16.1 France
Massif central takes up __ of France.
What is the Paris Basin?
A large functional region drained by the Seine and other Rivers.
What is a Primate city, and what is the Primate city of France?
A primate city is a city that is the political capital, commercial center, cultural center, social center, the base of the city, where everything stems from. Another example is London. The Primate city of France is Paris.
What is the major city of Northern France?
At the Paris Basin, banks of Seine, lies Paris, the economic, political, and cultural capital of France. Form France's center of commercial industry, raw materials shipped here from other parts of France are turned into finished products.
Who inhabited France when it was called Gaul?
What is Lille's main export?
What is the main port on the Rhine River in the East?
Coal is mined nearby and Strasbourg is a major port in the Rhine, is located in Alsace. This is a main port on the Rhine for trading, just like Marseille how it is a busy port. For half the year the Legislative Branch meets there, and in Luxembourg the other branch meets there so their won't be so much conflict.
In what period of time did they invent the guillotine?
French Revolution
Explain the French Revolution.
French compete with British-usually lose, but put up flags saying they have as much land and are as good as the British. They fight in the French and Indian war-British win and take over all the land the French "had". U.S. fights British-French sends us troops to get revenge on British. Fighting against Monarch, because no one had a say-problem was, French troops learned that they didn't need a Monarch. Troops go home-Tell people they need no Monarchy. The Monarchy hides in Versi. The people starved, and the queen told them to eat cake. (cake eaters) Killed anyone with royal blood.
What is the national language of France?
What is the River in Southern France, what does it do, what is the city located on it, and what is the city known for?
Imports and Exports go down and up the Rhine River. The city of Lyon is located on the Rhine River, and is known for its tasty food.
How was language spread? And where did it start from?
It started in Paris, and as the French kings expanded their control, the land adopted the language.
What does the city of Lille Produce for Belgium, Where is it located, and what does it provide and have there?
Lille produces coal for Belgium, its located near the northern European Union, and It has steel mills, textile factories, and chemical plants that have provided jobs in Lille.
What is the busiest port in France, and explain it.
Port Marseille is the busiest port in France, and second most active in Europe. Petroleum is brought in by Tanker ships, from Southwest Asia and North Africa, and processed at large oil refineries along the coast. Marselle is that port that takes anything coming from Asia, and they also get oil up through here, which makes it a very busy, important port.
Why is tourism a major industry in the French Alps?
Ski resorts, scenery, hiking
Where is the Legislative Branch of the European Union?
Who conquered the area after the Roman Empire Declined? What was the name of one of the famous conquerers? Who took over after the famous Conquerer?
The Franks. They are a powerful ethnicity. Charlemagne, became king of the Franks in A.D. 768. He rules the Empire entirely to himself. When he died, he had controlled the Holy Roman Empire, that included much of Western Europe. He had set up an efficient government, and had sent out missionaries to spread the teaching of Christianity throughout northern Europe. When he died, the Empire fell. The power lay in the hands of the nobles who controlled land in the kingdom. In 987, the nobles chose Hugh Capet as their new king. The monarchy grew strong under Carpet. Gradually the ruling monarchs of France expanded the kingdom's boundaries until, by 1589, they were almost the same as those of modern France. In the net 200 years, French kings had absolute control over their lands.
What lies in the East?
The Rhine valley. The Rhine river forms part of France's border with Germany. Alsace and Loraine are two Rhine Valleys that are full of rich natural resources and have changed hands many times during conflict between France and Germany. Lorraine has the largest deposits of Iron Ore. Germany and France have fought over the resource spot many times, so it has switched hands a ton.
Who conquered the area, and who were they known as?
The Romans, they were known as the Gauls. It used to be a Celtic area, and is now Latin and Christianity when the Romans come in. They were strongly influenced by this cultural convergence, that they adopted the Romans' Latin language and Christian religion.
Who influenced the French's government choices?
The U.S.
True or False? The vineyards are in the southwest.
What are the two mountains that are in Southern France? Describe them.
Two mountains, Massif Central, and the Alps. Massif Central is west of the Rhone river and has mixed worn and sharp peaks, and it makes up 1/6 of Frances land area. Alps, East of the Rhone River, and Mont Blanc is the highest peak, reaching 15,771 Feet. Known for its snow and skiing resorts.
Where is the biggest port on the Mediterranean?
What was Millau Viaduct?
Millau Viaduct was a bridge built to make a commute from cities shorter. Increase the ability of trade via truck traffic. Saves them culturally, and looks very cool, but was very expensive.
Who led the military dictatorship at the end of the French Revolution?
Napoleon Bonaparte
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte, and what did he do?
Napoleon was man who became and Emperor in France, and he took 600,000 troops, to go around the world, and "remove" the monarchs, so the people can be free. He decides to go to Russia, and then onto Moscow, but his troops start dying because winter sets in. He enters the Russian Resolve, and the muscovites had burned the entire city down. So he went back to France with only 6,000 troops left.
What is some of the French Culture? Where is the museum where they keep most of the artwork?
Painting, Impressionism. Louvre-Paris Art Museum.
what is the climate like in Southwest France, What do they produce, and does the terrain look like? What is Bordeaux?
Southern France: air warmer and soil drier. Grapes created wine that thrive in these conditions. Bordeaux seaport in southwestern France has a reputation for producing the best wines. You can drink much younger because of the different relationship with alcohol.
What is the strip of low-lying coastal land in Southeastern France, and what is it like?
The French Riviera, that attracts tons of tourists. Has a warm climate, and famous beaches. Cannes and Saint-Tropez are familiar visiting places. Also has a film festival.
Who were they Aristocrats?
The people that were running the country.
What happened after WWII?
The region joined together, businesses were nationalized, and they made trade agreements with the western culture.
What happened that failed after WWII?
Unemployment soared, there was too many old people, the people were pampered, and the Recession started. They brought in immigrants, but people didn't like this because it changed what it meant to be French. They were mad at us, and it ended up they were getting illegal oil from Sudan Busaine, and thats why they didn't want us to invade Iraq.