of government.

The Erie Canal is 363 miles long and connects which body of water to Lake Erie?

The Erie Canal opened in 1825 and created a water route between the Hudson River and Lake Erie. Water routes have historically been cheaper and easier than overland ones and the Erie Canal was originally proposed in the 1700s as a means of providing a shipping route to assist in settling the areas west of the Appalachian Mountains. The Mississippi River is to the west of the Great Lakes, its source is in Minnesota and it discharges into the Gulf of Mexico approximately 100 miles downstream of New Orleans, Louisiana. The Susquehanna River runs through New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland and is the home of Three Mile Island, the site of the United States' largest nuclear disaster. The Lehigh River is located in eastern Pennsylvania. 21. C: The telegraph was a gigantic leap forward in the

To whom was the Declaration of Independence addressed and why?

The Founding Fathers decided that because the colonies did not have the right to elect representatives to the British Parliament they could not be justly ruled by Parliament. They envisioned the British Empire's government as being headed by the King of England, under whom the various local parliaments and legislative bodies served to enact laws for the peoples whom they represented. By addressing their ills to the king, the Founding Fathers sought to prevent the appearance that they acknowledged the British Parliament in London as having any authority over the American colonies.

Which of the following did not occur during or because of the French Revolution?

The French Revolution began in 1789, but its end date has been difficult to define. The Reign of Terror was intended as a means of fighting the revolutionaries' enemies and began with the execution of the Queen Marie Antoinette on October 17, 1793. While there was an economic crisis leading up to the French Revolution, there was also a severe economic crisis during/following the Revolution (depending on one's preferred end date). One of the effects of the Revolution was the ending of feudalism and slavery in France. With regard to the Estates-General, King Louis XVI had called together the Estates-General on August 8, 1788, stated that the Estates General would convene in May 1789.

Which economic crisis led to the creation of the SEC?

The Great Depression began with the 1929 Stock Market Crash on Thursday, October 24, also known as Black Thursday. This crash was the beginning of a market collapse that continued as investors began panicking and banks began to fail. The crash was due to rampant stock speculation and fraud. Many people had invested in the belief that the Stock Market could only go up, and unscrupulous people had taken advantage of this by creating sham companies or artificially pumping up stock shares. The SEC, or Securities and Exchange Commission, was created in 1934 to regulate stock exchanges.

What was the first well-known American school of painting?

The Hudson River School was the first well-known American school of painting. Its members intended to break away from the European art schools and develop a distinct American art school of thought through their celebration of the American landscape.

Why did each Incan ruler have to earn his own fortune?

The Incan civilization was very wealthy and the Incan rulers' individual wealth was used to care for their mummified remains following their deaths in order to emphasize the king's divinity as descendants of the Incan sun god Inti. When an Incan king died not only would his wealth be used to care for his remains, there would also be human sacrifices as the king's servants and favorite wives would be sacrificed so that they could continue serving him in the afterlife.

Which of the following is a way that the Internet affected world wide economies?

The Internet has increased the number of methods in which near-instantaneous communication is possible, but this is not necessarily an economic spur. The internet has also generally caused a decrease in transaction costs and barriers to entry in retail situations (e.g., it is much less expensive to start a website to sell your goods than it is to open a brick and mortar store. Ones website has the potential to reach out to a much larger group of potential consumers). The Internet has also increased consumer access to goods by making it easier for consumers to locate what they want.

Which of the following is a true statement concerning the Iroquois Confederacy?

The Iroquois Confederacy was a participatory democracy made up of Native American tribes in what is now the Northeastern United States. Each of the member tribes were permitted to send male representatives selected by the tribe's female members to the Confederacy's main counsel where each representative was permitted to vote on matters affecting the tribes. The beginnings of the Iroquois Confederacy are disputed, but it is accepted that the Confederacy was originally made up of the Mohawk, Seneca, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Oneida tribes; the Tuscaroras joined the Confederacy in 1722. The Confederacy was formed with the intention of decreasing intertribal violence and encouraging peaceful resolution of differences between the tribes.

In which country does a large part of the native, traditionally nomadic people currently live in large tents known as yurts or gers?

The Mongol people have traditionally been nomads living in large white felt tents that are commonly known as "yurts" or "gers" and in Mongolia, many of these people still live in this traditional housing. The term yurt is of Turkish and Russian origins, while ger is the Mongolian term. The Mongol ger is designed, decorated and positioned based on a strict formula determined by religion, tradition, and superstition. Today the Mongol people are spread over the Asian steppe region including Mongolia, and parts of Russia, China Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Which of the following was not one of the ways that the Mormon migration was unique among the American pioneers?

The Mormon pioneers were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their trek west was intended to transport their entire culture across the plains to a place where they would be safe from the persecutions they had suffered in their previous settlements, including Missouri's Extermination Order (1838) and the assassination of the church's leader, Joseph Smith, on June 27, 1844 in Carthage, Illinois, while under the protection of Illinois' governor. In moving their culture across the Plains, the Mormons not only moved the people but took care to bring religious and secular books and musical instruments on their thousand mile journey. One of the first buildings in Salt Lake City was a theater. On the trek west, the Mormons divided themselves into highly organized companies and worked to improve the trail and provide resources for those coming after them, including the building of way stations, ferries and the planting of crops. They also kept detailed records of their experiences for the use of future pioneers, and an early Mormon pioneer invented the odometer as a means of calculating how far his company had traveled each day. Their migration is the most highly organized mass migration in U.S. history.

Which of the following was not an effect of the Neolithic agricultural revolution?

The Neolithic agricultural revolution resulted in an overall decrease in leisure time, in comparison with people living in hunter-gatherer societies, due to such factors as sustaining an increased standard of living and caring for the increased number of children born to families living in permanent settlements.

Which of the following was a long term effect of the New Deal?

The New Deal did not end the Depression. The Depression only ended after the beginning of World War II when there was a huge increase in demand for goods and manpower. The New Deal increased the agricultural price supports offered to farmers and increased the role that the federal government played in the U.S. economy.

What was Franklin D. Roosevelt's "court packing" plan?

The New Deal met with conservative opposition, especially in the Supreme Court, whose conservative justices frequently blocked New Deal legislation. The plan that was dubbed the "court packing" plan was to appoint a second justice for every justice over the age of seventy. Because all of the conservative justices on the Supreme Court were over seventy, this would have given Roosevelt the ability to appoint enough justices to swing the Court to his favor. However, this plan was met with extreme popular disapproval which led to its eventual abandonment.

How did the Nile shape the Ancient Egyptian Empire?

The Nile River was the lifeblood of the Ancient Egyptian Empire and is sometimes credited with being the reason this empire was able to become one of history's most stable societies. Its yearly floods replenished the soil by leaving fertile silt that made large scale agriculture possible in the land immediately surrounding the river. The agriculture provided Egypt with goods to trade, further enriching the empire. The Nile was also the center of Egyptian cultural and spiritual life. The ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was responsible for providing the yearly floods as part of his role as the divinely appointed ruler.

What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?

The Pilgrims' initial intention had been to settle in Northern Virginia where England had already established a presence. As there was no government in place in New England, some Pilgrims believed that they had no legal or moral duty to remain with the Pilgrims' new colony which needed their labor and support. Because of this, the Mayflower Compact created a government in New England and was signed on board the Mayflower on November 11, 1620 by each of the adult men who made the journey. The Compact's life was relatively short, due to its being superceded by the Pierce Patent in 1621 which had been signed by the king of England and had granted the Pilgrims the right of self-government in Plymouth. In spite of its short lifespan, the Mayflower Compact is credited with being North America's first constitution.

Who were the Shoguns?

The Shoguns were Japanese military leaders. During the Tokuwaga shogunate, which began in 1603, the shogun held the actual power in the Japanese government even though Japan was technically ruled by an emperor. In actuality, the emperor was primarily a ceremonial leader and access to him was restricted to members of the shogun's family.

Which of the following was not a tax levied on the American colonies by the British government in the 1760's and 70's?

The Sugar Act of 1764 raised import duties on goods which were not of British origin, including sugar, while reducing the import tax on molasses. The Stamp Act of 1765 was a tax of paper and printed products, intended to help the British government recoup some of the costs of the French and Indian War. It was extremely unpopular with the colonists and was repealed in 1766. Lead was one of the goods taxed under the Townshend Acts, enacted in 1767, but it did not receive its own specific tax act. The Tea Act of 1773 was another unpopular tax and led to tea boycotts and was the catalyst for the Boston Tea Party.

Texas and it's relation to Mexican american War?

The Texas Rebellion began in 1835 when a group of Texan leaders declared independence from Mexico. Texas won independence in 1836, but the U.S. initially held back on plans for annexation due to concerns that such an act would lead to war with Mexico. In 1845, however, the U.S. Senate ratified the treaty and Texas became the country's 28th state on December 29 of that year. The war with Mexico, which had broken off diplomatic relations with the U.S. in 1844 when the treaty was agreed upon, began in 1846 following news of skirmishes between American and Mexican forces along the Rio Grande.

What did the landmark Supreme Court case, Brown v. The Board of Education of Topeka decide?

The U.S. Supreme Court justices had decided that Brown would have a unanimous holding (the legal term for a court's rulings or decisions) before they determined what that holding would be, which resulted in a fairly narrow holding that "the plaintiffs and others similarly situated for whom the actions have been brought are, by reason of the segregation complained of, deprived of the equal protection of the laws guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment." This decision was used in later Civil Rights cases as a legal precedent for the idea that the doctrine of "separate but equal" was inherently unconstitutional, reversing the precedent set by Plessy v. Ferguson.

In which of the following circumstances would it be appropriate to use a chronological view to understand history?

The U.S.-Soviet race to the moon is an example of a circumstance where a chronological point of view would be appropriate as each nation's advances fuelled the other nation's desire to surpass its Cold War rival.

Labor Regulations after the Great Depression

The Wagner Act: unions made legal Davis-Bacon Act (1931): fair compensation for contractors and sub-contractors Walsh-Healey Act (1936): established minimum wage, child labor laws, safety standards, and overtime pay

In 1955 the Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Treaty Organization to counterbalance which of the following?

The Warsaw Treaty Organization was meant to counterbalance NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Members of NATO included the United States, Great Britain, France and West Germany and pledged to consider an attack on one of them as an attack on all of them. NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement) was signed by President Clinton in 1994 and lifted most trade barriers between the United States, Mexico and, Canada. The Soviet Union was a member of the U.N. Security Counsel which is charged with maintaining international Peace and Security. The Four Power Pact was a pre-World War II treaty in which the United States, Great Britain, Japan and France agreed to respect each other's Pacific territories.

frankfurt school of history

The academic influence of the "critical" method is far reaching in terms of educational institutions in which such tradition is taught and in terms of the problems it addresses. Some of its core issues involve the critique of modernities and of capitalist society, the definition of social emancipation and the perceived pathologies of society. Critical theory provides a specific interpretation of Marxist philosophy and reinterprets some of its central economic and political notions such as commodification, reification, fetishization and critique of mass culture.

Free-market economy

The economic principle of allowing industry to grow without government intervention

Where was the first great human civilization located?

The first great human civilization was the Sumerian civilization which was located in Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia encompasses the area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in modern-day Iraq and is also referred to as "the Cradle of Civilization," and includes part of the Fertile Crescent. The Sumerian civilization is credited with being the first to practice serious, year round agriculture. There is question over whether Sumeria or Ancient Egypt was the first to have a written language. Sumeria's writing began hieroglyphically and then developed into a form of writing known as cuneiform.

Which of the following is not a true statement concerning the beginnings of slavery in the Virginia colony?

The historical evidence shows that the initial workers on tobacco plantations in Virginia were primarily indentured servants who would eventually receive their freedom. The path to slavery in its later forms was gradual, beginning with slavery as a form of punishment for legal infractions. Massachusetts became the first colony to legalize slavery in 1641, followed by other states, including Virginia. This was followed by laws declaring that any children born to a slave mother would be slaves themselves in 1662 and a later decision that all persons who were not Christians in their "native country" would be slaves in 1705.

What was the standard government economic principle in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

The idea behind Laissez faire was to leave the market alone and let it take care of itself with minimal government intervention. Opponents of this policy often blame it for causing the situation which led to the Great Depression while supporters claim that it was an increase of government interference in the market that led to the Great Depression. Social Darwinism is the idea that the fittest members of society will rise to the top and flourish. Keynesian Economics advocates that the government should use its powers to stabilize the economy through raising and lowering interest rates and creating demand through government spending, frequently leading to deficit spending. Keynesian economic theory is chiefly concerned with microeconomic trends and short-term solutions. It's founder, John Maynard Keynes, was quoted saying, "[i]n the long run, we are all dead." Monetarism is an economic school of thought that concentrates on macroeconomic principles and long-term solutions to economic problems. An economist supporting this policy would be in favor of policies that are monetarily neutral in the long term but are not neutral in the short term.

Which of the following was an effect of industrialization in the United States?

The industrialization of the United States led to an overall decrease in the number of farmers as people moved from the country to the city in search of the new jobs created by industrialization. This move also resulted in fewer Americans being self-employed, as they instead became wage earners working for other people. Industrialization also led to an overall increase in economic and employment opportunities for women. Many of these opportunities took the form of what we now sometimes think of as "pink collar" jobs such as typing and stenography.

Which of the following is a true statement concerning the Magna Carta?

The original Magna Carta, signed by King John on June 15, 1215, was meant to protect the rights and property of the few powerful families that topped the feudal system. Its primary purpose was to force King John to recognize the supremacy of ancient liberties, to limit his ability to raise funds and to reassert the principle of due process. The majority of the English population at that time was mentioned only once, in a clause concerning the use of court-set fines to punish minor offences. The last clause, which created an enforcement council of tenants-in-chief and clergymen would have severely limited the king's power and introduced the policy of 'majority rule.' However, the time was not yet right for the introduction of majority rule. In September 1215, three months after the signing of the Magna Carta, Pope Innocent III, at John's urging, annulled the "shameful and demeaning agreement, forced upon the king by violence and fear." A civil war broke out over this, which ended when John died the following year, in October 1216.

Which of the following questions would most likely be asked by a historian concerned with the philosophy of history?

The philosophy of history is concerned with the ultimate significance of history as a field of study and asks questions concerning how history should be studied, including what social unit is correct to use when studying history—whether it is more important to look at the individual lives of ordinary people or to concentrate on the so-called big picture, looking at the overall trends in a society or culture; only giving personal treatment to people, such as George Washington, who had particular significance to the events surrounding them. The philosophy of history also looks for broad historical trends and progress.

Which statement is the best summary of the Monroe Doctrine?

The principles held in the Monroe Doctrine were not new when President James Monroe issued it in a speech before Congress on December 2, 1823, however that did not stop them from becoming his namesake and shaping American foreign policy, even through the World Wars to which the U.S. remained aloof until threatened with attack in the Western Hemisphere. Germany's attempt to convince Mexico to attack the United States, promising Mexico that it would receive several U.S. states as a reward, was one of the issues that convinced the U.S. to intervene in what had hitherto been seen as a European war. In World War II, the United States remained officially neutral until attacked at Pearl Harbor. The Monroe Doctrine was largely ignored by European powers, but underscored the American belief that the United States was the appropriate dominant power in the Western Hemisphere.


The process by which a gas changes to a liquid. Water vapor changes to liquid H2O when it's cooled in the atmosphere or on the surface. is a heating process.

political socialization

The process by which we develop our political attitudes, values, and beliefs.

Human Systems

The purpose of the fourth essential element of geography is to show how people are central to geography in that human activities help shape the Earth's surface, human settlements and structures.

The telephone was a solution to which of the following problems with the telegraph?

The telegraph was a gigantic leap forward in the realm of communications. Before the telegraph, messages could take days, weeks or months to reach their intended recipient, based upon the distance that they had to travel. The telegraph allowed people to send methods through use of electric signals transmitted over telegraph wires, allowing for instantaneous communications. The main drawbacks to the telegraph included the need to "translate" the message into and out of the appropriate telegraphic code and that the telegraph could only relay one message at a time. In contrast, the telephone allowed for spoken communication between people at different locations, increasing the efficiency and speed as the people on each end of the conversation could communicate multiple messages quickly and in one telephone conversation.

Fertile Crescent What? When? Who? Where?a

The very earliest civilizations developed in the Tigris-Euphrates valley in Mesopotamia (between 4,000-3,000 BCE) in an area now known as the Fertile Crescent. James Breadsted (archaeologist from University of Chicago) coined the term. Current day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine and Jordan.


U.S. citizen born of immigrant Japanese parents

big stick diplomacy

U.S. foreign policy of Pres. Theodore Roosevelt which used threats of military intervention to exert influence over other countries, especially in protecting U.S. interests in Latin America

Main reasons for the War of 1812

US merchant ship forced the sailors to serve in the British Navy. Britain was at war with France the years prior to this. Britain was supplying and encouraging Native American raids on US settlements.

Assassination of Julius Caesar 44

Was named emperor of Rome, assassinated in a reaction to Ceasars power grab. Immediately after Caesars death, Augustus filled Caesars seat of power, and became the first ruling emperor of Rome. Beginning of temperical reign in the roman empire.


While economics generally studies how resources are allocated, microeconomics focuses on economic factors such as the way consumers behave, how income is distributed, and output and input markets. Studies are limited to the industry or firm level, rather than an entire country or society. Among the elements studied in microeconomics are factors of production, costs of production, and factor income. These factors determine production decisions of individual firms, based on resources and costs.

Which of the following is considered to be the largest cause of death among Native Americans following the arrival of European colonists in North America?

While wounds from war most certainly killed more than a few, European disease laid waste to vast swaths of Native American people who has no immunity to the foreign diseases which the Europeans carried. The forced marches took place in the mid-19th century. While wounds from war most certainly killed more than a few, European disease laid waste to vast swaths of Native American people who has no immunity to the foreign diseases which the Europeans carried. The forced marches took place in the mid-19th

Sherman's March

William Tecumseh Sherman, in 1864 marched to the sea destroying everything in his path

What were Woodrow Wilson's 14 points?

Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points were set forth in a speech which he gave to a joint session of Congress on January 8, 1918, approximately 10 months before the end of World War I on November 11, 1918. These points set forth his plan for the rehabilitation of Germany and the creation of a lasting peace in Europe. They included adjustments of European borders, including the creation of an independent Polish state and allowing the peoples of Europe the benefits of self-determination.


a cold climate located in the high latitudes south of the tundra; contains the world's largest forest-lands, extreme mineral wealth and many swamps and marshes

Government monopoly

a government agency is the only provider of s specific good or service.

Absolute Location

a location identifiable by specific geographic coordinates

Division of Labor

a way of organizing work so that each individual worker completes a separate part of the work

cultural pluralism

acceptance of variety of racial and ethnic groups

Perfect competition (output market)

all existing firms sell an identical product. The firms are not able to control the final price. In addition, there is nothing that makes it difficult to become involved in or leave the industry. Anything that would prevent entering or leaving an industry is called a barrier to entry. An example of this market structure is agriculture.


all knowledge is acquired through life experiences, opposite of nativism


alliance of states or nations acting together for mutual benefit

nuremburg trials

allies trials against german actors

printing press

allowed mass production of literary works. bible

Dependency Ratio

an age-population ratio of those typically not in the labor force (the dependent part ages 0 to 14 and 65+) and those typically in the labor force (the productive part ages 15 to 64). It is used to measure the pressure on productive population.

periodical guide

an annual publication of works relating to a field

poll tax

an annual tax formerly required of voters in some Southern states

quantitative history

an approach to historical research that makes use of quantitative, statistical and computer tools. It is considered a branch of social science history and has three leading journals: Historical Methods,(1967- ) Social Science History,(1976- ), and the Journal of Interdisciplinary History, (1968- )

social history

an area of historical study, considered by some to be a social science, that attempts to view historical evidence from the point of view of developing social trends. In this view, it may include areas of economic history, legal history and the analysis of other aspects of civil society that show the evolution of social norms, behaviors and more. It is distinguished from political history, military history and the history of great men.


an area that is defined by certain similar characteristics. Such as human, physical, natural, or cultural characteristics

Puritan revolution

an engagement between the presbyterian puritans called roundheads and the wealthy called cavaliers.

political history

analysis of political events, ideas, movements, and leaders. It is usually structured around the nation state. It is distinct from, but related to, other fields of history such as social history, economic history, and military history.


ancient Egyptian writing (unlike cuneiform, pictographs or pectoral writing)


ancient Greek city-state that became a revolutionary democracy controlled by the poor and working classes around 460 BCE; created democracy in 510BCE; the first known democracy, excelled in art, theater, and philosophy


ancient Greek word meaning "city-state" or "community"

Product (Marketing Plan)

any element pertaining directly to the product, including packaging, presentation, or services to include along with it.

Social Darwinism

application of Charles Darwin's natural philosophy of survival of the fittest to support unlimited business competition

Bolshevik Revolution of 1917

army sided with jaded lower class, formed their own government called the Soviets, Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky (formerly exiled) moved in to take over and to eliminate parliament and spread communism.

cultural history

at least in its common definition since the 1970s, often combines the approaches of anthropology and history to look at popular cultural traditions and cultural interpretations of historical experience. It examines the records and narrative descriptions of past knowledge, customs, and arts of a group of people. Its subject matter encompasses the continuum of events occurring in succession leading from the past to the present and even into the future pertaining to a culture.

Thomas Hobbes

author of "Leviathan" (1651), people want power and can't live harmoniously without government intervention

Niccolo Machiavelli

author of "the Prince", politics should be based solely on power


based on renunciation of worldly desires, wealth, and the attainment of objects. To find happiness one has to follow a spiritual way of life. Reach enlightenment;teachings of Buddha; expanded into Asia while declining in India; Dukkah is central concept; 4 noble truths

Waves of Immigration

began in the 1800's, New Englanders came as well as Dutch, Germans and Poles, recent: African-Americans, Arabs, Asian, near eastern or Spanish origin

Battle of Lexington and Concord

beginning of violent conflict between American rebel militiamen (minutemen) and the British in 1775

states' rights

belief that rights of individual states take priority over laws of the national government


believes states can cooperate, act based on capabilities instead of power


belonging to the period before the Civil War

Trench Warfare

bloody, long-term fighting in fortifies trenches on the Western Front during WWI

atomic bomb

bombs using a nuclear reaction to create widespread destruction; ended World War II

Convergent plate tectioncs

boundary between two colliding plates, often associated with mountain building ocean trenches and volcanic islands

Black Death

bubonic plague, came from rats on trade ships, ended feudalism, took out 1/3 of Europe's population, turn away from god and towards Greek beliefs

Berlin Wall

built in 1960 to separate communist east, from democratic west berlin. Fell in the late 80s and consequently so did USSR

values/ limitations of diaries, personal correspondence

can provide intimate glimpse into an event. more candid reveal bias limited in scope biased selective

Responsibilities of Executive Branch

carry out laws, treaties, war enacted by Congress, can veto congress bills, President appoints ambassadors to other countries, federal judges, and cabinet members

olmec culture

civilization lasted from 1500 bc to 400 bc. temples and art. first civilization in south america. engaged in trade, invented calendar. "mother culture"


class conflict-->revolution-->one party system, goverment controls production and flow of goods, GOAL= single gov't for entire world;political and economic philosophy of one party goventment and state ownership of property

Herbert Spencer

coined the term, "social darwinism" competition drives the formation of society

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

colonial rebel protest group that carried out violent acts against tax collectors

Committees of Correspondence

colonial rebel protest group that distributed anti-British propaganda

Colonial Gov't VS British Gov't

colonial= elected reps chosen by males in their districts fought for their own district issues british=parliament, elected to represent different classes

Mercator projection

commonly used by seafarers, distortion is high in areas far from equator

settlement house

community center providing assistance to residents, especially immigrants, of slum neighborhood


contain one for more lists of resources and materials sharing some common attribute such as location, publishing date, subject etc. A good one should include all pertinent data. Some will include descriptive or critical annotations

Stamp Act

controversial 1765 tax on all published documentation in the colonies; the first direct tax on the colonists

Tea Act

controversial 1773 tax on colonial tea that triggered the Boston Tea Party

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

created in 1933 to insure bank deposits against loss Federalist—supporter of the Constitution and strong national government

Securities and Exchange Commission

created in 1934 to monitor and regulate the stock and bond markets

English Bill of Rights

created separation of powers, limits power of monarchy, enhanced democratic election & bolsters freedom

Democrats and Republicans

developed after the civil war, issues centering on the post-war south

European Feudalism in Middle Ages

developed as a way for rulers to raise an army quickly if necessary, vassals swear military service to a Lord in exchange for land (that the king owned, but swore to protect the vassals in exchange for that)

Martin Luther

didn't beileve in indulgences only believed you could be saved by god and doing right things.

Max Weber

differing religions in the east and west led to the development of major societal differences

important aspect of washington administration

disliked articles of confederation, promoted idea of new constitution

Robinson projection

east and west are not distorted, but continental shapes are somewhat distorted

Ancient Egyptians

emerged as early as 5000 BCE in the Nile Valley; known for their pyramids, art, use of papyrus as paper, and pictorial writing (hieroglyphs); united under one monarch, or pharaoh

European expansion

establish trade with the eastern nations such as china and india. bc, no sea route had been established, all trade between asia and europe had to pass through the arab nations and middle east making them wealthy!

Persian Civilization

expanded into a huge empire. cultural tolerance of people they took over. improved trade in modern day middle east.

value/ limitations of oral histories

first hand knowledge provides important historical evidence preserving details details can become confusing if it's been a while can act as apologies highly subjective hindsight switches stories


flat, steep sided hills or mountains. Can refer to plateaus

Harlem Renaissance

flowering of African-American artistic creativity in the 1920s, centered in Harlem, New York City

primary groups

focused on a person's need for support, such as family or friend grouping

diplomatic history

focuses on politics, politicians and other high rulers and views them as being the driving force of continuity and change in history. This type of political history is the study of the conduct of international relations between states or across state boundaries over time. This is the most common form of history and is often the classical and popular belief of what history should be.


form of government in which a few people have the power


formal withdrawal of a state from the Union

sumer and akkadian civilizations and their contributions to history

formation of modern day civilization, modern cities

American Colonization Society

formed by protestants, aimed at returning black slaves to africa, former slaves formed Liberia

Federalists and democratic republicans

formed in the late 1700s, disagreed on power balance between state and federal government

steppe climate

found inland on large continents, prairies, summer is hot, winters are cold, sparse rainfall,

Roman language of Latin

foundation for all European languages.


free music festival attracting 400,000 young people to upstate New York, 1969

1st amendment

freedom of religion, speech, freedom of press, and the right to assemble


freeing of slaves

Auguste Comte

french philosopher, major theory= positivism: relies on physical and sensory data to evaluate human experience. ignores the metaphysical. FIRST SOCIOLOGIST IN THE WESTERN WORLD

Montesquieu and Rousseau

french philosophers, heavily influenced the french revolution, (1789-1815), idea of "Liberalism", man's innate goodness, reason developed alongside civilized society, citizens have obligations to govt, individual rights and community rights are equally important

Natural Resources

fresh water, arable land, fuel, livestock and game

deficit spending

government spending that exceeds revenue

effects of treaty of paris on native americans

granted native land to new colonial americans, treaties not honored, military action taking against them

double standard

granting greater sexual freedom to men than to women

Great Plains

grasslands extending through west-central U.S.

Winkel Tripel projection

greatly reduces distortion, most common way to map the globe

electoral college

group selected by states to elect president and vice-president; number of electors equals Congressional representation of each state

Knowledge Economy

growing sector in the economy of a developed countries, includes trade and development of data, intellectual property, technology

Presidential System

has a legislature and political parties, but there is no difference between head of state and head of government. Elected president performs as both.

Semi-democratic State

has both democratic & authoritarian elements, free elections

Lake Superior

has large concentration of iron, most has been depleted


history written with a strong connection to the primary sources could, somehow, be integrated with "the big picture", i.e. to a general, universal history. For example, Leopold Von Ranke, probably the pre-eminent historian of the nineteenth century, founder of "Rankean positivism," the classic mode of historiography that now stands against postmodernism, attempted to write a Universal History at the close of his career.

Spatial Relationships

how one place is located in relation to another place

social perception

how we perceive others, as we make judgements based on our own experiences and prejudices

Anglo conformity

immigrants and minorities conform to anglo culture by necessity or force

Federal Reserve System

implements all monetary policy in the US Provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and stable monetary financial system.

Cultural influences (sociology)

influences of culture on social groups

maubury v madison

judicial review

TR "Big Stick Diplomacy"

justified expanded involvement in foreign affairs, obligation to intervene

Linotype machine

keyboard-operated typesetting device


landowners give farmers land, seed, and tools in exchange for part of the crops raised


large farm where a single crop such as cotton is grown by slaves or other workers

social institutions (sociology)

large groups of people organized into specific niches of society


large, flat areas that are usually fertile

tokugawa shogunate

last feudal gov't to exist in japan edo period

Quing Dynasty

last imperial dynasty in china restrict foreign trade but gave in

social learning

learning based on observation of others, model behavior

decline of roman empire

leaves door open for new empires like the byzantine to emerge. several factors lead to decline including social decay, economic weakness, military attacks from germanic tribes, and political turmoil

Market failures

led by monopolies, oligopolies, and poorly designed property rights. Situations in which markets dont deliver socially optimal outcomes

Thomas Edison

light bulbs, motion pictures, the phonograph 1800s

Five fundamental themes of geography

location, place, human interactions, movement, regions


loose material being moved by wind, water, or ice ex. glacial movement

Michigan's Industries

lumber, mining and automoblie

Alien and Sedition Acts

made it illegal to hate on the gov't, president could deport people because of suspicion of treason


man made waterways connecting two or more bodies of water

Urban Planning

managing the development and use of cities

interest group theory

many different interests compete to control government policy, and that their conflicting interests can balance out each other to provide good government.

First Continental Congress

meeting of colonial leaders in Philadelphia in 1774, organized in response to the Intolerable Acts; colonial leaders later presented concerns to the king and were rebuffed

Second Continental Congress

meeting of colonial leaders in Philadelphia in 1775 when colonial leaders agreed on declaring independence and forming the United States of America

Black Panthers

militant political organization to combat police brutality and provide services in African-American ghettos, founded 1966

Romes notable contributions

military technology, political science, architecture, and language.

melting pot

mixing together of different groups brings about a new cultural identity


modern ideology, all nations are interdependent, politics requires the cooperation of many places

Constitutional Monarchy

modernization of monarchy, King or Queen still exist, but political decisions are made by democratic gov't like Parliament

gold standard

monetary system in which a country's currency is valued at a fixed sum of gold

hard money

money contributed directly to a campaign

soft money

money spent to fund efforts that benefit a candidate, such as advertising

Primary Election

most common way of choosing nominees, public election to choose candidates


movement from one place to another within a country

Great Migration

movement of African Americans to northern cities, early 20th century


movement of any loose materials on the earth's surface. Mechanical=natural, chemical=human doing

The slave trade

need for manual labor to cultivate cash crops of sugar cane in the caribbean

5th amendment

no individual is required to testify against themselves, can't be tried twice for the same crime

problems with the articles of confederation

no provisions for executive office to enforce laws or any laws about judicial branch monitoring the laws


northeastern Native American Civilization in New York and souther Ontario/Quebec; a confederation of six tribes

Price-taking assumption

numerous buyers and sellers that nobody is big enough to affect market price

Social behaviors (sociology)

observing how general behaviors change over time

population studies (sociology)

observing social patterns of groups of people who live in the same area

Desert Climate

occur where steppe climates receive little to no rainfall

tied chamber

occurs in a state legislature when the political parties in the legislature are equally divided

Secondary Socialization

occurs when an individual learns the appropriate values, actions, attitudes and behaviors as a member of a smaller group within a larger society


occurs when atmospheric elements effect the earth's surface, water/heat/ice/pressure all lead to this

Oligopoly (output market)

only a few firms control the production and distribution of products, such as automobiles. Barriers to entry are high, preventing large numbers of firms from entering the market.

lasting impact of the crusades

open trade

Coercive Acts

passed in 1774, meant to punish Massachusetts for defying British authority. 1.shut down Boston ports until paid back money for the tea 2.gov't officials appointed by governor, not elected by people 3. trials of british go to britain, not in the states 4. Lodging for soldiers, even in private homes led to assembly of first continental congress in 1774

Taft's "Dollar Diplomacy"

peaceful economic goals, but wanted to protect panama canal above anything because it was crucial to US trading, led to violent interactions

democratic gov't

people elect their own government representatives

group behavior

people gather with others with similar beliefs, needs, or other characteristics


period of rebuilding after the Civil War, former Confederate states readmitted to the Union efforts by union and lincoln to revive south

social contract theory

persons' moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live.

New Deal

plan presented by FDR to rescue the United States from the Great Depression; included emergency acts to save the banking system and long-term relief for the poor and unemployed

Jacksonian democracy

politics favors the common man, laissez faire business laws, and relocation of natives to American southwest


process of replacing U.S. troops in Vietnam with South Vietnamese troops; Nixon's strategy for ending U.S. involvement

Place Utility

product's desirability lies in it's connection to it's location and convenience

Form Utility

product's desirability lies in it's physical characteristics

organization of american states

promotes social and economic cooperation and development in the western hemisphere

Black Codes

proposed to control freed slaves, not allowed to bear arms, serve on jury, testify against whites

Limited Government (Free Market Economy)

regulation of the market economy by the government is limited. The role of government is usually limited to ensuring that the markets are open and working, all other market decisions are made by the market itself through the collective will and influence of the individuals operating in it

three components of monetary policy

reserve ratio, discount rate, open market operations

2nd amendment

right to bear arms

7th amendment

right to civil trial by jury

6th amendment

right to criminal trial by jury, right to legal counsel


risky business practices in the hope of making a quick or large profit

Ku Klux Klan

secret white supremacist organization that terrorized African Americans during Reconstruction

New France

settlement in Canada created by the French, Michigan was a part of it from 1668-1763

thematic map

shows very specific information, for example political info

Black Power

slogan revived by Stokely Carmichael in the 1960s to encourage black pride and leadership


smaller than oceans, surrounded by land. Also salt water

Civil Rights Movement

social and political movement for the rights of African Americans and other disenfranchised people in the 1960's

Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt

solidified the empire of egypt allowing it to focus on the cultivation of culture and the creation on monuments rather than the civil war.

counterfactual history

sometimes referred to as virtual history, is a recent form of historiography which attempts to answer "what if" questions known as counterfactuals. It seeks to explore history and historical incidents by means of extrapolating a timeline in which certain key historical events did not happen or had an outcome which was different from that which did in fact occur.

Classical conditioning

specific stimulus associated with specific response over time

compromises of constitutional convention

stopping slave trade representation in congress

Carl Jung

student of Freud, produced theory of introversion and extroversion and synchronicity, and collective unconsciousness


study of how living creatures interact with their environment


the control of a market for a good or service by one company or group


the development of cities; became a feature of human development at the advent of the 19th century Industrial Revolution, when unskilled jobs in factories attracted rural workers to cities, offering them higher wages than an agricultural lifestyle did

Intermediate Directions

the directions between the cardinal directions


the dispossession, imprisonment and murder of at least six million Jews, Roma, Slavic people, homosexuals, disabled people, people of color, prisoners of war, communists and others by the Nazis


the document that provides the framework for the U.S. government


the ending of legal slavery

demographic cycle

the evolution over time of the population profile of a country, region or other defined geographical area.

Nile Valley

the fertile land ont he banks of the Nile River conducive to agriculture and irrigation

Trail of Tears

the forced migration of Cherokee and others from their land in the Southeast to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) to make way for white settlers following the Indian Removal Act; the term describes the suffering, poor conditions and death suffered by many during the migration


the movement of urban dwellers from cities to live in growing suburbs, semi-rural areas at the outskirts of cities


the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism

Articles of Confederation

the original framework of the U.S. government, designed to create a loose confederation between the colonies (now states) while allowing them to retain much of their individual sovereignty; created an intentionally weak, democratic government

economic history

the study of how economic phenomena evolved in the past. Analysis in economic history is undertaken using a combination of historical methods, statistical methods and by applying economic theory to historical situations. The topic includes business history and overlaps with areas of social history such as demographic history and labor history. Quantitative economic history is also referred to as cliometrics.

Human Geography

the study of the impact of people on the physical world

Physical Geography

the study of the natural processes of the earth

Marine Climate

the warm and rainy climate located in the middle latitudes in areas that are near or surrounded by water


the way people, products, information, and ideas move from place to place. This can be a local phenomenon (I.E., commute to work) or local phenomenon (I.E., goods shipped across world)


views wealth as a finite amount and each nation must protect its own wealth


way of governing that values order and control over personal freedom; usually headed by a dictator

Promotion (Marketing Plan)

ways to let consumers know the product is available, through advertising and other means.

Divergent Plate tectonics

where two plates are moving apart, magma comes up to create new crust

debt peonage

workers bound in servitude until debts are paid


worldwide computer network that allows almost instant communication of words, pictures, and sounds

Wilmot Proviso

would have outlawed slavery in new territories

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