4555 Midterm Exam Prep

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"In Bazarova et al. (2013) study, wall posts and status updates were considered nondirected messages and private messages were considered directed messages." True or False?

B (Lim & Reeves 2010)

A study we will cover in COMM4555 demonstrated that people perceive an avatar differently from an agent even when the visual representation is identical. Which of the following articles reports the study? A) Gonzales & Hancock (2011) B) Lim & Reeves (2010) C) Cheryan, Meltzoff, & Kim (2011) D) Lee-Won, Tang, & Kibbe (2017)

A (D'angelo & Van Der Heider 2016)

A study we will cover in COMM4555 reports that profile photos can influence people's perception of the profile holder depending upon the specific type/context of the website where the profile is presented. Which of the following readings report this study? A) D'Angelo & Van Der Heider (2016) B) Sundar & Marathe (2010) C) Lee (2008) D) Forest & Wood (2012)

Context Collapse

According to Bazarova et al. (2013), a possible challenge for balancing self-presentational strategies and privacy concerns is posed by situations in which multiple audiences are present. What is the term that refers to "a collision of various audiences into one" or a situation involving "an audience composed of individuals belonging to diverse and sometimes conflicting social spheres"? Note: Only the exact term (made up of two words) will receive credit. *Do not* capitalize the term.

A and D

According to D'Angelo & Van Der Heide (2016), which of the following self-presentations are considered *nonnormative* in the given context? (select all that apply) A) Use of professional profile photos on Facebook B) Use of professional profile photos on WebMD C) Use of casual profile photos on Facebook D) Use of casual profile photos on WebMD

B (Self-disclosing more)

According to Forest & Wood, which of the following is NOT characteristic of people with low self-esteem when compared with people with high self-esteem? A) More socially anxious B) Self-disclosing more C) More introverted D) Having less stable relationships

B (Identity Shift)

According to Gonzales & Hancock, which of the terms most accurately represent the following idea? "Online self-presentations can become integrated into how we view ourselves, especially when the presentations take place in a public, digital space." A) Self-Awareness B) Identity Shift C) Identity Threat D) Self-Concepts

A (Years of using Facebook)

According to Table 1 presented in Chou & Edge (2012), which of the following had a negative association with "Life is fair"? A) Years of using Facebook B) Number of hours going out with friends each week C) Number of people listed as Facebook friends D) Religiosity

A and D

According to Table 1 presented in Chou & Edge (2012), which of the following had a positive association with "Others are happier"? (Select all that apply) A) Years of using Facebook B) Religiosity C) Number of hours going out with friends each week D) Number of hours spent on Facebook each week

D (Number of Facebook friends not personally known)

According to Table 1 presented in Chou & Edge (2012), which of the following had a positive association with "Others have a better life"? A) Number of people listed as Facebook friends B) Number of hours going out with friends each week C) Religiosity D) Number of Facebook friends not personally known

C (Embarrassment)

According to the findings of Study 2 conducted by Forest and Wood, which of the following emotions is NOT an emotion that was expressed significantly more by participants with lower self-esteem than by participants with higher self-esteem in their Facebook posts? A) Anger B) Sadness C) Embarrassment D) Anxiety

Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC)

Bazarova et al. (2013) used a computer application when they analyzed functional and emotion words. What is the name of this application? Note: Only the correct, exact name of the application will receive credit. Be sure to capitalize every word that makes up the name of the application.

ambient belonging

Cheryan et al. (2011) conceptualizes "feeling of fit in an environment" as ____________________.

visual primacy

D'Angelo and Van Der Heide (2016) note that photographic cues can have a stronger impact on social orientation judgments when compared with text-based information. They call this effect ____________. Fill in the blank with the correct term the authors used. Note that the term is made up of two words.

context, credibility

Fill in the following blanks based on the Abstract of the D'Angelo & Van Der Heide (2016) article. Only the exact words/terms will receive credit. "This research explored three different paths through which the relationship between the ________________ of a website and the social information presented on the website impacts ________________ impressions."


Fill in the following blanks based on the information provided in Chou & Edge (2012). Note: The word is in a plural form. *Do not* capitalize the term. "Facebook users tend to employ some ____________ when they form impressions of others, especially those whom they do not know personally."

B (The nonnormativity effect)

For which of the following effect did the study by D'Angelo and Van Der Heide provide strongest support? A) The positivity effect B) The nonnormativity effect C) The negativity effect D) The neutrality effect

C (Feeling higher self-worth)

Gonzales & Hancock cited Duval and Wicklund's work on objective self-awareness. According to Duval and Wicklund, which of the following is NOT a result of heightened objective self-awareness? A) Feeling lowered self-worth B) Increased engagement in pro-social behavior C) Feeling higher self-worth D) Feeling greater humility

A (Six most recent messages from participants' friends)

In Bazarova et al. (2013) study, participants were instructed to log on to Facebook and then provided some content from their Facebook account. Which of the following is NOT what the participants provided to the researchers? A) Six most recent messages from participants' friends B) Six most recent status updates written by participants C) Six most recent wall posts written by participants D) Six most recent private messages written by participants

B and C

In Bazarova et al. (2013), which of the following hypotheses were supported by the data? (Select all that apply) A) A negative association between self-presentational concerns and expression of negative emotions is greater in status updates than in wall posts or priate messages on Facebook. B) A positive association between self-presentational concerns and expression of positive emotions is greater in status updates than in wall posts or private messages on Facebook. C) Facebook status updates have fewer negative emotion words than wall posts or private messages. D) Facebook status updates have more positive emotion words than wall posts or private messages.

A and C

In Cheryan et al. (2011), which of the following virtual items were placed ONLY in the stereotypical computer science classroom? (Select all that apply) A) Video games B) Nature posters C) Science fiction items D) plants


In Cheryan et al.'s (2011) Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, the virtual classroom settings (stereotypical vs. non-stereotypical) did not result in a significant difference in enrollment intentions for male participants. True or False?

normative, nonnormative

In D'Angelo and Van Der Heide (2016), a cue which is expected in the context of a given website is considered __________________, while a cue which is unexpected in a given website is considered ___________________. *Hint: One word (adjective) per blank.

B (Task-attraction)

In D'Angelo and Van Der Heide (2016), which of the dependent measures include the following item?: "I have confidence in his/her ability to get the job done." A) Trustworthiness B) Task-attraction C) Competence D) Caring/Goodwill

B (Self-Esteem)

In Gonzales & Hancock (2010), which of the following is a dependent variable (i.e., outcome variable) the authors were primarily interested in? (There's only one correct answer!) A) Self-Awareness B) Self-Esteem C) Exposure to a mirror D) Selective Self-Presentation

A (Hyperpersonal Model)

In Gonzales & Hancock, which of the following theoretical perspectives led them to hypothesize that those who view their own Facebook profile would report higher self-esteem than others? A) Hyperpersonal Model B) Subjective Self-Awareness Theory C) Social Comparison Theory D) Objective Self-Awareness Theory

C (Gender Knowledge Test)

In the research conducted by Lee-Won et al. (2017), in which of the following task was masculinity threat manipulated? A) Online survey B) Avatar customization C) Gender knowledge test D) Handgrip task


In the study conducted by D'Angelo and Van Der Heide, which of the following did NOT differ across the stimuli profile representing one of the four experimental conditions of the study? A) The website on which the profile was displayed B) The physician's attire C) Background of the profile picture D) Biographical info about the physician

B (The participants were shown a few mock physician profiles that would be considered normative for the website before the participants viewed the stimuli profile)

In their study, D'Angelo and Van Der Heide (2016) intended to establish normative expectations of physicians' self-presentation on Facebook vs. WebMD. To achieve this goal, what procedure the authors (researchers) follow? A) The participants were required to attend an information session on physicians' online self-presentation. B) The participants were shown a few mock physician profiles that would be considered normative for the website before the participants viewed the stimuli profile. C) The experiment instructions provided participants with descriptions of normative profiles. D) The participants were shown a few mock physician profiles that would be considered normative for the website after the participants viewed the stimuli profile.

Correspondence Bias

People's tendency to assume that other people's actions and words reflect their stable personal traits rather than being affected by situational factors. This is _______________.

Availability Heuristic

People's tendency to base their judgement on examples that they can easily recall. This is ________________.


Perceivers' judgments of a target's favorability are greatest with a professional picture on Facebook, significantly lower with a professional picture on WebMD or when a casual picture is placed on Facebook, and are lowest when a casual picture is placed on WebMD. This is the __________________ effect.


Perceivers' judgments of a target's favorability are lowest for profiles displaying a casual picture on WebMD and are significantly higher for profiles displaying a professional picture on Facebook, a professional picture on WebMD, or a casual picture on Facebook This is the ________________________ effect.

Personal Identity

Personal Identity or Social Identity? "me" vs "not me" categorizations

Social Identity

Personal Identity or Social Identity? "us" vs "them" categorizations


Personalization vs Customization The degree to which the content is tailored by the system to individual tastes.


Personalization vs Customization The degree to which the user deliberately tailors content by choosing options and/or creating new content


Self-schema theory distinguishes personal identity and social identity. True or False?


Which is true, A or B? A) Participants with lower self-esteem perceived Facebook as a safer place to express themselves than did participants with higher self-esteem. B) Participants with higher self-esteem perceived Facebook as a safer place to express themselves than did participants with lower self-esteem.

B (Barazova, Taft, Choi, & Cosley)

Which of the following articles we will read in COMM4555 discusses a concept called "context collapse"? A) Forest & Wood B) Barazova, Taft, Choi, & Cosley C) Chou & Edge D) Gonzales & Hancock

C (working self-concept)

Which of the following concepts was introduced by self-schema theorists to show the dynamic nature of how one views the self? A) Core Self B) Social Identity C) Working Self-Concept D) Self-Esteem

C (Self-Protective)

Which of the following is NOT a phrase/word that Forest & Wood used to describe self-disclosure? A) Positively associated with relationship quality and stability B) Risky C) Self-Protective D) Positively associated with likability

C (Participants with low self-esteem received more likes, the more they expressed negativity)

Which of the following is NOT a result Forest and Wood obtained in their Study 3? A) People with lower self-esteem spent more time on Facebook each month than did participants with higher self-esteem. B) Participants with low self-esteem received more Likes from their the more they expressed positivity. C)Participants with low self-esteem received more likes, the more they expressed negativity D) Participants with high self-esteem received more Likes from their the more they expressed negativity.

C (Social information processing theory)

Which of the following is NOT a theoretical framework that inspired Lee-Won et al.'s (2017) research? A) Compensatory masculinity B) The agency model of customization C) Social information processing theory D) The Proteus effect

C (They conducted an online experiment)

Which of the following is NOT true of the research method used by Gonzales & Hancock? A) They conducted a laboratory experiment B) Their experiment had 3 conditions C) They conducted an online experiment D) Their participants had more females than males

B (In all conditions, participants viewed a total of five profiles of different physicians)

Which of the following is TRUE of D'Angelo and Van Der Heide's study? A) Participants in the Facebook conditions viewed on WebMD profiles and three Facebook profiles. B) In all conditions, participants viewed a total of five profiles of different physicians C) In all conditions, participants viewed a total of four profiles of different physicians. D) Participants in the WebMD conditions viewed three WebMD profiles and two Facebook profiles

B (People teamed with a computer will agree more with the computer than people who are not teamed with it.)

Which of the following topics is being covered by the Media Equation (Reeves & Nass, 1996) chapter we will read in COMM4555 this semester? A) People will respond to different voices on the same computer as if the voices come from different social actors. B) People teamed with a computer will agree more with the computer than people who are not teamed with it. C) People act politely when interacting with a computer. D) People like a computer more when the computer praises them than when it criticizes them.

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