7th Grade: Color Theory Vocabulary
Complementary colors
Colors opposite on the color wheel: red & green; blue & orange; yellow & violet
Different tints and shades of only one color (hue).
Color Mixing
Knowledge of the way colors interact when we combine them and what new colors are created when we do.
Primary colors
Pure or fundamental colors (red,yellow, and blue) that cannot be created by combining other colors.
The brightness or dullness of a color
The darkness or lightness of a color.
Sir Isaac Newtown
The scientist who discovered "Opticks" (Optics) and defined the spectrum found in light. He also invented the color wheel.
Color Properties
There are three color properties: Hue, Value and Intensity
When a beam of light is bent by a prism and separated into bands of color like the a rainbow
Analogous colors
A color scheme that uses hues next to each other on the color wheel.
A color's technical name in the spectrum
Intermediate color
A hue (color) made by mixing a primary and secondary color.
Secondary colors
A hue created by combining two primary colors. (orange, green, violet)
Monochromatic Color
All the tints and shades of a single hue or color
Color wheel
An arrangement of colors in a circular format. Primary, secondary, and intermediate hues (colors) are arranged in orderly intervals.
Art element that is derived from reflected light
Neutral colors
Browns and grays created by mixing complementary colors
Color Abbreviations
Color "shorthand" of abbreviations used to write color formulas. i.e.: blue-green= BG
High Intensity Color
Color scheme using bright pure hues
Low Intensity Color
Color scheme using more neutral dull hues which are created by mixing complementary colors
Color used on computer monitors & TVs: Red, Blue, Green
Cool colors
Colors suggesting coolness; blue, green, violet and their variants.
Warm colors
Colors suggesting warmth: reds, yellows, and oranges and their variants.
Colors used in printing: Cyan, Magenta, Black, Yellow
Created when black is added to a color. Refers to a darker value of a color.
Created when white is added to a color. Refers to a lighter value of a color.