1.1Introduction to the Dynamic Environment and Roles of HR Managers

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How can HR professionals create a culture where ethical behavior is encouraged?

(1) Creating a positive work environment (2) Hiring ethical individuals (3) Providing ethical training (4) Labeling and modeling ethical behavior (5) Creating a well-defined code of ethics (6) Establishing an open-door policy

What are the six major trends that have been identified as influencing the work environment?

(1) Increased competition (2) The costs and benefits associated with HR utilization (3) Productivity changes (resulting from changes in technology, capital investment, the 2008-2014 recession, capital utilization, outsourcing, and government policies) (4) The increasing pace and complexity of social, cultural, legal, demographic, and educational changes (5) The symptoms of dysfunction in the workplace (6)Societal trends of the 21st century

What business and industry knowledge must an HR professional possess?

(1) strategic planning; (2) financial statements; (3) sales, marketing, and production techniques; (4) knowledge of how to use tools such as data processing and management information systems

A performance appraisal

(also known as a performance review, performance evaluation, or career development discussion) is a method by which an employee's job performance is evaluated

Human resource management is responsible for the recruitment, selection, training, and motivation of the organization's employees. Human resource management (or HRM) is therefore concerned with the fundamental task of defining and analyzing jobs in organizations. Other HR tasks include:

* Planning human resource needs within the organization * Staffing the organization's needs (once those needs have been identified) * Compensating and motivating employees * Appraising employee behavior and providing effective and constructive feedback * Enhancing the human potential within the firm * Improving the workplace environment and using the human resource capital within the organization to reach strategic goals * Maintaining effective work relationships * Globalizing the human resource management function within the firm

organizational culture where ethical behavior is encouraged and cultivated is created by:

* creating a positive work environment, * hiring ethical individuals, * providing ethical training, * labeling and modeling ethical behavior, * creating a well-defined code of ethics, * establishing an open-door policy, and * providing an employee assistance program (EAP).

HR Functions (aka areas a generalist has to know)

* recruiting and selecting employees (staffing) * training and development * compensation and benefits (total rewards) * employee and labor relations * health, safety and security

Staffing involves

* recruiting job applicants (also known as candidates), and then selecting the most appropriate applicants for the available jobs * staffing applies both to external candidates (those not currently employed by the firm) and internal candidates (those currently employed by the firm).

Internal Factors

* strategy *culture *technological resources *structure *Size of company *top management *how HR is perceived in company

External factors

*Economy (unemployment, taxes) *competition *globalization (international environment) *legal items and changes *demographics of talent pool

ways HR professionals can create an ethical organizational culture?

- Establishing an open-door policy - Hiring ethical individuals - Creating a positive work environment

What are the four implicit HR objectives?

1. Improve productivity 2. Improve quality of work life 3. Ensure legal compliance 4. Ensure ethical behavior

Effective HR Characteristics

1. Knowledge of the Business and Industry 2. Greater Understanding of Economic Phenomena 3. Analytical Abilities 4. Leadership and Influence 5. Propensity for Action 6. Engagement 7. Political Awareness 8. Customer Focus

Ethical theories are often divided into two separate categories.

1. The first category is consequentialist theories - which focus on the consequences of managers' actions. 2. The second is deontological theories - which focus on the rules or duties of managers

HR generalist should have a solid understanding of the following:

1. Training and Development 2. Compensation and Benefits 3. Employee and Labor Relations 4. Recruiting and Selecting Employees 5. Health Safety and Security

HR generalists often:

1. administer various human resource plans for the firm, 2. participate in developing goals and objectives for the department, 3. administer compensation programs 4. perform benefits administration 5. develop and maintain affirmative action programs, 6. conduct recruitment efforts 7. handle employee relations 8. participate in administrative staff meetings 9. assist in the evaluation of reports and decisions, 10. maintain human resource information system records, 11. ensure compliance with federal and state regulations.

There are four implicit HR objectives:

1. improve productivity, 2. improve quality of work life, 3. ensure legal compliance, and 4. foster ethical behavior.

Six major trends have been identified that represent the major events that influenced the growth and importance of HRM in society and in the world of work:

1. increased competition 2. the costs and benefits associated with HR utilization 3. productivity changes (resulting from changes in technology, capital investment, the 2008-2014 recession, capital utilization, outsourcing, and government policies) 4. the increasing pace and complexity of social, cultural, legal, demographic, and educational changes 5. the symptoms of dysfunction in the workplace, and 6. societal trends of the 21st century

HR Competencies

1. provide transformational leadership 2. collaborate and resolve strategic challenges within the firm, 3. encourage real employee involvement 4. empower and facilitate learning as well as change and decision-making 5. design process and performance systems, and 6. maintain a global business perspective

consequentialist theories

A consequentialist theory of ethics evaluates the rightness or wrongness of an action based on the consequences of that action. Consequentialist ethics focuses on the consequences, or end result, of an action.

HR Management framwork

All that HR manages

The HR Department ensures fair and consistent policy implementation.

Although HR managers may delegate much of the implementation of HR activities to line managers, the HR department is still responsible for ensuring that policies are implemented fairly and consistently.

Over the last several decades, employees have gained substantial rights within the workplace

As a result, employment decisions such as discharges, layoffs, and demotions must be made with care and for good reasons. It is critical that management observe employee rights

after hiring employees, companies must encourage employees to stay in addition to compensation, health and a safe environment

As part of this function, organizations must establish and maintain effective working relationships with employees

Health Safety and Security:

Because employees have the right to work in a safe environment, HR generalists should understand how to minimize safety risks.

The HR managers should be at the top of the hierarchy

Being at the top of the organization allows the HR manager to play a critical role in HR policy formulation and provides the power necessary for fair and consistent implementation of HR policies. HR is much more likely to be engaged in operational, managerial, and strategic activities.

Manage or Eliminate Threats

Conditions, trends, and barriers in the external environment that hinder firm performance represent threats.Marketers manage threats by either acting upon them or avoiding them

What are the two categories ethical theories are often divided into?

Consequentialist and deontological

Which of the following is not a way HR professionals can create an ethical organizational culture?

Constant monitoring of employees

Define "culture"

Culture represents the organization's value system.

deontological theories

Deontological theories of ethics evaluate the rightness or wrongness of an action based on how well that action conforms to some rule or principle, regardless of the consequences. Deontological theories do not focus on the results of an action, looking instead at whether an action is good in and of itself. Deontological ethics focuses more on moral duties and responsibilities of individuals to do the right thing.

What are the types of employee compensation?

Direct (salary, hourly rate, bonus, etc.) & Indirect compensation (services, benefits, training)

HR Growing in Importance

External: 1. Increased competition 2. Pace of change & complexity (social, cultural, legal, demo, ed) 3. Societal trends of the 21st century INTERNAL 1. cost & benefits of using human capital 2. productivity changes (technology) 3. symptoms of dysfunction in the workplace

Make the Most of Opportunities

Favorable conditions and trends in the external environment represent opportunities for marketers. For the company to benefit, these opportunities must be exploited.

HR department executives are now just as concerned with profits as any other executive.

HR department is now a key corporate division within most firms

What is the expectation of the HR department regarding change?

HR departments are expected to become agents for change and have the necessary skills to facilitate organizational change and maintain organizational flexibility and adaptability.

Define the term HR generalist.

HR generalists usually provide guidance, support management, and serve as a source of help and information on human resource matters


HR manager needs to be intimately involved in the structural changes of the organization. HR professionals must help develop plans and strategies, aiming to equip the company with the necessary workforce, both in quantity and quality; they must assist in the motivation and retention of employees whose organization is shrinking or rapidly expanding, etc.

What role does the planning function of human resource management play within organizations?

HR planning helps the organization better understand how many and what type of employees the organization will need in the future.

The HR Department stays abreast of change.

HR professionals must be attuned to changes in their field and the set of issues confronting a particular company.

Foster Ethical Behavior

HR professionals play a central role in creating and sustaining a positive work environment, it is important that they behave ethically. HR professionals are in positions of authority within the organization, they can influence others to make moral choices and behave ethically too. HR professionals can do this best by creating an organizational culture where ethical behavior is encouraged and cultivated.

Greater Understanding of Economic Phenomena

HR professionals to be more familiar with economic issues, such as cost of living indices and the unemployment rate.

Define the term HR specialist.

HR specialists are responsible for specific human resource management functions within the organization

HR functions are important because they serve to attract employees (an explicit objective). HR also has a few implicit objectives. Which of the following is an implicit HR objective?

Improvement of productivity

specialists are far more common in large organizations than small organizations

In small firms, HR generalists are often responsible for all human resource management functions within the organization

Ensure Legal Compliance

In working with employees, organizations must comply with the many laws, regulations, arbitrations, and court decisions regarding employees and the workplace. laws can impact nearly all functions, HR must be aware of all laws and regulations.

What factors might we consider that impact HRM?

Internal factors & external factors

Improving the Workplace Environment

Many firms realize that their strategic and competitive advantage is directly impacted when the employees' work environment is poor. Similarly, many organizations, such as Google, are doing all they can to build a creative and open workplace.

Some of the terms used in descriptions of the traditional work environment are stress, worker alienation, boredom, and job dissatisfaction. Many high-tech firms such as Intuit, Google, SAS, Genentech, and salesforce.com, in order to remain competitive, have implemented non-traditional work environments that foster openness, flexibility, and autonomy

Many of these firms have suggested that their non-traditional work environments have created a more positive workplace, resulting in greater creativity, productivity, and profitability.

What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis?

SWOT is a tool allows managers to assess the firm's internal abilities and vulnerabilities to the external environment.

SWOT analysis

SWOT is an acronym that stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.The SWOT analysis provides the firm actionable direction for competing in the marketplace. Conducting an environmental scan involves collecting external and internal information to assist the organization in focusing on the appropriate short- and long-term goals.

What should be the first step in any HR change initiative?

Securing top management support

what is strategic work

Strategic Work, on the other hand, focuses on the future and on the improvements and innovations needed to create an exceptional company.

Play to Strengths

Strengths refer to the firm's core competencies, abilities, and capacities that provide an advantage when meeting the needs of target customers. For example, production costs, marketing skills, brand image

what is tactical work

Tactical Work is the work HR professionals do every day such as responding to manager request, ensuring legal compliance, answering questions regarding policies

What is the difference between tactical work and strategic work?

Tactical Work is the work HR professionals do every day such as responding to manager request, ensuring legal compliance, answering questions regarding policies. Strategic Work, on the other hand, focuses on the future and on the improvements and innovations needed to create an exceptional company.

Propensity for Action

Take a proactive approach to management. Instead of waiting for others to come to them with problems, HR managers must be proactive in approaching people to discover the problems that already exist

Which internal factor refers to the firm's equipment and knowledge?


Implicit objective definition

The definition of implicit is, "implied or understood though not plainly or directly expressed." Something is, therefore, implicit when it is not directly stated but is either suggested in the wording or necessary to effectuate the purpose

The Economy

The economy is a critical element of the external environment. HRM has a major role in both strong and weak economies, although its priorities and functions change depending on the state of the economy.

The HR Department becomes an agent for change.

The need for organizations to adapt constantly to new technologies, structuring processes, cultures, and procedures is increasing because of greater competition. HR departments are expected to become agents for change and have the necessary skills to facilitate organizational change and maintain organizational adaptability

Define the term "moral philosophy."

The principles, rules, and values that individuals use in deciding what is right or wrong.

Business ethics

The values and principles that are used to evaluate whether the collective behavior of an organization's members is appropriate. (e.g., employee handbook, orientation, feedback, etc) *Good Business Ethics enhances organizational culture which: improve productivity, increase the public image, and helps avoid criminal acts which saves the company money.

the more developed its internal labor market is, and the less reliant it is on the external labor market.

This means that decisions on how to pay employees, how to evaluate them, how to classify jobs, and how to determine career paths are less dependent on what is going on outside the organization or among its competitors.With more reliance on the internal labor market, the organization has more discretion in determining and selecting HR policies

Who shapes an organization's culture?

Top management's values shape the organizational culture and strategy.

informal training

Training experiences that occur outside of formal training programs. Can include specific job assignments, experiences, and activities outside of work.

How can HR managers make a significant contribution toward productivity improvements?

Two areas HR managers can make a significant contribution toward productivity improvements are work organization and design.

Improve Productivity

Two areas in which HR managers can make a significant contribution toward productivity improvements are work organization and design. Because of the need for creative and productive employees, traditionally structured work—in which employee tasks and responsibilities are described in detail—can block creativity and restrict employees' ability to add value.

What is the focus of deontological theory?

Uses rules to distinguish right from wrong. Requires disregarding the possible consequences of our actions when determining what is right and what is wrong.the duty to do the right thing, regardless of the result

Moderate Weaknesses

Weaknesses refer to the limitations a firm faces when seeking to deliver value to customers. Like strengths, weaknesses are only meaningful when viewed through the eyes of customers. Marketers must try to make weaknesses seem less significant

Customer Focus

an organizational goal to concentrate on meeting customers' needs at all levels of the organization

Knowledge of the Business and Industry

an understanding of the firm's business objectives and the means that must be employed to attain them. professionals should also have solid training in strategic planning; in-depth understanding of financial statements; familiarity with sales, marketing, and production techniques; and knowledge of how to use modern tools such as data processing and management information systems.

The HR Department empowers line managers.

because the success of any HR initiative is based on the line managers who implement it, the HR department must have the ability to empower line managers to make things happen.

Improve Quality of Work Life

employees today prefer a greater level of involvement with their work.Many employers are convinced that by providing opportunities for employees to realize these aspirations, employees will be more content, and as a result, the quality of work life (QWL) within the organization will improve.

Training and Development

includes activities that attempt to improve an employee's current or future performance by increasing his or her ability to perform

Several areas within the organization influence HR activities

including top management, organizational strategy and culture, technology, structure, and size. For example, top management's values (part of the internal environment) shape the organizational culture and strategy, which in turn determine the structure of the firm.

Political Awareness

internal and external political skills and Awareness. *internal political awareness: ability to conserve with colleagues of multiple levels in the organization, etc. *external political awareness, includes keeping up with regulations and policies, laws, that might affect your company, etc.

Compensation and Benefits

is concerned with creating programs that attract and retain qualified job applicants, including those individuals who are most likely to help the organization achieve its strategic goals and objectives

A "flat" structure

is one that has fewer managers or a smaller management hierarchy. While this trend is occurring for a number of reasons, one reason is that, with technology and computers, close supervision of employees is unnecessary. technology allows work to be performed during non-traditional hours, away from physical manufacturing plants and offices

What is the focus of consequentialist theory?

judges whether or not something is right by what its consequences are.

Although many managers and employees avoid performance appraisals, they are important for both

measuring and monitoring an employee's contribution.

Analytical Abilities

must develop good analytical skills so that they can diagnosis and solve problems. This means that they must be able to look at a problem and understand it, articulate the problem so that others can understand it (especially upper management), and then they must be able to find a solution.

Once candidates have been identified, they must be selected for the job. Common selection techniques include

obtaining completed application forms, interviewing candidates, reviewing education and formal training verifications, and administering various formal and informal tests to determine fit and potential with the organization.

Those rewards that are directly linked to performance on the job are

often referred to as direct compensation

compensation that is given simply for being a member of the organization is

often referred to as indirect compensation.

Moral philosophy

principles, rules, and values people use in deciding what is right or wrong

labor relations

process of dealing with employees who are represented by a union (or trying to keep unions out)


refers to how an organization is going to compete. In other words, strategy describes the process by which an organization decides on which products or services to market and sell, which industries to enter, and how the organization is going to reach its desired goals in the marketplace.


refers to the equipment and knowledge used to produce goods and services, and the definition of technology may vary greatly by industry

Employee Relations

responsible for maintaining a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for all employees.

The planning function of human resource management involves two major activities:

strategic planning, and short- and medium-range planning

Leadership and Influence

the ability to affect the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, motivation, and/or behavior of others. Knowing how to influence decision makers without having formal authority and being able to sell and defend a position

what is HRM (Human Resource Management)

the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance

what Is HRM?

the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance ​

Quality of Work Life (QWL)

the quality of life experienced by employees in their work environments

The effectiveness of an organization's HR management function depends largely upon...

the quality of the people within the organization and the HR department. The wages, size and hierarchy of the HR department may vary with the company but it is the quality of the people that really matters.

Which position in the organization determines how important human resource management will be to that organization?

top management

Formal training and development

training and development programs, courses, and events that are developed and organized by the company

All selection procedures must comply with various items of federal and state human rights legislation. The goal of the selection process should be to identify a match between a candidate's ability and the requirements of the job.


An ethical dilemma arises when the actions of a person or organization might negatively influence or impact another individual.


As society becomes better informed, it also tends to become more critical, less accepting of authority, and more cynical. Many millennials entering the workforce appear to be particularly cynical about decisions made by supervisors, and correspondingly, more resistant to authority. older workers are more loyal to the company and accepting of authority


Ethics provides the foundation for what is good and bad in decision-making and is concerned with the kinds of values and morals that society finds desirable and appropriate. Because ethics is based on the character of individuals, it is also concerned with the virtue of individuals and their motives.


HR policies must work in compliance with the organization's overall strategy?


HR specialists must have the skills required for their specialty, an awareness of that specialty to other HR activities, and knowledge of the organization and where the HR department fits within it.


Performance appraisals are frequently the basis for promotions, trainings, and raises, as well as for terminating employees


employees are generally rewarded on the basis of the value of the job, their personal contributions, and their performance.


many millennials entering the workforce today are more concerned with the ability to grow and develop personally than they are with their direct compensation


poorly selected employees can cause real harm to a company, and poorly designed programs for maintaining employee motivation can leave employees unsatisfied while individual and organizational performance suffers


the HR function must be able to not only manage and channel the skills of young workers, but also manage a workforce with a mixed set of values.


the HRM field has seen a substantial interest in both formal and informal training and development.


Employee and Labor Relations

understand Labor laws and unions, and how to keep unions out.

Recruiting and Selecting Employees

understand how to recruit and obtain sufficient numbers of highly qualified applicants and then set up processes to ensure that the organization selects the most appropriate people to fill organizational jobs.

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