6th grade ch 10 history test

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"Right belief" term referring to true believers in the church who offend the truth

Black Death

A fatal disease also called bubonic plague. Spread by fleas and killed one third of people in Europe.


A sacred image representing Christ , Mary, saints, or other sacred subjects. Most were painting, mosaics or frescoes.


A type of foreign soldier paid by the government to fight.

Protestants agree that the scripture is the only authority for what Christians believe and practice. Eastern Orthodox believe their churches traditions is an equal authority to scripture. They both agree that God is Trinity, the son is both fully god and fully man.

Compare and contrast Eastern Orthodox religion and Protestant Christianity.

Everyone who followed Islam. Muhammad forced many people to accept Islam

Define Muslim

Thee earliest leaders of the church and were chosen directly by Christ. They met in private homes for worship

Define apostle

The fact Christ is God. The nature of God

Define deity

what a certain group believes and teaches

Define doctrine

Justinian sent belsarius to conquer regions of the former Roman Empire called provinces. They conquered Egypt and them built boats to cross the Mediterranean Sea to invade Sicily. They captured the Italian peninsula. He didn't conquer all of the former Roman Empire but they did conquer every part they fought for.

Describe Belsarius and Justinians deliverance of the west from the barbarians

this was the most beautiful church in the empire that was built after the nika revolt. It was built in the shape of a cross. Over the center of the church, the builder erected a dome that was 184 feet above the floor. An image of god the father surrounded by angels and archangels looked down from highest part of the dome.

Describe the Hagia Sophia

the city was surrounded by water and high cliffs on three sides. Constantine built strong, high walls around the entire city. The walls were about fifteen feet thick with nearly one hundred towers. For a thousand years the city remained protected from foreign invaders.

Describe the features that made Constantinople a stronghold.

Some Byzantine people fled to Asia Minor and organized a new empire. The emperors of Nicaea worked hard to revive the empire. He help poor found a hospital. His government built churches and gave land to soldiers. The government improved agriculture methods and raising livestock. Michael VIII recaptured Constantinople.he spent. Art sums of his money to rebuild the capital.

Describe the recovery of the empire after the devastation of the Crusades.

He strengthened the army by firing mercinary soldiers and training Byzantine soldiers. He added so much land he divided it into themes. Each theme had its own military. Trade grew under his reign.

Explain how Heraclius's reign was successful.

Icons are sacred images representing Christ , Mary,saints or other sacred objects. When an earthquake shook Constantinople he believed it was judgement from God against use of idols. So he ordered destruction of all icons. Iconoclasts are people who thought they were sinful and destroyed them. Leo IIIi prisoner those who did not destroy icons. In 843 the ruler allowed icons back in the churches.

Explain the controversy over the icons

In 313 Constantine made this decree legalizing Christianity. The Roman government could not longer persecuted Christians. It protected and helped the church.

Explain the importance of the "Edict of Milan"

Six months after Leo III became emperor Muslim Arlie's camped outside Constantinople. Their navy closed off the city to stops good from coming into port. They hoped to starve the citizens into surrendering. The winter wa so called many Muslims froze and the next summer many died of the plague. Eventually the remaining Muslims withdrew.

Explain what happened ..... the Muslim invasion of Constantinople.

A series of religious wars in Middle Ages where European Christians tried unsuccessfully to retake the Middle East from the Muslims. The crusades were fought to rescue the holy land from Muslims, reunite the Christian world , provide land and wealth for younger sons of European nobles. Four main crusades. First crusade only one successful in taking Jerusalem and much of Middle East. Effects of the crusade —- Muslim expansion into Europe was prevented and feudal system began to die.

Explain what happened .......the Crusades

Or very one was pleased with justianian rule. He taxed everyone heavily, he ignored people's positions in society.during a hippodrome game people started shouting ridicule of Justinian. Angered glowed and a riot exploded. Justianian retreated and nobles didn't rally behind justianian. He sent belsarius to end rebellion.

Explain what happened ......Nika Revolt

After a brief recovery in AD1261 Byzantine grew weak and collapsed in AD 1453. Emperor Michael VIII strengthened his army to recapture Constantinople. He spent his last sums of money to rebuild. Reasons for the fall were because of new enemies - the Ottomans. A loss of trade and money to Venetian merchants. No help from the West because England and France had been at war so long and the plague killed many Europeans. The Ottomans surrounded Constantinople and fired cannons at break walls. They destroyed icons, art and manuscripts. The sultans made it the capital of the Ottoman Empire.

Explain what happened.......1453—the fall of the Byzantine Empire.

They chose a peninsula which has water on both sides. This helped for protection as well as trading. A harbor on north

Explain why the location of Byzantium was strategic for trade.

This is when Constantine called bishops of the church to the meeting to try to define what true Christians should believe about each person of the Trinity. This was because there was a lot of false teachings yet there were still many true believers who tried to defend the truth.

Explained what happened at "the Council of Nicaea.

The emperors successfully fought their enemies on Balkan Peninsula and Middle East. Some rulers helped develop empires government and culture. Michael III reorganized the university of Constantinople. BasilI oversaw revision of law. The empire became wealthier with trade. The missionaries helped standardize language, ethics, laws and political patterns of the people. Two missionaries translated bible into Slavic.

Identify the accomplishments of the Byzantine empire during its golden age.

They kept the zroman law from disappearing. The scholars of the empire preserved Greek literature, learning, and philosophy.

Identify the lasting contributions of the Byzantine Empire.

He made vast improvements in the government, laws and economy. His failure was he left the empire financially drained. He also neglected the defense of the empires eastern and northern borders

Identify the successes and failures of Justinians reign

Jerusalem, Medina, and Mecca

Identify the three cities that are important to Muslims,

Moving the capital from Rome to east weakened western part of empire. Then Theodosius divided empire in western and eastern parts which weakened it and barbarians took over.

Identify two decisions that led to the decline of the western Roman Empire and the beginning of the Byzantine Empire.


Name given to nomadic people who had not adopted a Roman culture and who Did not speak Latin or Greek.

The challenges were persecution and false teachers.

Relate two challenges early Christians faced.

Basil II became emperor in 976. He never married, and he devoted his life to making the empire stronger. Basil II was serious by nature and a fair ruler. Basil II was a great warrior. When the Bulgars attacked the empire, Basil led an army in defeating them. Basil II was often called the Bulgar Slayer.

Tell about Basil II

The Roman emperor Constantine decided to move the capital to another location. He saw that Byzantium would be a good site. For several years he rebuilt and expanded Byzantium.

Tell about Constantine

He began his reign in 610. Without him the Byzantine Empire might have disappeared. He reformed the army, reconquered the land taken by Persia and the barbarians, and made the roads safe for commerce.

Tell about Heraclius

Also known as Justinian the great, He claimed he had absolute authority, Reigned over Byzantine Empire, He believed in a well governed empire so he adopted all laws of former Roman Empire, Corpus Juris Civilis or body of Cicil Law

Tell about Justinian I

He was also known as Leo the Syrian. Leo had much experience that was a benefit to his rule. He was familiar with the empire's enemies. As a boy he had lived among the Arabs and learned their language. When he was older, he and his family moved to the Balkan Peninsula. There he became familiar with the barbarians and their way of life.

Tell about Leo III

Michael VIII had strengthened his army enough to attack and recapture Constantinople. He entered the city on August 15, 1261, and within weeks was crowned emperor in the Hagia Sophia. Michael VIII spent vast sums of money to rebuild and beautify the capital.

Tell about Michael VIII

Muhammad was the founder of Islam.

Tell about Muhammad

Wife of emperor Justinian, Used to be circus performer, Had great influence on Justinian, During the Nikia Revolt she prevented Justinian from running away

Tell about Theodora

Justinian's best general who was sent by Justinian to conquer regions of the Roman Empire and Italian peninsula. He built ships to cross Mediterranean to conquer Sicily

Tell about balsarius

Ottomans had invaded the Middle East. The Ottomans conquered the Seljuk Turks, adopted Islam as their religion, and moved north to attack the Byzantine Empire.

Tell about the Ottomans


The revelation were compiled by muhammads followers into this book.


The ruler of the ottomans

To strive hard

What does the word jihad mean?

A holy war fought for the cause of Islam

What is a jihad?

A sacred journey to Mecca

What is a pilgrimage?


an open-air stadium for sporting and social events

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