4x4 Matrix
The 4x4 matrix is a
The progression pattern when doing the 4x4 matrix is
1x1, 1x2, 2x1, 2x2, 3x1, 3x2, 4x1, 4x2
When you know which ____ or ______ exercise you want a client to perform, this will be helpful when having them perform movements in the _________ or the _____.
2x2, 3x2; 2x1, 3x1
If they can perform a ________ then they are out of the _______ and you can start having them perform _________
4x2; SFMA; Capacity exercises
When going through the matrix, start with _______ either using ______ or ______ first
All four postures; feedback, demonstration
_______________ and ________ come later during __________
Capacity with feedback; capacity; FMS (Functional Movement Screen)
We want these different exercises to be __________, but we don't want them to_________________________.
Difficult; progress too quickly
The 4x4 matrix DOES NOT apply to
MDs (mobility dysfunctions).
A client needs to ___________________ in order to progress to ______postures or challenges. Keep clients at lower postures or challenges until they have been able to correctly _______ and ________.
Own the previous movement; higher; stabilize; perform the movement correctly
The 4x4 matrix applies to
SMCDs (stability motor control dysfunctions)
When working with _______ we follow the ________
SMCDs; neurodevelopment perspective of posture
The 4x4 matrix is a tool for you to use to guide you through fixing ______ problems
The four challenges of the 4x4 matrix are:
a. Feedback b. Demonstration c. Capacity with Feedback d. Capacity
The four postures of the 4x4 matrix are:
a. Supported b. Quadruped/Suspended Spine c. Half-kneeling/ stacked posture d. Standing
Providing __________for clients in the ___________ helps them understand how to ________ and helps educate them in ____________ as they progress through the matrix.
feedback; different postures; stabilize; performing the correct movements
If a client presents with MDs, we will do _____, ____, or ______ to correct
stretching, traction, or mobilizations