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*Even with an ethics training program, an organization that does not have _________ is most likely to have ethics issues. a. integrity, honesty, and trust b. a global culture c. corporate lawyers d. adaptability


*How does the Four Seasons make sure that its employees to provide a high service culture? a. A 12-week training program, mentors, and excellent benefits b. Daily incentives for a good customer survey c. Employees are fired for any negative feedback from customers d. Employees are rotated out frequently to keep them motivated


*Mary Barra used the mandate "Dress Appropriately" at General Motors to help her determine a. how the current leaders can handle decision making. b. who had better taste in clothes. c. who would follow her lead. d. how to start to write a manual for a dress code.


*What was the "culture clash heard around the world?" a. The merger of Daimler-Benz and Chrysler b. The merger of CBS and Viacom c. The merger of Kraft and Heinz d. The merger of Vodafone and Mannesmann


*Which of these would NOT fit the culture Mary Barra was trying to build at General Motors? a. It's ok to make assumptions about that other people think. b. Focus on foundational issues. c. Build an environment where people feel engaged. d. Have fun and build teamwork.


3M Corporation provides its employees time each week to generate ideas for new products. This practice is responsible for the development of such products as Post-it notes. 3M has a(n) _____________ culture. a. innovative b. people-centered c. detail oriented d. aggressive


A defined set of values unique to a limited cross-section of the organization is a. a subculture. b. a counterculture. c. a strong culture. d. a service culture.


A system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs that indicates what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior in an organization is a. culture. b. mission. c. goals. d. strategy.


A well-known Fortune 500 CEO dresses up in a different outlandish costume each year for his presentation during the annual stockholder meeting. The presentation is broadcasted to all divisions and offices of the firm and employees enthusiastically view the proceedings. This scenario is an example of what visual element of culture? a. rituals b. stories c. policies d. artifacts


Cultural assumptions a. lie below the awareness level and reflect beliefs about human nature and reality. b. are shared principles, standards and goals. c. are a set of values unique to a limited cross-section of the organization. d. are the visible and tangible elements of culture.


If an industry is highly regulated, firms competing within it likely have a. bureaucratic structures. b. dynamic, innovative cultures. c. low concern for rules and authority. d. businesses processes characterized by agility and quick action.


Leaders impact organization culture through a. role modeling. b. leader height. c. leader intelligence. d. leader personality.


People-oriented cultures a. value fairness, supportiveness and respecting individual rights. b. value competitiveness and outperforming competitors. c. are flexible, adaptable, and experiment with new ideas. d. emphasize precision and paying attention to details.


The mother of the young man always has such difficulty getting him jeans to wear to elementary school. He needs the husky size and does not want any color EXCEPT the dark blue denim. The mother needs four pair of jeans. She usually purchases them at a major department store located in the mall near her home. She is at the mall today and is disappointed that only one pair in the size she needs is available. The salesclerk says that more should be available soon, but she is not sure exactly when. The day after the purchase, the phone rings in the mother's home. It is the salesclerk from the major department store reporting that three pairs of the husky jeans in the child's size have arrived and she is holding them for the mother. The mother thanks the clerk and asks how she got the mother's phone number. "It took me some time", says the clerk, "but I found your receipt from yesterday and looked up your phone number through our computer system." This store has a _________ culture. a. service b. detail-oriented c. stable d. people-oriented


Those who emphasize achievement, results and action create a(n) _________ __________ culture in their organizations. a. outcome-oriented b. team-oriented c. detail-oriented d. people-oriented


Uma just started a new job at a new company. The first day there, she observes whether people eat lunch at their desks, if they take timed breaks, and if they leave right at 5 pm. She is trying to understand a. the organizational culture b. the company rules c. office gossip d. organizational conflict


What is the first step in increasing the chances of success in effecting a cultural change? a. creating a sense of urgency b. role modeling c. changing the reward system d. changing key players


Which of the following statements is true about the effectiveness of a mission statement? a. The mission statement must be provided to the employees when they first enter the firm to be effective. b. The mere act of publishing the mission statement makes it effective as it clarifies to all employees the purpose of the organization. c. Effective mission statements are always posted on the company website. d. Detailed mission statements are more effective than simple ones.


Which of the following statements is true regarding the attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) process? a. Individuals self-select the companies for which they choose to work. b. Due to economic circumstances, companies today hire people for fit with the job only and are much less concerned about fit with the culture. c. The ASA process aids organizations in maintaining the relative heterogeneity of employee personalities and values. d. Person-organization misfit has only a minor impact on employee turnover.


Which of the following statements is true regarding the creation and maintenance of culture? a. One reason for the difficulty encountered in trying to change a firm's culture is the early shaping of culture based on the founder's vision. b. If a leader motivates by rewarding for performance, a detail-oriented culture can develop. c. The attraction-selection-attrition process is a self-protective mechanism by which ensures diversity regarding the values of organization members. d. Computer-based orientation programs are more cost efficient and are more effective at conveying corporate culture than classroom-based programs.


Which of the following statements is true regarding the dimensions of culture? a. Employees tend to stay longer in people-oriented cultures. b. Outcome-oriented cultures hold managers accountable for success, but not other employees. c. In team-oriented cultures, managers have less positive relationships with their subordinates than in other cultures. d. Proactive behavior tends to emerge often in stable companies.


Which of the following statements regarding the impact of national culture on the culture of domestic firms is correct? a. The harmonious culture of Japan is likely to lead to the establishment of more team-oriented corporate cultures in Japanese firms. b. The hierarchical orientation in Brazilian culture is likely to produce Brazilian companies with flat corporate structures. c. The high power distance culture of Arab countries is likely to produce people-oriented cultures in Arab companies. d. National culture has little impact on domestic firms.


Which of the following statements regarding visual elements of culture is accurate? a. Stories highlight critical events faced or heroic efforts put forth by individual employees to instill cultural values in employees. b. Employee handbooks are more effective than culture in controlling acceptable and unacceptable behavior in an organization. c. Repetitive activities in an organization, like weekly meetings opened with calisthenics, are examples of values. d. While physical layouts impact motivational levels in employees, they do little to convey the firm's culture to those employees.


At Walt Disney World, guests staying at The Grand Floridian Resort and Spa find thick white terrycloth robes hanging in the cupboard when they arrive in the room. The cleaning staff do not just place washcloths in the bath area; they form the washcloths into animals and arrange them on the vanity ready for a photograph. At night mints appear on the pillows and when the beds are made in the morning, any plush animals children have purchased or brought from home will be arranged in an entertaining formation on the finished bed. These examples suggest that Walt Disney Company is _______________. a. people-oriented. b. detail-oriented. c. team-oriented. d. outcome oriented.


Firms that are flexible, adaptable and experiment with new ideas are _________ firms. a. aggressive b. innovative c. stable d. outcome-oriented


If the firm has a strict dress code policy in its employee handbook calling for male employees to wear "ties and white or light colored shirts, no pastels" and female employees to wear "dark skirts of knee length or below or dress slacks," the culture of the firm is likely a. innovative. b. stable. c. aggressive. d. team-based.


Shared principles, standards and goals are a. artifacts. b. values. c. beliefs. d. assumptions.


The Internal Revenue Service has many rules and regulations with regard to tax code and the filing of returns. The organization is large and very bureaucratic. If an individual has issues with the agency, getting it resolved is a laborious process filled with "red tape" and takes an extensive amount of time and patience to resolve. The Internal Revenue Service has a(n) _________ culture. a. team-oriented b. stable c. people-oriented d. outcome-oriented


The marketing department at Langston Industries meets once a week for a pizza luncheon after which the marketing manager holds his weekly "venting session" where department members can express their concerns about what is going right and wrong in the department and firm. The finance department, on the other hand, never meets. The finance manager simply sends emails to his subordinates each Monday with a list of the items to be accomplished each week and tries to get around to seeing each individual sometime during the week for any questions the employee might have. Langston appears to have _________ in its organization. a. countercultures b. subcultures c. onboarding d. strong cultures


The process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization is a. attraction-selection-attrition. b. organizational socialization. c. mentoring. d. assessment.


Which of the following statements regarding founder's values is accurate? a. Founder values continue to be reflected in a firm regardless of the firm's success. b. The difficulty in changing firm culture can be, at least, partially attributed to the shaping provided by founder values. c. Founder values have no impact on organizational culture. d. Founder values lay the cornerstone of the firm's culture, but values have a rapidly decreasing impact as the firm grows and ages.


Which of the following statements regarding the organization's role in onboarding and orientation activities is accurate? a. The mere existence of mentoring programs guarantees their success. b. The speed with which new employees learn the company's culture is strongly influenced by the support of supervisors and managers. c. Adjustment to a new company is most effective with the "sink or swim" approach. d. How companies do onboarding doesn't really matter much.


*At General Motors, rather than focus on a new strategic plan for the company when she began as CEO, Mary Barra worked to a. create a new management team. b. sell off the company. c. effect a cultural change. d. diversify.


*Which of these is NOT a recommended way to find out if you are a good fit for a job with a new company? a. Observe the workplace environment b. Do research about the company; ask questions of the company c. Ask your current supervisor d. Respond to your reactions to the company and the people you met there-listen to your gut.


*Which of these is NOT an indicator of a corrupt organization? a. Acting like a commune. b. Believing that job security is more important above anything else c. Offering bonus vacation days to employees who engage in teamwork d. Believing that the company is facing a war, not normal business competition.


*Which of these is NOT one of the ways that the Four Seasons provides a culture of service? a. Use employee-customer touchpoints to wow the customer b. Go above and beyond to meet the needs of the customer. c. Provide a very low-cost room rate. d. Make the customer feel like a celebrity.


*Which of these is the strongest way to control employee behavior in an organization? a. Employee handbooks b. Online orientations c. Strong corporate culture d. Water cooler chats


A culture that emphasizes precision and paying attention to details is a. a service culture. b. an aggressive culture. c. a detail-oriented culture. d. an outcome-oriented culture.


A statement of purpose describing who a company is and what it does is a. a policy. b. a ritual. c. a mission statement. d. a rule.


A trusted individual who provides the employee with advice and support regarding career-related matters is a a. coworker. b. manager. c. mentor. d. counselor.


In completing a Big 5 personality inventory, Manuel was found to have high openness to experience. He would probably be attracted to an organization like a. Target where jobs tend to be structured in their duties and responsibilities. b. the IRS, which has a bureaucratic structure and authoritarian decision making processes. c. Google with a laid-back, innovative culture. d. General Motors with a tradition-bound culture experiencing serious viability issues.


Lincoln Manufacturing has a large sign posted at the entrance to the firm's parking area that keeps count of the number of days since the last accident in the firm. Currently, the number stands at 150. The count is changed every day in somewhat of a "ceremony," and every time another 50 days go by without an accident, the firm provides a free lunch to employees. Posters throughout the plant remind workers to wear protective clothing including earplugs, safety hats and glasses and safety shoes. Lincoln has what kind of culture? a. person-oriented b. aggressive c. safety d. stable


Research on mentoring suggests a. the mere existence of the program ensures its success. b. mentor and protégé input to the program has little impact on satisfaction with the program. c. mentor training enhances program outcomes. d. mentor characteristics are less important in their selection to the program than willingness to participate.


Research on the employee role in onboarding activities indicates that a. feedback-seeking reduces employee adjustment. b. reactive individuals are more successful than proactive individuals. c. active relationship building is particularly important to avoid turnover in those firms lacking systematic onboarding activities. d. networking often causes employees to turnover in a job.


Security, safety and social equality are all examples of a. cultural assumptions. b. cultural artifacts. c. cultural values. d. cultural orientations.


Studies indicate that the most influential factor in creating an ethical culture is a. the reward system. b. the training program. c. leadership. d. the attraction-selection-attrition process.


The corner office, mahogany desks and credenzas, gold name plates on office doors and reserved parking places are examples of a. cultural beliefs. b. cultural assumptions. c. cultural artifacts. d. cultural values.


The firm pays above average wages to its employees. Each employee is given at least two weeks of vacation and any time family matters arise and time is needed, flexible arrangements are made to facilitate the employee. Each Thanksgiving, a turkey is provided to each employee, $25 gift certificates are given for the Christmas holiday, and during the summer, the firm pays for each employee and one other individual to attend an expense-paid day at the local amusement park. This firm seems to be a(n) _________ company. a. outcome-oriented b. service-oriented c. people-oriented d. team-oriented


The firm places its employees into five-person groups and gives them projects that are to be completed by each group with minimum direction from a project leader. Compensation in the firm is divided into two parts—that earned for your primary job, and that earned for work in your group. Once each year, training seminars are conducted for all company employees to learn the latest techniques in collaboration. This firm has a(n) ____________ culture. a. people-oriented b. detail-oriented c. team-oriented d. outcome-oriented


The visible and tangible elements of culture are a. assumptions. b. values. c. artifacts. d. beliefs.


To ensure all cast members share the history of Walt Disney World, new hires at the resort must take the courses on traditions at Disney. With these classes, the Walt Disney Company is creating a a. weak culture. b. counterculture. c. strong culture. d. subculture.


Which if the following statements regarding the impact of reward systems on culture shaping is correct? a. A firm that uses a forced choice method of evaluation where a percentage of employees are ranked as excellent, average and failures, and the failures are threatened with turnover, is likely to have a team-oriented culture. b. Firms that reward based on how an employee meets a goal and not just whether the goal is met are likely to have highly aggressive cultures. c. A firm that rewards purely on the basis of goal achievement is likely to have an outcome-oriented culture. d. In outcome oriented cultures, supportive, cooperative behaviors are rewarded.


Which of the following statements regarding culture creation is correct? a. An organization's culture is shaped only by internal environmental factors. b. New organization members are rarely taught the "way of business" in the firm; they simply acquire that knowledge through daily activities. c. When the organization's way of doing business provides a successful adaptation to environmental challenges, those beliefs and values are retained. d. Studies show the only factor consistently found to determine culture creation in a firm is the founder's values.


Which of the following statements regarding organizational culture and its impact on the firm is accurate? a. Strong organizational cultures are always a strategic advantage. b. Having a culture that fits with the company leads to good company performance, but having a culture that does not fit has no impact. c. Organizational cultures that are hard to imitate can create a competitive advantage for a firm. d. Organizational culture is an effective control mechanism for dictating employee job attitudes.


_____________ is (are) part of the culture maintenance phase. a. Founder values b. Industry demands c. Leadership d. Preferences


"People are generally dishonest" is an example of a a. cultural orientation. b. cultural artifact. c. cultural value. d. cultural assumption.


*All of the following are part of the seven distinct values in an organizational culture profile EXCEPT: a. aggressive, detail-oriented, team-oriented b. innovative, outcome-oriented, stable, c. detail-oriented, innovative, people-oriented d. genuine, finance-oriented, action-oriented


*There are five visual elements of culture at a company. Which of these is NOT one of them? a. Rituals b. Mission Statement c. Stories d. Frugality


*Which of these is the correct order of steps two through five for culture change? a. Role modeling, training, changing the reward system, change leaders b. Change the reward system, role modeling, training, change leaders c. Training, change leaders, role modeling, changing the reward system d. Change leaders, role modeling, training, changing the reward system


ABC Corporation has its sights clearly set on XYZ Company. The firm's employees often talk about "cutting XYZ off at the knees." Recently a lawsuit was filed against ABC by XYZ because ABC "raided" the middle-level management level of XYZ and hired away 5 of its 7 managers. ABC has a(n) ____________________ culture. a. service b. outcome c. stable d. aggressive


Angelina has just accepted a new job. Her career counselor would offer her which of the following pieces of advice if she wanted to ensure that Angelina gets "on board" in the new firm quickly? a. Leave every day exactly at quitting time to show you're punctual and respectful of work-life boundaries. b. Do not worry about impression management. You got the job so they already think you're great. c. Do not ask too many questions, as this would reveal your weaknesses. d. Try to build success early on in your tenure at the company. Volunteer for projects and complete them effectively. Show your value to the firm.


Companies that are collaborative and emphasize cooperation among employees have a(n) ______________ culture. a. people-oriented b. outcome-oriented c. detail-oriented d. team-oriented


During onboarding activities, successful employees are more likely to a. seek feedback. b. network. c. be proactive. d. all of the above


If onboarding activities are successful a. employees experience greater job satisfaction but are no more likely to remain with the firm compared to those who do not take part in onboarding. b. employees feel comfortable in the organization but have no greater belief that their abilities are sufficient for work in the firm than those employees who did not take part in the onboarding activities. c. employees feel accepted by their peers but do not necessarily share the values and norms of the larger organization. d. employees are more confident about their ability to perform in the organization and are likely to remain longer with the firm. Difficult/Analysis


Organizational culture consists of three levels: a. assumptions, orientations, and beliefs. b. beliefs, values, and artifacts. c. artifacts, assumptions, and beliefs. d. assumptions, artifacts, and values.


Shared values and beliefs that are in direct opposition to the values of the broader organizational culture represent a a. strong culture. b. weak culture. c. subculture. d. counterculture.


Strong cultures a. facilitate the changes that must occur in firms during mergers and acquisitions. b. outperform weak cultures regardless of the volatility of the environment. c. are no more difficult to change than weak cultures. d. are evidenced by consensus among employees on the values of the company.


The culture of Altmira Corporation is characterized by participative decision making, innovation and openness. The accounting department, however, is run using authoritarian decision making to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. Accounting manager Gordon Paul believes in tight control to prevent errors. The accounting department's culture could be classified as a a. strong culture. b. weak culture. c. side culture. d. counterculture.


The school district has established achievement-oriented goals. Teachers are told that their instruction must thoroughly prepare students for high scores on the state achievement tests. Each nine-week grading period, teachers meet to discuss overall progress toward the goals set for increasing state achievement test scores. Recently the superintendent of the school district proposed establishing a bonus fund to reward teachers whose students' scores increased the most from year to year on those tests. This school has what kind of culture? a. people-oriented b. detail-oriented c. aggressive d. outcome-oriented


What is the final step in a successful cultural change process? a. training b. role modeling c. changing the reward system d. creating new stories and symbols


Which of the following represents best practice for onboarding programs in firms? a. Make interaction key to the program. Get participation from all organization members to the greatest extent possible. b. Be clear on goals of the program and those who are actively participating. c. Establish milestones for the program and monitor them. Try to build a rhythm for the program. d. All of the above.


Which of the following statements is true regarding culture in organizations? a. Multiple subcultures cannot exist in a single organization. b. Subcultures arise in a firm due to founder values and industry demands. c. Countercultures are never tolerated by an organization once they are identified. d. Employee perceptions of subcultures are related to employee commitment to the organization.


Which of the following statements is true with regard to steps to effecting successful cultural change? a. Renaming a firm and creating a new logo for it constitutes a cultural change. b. Replacing the staff employees but not the CEO can ensure the establishment of a new value system in a firm. c. Slowly conveying information on a "need-to-know basis" only to employees ensures the firm establishment of a new value system for the firm. d. Thoughtfully developed, well administered training programs help establish new corporate norms of behavior.


*To create a culture change at an organization, a common practice is to a. fire all the current employees. b. remove the CEO and/or other top managers. c. publish the emails of previous managers. d. publish the salaries of the previous managers.


*What was one of the first actions Mary Barra took when becoming CEO at General Motors to start to change its corporate culture? a. Fire 100 people to show she was serious. b. Change the dress code. c. Write a new employee manual. d. Give everyone a raise.


*Which of these is an example of the "creating a sense of urgency" step of culture change? a. Replacing UBER CEO Travis Kalanick. b. IBM's crisis and loss of marketshare. c. Satya Nadella's misstatement about women in the workplace. d. Continental Airlines burning of the company policy manual.


A company with a stable culture is a. flexible, adaptable, and experiments with new ideas. b. predictable, rule-oriented, and bureaucratic. c. achievement-oriented, results-oriented, and action-oriented. d. fair, supportive, and respects individual rights.


Alcoa Corporation's headquarters facility has a minimal number of traditional offices with four walls and a door. The elevators on each floor are located at the ends of the long corridors in out-of-the-way alcoves. An open-air escalator runs in the center of the building. Workers largely are seated in low-walled cubicles. Copy machines and other office equipment are centrally located on each floor. This physical layout encourages what kind of culture? a. aggressive b. team-based c. detail-oriented d. outcome-oriented


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