361 Exam 2

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Sociocultural views of motivation are _________ source of motivation.


Which one of the following statements is TRUE with regard to instructional planning?

It is more critical at the beginning of the year for teachers than at any other time.

In their writing group, Aron has become the expert on how to write an introductory sentence. When students teach other students about the part in which they have expertise, they are engaged in what type of cooperative learning structure? A. Jigsaw B. Group work C. Reciprocal questioning D. Service learning


Stacey is trying to learn the abbreviation and names for the chemical elements, such as Au (gold). He connects the Au with a mental picture of Auric Goldfinger, the Villain in James Bond novel. This is an example of using what learning strategy?


Ms. Smith would like to measure her first-graders' mastery of their personal information(address, phone number, spelling of name). What level of Bloom's taxonomy do her questions illustrate?


Because memories are organized in propositional networks, recall of one bit of information often

Leads to recall of another bit of information

Which one of the following statements is an assumption of the learning sciences?

Leaning is more than receiving information from teachers and texts.

Which one of the following statements is an assumption of the learning sciences?

Learning is more than receiving information from teachers and texts.

What are the ideas for accomplishing learning goals, an overall plan, and attack?

Learning strategies

Current beliefs about problem-solving techniques suggest that domain-specific strategies are... .

Likely to be used increasingly as experience with a particular subject increases

The loci method is a process in which you

Link items with particular places

Episodic memory is

Long-term memory for information tied to a certain time and place such as, the events of a persons' life

You are given a math problem to solve. As you try to remember the formula involved, what memory system is being searched?

Long-term semantic

Based on the serial-position effect, what group of letters of the alphabet should be the most difficult to remember for someone who is first learning the alphabet?


Mark can answer the physics problem because of patterns of knowledge stored in his long-term memory, which he did not intentionally try to learn. This situation involves

Mark using his implicit memory.

According to Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, the most important and influential source of self-efficacy information comes from _____________.

Mastery experiences.

Dividing a problem into a number of intermediate goals and then identifying a means of solving each subgoal is called...?

Means-ends analysis

A child hopefully, but erroneously, argues that an orange soda qualifies as a type of fruit juice. This event illustrates the concept of....


One of the educational implications of sensory memory is that

Attention is necessary if children are to remember information.

Which one of the following students best illustrates the simplest and most practical definition of understanding?

Ava figures out how to finance her project within her current budget.

What can teachers do to help their students develop an automated basic skill?

Ensure that students have the necessary prerequisite knowledge and provide practice with feedback.

Who called transfer "the productive use of cognitive tools and motivation?"

Erik De Corte

Metacognition requires three essential skills (1) to plan; (2) to monitor; and (3) to


Whitney presents and defends her personal views on the desirability of having the current president nominate Supreme Court Justices. What level of thinking in Bloom's taxonomy is illustrated by Whitney's task?


The process that occurs when remembering certain information is hampered by the presence of other information is called_______?


What schedule of reinforcement is most likely to be involved when teachers give "pop" quizzes?

Intermittent interval

Piaget's approach to learning is an example of what type of constructivism?

Internally directed

Piaget's approach to learning is an example of what type of contructivism?

Internally directed

Marc starts talking to Wynoma about the field trip to the zoo, which reminds him of the book he read on tigers last week. He concludes by telling Wynoma that the new library is very easy to use. This phenomenon illustrates the concept of

Spread of activation

While taking his final exam, Jerry recalled one item of information that caused him to remember another piece of information related to the question. What phenomenon has he just experienced?

Spread of activation

Students with disabilities need to learn the ________, and they need to ___________ in the day to day life of the classroom.

academic material be full participants

In the highest level of the affective domain, students are expected to

adopt, and act consistently with, a new value.

What are sources of individual differences in metacognition?

age of children & maturation

A procedure that is guaranteed to accomplish a particular goal when correctly implemented is call ___?


The schedule of reinforcement the most appropriate to use in the classroom because it encourages high persistence and high rates of response is what type of schedule _______?

variable ratio

Short-term memory is often called _________, because it is where our current thinking or "consciousness" takes place.


Gwen the class VP suggested that they organize committee's that would be responsible for 1) checking the calendar 2) checking with other schools 3) checking the availability of the football stadium. Gwen is ____?

working backwards

A poor example for getting students attention would be

yelling at students

Elaboration is

Enhancing and broadening significance by attaching new information to current knowledge.

In addition to academic learning skills, self-regulated learners have...?

Good self-control abilities

In using the IDEAL approach to problem solving, the first step is to...

Identify the problem

Operant conditioning differs from classical conditioning by

focusing on the consequences of voluntary behavior

The acronym IDEAL identifies the five steps involved in strategies for

general problem solving

The main difficulty that occurs when students are too quick to decide what a problem asks is that they may

Activate an inappropriate schema

Transfer has been a focus of research in educational psychology for over_____years.


Working memory is limited because it only lasts about

15-20 seconds

How many steps are their to problem solving?


The INCLUDE strategy has how many parts?


At what age have most children developed most cognitive abilities?


Items can typically be stored in working memory for approximately how long?

About 20 seconds

Compared to the behavioristic orientation, the cognitive perspective recognizes people as what type of learners?


What is a complex task?

A task that is challenging but within reach

2. An exhaustive, step-by-step approach for solving a problem, in which a solution is virtually guaranteed is a(n)....?


Learning by observing others is:? A. harmful to independent thinking B. What Bandura refers to as "self-efficacy" C. Is unrelated to self-regulated learning D. An effective way to learn new knowledge and skills

An effective way to learn new knowledge and skills

What is motivation?

An internal state that arouses, directs, and maintains behavior.

Sgt. York couldnt get a shot at the enemy, who was keeping his head down in a foxhole. "Why, he's acting just like the turkeys back in Kentucky!" Sgt. York thought and yelled out his best turkey gobble. The enemy stuck up his head to see what the noise was and found a bullet. What cognition process did the sgt. use?

Analogical thinking

A student in a biology class examines a slide of an unfamiliar cell and describes its major parts and how they interrelate. What element in Bloom's taxonomy is most directly exemplified?


What are the steps involved in self-regulated learning?

Analyzing the task, setting goals, devising plans, enacting stategies

Given the objective "students will be able to write complete sentences using words from a new vocabulary list," identify whether Mager's three criteria for a correctly stated behavioral objective are present or absent in this objective.

Behavior - Present Condition- Present Criterion- Absent

Vygotsky's approach to learning is an example of what type of constructivism?

Both externally and internally directed

Mr. Kawasaki is teaching his 6th grade science students about the scientific method. Students are instructed about each component of the method first in order to understand the whole process. This instructional strategy is based on what concept?

Bottom-up processing

According to current theories of memory, the flow of information through information processing systems is guided by the ________?

Central Executive

Use of the READS method would probably have questionable benefits for ________?

Children in early elementary school

During music class, Lisa enthusiastically sings aloud with her class, but the teacher comments, "Lisa...you sound like an owl in a torture chamber." Lisa turns bright red. The nest week she feels ill when it is time to go to music class again. Feeling anxiety at the prospect of going to music class is an example of?

Classical Conditioning

You are teaching a class of students who are very inexperienced in solving problems on their own. What is the most useful strategy for the teacher to use in order to help students solve the problems for a particular unit?

Combine the use of guidelines for problem solving with student self-monitoring

Which one of the following critical thinking skills is involved in defining and clarifying a problem?

Comparing differences and similarities

When Mr. Wilson wants his students to lean about a familiar concept and practice thinking skills at the same time, he should stress

Concept attainment

Maria has excellent study habits. She seems to know just what to review and how long to spend on each part of every course. Maria is applying what type of knowledge?


Ms. Gentry took her tenth-grade biology students to the Horticulture Garden. The students were able to observe and classify a wide variety of exotic plants. Students in her class are likely to remember the names and characteristics of those plants because of


Yancey turns on the water faucet to get a drink. What schedule of reinforcement typically prevails?


Making connections between the information in the different texts and noting similarities and contradictions


Knowing about the characteristics and images of a concept is ?

Declarative Knowledge

Noah counted the legs on a bug and came up with eight. He then decided the bug was an arachnid (spider) because an arachnid has eight legs. His decision was based upon what aspect of concept learning?

Defining attribute

What is a flexible approach to teaching that matches content, process, and product, based on student differences in readiness, interests, and learning needs?

Differentiated instruction

Means-end analysis in problem solving involves

Distance reduction and diving a problem into subgoals

Creativity is thought to be associated directly with what type of thinking?

Divergent thinking

6. Which one of the following concepts is consistent with the notion of a heuristic? A. Analogical Thinking B. Domain Specific C. Exhaustive D. Guaranteed solution

Domain Specific

Cliff is good at solving math problems, but has difficulty solving problems in his computer class. His problem-solving ability in math represents what type of knowledge?


Cooperative learning involves the following:

Elaboration, interpretation, and argumentation

Megan tries to remember the address, 10 Anchor Street, by imagining a ten-dollar bill attached to the anchor of a ship. She is using a memory strategy called

Elaborative rehearsal

In a cooperative learning situation, the role of the encourager is to

Encourage all students to participate

Which one of the following perspectives would be the MOST consistent with a social view of learning?

Expect each student to process the lesson material somewhat differently.

Long-term memories that comprise of planned or intentional recollection are:

Explicit memories

When we intentionally try to learn something new, we are involving what type of long-term memory?

Explicit memory

Motivation created by external factors such as rewards and punishments. These people need those rewards or punishments to complete the activity. This is called _____________.

Extrinsic motivation

Research has shown that the capacity of the working memory is limited to about how many chunks?

Five to nine

Michael was asked to devise as many unusual uses for a brick as he could. All of Michael's ideas dealt with using a brick to break things. In what aspect of creativity proposed by Torrence is Michael lacking?


Operant conditioning differs from classical conditioning by...?

Focusing on the consequences of voluntary behavior

The inability to recognize unconventional uses of familiar objects represents a barrier to problem solving that is referred to as ...?

Functional Fixedness

Which one of the following students is playing the role of reflector in a cooperative learning group?

Gary makes sure that the group is aware of its progress or lack of progress toward the group goal

Rory learned about divergent rays in physics class when he was studying the effects of lenses. Later, in class, he immediately understood the concept of "divergent thinking." What learning experience did Rory have?

General transfer

Recent research on the effects of direct instruction suggests that there is ample evidence identifying what to be at the heart of the direct instruction teaching model?

Guided and independent practice with feedback.

No matter what learning strategies are used, students:

Have to be taught how to use them.

Which of the following behaviors is one of the teacher's roles in problem-based learning?

Help students to reflect on their investigations

Which one of the following behaviors is one of the teacher's roles in problem-based learning?

Help students to reflect on their investigations

Which one of the following elements does NOT define a true cooperative learning group?

Homogenous grouping

Continuously falling behind on classwork for the simple fact that this student doesn't even try or is disinterested in class work and activities is an example of a student profile called ____________.

Hopeless Geraldo

An ______ is knowledge we are not mindful of evoking.

Implicit memory

In classical conditioning, the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus must be...?

In a contiguous relationship

Ms. French would like to have her students, while experimenting with their own structured materials, discover some key principles of gravity. Which one of the following teaching methods should be most appropriate for this purpose?


Frank was supposed to push three wheelbarrows back to the barn, and he wasn't relishing the idea of three trips. So he loaded two wheelbarrows into the third and made one trip. He demonstrated ______?


The sudden re-conceptualization or reorganization of a problem that clarifies it and suggests a possible solution is.....?


Which of the following BEST illustrates the state of functional fixedness

Nathaniel, a student using a ruler to draw lines, fails to realize that he can use its metal edge as a scraper to remove paint from his desk

Which one is not one of the six cogs of differentiated instruction?


Behavioral theories of learning emphasize....?

Observable Actions

B.F. Skinner is to _____, as Ivan Pavlov is to_____?

Operant conditioning; Classical Conditioning

Retrieval is

The practice of searching for and finding information in long-term memory

Overlearning is the process of practicing a skill

Past the point of mastery, such that retention is improved

According to Bandura, expectations are part of which one of the elements that comprise reciprocal causality?

Personal Factors

. Formulating new answers by going beyond the simple application of previously learned rules to reach a goal is....?

Problem Solving

Alec still remembers how to touch-type, even though it has been three years since he has practiced. The memory system most directly involved here is


Knowing how to apply rules to categorize objects and ideas is ______?


If a student who is called on to respond to a question gives a partially wrong answer, the recommended procedure is to

Provide a prompt or cue and stay with the student for a little while.

The essential difference between negative reinforcement and punishment is that....?

Punishment decreases the behavior while negative reinforcement increases it.

Exceptional progress by a student as a result of high teacher expectations for that student; named for mythological king, Pygmalion, who made a statue, then caused it to be brought to life.

Pygmalion effect

Studies of expertise have discovered that chess masters are superior to non-expert players in ______?

Recognition of meaningful chess patterns

Expert teachers don't have to think as hard as beginning teachers due to an ability to ___________?

Recognize patterns in problems

A student provides an explanation of why water evaporation, but his description leaves out some of the details the teacher provided, while including some new information. Cognitive theorists would attribute this to


The basic purpose of chunking as a memory strategy is to...?

Reduce the amount of information to be stored in the working memory

Which one of the following is the best example of using an advance organizer?

Relating prior knowledge of the American Revolution to introduce the French Revolution.

Mr. Smith uses a token economy system in his history class. Whenever Bill breaks a rule, he lose a "chip." If the infraction is major, Bill loses several chips. This is an example of

Removal punishment

Ms. Cricket gave a creative writing assignment on todays film. She allows 10 min today and 10 min tomorrow to work on it. What component of the creative process is the fostering?


The information processing model of memory involves encoding, storage, and ________ of information.


You remember when you lost your wallet last semester campus security found it for you. When you lost it again you called them first. The method used to solve this problem was _______?


In order to understand the large amounts of information inherent in complex concepts, people must develop structures or patterns called


A student who successfully converts a fraction to a decimal yells out "I did it... I can do it" is demonstrating a strong sense of ?

Self-efficacy for math

What is a ground-less expectation that is confirmed because it has been expected?

Self-fulfilling prophecy

What is the process of activating and sustaining thoughts, behaviors, and emotions in order to reach goals?


Long-term memory that is memory for meaning is called?


Which one of the following people illustrates the best example of creative behavior?

Sheryl generates a list of solutions for the recycling problem.

Vygotsky's notion that learning is inherently social and embedded in a particular cultural setting is consistent with...?

Situated Learning

Which one of the following theories places the greatest emphasis on presenting models so that students can learn from observing others complete a task?

Social cognitive theory

The principle characteristics of constructivist teach are complex, real-life learning environments and....?

Social negotiation and shared responsibility

What level of Bloom's taxonomy is represented by the following objective? "Student teachers will design a module of instruction in their own content areas."


Which one of the following statements is consistent with the cognitive approach to learning?

The same event means different things to different people.

Recent research evidence suggests that a major element in planning and designing lessons and units of instruction for all grade levels is the use of

Thematic and integrated contents

Woolfolk makes the following point about the role of memorization in learning:

There can be a place for rote memorization, such as memorizing terms, names, facts, and dates.

Massed practice is

Training for a single extended period.

Cheryl gets good grades in her language class but uses incorrect grammar and punctuation in her written work in other classes. This situation suggests a problem with...?


The stage of transfer for strategies in which the teacher should provide new problems that can be solved with the same strategy is what stage?


______occurs when a rule, fact or skill in one situation is applied in another situation.


The teacher should provide new problems that can be solved with the same strategy in the___________.

Transfer phase

In Bandura's social cognitive learning theory, the interaction among personal factors, environmental events, and behaviors is called....?

Triarchic reciprocal causality

In teaching the concept "language" Mr. Carlow has included hand signs and computer software as examples. His choice of examples is designed to avoid......


Top-down processing is distinguished by its reliance on a(n)

Understanding of a/the context of a situation.

Which of the following ways of learning an applied skill is most consistent with a constructivist approach?

Use realistic materials and a group format to provide support for individuals

Which one of the following ways of learning an applied skill is most consistent with a constructivist approach?

Use realistic materials and a group format to provide support for individuals

One of the conditions for using good learning strategies is that students must. A. be able to work independently B. understand that ability is more important than effort C. Value and care about learning D. Have speed of learning

Value and care about learning

What schedule of reinforcement is most likely to be involved when teachers give pop quizzes?


Another word for will power is...


What you are thinking about right now is being held in what type of memory?


The strategy of solving a crossword puzzle by doing "down" items before "across" items is an example of

a heuristic strategy

High-ability students generally appear most likely to benefit from

a mixture of factual and higher-level questions

Mr. Lynch always uses his "mean" face to stop undesirable behavior in class. Whenever he looks at Tommy it increases Tommy's bad behavior. For Tommy, the "mean" face is what?

a positive reinforcer

The premack principle stats that?...

a preferred activity is a reinforce for a less-preferred activity

The Premack Principle states that:

a preferred activity is a reinforcer for a less-preferred activity

When you are faced with a problem and you look back on what you have learned from other situations to help you with this one.

backward reaching transfer

In organizing cooperative learning groups, Woolfolk suggests that it is best to

balance the number of boys and girls in each group

In order to help students become better learners, it is recommended that they....?

be provided a variety of strategies and practices

Warmth and enthusiasm on the part of the teacher have been shown to

be related positively to student attitudes

Marible was assigned the role of making sure her group understands the learning task. Her role is referred to as the


In order to measure the outcomes of cognitive objectives more easily, the objectives should be

clarified with specific examples

Behavior is determined by our thinking, not by the rewards or punishments received for a behavior. This would be __________ approach to motivation.


A neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus that brings about an unconditioned response. Through repeated pairing of the neutral and unconditioned stimulus the________?

conditioned stimulus will trigger a conditioned response

A teaching strategy, based on Vygotsky's theory, that involves active learning is .


Skills in defining and clarifying the problem, judging the information related to the problem, solving the problem, and drawing conclusions are examples of ____________.

critical thinking skills.

Knowing specific facts or knowing how to do something is called verbal information or ___________

declarative knowledge

What is a major advantage of task analysis

describes the sequence of skills leading to a goal

An example of the use of positive practice is having students

develop sentences using commonly misused words.

An important part of becoming an expert in a field is

domain specific knowledge

Students with learning disabilities appear to benefit from using __________ distributed over days and weeks.

extended practice

Ray's temper tantrums have finally drive his mother to her wits end. Ray's mother resolves that she will ignore the temper tantrums no matter what. This plan is an example of ____?


The five elements of cooperative learning listed by David and Roger Johnson (1994) include interdependence, individual accountability, group processing, collaborative skills and....?

face-to-face interactions

Gloria thinks about the solution to a problem regarding welfare in her american problems course. She asks herself what she needs to know in order to solve the problem. She tries to think about the problem in different and possibly creative ways. She is then able to clarify the problem and propose a potentially useful solution. The aspect of problem solving that Gloria's strategy exemplifies is


When failure does occur, self-regulated learners are LESS likely to...?

get defensive

in addition to academic learning skills, self-regulated learners have...

good self-control abilities

According to the levels of processing theory, the length of time information is remembered is determined by

how completely the initial learning was accomplished.

Traditional views of concept learning suggest that we recognize examples of a concept by

identifying defining features or attributes

in classical conditioning the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus must be

in a contiguous relationship

According to Woolfolk, the basic purpose of mnemonic aids is to

make connections between the information to be memorized.

A consequence is defined by Skinner as a reinforcer OR punisher depending on whether it ______?

increases or decreases the frequency of the behavior that it follows

Woolfolk suggests that advanced planning is important primarily because such planning

influences what students will learn

A teaching strategy in which the teacher presents a problem and students ask yes/no questions to gather data and test hypotheses is called ___________.

inquiry learning

Within the information processing perspective, learning declarative knowledge involves .

integrating new ideas with existing knowledge to create an understanding.

Which one of the following student factors influences the extent to which a student will engage in self regulated-learning?

knowing about one's own interest and talents

The primary value of Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive objectives is that it can

lead educators to think carefully about the objectives they construct.

Constructivist views of learning are grounded in the research of ...?

many psychologists and educators

Which one of the following statements is true?

metacognitive knowledge and skills can be learned and improved.

Mr. Snow, the math teacher, asks parents to facilitate their child's self-regulation by

modeling how to set specific goals

removing an aversive stimulus to increase the frequency of a behavior exemplifies?

negative reinforcement

Two popular study strategies often used by students are:

note taking and underlining

Mr. Bennett's student teacher suggested using a token reinforcement strategy with his disruptive sixth grade class. The token system was received well by the students and soon the class was following the rules. Now that it works, tokens should be distributed?

on an intermittent schedule

The concluding step to the self-management process is

self reinforcement

Overlearning is the process of practicing a skill...?

past the point of mastery, such that retention is improved

Your _______ is your interpretation of sensory information


Shaping is an appropriate method for when developing new behavior when _________?

performance is otherwise too poor to gain reinforcement

Which one of the following statements is an example of cueing

please remember to put your name on each page

All later learning depends on ______ of the basic skills to new situations

positive transfer

When students are confronted with real situations that have meaning for them, the learning is .


The smallest unit of knowledge that can be judged true or false is called a


In order to encourage student creativity teachers are advised to

reinforce unusual solutions even if the product is not perfect

An experiment an electric can opener is used to open a can and no salivation by the subject is detected. After a number of pairing between the can opener operation and food, any time the opener is used the subject salivates. The conditioned response is

salivation to the can opener

Providing students with practice in recognizing and categorizing a variety of problem types involves

schema training

The guided inquiry model developed by Magnusson, Palincsar, and their colleagues involves both firsthand investigations and

secondhand investigations

Cognitive behavior modification adds what to the management process

self instruction

ms. jackson's perception of her capabilities to effectively deal with a particular task is her sense of...


while Mr. Lindsey was explaining the social studies assignment, Missy was finishing homework due for her next class. When the class began the assignment, Missy did not know what to do. According to the information processing model of cognitive learning, Missy was lost because...? .

she did not pay attention to the instructions that were given.

According to Bandura's theory of self-efficacy, the most important and influential source of self-efficacy information comes from....?

similar to one previously learned, so that positive transfer is realized

Vygotsky's notion that learning is inherently social and embedded in a particular cultural setting is consistent with

situated learning.

Two major characteristics of constructivist teaching are complex learning environments and

social interactions

The principle characteristics of constructivist teaching are complex, real-life learning environments and

social negotiation and shared responsibility

Learning Latin to improve basic intelligence would possibly be inefficient due to

specific rather then general transfer taking place.

According to current cognitive theories, information may be lost from long-term memory in all of the following ways EXCEPT by


Propositional networks are defined most accurately as

the organization of information according to its meaning

The recommended waiting time while questioning students is

three to five seconds

Erin is a fifth-grade teacher who has a high degree of efficacy in teaching. Consequently, Erin will most likely..? A. be a fairly easy grader B. be relatively strict with her classroom rules C. have a high sense of "with-it-ness" D. try harder when students have learning difficulties

try harder when students have learning difficulties

Woolfolk suggests that programs for promoting group responsibility may be particularly hard on

unpopular students who are unable to perform well

When students encounter only one method of understanding complex content, it is important for the teacher to

use different analogies, examples, and metaphors.

In using cooperative learning, it is recommended that teachers

use the assignment of roles as a way to encourage participation.

Creative work is original, appropriate, and


Ms. Johnson's sixth graders complained about diagramming sentences and they were able to convince her to show a movie first. Ms. Johnson made the common error of _______?

using a reinforcer before a low frequency behavior

One of the conditions for using good learning strategies is that students must

value and care about learning

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