7th Ref Exam (Civil Engineering) Part 2

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b. maximum

If the shear force at a section of beam under bending is equal to zero then the bending moment at the section is: a. zero b. maximum c. minimum d. minimum or maximum

c. A-D-E-F-H

In the network given, the critical path of activities is in the given figure: a. A-C-H b. B-E-F-H c. A-D-E-F-H d. A-D-E-G

c. adhesion

Molecules of fluids get attracted due to a. capillarity action b. surface tension c. adhesion d. cohesion

c. C = Sqrt(8g/f)

The Chezy's coefficient C is related to Darcy-Weisbach friction factor f as: a. C = Sqrt(g/8f) b. C = Sqrt(6g/f) c. C = Sqrt(8g/f) d. C = Sqrt(f/8g)

a. 10 kN

The beam shown in the figure given above is subjected to concentrated load and clockwise couple. What is the vertical reaction at A? a. 10 kN b. 40 kN c. 50 kN d. 30 kN

b. centroid of the fluid displaced

The center of buoyancy is: a. centroid of the floating body b. centroid of the fluid displaced c. centre of pressure of the displaced liquid d. none of these

a. less than 500

The flow in open channel is laminar if the Reynold number is: a. less than 500 b. more than 500 c. 1000 d. none of these

a. less than 1.0

The flow in open channel is said to be subcritical if the Froude number is a. less than 1.0 b. equal to 1.0 c. greater than 1.0 d. none

a. streamline flow

The flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path and the paths of adjacent particles do not cross each other, is called: a. streamline flow b. uniform flow c. steady flow d. turbulent flow

d. all the above

The forces in the members of simple trusses, maybe analyzed by a. graphical method b. method of joints c. method of sections d. all the above

a. centre of pressure

The hydrostatic force acts through a. centre of pressure b. centre of top edge c. centre of bottom edge d. metacentre

b. orthotropic

The material that exhibits the same elastic properties in perpendicular directions is said to be a. homogeneous b. orthotropic c. viscoelastic d. isotropic

b. proof resilience

The maximum energy stored at elastic limit of a material is called: a. resilience b. proof resilience c. modulus of resilience d. bulk resilience

c. 90°

The notch angle for maximum discharge over a triangular notch, is a. 30° b. 60° c. 90° d. 120°

a. B.M. changes sign

The point of contraflexure is the point where: a. B.M. changes sign b. B.M. is maximum c. B.M. is minimum d. S.F. is zero

e. All of above

The pressure rise due to water hammer depends upon a. the velocity of flow of water in the pipe b. the length of pipe c. time taken to close the valve d. the elasticity of the pipe material e. All of above

d. 2

The ratio of circumferential stress to thelongitudinal stress in the walls of a cylindrical shell, due to flowing liquid, is a. 1/2 b. 1 c. 1.5 d. 2

c. Poisson's ratio

The ratio of lateral strain to axial strain of a homogeneous material, is known as a. Yield ratio b. Hooke's ratio c. Poisson's ratio d. Plastic ratio

c. 1 : 4

The ratio of pressures between two points A and B located respectively at depths 0.5 m, and 2 m below a constant level of water in a tank is: a. 1 : 2 b. 1 : 3 c. 1 : 4 d. 1 : 16

e. both (a) and (b)

The ratio of shear stress and shear strain of an elastic material, is a. Modulus of Rigidity b. Shear Modulus c. Young's Modulus d. Modulus of Elasticity e. both (a) and (b)

c. a parabola

The shear stress distribution over a rectangular cross-section of a beam follows: a. a straight line b. a circle c. a parabola d. an ellipse

c. free float

The time by which activity completion time canbe delayed without affecting the start of succeeding activities, is known as: a. duration b. total float c. free float d. interfering float

c. reciprocal of the length of the shaft

The torsional resistance of a shaft is directly proportional to: a. modulus of rigidity b. angle of twist c. reciprocal of the length of the shaft d. moment of inertia of the shaft section

b. less than the width of the channel

The width of a weir with end contraction, is a. equal to the width of the channel b. less than the width of the channel c. half the width of the channel d. none of these

d. All the above

Total energy line in fluid flow is: a. pressure head b. datum head c. Kinetic head d. All the above

d. reduce jerk to allowable levels

Transition curves are provided on the approach to horizontal curves in order to: a. increase jerk to allowable levels b. minimize the length of the horizontal curve c. simplify the laying-out and construction of the horizontal curve d. reduce jerk to allowable levels

c. 48

Two trains are moving in opposite directions @60 km/hr and 90 km/hr. Their lengths are 1.10 km and 0.9 km respectively. The time taken by the slower train to cross the faster train in seconds is a. 36 b. 45 c. 48 d. 49

d. 1.04 m

Water flows at a rate of 10 m3/s in a rectangular channel 3 m wide. The critical depth of flow is a. 1.13 m b. 2 m c. 1.45 m d. 1.04 m

a. surface tension

Weber number is the ratio of inertia force to a. surface tension b. gravitational force c. elasticity d. viscosity

d. active earth pressure

When a retaining wall moves away from thebackfill, the pressure exerted on the wall is termed as: a. passive earth pressure b. swelling pressure c. pore pressure d. active earth pressure

c. restitution

When two moving bodies collide with each other, their velocity of separation bears a constant ratio to their velocity of approach. This ratio is termed as coefficient of a. collidity b. friction c. restitution d. permeability

b. Ellipsoid

Which one of the following closely represents the shape of the earth? a. Spheroid b. Ellipsoid c. Oblate spheroid d. Prolate spheroid

a. 30.68 km

Which one of the following gives the correct distance between the lighthouse and a ship, when the lighthouse whose height is100 m is visible just above the horizon from the ship?. a. 30.68 km b. 36.50 km c. 38.54 km d. 40.54 km

a. 10%

Given for a soil sample:Degree of saturation = 90% Void ratio = 0.30 Gs = 2.70The water content of the sample is a. 10% b. 13.5% c. 22.5% d. 35%

d. 0.25

If the porosity of a soil sample is 20%, the void ratio is: a. 0.20 b. 0.80 c. 1.00 d. 0.25

d. - 0.0016800 m

A 30 m steel tape was standardized at 20°Cmeasurements of distances were taken as 15°B. If the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of the tape were 0.0000112 degree centigrade, then the error, due to temperature, per tape length would be a. - 0.0000560 m b. + 0.0000560 m c. + 0.0016800 m d. - 0.0016800 m

a. 1.0 m/s

A ball of mass 1 kg moving with a velocity 2 m/s collides directly with a m2 stationary ball of mass 2 kg. If the first ball comes to rest after the impact, what is the velocity of the second ball after impact? a. 1.0 m/s b. zero c. 2 m/s d. 0.5 m/s

d. 1.1

A body of dimensions 1.5 m x 1.0 m x 2 m weighs 3000 kg in water. Its specific gravity is: a. 0.8 b. 0.9 c. 1.0 d. 1.1

d. 8/15

A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they work on it together for 4 days, then the fraction of the work that is left is: a. 1/4 b. 1/10 c. 7/15 d. 8/15

d. 4E

A car accelerates from rest to a speed of 10 m/sand the energy spent in doing this is E. If the car is further accelerated from10 m/s to 20 m/s, what is the amount of energy to be spent further? a. E b. 2E c. 3E d. 4E

c. 36 sec

A jogger running at 9 kmph alongside a railway track in 240 metres ahead of the engine of a 120 metres long train running at45 kmph in the same direction. In how much time will the train pass the jogger? ) a. 3.6 sec b. 18 sec c. 36 sec d. 72 sec

d. 42226

A light house of 120 m height is just visibleabove the horizon from a ship. The correct distance (m) between the ship andthe light house considering combined correction for curvature and refraction,is a. 39.098 b. 42.226 c. 39098 d. 42226

c. 5.0 mm

A load of 1960 N is raised at the end of a steel wire. The minimum diameter of the wire so that stress in the wire does not exceed 100 N/mm2 is: a. 4.0 mm b. 4.5 mm c. 5.0 mm d. 5.5 mm

a. P492.00

A machine costing P8, 500 will have a scrap value of P300. Machines of this class have a working hour average life of 25,000 hours. What will be the depreciation charge at the end of the first year, if the machine is operated for a total of 1500 hours? (use straight line method of depreciation) a. P492.00 b. P542.00 c. P548.50 d. P692.00

a. it regains its original shape on removal of the load

A material is said to be perfectly elastic if: a. it regains its original shape on removal of the load b. It regains its original shape partially on removal of the load c. it does not regain its original shape at all d. none of these

d. 100 m

A parabolic curve is used to connect a 4%upgrade with a 2% downgrade as shown in the below figure. The highest point on the summit is at a distance of (measured horizontally from the first tangent point - (FTP)Required to answer. Single choice. (0/1 Point) a. 50 m b. 60 m c. 75 m d. 100 m

d. 720 kmph

An aeroplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To cover the same distance in 5/3 hours, it must travel at a speed of: a. 300 kmph b. 360 kmph c. 600 kmph d. 720 kmph

a. greater than staticpressure

An open container filled with water is moved vertically upward with a uniform linear acceleration. The pressure at its bottom will be a. greater than staticpressure b. equal to static pressure c. lesser than static pressure d. none of these

d. undergoes plastic deformation

At yield point of a test piece, the material a. obeys Hooke's law b. behaves in an elastic manner c. regains its original shape on removal of the load d. undergoes plastic deformation

c. 10.30 m

Atmospheric pressure is equal to water column head of a. 9.81 m b. 5.0 m c. 10.30 m d. 7.5 m

b. 2, 3 and 4 are correct

Consider the following statements relating to hydraulic gradient line and energy gradient line:1. In the case of a fluid flowing in a pipeline, hydraulic gradient line and energy gradient line may coincide.2. The line joining the points representing piezometric heads is known as hydraulic gradient line.3. In the case of ideal fluid, energy gradient line is always horizontal.4. Hydraulic gradient line has a downward slope in the case of flow through pipes. Of these statements: a. 1, 2 and 3 are correct b. 2, 3 and 4 are correct c. 1, 3 and 4 are correct d. 1, 2 and 4 are correct

a. 1 and 2

Consider the following statements:A critical activity in a CPM network has 1.The longest duration of all activities 2.zero total float 3.zero for float 4.The shortest duration of all activitiesWhich one of the statements given above are correct? a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3 c. 2 and 3 d. 3 and 4

a. Mass

Equation of continuity of flow is based on the principle of conservation ofRequired to answer. Single choice. (0/1 Point) a. Mass b. momentum c. force d. none of these

b. for a given discharge, specific energy is maximum

Flow at critical depth takes place in an openchannel when: a. for a given specific energy, discharge ismaximum b. for a given discharge, specific energy is maximum c. discharge is minimum for a given specific energy d. discharge is maximum for a given specific force

c. 4.9 m3/s

Flow happens at a critical depth of 0.5 m in arectangular channel of 4 m width. What is the value of discharge? a. 5.4 m3/s b. 5.1 m3/s c. 4.9 m3/s d. 4.4 m3/s

a. Half the top width isequal to one of the side slopes

For a 'best' symmetrical trapezoidal section of an open channel with a given area of section and side slopes, one of the following statements holds true: a. Half the top width isequal to one of the side slopes b. Half the top width plus the bottom width is equal to both the side slopes put together c. Water depth is equal to half bottom width d. Hydraulic mean depth is equal to half the top width

d. 60 cm

For exerting a pressure of 4.8 kg/cm2, the depth of oil (specific gravity 0.8), should be a. 40 cm b. 41 cm c. 56 cm d. 60 cm

d. weight of the liquid equal to the immersed volume of the body

Force of buoyancy on a floating body equals a. total pressure on the vertical projection of thebody b. total pressure on the horizontal projection of the body c. weight of the liquid equal to the volume of the body d. weight of the liquid equal to the immersed volume of the body

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