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constitutional government.

- It establishes limits to the government and a government with limits is called a _____________________________.

- True

- True or false: The judicial branch has the power to manage conflicts about how the executive branches of the federal and state governments are interpreting and enforcing the law.

autocratic or dictatorial government

- What do we call a government with no LIMITS?


- A __________ is a proposed law.


- A __________________ is a legal framework for a government. It tells how the government is organized and how it works.

Constitutional government

- A __________________ means that there are limits (things a government cannot do) to the powers the people or group running the government have.

private domain

- A characteristic of a constitutional government establishes ________________ which means certain parts of peoples lives are not the business of the government.

basic rights

- A constitutional government has a list of _____________ such as life, liberty and property.


- A constitutional government means that there are ________________ to what the government can do and not do.


- A form of government in which political power is held by a single ruler such as a king or queen.

constitutional government

- A government in which the powers of the ruler or rulers are limited by a constitution.


- A person living legally in a city, state or town is called a __________________.


- A proposed law given to the legislature for approval.


- A proposed law is called a ______________


- A set of customs, traditions, rules, and laws that set forth the way a government is organized and operated.


- An _______________ government has a ruler that has absolute power with no limits.

private domain

- Areas of a person's life that are not subject to governmental interference.

higher law

- As used in describing a legal system, this term refers to the superiority of one set of laws over another.

Yes, I agree with these views of human nature because their views on human nature would prevent abuse of power and manage who had control of it/how much power they held.

- Do you agree or disagree with these views of human nature? Why or why not?

A constitutional government is one in which the powers of the ruler or rulers are limited by a constitution. On the other hand, an autocratic or dictatorial government is a government in which a single ruler or group has unlimited power. An autocratic or dictatorial government's constitution does not limit its powers, while the constitution of a constitutional government does limit its powers.

- Explain the differences between a constitutional government and an autocratic or dictatorial government.

checks and balances

- Finally the Founders came up with the _____________________________ which gives each branch the power to do certain things to keep any one branch from taking over the other two.

purpose of government

- For example it tells us the ____________________, which is to protect our rights.

autocratic or dictatorial government

- Government in which a single ruler or group has unlimited power.

A system of checks and balances works by balancing the powers of the different branches of government. It makes sure that no one branch has so much power that it can completely dominate the others. Although each branch of government has its own special powers, the powers are checked because some powers are shared with the other branches. For example, The U.S. Supreme Court can check the power of Congress. The Court can declare a law to be in violation of the Constitution and, therefore, invalid. Another example is Congress' power (the legislative branch) is divided between two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Each house can check the power of the other by refusing to pass a law proposed by the opposite house.

- How does a system of checks and balances work? Give some examples.

A system of separation of powers works by the power of a government being divided into branches so that no one branch holds all the power.

- How does a system of separation of powers work?

- Checks and balances System - How does this system work? -The three branches' powers are balanced evenly. - Each branch has its own powers and some are shared. - Each branch has some type of check on the other two. EX: 1. The president can veto a bill and check the legislative branch. EX: 2. The president gets to pick the judges in the Federal Courts. EX: 3. The legislative branch can impeach the president EX: 4 The legislative branch gets to approve the judges. EX: 5 The judicial branch has the power of judicial review which is the power to look at a law or an action and decide if that action or law is unconstitutional or constitutional.

- How does the separation of powers work?

- Separate the powers of government - divide the power of government between three different branches or parts. - executive (enforce law) - president - legislative (make laws) - congress: house of representatives and senate - judicial (interpret law) - Supreme Court/Federal Court System - Balance the powers among the branches of governments.- no one branch controls the other branches and each branch has something it can do to check or stop the other Branches from becoming all-powerful.

- How might people organize a government to prevent the abuse of power?


- In a Greek play called ______________written in 442 BC by Sophocles; a king made and enforced a laws which he made and punished his people if they violated those laws.

Separation of Powers

- In many governments powers are divided amongst three branches. This is called the __________________

private domain

- One of the limits placed on government in the U.S. is to keep the government out of that part of our life that is none of the government's business. This is our ________________________.

higher law

- Our constitution becomes a ________________________, which is a set of laws that establish and limit the power of government.

- limits

- Restrictions or boundaries on governmental power.


- The Founders came up with the idea of a ________________ which is the directions for a government

separation of powers

- The Founders realized that many if not most people would act in their best interest and not the common good. So, they came up with the idea of ______________________________ which divides the government into three equal branches to prevent any one branch from taking over.


- The United States legislature is called the ____________


- The _________________ is the branch of government that interprets the law.


- The __________________ is the branch of the government that makes the laws.


- The ____________________ is the branch of the government that enforces the laws.

executive branch

- The branch of government that carries out the laws made by the legislative branch.

judicial branch

- The branch of government that interprets and applies the laws and settles disputes about them.

legislative branch

- The branch of government that makes the laws.

checks and balances

- The distribution and balancing of power among different branches of government so that no one branch is able to dominate the others.

separation of powers

- The division of powers among the different branches of government.


- The head of the executive branch of government is called

Supreme Court

- The highest court in the U.S. is called the _____________

The separation and sharing of powers mean that the government cannot reach decisions quickly. This might be considered an advantage because many people think that these complications make it more likely that when the government does finally make a decision, it will have been well thought out. However, this might also be considered a disadvantage because if decisions take a long time to make, people may have already moved on or become impatient to the point where people make their own decisions, ignoring the government. Sometimes, their decisions could be dangerous or not the correct decision.

- The separation and sharing of powers means that government cannot reach decisions quickly. Why might this be an advantage? Why might it be a disadvantage?

- executive - legislative - judicial

- The three branches are: _________________ - whose job is to enforce law. __________________ - whose job is to make laws. _____________________ - whose job is to interpret law.

autocratic or dictatorial

- This is all to avoid the possibility of an _________________________ government from forming.


- To sum up, the checks and balance system is a system of checks and balances that keeps the government from abusing its powers. It also prevents any one branch from overpowering the other two.


- True or false: A constitution is a framework that sets forth how a government is organized and run.

- True

- True or false: A government where powers of those in government and the people themselves are limited by a constitution is a constitutional government.


- True or false: A law proposed in Congress is called a "bill" until it is passed by Congress.

- True

- True or false: Both good and bad governments have constitutions.

- False

- True or false: Even though there is no way to enforce limits on a government, if limits are contained in a constitution, the nation has a constitutional government.


- True or false: If the president vetoes a law made by Congress, the law cannot be put into effect.

- True

- True or false: In a constitutional government, the constitution is considered a "higher law" than other laws created by the government.


- True or false: In addition to having the power to make laws, the legislative branch has the power to manage conflicts over the laws it has made.

- True

- True or false: In constitutional government, the constitution includes ways to ensure that people in government obey the limits on their power.

- False

- True or false: It is possible for a constitutional government to have unlimited power.


- True or false: Many of the Founders believed that if you gave a man power they will try to increase that power and try to get more and maybe even abuse it. *


- True or false: The Framers believed that by separating powers among different branches of government it would be difficult for one branch to gain so much power that it could dominate the others and abuse its powers.


- True or false: The Framers divided the powers of Congress between the House of Representatives and the Senate so that each could check the powers of the other.


- True or false: The Framers of the Constitution separated the powers of government and placed them in two branches.


- True or false: The executive branch is responsible for carrying out and enforcing laws made by the legislative branch.

The three branches of our government are the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. The legislative branch holds the power to make laws. The executive branch holds the power to carry out and enforce laws. The judicial branch holds the power to manage conflicts about the meaning, application, and enforcement of laws.

- What are the three branches of our government and what power does each hold?

- A set of laws that limit the power of government. (In our case the constitution is the higher law) It lists the basic rights of citizens to life, liberty, and property. - It establishes the responsibility of the government to protect those rights. - It places limits on how the people in government may use their powers. - It establishes the principle of a private domain. A private domain is that part of a person's life that is not the business of government.

- What is HIGHER LAW?

- A constitution is a set of directions on how a government is to run. - Both good and bad governments have a constitution. - Some are written, some are not.


a bill is a proposed law.

- What is a bill?

- A constitutional government is a government that has limited powers and those limits are enforced. - Our government has limits, some do not (If there are no limits, they are not a constitutional government)

- What is a constitutional government?

- What are the purposes of government? (to protect our rights, the main purpose of government) - What is the organization of government? What parts does it have? What does each part do? (Legislative, executive, and judicial) - How is the government going to work (representation) - How are people selected to serve in government? (voting)

- What questions does the constitution answer?

The view of human nature that Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and George Mason all shared was that the power would get out of control with human nature/there wouldn't be any control over who had power. They thought that the people who had power would oppress the people who didn't have power.

- What view of human nature did Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and George Mason share?

- 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

- Which of the following are you usually able to find out by reading a country's constitution? Select all that apply. - 1. The names of people who are selected to serve in government. - 2. The purposes of government. - 3. The procedures a government is supposed to use to make its laws. - 4. The parts of government and their responsibilities. - 5. The control citizens have over their government, if any. - 6. Who has the status of citizen.

- 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 7

- Which of the following is a characteristic of the constitution of a constitutional government? Select all that apply. - 1. It contains a list of rights of citizens and others within its jurisdiction. - 2. It requires a government to protect the rights of individuals to vote and run for public office. - 3. It denies the right of government to unfairly limit a person's freedom of speech. - 4. It guarantees a fair standard of living to all citizens. - 5. It guarantees a fair hearing to those accused of crimes. - 6. It establishes a private domain that the government is not allowed to enter or control without a very good reason for doing so. 7. It cannot be changed without the widespread consent of citizens.

Because many governments in the past have abused power over and over

- Why did the Founders fear a government might become abusive?

They feared the abuse of power because they thought all people were selfish.

- Why did the Founders fear the abuse of power?

higher law

- _______________ means that no law can be enforced by government unless it is inline or agrees with the Constitution.

checks and balance

- ___________________ is a system built into many constitutions which allows each branch of the government to stop another branch of the government from doing something they are not allowed to do.

- Who is a citizen? (people born in the US/Naturalized in the US) No Matter What even if the parents are illegal immigrants, the child is a citizen) Legal immigrants = (Legal Aliens) illegal immigrants = (illegal Aliens) - Do citizens control the government? (Yes, by the vote) - What are the citizens' responsibilities? (Vote: Not mandatory) (Obey the law) (Join the military: Not mandatory)

-Questions about citizens

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