1970s pop culture Lamb

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Which song became the anthem of the Women's Liberation Movement?

"I am a Woman"

How would you define Reproductive Rights? What problems arose around these rights?

"Reproductive rights" are the rights of individuals to decide whether to reproduce and have reproductive health. This may include an individual's right to plan a family, terminate a pregnancy, use contraceptives, learn about sex education in public schools, and gain access to reproductive health services. Abortion became a problem. Lead to Roe v. Wade

Which song was written as an answer to two Neil Young songs? Name the two songs by Neil Young

"Sweet Home Alabama" "Southern Man" "Alabama"

What is on the plaque left behind?

"We come in peace for all mankind"

What is the critical question asked by Senator Howard Baker?

"What did the President know and when did he know it?"

How many were killed in the shoot out that ended the riot?

29 inmates 20 hostages

How many other dangerous waste sites were found in America?

30,000 other dangerous waste sites

How many American workers made this event happen?


How long does John Dean testify?

38 days

What percentage of Native Americans lived below the poverty line?


How long were the hostages held?

444 days

What percent of Native Americans drooped out of School?


What percent of Native Americans were unemployed?


How many marriages in the 1970's ended in divorce?


How many people watched the event?

600 million people

Who came to Washington in November of 1969?

700,000 of "them" came to Washington. The "them" is the people who opposed the war and went against Nixon.

What did Carter oversee in September, 1978?

A peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.

What was Studio 54?

A place everyone wanted to go to but not everyone could get in. It was a hangout with celebrity that you could j party as if there was no tomorrow

Mama Mia, here I go again!


What group's name came from the first letter of the names of each of the group members?


Which group formed in Sweden?


What group did Angus and Malcolm found? When and where?

AC/CD 1973 Sydney, Australia

Who claimed you shook me all night long?


the other group saw a highway to hell.


What was AIM, and what was its purpose?

AIM is the American Indian Movement. Tired to achieve social reform by force.

Define feminist.

Activists for women's equal rights (women power).

Instead of ground troops, what did the US military use to bring North Vietnam to the bargaining table?

Air Troops

Who is Alfred Baldwin, and what is his job?

Alfred Baldwin was an X FBI agent. His job was to listen in on conversations at the DNC headquarters and write down anything he hears

He claims to be no more Mr. Nice Guy, but I've met him, and he really is quite nice.

Alice Cooper

Who was not hurt during the bombing of Hanoi?


Where was there a prison riot in September of 1971?

Attica in upstate New York

Which industry was hardest hit by the changes?

Auto industry

Why were the 70's called the Me-Decade?

Because everyone focused on themselves. Self examination, self love, self something.

For what reason did some say abortion should be legal?

Because feminist said women should have complete control over their own body.

Why was Jimmy Carter elected?

Because he had small town morals, he was traditional. And Catholic

Who is Betty Friedan, and what did she add to this movement? financial assistance

Betty Friedan was another who got its start. She first identified the "problem that had no name". She also published a book called "The Feminine Mystique"

Which group included Ozzy Osbourne?

Black Sabbath

Which group released their first album on Friday February 13th 1970? Why did they do this?

Black Sabbath They were moving into a new era They wanted to scare people

He shot the sheriff, but [he] did not shoot the deputy.

Bob Marley

Which artist had a black mother and a white, British father?

Bob Marley

What happened on April 25th 1980?

Carter canceled a plan that was underway in Iran, 2 American planes collided, 8 died

What was special about July 4th 1976?

Celebrated its 200 birthday

What country did Nixon agree to recognize?

Communist China

What happened to George Moscone and Harvey Milk? What happened to Dan White?

Dan white was an anti gay who killed George and Harvey. G and H were killed for being gay

Who is Deep Throat?

Deep Throat was the mole who fed info to Bob Woodward, who shared it with Carl Bernstein

Which city was hardest hit? Where did people go?

Detroit The south

What style of music appeared at this time, and why?

Disco, it drove away the blue and set off disco mania

What was ERA, and why was it defeated?

ERA is the Equal Rights Amendment. Because the Commission on the Status of Women did not favor the passage of the amendment, they saw it would conflict with the title VII amendment.

What movie seemed to sum up the counterculture?

Easy Rider

Who are Elliot Richardson and Archibald Cox?

Elliot Lee Richardson was an American lawyer and public servant who was a member of the cabinet of Presidents.

What happened in June, 1979?

Energy problems became a national problem

What were braceros?

Farmworkers who were issued temporary work permits by the UD government during WW2. Braceros meant "arms"

What movement did Casey Hayden and Mary King help start? Define this movement?

Fight for women's liberation. They believed that like African American people were second class, white women were also second class. They said that the women's jobs they were so-called "equal" were writing memoirs, making sandwiches, and other menial tasks.

Their best-selling album was called Rumors.

Fleetwood Mac

Who is Frank Wills, and how does he impact these events?

Frank Wills was the security guard that noticed the Tape on the door and called the police, he is the reason the burglars got caught.

What is the title IX

Gender equality in schools ... is a federal law that states: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal Financial Assistance"

Who was Gloria Steinem?

Gloria Steinem was the creator of Ms magazine.

What product were consumers encouraged to boycott in the 1960?


Who died in a car accident, possibly caused by a heart attack, in 1981?

Harry Chapin

How does Nixon view the press?

He doesn't like the press, he is paranoid.

Who is John Sirica, and what is his role in these events?

He is the U.S. district court judge on the Watergate case

Who is James McCord?

He is the security coordinator for the committee to re-elect the president.

Who is John Dean, and what is his role?

He is the young attorney to manage the Watergate scandal, he controls the flow of info in and out of the Whitehouse.

What does Nixon claim in his first televised comments on the Watergate break-in?

He now believes his own staff was involved in the Watergate coverup.

Who is Ben Bradlee?

He was the executive editor of the Washington Post, who put the story on the front page

Who said I am strong, I am invincible?

Helen Reddy

What group appeared at this time seeking rights?


Who are Howard Hunt & Gordon Liddy?

Howard Hunt was a former CIA operative. Both men worked for the committee to re-elect Nixon.

What happened on June 17th-18th 1972?

Hunt and Liddy gather their team at the watergate hotel again, Hunt and Liddy say one of the bugs is defective and they need to replace it. Each man knows their job. They break-in again but they leave the tape on the door. The security gaud is concerned and calls the police.

What was the ICC, and what did it do?

ICC is the Indian Claims Commission. To hear and settle all outstanding land claims

What is a Chicano?

It is the ethnic label adopted by many Mexican Americans.

What did the press call the Smoking Gun? What was Nixon trying to do?

It proves the president obstructed justice.

What was the Hanoi Hilton?

It was a prison for the prisoners of war

Where were the 1980 Winter Olympics?

It was a round robin tournament Lake placid New York

What was Love Canal?

It was a toxic waste dump site

What was unusual about the winter of 1977?

It was the coldest winter in 40 years

Who died in a plane crash in 1973?

Jim Corse

Who wished he could save time in a bottle?

Jim Croce

Which group was founded by Harry Wayne Casey?

KC and The Sunshine Band

Who encouraged you to shake your booty?

KC and The Sunshine Band

Who hoped to get down tonight?

KC and The Sunshine band

What group was fronted by Gene Simmons?


Which group's name probably did not mean Knights in Satan's Service?


Who was prepared to rock and roll all nite?


At which university were four students killed?

Kenn State University

What was La Raza Unida, and what was its purpose?

La Raza Unida translates to ThePeople United. It resulted from an effort to organize a national political party that would unite the sometimes divided Hispanic American elements.

What was the Miracle on Ice?

Lake placid, Americans won

One group saw a stairway to heaven

Led Zeppelin

Their 4th album had no name, just symbols.

Led Zeppelin

Which group's music, especially the lyrics, was influenced by the works of J. R. R. Tolkien?

Led Zepplin

Which group saw many members die in a plane crash in 1977?

Lynyrd Skynyrd

Which group took their name from a PE teacher who complained about the boys' long hair? Where was this group formed?

Lynyrd Skynyrd​ Alabama

What are the five major subgroups of Hispanic American?

Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, Central Americans, those from South America.

What is NOW, and why was it formed?

NOW stands for the National Organization for Women. NOW was formed by Betty Friedan. It was formed to help elect politicians that hel[ correct inequality in women's employment and the wields considerable lobbying power today in government

What made Native Americans different than Hispanic Americans?

Native Americans had never been immigrants, for they were here when the Europeans first immigrated.

What happened on July 20th 1969, and who did it?

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, walked on the moon.

What was SALT, and who signed it?

Nixon and Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev signed the ABM Treaty and interim SALT agreement on May 26, 1972, in Moscow. For the first time during the Cold War, the United States and Soviet Union had agreed to limit the number of nuclear missiles in their arsenals

What is the Inner Circle and who is in it?

Nixon's circle includes Nixons chief of Staff HR Haledmen and his top domestic policy advisor John Ehrlichman.

Do you agree with Phyllis Schlafly or not? Explain.

No, women have the right to be equal with men. She says that we are most satisfied with roles in a home, and she says feminists don't speak for all women, well she doesn't speak for all women. I like having rights, I like going to school and not having to marry someone young. I like the rights that I have, and I would never want to give them up.

What happened in April, 1975, and with what result?

North Vietnamese forces reached the outskirts of South Vietnam's capital. North Vietnam, won

What articles of impeachment did the House of Representatives pass on President Nixon?

Obstruction of justice, abusive of power, contempt of Congress.

For every dollar earned by a man in the 1960's, how much was earned by a woman?

Only 59 cents

What speech did Carter then deliver?

Ordinary Americans. Malaise speech

Who said I'm just a poor boy, from a poor family?

Queen, Bohimian Rhapsody

What did Hooker Chemical leave in Niagara Falls, New York?

Radioactive waste, toxic dump

Who was Carter's opponent in the election?

Ronald Regan

What issue caused conflict in Boston in 1974?

School integration

What happened on February 7th 1973?

Senate creates a committee to determine if Nixons last election committee did anything illegal.

What happened on February 6th 1974?

Senate says Nixon should be

Who killed Nancy Spungeon?

Sid Vicious

What happened on March 23rd 1973?

Sirica Reads a letter from McCord saying there was political pressure to plead gulity and stay silent.

Who took action, and what did they do?

Soccer moms held hostages 2 government agents

What happened to Afghanistan in 1979?

Soviets invaded Afghanistan

What happened to Spiro Agnew in October, 1973?

Spiro was investigated by the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland on suspicion of criminal conspiracy, bribery, extortion and tax fraud

According to what principles did Cesar Chavez operate?

That all must be treated as a single issue.

What does President Nixon tell the nation on August 8th 1974?

That he is going to resign

What did President Nixon announce on August 7th 1974?

That he was going to resignn.

What did Nixon claim to a group of reporters?

That he was not a crook.

What group did Duane and Gregg found? When and where?

The Allman Brothers Band in Jacksonville, Florida 1969

Who were the only soldiers that were actually welcomed home?

The American POW

What group included Barry, Robin, and Maurice?

The Bee Gees

Who wanted to rock the casbah?

The Clash

Who wondered, should I stay or should I go?

The Clash

Which album allegedly syncs with The Wizard of Oz?

The Dark Side of the Moon By pink floyd

What office was in the Watergate Building that was the target of the burglars?

The Democratic national committee headquarters on the 6th floor

Don Henley and Glenn Frey starred in this group.

The Eagles

Who said, we are all just prisoners here, of our own device?

The Eagles

Who was standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona?

The Eagles

Which group took its name from a blind piano tuner?

The Marshall Tucker Band

Who was going to ride me a southbound, all the way to Georgia?

The Marshall Tucker band

Joey, Johnny, Dee Dee, Marky, CJ, Tommie, Richie, & Elvis.

The Ramones

Which group took its name from a Paul McCartney pseudonym?

The Ramones

Which group was the house band at CBGB's?

The Ramones

What happens on May 17th 1973?

The Senate Watergate hearings begin

Who did President Carter say led a country that was "an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world?"

The Shaw

What happened on July 24th 1974?

The Us supreme court orders Nixon to release the tapes

Even though they were macho, macho men, they stayed at the YMCA.

The Village People

Which group consisted of a motorcycle cop, a cowboy, and American Indian, a construction worker, a biker, and a soldier?

The Village People Grenich village

What happened at Nixon's inauguration that had never happened before?

The first major disruption, protest

Who is Alexander Butterfield, and what does he reveal?

The pres. Little lone president deputy. He reveals that he was aware of phone taps. In the oval office

What did Carter hope to achieve while he was still president?

The release of the hostages

What happened at South Boston High?

The tried integrating the school, but the black students were attacked. A black student stabbed a white student.

What happens on October 20th 1973? What does the press call this event?

There's orders Richardson to fire Cox they say no then resign Saturday night massacre

Who are Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein?

They are 2 low ranked reporters at the Washington Post who covered the story

What attitude did young Americans have towards politics, and why?

They didn't care about who was elected president, because they lost the war, they don't trust the government

What was the feeling of most American soldiers serving in Vietnam by the early 1970's?

They didn't understand why they were there

What does Title VII of the Civil Rights Act state?

Title VII prohibited discrimination in employment on the basis of sex as well as race.

What unusual twist on this was explained by Toni Morrison?

Toni says African American women look at white women and see the enemy. That Racism isn't only from white men. That there are more white women in American than there are men.

Who attacked anti-war demonstrators in Lower Manhattan?

Union workers

What union was led by Cesar Chavez?

United Farm Workers union.

Who was the hero of Middle America?

VP Spiro Agnew

In May of 1970, into which country were American troops sent?


Which two countries challenged American industry?

West Germany & Japan

What other groups were all seeking their rights?

Women, Native American, Pink Panthers, Gray Panthers, etc.

What happened on November 4th 1979?

Word reached Iran that the Shaw was granted... from America The embassy was taken over

What became the symbol of national unity?

Yellow ribbons

Lord, I was born ... Trying to make a living, and doing the best I can.

a ramblin man

All in all, it's just ...

another brick in the wall

Why was Syd Barrett kicked out of the group he helped to create?

creative genius derailed; drug fueled psychological collapse

How did Sid Vicious die?

drug overdose; Heroin from his mom

Define Assimilation.

incorporation of minorities into mainstream society.

Define bilingualism.

the use of 2 languages

What "accidentally" happened when the tapes were being transcribed?

they accidently erased an 18-minute section of the tapes

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