A Christmas Carol Act 11

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Who was Scrooge's business partner?

Jacob Marley

Whose face did Scrooge see in his door knocker?

Jacob Marley

Which adjectives could be used to describe Fan?

Kind, eager, happy, thoughtful, considerate

What city does the story take place?

London, England

"Scrooge...is totally occupied with his dressing and arranging of his room and his day. He is making lists, etc. (Marley reaches out to Scrooge). What can you infer about Marley from his reaching out to Scrooge?

Marley wishes that he were alive again to enjoy Christmas with his old friend.

What do you think paracentral means?

Next to or near the center.

Which ghost can be described as a jolly giant?

The Ghost of Christmas Present

Who was the third ghost who visited Scrooge?

The Ghost of Christmas Present

Who was Bob Cratchit's son?

Tiny Tim

Why might Fan be included in the story?

As a possible comparison to Scrooge and an explanation for Fred, her son's, good nature, which a contrast to Scrooge.

How does the First Woman who talks to Old Joe feel about Scrooge?

He was a mean and terrible person that she did not care for.

Who was Belle?

Scrooge's fiance

Who was Scrooge's fiance?


Who was the dead man that The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come showed Scrooge?

Ebenezer Scrooge

Who is Fred's mother


Who was Scrooge's sister?


What do we learn about Mrs Fezziwig in her role as a wife for Mr Fezziwig?

"She was worthy to be his partner in every sense of the term." This relates to both her dancing ability as well as how she supports him in life.

What is Scrooge's famous saying about Christmas?

Bah humbug!

What is Scrooge's reaction to when he sees Fezziwig? What might this indicate?

"Why it's old Fezziwig! Bless his heart", which demonstrates that Scrooge held him in high regard and that this positivity of being a good role model in business is a direct contrast to Scrooge.

Which words indicate that Belle would have tried to be a good wife for Scrooge?

"as I would have tried to do."

What happened to Fan?

"She died a woman."

Who was the man who worked for Scrooge?

Bob Cratchit

Poor children

Who is buried in the grave yard

what happened to Tiny Tim before?

he has died.

look at the following sentence: "When Charles Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol, he probably had no idea that it would become a classic Christmas story and part of the traditional Christmas celebration." Who is the subject? Who are we talking about? What words tell us who the subject is? What is the subject doing? How is the subject reacting?

"he" refers to Charles Dickens as the subject, the predicate is "had no idea"

What does the prefix para mean?

"next to, near, side by side"

Which adjective does Dickens use to describe how Belle speaks?

"softly" is used which implies an element of goodness, kindness and consideration for Scrooge.

How many minutes late was Bob Cratchit on the day after Christmas?

18 1/2

What year does the story take place?


How many years ago did Jacob Marley die?

7 years ago

What is a complex sentence?

A complex sentence contains an independent clause (a sentence that can stand alone) and at least one dependent clause (cannot stand alone, even though it has a subject and a verb).

What is a compound sentence?

A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses that have related ideas. The independent clauses can be joined by a comma + a coordinating conjunction (there are seven-for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)

At the end, what does Scrooge give to Bob Cratchit?

A raise.

What is an independent clause

An independent clause is a group of words with a subject and a predicate. It expresses a complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence.

Why did Belle break her engagement to Scrooge?

Because Scrooge didn't love her as much as he loved money. He had become greedy.

Why are the Cratchits sad when Scrooge sees them with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?

Because Tiny Tim died

What might be meant by "Another Idol has displaced me.. A golden one."?

Belle is pointing out to Scrooge that his love for money has taken up a status in his life of worship, that he values this more than his love for her.

Who was Martha?

Bob Cratchit's oldest daughter

Who wrote 'A Christmas Carol'?

Charles Dickens

What is the date of the first day of the story?

Christmas Eve - December 24

Look at this sentence: "Dickens later wrote a shorter version that he used for dramatic readings." What kind of sentence is this? How do you know?

Complex because "Dickens later wrote a shorter version." is an independent clause because it can stand alone and "That he used for dramatic readings" is a dependent clause, it cannot stand alone.

Look at the following sentence: "Scrooge made amends for his unkindness, and everyone responded warmly to him." What kind of sentence is this? How do you know?

Compound sentence using a "," + and to join two independent clauses.

Why might Belle be sat in a " mourning dress"?

Could indicate that she is grieving for the loss of their relationship.

Who was Scrooge's friend when he was an apprentice?

Dick Wilkins

No, he's doing it out of fun + and feels sorry for Scrooge

Do you think Fred means to be unkind

Who is the main character in the story?

Ebenezer Scrooge

Who was Scrooge's boss when he was a young apprentice?


How many ghosts visit Scrooge?


Who is Scrooge's nephew


Who is Scrooge's nephew?


Where does Scrooge have dinner on Christmas Day?

Fred's house

Who was the second ghost in Act 2?


Who was the first ghost in act 2?

Ghost of Present

What is the theme of the play

Gifts goods are lifeless but the gift of goodness is full

What does tiny Tim say at the dinner table?

God bless us every one.

What happened to Tiny Tim in the vision of the future?

He died.

What does Scrooge instruct Adam to do?

He instructs Adam to buy the prize turkey from the poulterers.

"Scrooge now comes to the room of his Nephew and Niece. He stops at the door, begins to knock on it, loses his courage, tries again, loses his courage again, tries again, fails again, and then backs off and runs at the door, causing a tremendous bump against it." What do you think Scrooge is thinking?

He is afraid of being rejected by his nephew because he doesn't know how much Scrooge has changed.

Scrooge says, "A merrier Christmas, Bob, my good fellow! than I have given you for many a year. I'll raise your salary and endeavor to assist your struggling family...Make up the fires and buy another coal scuttle before you dot another i, Bob...We need warmth and cheer, Bob Cratchit" How does Bob Cratchit feel?

He is happy but shocked in the change in Scrooge.

on the day after Christmas, Bob Cratchit arrives late to work that morning, what does Scrooge promise him?

He promises to pay Cratchit more money for his work.

How do we know when Scrooge has begun to change when he meets the Ghost of Christmas Present? What does he tell the ghost?

He says, "Tonight, if you have aught to teach me, let me profit by it."

What does Scrooge watch people doing in his house after he dies?

He sees them stealing.

What is Scrooges first reaction on seeing Cratchit's family with the ghost of Christmas present

He thinks Cratchit is foolish to have so many kids

Why does Horovitz use the effect of Marley so much in the play?

He wants to show the friendship between Marley and Scrooge and how much Marley wants to save his friend from a terrible after life.

What promise does Scrooge make?

He will celebrate Christmas and appreciate it.

Who came to take Scrooge home from school?

His sister Fan

A sickly + disabled child, thankful, positive attitude

How can tiny Tim be described

Great success, finest they've ever had

How do the Cratchits describe their meal

They joke about his funeral

How do the business men show their dislike for the dead man

He is sad + upset

How does Cratchit feel when he hears that Martha will not be home for dinner

He donates a lot of money and makes up for the past

How does Scrooge surprise the charity workers

A black shrowd

How is the ghost of Chris yet to come dressed

What does the ghost of Christmas present say that indicates that Scrooge can change the future

If the shadows remain unaltered the child will die

Past= learn from his mistakes Present= participate in life Future= improve his life in the future

In what ages does Scrooge vow to live in? What does he mean?

"He rubbed his hands; adjusted his capacious waistcoat; laughed all over himself, from his shoes to his organ of benevolence; and called out in a comfortable, oil, Rich, fat, jovial voice..."

Indicates that Fezziwig is jolly, happy, enjoys life, shares with others, and is a symbol of positivity.

No he only cares about money

Is Scrooge likely to have visited the Cratchit's before? Why or why not?

No but they are thankful for it

Is the Cratchit's meal as grand as they say

Who was the first ghost who visited Scrooge?

Jacob Marley

What was the man's name who bought Scrooge's possessions after he died?

Old Joe

Scene 4

Present and Scrooge next visit Scrooge's nephew (Fred)'s residence. Fred and his wife talk about Scrooge not joining them for dinner. Fred doesn't blame Scrooge for not coming. They toast to Ebenezer's health. Scrooge wishes to be seen by his nephew and niece, but Present says they cannot. Present says he has to leave soon, and his hair grows gray and his skin wrinkled. Present shows Scrooge two dolls; a boy named Ignorance and a girl named Want. A hooded phantom (Ghost of Christmas Future) takes Present away as the clock hits 12:00 AM (Christmas Day.) Three businessmen appear to Scrooge and Future, who does not talk. The businessmen talk of Scrooge's death. They laugh and discuss if they were left any money. The men disappear, and two women (one of which is named Mrs. Dilber) and a man (Old Joe) appear. The people are robbing Scrooge's residence. The people begin asking Old Joe to estimate their findings. One woman takes all of Scrooge's clothes. Scrooge finds out that he is dead, and asks Future to take him to a nicer lesson. Future brings Scrooge to the Cratchit residence again. Mrs. Cratchit and the children are sewing in the candlelight. Mr. Cratchit comes back from the funeral and tells the family that Fred offers to help the Cratchits. They disappear, and Future shows Scrooge a tombstone with Scrooge's name on it. Scrooge vows to honor the Christmas spirit and try to keep it all year.

Scene 2

Present leads Scrooge through the city's streets. Present sees two rude revelers outside of a diner. He sprinkles kindness on the revelers using his torch, and they are filled with the Christmas Spirit. Present says he sprinkles kindness mostly on the poor because they need it the most.

Scene 1

Scene resumes when Scrooge is sleeping and Marley is speaking to the audience. Scrooge expects the Ghost of Christmas Present to arrive at 1:00 AM, but Marley does not send the ghost. Scrooge wakes up in the middle of the night and notices that he is sleeping backwards and forwards. Present appears in the center of the room, on a throne, surrounded by a feast of turkeys, geese, game, poultry, brawn, great-joints of meat, suckling pigs, long wreaths of sausages, mince-pies, plum puddings,barrels of oysters, red hot chestnuts, cherry-cheeked apples, juicy oranges, luscious pears, immense twelfth cakes, and seething bowls of punch. He bears a torch that is shaped as a cornucopia. Scrooge touches Present's robe, and they fly away.

What was the name of Scrooge's business?

Scrooge and Marley

Scene 3

Scrooge and Present see the Cratchit family and the scene in their house. It is revealed to Scrooge that Cratchit has a wife, two children, and more to come. Scrooge calls Bob foolish to support a large family with the wage he earns. Martha, Bob Cratchit's daughter, appears to Cratchit. Tiny Tim (Bob's son) is crippled and cannot walk. The family is filled with joy. Scrooge asks if Tiny Tim will live to see the next Christmas. Present says that Tiny Tim will die if the future does not change. Mr. and Mrs. Cratchit toast to Scrooge's health. Scrooge says that they're the only people who ever toasted to his name. Bob tells Tim that he will pay six pennies if Tim plays the lute. Tim says that he will do it for free. The family sings a song as Tim plays the lute. Present tells Scrooge that he is only presenting the Cratchits because of their happiness and gratefulness. They are content with their current situation.

Which actions do the change Scrooge perform on Christmas Day

Scrooge gives Cratchit's family a turkey

Present says, "This is the home of your employee, Mr. Scrooge. Don't you know it?" Scrooge, "Do you mean Cratchit, Spirit? Do you mean this is Cratchit's home?" What does this show about Scrooge?

Scrooge has never visited Cratchit at his home.

Why does Fred intend to invite his uncle Scrooge to Christmas dinner each year

Scrooge reminds friend of his deceased mother

Whose corpse does Scrooge see?

Scrooge sees his own corpse.

Scene 5

Scrooge wakes up and is grateful to Marley for teaching him these lessons. Scrooge yells Christmas greetings out of his window to the whole town. Scrooge happily talks to a boy named Adam. Scrooge pays Adam a shilling if he picks up a turkey for Scrooge. Scrooge wishes everyone Christmas greetings. Scrooge sees the portly man, and apologizes for his behavior yesterday. He tells the portly man to visit him soon. Scrooge visits Fred and his wife. Fred is very shocked that Scrooge attends the Christmas party. After the party, Ebenezer walks back to his office and sees that Bob is late. Scrooge gives Bob a raise, saying that they need happiness at this time of year. Tiny Tim, who does not die, sees this deed and regards Scrooge as his second father.

What does Scrooge whisper to the portly man?

Scrooge whispers the amount of the donation he want to make.

Who was Fezziwig?

Scrooge's boss when he was a young apprentice

Who is Fred?

Scrooge's nephew

Who was Fan?

Scrooge's sister

who's possessions are people stealing?


Why are Miss Cratchit Belinda and Peter waiting for Martha

She is the oldest sister and works away from home

Who was Mrs. Dilber?

She washed Scrooge's laundry

Present says, "If the shadows remain unaltered by the future, the child will die." What does Present suggest by saying this to Scrooge?

That Scrooge's actions can change life for Tiny Tim and he can be live a long and healthy life.

What might Belle's "tears" indicate as she talks to Scrooge?

That she is sad and upset about his behaviour and did not necessarily want to end their engagement.

What is the outcome of Belle and Scrooge's conversation?

That their relationship is over and money replaced love in Scrooge's values.

How does Scrooge react when he sees Cratchit's family in Act II?

The Bob Cratchit has too many children.

Who was the second ghost who visited Scrooge?

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Which spirit does not talk to Scrooge?

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

Who was the fourth ghost who visited Scrooge?

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

Marley's is a ghost, but why did Horovitz use a flesh-and-blood human being in the play for the audience to see?

The audience can relate or identify with Marley and they have sympathy, or feel sorry, for him.

What is the date of the last day of the story?

The day after Christmas - December 26

What does the ghost of Christmas future do that gives Scrooge hope

The ghost Trimbles and stops pointing to the grave

What is the ghost of Christmas present repeat are there no prisons are there no workhouses to Scrooge as he fades away

The ghost is repeating Scrooges words to do gooders


The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something. Always ask who or what is the sentence about?

What do the two gentlemen want when they visit Scrooge on Christmas Eve?

They are taking a collection of money to give to the poor people of London.

How do the Cratchit's respond to the death of their son Tiny Tim?

They comfort each other and move forward in life.

What are the two women and the man that use to work for Scrooge doing at Old Joe's?

They stole items from Scrooge's rooms after he died and now they are trying to sell them for money.

Who says, 'God bless us, everyone!'

Tiny Tim

Why did Fred come to see Scrooge on Christmas Eve?

To invite Scrooge for Christmas dinner the next day

Why does the ghost of Christmas present show Scrooge the bakers going to work to make Christmas meals for the rich

To show Scrooge how the less fortunate can be kind to others

A boy and he is being very kind and buying a turkey for the Cratchits

To whom does Scrooge first speak to on Christmas Day? How does this show a change in him?

When he meets the ghost of Christmas present what does Scrooge say that shows he is already beginning to change

Tonight if you have ought to teach me let me profit by it

Sell Scrooge's things to a pawnshop

What do the laundress, charwoman, and undertaker want to do

All the fun and seeing everyone so happy

What do you think is causing this change in Scrooge

If he lives or dies

What does Scrooge ask the spirit about tiny tim

He was very nice and shared his condolences

What happened when Cratchit met Scrooge's nephew, Fred

He thinks it's funny, plays along, and wants to stay for the next game

What is Scrooge's reaction to the game of blindman's buff

She is being a protective wife

What kind of wife does she prove herself to be

Yes or no, blindman's buff, imitating Scrooge

What's games are Fred, his wife, and friends playing

When he was window shopping

When did tiny tim's spirits begin to droop

Off of Scrooge's body

Where did the charwoman get the shirt

Ghost of Christmas present

Who greets Scrooge from behind the quilt


Who's name is on the grave stone

Jacob marley

Whom does Scrooge thank for his new life

The Cratchits mourning

Whom does the spirit show Scrooge when he asks to see "some tenderness connected with death"

Tiny Tim

Whose death do you think is the Cratchit's mourning

The Cratchit's Home

Whose home does Scrooge and the spirit visit


Why do you think the dead man is from whom these things were stolen

They couldn't afford it

Why do you think tiny Tim's spirits dropped then

He has a brother for every Christmas

Why does Christmas present not have "more than eighteen hundred" brothers

Because it's his fault they are dead

Why does Christmas present repeat Scrooge's words about prisons and workhouses

He feels sorry for Scrooge, knows he's only hurting himself, Scrooge is missing out on family + love

Why does Fred take Scrooge's distain so lightly

She knows he's not a good man

Why does Mrs. Cratchit not wish to drink to Scrooge's death

Christmas should be spent with family

Why does he feel that way

He was spending time with his family

Why is Cratchit late

He didn't give her a lot of Money

Why is Mrs. Dilber angry at the pawnbreaker

what has Scrooge promised to give Bob?

a raise on his salary.

why is Scrooge happy at the end of the play?

because he learns the value of love and human companionship.

why does Martha hide?

because her younger siblings wanted to surprise their father.

What do you think parathyroid means?

beside or next to the thyroid.

What was Marley's ghost wearing around his body?

chains and cash boxes

in what ways is Scrooge changing?

he is beginning to care more about people than money

how does the ghost of Christmas future differ from the other ghosts?

he is bleak, dark, and eerie while the present ghost is colorful and inviting.

what is wrong with Tiny Tim?

he is crippled and sick

what is Marley trying to figure out?

he is trying to figure out what parts of scrooge's life to show him in order to astonish Scrooge

when Scrooge's belongings were being stolen, what lessons did he learn?

he must respect others in order for them to respect him.

what promises does Scrooge make?

he promises to be charitable, to honor Christmas, and to remember the lessons he has learned.

why does Scrooge care about the fate of Tiny Tim?

he seems drawn to the caring young boy.

what does Scrooge observe the Chratchits' doing?

he sees them toast him and sing before dinner.

what scenes does the ghost of Christmas present show Scrooge?

he shows him Christmas at the chratchits and at his nephew's, Fred, house.

what does the ghost of Christmas present show Scrooge?

he shows him poor people celebrating and preparing for Christmas.

what does Scrooge instruct Adam to do?

he tells him to go buy the prize turkey from the poulterer's.

what valuable information does scrooge reveal about himself?

he wants to change and have a better future.

whose corpse does scrooge see?

his own.

how does Scrooge learn from the opportunity to watch his own life?

how his behavior affects others and how they view him as a result.

In the sentence: "When the rumor has been dispelled then I will believe it is untrue." What does the word "dispelled" mean?

proven; confirmed

In the sentence: "Axelle apologized in earnest for the trouble he had caused in class." What does the word "earnest" mean?

sincerely; with honesty

"Present is wearing a simple green robe. The walls around the room are now covered in greenery, as well. The room seems to be a perfect grove now: leaves of holly, mistletoe and ivy reflect the stage lights. Suddenly there is a mighty roar of flame in the fireplace and now the hearth burns with a lavish, warming fire." Who makes the room this warm and inviting?

the Ghost of Christmas Present.

what does scrooge think the spirit is showing him?

the businessmen discussing Jacob Marley's death.

who visits Scrooge in scene 1?

the ghost of Christmas present.


the part of a sentence or clause containing a verb and stating something about the subject (e.g., went home in John went home ). Always ask what the subject in the sentence is doing?

in scene 3, what does scrooge learn about the chratchit family?

the size of the family and Tiny Tim's illness.

what warning does the ghost of Christmas present give Scrooge?

to beware of ignorance and want.

In the sentence: "The game plan has been altered in many ways from the original plan" What does the word "altered" mean?

to change

where does scrooge want the turkey delivered?

to the Chratchits.

Where does Scrooge send the large turkey on Christmas Day?

to the Cratchits

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