A and P test 2

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Consider the number of bones found in each region of the adult body, including both the left and right sides of the body as well as the phalanges on the hands and feet. Identify the correct statement(s) (Check all that apply). There are 56 phalanges. There are 12 ribs. There are four bones in the pectoral girdle. There are 22 skull bones. There are 8 cervical vertebrae.

There are 56 phalanges. There are four bones in the pectoral girdle. There are 22 skull bones.

True or False: A sacral fracture affecting the S3 and S4 nerve roots would result in a person having difficulty with evacuation of the bowels.

True, the coccygeus is innervated by the 3rd and 4th sacral nerves and assists the levator ani.

True or False: Injury to the deep fibular nerve would cause inability to extend ones toes.

True, the deep fibular nerve innervates the anterior compartment of the leg.

Which of the following individuals would have more mitochondria in her skeletal muscle?

a 22-year-old football player

Which of the following movements does not occur at the knee joint?


An injury that results in complete functional loss of the ulnar nerve will affect which of the following muscles?

abductor digiti minimi

What is(are) the innervation(s) of the palatoglossus?

accessory and vagal nerves

The ______________ does not belong to the femur.

anterior crest

In a herniated ("ruptured" or "slipped") disc, the ring of fibrocartilage called the ___________ cracks and the _____________ oozes out.

anulus fibrosus; nucleus pulposus

A male sustains a crushing injury to his foot. After weeks of care, he begins to notice that he cannot bend the little toe on his right foot. A logical diagnosis would be

atrophy of the flexor digiti minimi.

An Olympic sprinter readies for a race. After the sound of the starting gun, he propels himself forward from the starting block and immediately grimaces in pain, grabbing for the back of his thigh. Within 48 hours he begins noticing extensive bruising on the back of his thigh extending into the back of the knee. He now has difficulty rising from a seated position and flexing his knee. Bending at the waist generates more pain. Which muscle is likely injured?

biceps femoris



A heavyset middle-aged insurance salesman who doesn't exercise often accepts his friend's invitation to a pickup basketball game. When attempting a jump shot, he falls to the ground in pain, grasping at the calf of his leg. There is an enormous bulge in his leg immediately below the knee, and he is unable to plantar flex that foot. Most likely he has injured his ___ and the bulge is ___.

calcaneal tendon; his triceps surae

Creatine kinase

catalyzes the transfer of phosphate from CP to ADP.

The spinous process has a bifid tip in most _______________ vertebrae.


The knee joint is an example of a _____ joint.

complex ellipsoid

A drug that interferes with the active transport of calcium ions from the sarcoplasm back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum would result in

contraction with no relaxation.

In comparison to skeletal muscle, smooth muscle

contracts and relaxes more slowly.

Articular cartilage

covers the ends of bones in synovial joints.

Synovial fluid

decreases friction between bones.

The axis is the only vertebra with a

dens (odontoid process).

Which one of these muscles helps to open the mouth (depress the mandible)?


Collagen is


While sitting at your desk, you drop your pencil onto the floor. You bend over to pick up the pencil. In order to straighten up and continue your exam you must use which of the following muscles?

erector spinae

There are two of each of the following bones except for the unpaired

ethmoid bone(s)

When you walk up the stairs your hip and knee joints _____________ to lift your body weight.


Tennis elbow is a common term describing injury to which of the following?

extensor carpi radialis longus

Some people suffer involuntary urination because of incompetence of what muscle?

external urethral sphincter

Michael Jordan was arguably the best player in professional basketball history. Scientifically one would expect him to have highly developed

fast-twitch fibers.



The acetabulum articulates with the


Pain in a synovial joint such as the hip can occur because of irritation of the nerves in the

fibrous capsule of the joint.

A butcher who cuts the distal portion of his fingers may cut the

flexor digitorum profundus tendon.

Carpal tunnel pressure is sometimes relieved by surgically excising part or all of which structure?

flexor retinaculum

Consider the following four phrases and select the one that does not belong with the others.

fuels runner in a marathon

What is the most commonly dislocated joint in the body?

glenohumeral joint

Which of the following would be caused by contraction of smooth muscle?

goose bumps

The brachium contains the ________________, whereas the antebrachium contains the ________________.

humerus; radius and ulna

If one nerve stimulus arrives at a muscle fiber so soon that the fiber has only partially relaxed from the previous twitch, the most likely result will be

incomplete tetanus.

The training regimen of a competitive weight lifter is designed partly to

increase the average number of myofibrils per muscle fiber.

A child ingested an organophosphate poison used to kill insects. Soon the child's muscles began spastic contractions. Predict what occurred at the synaptic cleft.

increased accumulation of acetylcholine in the synapse

Which of the following is NOT a known effect of illegal use of anabolic steroids in large dosages?

increased cardiovascular fitness

Which of the following changes have the potential to dramatically affect the potential difference across the plasma membrane?

increased permeability of the membrane to sodium ions and increased intracellular concentration of potassium ions

Release of acetylcholine at a neuromuscular junction

increases permeability of the sarcolemma to Na+.

The aponeurosis of the external oblique forms the ________ at its inferior margin.

inguinal ligament

The joint capsule

is a double layer of tissue that encloses a joint.

The fibrous capsule

is a layer of tissue that is continuous with the periosteum.

Synovial fluid

is a thin lubricating film covering the surface of a joint.

Spines of the _____ form a part of the pelvic outlet.


The contraction strength of smooth muscle is relatively independent of its resting length partly because

it does not have sarcomeres.

Arrange the following list of biochemical events in the correct sequence. (1) An action potential is conducted deep into the muscle fiber by the T tubule. (2) Calcium ions bind to troponin. (3) The membranes of the sarcoplasmic reticulum become more permeable to calcium ions. (4) Calcium ions diffuse into the sarcoplasm around the myofibril. (5) The troponin-tropomyosin complex moves exposing active sites.

1, 3, 4, 2, 5

These are all features found in a typical thoracic vertebra EXCEPT the body is more massive than those of cervical vertebrae but less than those of lumbar vertebrae. the spinous process is pointed and angled sharply downward. the body has facets as points of articulation for ribs. it usually has a facet at the end of each transverse process for attachment of a rib. it has a pair of transverse foramina.

it has a pair of transverse foramina.

In lifting a heavy weight from the floor, one should use the power of the ___ in order to avoid muscle strain in the lower back.

knee and hip extensors

The medial meniscus is in the


Which of the following muscles of facial expression is not innervated by the facial nerve?

levator palpebrae superioris

The ligament at the head of the femur is the

ligamentum teres.

The synovial membrane

lines the joint everywhere except over the articular cartilage.

Athletes who train at high altitudes increase their red blood cell count and thus increase their oxygen supply during exercise. Increased oxygen supply results in

longer aerobic respiration.

A volleyball player depends on the gastrocnemius muscles for plantar flexion, whereas a marathon runner depends more on the soleus muscles for the same action. This is because the soleus muscles

make more use of aerobic respiration.

You cannot palpate the ________________ on a living person.

medial surface of the fibula

The thick fibrocartilage disks found in the knee joint are called


Which of the following is very important for muscle to continue contraction during anaerobic respiration?


Exposure to Clostridium tetani protein causes continuous release of acetylcholine. What effect does this have on smooth muscle?

no effect

After taking their wedding vows, a bride and groom often ceremonially use which of the following muscles before walking away from the altar?

orbicularis oris

A skeletal muscle generates the greatest tension when it is

partially stretched before being stimulated.

Which muscle acting on the arm assists in deep inspiration?

pectoralis major

A newborn passes through the __________________ during birth.

pelvic outlet

A skateboarder falls and lands directly on his buttocks and lower back. He does not feel too much pain and so he continues skating. After a couple of days he begins experiencing right hip pain and notices his right foot and leg are rotated to the right. A doctor diagnoses muscle spasm. Which of the following muscles is most likely causing the leg and foot rotation?


A skydiver's parachute fails to deploy. After some struggle, his reserve chute deploys in time to save his life. However, his landing is harder than normal and he feels his knee slightly hyperextend. He shakes it off and goes about his normal routine. Later that day he begins experiencing knee pain. Two days later he notices that his knee "pops" when he crouches and soon discovers he has dislocated his femur on the knee. What muscle was likely injured initially?


Drugs called calcium channel blockers may be used to lower blood pressure by causing arteries to vasodilate. These drugs

prevent calcium from entering smooth muscle, thus allowing the muscle to relax.

The function of a bursa is to

provide a fluid-filled cushion that reduces friction.

Articular cartilage

provides a smooth surface where bones meet.

As you are lifting a box, someone places extra weight on top of it. For your muscle to continue contracting and lifting the box, the muscle must

recruit more muscle fibers.

The process of bringing more motor units into use during a muscle contraction is called


Costal cartilages connect

ribs with the sternum.

Which of the following movements is possible at the hip or coxal joint? rotation inversion flexion circumduction adduction

rotation flexion circumduction adduction

The muscles that hold the humeral head within the glenoid cavity are collectively called the

rotator cuff.

A clinician induces contraction of the gastrocnemius and soleus and notices that the foot does not plantar flex as expected. Which of the following would be a logical diagnosis?

ruptured calcaneal tendon

Cardiac muscle has very little capacity for regeneration because it lacks

satellite cells.

The acromion is a feature of the


The glenoid cavity of the _______________ articulates with the head of the _____________.

scapula; humerus

The most common deformity of the spine is an abnormal lateral curvature called


The ______ houses the pituitary gland and is found in the ____________.

sella turcica; sphenoid bone

The subscapular and subacromial bursa are associated with the _________ joint.


A tennis player goes to the doctor and is told he has a torn rotator cuff. He has injured his


The glenoid labrum is part of the _____ joint while the acetabular labrum is part of the _____ joint.

shoulder; hip

Which muscle(s) can contract without the need for nervous stimulation?

smooth and cardiac muscle

Fontanels are ____________ in an infant.

spaces between the unfused cranial bones

The ______________ suture separates the temporal bone from the parietal bone.


Which of the following correctly states the origin and insertion of the sternocleidomastoid?

sternal manubrium and medial one-third of clavicle; mastoid process and lateral half of superior nuchal line

In a whiplash injury, the neck undergoes forced hyperextension then hyperflexion, injuring multiple muscles in the neck. Which of the following muscles would be injured during the hyperextension phase of the injury?


The _____________ belongs to the thoracic cage, whereas the _____________ belongs to the pectoral girdle.

sternum; clavicle

The ___ can be easily palpated between the clavicles.

suprasternal notch

Most of the bones of the skull are connected by immovable joints called


To stimulate muscle contraction, acetylcholine is released from the ___________ into the synaptic cleft.

synaptic knob

Which of the following joints is most movable?


Sinuses are not found in the

temporal bone

The absence or inhibition of acetylcholinesterase at a synapse would lead to which of the following?


Male and female pelves differ in the following features EXCEPT the female pubic arch is usually greater than 100°. the male pelvic outlet is smaller. the female coccyx is tilted posteriorly. the male pelvis is more massive. the female sacrum is longer.

the female sacrum is longer.

All of these contribute to the wall of the orbit except

the nasal bone

Which intervertebral disc is largest?

the one between L4 and L5

Which of the following systems would provide energy for a racquetball player?

the phosphagen system

The manubrium belongs to

the sternum

These are bones associated with the skull but not considered part of it except

the vomer

These are bones associated with the skull but not considered part of it except

the vomer.

After childbirth a woman begins experiencing tremendous pain in her groin, making it difficult for her to walk. She has difficulty walking due to the pain. An X-ray shows a fracture extending from her symphysis pubis to the inferior ramus of the pubis. As a result of the fracture, which group of muscles might be impaired?

thigh adductors

Which statement best describes the goal of medications used to treat myasthenia gravis?

to inhibit the function of cholinesterase

The muscles that laterally rotate and depress the scapula, as in shrugging and lowering the shoulders, are the

trapezius and serratus anterior.

Rib 7 is a

true rib.

Which fibers are primarily responsible for producing lactic acid?

type IIB fast glycolytic fibers

The right hand and wrist of an adult has _____________ bones.


During muscle contraction, a single myosin head consumes ATP at a rate of about

5 ATP per second.

Vertebrae are divided into five groups, usually ____________ cervical, ____________ thoracic, _________________ lumbar, ___________ sacral, and ____________ coccygeal.

7; 12; 5; 5; 4

Choose the correct statement(s) regarding the changes that take place in bones as a person ages.

Adults have fewer bones because many bones fuse through the years. The adult pelvis is a single hip bone, which results from the fusion of three childhood bones. At birth there are about 270 bones, but the number decreases during childhood. The fusion of several bones, completed by late adolescence to the mid-20s, brings about the average adult number of 206.

Which of the following statements is true about the functions of cardiac muscle? Check all that apply. Cardiac muscle almost always utilizes aerobic respiration to obtain energy. Cardiac muscle secures some if its calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. When the chambers are filled with blood, the myocytes utilize tight junctions to resist separation. Cardiac muscle cells require nervous innervation for stimulation. Autorhythmic cells allow the myocytes to contract consistently and regularly, efficiently pumping blood from the chambers.

Cardiac muscle almost always utilizes aerobic respiration to obtain energy. Cardiac muscle secures some if its calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Autorhythmic cells allow the myocytes to contract consistently and regularly, efficiently pumping blood from the chambers.

Which of the following is a functional requirement of cardiac muscle tissue? Check all that apply. Muscles must be voluntary as well as involuntary. Cardiac muscles contract in unison. Cardiac muscle must be independent of conscious control. Cardiac muscle fatigues easily. Muscle fibers must contract without nervous stimulation.

Cardiac muscles contract in unison. Cardiac muscle must be independent of conscious control. Muscle fibers must contract without nervous stimulation.

Which of the following statements concerning types of muscle contractions is false?

In isometric contractions, the amount of tension produced by the muscle is constant.

Which of the following will result in an increase in muscle twitch strength? Check all that apply. Increase in muscle temperature Increase in pre-twitch muscle length approaching optimal resting length Increased acidity of sarcoplasm Increase in stimulus frequency Decrease in stimulus frequency

Increase in muscle temperature Increase in pre-twitch muscle length approaching optimal resting length Increase in stimulus frequency

Which of the following is true regarding the levator scapulae?

It flexes the neck if the scapula is fixed.

Which of the following best describes the insertion of the extensor digitorum?

It indirectly inserts on all digits of the hand except the thumb.

Which of the following sutures articulates with the most bones?

Lambdoid suture

Which of the following is a characteristic of skeletal muscle? Check all that apply Overlapping myosin and actin proteins Involuntary Striations Excitability Overlapping thin and thick filaments

Overlapping myosin and actin proteins Striations Excitability Overlapping thin and thick filaments

________ are not facial bones

Parietal bones

Based on the size, shape, and ratio of muscle fibers to motor neuron (motor unit), rank the following muscles in order of strongest to weakest, starting with #1 being the strongest. Brachialis, Orbicularis oculi, Gastrocnemius, Quadriceps femoris, Lateral rectus

Quadriceps femoris Gastrocnemius Brachialis Orbicularis oculi Lateral rectus

Which of the following is a true statement regarding muscular strength and conditioning? Check all that apply. Blood capillary density will increase in slow-twitch fibers in response to training for a marathon. Swimming will increase the number of muscle fibers in a particular muscle exercised. As muscle fibers become too large, mitosis causes them to divide into two. Weight lifting does not increase the number of muscle fibers in a particular muscle exercised. Long-term resistance training will increase the number of myofibrils in a particular muscle exercised.

Blood capillary density will increase in slow-twitch fibers in response to training for a marathon. Weight lifting does not increase the number of muscle fibers in a particular muscle exercised. Long-term resistance training will increase the number of myofibrils in a particular muscle exercised.

Choose the INCORRECT statement regarding the general features of the vertebral column.

The vertebral column consists of a chain of 30 vertebrae with intervertebral discs of fibrocartilage between most of them.

_____________ does not belong to a representative vertebra.

The vertebral head

Identify the correct statement(s) regarding cranial bones. The cranium consists of two major parts: the calvaria and the base. The cranium is composed of eight cranial bones. The maxillae are the largest cranial bones. The skull forms after the cranium

The cranium consists of two major parts: the calvaria and the base. The cranium is composed of eight cranial bones.

Identify the correct statement(s) regarding the development of the skull from infancy through childhood (Check all that apply). The frontal bone and mandible are separate right and left bones at birth. The frontal bones usually fuse by age 3 or 4. The skull grows more rapidly than the rest of the skeleton during childhood. Most fontanels ossify by the time the infant is 2 years old. The anterior fontanel can still be palpated 18 to 24 months after birth.

The frontal bone and mandible are separate right and left bones at birth. The skull grows more rapidly than the rest of the skeleton during childhood. The anterior fontanel can still be palpated 18 to 24 months after birth.

There are bones closely associated with the skull, that are not considered part of it. Select the accurate statements regarding these bones (Check all that apply). The hyoid is one of the few bones that does not articulate with any other. There are (7), three auditory ossicles in each middle-ear cavity and the hyoid bone beneath the chin. Forensic pathologists look for a fractured hyoid as evidence of strangulation. The hyoid bone serves for attachment of several muscles that control the maxilla, tongue, and larynx. The auditory ossicles are named the malleus, incus, and stapes.

The hyoid is one of the few bones that does not articulate with any other. There are (7), three auditory ossicles in each middle-ear cavity and the hyoid bone beneath the chin. Forensic pathologists look for a fractured hyoid as evidence of strangulation. The auditory ossicles are named the malleus, incus, and stapes.

Which of the following best describes the resting membrane potential (RMP)?

The intracellular environment is negatively charged.

Which of the following is true concerning isotonic eccentric contraction?

The muscle lengthens but tension remains constant.

_____________ do(does) not belong to the pectoral girdle.

The sacroiliac joint

_________ is not found as part of the temporal bone

The sella turcica

Choose the INCORRECT statement regarding the development of the skull from infancy through childhood.

The skull reaches about three-quarters its adult size by age 1.

What is the purpose of the triad?

The triad allows for Ca2+ release when a muscle fiber is excited.

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