A & P Ch.12 Nervous System III Senses

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Between the bony and membranous labyrinths is a fluid called ______, secreted by cells in the wall of the ______ labyrinth. In the membranous labyrinth is a slightly different fluid called ______

perilymph; bony; endolymph

The parts of the labyrinths include a ______ and three membranous ______ ducts within three bony semicircular ______

cochlea; semicircular; canals

The auditory tube is usually closed by valvelike ______ in the throat, which may inhibit air movements into the ______ ear. Swallowing, yawning, or chewing aid in opening the flaps and can hasten ______ of air pressure

flaps; middle; equalization

stretch receptors in the ______ respond to degree of ______.

lungs; inflation

Cold receptors are most sensitive to temperatures between ___∘C (___∘F) and 20∘C (___∘F). Temperature dropping below ___∘C also stimulates pain receptors, producing a _______ sensation.

10; 50; 68; 10; freezing

The general senses are those with receptors widely distributed throughout the

body, including the skin, various organs, and joints.

A particular taste sensation results from the pattern of specific taste receptor _____ that bind particular food _____.

cells; molecules

A taste bud contains taste _____ and has an opening, the taste _____, at its free surface.

cells; pore

Chemoreceptors respond to changes in the concentration of chemicals. Receptors associated with the senses of smell and taste are of this type.

chemicals; smell; taste

A variety of chemicals stimulates bitter receptors, including many organic compounds. Inorganic salts of _____ and _____ produce _____ sensations, too.

magnesium; calcium; bitter

the Golgi tendon organs stimulate a reflex with an effect that is the _______ of a stretch reflex. The Golgi tendon reflex also helps maintain posture, and it _______ muscle attachments from being pulled _______by excessive tension

opposite; protects; loose

The olfactory receptor neurons are the only nerve cells in direct contact with the _____ environment, and as such are prone to damage. Fortunately, basal cells along the basement membrane of the _____epithelium regularly divide and yield cells that _____ to replace lost olfactory receptor neurons. These neurons are unusual in that they are regularly replaced when _____.

outside; olfactory; differentiate; damaged

Lamellated (_______) corpuscles are nerve endings encased in relatively large, _______ structures composed of _______ tissue fibers and cells. They are common in the _______ dermal tissues of the hands, feet, penis, clitoris, urethra, and breasts and also in the connective tissue capsules of _______ joints

pacinian; ellipsoidal; connective; deeper; synovial

Referred pain may derive from common nerve pathways that conduct sensory impulses both from skin areas and from internal organs. Pain impulses from the heart seem to be conducted over the same nerve pathways as those from the skin of the left shoulder and the inside of the left upper limb

pathways; impulses

In the olfactory bulbs, the sensory impulses are ______, and as a result, additional impulses travel along the olfactory ______ to portions of the ______ system, a brain center for memory, ______, and related behavior.

processed; tracts; limbic; emotions

The sense of taste derives from food molecules binding to specific _____ _____ embedded in taste hairs on the taste cells. In response the taste cell releases _____ that alters membrane _____ on an associated sensory nerve _____.

receptor proteins; neurotransmitter; polarization; fiber

Olfactory receptor cells, and their membrane ______ molecules, sense ______. The receptor cells are similar to those for taste in that they are ______ sensitive to chemicals dissolved in ______. The two chemical senses function closely together and aid in food selection, because we smell food at the same time we ______ it.

receptor; odors; chemoreceptors; liquids; taste

Proprioceptors are _______ that send information to the CNS about body _______ and the length and tension of skeletal muscles. Recall that _______ corpuscles function as _______ receptors in joints.

mechanoreceptors; position; lamellated; pressure

Each taste bud includes a group of _____ epithelial cells, the taste cells (_____ cells), that function as sensory _____.

modified; gustatory; receptors

One group of bitter compounds of medical interest are the _____, which include a number of poisons such as _____, nicotine, and _____. Spitting out bitter substances may be a _____mechanism to avoid ingesting poisonous alkaloids in foods.

alkaloids; srychnine; morphine; protective

The outer ear consists of all of the structures that face the outside. These include an outer, funnel-like structure called the _____ (_____), an S-shaped tube, the _____ _____ _____ (external auditory canal) that leads inward for about 2.5 centimeters, and the tympanic membrane (eardrum). The meatus terminates with the _____ _____.

auricle (pinna); external acoustic meatus; tympanic membrane

Chemoreceptors in internal organs detect changes in the ___ concentrations of oxygen, ____ ______, glucose, and other chemicals.

blood; hydrogen ions

an onion tastes different when sampled with the nostrils ______, because much of the usual onion sensation is due to odor. Similarly, if copious ______ secretions from an upper respiratory infection cover the olfactory receptors, food may seem tasteless. About ____% to 80% of flavor derives from the sense of ______.

closed; mucous; 75; smell

Because all of the impulses conducted on sensory _______ into the CNS are alike, the resulting sensation depends on the type of _____ that was stimulated. It also depends on which region of the cerebral _____ receives the ______.

fibers; receptor; cortex; impulse

The external acoustic _____ passes into the _____ bone. Near this opening, _____ guard the tube. The opening and tube are lined with skin that has many modified _____ _____ called _____ glands, which secrete wax (_____).

meatus; temporal; hairs; sweat glands; ceruminous; cerumen

Among the inhibiting substances released in the posterior horns are _______ called enkephalins and the _______ serotonin

neuropeptides; monoamine

The endorphins are another group of _______ with pain-suppressing, morphinelike actions. They are found in the _______ gland and in regions of the nervous system, such as the _______, that relay pain information. Enkephalins and endorphins are released in response to extreme pain, providing natural pain control

neuropeptides; pituitary; hypothalamus

Pain receptors (nociceptors) consist of free nerve endings. These receptors are widely distributed throughout the skin and internal tissues, except in the nervous tissue of the brain, which lacks pain receptors. Pain receptors protect in that they are stimulated when tissues are damaged and may prevent further damage.

nociceptors; internal; brain; damaged

Pain receptors also called ______, respond to ____ damage. Triggering stimuli include exposure to excess _________, electrical, ______, or chemical energy.

nociceptors; tissue; mechanical; thermal

other parts of the brain, including areas of gray matter in the midbrain, pons, and medulla ______, regulate the ______ of pain impulses from the ______ cord

oblongata; flow; spinal

that unipolar neurons, which include most _____ neurons, are unusual in that the portion of the neuron associated with the _____, called a peripheral process, functions like an axon. Because of this, and for simplicity, we call the neuron processes that bring sensory information into the CNS "_____ _____" or "_____ fibers," no matter the type of neuron

sensory; dendrites; Sensory fibers; afferent;

thermoreceptors sense ______ change


The main interpreting areas for the olfactory impulses (olfactory cortex) are deep within the ______ lobes and at the ______ of the frontal lobes, anterior to the hypo______.

temporal; bases; thalamus

Proprioceptors respond to changes in the ______ of muscles and ______

tensions; tendons

if the receptor is not a neuron, its receptor potential must be ______ to a ______ to trigger an action potential. ______ nerves conduct the resulting impulses to the central nervous system (____), where they are analyzed and ______ in the brain

transferred; neuron; peripheral; CNS; interpreted

Although taste cells are close to the surface of the tongue and are therefore exposed to environmental _____ and tear, taste cells are modified _____ cells that divide _____ and differentiate into new taste cells. A taste cell functions for as few as _____ days before it is replaced

wear; epithelial; continually; 3

Steps in the Generation of Sensory Impulses from the Ear

1) Sound waves enter the external acoustic meatus. 2) Sound waves cause the tympanic membrane to reproduce the vibrations coming from the sound-wave source. 3)Auditory ossicles amplify and transfer vibrations to the end of the stapes. 4)Movement of the stapes at the oval window transfers vibrations to the perilymph in the scala vestibuli. 5)Vibrations pass through the vestibular membrane and enter the endolymph of the cochlear duct. 6) Different frequencies of vibration in endolymph move specific regions of the basilar membrane, stimulating specific sets of receptor cells. 7) A receptor cell depolarizes; its membrane becomes more permeable to calcium ions. 8) In the presence of calcium ions, vesicles at the base of the receptor cell release neurotransmitter. 9) Neurotransmitter stimulates nearby sensory neurons. 10) Sensory impulses are conducted along fibers of the cochlear branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve. 11) The auditory cortex of the temporal lobe interprets the sensory impulses.

Each of our _____ taste buds houses 50 to _____ taste cells

10,000; 150

The warm receptors are most sensitive to temperatures above ___∘C (___∘F) and become unresponsive at temperatures above 45∘C (___∘F). Temperatures near and above 45°C also trigger pain receptors, producing a _______ sensation.

25; 77; 113; burning

Olfaction undergoes sensory adaptation rather rapidly, so the intensity of an odor drops about _____% within a second following the stimulation. Within a _____, the receptors may become almost _____ to a given odor. This is why the odor of a fish market becomes tolerable quickly. However, olfactory receptors that have adapted to one scent remain _____ to others.

50; minute; insensitive; sensitive

The fast pain fibers (also known as ___-______ fibers) are myelinated. They conduct impulses rapidly, at velocities up to 30 ______ per second. These impulses are associated with the ______ sensation of sharp pain, which typically seems to originate in a local area of skin. This type of pain seldom continues after the pain-producing stimulus ______.

A-delts; meters; immediate; stops

The slow pain fibers (___ _____) are ______. They conduct impulses more slowly than fast pain fibers, at velocities up to __ meters per second. These impulses cause a delayed, dull, aching pain sensation that may be widespread and difficult to ______. Such pain may continue after the original stimulus ceases. Although immediate pain is usually sensed as coming from the ______, delayed pain is felt in ______ tissues as well as in the skin. Visceral pain impulses are typically carried on C fibers.

C fibers; unmyelinated; 2; pinpoint; surface; deeper

Five types of sensory receptors are recognized, based on their sensitivities to specific stimuli. What are those five receptor types?

Chemoreceptors, pain receptors, thermoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and photoreceptors

General senses are those whose sensory receptors are widespread, associated with the skin, muscles, joints, and viscera. These senses can be divided into three groups. What are those three groups?

Exteroreceptive senses, Interoceptive (visceroceptive) senses, Proprioceptive senses

The senses of touch and pressure derive from three types of receptors. As a group, these receptors respond to mechanical forces that deform or displace tissues. The touch and pressure receptors are?

Free nerve endings, Tactile (Meissner's) corpuscles, and Lamellated (Pacinian) corpuscles

______ senses are associated with changes in muscles and tendons and in body position.


_____ stimulate sour receptors. The intensity of a sour sensation is roughly proportional to the concentration of the _____ _____ in the substance being tasted.

acids; hydrogen ions

Enkephalins can suppress both _______ and chronic pain impulses. Therefore, they can relieve strong pain sensations, much as morphine and other opiate drugs do. In fact, enkephalins were discovered because they _______ to the same receptors on neuron _______ as does morphine.

acute; bind; membranes

The function of the auditory tube becomes noticeable during rapid change in ______. As a person descends from a high altitude, the air pressure on the ______ of the tympanic membrane steadily ______. This may push the tympanic membrane ______, out of its normal position, impairing hearing.

altitude; outside; increases; inward

impulses reaching the _______ areas of the temporal lobes are always sensed as sounds, and those reaching the visual areas of the _______ lobes are always sensed as light

auditory; occipital

The ______ of the ear helps collect sound waves traveling through ______ and directs them into the ______ ______ meatus.

auricle; air; external acoustic

The cochlea is a tube, widest at its ______ and progressively narrower toward its tip, or ______. It is shaped a bit like a snail shell, coiled around a bony core, the ______.

base; apex; modiolus

Umami arises from the _____ of certain amino acids, including _____ acid and _____ acid, to specific receptors. The flavor enhancer _____ _____ (MSG), used in many prepared foods, is formed from _____ acid and also stimulates _____ receptors.

binding; glutamic; aspartic; monosodium glutamate; glutamic; umami

The impulses stimulate the ends of certain nerve fibers to release ______ that can block pain signals by inhibiting _______ nerve fibers in the posterior _______ of the spinal cord.

biochemicals; presynaptic; horns

The olfactory organs contain the olfactory receptor cells, which are ______ neurons, surrounded by ______ epithelial cells. These neurons have ______ at the distal ends of their ______ covered with hairlike ______.

bipolar; columnar; knobs; dendrites; cilia

Each ear has two such regions—the ______ labyrinth and the ______ labyrinth.

bony; membranous

At intermediate temperatures, the brain interprets sensory input from different _______ of warm and cold receptors as an intermediate temperature sensation. Both types of receptors rapidly adapt, so within about a minute of _______ stimulation, the sensation of warm or cold begins to _______. This is why we quickly become comfortable after jumping into a cold swimming pool or submerging into a steaming hot tub.

combinations; continuous; fade

stretching of the muscle spindle triggers impulses that _______ the skeletal muscle of which it is a part. This action, called a _______ _______, opposes the lengthening of the muscle and helps maintain the desired _______ of a limb despite gravitational or other forces tending to move it. The _______ reflex is an example of a stretch reflex

contract; stretch reflex; position; patellar

The spiral organ (organ of ______), which contains the ______ ______ cells, is on the ______ surface of the ______ membrane and stretches from the ______ of the cochlea to the ______ of the cochlea

corti; hearing receptor; superior; basilar; apex; base

mechanoreceptors are of several types and respond to mechanical forces by detecting changes that _____ the receptors. They include a number of receptors in the _____ that respond to physical contact, and several receptors in the _____ that provide information about _____ and _____ from sound.

deform; skin; ear; balance; vibrations

The taste sensation called umami has long been recognized in Japan (the word means "_____" in Japanese) but has only recently come to the attention of Western taste researchers.


Photoreceptors in the eyes respond to light ______ of sufficient ______.

energy; intensity

The olfactory organs appear as yellowish brown masses of ______ that cover the upper parts of the ______ cavity, the superior nasal ______, and a portion of the nasal ______

epithelium; nasal; conchae; septum

An auditory tube (______ tube) connects each ______ ear to the ______. This tube allows air to pass between the tympanic cavity and the ______ of the body by way of the throat (nasopharynx) and mouth. It helps maintain equal air ______ on both sides of the tympanic membrane. This is necessary for normal hearing

eustachian; middle; throat; outside; pressure

The organ of hearing, the ear, has outer (_____), middle, and inner (_____) sections. In addition to making hearing possible, the ear provides the sense of _____.

external; internal; equilibrum

______ senses are associated with changes at the body surface. They include the senses of touch, _______, temperature, and _______.

exteroreceptive; pressure; pain

The axons (fibers) that conduct impulses away from pain receptors are of two main types. what are those types?

fast pain fibers and slow pain fibers

Tactile (Meissner's) corpuscles are small, oval masses of _______ connective tissue cells in connective tissue _______. Two or more sensory fibers branch into each corpuscle and end within it as tiny _______.

flattened; sheaths; knobs

At the same time that a sensation ______ the cerebral cortex interprets it as coming from the ______ being stimulated. This process, which is closely related to perception, is called ______, because the brain projects the sensation ______ to its apparent source.

forms; receptors; projection; back

The special senses have more specialized receptors and are confined to structures in the

head, such as the eyes and ears.

The cochlea functions in ______. The semicircular canals and associated structures contribute to the sense of ______. A bony chamber called the ______, between the cochlea and the semicircular canals, houses ______ structures that serve both hearing and equilibrium.

hearing; equilibrium; vestibule; membranous

Once olfactory receptor cells are stimulated, ______ are conducted along their ______ through tiny openings in the ______ plates of the ______ bone.

impusles; axons; cribriform; ethmoid

Extreme sensitivity to bitter tastes is _____, which is why diet colas taste sweet to some people but are bitter to others. _____ types of bitter receptors have been identified. Quite a few of them detect flavors unique to _____ foods.

inherited; 25; fermented

The cerebral cortex determines the ______ of pain and its source. It is also responsible for ______ responses to pain. The emotional response to pain involves the ______ system.

intesity; motor; limbic

The cilia project ______ the nasal cavity and are the ______ portions of the receptor cells. The actual olfactory receptors are membrane ______ associated with the cilia. Each of a person's 12 million olfactory receptor cells has ______ to twenty cilia.

into; sensitive; proteins; ten

Pain receptors adapt very little, if at all. Once a pain receptor is activated, even by a single stimulus, it may continue to send impulses into the CNS for some time

little; stimulus; CNS

The inner ear is a complex system of intercommunicating chambers and tubes called a ______


Receptors in internal organs include _______ corpuscles and free nerve _______. The information these receptors convey includes the sense of _______ after eating a meal, the discomfort of intestinal gas, and the pain that signals a heart _______.

lamellted; endings; fullness; attack

Sweet receptors are usually stimulated by carbohydrates, but a few inorganic substances, including some salts of _____ and _____, also elicit sweet sensations.

lead; beryllium

When the tympanic membrane vibrates, the ______ vibrates in unison with it. The malleus vibrates the ______, and the incus passes the movement on to the stapes. An oval ligament holds the ______ to an opening in the wall of the tympanic cavity called the ______ window

malleus; incus; stapes; oval

The three auditory ossicles, called the ______, the ______, and the ______, are attached to the wall of the ______ cavity by tiny ligaments and are covered by ______ membrane. These bones bridge the tympanic membrane and the ______ear, transferring vibrations between these parts. Specifically, the malleus is attached to the tympanic membrane, helping to maintain its ______ shape.

malleus; incus; stapes;tympanic; mucous; inner; conical

The transfer of vibrations through _____ produces _____. These vibrations travel in waves, much like ripples on the surface of a pond. The higher the wave, the _____ the sound.

matter; sound; louder

The other main proprioceptors are stretch receptors: such as?

muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs.

Golgi tendon organs are in tendons close to their attachments to _______. Each Golgi tendon organ connects to a set of skeletal muscle _______ and is innervated by a sensory _______

muscles; fibers; neuron

Muscle spindles are located throughout skeletal _______. Each spindle consists of several small, modified skeletal muscle fibers (_______ fibers) enclosed in a connective tissue _______.

muscles; intrafusal; sheath

Sensory receptors can be ends of ______ or other types of cells that are near neuron ______. In either case, stimulation locally changes the cells' membrane potentials (receptor potentials), generating a graded ______ current that reflects the intensity of ______

neurons; extensions; electric; stimulation

Inhaled chemicals that stimulate olfactory receptor cells, called ______ ______, enter the nasal cavity and dissolve at least ______ in the watery fluids that surround the ______ before they can bond to receptor ______ on the cilia and be detected.

odorant molecules; partially; cilia; proteins

Taste receptors, like _____ receptors, rapidly undergo sensory _____. The resulting loss of taste can be avoided by moving bits of food over the surface of the tongue to stimulate different receptors at different moments.

olfactory; adaptation;

Columnar epithelial cells support ______ receptor cells, which have cilia at their ______ends. The actual olfactory receptors are membrane proteins associated with the ______

olfactory; distal; cilia

Experiments indicate that each taste receptor cell responds to _____ taste stimulus. Salts and acids act through specific _____ channels. The sensations of bitter, sweet, and _____ involve specific membrane _____.

one; ion; umami; receptors

The bony (______) labyrinth is a cavity within the ______ bone

osseous; temporal

because the ______ transfer vibrations from the large surface of the tympanic membrane to a much smaller area at the ______ window, the vibrational force strengthens as it travels from the ______ to the ______ ear.

ossicles; oval; outer; inner

Vibrations entering the ______ at the oval window travel along the ______ ______ and pass through the vestibular membrane to enter the ______ of the cochlear duct, where they move the ______ membrane.

perilymph; scala vestibuli; endolymph; basilar

After passing through the basilar membrane, the vibrations enter the ______ of the scala ______, and movement of the membrane covering the round ______ dissipates their force into the air in the ______ ______

perilymph; tympani; window; tympanic cavity

Projection allows a person to ______ the region of stimulation. In this way, we perceive that the eyes see an apple, the nose smells it, and the ears hear the teeth crunch into it.


Vibration of the stapes, which acts like a ______ at the oval window, transfers the vibrations to a ______ within the inner ear. These vibrations of the fluid stimulate the hearing ______.

piston; fluid; receptors

Ionized inorganic salts mainly stimulate salt receptors. The quality of the sensation that each salt produces depends upon the type of _____ charged _____ that it releases into solution, such as Na+ from table salt.

positively; ion

baroreceptors also called ______, in certain blood ______ detect changes in blood ______

pressoreceptors; vessels; pressure

After entering the meatus, the sound waves pass to the end of the tube and alter the ______ on the tympanic membrane. The ______ membrane is a semitransparent membrane covered by a thin layer of ______ on its outer surface and by ______ membrane on the inside. It has an oval margin and is ______-shaped, with the ______ of the cone directed ______. The tympanic membrane vibrates ______ and forth in response to sound waves, reproducing the vibrations of the ______-______ source.

pressure; tympanic; skin; mucous; cone; apex; inward; back; sound-wave

The tympanic ______ reduces ______ from loud sounds that might otherwise damage the hearing ______.

reflex; pressure; receptors

Taste buds are also scattered in the _____ of the mouth, the linings of the cheeks, and the walls of the _____.

roof; pharynx

In order to be tasted, a chemical must dissolve in _____, which is the watery fluid surrounding the taste _____. The _____ _____ supply this fluid. To demonstrate the importance of saliva, blot your tongue and try to taste some dry food; then repeat the test after moistening your tongue with saliva.

saliva; buds; salivary glands

pain is a ______, but realizing that you have just stepped on a tack is a ______

sensation; perception

As a rule, pain receptors are the only receptors in viscera whose stimulation produces sensations. Pain receptors in these organs respond differently to stimulation than those associated with surface tissues. For example, localized damage to intestinal tissue during surgical procedures may not elicit any pain sensations, even in a conscious person. However, when visceral tissues are subjected to more widespread stimulation, such as when intestinal tissues are stretched or when the smooth muscle in the intestinal walls undergoes spasms, a strong pain sensation may follow. Once again, the resulting pain comes from stimulation of mechanoreceptors and from decreased blood flow accompanied by lower tissue oxygen levels and accumulation of pain-causing chemicals stimulating chemoreceptors.

sensations; surface; visceral; mechanoreceptors; oxygen;chemoreceptors

_______ stimulates certain neurons to release enkephalins


Free nerve endings, the _______ receptors, are common in _______ tissues, where the ends of _______ branch and extend between epithelial cells. They are responsible for the sensation of _______ and other sensations

simplest; epithelial; dendrites; itching

Special senses are those whose sensory receptors are part of large, complex sensory organs in the head. These senses and their respective organs include the following:

smell ⟶ olfactory organs taste ⟶ taste buds hearing equilibrium ]⟶ ears sight ⟶ eyes

The five primary taste sensations are sweet, _____, salty, _____, and _____

sour; bitter; umami

Visceral pain may feel as if it is coming from some part of the body other than the part being stimulated, in a phenomenon called referred pain. For example, pain originating in the heart may be referred to the left shoulder or the medial surface of the left upper limb.

stimulated; referred

The olfactory area is associated with the ______ nasal conchae


The taste bud also includes epithelial _____ cells. The entire structure of a taste bud is somewhat _____, with an opening, the taste pore, on its free surface. Tiny projections (_____), called taste hairs, protrude from the outer ends of the taste _____ and jut through the taste _____. These taste hairs are the sensitive parts of the _____ cells.

supporting; spherical; microvilli; cells; pore; receptor

_______ corpuscles are abundant in _______ areas of skin, such as the lips, fingertips, palms, soles, nipples, and external genital organs. They provide the sensation of fine touch, such as distinguishing two points on the skin where an object touches, to judge its _______.

tactile; hairless; texture

Taste buds are the special organs of _____. They resemble orange sections and are located on the surface of the _____ associated with tiny elevations called _____

taste; tongue; papillae

A sensation occurs when sensory neurons reach ______and the resulting action potentials cause the brain to become ______ of that sensory ______. A ______ occurs when the brain interprets those sensory impulses.

threshold; aware; event; perception

If a receptor is a neuron and the change in membrane potential reaches ______, an action ______ is generated and is ______ along the ______ fiber.

threshold; potential; propagated; afferent

Golgi tendon organs have high _______, and increased tension _______ them. Sensory impulses from them produce a reflex that inhibits _______ of the muscle whose tendon they _______.

thresholds; stimulates; contraction; occupy

Sensitivity to a sweet stimulus peaks at the _____ of the tongue, whereas responsiveness to sour is greatest at the _____ of the tongue, and to bitter at the back. Receptors responsive to salt are _____ distributed.

tip; margins; widely

Taste buds on the surface of the _____ are associated with nipplelike elevations called _____

tongue; papillae

the membranous labyrinth is a ______ of similar shape that lies within the bony labyrinth


The middle ear, or the ______ cavity, is an ______-filled space in the ______ bone that separates the outer and inner ears. It is bounded by the tympanic membrane ______ and the inner ear ______ and houses three small bones called ______ ______

tympanic; air; temporal; laterally; medially; auditory ossicles

The brain must prioritize the sensory input it receives, or incoming _______ information would be overwhelming. For example, until this sentence prompts you to think about it, you are probably unaware of the pressure of your clothing against your skin, or the background noise in the room. This ability to ignore unimportant _______ is called ________ _________.

unimportant; stimuli; sensory adaptation

Taste cells have _____ that contain neurotransmitter. Interwoven among and _____ around the taste cells is a network of sensory fibers whose ends closely contact the _____ _____ _____.

vesicles; wrapped; receptor cell membranes

Interoceptive (______) senses are associated with changes in viscera (blood pressure ____ blood vessels, an ingested meal stimulating ___ receptors in the small intestine, and so on).

visceroceptive; stretching; pH

The more ______ per second, the higher the frequency, or _____, of the sound. Just as vibrating strings on a guitar or reeds on an oboe provide the sounds of these musical instruments, vibrating vocal folds (vocal cords) in the _____ provide the sounds of the human _____

waves; pitch; laryx; voice

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