1. Types and components of computer systems

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WIMP Interface

Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointer


A mobile device that is thin and can be held in your hand. It contains touchscreen, which is operated by the user finger and can be viewed on the screen. Also it contains sensors such as accelerometer, magnetometer, and one or more cameras. this computer can connect to the internet using wi-fi or 3G. It's small and lightweight, recognises handwriting and can be used as a GPS system. Large screen size.

Impacts of AI on everyday life

Accurate prediction of weather, increasd leisure time, safer transport, increased personal safey, improved medical care.

Personal/Desktop computer

Advantages: Lots of memory space, easy to upgrade, fast processors, no battery, large screen, cheaper than laptops and tablets. Disadvantages: large footprint, need keyboard, mouse and monitor, big and heavy, can be noisy, requires a separate monitor, no wireless connection, not portable

Secondary/Backing Storage

All the devices (apart from ROM and RAM) that can store data in a computer system. It is non-volatile, so data that is stored on these devices remains there safely if the power is lost

Two types of Software

Applications software and System software

Impacts of Biometrics on everyday life

Better airport security, incresed building security, reduced car theft, more secure mobile phones.

Impacts of Quantum Encryption on everyday life

Completely secure voting, completely secure communication, completely secure bank transfers, completely secure personal information

Input Devices

Devices that pass data into the computer. They all take information from the outside world and convert them into data and then send this data into the computer for processing.

Output Devices

Devices that take data from the computer. They all take information from the computer and convert it into real world things.

Examples of Secondary/Backing Storage

Hard drive, CD-ROM, USB memory stick

The different between software and hardware

Hardware is a physical compoments that make up the computer system. Software is a instuction that tell the hardware what to do. To make a computer useful we need software and hardware together.

Advantages of CLI

If the user knows the correct commands then this type of interface can be much faster than any other type of interface

Impacts of Virtual Reality on everyday life

Improved medical surgeons, larger and stronger buildings, more effective treatment of phobias, training in dangerous situations, more realistic education.

Impacts of 3D Imaging on everyday life

Improved security, better movie experiences, greater data storage. Used in : • engineering design (CAD) • architecture (ability to rotate design through 360 degrees) • simulations • medical imaging (see inside organs in 3-D - links into tomography, which is the same technology behind 3-D printers) • cinema (special effects) • gaming (special effects) • advertising • holographic televisions (expected by around 2025, these should give a full 3-D experience without the need for special glasses) • holographic computer memories (a new type of optical storage - a crystal the size of a sugar cube can hold up to l TB of data) • optical computers (these will operate at speeds that are trillions of times faster than -current technology computers).

Impacts of Robotics on everyday life

Increased personal time, more efficient manufacturing, loss of jobs, safer working environments.


Is a large computer usually used but big business and universities.

ROM (Read-only Memory)

Is a non-volitalie storage, meaning that the data it contains is never lost, even if the power is switched off. It usually holds the BIOS that boots up the computer. The software checks the computer's hardware and then loads the operating system.

Virtual reality

Is an environment created by software. The user uses data googles, gloves and helmet to get a feel of reality.

Command Line interface (CLI)

Is telling the computer what to do using a text commands. The user responds to a visual prompt in a command on a specifies line. Then recieves a response back from the system and the user the types in the next command line.

Computer-assisted translation (CAT)

It a form of language translation in which a human translator usescomputer software to support and facilitate the translation process.

Operating system software

It manages many of the basic functions. Without this, most computers would be very user-unfriendly and the majority of users would find it almost impossible to work with computers on a day-to-day basis. this software allows: • input/output operations • userstocommunicatewiththe computer (for example, windows) • error handling to take place • the loading and running of programs to occur • managing of security (for exa mple, user accounts, log on passwords).

Impacts of CAT on everyday life

More accurate documents, a more multilingual society, quicker and more efficient translations


Part of computer program that translates a program written in a high-level language (HLL) into machine code (code that is understood by the computer) so that it can be directly used by a computer to perform a required task. The original program is called the source code and the code after compilation is called the object code.


Programs for controlling the operation of a computer or processing of electronic data.

Two types of Internal Memory


Advantages of GUI

Simpler to use and easier to teach people on who to use it. So people at any age can use it.

Disadvantages of GUI

Takes a lot of computing power, so a powerful computer is needed. Not as specific.

CPU (Central Processing Unit)

The Brain of the computer where most calculations take place.

RAM (Random-acess Memory)

The part of the computer that temporarily stores the instructions that the computer is running and the data it is processing. It is volatile.


The physical components of a computer system.

Low-vision enhancement systems (LVES)

The system allows images to be projected inside the headset in front of the eyes.

3D and holographic imaging

The technology that allows images to be produced in 3D. This involves the use of a source of laser light, interference of light, light diffraction, light intensity. Used in engineering design, medical imaging, gaming and cinema's.


These programs are software that has been designed to carry out specific tasks on a computer. Essentially, they are programsthat help to manage, maintain and control computer resources. Examples include: • antivirus • anti-spyware • backup of files • disk repair • file management • security • screensavers • disk defragmenter.

Super computer

They are the fastest and most expensive computers in the world. They generate so much heat that the have to be in specially designed rooms with environmental controls and air conditioning. They are used for weather modelling, scientific research in the medical field and military weapons.


This has that has multiple functions of a computer. Typically has a touchscreen interface, and can run and download applications. (Apps) No full size keyboard, smaller screen. highly portable

Artificial Inteligence

Trying to make computers behave like humans. E.g. Game playing, Expert Systems, Languages, Robotics

Quantum cyrptography

Uses our current knowledge of physics to develop a cryptosystem( encoding or decoding) that is not able to be defeated.

Graphic User interface (GUI)

WIMP is an example of this, visual interface easy for beginners.

Examples of Applications Software

Word processing, spreadsheet, database management systems, photo-editing software, video-editing software, graphics manupulation software

Disadvantages of CLI

You would have to type in a command, makes it difficult to use as you need the precise spelling. The user would have to learn a whole set of strange commands so that they could make use of the computer system. Only really suitable for expert users. Not interesting to look at, no visual clues to tell you what to do next.

Night vision enhancement (NVE)

amplifies infrared light and visible light allow the image to be seen in apparent darkness.

Examples of System Software

compliers, linkers, device drivers, operating systems, utilities


is a computer program that takes one or more object files produced by a compiler and combines them into a single program that can be run on a computer.

Device driver

is the name given to software that enables one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer's operating system. Without these, a hardware device (for example, a printer) would be unable to work with the computer.


means to measure and analyse some human characteristic in order to correctly identify an individual for authentication .eg.Fingerprint, Voice pattern, facial patterns,retinas or irises and other.

Examples of external hardware devices

monitors, keyboards, mice, printers

Examples of internal hardware devices

processor, motherboards, RAM, ROM, video cards, sound cards, hard disk drives


this computer compact and portable. We can bring them with us anywhere. They contain a rechargeable battery so it can be used without powering all the time. They have a full size keyboard. Instead of a wired connection to a network or printer, wireless radio connections are used. However they are expensive, eay to steal of lose and can over-heat easily because it is a compact system.

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