20 search tips
Filter search results for recipes.
If you search your favorite food, and then click "Search Tools" right under the search bar, you'll be able to filter recipes based on ingredients, cook time and calories.
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Refining your search
For example, if you want to exclude a word from a search, you can type a hyphen (-) at the beginning of a word. So if you wanted to find cookie recipes that don't include chocolate, you could search for recipes cookies -chocolate.
Keep it simple
Google search knows how to search for a lot of things. What this means is you don't need to be too specific. If you need a pizza place nearby, use this to search.Pizza places nearby
Use Google search to do math
Google search can actually do math for you. This is a rather complex one to describe because it can be used in so many ways. You can ask it basic questions or some more difficult ones.
put a wildcard in your word or phrase where you want to leave a bookmark
Most search engines do not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase, even within quotation marks.
Put in front of a number
Search engine
a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web.
put a hashtag in front of a word for example, #throwbackthursday
Word Definitions
If you need to quickly look up the definition of a word or phrase, simply use the define: command. You can listen to the word's pronunciation by pressing the megaphone icon.
Use a hyphen to exclude words
Sometimes you may find yourself searching for a word with an ambiguous meaning. An example is Mustang. When you Google search for Mustang, you may get results for both the car made by Ford or the horse. If you want to cut one out, use the hyphen to tell the engine to ignore content with one of the other.for example Mustang -cars
Use quotes to search for an exact phrase.
searching a phrase in quotes only pages with the same words in the same order as what's in the quotes. It's one of the most vital search tips especially useful if you're trying to find results containing a specific a phrase.
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Don't use common words and punctuation
Punctuation is also typically ignored. But there are exceptions. Common words and punctuation marks should be used when searching for a specific phrase inside quotes. There are cases when common words like the are significant.
Use the tabs
The first tip is to use the tabs in Google search. On the top of every search are a number of tabs. Usually you'll see Web, Image, News, and More. Using these tabs, you can help define what kind of search you need to do. If you need images, use the Image tab. If you are looking for a recent news article, use the News tab. It's rudimentary and most people use the tabs already.
put words inside quotes
When searching for something specific, try using quotes to minimize the guesswork for Google search. When you put your search parameters in quotes, it tells the search engine to search for the whole phrase.
convert inches to millimeters and U.S. dollars to Japanese yen , Well, delete it. Just about any conversion you can perform in an app can also be done right from within a Google search box on your phone or PC. Just search something like 2500 USD in GBP and Google will take care of the rest.
in front of a word to search social media