323 Final Stage Check

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Draw out the weather minimum triangle


Expalin why you chose the altitude you did for your XC


draw out the medical chart for valid times


when is a flight review required?

Biennial flight review (BFR) is required every 2 years of not flying. FAR 61.56

within 4nm below 2500 ft AGL and within class "C" or "D" what is the max speed authorized? How about class "B"? Below 10,000?

10,000 feet msl or above — Unrestricted (but not more than Mach 1) Below 10,000 feet msl — 250 kias Class B airspace — Unrestricted at or above 10,000 feet msl 250 kias below 10,000 feet msl Beneath Class B or in VFR corridor through Class B — 200 kias Class C or D airspace (at or below 2,500 feet agl within 4 nm of the primary airport) — 200 kias (unless a higher speed is specifically approved by ATC)

how long is a temporary certificate good for?

120 days

what is the acronym for inspections.

A- Annual inspection every 12 calendar months V-VOR check every 30 days for IFR flights ONLY 100-100 hour inspection for A/C for hire A- Altimeter/pitot static system (every 24 calendar months T- Transponder every 24 calendar months E-ELT every 12 calendar months (must be replaced if more than 1 hour of accumulative use or less than 1/2 battery life remains)

how often does the ELT, pitot-static, and transponder need to be checked?

A: Annual, 1 year V: VOR, 30 days if required for IFR 1: 100 hour, required for commercial/flight training A: Altimeter/Pitot Static, every 2 years T: Transponder, every 2 years E: Emergency Locator Transmitter, 1 year for inspections *Battery must be replaced after ½ battery life or 1-hour continuous usage **Battery expiration date must be marked externally

what are the primary flight controls for the C172/PA28?

Aileron, Rudder, Elevator

what is an AD? and SB?

Airworthiness Directive- required to maintain aircraft airworthiness as deemed necessary by the FAA. Service Bulletin- aircraft Mx recommended by the aircraft company that produced the a/c

what kind of inspections would an a/c that was being used for flight instruction (or hire) be used if it did not have a progressive inspection?

Annual and 100 hr (Commercial/ flight training)

forward vs. aft CG relationship

Forward- Increased Longitudinal stability, lower cruise speed and higher stall speed: wing flies at higher AOA to create more lift to counter the added downward forces by the tail. Aft- Decreased longitudinal stability higher cruise speed because the wing flies at a lower AOA lower stall speed and poor spin and stall recoveries

when can we log night time?

End of evening civil twilight To beginning of morning civil twilight

what are the 4 phases of a spin?

Entry- entering the spin with a cross-controlled aircraft ( breaking point) Incipient- 1 or 2 spins where you are not in a fully developed spin (stalled) Developed- fully developed spin (losing thousands of feet per minute) Recovery- putting the aircraft back to straight and level flight with the controls

what type of operations occur in class ALPHA airspace?


what are the minimum pre-flight actions for a flight/XC?

FAR 91.103 T/O and Landing distances, runways of intended use, and any pertinent info related to the flight.

what procedure must be followed if regulations allow a piece of equipment to be inoperative for flight without the use of an MEL?

FAR 91.205- TOMATO FLAMES/FLAPS AD's -FAA Kinds of operation lists. POH section 2 Type certificates (VFR day or STC's)

what is the difference between FM and BCMG?

FM: significant change over 1 hour BCMG: More gradual change

federal registration and state registration

Fed: 3 years State: 1 year; located in dispatch book

what type of report is the winds and temps aloft chart?

Forecasted in knots with true direction

What is minimum equipment required for day & night VFR flight?

Day: T- Tachometer O-oil pressure M-Manifold pressure A-Airspeed indicator T-Temperature (liquid cooled engines) O-oil temperature F-Fuel Gage L-landing gear indicator A-Altimeter M-Magnetic compass E-Emergency locator transmitter (can fly 90 days w/out, Must have date taken out, or within 50 nm of home airport for flight training) S-Seatbelts Night: F-Fuses L-landing light (commercial) A-anti-collision lights (strobes) P-Position lights (Nav lights) S- source of electricity

Why do we not want to use ailerons in the recovery?

Deepens the stall You'd increase the AOA on the inside wing by trying to use aileron to correct out. Turning away (from the direction of the spin) lowers the inside aileron, increasing camber, AOA, and induced drag, deepening the stall.

what type of ailerons do we have?

Differential: Up aileron moves up more than down aileron Frise: Bottom of the aileron sticks into the wind

what are federal airways and what kind of airspace are they?

Low altitude federal airways connecting VORS along specified radials are used for both IFR and VFR aircraft Depicted on charts with straight blue lines containing the airway designator and its magnetic direction 8 nm wide and extend from 1200 ft AGL up to 17,999 ft MSL Class Echo Airspace

what is a METAR?

Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine; updated current weather situation at an airport

what is a MOA? is there any operational limitation associated with a MOA?

Military operation area: High speed military training No restrictions, but good idea to check if it is active

what is a MTR?

Military training route: Low altitude speed route for military a/c: exercise extreme caution. VR: VFR route IR: IFR route no segment above 1500 AGL: 4 letter ID


Minimum equipment list. required for UND a/c if item is not listed in MEL, the a/c is NOT AIRWORTHY if A/c is sold, MEL DOES NOT transfer to new owner

what are the limitations on a commercial pilot at night with no instrument rating?

Night carriage of passengers is PROHIBITED

Can you buy a plane and start offering commercial service from GFK to LAX?

No you cannot. you need a 135/121 certificate holding out, no pro rata, no common purpose (common carriage)

if an A/C is using an approved MEL, and a piece of equipment breaks that is not included on the MEL, can you go fly?

No; UND MEL states that the a/c is not airworthy if it is unlisted.

What is a NOTAM?

Notice to Airmen a notice providing pilots with general information essential for the safe and efficient operation of airplanes (as the establishment or condition of or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure, or hazard)

In a MEL what is an "O" procedure and what is a "M" procedure?

O= Operator, we can defer M=Mx, we CANNOT defer

what kind of inspection do we use at UND?

Phase/progressive 4 phases; each covering the entire a/c but focusing on one area

Explain the reason behind each step of the spin recovery procedure.

Power idle = to reduce speed of the spiral down to earth Ailerons neutral= the ailerons would actually make the spin worse so we leave them in the neutral position. Rudder opposite= this is to counter the direction of the spin Elevator forward = this is to break the stall and pick up airflow over the wings.

Can you fly though prohibited or restricted airspace? If so how?

Prohibited no restricted yes if approved by the controlling agency

if we are current in a Seminole are we current in a warrior? If we are current in C172 are we current in a warrior?

SEMI to WARR: Instrument current yes, Landing current no 172 to WARR: Instrument and Landing yes

what are the three types of AIRMETS?

Sierra- Mountain obscurations and IFR conditions Tango- light to moderate turbulence. with sustained surface winds of greater than 30 kts Zulu- icing and freezing conditions/levels

why does Vo change with weight?

Increase in weight= increase in AOA to stay airborne and as a result you need a higher airspeed to keep the aircraft airborne You will be closer to you're CAOA when heavier and there is less deflection before you hit CAOA Lighter you are the more deflection you can do because you are not as close to CAOA

why do you want to bring the throttle to idle?

Increased power attempts to raise the nose, deepening the stall and potentially enter a flat spin

what are the different kinds of airspeed?

Indicated airspeed - airspeed read directly off the instrument in the cockpit Calibrated air speed- indicated airspeed corrected for installation and instrument errors True airspeed (TAS) actual speed you are moving through the air Ground speed- the speed of an a/c with reference to the surface of the earth

what is the difference between Vo and Vno?

Va/Vo= designed maneuvering speed: full deflection of flight controls the a/c will stall before causing damage or braking. Vno= max structural cruise: Smooth air only; does NOT ensure a full deflection of flight controls stall before braking.

What factors effect stall speed?

Weight, CG, Load Factor/Bank Factor, configuration

describe how you would leave TVF with less than VFR weather?

Special VFR

what will your airspeed read in a spin? Spiral dive?

Spin: Stall speed until recovery inputs Spiral Dive: Fast as hell Airspeed will show low but will rapidly increase (initially shows steady than comes back rapidly)

what is a TAF?

Terminal Aerodrome Forecast forecast for an area of an airport usually about 5 miles in radius

What is a TRSA?

Terminal Radar Service Areas Not mandatory, provides flight following *TRSA vs. GFK APP: TRSA can give specific headings/altitudes for VFR traffic. GFK cannot always give headings/altitudes for VFR (too busy)

how would you get an MEL for a general aviation C172 operating under Part 91?

must get approved by the FAA

what is the leaning procedure for the Archer?

best economy: peak EGT pull mixture until a decrease in rpm and then re add the mix

what is a wilderness refugee?

national park of some sort. Must fly at least 2000 ft AGL over.

what are commercial pilots able to do that private pilots cannot?

non-stop commercial airtours ferry flight (Corporate pilot) aerial work including:crop dusting, seeding, spraying, bird chasing, banner towing, aerial photography/survey, firefighting, powerline/pipeline patrol) non-stop flight within 25sm for parachute jump pilots carrying election candidates (FAR 91.321)

describe ALPHA airspace

not depicted on charts FL 180 to FL600 covers continental US and 12 miles off of the coast Below Mach 1 requirements: IFR equipped aircraft IFR rated, mode c transponder, 2 way radio comms, DME above FL240, active IFR flight plan, no weather mins.

Describe class GOLF airspace

not regulated airspace unless their is a specific need to do so in the interest of safety not depicted on charts uncontrolled airspace starts at the surface ALWAYS goes up to 700 or 1200 ft AGL depending on location

operating limitations/POH

operating limits of the a/c; our POH is located inside the plane UND students have a PIM or Pilot information manual.

how often are METARS issued?

every hour

Airworthiness certificate

forever maintained if required inspections and Mx is done. must be visible to passengers and crew

which way does CG move with fuel burn? why?

forward: Less weight aft of the spinner or (datum)

Describe DELTA airspace

found at airports which have an operating control tower but are not associated with class B and class C airspace depicted on a chart with a blue segmented line surface to 2,500 ft agl 4nm radius establish 2 way radio comms before entering must stay below 200 kts can be a student pilot 3-152

explain how a wing creates lift

as relative wind hits the leading edge the air splits over the upper and lower surfaces. a higher pressure on the lower surface is created and "wants" to become a lower pressure. Therefore the high to low pressure differential creates lift.

what effects does humidity and pressure have on performance?

higher humidity and lower pressure both worsen performance Less air molecules= worse performance (higher altitude) If there is more moisture in the air vs. air molecules that makes for poor performance

what is common carriage?

holding out (advertising) no pro rata no common purpose- flying for the same reason wet lease: meaning the pilot and plane came from different companies which is OK!

what is the lowest altitude you can legally fly?

congested: 1000 ft non-congested: 500 ft other: safe altitude permitting no damage/harm in event of an engine failure. FAR 91.119

Describe ECHO airspace

controlled airspace which is found at airports without control towers, airspace used to transit between terminal and enroute environments. can go all the way up to class A airspace. established to help separate IFR traffic from VFR traffic class echo starts at the surface when depicted as a segmented magenta line class echo starts at 700 ft AGL depicted by light magenta shading class echo starts at 1200 ft AGL depicted by light blue shading non depicted echo airspace starts at 14,500 ft mode C transponder is requried above 10,000 ft but not below 2,500 ft must stay below 250 kts below 10,000 ft can be a student pilot below 10,000 3-152 above 10,000 5-111

how long are AIRMETS valid for and when are they issued?

issued 4x daily and valid for 6 hours

Radio station license

license for crew if operating internationally permit for a/c

what does 9999 mean?

light and variable

Describe CHARLIE airspace

located around a busy airport which has an operational control tower, a radar approach control and certain number of IFR operations depicted on charts as solid magenta line surface to 4,000 ft agl must stay below 200 kts when within 4nm of primary airport and below 2,500 ft core has a 5nm radius, shelf has a 10nm radius, outer shelf has a 20 nm radius (not depicted) establish 2 way radio comms before entering must have 2 way radio in airspace and a mode c transponder in and above the airspce can be a student pilot 3-152

how do you get a FSS frequency?

located on a sectional or chart supplement

when listening to awos/atis is the wind in true or magnetic?


what are the 4 parts of an MEL?

preamble procedures document letter of authorization master MEL

Weight and balance

required for flight

what is a SPECI report?

special METAR issuance (an official special weather report) usually for drastic changes of weather conditions.

explain the aerodynamics of a spin

spin is a stall resulting in the autorotation around the spin axis. Outside wing is less stalled than the inner wing; outer wing has a decreased AOA compared to the inner wings increasing AOA. 2 things: exceed the critical angle of attack (stall) with yaw. remember: passed critical angle of attack lift decreases. rotation is due to unequal AOA on the wings It DOES NOT MATTER which wingtip is raised, A/C enters the spin towards the yaw (direction the rudder is applied).

when is night equipment required?

sunset to sunrise FAR 91.209

Describe BRAVO airspace

surrounds nations major airports depicted on charts with solid blue line. extends from the surface to 10,000 ft. must have a mode c transponder (altitude reporting) within 30 nm of the airport depicted as the mode c veil. establish 2 way radio communication before entering must hear tail number cleared in to the bravo below class bravo or within VFR corridor stay below 200 kts *inside the bravo is 250 kts student pilot needs an endorsement 3sm of vis and clear of clouds

what is different about night landings?

they must be to a COMPLETE stop 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise.

why does stall speed change with weight?

this is because we need more lift to counter-react the weight (Vs=50 Vso=45)

are winds true or magnetic?


how long is a convective SIGMET valid for and when are they posted?

valid for 2 hours and posted hourly at 55 minutes past the hour

when is a type cert required?

when the a/c is over 12,500 LBS.

What weather phenomenon would have to occur for a regular SIGMET (WS)to be issued?

widespread conditions affecting aircraft operations, severe turbulence, ice, widespread dust/sand storm, and volcanic ash

In a stall are both wings stalled?


if we are current at night, are we current for day?

yes; FAR 61.57

why must the POH in the a/c be used and not the PIM?

(POH) Pilot operating handbook is A/C specific and our (PIM) Pilot information manual is generic.

What weather phenomenon would have to occur for a Convective SIGMET (WST) to be issued; also known as Convective Significant Meteorological Conditions ?

Line of T-Storms/ widespread t-storms, embedded t-storms, tornado, hail 3/4 in or bigger, winds 50 kts or greater

what is category?

airmen: airplane, rotorcraft, glider. aircraft: normal, utility, aerobatic

what is class?

airmen: single engine land, multi engine land, single engine sea, multi engine sea. aircraft: airplane, rotorcraft, glider

what is a special flight permit?

ferry permit for Mx purposes; requested at local FSDO example: Fargo

what class medical do you need to fly as a commercial pilot?

2nd class medical; good for 1 year excercising commercial privileges

a pilot acting as PIC while carrying passengers must do what to maintain currency?

3 TO and L's within the preceding 90 days in the same category, class, and type (if required) of that aircraft to be flown. *MUST BE THE SOLE MANIPULATOR OF THE FLIGHT CONTROLS

how long are SIGMETS (WS) for?

4 hours; unscheduled on as needed basis

how are winds and temps aloft issued?

4 times daily winds not shown w/in 1500 ft of elevation temps are not shown w/in 2500 ft of elevation

how often are TAF's issued and valid for?

4 times daily and valid for 24-30 hours

how long do you have to replace a torn certificate?

60 days

what are you going to do if you lose a radio in a practice area or GFK pattern?

7600; Call the tower on your phone, Call SOF, look for light gun signals fly above pattern altitude. Land at an uncontrolled field.

What is an AIRMET?

- Airmen's Meteorological Information (WA - Weather Advisories)

what are the minimum VFR fuel requirements for UND and the FAA fuel requirements?

UND: 45 all the time FAA: day 30 and night 45 FAR 91.151

Can the annual take the place of a 100hr?

Yes; FAR 91.409 Annual needs an IA sign off 100 hr can be done by A and P

Give an example of where an unintentional spin could occur.

You are most likely to have this happen to you on your base to final turn because of how low and slow you are while turning For example: if you are making that turn to final and feel that you are overshooting the runway causing you to overcorrect putting yourself into a spin due your yawing motion and low airspeed

what limitations are there if a commercial pilot has no instrument rating?

can only carry passengers within 50 nm during the day

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