1.3 The USA's involvement in Europe

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Why was the USA concerned over the possible consequences of a united Germany?

A unified Germany may become too powerful by manipulating both Eastern and Western powers. A united Germany might align itself to the USSR. American influence might be undermined if Germany developed a degree of economic independence.

What aid to the US provide to Europe under the terms of the Marshall plan?

Between 1947 and 1950 to the Marshall plan provided $13.5 billion of aid to 16 countries in Europe. The aid came in the form both of money as well as goods.

Why was Britain the country which the USA felt most able to work with following World War II?

Britain had a Labour government in the aftermath of World War II but the Western European states had more left-wing and less stable governments which meant that Britain was a state which the USA could do business with and the relationship was mutually beneficial.

Which Eastern bloc countries were not fully under Soviet control by 1947?

Czechoslovakia and Hungary were still not fully under Communist control and Stalin feared that if they received Marshall Aid, this would lead to a degree of integration of their economies with the wider European economic community and the limit the control which the Soviets could hold over them.

What was Stalin's reaction to the creation of Bizonia?

For Stalin this confirmed that the USA was intent on creating a West German state which would become a leading force in the rebuilding of an economically stable and United Western Europe.

Which European country did the US feel most able to work with over the post war settlement?

For the USA Britain was a stable political partner in Europe. Equally, Britain needed the support of the USA in order to maintain its international status

What was the US policy towards Europe following World War II?

Immediately following World War II there were no indications that the USA's policy towards Europe would be any different to that isolationist policy she had previously pursued.

Following the creation of Bizonia, what intensified the East-West division over Germany and Berlin?

In February 1948 a new currency was introduced into the Western occupied zones of Germany and Berlin which was formally activated in June and led to a Soviet blockade on Berlin

What was Bizonia?

In January 1947 the British and American zones in Germany and Berlin were merged into a single zone known as Bizonia.

What were the early signs that the US would be forced to take a more proactive role in Europe?

In July 1945 Asst Secretary of State Dean G Acheson warned that Europe's infrastructure and financial systems were in ruins which threatened the creation of democratic post war governments. This view was reinforced by Undersecretary of State William L Clayton in May 1947 who concluded that Europe will experience social, economic and political disintegration without a substantial increase in aid from the USA.

By 1947 why was it clear to the USA that a divided Germany was preferable to a united one?

It became clear that a divided Germany was preferable to the USA than a united Germany which might become aligned to the Soviet Union.

What policy did the USA decided to pursue towards Germany by 1947?

Promoting a West German economic recovery rather than a re-unified German recovery would be more manageable and therefore ensure US influence in Europe.

What conditions did the US attach to recipients of Marshall aid?

Some of it had to be spent on importing goods from the USA. Thus the plan aimed to benefit the American economy whilst leading European economic reconstruction and promoting European unity with the creation of a stable European bloc which was loyal to America and would assist in the containment of communism.

What did Stalin fear might be a consequence of the Marshall plan?

Stalin believed that the US influence might spread into Eastern Europe and so undermine the Soviet sphere of influence.

What did under Secretary of State for economic affairs William Clayton conclude in 1947?

That a failure to revive the economies of European states would damage the USA economically. His analysis exaggerated the importance of Europe to the USA but was supported by George Keenan's policy planning staff group which reported that the damage caused by World War II to the economic, political and social structure of Europe was a greater threat than that of communism.

What was the impact of the Marshall plan on East-West relations over Europe?

The Marshall plan accelerated and reinforced the division of Europe because Stalin's response was to tighten Soviet control thereby further undermining the possibility of cooperation between the two superpowers.

Why did the USA offer Marshall aid to all European states including those within Stalin's sphere of influence?

The USA deemed it necessary to promote political and economic stability in Western Europe in order to reduce the attraction of communism to a despairing population and reduce the influence of the Soviet Union. To this end Marshall Aid was made available to all states including the Soviet Union.

What did the US fear might be the political consequence of financial instability in Europe?

The USA was concerned that continued financial instability would increase the risk of Communist government in Western Europe, particularly in France and Italy. The French Communist Party had 1.7 million members in 1947.

What was the US government's response to Clayton and Keenan's assessments of the financial situation in post war Europe?

The focus of US aid to Europe should be on the restoration of Europe's economic strength and to this end George Marshall unveiled his plan, known officially as the European recovery program (ERP).

What was the outcome of the meeting of the Council of foreign ministers in Moscow in 1947?

The meeting broke up having failed to reach an agreement on a peace treaty with Germany.

What was the Soviet interpretation of the Marshall plan?

To the Soviet Union the Marshall plan as a clear example of American economic imperialism or "dollar imperialism".

What was the Soviet response to the Marshall plan?

To walk out of the Paris peace conference in July 1947 and to establish Cominform in September.

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