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a. Recall visit every 6 months

Based on the patient's history, you determine the patient is a high caries risk patient. Which of the following is NOT a part of the care pathway for caries management for this patient? (case study) a. Recall visit every 6 months b. Brushing with 0.5% fluoride c. Dietary counseling d. Radiographs every 6 months

c. Micromechanical bonding to both enamel and dentin

Glass ionomers are a favorable material to use on pediatric patients for all of the following reasons except: a. Decreased moisture sensitivity compared to resins b. Thermal expansion similar to that of tooth structure c. Micromechanical bonding to both enamel and dentin d. Uptake and release of fluoride e. All choices are favorable properties


9 year old male presents for a periodic exam with both parents What stage of child development best characterizes the patient? (case study)

e. Maxillary occlusal

A 2 year 6 month old female is brought to your office immediately following a fall that caused her to hit her mouth on the edge of the coffee table. According to the mother, there was no loss of consciousness after the injury. This patient is healthy (ASA I) and has no known food or drug allergies. Upon clinical examination you note tooth #E is not visible in the mouth. What is the minimum radiographic image that should be obtained to assist in your diagnosis and treatment planning of the traumatic injury? a. Lateral film b. Panoramic c. No radiographs required d. Bitewings e. Maxillary occlusal

b. 500

A 22 pound girl who had a congenital heart valve defect repaired with prosthetic material 3 months ago and has no known drug allergies should receive a dose of ______ mg of amoxicillin 30 to 60 minutes prior to an extraction procedure a. No antibiotic prophylaxis is required in this situation b. 500 c. 750 d. 250 e. 1,000

Amox 50mg/kg, max 2g

A 3 year 4 month old female .....Down Syndrome and Tetralogy of Fallot....What is the correct SBE regimen for this pediatric patient

Hospital setting, general anesthesia

A 3 year 4 month old female .....Down Syndrome and Tetralogy of Fallot....What is the most appropriate treatment environment for this patient?

b. Pulpal necrosis

A 3 year 7 month old child presents with a history of nocturnal pain on the mandibular right side a month ago, though not currently symptomatic. The medical history is non-contributory, and the patient has no known drug allergies. Clinically, tooth #S has a large DO carious lesion and is tender to percussion. You obtain the following radiograph. What is your pulpal diagnosis for tooth S? a. Irreversible pulpitis, asymptomatic apical periodontitis b. Pulpal necrosis c. Reversible pulpitis, normal periapical d. Irreversible pulpitis, symptomatic apical periodontitis e. Irreversible pulpitis, normal periapical

c. Extraction and a band and loop space maintainer

A 4 year 3 month old child presents with a history of nocturnal pain of the mandibular right side, the tooth is not currently symptomatic. The medical history is non-contributary, and the patient has no known drug allergies. Clinically, tooth #S has a large DO carious lesion and is tender to percussion. You obtain the following radiograph. Which is the preferred treatment option for the management of tooth #S? a. MTA pulpotomy and stainless steel crown restoration b. Extraction and a distal shoe space maintenance c. Extraction and a band and loop space maintainer

e. The pulp is vital, and indirect pulp treatment is indicated

A 5 year 6 month old presents as an emergency; the parent reports the child complains of pain after eating. There is no pain percussion or palpation. The radiograph reveals a large cavity on tooth #K with deep decay that is 1.5 mm from the pulp. There is no inter-radicular pathology and an intact lamina dura. The preferred treatment for this tooth is a. The pulp is most likely non-vital, and a pulpotomy is indicated b. The tooth is probably non-vital, and extraction is indicated c. Symptoms and radiograph are contradictory; a course of action is unclear, prescribe palliative treatment d. The cavity should be fully excavated to determine if the pulp is exposed e. The pulp is vital, and indirect pulp treatment is indicated

b. Check for adequate anesthesia prior to further treatment

A 5 year old healthy child presents for a scheduled visit for extraction of tooth L. The child was cooperative (+) for his previous restorative visit. You give the child a mandibular block with one carpule of 2% lidocaine 1:100,000 epinephrine. As you begin to elevate the tooth, the patient suddenly becomes uncooperative, hitting your hand away from his mouth and he is screaming and crying. You are able to calm him down. Your next step would be a. Utilize voice control and positive reinforcement to gain cooperation of the patient b. Check for adequate anesthesia prior to further treatment c. Reappoint the patient to attempt the procedure again with nitrous oxide analgesia d. Refer the patient to the hospital emergency department for treatment under general anesthesia e. Utilize protective stabilization to perform the extraction

e. No radiographs are necessary if no caries or pathology is noted clinically

A 5 year old male presents with his mother for a 6 month recall. His dental age is consistent with his chronological age and he has generalized interproximal spacing. Which radiographs would you prescribe? a. 2 bitewings b. 2 bitewings, maxillary occlusal and mandibular occlusal c. 4 bitewings d. 4 bitewings and a panoramic e. No radiographs are necessary if no caries or pathology is noted clinically

e. 2 bitewings and a panoramic

A 7 year 9 month old female presents with her mother for a new patient examination. Her dental age is consistent with her chronological age and all posterior contacts are closed. Which radiographs would you prescribe? a. 4 bitewings b. 2 bitewings, maxillary occlusal and mandibular occlusal c. No radiographs are necessary if no caries or pathology is note clinically d. 2 bitewings e. 2 bitewings and a panoramic f. 4 bitewings and a panoramic

c. Partial (Cvek) pulpotomy and monitoring the root's development

A 7 year old patient presents with a traumatic injury that occurred at school one hour ago. A review of systems reveals that the patient has no significant medical history, and no known drug allergies, immunzations are up to date. There was no loss of consciousness reported. Tooth #8 presents with no abnormal mobility or displacement, the tooth presents with a fracture involving the enamel, dentin and 1 mm of pulp exposed. What is the preferred treatment option for tooth #8? a. Extraction of the tooth b. Indirect pulp therapy and monitoring the root's development c. Partial (Cvek) pulpotomy and monitoring the root's development

c. Monitor for exfoliation

A 7 year old presents for a visit to your office, with a past history of trauma to tooth #E. Tooth #9 is fully erupted (patient presents with erupted D, E, 9, G). You take a maxillary occlusal and note the pulp canal obliteration #E. The child has no other treatment needs. What is the recommended treatment for #E? a. Recall in 2 months, have child self-extract b. 6 month recall c. Monitor for exfoliation d. Extract

b. Reversible pulpitis

A 7-year old child presents to your office with pain on tooth #A. Symptoms include pain when he drinks or eats something cold, no pain on percussion, no abnormal mobility. Clinical presentation shows the tooth has a large occlusal lesion, soft tissue appears healthy. There is no radiographic pathology seen on bitewing radiographs. Your diagnosis of the pulp status would be (select all that apply) a. Necrotic b. Reversible pulpitis c. Non-vital d. Vital e. Irreversible pulpitis

a. Extraction

A 9 year old child presents to your office for an emergency appointment. The chief complaint is that # L hurts and woke her up 2 nights ago and has Been spontaneously hurting her over the past week. Pain does not help with tooth brushing. Clinically, there is a large mesial occlusal carious lesion. There is grade two mobility and pain appan percussion. The radiograph reveals a large mesial occlusal lesion as well as a radiolucency associated with the furcation of tooth # L and widening of the periodontal ligament and loss of lamina dura. Based on the information given, which of the following is an appropriate treatment for tooth # L. a. Extraction b. Direct pulp cap with calcium hydroxide + SSC c. indirect pulp therapy and mesio-occlusal composite restoration d. Pulpotomy + stainless steel Crown

b. Congenital cardiac condition

A five year old with Trisomy 21 presents to your office for a first visit. In reviewing the medical history, which of the following conditioned would be most likely encountered? a. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis b. Congenital cardiac condition c. Hydrocephalus d. Parotitis e. None of the above

a. Anxious 5 year old NO2 / O2 Indications: o Fearful, anxious patient o Special health care needs o Pt with gag reflex interfering with dental tx o Pt for whom profound local anesthesia can't be obtained o Cooperative child undergoing a lengthy procedure

Nitrous Oxide / Oxygen Analgesia is indicated for: a. Anxious 5 year old b. Cooperative 4 year old c. Combative 3 year old d. Hysterical 7 year old e. All the above

b. Fluoride varnish 3-4 times/year

A healthy (ASA 1) 18 month of female presents for an initial dental visit with her mother. She lives in a home that uses well water that has fluoride concentration of 0.2 ppm that is used for both cooking and drinking. Clinically there are white spot lesions on the facial surfaces of the maxillary central and lateral incisors. The parent brushed the child's teeth 1x/day with "training toothpaste". As you review the patients diet with her mother, you learn that the child drinks watered down apple juice from a sippy cup throughout the day. Which of the following treatment options is indicated for the management of the white spot lesions? a. Switch to fluoride toothpaste 1x/day b. Fluoride varnish 3-4 times/year c. Prevident d. ACT fluoride rinse e. SDF f. MI Paste

b. 0.25 mg

A healthy (ASA 1) 24 month old male presents for an initial dental visit with his mother. He lives in a home that uses well water that has a fluoride concentration of 0.1ppm, the water is used for both cooking and drinking. Clinically, there are demineralized white-spot lesions on the facial surface of the maxillary lateral incisors; the maxillary central incisors have cavitated facial lesions. According to this child's age and the fluoride concentration in her water source, the appropriate daily dose for systemic fluoride supplementation would be a. No supplementation recommended b. 0.25 mg c. 0.50 mg d. 1.00 mg e. 0.15 mg

f. Hall crown or ITR

A healthy (ASA 1) 3 year 6 month old male presents with his mother for his first dental visit. You review medical, dental, and social history. On examination you note the findings in the images below. In addition to these findings, #B also has demineralization on the buccal surface. He is cooperative for exam and radiographs but uncooperative for the cleaning. What is the appropriate minimally invasive treatment plan for tooth #B? a. DO Composite b. Fluoride varnish 6 month recall c. ITR d. Hall crown e. O composite f. Hall crown or ITR

c. Substitute over-the-counter toothpaste with Prevident Plus 5000 toothpaste at nighttime brushing

A healthy (ASA 1) 4 year 4 month old female presents for an initial dental visit with her mother. They live in a non-flouridated community and drink bottle water. The child has white spot lesions and carious lesions on several teeth but is not in any pain. The child brushes her teeth unsupervised. As you review the patient's diet with her mother, you learn that the child drinks apple juice in a sippy cup, snacks daily on goldfish crackers and "welch's fruit snacks". All of the following recommendations are appropriate to improve the oral health status of this child EXCEPT a. Eliminate apple juice in sippy cup b. Supervise the child's daily brushing c. Substitute over-the-counter toothpaste with Prevident Plus 5000 toothpaste at nighttime brushing d. Decrease snacking with cariogenic foods in between meals e. Substitute whole fruits for Welch's fruit snacks

a. Pulpectomy, Stainless steel crown History of nocturnal pain but no pain anymore = Necrotic pulp

A healthy (ASA 1) 5 year old male presents with his father for first visit to the dentist. Dad says that two months ago he woke up in pain in the middle of the night but currently not experiencing any discomfort. You take all relevant medical, dental and social histories. You proceed with a clinical and radiographic examination with your findings in the images below. What is the most appropriate treatment plan for tooth #I? a. Pulpectomy, Stainless steel crown b. Indirect pulp treatment, Stainless steel crown c. Pulpotomy, Stainless steel crown d. Extraction, No space maintenance is necessary e. Extraction, band and loop appliance

d. MO composite (traditional preparation)

A healthy (ASA 1) 7 year 6 month old male present with his father for a new patient exam. He is not in any pain. Upon intraoral examination, tooth #A appears clinically sound. Patient behavior is cooperative for exam, radiographs and prophylaxis. Based on the image below, what is the appropriate treatment plan for tooth #A? a. Stainless steel crown b. No treatment required c. Mesial composite (slot preparation) d. MO composite (traditional preparation) e. Remineralization with fluoride varnish

d. Hall Crown

A healthy (ASA I) 5 year 6 month old female presents with her mother for a new patient exam, she has been seen previously by a general dentist and referred to your office for treatment. You review medical, dental and social history. On clinical examination you notice arrested caries on #S. On radiographic examination you note the findings in the image below. This patient is cooperative for the visit today but has a history of being uncooperative for dental visits (per mom). What is the appropriate minimally invasive treatment plan for tooth #S? a. Fluoride varnish, 6 month recall b. ITR c. O composite d. Hall Crown e. DO composite

a. Indirect pulp treatment, Stainless steel crown

A healthy (ASA I) 5 year 6 month old female presents with her mother for a recall. Her last visit was two years ago when restorative treatment was completed for the lower right quadrant. She is not complaining of pain and has never had any complaints of pain. On intra- oral examination you know an intact DO composite restoration on #S and caries on #T. What is the appropriate traditional restorative treatment plan for tooth #T? a. Indirect pulp treatment, Stainless steel crown b. Pulpotomy, Stainless steel crown c. Indirect pulp treatment, MO composite d. Extraction with space maintenance e. MO composite

None of the above

A healthy (ASA I) 6 year old male presents with his father for a recall exam. He is not in any pain. His previous treatment included a restoration on tooth S when he was cooperative. Patient behavior is cooperative for exam and radiographs but uncooperative for the prophylaxis. You decide to proceed with a minimally invasive treatment plan. Based on the image below, what is the appropriate minimally invasive treatment plan for tooth #T?

c. Increased fl regiment to remineralize with prevident 5000 ○ Preventive: place varnish at recalls ○ Remineralization: varnish 3-4x a year, OTC rinse, prevident, MI paste ○ Arresting: varnish 3 applications 3 weeks, 1 application per month for 4 months

A healthy (ASA I) 6 year old male presents with his father for a recall exam. He is not in any pain. His previous treatment included a restoration on tooth S when he was cooperative. Upon intraoral examination, tooth #A appears clinically sound. Patient behavior is cooperative for exam and radiographs but uncooperative for the prophylaxis. You decide to proceed with a minimally invasive treatment plan. Based on the image below, what is the appropriate minimally invasive treatment plan for tooth #A? a. Increased fl regimen to arrest with OTC toothpaste b. Increase fl regimen to remineralize with OTC toothpaste c. Increased fl regiment to remineralize with prevident 5000 d. Increased fl regimen to arrest with prevident 5000

d. All of the above

Nitrous oxide usage is acceptable for children with a. Controlled asthma b. Sickle cell anemia c. Cyanotic cardiac disease d. All of the above e. A and B

d. Localized juvenile spongiotic gingival hyperplasia Anterior facial maxillary gingiva; can be multifocal; bleeds easily; non-tender; papillary, pedunculated, red nodule or velvety granular patch

A healthy 12 year old female presents with mom for her routine 6 month recall exam. She noticed some bleeding when brushing on the upper right but is not experiencing any pain. She is not currently taking any medications and has no known food or drug allergies. On clinical examination you note generalized poor oral hygiene with bright red localized gingival overgrowth in the anterior maxilla. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Peripheral ossifying fibroma b. Fibrous hyperplasia c. Inflammatory gingivitis d. Localized juvenile spongiotic gingival hyperplasia e. Pyogenic granuloma

b. Soft tissue trauma

A healthy 4 year old child had a routine extraction of a primary mandibular molar. Which of the following post-operative problems is the most likely to occur? a. Dry socket b. Soft tissue trauma c. Pain on chewing d. Trauma following an extraction is rare, it is uncommon to have post-operative problems e. Prolonged bleeding

a. .5mg daily fluoride supplement b.. MI paste c. OTC fluoride toothpaste, pea size 2x/day d. Recall q3m w/ fluoride varnish

A healthy ASA 1 3 year 6 month presents...active caries and on multiple teeth and multiple white spots. What preventive regimen would you recommend? Select all that apply a. .5mg daily fluoride supplement b.. MI paste c. OTC fluoride toothpaste, pea size 2x/day d. Recall q3m w/ fluoride varnish

a. Nance appliance

A patient of dental and chronological age 8 years is treatment planned for the extraction of all maxillary right and left primary molars. Please select the appropriate space maintainer for this patient. a. Nance appliance b. Distal shoe c. Band and loop d. Lower lingual holding arch e. No space maintainer needed, premolars will soon erupt

e. All of the above are advantages of nitrous oxide NO2 / O2: o Reduce uncooperative behavior o Reduce anxiety o Enhance muscle relaxation o Depresses gag reflex o Increase tolerance for longer procedures in a cooperative patient o Amnesia o Analgesia

An advantage of using nitrous oxide is that it: a. Permits titration to desired effect b. Is accepted by parents c. Has a rapid onset of action d. Is non-invasive e. All of the above are advantages of nitrous oxide

c. Should be allowed to exfoliate naturally if mobile

An over-retained mandibular primary incisor a. Is a familial trait b. Is indicative of severe space deficiency c. Should be allowed to exfoliate naturally if mobile d. Can be observed for 6 months e. Should be extracted as soon as the permanent tooth is discovered

D. 10

According to the "rule of 3", during which of the following ages would you expect the apices of tooth #9 to close? A. 5 B. 13 C. 7 D. 10

d. No treatment; but continued observation for spontaneous re-eruption with one month recall frequency

According to the IADT Dental Trauma Guidelines, what is the recommended treatment for an intruded primary incisor a. Extraction b. Place the patient on antibiotics, and observe for spontaneous re-eruption with one month recall frequency c. No treatment, recall patient in 3 months d. No treatment; but continued observation for spontaneous re-eruption with one month recall frequency e. Place a flexible splint from canine to canine

a. 7, 10, 21, 30

According to the radiographs, which of the following choices correctly lists permanent tooth buds that are all visible (either partially or entirely) on the radiographs? (case study 3) a. 7, 10, 21, 30 b. 2, 9, 10, 18 c. 3, 8, 12, 19 d. 4, 5, 8, 9, 19

a. B, C, F, I, S

According to the radiographs, which of the following choices correctly lists teeth that have a carious lesion, involving the dentin, on the distal surface? (case study 3) a. B, C, F, I, S b. A, B, E, I, S c. 3, H, I, L, S d. 3, A, H, I, S, T

c. Nasolabial cyst

All of the following pathologic lesions usually self-resolve EXCEPT: a. Dental lamina cyst b. Eruption cyst/hematoma c. Nasolabial cyst d. Bohn's nodule e. Epstein pearls

a. MIH Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH): ○ One or more permanent molars and/or incisors, highly sensitive ○ Treatment: desensitizing agents, remin paste, early coverage of area or full coverage

An 8 year old child presents to your office after referral from another dentist. Medical history is noncontributory, extra-oral examination had significant findings. Intra-oral examination revealed age appropriate dental development. Three first permanent molars appear soft, with yellow opaque enamel, and occlusal cavitation present. There are similar areas on the maxillary permanent central incisors but not on any other teeth. The most likely diagnosis for the child's dentition could include a. MIH b. Enamel hypoplasia secondary to illness at 6 months of age c. Tuner tooth d. Amelogenesis imperfecta hypomaturation e. Dentigoenesis imperfect type 2

c. General anesthesia Minimal Sedation / Ankylosis: - Responsiveness = Normal response to verbal stimulation - Airway = Unaffected - Spontaneous Ventilation = Unaffected - Cardiovascular Function = Unaffected Moderate Sedation / Analgesia: - Responsiveness = Purposeful response to verbal commands or light touch - Airway = No intervention required - Spontaneous Ventilation = Adequate - Cardiovascular Function = Usually maintained Deep Sedation: - Responsiveness = Purposeful response to repeated or painful tactile stimulation - Airway = Intervention may be required - Spontaneous Ventilation = May be inadequate - Cardiovascular Function = Usually maintained

At this depth of sedation, the patient will be unarousable even to repeated or painful stimulation and there is a loss of protective reflexes inducing the ability to maintain an airway independently. a. Deep sedation b. Minimal sedation c. General anesthesia d. Moderate sedation

d. 2 carpules

Before you extract tooth #T, you need to give local anesthesia. According to the AAPD, what is the maximum number of carpules of lidocaine that can be given to this patient? (reminder: 1 carpule (1.7mL)= 34 mg lidocaine. ) (case study 3) a. 4 carpules b. 3 carpules c. 1 carpule d. 2 carpules

e. All answers are correct

Common mistakes made by the dentist attempting to anesthesia a child include a. Using inappropriate disease b. Waving the needle in front of the patient c. Using long needles d. Not getting supportive control of the patients head and hands e. All answers are correct

d. A and B

Nitrous oxide usage is acceptable for children with a. Controlled asthma b. Sickle cell anemia c. Otitis media d. A and B e. All the above

c. Distal step

While doing a clinical exam on a 4 year old, you notice that the teeth #s J and K have the following relationship (see image). What is the child's class of molar occlusion? a. Class 1 b. Class 2 c. Distal step d. Flush terminal plane e. Class 3

e. Force to allow non-emergent treatment

Dealing with a child who presents with a frightened cry during dental treatment may include all of the following except: a. Firmness and gentleness of directions b. Tell show do c. Positive reinforcement d. Parent present in room to provide moral support e. Force to allow non-emergent treatment

c. In the inter-radicular/furcation region

Due to anatomical differences, the evidence of pulpal necrosis in a primary molar in the form of a radiolucent pathology is usually first seen on a radiograph a. At the root apices b. As external root absorption c. In the inter-radicular/furcation region d. As internal root resorption

e. That of an average weight child for the age group

Obese children are at risk for drug toxicity because their blood volume is relatively less than their weight would indicate. Therefore, the safest effective dose for local anesthesia would be a. Calculate dosage on child's weight b. Twice the calculated dose c. One-half of the toxic dose for the actual weight d. One-half the calculated dose e. That of an average weight child for the age group

d. Enamel/Dentin Hypoplasia

Following an injury to a primary anterior tooth such as luxation, the most common sequelae to the succedaneous tooth is a. Crown dilacaeration b. Necrosis c. Ankylosis d. Enamel/Dentin Hypoplasia e. No injury usually occurs

d. Glass ionomer

For partially erupted permanent molars, the most appropriate sealant material is a. A sealant should not be placed on a partially erupted tooth b. Flowable composite without bonding agent c. Resin modified glass ionomer d. Glass ionomer e. Cyanoacrylate f. Flowable composite with bonding agent

Normal eruption

Given the history and timing of exfoliation of teeth #A and B and the patient's age when it happened, what would you predict for the timing of eruption of the succedaneous premolars?(case study)

c. 132 mg Maximum 2% Lido with 1:100,000 epi = 4.4 mg/kg & 2.0 mg/Ibs

How much (in mg) of 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine can be safely administered to a 7 year old who weighs 66 pounds? a. 210 mg b. 110 mg c. 132 mg d. 396 mg e. 264 mg

d. All of the above

Injuries often associated with child abuse/neglect may include a. High percentage present with head and neck injuries b. Extrusion of maxillary incisors c. Torn maxillary frenum d. All of the above e. A and B

e. All of the above

Modeling can be an effective non-pharmacologic tool with a pediatric dental patient. Who can be utilized as a model? a. Parent b. Sibling c. Dental assistant d. Dentist e. All of the above

d. All the above

There are times during dental appointments that are crucial in assuring a positive dental experience. This includes a. Separation of child and parent b. Child getting into the dental chair c. The dentist seated by the chair d. All the above e. A and B

d. An interdisciplinary team

Oral care of the patient with unrepaired unilateral complete cleft is best managed by a. A prosthodontist b. A pediatric dentist c. An oral surgeon d. An interdisciplinary team

c. Positive (+)

Past behavior (as noted by the referring general dentist): • Patient was compliant with past dental treatment but initially demonstrated some reservations • Demonstrated some caution at times when entering the office and before treatment started • Ultimately followed the dentist's instructions and accepted treatment Using the Frankl behavioral rating scale, which rating best describes the patient's "past behavior" at the referring general dentist's office? a. Definitely positive (++) b. Negative (-) c. Positive (+) d. Definitely Negative (--)

e. 2% lidocaine, 1: 100,000 epinephrine-300mg

Patient weight: 114.3kg According to the AAPD, what is the maximum dosage of 2% lidocaine 1:100k epinephrine this child can receive? (case study 4) a. 2% lidocaine, 1:100,000 epinephrine- 500mg b. 2% lidocaine, 1:100,000 epinephrine-400mg c. 2% lidocaine, 1:100,000 epinephrine-600mg d. 2% lidocaine, 1:100,000 epinephrine- 750mg e. 2% lidocaine, 1: 100,000 epinephrine-300mg

All of the above

Positive reinforcement for the pediatric patient during their dental treatment may include

d. 1-5 years

Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis is most likely to occur in which of the following age groups? a. 11-15 years b. 6-10 years c. 16-20 years d. 1-5 years e. 21-25 years

e. Band and loop

Tooth #T requires extraction due to extensive caries. Assuming no other teeth were extracted and assuming a space maintainer should be placed, what space maintainer is indicated? (case study 3) a. Nance appliance b. Lower lingual holding arch c. Transpalatal arch d. Distal shoe e. Band and loop

a. The practitioners convenience

The decision to use protective stabilization for a patient must take into consideration all of the following except? a. The practitioners convenience b. Patients emotional and cognitive development c. The practitioners training d. Alternative behavior guidance modalities e. Patients medically and physical considerations

a. Penicillin VK - 25-50 mg/kg per day

The drug of choice for children who require antibiotic coverage for a dental alveolar infection which does not present with extra-oral swelling is: a. Penicillin VK - 25-50 mg/kg per day b. Amoxicillin 20-40 mg/kg per day c. Clindamycin 8-20 mg/kg per day d. Amoxicillin 1000 mg per day in three divided doses e. Penicillin VK - 1000 mg per day in four divided doses

b. Gemination

The following radiograph indicated what? a. Twinning b. Gemination c. Concrescence d. Fusion

b. Intrusion

The injury to the left CI is an example of? a. Subluxation b. Intrusion c. Concussion d. Avulsion e. Extrusion

c. Cavitated surface layer

The key characteristic of a carious lesion, in regard to whether or not it can be remineralized is: a. Degree of microbial colonization b. Texture of the lesion c. Cavitated surface layer d. Longevity of the lesion e. Color of the lesion

b. Removal of all but the deepest layer of decay

The most important predictor(s) in a primary tooth that IPT will be successful is the a. Tooth has irreversible pulpitis b. Removal of all but the deepest layer of decay c. History of nocturnal pain d. Ability to achieve and sustain a good marginal seal e. All the above

c. Laterals, molars, canines

The normal exfoliation order of the maxillary primary teeth generally begins with the centrals and is followed by a. Molars, laterals, canines b. Laterals, canines, molars c. Laterals, molars, canines d. Canines, laterals, molars e. Molars, canines, laterals

b. Positive reinforcement

The patient behaves in a similar manner to her past appointments. You decide to try some basic behavior guidance. While doing your clinical exam, your patient is still a little apprehensive to the explorer but eventually you ask your patient to open wide and she opens very wide. You respond by saying "great job! Thanks for opening so big like that!" which of the following terms best describes the type of basic behavior guidance technique used? (case study) a. Non-verbal communication b. Positive reinforcement c. Distraction d. Tell-show-do e. Direct observation

d. A very young child with minimal oral health care needs that could be differed or address with other therapeutic interventions or treatment

The use of general anesthesia may be considered for all of the following except: a. A child requiring immediate, comprehensive oral health care b. A child requiring significant surgical procedures c. A child who is unable to cooperate owning to a lack of psychological or emotional maturity and or cognitive, physical, or medical disability d. A very young child with minimal oral health care needs that could be differed or address with other therapeutic interventions or treatment

e. 8 years

Use of tetracycline antibiotics should be avoided in children below what age? a. There is no age limitation with tetracycline antibiotics b. 3 years c. 12 years d. 21 years e. 8 years

g. All of the above

What are some of the complications sometimes seen in pediatric patients with cerebral palsy? a. Persistent drooling b. Perioral hypotonia c. Anterior open bite d. Dysphagia e. Narrow palate f. Poor oral hygiene g. All of the above

e. All except D

What is an acceptable transport medium for an avulsed permanent tooth? a. Tissue culture medium b. Milk c. Socket d. In a plastic bag e. All except D


What is the alphanumeric name for the primary left mandibular first molar?

a. Extract the root tip if it is easily removed

What is the recommended course of action for management of a fractured root tip of a primary tooth? a. Extract the root tip if it is easily removed b. Always leave root tip to resorb c. Always extract the root tip d. Leave the root tip to resorb if it is very small, located deep in the socket or in close proximity to the succedaneous tooth or if it is unable to be retrieve after several attempts, no follow up is needed e. None of the above are correct

c. All centrals, mandibular laterals, maxillary and mandibular canines, and all first permanent molars *Permanent Maxillary lateral can be a key to timing (mineralizes at 12 months)

What permanent teeth would be expected to be affected if a child had severe febrile episode at 6 months of age? a. All centrals, laterals, canine, and first molars b. All permanent teeth expect for premolars and second and third molars c. All centrals, mandibular laterals, maxillary and mandibular canines, and all first permanent molars d. All centrals, canines, first molars, and maxillary laterals e. No teeth will be affected

a. Hawley retainer with finger spring Hawley = Anterior Crossbite

Which of the appliances listed below CANNOT be used to correct an ectopically erupting maxillary first permanent molar for a 7 year 6 month old patient? a. Hawley retainer with finger spring b. Orthodontic separator c. Brass wire d. Halterman appliance e. All of the appliances can be used to correct an ectopically erupting maxillary first permanent molar

a. Morning appointments b. Distraction techniques (phone, TV, games) e. Nitrous oxide f. Clearly defined steps and goals (i.e. Counting for individual steps of a procedure) g. Shorter appointments ASD Behavior Guidance: - Desensitization - Minimize change - Be mindful of sensitivities - Shorter / morning appointments - Distraction techniques - Clearly defined steps and goals

Which of the following behavior guidance modifications might be more beneficial when treating a patient with ADHD than a patient with ASD? (select all that apply) a. Morning appointments b. Distraction techniques (phone, TV, games) c. Desensitization d. Minimize change e. Nitrous oxide f. Clearly defined steps and goals (i.e. Counting for individual steps of a procedure) g. Shorter appointments h. Be mindful of sensitivities

Pre-eruptive caries

Which of the following best describes the condition that the black arrow is pointing to in the mandibular periapical radiograph? (case study)

The interproximal contacts of the tooth to be restored must be open

Which of the following conditions are necessary to place a Hall stainless steel crown

b. Ectodermal Dsyplasia Cleidocranial Dysplasia = Clavicles, Hypertelorism, Maxillary Hypoplasia, Overretained, Hyperdontia, Unerupted, Failure to Erupt Crouzon (Craniofacial Dystosis) = Microdontia, Macrodontia, Hyperdontia Kleinfelter = Taurodontism Gardner = Hyperdontia

Which of the following conditions below is a group of genetic disorders that involve defects of the hair, nails, teeth, skin and glands where individuals may exhibit features such as conical shaped teeth, dry skin, and fine, sparse hair? a. Cleidocranial Dysplasia b. Ectodermal Dsyplasia c. Crouzon Syndrome d. Kleinfelter Syndrome e. Gardners Syndrome

d. Explain to the patient what an explorer is, then scratch the patient's finger nail with the tip to demonstrate how it is used, then proceed with the intraoral exam.

Which of the following demonstrates an appropriate sequence of events when utilizing the tell-show-do behavior management technique? a. Give the patient a nitrous nose piece to take home and explain that at her next appointment she's going to get some "happy air" and it will make her feel like she is floating. b. Place the topical anesthetic on the child's gingiva and then explain that this red "jelly" is magical and will make the tooth really sleepy c. Explain to the child what the slow speed prophy cup and then show the child how it works by brushing the child's teeth d. Explain to the patient what an explorer is, then scratch the patient's finger nail with the tip to demonstrate how it is used, then proceed with the intraoral exam.

c. Stainless steel crown Allergic Contact Stomatitis

Which of the following dental materials should be avoided in a patient with a nickel allergy? a. Amalgam b. Glass ionomer c. Stainless steel crown d. Composite resin e. Zirconia crown

f. Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen

Which of the following is appropriate as a first line medication(s) in the management of mid to moderate pain in a pediatric patient? a. Tylenol #3 (Tylenol + Codeine) b. Percocet (Tylenol + Oxycodone) c. Acetaminophen d. Ibuprofen e. Vicodin (Tylenol + hydrocodone) f. Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen

d. Removal of all affected dentin

Which of the following is not a step in "indirect pulp treatment" IPT technique? a. Extend the walls of the prep into sound tooth structure b. Place dentin bonding agent over the remaining dentin c. Should have at least 1mm of sound dentin over the remaining pulp d. Removal of all affected dentin

Intellectual disabilty

Which of the following is not part of criteria for autism

c. After obtaining medical history from the parent, review with the teeth in private without parent present

Which of the following is the best way to get through medical history and risk assessment for a teenager patient? a. Review the medical history and risk assessment with the teeth b. Ask the parent and adolescent questions when together c. After obtaining medical history from the parent, review with the teeth in private without parent present d. Only ask he parent questions e. Assume the teen engages in risky behavior

a. Non-cavitated distal carious lesions on teeth #19 and 30

Which of the following situation would it be appropriate to use resin infiltration as a restorative technique? a. Non-cavitated distal carious lesions on teeth #19 and 30 b. small, cavitated lesion on the distal surface of tooth #3 c. cavitated occlusal carious lesions on #3 and 14 d. cervical cavitated lesions on the buccal surfaces of #19 and 20 post orthodontic treatment

a. #K

Which of the following teeth has an existing restoration associated with it? (case study 3) a. #K b. #19 c. #T d. #J

a. 29

Which of the following teeth is congenitally missing in this patient? (case study) a. 29 b. 21 c. 13 d. 28 e. 20 f. 12

d. Maxillary lateral incisors

Which teeth are the most commonly missing in patients with a cleft palate? a. Mandibular lateral incisors b. Mandibular central incisors c. Maxillary central incisors d. Maxillary lateral incisors

c. Desensitization

Which term accurately described the behavior guidance technique that "involves a gradual introduction to fearful situations and combines familiarity and relaxation techniques so that the patient learns to cope with specific stressful procedures." a. Fearful extinction b. Positive coping c. Desensitization d. Positive reinforcement

c. Electronic cigarettes (vaping)

Which tobacco product has seen the greatest increase in use amongst adolescents in the past 5 years? a. Chewing tobacco (snuff) b. Cigars c. Electronic cigarettes (vaping) d. Pipe tobacco e. Cigarettes


Which tooth is the black arrow pointing to in the mandibular periapical radiograph?(case study)


Which tooth is the red arrow pointing to in the maxillary anterior periapical radiograph?(case study)

c. Pulpotomy with stainless steel crown

You begin excavating the decay on tooth #L, which results in a small carious pulpal exposure. Assuming pulpal hemostasis is observed immediately after exposure, which of the following is the most appropriate treatment option for tooth #L? (case study 3) a. Pulpectomy with stainless steel crown b. Indirect pulp therapy and DO composite c. Pulpotomy with stainless steel crown d. Indirect pulp therapy with stainless steel crown


You look at the space maintainer in the patient's mouth and remember you once saw this appliance in your "Intro to Peds" course. See image. What is this space maintainer called? (case study)

c. If a sippy cup is offered between meals, it should contain only water, milk or fruit juice

Your friend is having a baby soon and takes you aside and says, "are there any rules for when kids should stop using a bottle and start using a sippy cup?" which of the following is not a recommendation you would offer to your friend? a. You should try and eliminate the bottle by 1 year of age b. Sippy cups containing fruit juices, soft drinks and sweet teas, formula or milk should not be given to the child at bedtime or naptime c. If a sippy cup is offered between meals, it should contain only water, milk or fruit juice d. You should introduce the sippy cup around when your child can sit unsupported, which is around 6 months of age.

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