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American participation in the United Nations was a marked break from which of the following approaches to foreign policy?

The isolationism recommended in Washington's Farewell Address

Which of the following groups was MOST likely the intended audience of the excerpt above?

The residents of Montgomery, Alabama.

Which action of the United States below would BEST represent "a major dam against Russian aggression" in the aftermath of World War II?

Truman's response to the Russians closing land access to Berlin in 1948.

The sentiments of the preamble to the charter of the United Nations most directly reflects the vision of which of the following U.S. presidents?

Woodrow Wilson.

Which of the following groups would most likely have challenged the status quo during the postwar period?


A historian would MOST likely use this illustration as evidence for

increased anxiety engendered by the Cold War.

The passage above was MOST LIKELY a response to

ongoing debates about the protections of civil liberties.

In this illustration, Bert the Turtle advises finding

shelter from atomic bombs.

Which of the following literary works was a response to the social expectations outlined in the excerpt?

"Feminine Mystique."

Which of the following factors was MOST responsible for creating the conditions depicted in the photograph above?

Activist Supreme Court judges looking for a case to make their own statement on segregation.

Federal support for the highway system above was MOST likely a reaction to which of the following events or processes?

Anxiety engendered by the Cold War resulted in federal support for a new interstate system as part of a national defense plan.

The case of Sweatt v. Painter above BEST represents a precursor to which later Supreme Court case below?

Brown v. Board of Education (1954).

The foreign policy described above represents the biggest departure from which of the following?

George Washington's Farewell Address.

Which of the following periods in American history most resembles the one described in the passage?

Imperialism at the turn of the century

Where might one find American housing developments in the 1960s, such as are described in the lyrics above?

In suburbs of "Sun Belt" cities experiencing rapid growth after World War II.

Which of the following individuals would have MOST likely supported the actions of Senator McCarthy in the early 1950s?

J. Edgar Hoover.

During his administration, Truman would pursue a fundamentally different foreign policy than outlined above in


Which of the following would NOT be considered a cause of the homogenous society created in the postwar period?

Lack of world trade.

Which of the following terms best represents the document's warning?

Military Industrial Complex

The passage above was MOST likely a reaction to which of the following events or processes?

The American goal to contain the spread of communism in Europe.

The federal government pushed back against Senator Joseph McCarthy's anti-communist policies with which of the following actions?

The Senate's decision to censure Joseph McCarthy.

Which of the following geographic regions would most benefit from the America that President Eisenhower describes here?

The Sunbelt

Which of the following BEST captures the message of this cartoon?

The United States and the Soviet Union came very close to a nuclear war.

Which of the following examples BEST represents the ideas expressed by the image?

The assembly line.

Which of the following was a direct result of the events described in Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech?

The creation of NATO.

President Kennedy's message in the address was MOST LIKELY a response to which of the following developments in the mid 1950s-early 1960s?

The decolonization of Vietnam.

Which of the following historical developments most directly precipitated the conditions leading to the creation of the United Nations?

The failure of collective security to prevent the Second World War.

Which of the following BEST represents the foreign policy described in the excerpt above?

The formation of both collective security agreements and multilateral economic institutions.

Herbert Hoover's comments in support of the Marshall Plan represented an effort by the United States to

create an economic framework to bolster support of non-communist nations in Europe following World War II.

Which of the following BEST reflects the sentiments depicted in the excerpt above?

Challenges to social conformity of the 1950s by American intellectuals and artists.

Which US government official would be MOST likely to agree with the ideas expressed in the excerpt?

George Kennan.

The Supreme Court ban on segregation in public schools, shown in the image above, represents a reversal of which decision below?

Plessy v. Ferguson.

The passage above was MOST likely a reaction to which of the following events or processes?

Post-World War II fears of Russian domination in Europe.

Which of the following events would BEST support Senator McCarthy's claim in the first paragraph of this passage?

The Creation of East Germany.

The decision of the Supreme Court on desegregation above fulfilled the promise of what Civil War constitutional amendment's equal protection clause?


The strategies expressed in the excerpt above MOST closely parallel those expressed in the writings of which group or movement below?

American Transcendentalists.

Which of the following can be seen as the result of the popularity of the ideas expressed by McCarthy in his speech?

An increased number of hearings conducted by the House UnAmerican Activities Committee.

The sentiments of the excerpt above are most similar to which of the following American foreign policies?


The tone of President Kennedy's address BEST reflects which of the following foreign policy approaches?


Which of the following events resulted from the fears described in the passage?

Cuban Missile Crisis

The ideas expressed in the passage above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

Disillusionment with a homogeneous American identity

Which of the following events, prior to the memo above, represents an earlier American military involvement in Cuban affairs?

During the Spanish-American War of 1898, American forces landed in Cuba to help Cuban revolutionaries win independence from Spain.

The sentiments of Truman's speech above are MOST similar to the foreign policies of the following presidential administrations?

Lyndon B. Johnson.

Which of the following presidents focused his foreign policy specifically on preventing the vision above?

Lyndon Johnson.

Which of the following groups would MOST likely have supported the sentiments in the memo above?

Members of the C.I.A. who planned the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961.

Which of the following countries was NOT threatened by the spread of communism after the Second World War?


Federal support for the system of highways shown above is MOST similar to the goals of which group or faction below?

Proponents of Henry Clay's American System.

Which group would MOST likely have supported the sentiments expressed in the passage above?

Radical Republicans of the Reconstruction period.

Which of the following concepts most directly correlates to the role of women in the 1950s?

Republican Motherhood.

Which of the following groups most immediately opposed the desegregation of public schools illustrated above?

Southern Governors like Orval Faubus and George Wallace who openly fought against the decision of the Supreme Court.

Which of the following events MOST directly contributed to the attitudes expressed in the cartoon above?

Soviet acquisition of atomic weapons in 1949.

Which of the following technologies that proliferated during the 1950s spread the image of women as domestic caregivers?


Which action of the federal government below would eventually redress the type of grievances in the excerpt above when it prohibited state and municipal governments from denying access to public facilities on grounds of race, color, religion or national origin?

The Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Which of the following groups would be MOST likely to support the viewpoint depicted in the image?

The House Un-American Activities Committee.

Which of the following crises in US history is MOST similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The Quasi War with France in the late 1790's.

The ideas expressed in Churchill's speech most strongly influenced which United States foreign policy action regarding Greece and Turkey in the Cold War era?

The Truman Doctrine.

The image above promoted support for what Cold War foreign policies?

The Truman doctrine.

Which of the following was the MOST immediate consequence of the activity shown in the illustration above?

The United States tried to contain the spread of Soviet-dominated communism during the Cold War.

The patterns described in the excerpt MOST directly foreshadowed which of the following developments?

The construction of the Berlin Wall.

The anti-communist hysteria represented by the image is MOST similar to which of the following events in the post World War I era?

The conviction of Sacco and Vanzetti.

What process or historical development was enhanced by the highway system pictured above in the decades following 1955?

The rapid development of "motels" to meet the needs of Americans now traveling by car.

Which of the following became a source of controversy that emerged from implementing the foreign policy recommendations made above?

The size of America's nuclear arsenal and military budgets.

The passage above BEST reflects which of the following historical developments?

The willingness of the United States to pivot to direct military confrontation during the Cold War.

The sentiments described in the excerpt above MOST directly led to

debates about policies and methods used to root out communism.

Although it certainly provided justification for American military intervention in Cuba, the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 did not provoke direct military action in Cuba because Elimination Tool

direct military action by the United States quite possibly could have resulted in nuclear war between America and the Soviet Union.

The sentiments described in the excerpt above were MOST likely motivated by Hoover's desire to

root out subversives within the United States.

The decision above was MOST clearly a response to

separate and unequal educational opportunities in Texas.

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

american party system;development of american political parties

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