1 | Yin/yang theory, 5 elements, qi, bld, fluids

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"Vital substances" (4)

-qi -blood -essence -body fluid

Summary of Five Vital Substances characteristics and functions; QI -Characteristics

-Active, warming -Ascending, descending, outward, inward -Kid = root of ascending/descending -Sp/St = are the pivot

Yin/yang theory 1) The opposition of yin/yang

-An excess of yin leads to a def of yang/an excess of yang leads to a def of yin -When yin predominates, yang will be diseased; when yang predominates, yin will be diseased

Yin/yang theory 3) The inter-consuming/supporting relationship of yin/yang

-Consumption of yin leading to the gaining of yang; consumption of yang leading to the gaining of yin

Yin/yang theory 4) The inter-transforming relationship of yin/yang

-Extreme yin will produce yang, and extreme yang will produce yin...Severe cold will give birth to heat and severe heat will give birth to cold

Summary of Five Vital Substances characteristics and functions; Blood -Formation

-Middle burner receives qi, extracts its essence, and tforms it to red -Primarily composed of ying qi (nutrative qi) and jin ye (body fluids) -Sp > sends

Yin/yang theory 2) The Interdependence of yin/yang

-W/o yang, there would be no production of yin; without yin, there would be no production of yang

Yin/yang theory 5) The infinite divisibility of yin/yang

-Yin and yang could amount to ten in number; they could be extended to one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand or infinity

"3 aspects of blood" 1) Governed by the _________ 2) Stored by the _________ 3) Managed (checked/contained) by the _________

1) Heart 2) Liver 3) Spleen

Blood and fluids relationship 1) Do or don't induce sweat when there had been loss of blood 2) Do or don't bleed patients when there has been excessive sweating 3) Do or don't induce sweat when nosebleed 4) Do or don't induce sweat when hemorrhage

1) Don't 2) Don't 3) Don't 4) Don't

"4 Disorders of Fluids"

1) Fluid Damage 2) Fluid Desertion 3) Water Swelling 4) Phlegm-Damp impairment

4 "Interrelationships" of the 5 Elements

1) Generating (inter-promoting, acting): Mother/son 2) Controlling (interacting): Restraining 3) Over-controlling (overacting, over-checking): Attack when counterpart is weak, harmful) 4) Counteracting (counterchecking): Preying on other elements

List the "Five Shen" and their related organs and characteristic

1) Hun / Liv - Ethereal soul -At death, survives body to flow back to the world. Influences capacity of planning our life and finding a sense of direction 2) Po / Lu - Corporeal soul -Most physical part of human soul, formed at conception and dies with body. Closely related to essence 3) Zhi / Kid - Determined by Kid strength. Influences memory and recall 4) Thought/Intellect. Responsible for applied thinking, studying, memorizing, focusing, concentrating, generating ideas 5) Shen - Consciousness, thinking, memory, insight, cognition, sleep, intelligence, wisdom, ideas, affections, feelings, senses

"2 Primary Functions of blood"

1) Nourish & moisten entire body ("bld governs moistening") 2) Material base for mental activity Bonus 3) Carry & tfer qi of whole body

Yin/yang theory (5) What are they?

1) Opposition of yin/yang 2) Interdependence of yin/yang 3) Inter-consuming-supporting relationship of yin/yang 4) Inter-transforming relationship of yin/yang 5) Infinite divisibility of yin/yang -Oppose -Depend (-inter) -Divisible -Consume (-inter) -Tform (-inter) (its an ODD CounT)

Which is pre-natal essence, post-natal essence, kid essence? 1) Essence refined and extracted from food and fluids by st and sp after birth 2) Derives from pre and post-natal essence 3) Stored in Kid's but circulates throughout body 4) Blending of sexual energies of man and women from birth 5) This essence flows on a 7 year cycle for women and 8 year for men 6) Determines each persons constitutional make-up, strength and vitality

1) Post-natal 2) Kid 3) Kid 4) Pre 5) Kid 6) Pre

Summary of Five Vital Substances characteristics and functions; QI -4 Disorders

1) Qi Def 2) Qi stag 3) Qi counterflow 4) Qi sinking

Food and drink is transformed by the digestive function of the _____1_______ (organ) and then separated into clear and turbid by the _______2________ (organ) and transported by the ______3______

1) St 2) SI 3) Sp

1) The SI governs ye or jin? 2) The LI governs ye or jin?

1) Ye (humor) 2) Jin (liquid)

Blood belongs to yin/yang and governs what movement?

1) Yin 2) Stillness

Summary of Five Vital Substances characteristics and functions; QI -Classifications

1) Yuan qi (original qi) -Produced by Kid -Spread by TW -Stimulates functional activities of zang-fu -Yuan qi converge at Yuan source pnts 2) Zong qi (pectoral/ancestral qi) -Combo of Gu qi (from food) and Qing qi (clear/ancestral) -Assist lu and ht in functions -Promotes respiration by mving through respiratory tract -Gathers at Ren 17 (upper sea of qi) 3) Ying Qi (nutrient qi) -From qi of food and essence -Circulates IN vessels -Closely associated with bld -Nourished internal organs -Paired opposite of defense qi -Nourishes the body & generates bld 4) Wei qi (defensive qi) -Derived from qi of food essence -Circulates OUTSIDE chnls in space b/t muscles and skin -Protects body from ext. invasion -Warms muscles -Controls opening/closing of pores -Moistens skin and hair -Paired opposite of nutritive qi -Travels together with nutritive qi 5) Qing qi (clear qi) -Inhaled by lu 6) Gu qi (food qi) -First stage of tformation of food into qi 7) Qi of meridians & zong fu -Last stage of tformation of qi -Qi that circulates in chls and nourishes organs 8) Zheng qi (right qi) -General term to identify various types of qi that protect the body 9) Zhong qi (central qi) -Another way of defining St/Sp qi -or post-heavan qi derived from food 10) Xie qi (pathogenic qi) -Evil qi invading body

Summary of Five Vital Substances characteristics and functions; QI -5 movements

5 movements: -Stagnation -Counterflow -Sinking -Colaspse -Binding

Summary of Five Vital Substances characteristics and functions; QI -Physiological Functions

AWDeTraC -Activation -Warming (yang qi) -Defense -Transformation (metabolism) -Containment (and Nourishing (food qi))

4 "Interrelationships" of the 5 Elements 2) Controlling (interacting): Restraining

Each element controls another and is controlled by one. This creates balance and coordination between the elements. BALANCE

Name the 2 types of Body Fluids

Jin (liquids) and Ye (humors) -Both refer to all the normal fluid substances

4 "Interrelationships" of the 5 Elements 1) Generating (inter-promoting, acting): Mother/son

One element generates another and is generated by one. The generating element is referred to as the Mother element. The element that is generated from the Mother is called the Son element.

Do bld and fluids share the same source?

Yes -Bld and fluids are both fluidic yin substances -They both moisten and nourish -They are both derived from the essence of food and water -When fluid flows w/i vessel, it tforms into blood -THUS, it is said bld and fluids share same source

Spirt or Shen pertains to all yin or yang organs?


4 "Interrelationships" of the 5 Elements 4) Counteracting (counterchecking): Preying on other elements

This cycle is opposite to the overacting cycle.

4 "Interrelationships" of the 5 Elements 3) Over-controlling (overacting, over-checking): Attack when counterpart is weak, harmful)

This follows the same sequence of the controlling cycle, but instead, each element "over- controls" another, so that it cause it to decrease (the one which is over-controlled becomes weak.) PATHOLOGICAL

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