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(kuángrè] 1. adjective fanatical I'm mad about books. 我狂热地爱好书籍。


(yōudiǎn) ★★ 1.merit;strong point


(yǐn shí qū) food court


[bàozhěn] 1. bolster Add a few throw pillows to catch the eye and draw attention to their beauty! 再放上几个抱枕以吸引目光,使人注意到它们多么美丽!


[bèixìng] singlet


[chǎnshēng] 1. verb produce 产生结果 produce a result 他的小说在读者中产生了很大反响。 His novel created a big stir among readers. 他对电脑产生了浓厚的兴趣。 He's become deeply interested in computers.


[chǎoguō] 1. noun A wok; especially a big one for stir frying peanuts and chestnuts. 炒锅里盛的是炒花生。 The wok contains roasted peanuts.


[guīzé] 1. noun regulation 2. adjective orderly


[mòshēng] 1. adjective unfamiliar

[shì] 1. verb try


[yíliùyān] 1. like a streak of smoke—very quickly


[zhànfàn] 1. noun war criminal 远东国际军事法庭在二战之后审判了战犯。 The Far-east International Military Tribunal brought the war criminals to trial after the Second World War.


[zhíjiē] 1. 1. adjective direct 他将直接飞往伦敦。 He will fly direct to London.

bài fail

báo thin

chūn spring

dùn used for meals or scolding


dǎsuàn plan; intend


fǎngwèn visit; call on


gēgē Definition: (elder) brother. 那是我的哥哥 That is my my big brother

gēn Definition: radical (chem.) / root / basis Example: 他拿了一根树枝,在沙地上写字。 He took a stick and wrote on the sand.


huǒ shān kǒu Definition: crater Example: 火山口火山爆发而形成的环形山或大山核心部分的崩塌而形成的环形山。 A large crater is formed by volcanic explosion or by collapse of a volcanic cone.


hào qí Definition: curious Example: 她太过好奇,以至于打开了盒子。 She was so curious that she opened the box.


jiǎo bù Definition: footstep / step Example: 他休息下脚步,看看发生了什么事。


jīntiān Definition: today; the present; now. 今天的天气很好 Today's weather is very good.

le Definition: end; finish 你做完了没有 Have you finished it yet?


lái dào Definition: to arrive / come to Example: 我们来到戏院,不久电影就开始了。 We came to the cinema, and not long after the film began.


lán zi Definition: basket Example: 这个装水果的小篮子很漂亮。 This little basket that is filled with fruits is very beautiful.


lántiān Definition: blue sky 白云浮在蓝天上 Those white clouds are floating in the blue sky.


láo jià excuse me; may I trouble you


láodòng work; labor

lèi Definition: tired Example: 步行了四个小时以后,我们开始累了。 After walking for four hours, we started to feel tired.

léi Definition: thunder Example: 我们听见远处隆隆的雷声。 We heard the thunder growling in the distance.


lìrú for example; for instance


lìshǐ history; past records

mù Definition: tree; timber; wood 那木屋烧的很快. That wooden house burned very fast.


ná chū Definition: take out Example: 她拿出一张洁白的纸巾,擦了擦鞋子。 She took out a clean towel and wiped her shoes.


ná zhe Definition: holding Example: 妹妹拿着一支笔,要我教她画画。 Sister hold a pen and wanted me to teach her how to draw.


nán guò Definition: feel sorry / be grieved / upset Example: 听到朋友死亡的消息,她难过地哭了。 She cried with grief when she heard the news of her friend's death.

shú ripe; cooked; done; familiar


shǒu lā shǒu Definition: hand in hand Example: 小朋友们手拉手在一起唱歌、跳舞。 The kids are singing and dancing hand in hand.

tiē Definition: to stick / to paste / to keep close to / to fit snugly / subsidize / allowance Example: 她把图片贴在剪贴簿上。 She pasted the pictures into a scrapbook.


xuǎn shang Definition: selected Example: 他被选上了班长。 He was being selected to be the class monitor.

xì Definition: adj thin; fine; thin and soft; meticulous Example: 这木棒太细了,一折就断。 The stick can be easily broken as it is too thin.

xì department (in a university)


xì shuǐ Definition: play with water Example: 男孩们在游泳池的浅水区戏水玩乐。 The boys were playing with the water happily in the shallow end of the pool.

xìn Definition: letter Example: 姐姐写信告诉我们她在国外的生活。 Sister wrote us letter to tell us how she is doing oversea.


xìn fēng Definition: envelope Example: 这张卡片正好能装进那个信封里。 This card just fits nicely into that envelope.


yànhuì banquet; feast; dinner party


yōu diǎn Definition: strength; merit; strong point Example: 小汽车的优点是能够在其它车辆间穿行,并且常常比大客车先到达。 The advantage of a little car is that it can weave through the traffic and often get there faster than the big buses.

yǎng Definition: raise Example: 我养了一只猫和一只狗,但它们老是打架。 I have a dog and a cat, but they fight all the time.


zhèngfǔ government


àirén husband; wife; sweetheart

àn Definition: press Example: 警察一把按住小偷的手,把他抓了起来。 The police press the thief's hand down and catch him.

àn Definition: bank; shore; beach; coast Example: 到达目的地后,船上的游人陆续上了岸。 Upon arrival, visitors alighted one after another on the shore.

àn Definition: dark Example: 这里没有路灯,归途很暗。 There are no street lights, the road back was dark.


àn zhù Definition: hold down / press down Example: 你只要按住伤口,血就不会再流了。 You just have to hold down the wound to stop the blood from flowing.


è Definition: hungry Example: 我每天放学时都觉得很饿。 I feel very hungry after school everyday.


èryuè Definition: February; the 2nd month of the lunar year. 他的生日是在月 His birthday is in February.


ér qiě Definition: moreover Example: 他不仅非常聪明,而且还很用功。


érqiě moreover; in addition; but also


ā yí Definition: aunt / mother's sister Example: 我姐姐上个月生了孩子,所以我现在是阿姨了。 My elder sister gave birth to a baby last month, so I am consider as an aunt now.

āi get close to; be next to; by


ālābóyǔ(ālābówén) Arabic


ān jìng Definition: quiet Example: 邻居们请他们安静一些,可他们还是吵吵闹闹。 The neighbors asked them to be a little quiet, but they still carry on with the noise.


ānpái plan; arrange

X 月X 日

**X yuè X rì Definition: X month X day


**huāmāo Definition: spotted cat

**huǒ Definition: fire


**hóngrì Definition: red sun


**hóngtàiyáng Definition: red sun


**jìnmén Definition: enter (the room)

**mù Definition: eye

**qī Definition: Seven 篮子里有七立鸡蛋 There are seven eggs in that basket.


**xínglǐ Definition: bow

**zhǐ only; merely

**zuò Definition: make; produce; manufacture; cook; prepare; do; act; engage in.

**zài Definition: exist; be living; rest with; depend on.

**é Definition: goose

**ěr Definition: ear; any ear-like thing

mínzú nation; nationality







Dang ju zhe mi, pang guan zhe qing means those closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside.


[biānchéng] 1. verb program 计算机编程的任何一步的漏失,都会导致程序无法正常运转。 A computer program cannot operate if any procedure is lost.


[biāncè] 1. verb to spur on; to urge on; to encourage somebody 2. noun encourage 鞭策自己 encourage onself 鞭策作用 encourage work


[bàodòng] 1. noun insurrection 首相的决定导致了暴动。 The prime minister's decision led to rioting.


[bàofēngxuě] 1. 1. noun [Meteorology] snowstorm; blizzard


[bàomíng] 1. verb sign up 报名参加马拉松比赛 sign up for a marathon

[bì] 1. verb finish 2. adverb fully 她已经大学毕业,就要步入社会。 She has just graduated from college, and is going to step into the society soon.


[bìkāi] 1. verb bypass; escape; short-circuit, elude


[bìxū] 1.adverb 你们必须准时来上班。 You must start work on time.


[bùshèn] 1. adjective Not careful. 由于司机一时不慎,发生了一起重大交通事故。 As a result of the driver's momentary carelessness, there was a serious accident. 他~摔倒, 所以必须看 医生


[bùxiāngchēnde] 1. adjective unsuitable We must not act carelessly, or do anything unbeseeming of my fame. 我们不能做不合时宜的事情,或者做出任何跟我名声不相称的事。


[bāokuò] 1. verb include 月租450元,不包括取暖费。 The rent is 450 yuan a month, but this doesn't include heating. 医疗队包括10个医生和一辆救护车。 The medical team is comprised of ten doctors and one ambulance. 餐费包括百分之十的服务费。 The bill includes a ten percent service charge.


[bēijù] 1. noun [Theater] tragedy 2. noun misfortune; adversity


[bēishāng]**** 1. adjective sad 悲伤地哭泣 cry sorrowfully


[bēnpǎo] 1. verb dash


[běndì] 1. noun locality,adjective -local 本地货 local goods 她是本地人。 She is a native of this place.


[bǎilǐtiāoyī] 1. one in a hundred 这小伙儿真是百里挑一。 This lad is really one in a hundred.


[bǎixìng] 1. noun the common people 国家日久承平,百姓安居乐业。 Peace reigns in the country, and people live in peace and plenty.


[bǎwò] 1. verb grasp 把握实质 have a grasp of the facts 把握时机 seize the opportunity


[chuándá] 1. verb pass ... on 传达指示 pass on an instruction 2. noun receptionist 传达室 reception room


[chánghuán] 1. verb repay 贷款偿还年限 mortgage repayment period

[chèn] 1. to take advantage of 趁这个机会我讲几句话。 I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words. 趁年轻多学点知识。 Learn something while you are young.

[chén] 1. verb [向下落] sink 船沉到了海底。 The ship sank to the bottom of the sea.

[chéng] 1. noun [规矩] rule 章程 constitution 2. noun [距离] distance 路程 journey noun [道路] journey 3.登程 set off

[chéng] 1. verb [搭坐] travel by 乘火车 travel by train process:乖-乘-剰(sheng


[chénglì] 1. verb [建立] found 联合国成立于1945年。 The United Nations was founded in 1945. 一所新学校成立了。 A new school has been established.


[chéngpíng] 1. adjective [文言] Peaceful. 国家日久承平,百姓安居乐业。 Peace reigns in the country, and people live in peace and plenty.


[chéngyuán] 1. noun member 家庭成员 family member 新成员 new member


[chénzhòng] 1. adjective heavy 丧父失子对她的打击沉重,真是创巨痛深。 Losing her father and son was such a grave hurt that she was deeply stricken.


[chìdào] 1. noun the equator 赤道、本初子午线是地球重要的经纬线。 The equator and meridian are important quadrants of our earth.


[chíxù] 1. verb go on 高温天气持续了几天。 The hot weather went on for some days. 该电视节目的收视率持续上升。 The ratings for this TV programme (英) {或} program (美) continued to rise.


[chíyí] 1. 1. verb hesitate 她毫不迟疑地离开了家。 She didn't hesitate to leave home.


[chóngdié] 1. adjective overlapping 重重叠叠的山峦,云雾缭绕。 All of the surrounding mountain ranges are covered in mist.


[chúyì] 1. culinary art 这次厨艺大赛专门设置了食雕这个项目。 The cooking contest this time has especially set up the activity of food carving.


[chāopiào] 1. 1. noun banknote


[chāoyuè] 1. verb overcome She has unsurpassable skill. 她具有无法超越的技巧。


[chōnghuǐ] 1. verb (Of floods) to overwhelm and ruin. 大坝被肆虐的洪水冲毁。 The dam was eroded by the flood.


[chūyī] 1. noun first year of middle school (equivalent to 7th Grade in the US, Year 8 in the UK) 中国人对除夜是相当重视的,丝毫不逊正月初一。 New Year's Eve is as important to the Chinese as New Year's Day.


[cuòshī] 1. noun measure 采取环保措施 take measures to protect the environment 预防措施 preventative measures


[càiniǎo ] 1. noun [Spoken] novice; beginner; newcomer; green hand; freshman; newbie


[cáinéng]*** 1. noun ability 施展才能 put one's abilities to use 他有领导才能。 He has leadership qualities.


[cìbí] 1. adjective Offensive (scent). 这种药物散发着刺鼻的臭味。 This kind of medicine gives off a strong, irritating smell.


[cìgǔ] 1. verb be piercing 海水冰冷刺骨。 The seawater was piercingly cold.


[cìjī] 1. verb [指生物现象] stimulate 2. verb [推动] stimulate 3. verb [打击] provoke 氨气是无色的有刺激性味道的气体。 Ammonia is a colorless gas with an offensive smell.


[cìyǎn] 1. adjective [光线太强] dazzling 2. adjective [扎眼] loud I was dazzled by a the sunlight. 阳光很刺眼。


[cítuì] 1. verb dismiss 他因工作不力,被老板辞退。 He wasn't hardworking enough, and so was dismissed by the boss.


[cíxiáng] 1. adjective kind 慈祥的老人 kind old man 慈祥的笑容 kindly smile

[cún] 1. 1. verb [存在] exist 2. 2. verb [储存] store 3. 3. verb [储蓄] save 4. 4. verb [寄存] check ... in 存行李 check in one's bags 5. 5. verb [保留] retain 6. 6. verb [结存] be leftover 3年后公司净结存为零。 After three years the company was left with nothing.


[cūnmín] 1. noun villager; village people


[cǎiqǔ]** 1. adopt; assume or take 采取措施 take measures 采取的对策 take countermeasures


[diānbǒ] 1. verb toss 海浪翻滚,小船左右摇摆,颠簸得很厉害。 The boat rolled violently in the waving sea.


[duànliàn] 1. verb [指身体] work out 2. verb [磨炼] toughen 艰苦的环境锻炼人的意志。 People are toughened by difficult experiences. 3. verb [冶炼] temper


[duìjìn] 1. adjective [合适] well-suited 2. adjective [投缘] compatible 3. adjective [正常] normal 这几天她好像不太对劲。 She hasn't been altogether right these last few days.


[duìwu] 1. noun [军队] [pl] troops 2. noun [指集体] contingent 3. noun [行列] formation


[duókuàng'érchū] 1. (Tears) to stream from one's eyes. 面对大家的帮助,她感动的泪水夺眶而出。 Moved by generous help from so many people, she bursts into tears.


[duǒbì] 1. verb [回避] run away from 躲避问题 run away from one's problems 2. verb [躲藏] hide 我不知道他躲避到哪里去了。 I don't know where he had hidden himself.


[dàchén] 1. 1. minister


[dàgōngwúsī] 1. impartial


[dàndàn] 1. 1. adjective slight 2. 2. adjective dim


[dàng qiū qiān] 1. [Sports] swing


[dàshīsuǒwàng] 1. to one's great disappointment Fans were so disappointed when their home team lost the game. 主队输掉了比赛,令球迷们大失所望。


[dàsǎochú] 1. noun general cleaning; thorough cleaning


[dòngliángzhīcái] 1. noun [成语] man of great ability


[dòngshǒushù] 1. verb perform an operation 2. verb be operated on His fitness to operate on a patient is in question. 他是否适宜为患者动手术还是个问题。


[dúlì]** 1. verb [指国家] declare independence 独立宣言 declaration of independence 2. verb [指个人] be independent 3. verb [单独站立


[dúlì]** 1. verb [指国家] declare independence 独立宣言 declaration of independence 2. verb [指个人] be independent 3. verb [单独站立] stand alone


[dúzì] 1. adverb alone Zhèxiē niánlái tā yìzhí dúzì shēnghuó,méijiā méiyè de 这些年来他一直独自生活,没家没业的。 He has been single for years, and living on his own.


[dānshēn] 1. noun single 单身汉 bachelor


[dānwèi] ** 1. noun [指标准量] unit 以平方米为测量单位 use square metres as the unit of measurement 单位人口密度 population density by area 2. noun [机构] unit 事业单位 work unit


[dāobàér] 1. 名 比喻过错或短处, signifies a mistake or a shortcoming (weakness) 做事光明磊落,就不落刀把儿。


[dīgǔ] 1. noun [pl] doldrums 他的情绪陷入了低谷。 He's in the doldrums.


[dǎozhì] 1. verb lead to 首相的决定导致了暴动。 The prime minister's decision led to rioting. 粗心导致她没考好。 Because of her carelessness she failed the exam.


[dǐngtiānlìdì] 1. [成语] able to support both heaven and earth—of gigantic stature; of indomitable spirit; dauntless


[fàngmàn] 1. verb To reduce speed; slacken; slow 雪后路滑,请大家放慢车速! Please slow down as the road gets slippery after snow.


[fákuǎn] 1. verb fine


[fánnǎo] 1. 1. adjective worried 你不要为小事烦恼。 You shouldn't worry about little things.


[fánshì] 1. adverb every; any; all 凡是50岁以上的都被辞退了。 People over fifty are dismissed, without exception.


[fèngmìng] 1. 1. verb be instructed 部委奉命紧急调查。 Government departments were instructed to carry out an urgent investigation.


[fù bù zhǎng] 1. [Military] Deputy Secretary As the subsidiary officer in the division, he ordered the army to attack. 他以副师长的身份命令部队进攻。


[fùjìn]* 1. adjective nearby 2. noun vicinity 附近有电话亭吗? Is there a telephone box in the vicinity?


[fùyù] 1. adjective prosperous, affluent ,rich 富裕地区 prosperous area 他家很富裕。 His family is very well off.

[fú] 1. verb [稳住] steady 老太太扶着栏杆使自己站稳。 The old woman steadied herself by holding on to the rail. 姑娘扶老大爷过马路。 The girl helped the old man across the road. 2. verb [搀起] help up 护士把孩子扶起来。 The nurse helped the child up. 3. verb [扶助] help


[fúhé] 1. verb match 符合招生条件 meet admission requirements


[fādǒu] Listen to shiver; to shake; to shudder; to tremble more


[fākuáng] 1. verb go mad Keep away from that wild-eyed dog in case it bites you. 离那条发狂的狗远些,以防它咬你。


[fāngshì] 1. noun way 生活方式 way of life 生产方式 production method 她用简单的方式解决了问题。 She solved the problem in a simple way.


[fāngǔn] 1. verb [沸腾] seethe 2. verb [翻筋斗] roll 海浪翻滚,小船左右摇摆,颠簸得很厉害。 The boat rolled violently in the waving sea.


[fāxíng] 1. verb publish 发行词典 publish a dictionary 发行影片 release a film 发行股票 issue stocks


[fēngjiàn] 1. 1. noun feudalism 2. 2. adjective feudal 封建社会 feudal society


[fēnpài] 1. verb to assign; to allocate


[fēnpèi] 1. verb assign


[fǎnnì] 1. verb To invert: to be abnormal. 日月失度,时节反逆。 Days and months lost their normal duration, and the four seasons reversed. 2. To rebel. 自从上了初中,儿子越来越反逆了。 The boy has become more and more rebellious since he went to junior school.


[fǎnxǐng] 1. verb question oneself 我们需要反省自己的行为。 We need to question our own behaviour


[fǒurèn] 1. verb deny 无论我们怎么问,他始终矢口否认做过那件事。 However hard we asked him, he insisted on denying having done it. 不可否认 undeniable 否认事实 to deny a fact


[fǔbài] 1. verb rot 腐败的食物 rotten food 反腐败 to fight against corruption 十分腐败 corrupt 2. adjective corrupt


[fǔlàn] 1. verb rot 2. adjective decadent

[guàn] 1. verb [习惯] be used to 我吃西餐已经惯了。 I'm already used to Western food. 2. verb [纵容] spoil


[guànjūn] 1. noun champion 比赛中,他获得了冠军。 In the contest, he won the championship.


[guójì] 1. adjective international 国际和平与稳定 international peace and stability .


[guójì]* 1. adjective international 国际和平与稳定 international peace and stability


[guāngmínglěiluò] 1. [成语] open and candid; straightforward and upright 做事光明磊落,就不落刀把儿。 If you do things in a conscientious manner, you will avoid any downfall


[guāngróng] 1. adjective glorious 光荣属于那些默默无闻的幕后工作者。 The glory should go to those who go unrecognised behind the scenes.


[guǎngkuò] 1. adjective broad


[guǐzi] 1. devil (a term of abuse for foreign invaders) 他在抗日战争时期当过二鬼子。 He was a traitor during the Anti-Japanese War.


[gèjiùgèwèi] 1. Each gets to his own place or position. 请大家各就各位,会议马上开始! Please be seated, the meeting is now called to order.


[gèrén] 1. noun individual 2. pronoun oneself 就他个人而言 as far as he's concerned 在我个人看来,这是个好主意。 As far as I'm concerned this is a good idea.

[gé] 1. noun leather 2. verb [改变] change 3. verb [开除] expel


[gòngxiàn] 1. noun contribution 他要做一个对人类有贡献的人。 He aspires to contribute to society. 他是一个作出突出贡献的员工


[gùzhǔ] 1. noun employer 雇主不应该插手职员的私事。 Employers should not involve themselves in the private affairs of their staff.


[gānshè] 1. verb meddle 干涉别人私事 meddle in other people's affairs 2. noun [关系] link


[gānyuàn] 1. 1. verb be willing to; be glad to


[gāocháo] 1. noun [字] high tide 2. noun [喻] climax 高潮阶段 the stage of climax 进入高潮 to enter into climax


[gāogē] 1. verb To sing in a loud voice. 今天太高兴了,我要放声高歌。 I am so happy today that I want to sing joyfully and loudly.

[gē] 1. verb cut


[gēzi] 1. noun pigeons 我刚走过去,鸽子就呼啦啦地飞了。 As soon as I walked there, the pigeons flew away making a fluttering sound.


[gōng zuò liàng] 1. 商业 amount of work 今天必须完成两个工作日的工作量。 The work load for two working days must be finished today.


[gōnggào] 1. noun proclamation 发布公告 issue a proclamation


[gōnghuì] 1. noun trade union 工会主席的发言很精彩。 The chairman of the trade union made a wonderful speech.


[gōngjī]*** 1. verb [进攻] attack 2. verb [中伤] slander 攻击力 attacking power 人身攻击 a personal attack


[gūfù] 1. verb fail to live up to 他辜负了家长和老师对他的期望。 He failed to live up to the expectations of his parents and teachers.


[gǎishàn] 1. improve;ameliorate; help 改善生活 to improve the quality of life 很大改善 to make significant improvements 全力改善 to do one's best to improve


[gǎnjī] 1. verb appreciate 我感激你所做的一切。 I appreciate everything you have done.

[gǔ] 1. noun [山谷] valley


[gǔdài] 1. noun antiquity


[gǔwǔ] 1. verb inspire 2. adjective inspiring


[huàláng] art museum


[huàshēn] 1. noun embodiment 宣武后来被誉为神的化身。 Later on, the tortoise was regarded as the incarnation of god.


[huídàng] 1. verb reverberate 歌声回荡 a resounding song


[huítóushì'àn] 1. never too late to mend one's ways My conscience told me to turn around before I made a mistake. 我的良心告诉我,回头是岸。


[huāngliáng] 1. bleak and desolate; wild; gaunt; forlorn 一片荒凉 a scene of desolation 荒凉的废墟 desolated ruins 荒凉悲戚 lonely and rueful


[huīfù] 1. verb recover 恢复原状 to restore something to its original condition 他术后恢复得很好,用不了几天就能出院了。 He recovered quickly after the operation, and left the hospital in a few days.


[huīméngméng] 1. adjective dusky; overcast; gloomy


[huīzhībúqù ] 1. adjective nagging, lingering The smell stayed in the room. 这味道在屋里总是挥之不去。

[huǎn] 1. adjective [慢] slow 2. adjective [缓和] relaxed 3. verb [推迟] delay 4. verb [恢复] revive 那位70岁的老人,从远处缓缓地走过来。 The 70-year-old man walked here slowly from afar.


[huǎnhuǎn] 1. adjective slow 那位70岁的老人,从远处缓缓地走过来。 The 70-year-old man walked here slowly from afar.


[huǐdiào] 1. 1. verb break; mess up


[huǒbàn] 1. noun companion 小伙伴 children 合作伙伴 one's partner


[huǒbàn] 1. noun companion


[héchàngtuán] 1. chorus (a group of singers); choir Perfect, choir, we seem to be in good voice today! 太棒啦,合唱团,我们今天唱得很好!


[héngchōngzhízhuàng] 1. swerve about recklessly 巴士在车道里横冲直撞。 The bus swerved about recklessly in the bus lane.


[hòu gōng] 1. [Biology] posterior arch 前腿弓,后腿绷。


[hòuyì] 1. noun descendant 他的后裔,一向以礼仪传家。 Etiquette has been passed down from him to his descendants.


[hóngshuǐ] 1. noun flood 大坝被肆虐的洪水冲毁。 The dam was eroded by the flood.


[hùnluàn] 1. adjective [无秩序] chaotic 2. adjective [无条理] disordered 明朝晚期,朝纲混乱。 In the final phase of the Ming dynasty, court discipline was in great disorder.


[húkǒu] 1. verb To manage to survive. 为了养家糊口,他几夜几夜不睡觉地工作。 In order to support the family's living, he worked without sleeping for nights.

[hūn] 1. noun dusk 2. adjective [黑暗] dark 3. adjective [迷糊] muddled 4. verb faint


[hūnhūnyùshuì] 1. adjective drowsy; sleepy The old man sat nodding by the fireplace. 这个老人坐在壁炉旁昏昏欲睡。 The old man was nodding in his chair. 这个老人坐在椅子上昏昏欲睡。


[hǎijūn] 1. noun the navy 中国海军驱逐舰成功驱离了多艘疑似海盗船只。 The Chinese navy destroyer has driven suspected pirates vessels away.


[hǎilàng] 1. noun An ocean or sea wave. 海浪翻滚,小船左右摇摆,颠簸得很厉害。 The boat rolled violently in the waving sea.


[hǎizhé] 1. jellyfish


[jiànjiàn] 1. adverb gradually 物价渐渐上涨。 Prices are gradually going up.


[jiànwén] 1. noun information, knowledge


[jiànzào] 1. 1. verb build


[jiàzhí] 1. 1. noun value 价值观念 values 商业价值 market potential


[jiàzhí] 1. noun value 价值观念 values 商业价值 market potential


[jiéshěng] 1. verb conserve 节省时间 to save time 节省下来 to cut back on something


[jiézòu]**** 1. noun rhythm 这个小男孩的节奏感很强,非常适合学习打击乐。 The boy has excellent rhythmical sense and will probably learn percussion instruments quickly.


[jiānglái] 1. noun future 不远的将来,人类就能消灭艾滋病。 In the not-too-distant future, we are going to be able to wipe out AIDS.


[jiānnán] 1. adjective hard 他们生活艰难。 Their life is hard. 这位病人觉得走路很艰难。 The invalid finds it difficult to walk.


[jiāoliú] 1. exchange views 2. cross-fertilization 3. communication 4. alternate 交流增多 to increase communication 文化交流 cultural communication 交流经验 exchange experiences


[jiāotōng] 1. noun [交流的工具] [pl] communications 2. noun [运输] traffic 这个地区的公路交通繁忙而有序。 Road traffic in the area is heavy but well-regulated.


[jiāqiáng] 1. verb strengthen 加强防卫 strengthen defences (英) {或} defenses (美)


[jiūfēn] 1. noun dispute 朋友排解了他们的纠纷。 Friends mediated between them in the dispute.


[jiūjìng] 1. noun outcome 2. adverb actually 究竟发生了什么事? What actually happened?


[jiǎnglì] 1. verb encourage and reward 物质奖励 material incentive


[jiǎnshǎo] 1. 1. verb reduce


[jiǎnzhí]*** 1. adverb simply 这简直是浪费口舌。 This is simply a waste of breath.


[juésè] 1. noun [剧中人物] part 扮演主要角色 play the main part 2. noun [某类人] role 他在公司中是什么样的角色? What role does he have in the company?


[juéwújǐnyǒu] 1. [成语 the only one of its kind; unique; very rare


[jìjiào] 1. verb [在乎] bother 斤斤计较 quibble over every detail 2. verb [争论] argue 先不跟你计较,有空我再说。 I won't argue with you now. Let's talk about it when I have time. 3. verb [计议] deliberate


[jìngzhēng] 1. verb compete 我们要规制市场秩序,保护公平竞争。 We should regulate market rules and protect fair competition.


[jìngōng] 1. verb attack 向敌人进攻 to attack the enemy 主动进攻 to actively attack


[jìnjūn] 1. verb advance 中国正在向现代化进军。 China is advancing towards modernization.


[jìqiǎo]*** 1. noun technique 运用技巧 to apply one's skills to 绘画技巧 drawing skill


[jìshù] 1. noun technology 技术先进 advanced technology 技术改造 a technical transformation 技术人员 a technician


[jìshù] 1. noun technology, 我们需要不断学习国际先进技术。 We need to keep up with international advances in technology. 2. 技术 [jìshù] 1. noun skill; technique 由于没什么技术,他只能干笨活儿。 Due to his lack of skills, he can only engage himself in some heavy manual labour. .


[jìtuō] 1. verb [理想、感情、希望] focus, to assignto someone\ 她把希望寄托在女儿身上。 Her hopes were pinned on her daughter.


[jìxù] 1. verb continue 你们要继续努力。 You must continue to work hard.


[jídù] 1. adverb extremely 极度高兴 to be exceedingly glad


[jídù] 1. verb envy 你不要嫉妒他人。 You shouldn't be jealous of other people.


[jíhuì] 1. noun assembly 村民们在村头集会,庆贺今年的粮食丰收。 Villagers are gathering at the entrance of the village to celebrate this year's grain harvest.


[jítuán] 1. noun group, corporation 我省成立了新的报业集团。 A new press group has been established in our province.


[jítā] 1. noun guitar 我们班男生的吉他弹唱节目简直太棒了! The guitar performance given by boys in our class was fantastic.


[jízhōngshēngzhì] 1. show resourcefulness in an emergency 2.hit upon a plan in desperation; show resourcefulness in an emergency; have a brainwave when in danger


[jùdà] 1. adjective huge


[jùhuì] 1. 1. verb get together 周末有个同学聚会。 At the weekend there's a get-together of classmates.


[jùjué] 1. verb refuse 他拒绝签合同。 He refused to sign the contract. 婉言拒绝邀请 turn down an invitation


[jùjīnghuìshén] 1. focus all one's attention on


[jībùzéshí] 1. [成语] a hungry person dose not pick what to eat—its no time to choose when it is urgent, beggars can't be choosers.


[jīchǔ] 1. noun foundation 2. adjective basic 基础知识 basic knowledge


[jīhū] 1. adverb almost 从这儿到海边几乎有3公里。 It is almost three kilometres from here to the coast. 他几乎就要成功了。 He almost succeeded.


[jījizhāzhā] 1. onomatopoeia chirp


[jīlěi] 1. verb accumulate 资本积累 accumulation of capital


[jīnbuzhù] 1. 1. cannot afford; unable to bear 2. 2. cannot help doing something

[jīng]** 1. verb [紧张] anxious 2. verb [惊动] startle 打草惊蛇 alert the enemy


[jīngjiào] 1. cry in fear; scream; exclamation


[jīngqí] 1. 1. surprise 2. 2. noun surprise 3. 3. surprisal 4. 4. boggle 5. 5. admire


[jīngshén]* 1. noun [主观世界] mind 精神负担 a load on one's mind 精神病 mental illness


[jīngtōng]**** 1. verb be proficient in 多种乐器,他样样精通。 He is capable of playing many types of instruments.


[jīngxīn] 1. adjective meticulous, paying attention to great detail 精心策划的阴谋 a meticulously planned plot 精心安排 a careful arrangement 精心准备 considerate preparation


[jīngyàn] 1. 1. noun experience 丰富的教学经验 rich teaching experience 交流经验 exchange experiences


[jīnjīn] 1. fuss about; haggle over 你可真是小抠,这点小钱都斤斤计较。 You so mean to haggle over every ounce.


[jīnzhēndùrén] 1. According to the legend, Cainiang, who was the daughter of Zhengkan in the Tang Dynasty, dreamed that Vega had offered her a gold needle on Double Seventh Day. After that time, she could embroider more skillfully. Fig. Offer secrets of skills to others. 老人金针度人,把自己的手艺全部传给了他的徒弟。 The old man taught his students everything he knew.


[jǐnggào]*** 1. verb warn 警察鸣枪警告。 The police fired a warning shot.


[jǐnshèn] 1. adjective wary, prudent, careful, cautious,circumspect 你这刀把儿,都是因为做事不谨慎。 This mistake was caused by your carelessness.


[jǐnyǒu] 1. verb Only.


[kuàihuo] 1. adjective delighted


[kuánghuān] 1. verb have a mad time of it 在狂欢节期间,你会看到,所有人都是开心的。 You can see that all of the people at the carnival are happy.


[kàngyì] 1. verb protest 他们对虐待动物的行为提出了强烈抗议。 They protested vehemently against cruelty to animals.


[késou] 1. 1. noun cough 2. 2. verb to cough


[kòngzhì]** 1. control; dominate; command; contain; govern; keep down; manipulate; master; confine 她把他们控制在手心里。 She has them all in the palm of her hand. 要克制感情,不要让感情控制你。 Govern your passion, otherwise they will govern you. 控制谈判;在谈判中取得主动权 dominate the negotiation 你应该控制一下脾气。 you should control your temper.


[kùnjìng] 1. noun difficult position; predicament; distress; dilemma


[kùnjìng] 1. noun difficult position; predicament; distress; dilemma 陷入困境的她孤立无援,只能靠自己了。 Being caught in a dilemma, she is cut off from help and has to rely on herself.


[kāichú] 1. verb fire (an employee) 2. verb expel (a student)


[kējì] 1. noun science and technology 他在科技战线工作了一辈子。 He's spent a lifetime working at the forefront of science and technology.


[kěkào] 1. adjective reliable 质量可靠的产品总能有畅旺的销路。 Quality-reliable products will always sell well.


[kěnqiú] 1. verb to implore; to appeal; to beg sincerely; to beseech He begged a pardon from the king. 他恳求国王赦免自己的罪行。


[kěwù] 1. adjective detestable 那些制假贩假的,太可恶了! Those who produce and sell fake products are very bad!


[kōngtiáo] 1. noun air conditioner 上周开会,我和主任决定筹购几台空调。 The director and I decided during last week's meeting that we should buy some air conditioners.


[kǎn chái] 1. verb cut firewood; chop firewood The villagers were busy axing firewood for the coming winter. 村民们正在砍柴,以备冬天使用。


[kǎolǜ] 1. verb consider 这个问题需要慎重考虑。 This problem needs to be considered carefully. 这事儿你考虑了吗? Have you thought it over? 我已把一切都考虑在内。 I've already taken everything into consideration.


[kǒnghè] 1. verb threaten 他生性奸凶,动不动就恐吓别人。 He is a treacherous and ferocious person who is prepared to intimidate others.


[kǒngpà] 1. 1. adverb [担心] fearfully 他恐怕考不好。 He's afraid that he won't do well in the exam. 2. 2. adverb [大概] probably 火车恐怕要晚点了。 The train will probably be late.


[kǒubēi] 1. noun opinion 他在同事中口碑很差。 His colleagues have a poor opinion of him.


[liáoshèng] 1. verb To exceed slightly; to be a little better. 虽然只有这么一点资金,也聊胜于无呀。 Though the fund is little, it is better than none.


[lànyòng] 1. verb misuse 你不能因为睡眠不好就滥用安眠药。 Because you have difficulty sleeping it doesn't mean you can overdose on sleeping pills.


[lìjí] 1. 1. adverb immediately 家中有急事,我得立即回去。 There's a crisis at home, I have to go back immediately. 听到留言后他立即回了电话。 As soon as he got the message he returned the call.


[lìjí] 1. adverb immediately 家中有急事,我得立即回去。 There's a crisis at home, I have to go back immediately. 听到留言后他立即回了电话。 As soon as he got the message he returned the call.


[lìkè] 1. adverb immediately 老师让我们立刻打扫教室卫生。 The teacher told us to tidy up the classroom immediately. 回家后立刻给我打个电话。 Give me a call as soon as you get home.


[lìmài] 1. noun Limay (in France, 1°44'E 49°00'N) 2. noun Limay (in Philippines, 120°36'E 14°34'N)


[lìngyǎnxiāngkàn] 1. look at ... in a new light , see somebody in a new more favourable light 自从他从 中国回来,对 华语~


[lìyòng] 1. verb [物] use 合理利用自然资源 use natural resources appropriately 2. 2. verb [人] exploit 你甭想利用我,我没那么幼稚。 Don't even consider taking advantage of me - I'm not that naive.


[lìzúdiǎn] 1. noun foothold; footing 2. noun standpoint His father gave him a toehold in the oil business. 他父亲为他在石油行业中提供了一个立足点。


[línshí] 1. adverb temporarily 临时措施 temporary measures


[lòushī] 1. verb To lose due to careless. 我们应减少水资源的漏失。 We should reduce the leakage and loss of water. 2. noun Careless omission and fault. 计算机编程的任何一步的漏失,都会导致程序无法正常运转。 A computer program cannot operate if any procedure is lost.


[lóngwáng] 1. noun [Myth] the Dragon King (the God of Rain)


[lěilěi] 1. adjective countless His head is bloody, but unbowed. 他伤痕累累,但誓不低头。


[lǐyí] 1. noun etiquette 他的后裔,一向以礼仪传家。 Etiquette has been passed down from him to his descendants.


[mìfāng] 1. noun secret recipe 这个秘方,除非他没人知道。 Other than him, no one else knows the secret recipe.


[míngyuān] 1. complain of unfairness; voice grievance "我真没有作弊啊!"面对老师的审问,小明不住地为自己鸣冤叫屈。 "I swear I did not cheat." Xiaoming keeps voicing grievances facing the teachers' interrogation.


[míngzhù] 1. noun famous book; masterpiece 这部~早已名扬四海。 This famous work has long enjoyed a worldwide reputation.


[mòshēng] 1. adjective unfamiliar


[mófǎng] 1. verb imitate 一味模仿 to blindly imitate 模仿能力 imitating ability 擅长模仿 to be good at imitation


[mófǎng] 1. verb imitate 他在模仿小鸟喈喈的叫声。 He is imitating the chirping of a bird.


[měngdǒng] 1. adjective muddled; ignorant; muddleheaded 听了他的解释,我还是懵懵懂懂。 I was still muddled, even after he had explained.


[měngliè] 1. rage 2. intensity 猛烈抖动 shaking violently 猛烈抨击 to violently attack 风势猛烈 a strong wind 猛烈的炮火 violent cannon fire


[mǐjiǔ] 1. noun rice wine; (Japan) sake 这个斗子里装的都是米酒。 In this ladle-like wood container there is alcohol made from rice.


[nándé]*** 1. adjective hard to come by; rare; scarce 2. adjective hard to come by 3. seldom; rarely; on rare occasions 4. adjective rare 他是个难得的人才。 He is an unusually talented person.

[nèi] 1. noun [里头] inside 他躲在大楼内。 He hid inside the building. 保龄球是室内运动。 Bowling is an indoor sport. 他在一个月内完成了任务。 He finished the task within a month. 2. noun [指妻子的亲属] [pl] in-laws 内弟 brother-in-law


[nèigé] 1. noun cabinet 内阁制作为一种政治体制,有它一定的合理性。 The cabinet system, as a political system, has a reason to exist.


[nèijiù] 1. verb feel guilty 我为失职而内疚。 I felt guilty about my unprofessional behaviour. 他被内疚折磨着。 He is tortured by guilt.


[nìmíng] 1. adjective anonymous Do you expect me to take your word over that of an anonymous tipster? 你指望我相信你而不信匿名举报者吗?


[nùhuǒzhōngshāo] 1. Very angry; indignant.; seethe 他说的话让我怒火中烧,至今也难以忘记。 I was burning with rage at his words. I haven't forgotten them even now.


[nǎodai] 1. noun head


[páijǐ] 1. verb squeeze ... out 她被排挤出了决策层。 She was squeezed out of policy-making.


[pèiduì] 1. verb to match; to pair 2. verb [Spoken] to mate 3. noun [Statistics] matched pairs 4. noun [Chemistry] pairing (valent bond) 5. noun [Mathematics] matching


[pèihé] 1. verb cooperate 他们善于相互配合。 They are good at cooperating with each other.


[pèizhì] 1. verb deploy 单位为存储重要资料的电脑配置了稳压电源。 The company configurated a steady power supply for computers stored with important information.

[péi] 1. verb foster


[péiyǎng] 1. 1. verb cultivate 培养细菌 cultivate bacteria


[péiyǎng]*** 1. verb cultivate 培养细菌 cultivate bacteria 培养成才 to develop talents 培养能力 to develop one's ability/skills

[péng] 1. adjective dishevelled (英) 2. adjective disheveled (美) 3. measure word clump 一蓬草 a clump of grass


[píjuàn] 1. adjective tired A good sleep can ease tension from a weary body. 好好睡一觉能让一个极度疲倦的男孩恢复过来。


[píngtǎn] 1. adjective flat


[pòhuài] 1. verb [建筑、环境、文物、公] destroy 2. verb [团结、社会秩序] undermine 3. verb [协定、法规、规章] violate 4. verb [计划] bring ... down 5. verb [名誉] damage


[pùshài] 1. verb expose ... to strong sunlight The wax ran in the sun. 蜡在阳光的曝晒下熔化了。


[pēnqī] 1. noun spray paint; spray lacquer 2. verb to spray paint Spray painting is a faster way to get the paint on the wall. 喷漆是一种更为迅速的漆墙方式。


[pū miàn ér lái] lit. sth hits one in the face directly in one's face sth assaults the senses blatant (advertising) eye catching A terrible stench saluted our nostrils. 一股恶臭扑面而来。 (a smell) assaults the nostrils


[qiànyì] 1. noun apology 表示歉意 express regret


[qiāoqiāo] 1. adverb [悄然无声] quietly 天黑了,到处静悄悄的。 As darkness fell everything became very quiet. 2. adverb [不让知道] stealthily


[qiǎngjié] 1. verb rob 抢劫银行 rob a bank


[qiǎngjiù] 1. verb rescue; save; salvage


[quēfá] 1. verb lack 缺乏资源 lack the resources


[quēshǎo] 1. 1. verb lack 我这里缺少人手。 I'm shorthanded here.


[qìngjia] 1. noun parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law 2. noun relatives by marriage


[qìyuē] 1. noun contract Is the deed ready to be signed? 可以签契约了吗? The lawyer is reviewing the deed. 律师正在复核契约。


[qíjì] 1. noun miracle


[qíxīnxiélì] 1. join forces 我们应该齐心协力,解决问题。 We should unite and solve the problem


[qīlíng] 1. verb humiliate 深受欺凌 to be deeply humiliated 欺凌百姓 to insult and humiliate people 欺凌压榨 to humiliate and exploit


[qīngzhù] 1. verb [流泻] pour 山洪向河里倾注。 The mountain torrents poured into the river. 2. verb [集中] throw into, concentrate 他把自己的精力都倾注在事业上。 He threw all his energy into the undertaking.


[qīqī] 1. adjective Cold. 2. adjective Miserable.


[qīwàng]**** 1. noun [pl] expectations 期望过高 high expectations


[qīzuǐbāshé] 1. 1. [成语] seven mouths and eight tongues —all talking at once; all talking in confusion; all sorts of gossip


[qūzūn] 1. verb lower oneself He shall give, and I will descend to accept. 如果他给,我也愿意屈尊接受。


[qǔxiāo]** 1. verb cancel 取消比赛 cancel the competition 半决赛由于下雨取消了。 The semi-final has been called off because of rain.


[ràngwèi] 1. verb [指职位] step down 老领导主动让位给年轻人。 The old leader stepped down in favour of someone younger. 2. verb [指座位] give up one's seat


[ràodào] 1. verb to make a detour; to go by a roundabout route Instead of taking the direct route, we will come around the scenic route. 我们没有选择直接的路线,而将绕道风景更美的路线。


[rèdài] 1. noun [pl] the tropics 这些都是热带植物。 These are all tropical plants.


[rènzuì] 1. verb plead guilty 证据确凿,他不得不低头认罪。 The proof was incontestable - he had no choice but to admit defeat and plead guilty.


[réncái]** 1. noun [指能人] talent 他是个难得的人才。 He is an unusually talented person. 2. noun [指外貌] [pl] good looks 他长得一表人才。 He's a good-looking man.


[réncái]** 1. noun [指能人] talent 他是个难得的人才。 He is an unusually talented person.


[rénlèi] 1. noun mankind, humankind 人类正面临着越来越多的挑战。 Mankind is facing more and more challenges.


[rúyì]**** 1. verb be satisfied 大家对你这么好,还不如意? Everyone's been so good to you - are you still not satisfied?


[rúyìsuànpán] 1. wishful thinking, counting one's chicken before they are hatched 如意算盘落了空。


[shàncháng]**** 1. verb be skilled in 擅长外交 be skilled in diplomacy 擅长武术 be skilled at martial arts


[shàngzhǎng] 1. verb rise 水位不断上涨,洪水已经从堤坝上漫流出来了。 The water level has been increasing, and the flood has overflowed over the bank.


[shèhuì] 1. noun society 国际社会 international community 社会福利 social welfare


[shèmiǎn] 1. verb pardon He begged a pardon from the king. 他恳求国王赦免自己的罪行。


[shènzhòng] 1. adjective cautious 十分慎重 very careful 处事慎重 to cautiously deal with sth 态度慎重 cautious 慎重考虑 to consider something carefully


[shénqì] 1. 1. noun manner 他说话的神气很严肃。 His manner as he spoke was serious. 2. 2. adjective [精神] impressive 他穿上西装显得很神气。 He looks impressive in a suit. 3. 3. adjective [得意] cocky


[shéntài] 1. 1. noun expression; manner; look


[shìbàngōngbèi] 1. [成语] half the work, twice the effort,get twice the result with half the effort 这个联动装置使我们的工作事半功倍。 The linkage equipment makes our work get twice the result with half the effort.


[shìfǒu] 1. adverb,whether or not; whether; if 我不知道他是否同意。 I don't know whether he agrees or not.


[shìhé] 1. adjective suitable


[shìjiè] 1. noun world


[shìzhǎng] 1. mayor


[shífǔ] 1. scavenge


[shíjǐn] 1. adjective mixed 我特别喜欢吃素什锦。 I especially like eating assorted food made of vegetables. 什锦。


[shízai] 1. adjective honest 2. adverb really 我实在不明白。 I really don't understand.


[shānghén] 1. noun scar His head is bloody, but unbowed. 他伤痕累累,但誓不低头。


[shāngliáng] 1. verb consult; discuss; talk over Zánmen xiān chīfàn,shāohòu zài shānglǐang zhèjiàn shìqing 咱们先吃饭,稍后再商量这件事情。 Let's have a meal first and discuss it later.


[shēnchì] 1. verb [文言] Warn. 对于这种违纪现象,主管部门一定要严加~。 The relevant department must seriously warn people who break rules like this. 由于学习成绩下降,我被父亲申饬了。 I was blamed by my father due to the worsening of my study.


[shēnfènzhèng] 1. 1. noun identity card


[shēngzhí] 1. verb reproduce 孤雌生殖有偶发性、经常性、周期性三种类型。 Apomixes is divided into three types, including sporadic, constant and periodic.


[shěn jì yuán] 1. 商业 commissioner of audit The auditor was required to produce his working papers. 那个审计员被要求提供其工作底稿。


[shī zhí] 1. 商业 fail in one's duty, neglect one's duty 我为失职而内疚。 I felt guilty about my unprofessional behaviour.


[shīdù] 1. noun humidity I was utterly saturated by the high humidity. 高湿度让我完全湿透了。


[shīrén] 1. noun poet 他是一个著名的俳句诗人。 He is a famous haiku poet.


[shīwàng] 1. adjective disappointed 2. verb lose hope 球迷对中国足球队永远失望了。 The fans have lost all hope in the Chinese football team.


[shīzōng] 1. verb be missing据报道: 台风过后,有一3岁男童失踪。 It is reported that a three-year-old boy was missing after the typhoon.


[shōuhuò] 1. verb [指庄稼] harvest 2. verb [指成果] gain 这次出国考察,他的收获很大。 He has gained a great deal from this trip overseas.


[shōuyì] 1. noun profit 这个项目的收益很高,基本上是对本利。 The project is very profitable, with a profit margin as high as 100%.

[shū]*take note of how to write the word * 1. verb [运送] transport 2. verb [失败] lose


[shǐ] 1. 1. verb [使用] use 他不会使电脑。 He can't use a computer. 电子词典很好使。 Electronic dictionaries are very easy to use. 2. 2. verb [让] make 服务员的恶劣态度使顾客很不满意。 The assistants' appalling attitude made the customers quite upset. 他使父母失望了。 He disappointed his parents.


[shǐjìn] 1. exert all one's strength; make efforts 他使劲敲门。 He knocked hard on the door.


[shǐkǒu] 1. verb To allege., to accuse someone 无论我们怎么问,他始终矢口否认做过那件事。 However hard we asked him, he insisted on denying having done it.


[shǐmìng] 1. noun mission To develop our pupils to be useful citizens and lifelong learners 发展我们的学生是有用的公民和终身学习者 To develop our pupils to be useful citizens and lifelong learners


[shǒuqiāng] 1. noun pistol 警察在他们的老窝中发现了十几支手枪和几百发子弹。 The police found more than ten guns, and several hundred bullets in their nest.


[shǒushù] 1. noun operation 2. verb operate 他手术后依然昏昏沉沉。 He still felt dazed after the operation.


[suànpán] 1. noun [计算用具] abacus 2. noun [打算] scheme


[suànshù] 1. noun [sg] maths (英)to count, arithmatic They were teaching numbers to the kids. 他们正在教孩子们算术。


[sànfā] 1. verb give ... off 她身上散发出一股香水味。 She gives off a scent of perfume. 散发广告单 send out flyers

[sì] 1. verb [像] be like 他的脸似纸一样白。 His face was as white as a sheet of paper. 2. adverb apparently 她看似单纯,其实很成熟。 She appears to be naive, but actually she's very worldly-wise. 3. preposition than 赛马一匹快似一匹。 Each racehorse is quicker than the last.


[sìhǎi] 1. noun the world 他的手艺精湛,名扬四海。 He is skillful and world-famous.


[sìnüè] 1. verb wreak havoc 那年蝗虫肆虐。 That year locusts wreaked havoc.


[sùsòng] 1. noun [pl] legal proceedings


[tiáojiàn] 1. noun [客观因素] condition 自然条件 natural conditions 2. noun [要求] requirement 她符合入学条件。 She fits the entry requirements for the school. 无条件接受 accept unconditionally


[tiáojiàn]* 1. noun [客观因素] condition 自然条件 natural conditions 2. noun [要求] requirement 她符合入学条件。 She fits the entry requirements for the school. 无条件接受 accept unconditionally


[tiáojiě] 1. verb mediate 调解纠纷 mediate in a dispute 调解矛盾 resolve a conflict


[tiáozhěng] 1. verb adjust 他对本章内容进行了比较大的调整。 He made a lot of changes in the content of this chapter.


[tiānzāirénhuò] 1. A nature disaster and man-made disaster. 他的命真苦,遭遇了这样的天灾人祸。 He's got a bad lot, to be struck by such calamities.


[tiāoxuǎn] 1. verb select take your pick 随意挑选


[tuìxiū] 1. verb retire 他打算一退休就屏迹乡里。 He decided to live a secluded life after retirement.


[tuīqiāo] 1. verb to weigh (one's words); to deliberate, to consider Let's elaborate the plan one more time. 我们再仔细推敲推敲这个计划吧。

[tuō] 1. verb [拉] pull 2. verb [地板] mop 3. verb [下垂] trail 她的长裙拖地。 Her long dress trailed along the ground.


[tàidu]* 1. noun [举止神情] manner 这里的服务员态度好。 The service is good here. 2. noun [看法] attitude 他对这件事表明了态度。 He made his attitude to the affair clear.


[tànxiǎn] 1. verb explore


[tái tuǐ] 1. [Sports] leg lift


[táoqì] 1. adjective naughty


[táozuì] 1. verb be intoxicated 他们陶醉于成功的喜悦中。 They are intoxicated with the joys of success.


[téngtiáo] 1. rattan; cane His business with the cane was hilarious. 他拿藤条所做的即兴表演很出彩。


[tìbān] 1. verb to take somebody else's position; to act as substitute


[tíkuǎn] 1. verb withdraw; draw money from banks 2. noun withdrawal 3. noun withdrawal


[tíngzhì] 1. verb stagnate 你去调查一下,前面的部队缘何停滞不前? Would you go and check why the troops in the front stopped marching?


[tíngzhǐ] 1. verb stop 停止营业 cease trading


[tònghèn] 1. verb detest 我崇敬的是光明磊落的人,痛恨的是势利小人。 The people I respect are straightforward ones; the ones I hate are snobs.

[tóng] 1. noun [小孩] child 神童 child prodigy 2. noun [指未婚] virgin


[tóngbāo] 1. noun [指同父母] brother and sister 2. noun [指同一国家或民族] compatriot 同胞兄弟 compatriots 同胞们 compatriots 海外同胞 overseas Chinese


[tóumù] 1. noun leader


[túdì] 1. noun apprentice; pupil 老人金针度人,把自己的手艺全部传给了他的徒弟。 The old man taught his students everything he knew.


[tāndéwúyàn] 1. [成语] to be avaricious insatiable, very very very very very greedy TAKE NOTE OF THIS PHRASE


[tānwū] 1. verb embezzle; be corrupt


[tōushēng] 1. verb to drag out an ignoble existence; to live without purpose 为了向杀父仇人进行报复,他一直忍辱偷生。 In order to take revenge on the enemy who killed his father, he has been enduring humiliation in order to survive.


[tūchū] 1. verb give prominence to 他从不突出自己。 He never pushes himself forward. 2. adjective [明显] noticeable 突出的特点 prominent feature


[tǎnbái] 1. adjective candid 2. verb confess 对于你的违法行为,只有坦白交待才能争取从宽处理。 As for your illegal behavior, only by telling the truth will you receive a light sentence.


[tǐngzhí] 1. adjective very straight; erect 我依然记得家乡那棵挺直的老树的样子。 I still remember the old tree in my hometown which stood straight all the year round. 2. straighten 3. verb To make something/somebody. Straight. 写字的时候一定要挺直腰板。 You must straighten your back when writing at a desk. 4. straight and upright 5. adverb upright


[tǐzhì] 1. noun physique 青少年的体质逐年下降令人感喟。 People sigh deeply over the year by year decline of adolescents' physiques.


[wàibāo] 1. outsourcing, farm out 这种产品外包装设计的底案已经被他带走了。 He has taken away the draft for this product's external design.


[wánpí] 1. adjective mischievous The children played a sly trick on their new teacher. 孩子们顽皮地捉弄他们的新老师。


[wèi dù] 1. [Psychology] gust


[wèizhi] 1. noun location 这房子的位置不好。 This house is not well located. 2. noun [地位] place 他在人们心中的位置很高。 He has an important place in peoples' hearts.


[wéifǎn] 1. verb go against 现在对犯人压杠子是违反的,你别乱来。 It's a violation of the law if you press the criminals' legs with thick sticks. Don't do it!


[wénxué] 1. literature 我们会用文学语言写文章,却很少用文学语言讲话。 We can write in literary language, but we seldom speak that way.


[wúbǐ] 1. adjective incomparable 在车祸中失去心爱的儿子,她心如刀绞,无比痛苦。 Her heart was torn by the death of her son in a traffic accident


[wúliáo] 1. adjective Get irritated by a lack of spiritual substance. 每次小张无聊的时候都会去酒吧喝酒。 Everytime when Xiao Zhang gets bored, he goes to the bar. 2. adjective Boring for lack of positive meaning. 你的这种做法实在是无聊之极! Your actions are disgusting.


[wěndìng]** 1. adjective steady 他有份十分稳定的工作。 He's got a really steady job. 近期,市场物价稳定。 Market prices have been stable recently. 2. verb settle 新政策有助于稳定市场价格。 The new policy will help to settle market prices.


[wěngù] 1. adjective stable 基础稳固 a solid foundation 稳固发展 to make solid progress


[wūrǎn] 1. verb pollute 政府采取了一系列措施治理大气污染。 The government has adopted a series of measures to combat air pollution.


[wǎngluó] noun, verb 1. verb headhunt,to entrap 学校提供奖学金,是为了 网罗人才 The school offers the scholarship to attract talent


[xiàjiàng] 1. verb descend; go or come down; drop; fall; decline; dip; falter; go down;move down; slip 由于学习成绩下降,我被父亲申饬了。 I was blamed by my father due to the worsening of my study.


[xiàn huò] 1. 商业 actual stuff


[xiàndài] 1. noun [pl] modern times 现代通讯器材 modern communications equipment


[xiànfèn] 1. noun A county. 曲阜是个作为孔子的诞生地而闻名于世的县份。 Qufu is a county known as the birth place of Confucius.


[xiànmù] 1. verb envy 你白润的皮肤真让人羡慕。 Your white skin is really enviable!

[xián] 1. adjective [不忙] idle 他直到退休后才闲下来。 Only when he retired did he start to take it easy. 2. adjective [安静] quiet 3. adjective [闲置] [pl] unused 闲房 empty house 闲田 fallow fields


[xiānjìn]** 1. adjective advanced 先进水平 an advanced level 先进人物 a progressive person 非常先进 very progressive 争先进 to try and be progressive


[xiǎochǒu] 1. 1. noun [滑稽演员] clown 2. 2. noun [喻] scoundrel


[xuānnào] 1. adjective rowdy一阵喧闹过后,小巷复归平静。 After a burst of noise, the alleyway calmed down again.


[xuǎnmín] 1. noun electorate 人大代表由全体选民公举产生。 Representatives of the National People's Congress are selected by all voters through public nominations.


[xìjù] 1. noun theatre (英) 2. noun theater (美)


[xíguàn] 1. verb be used to 我习惯早起。 I'm used to getting up early. 2. noun habit

[xù] 1. 1. noun [次序] order 2. 2. noun [序文] preface 我给这本书写了序。 I wrote the preface to this book. 3. 3. adjective preliminary


[xúnluó] 1. verb patrol 这个住宅区24小时都有警卫巡逻。 This residential area is patrolled by guards 24 hours a day.

[xī] 1. noun [傍晚] sunset 2. noun [晚上] evening 除夕 New Year's Eve


[xīguǎn] 1. noun straw 用吸管吸酸奶 drink yoghurt with a straw


[xīxì] 1. [Literary] play; sport; frolic 孩子们在绿茵茵的草坪上嬉戏玩耍。 Children are playing on the verdant lawn.


[xīyáng] 1. noun setting sun 返照的夕阳无限美丽。 The settings sun is shining beautifully.


[xīyǐn] 1. verb attract 我被他的才情深深的吸引住了。 I am deeply attracted by his talents.


[xūjīng] 1. noun false alarm


[xǐjù] 1. noun comedy 他在息影多年后重出江湖,准备参加一部喜剧的拍摄。 After having stopped acting for many years, he made his reappearance in a comic role.


[xǐquè] 1. [Zoology] magpie 喜鹊枝头叫,真是大吉大利啊! The magpie's call is considered to be an auspicious symbol.


[xǐyuè] 1. adjective happy 掩饰不住内心的喜悦 be unable to hide one's happiness


[yuàn jǐng] 1. noun Vision 一所首要的学校与一个充满活力,有爱心的社区 A premier school with a vibrant, caring community


[yuèqì] 1. noun musical instrument 他会演奏多种乐器。 He can play a lot of different instruments.


[yàjūn] 1. noun runner-up 这场比赛将决出冠亚军


[yànzi] 1. 1. swallow bird


[yàowán] 1. noun pill 他服了一丸药。 He took a pill.


[yánhé] 1. verb to make peace; to become reconciled 经过调解,这对冤家终于握手言和了。 After mediation the enemies finally shook hands, and reconciled.


[yányán] 1. adjective scorching; sweltering; blazing 炎炎夏日,爱出汗的他挥汗成雨。 On the scorching summer day, he who is apt to sweat will perspire heavily.

[yè] 1. noun [行业] industry 饮食业 the food and drink industry 2. noun [职业] job 就业 obtain employment 失业 be unemployed 3. noun [学业] [pl] studies 结业 finish one's studies 毕业 graduate 4. noun [事业] enterprise 功业 achievement 5. noun [产业] property 家业 family property 6. adverb already 业已 already

[yè] 1.night


[yèmíngzhū] 1. noun night-luminescent pearl


[yìkǒutóngshēng] 1. 1. speak with one voice 大家异口同声地称赞她是个热心人。 Everyone unanimously agreed that she was a really warm-hearted person.


[yìtú] 1. noun intention 我在谈话中一直试图测探他的真实意图。 I was trying to determine his real intentions through our discussions.


[yíhuò] 1. verb have doubts He looked at her with a puzzled face. 他用疑惑的表情看着她。 to give sb a quizzical/puzzled look 揶揄地/疑惑地看某人一眼


[yíjiāo] 1. verb hand ... over 据悉,这个案子已经由派出所移交给了分局。 It is reported that this case has been handed over to the local police office.


[yíngyú] 1. verb profit 这个月音像店盈余上万元。 This month the record shop's profit is more than ten thousand yuan. 除去开支,我们只有几百元的赢余。 After our expenses, we only have a few hundred yuan profit.


[yíngzào] 1. verb [建筑] build 2. verb [林木] plant 3. verb [气氛] create 实行微笑引座,营造温馨气氛


[yòu'éryuán] 1. noun kindergarten; nursery school; infant school 2. noun kindergarten; nursery school; infant school 3. noun An education institute for children aged 3 to 6. It teaches mainly how to play games and complements with simple and plain cultural knowledge, also 幼稚园 中心幼儿园规模很大,大概有1000个孩子。 The central kindergarten is large, with about 1000 children. 4. noun kindergarten 5. noun nursery; nursery school


[yóuxíng]*** 1. verb march 这两列游行队伍将在世纪坛交会。 Two routes of the parade will meet at the China Millennium Monument.


[yù'ér] 1. verb (Of a human being) feed a baby; (of an animal) feed young animals. 小袋鼠自从出生起就一直生活在妈妈的育儿袋里。 At birth, the baby kangaroo lives in its mother's brood pouch.

[yù] 1. noun desire 2. verb [书] want 为所欲为 do what one wants 3. adverb [书] 喷薄欲出 about to burst forth


[yùndòng] 1. verb [物] move 2. noun [体育活动] sport 适量运动有益健康。 A degree of sporting activity is good for the health. 3. noun [大规模] movement


[yùnzhuǎn] 1. verb [指星球] orbit 月亮绕着地球运转。 The moon orbits the earth. 2. verb [指机器] run


[yú'é] 1. noun remaining sum; balance 2. noun vacancies yet to be filled 按照现行法律规定,余额必须由你代偿。 According to the current law, you should pay the remaining sum.


[yúkuài] 1. adjective happy 祝你旅行愉快! Have a pleasant journey! commen misconseption:偷 [tōu] 快(steal happy???????????)


[yúkuài] 1. adjective happy 祝你旅行愉快! Have a pleasant journey!


[yāgàngzi] 1. Pressing one's legs with wooden sticks (torture). 现在对犯人压杠子是违反的,你别乱来。 It's a violation of the law if you press the criminals' legs with thick sticks. Don't do it!


[yāoqiú] 1. verb demand 工人们要求改善工作环境。 The workers demanded improvements to their working environment. 要求加薪 request a pay rise 2. noun request 航空公司满足了乘客的要求。 The airline company satisfied all the passengers' requests. 老师的要求非常严格。 The teacher's demands are very severe. 这些要求很难达到。 These requirements are going to be difficult to meet.


[yēzi] 1. noun [树] coconut tree 2. noun [果实] coconut This recipe needs coconut cooking oil. 这道菜需要使用椰子食用油。


[yīfān] 1. measure word One kind. 年轻人就该干出一番事业来。 Young people are encouraged to launch a career. 2. measure word Once. 我和她好好谈了一番,女人何必为难女人呢。 I talked with her, there is no need for women to confuse women. 3. measure word One time. 企业改革了设备,现在产量比过去翻了一番呢。 The enterprise improved its equipment, it now enjoys double the output than the past.

[yǎn]*** 1. verb [遮盖] cover 2. verb [关] close 人们都掩鼻而走。 ; people passing by hold their breath.


[yǎnshì] 1. verb conceal She couldn't conceal her envy of my success. 她掩饰不了对我成功的嫉妒。


[yǎnxí] 1. verb manoeuvre (英) 2. verb maneuver (美) 这次军事演习中,假想敌被我方全部歼灭了。 In the military exercise, the opposition was annihilated by our army.


[yǐn shí xí guàn] 1. dinig habit 不规律的饮食习惯,经常诱发肠胃病。 Irregular eating habits often lead to bowel disorders.


[yǐnzuò] 1. noun usher The usher showed us to our seats. 引座员把我们带到我们的座位上。


[yǒngqì] 1. noun courage 我始终没有勇气告诉他。 All along I didn't have the courage to tell him.


[yǒuhēi] 1. adjective dark 黝黑的皮肤,健壮的肌肉是饰演庄稼汉的必备条件。 Dark skin and strong muscles are indispensable to farmers.


[yǒushàn] 1. adjective [书] amicable 王先生的继子女对他现在的太太不太友善。 Mr. Wang's children by his first wife are not kind to his present wife.

[zhuàng] 1. measure word 一幢别墅 a villa 两幢楼房 two blocks of flats (英) {或}apartments (美)


[zhuànqián] 1. 1. verb to make money; to make a profit; to earn money


[zhuóxiǎng] 1. verb consider 为下一代着想,我们必须保护环境。 We must protect the environment for future generations.


[zhuóyuè] 1. adjective outstanding 他具有卓越的政治才识。 He is a man of outstanding political ability and insight.


[zhuāngfēngmàishǎ] 1. feign( pretened) madness and act like an idiot He's acting the fool, making everyone feel good. 他在装疯卖傻,使每个人都感觉很好。


[zhànkāi] 1. verb To split open 由于天气太干燥,家具木板都绽开了。 Due to the extremely dry weather, the furniture boards all burst open.


[zhàokāi] 1. 1. verb convene; convoke; hold


[zhèngzhuàng] 1. noun symptom Wrinkles are symptoms of skin aging. 皱纹是皮肤老化的症状。


[zhì'ān] 1. noun security 社会治安 public order


[zhìdìng] 1. verb draw ... up 制定目标 to set a target 制定出 to make 制定出台 to have made and published


[zhìliáo] 1. verb cure 这位赤脚医生有治疗白浊的偏方。 The doctor has a way to treat gonorrhea.


[zhìzuò] 1. 1. verb make 制作工艺品 make handicrafts 制作网页 create a web page


[zhíyè]** 1. noun occupation 职业律师 professional lawyer


[zhòuwén] 1. noun wrinkle Wrinkles are symptoms of skin aging. 皱纹是皮肤老化的症状。


[zhùmíng] 1. adjective famous 长江三峡是中国著名的风景区。 The Three Gorges are one of China's famous beauty spots.


[zhùshì] 1. 1. verb stare 她注视着窗台上的一束鲜花。 She's staring at the bunch of fresh flowers on the windowsill.

[zhēn] 1. noun needle


[zhēnzhèng] 1. adjective true 他是我真正的朋友。 He's a true friend of mine.


[zhěngróng] 1. verb have a make-over'' 现在很多明星都到医院去做整容术。 Nowadays, many stars go to the hospital for plastic surgery.


[zhījiān] 1. preposition [指两者] between 2. preposition [指三者或三者以上] among


[zhījǐ] 1. adjective intimate 2. noun bosom friend 知己话 a heart to heart talk 知己朋友 confidants; intimate friends


[zhīpiàobù] 1. noun checkbook; cheque book


[zhǔtí] 1. noun theme; subject; motif 这次活动的主题是中日两国的茶文化交流。 The theme of this activity is the communication of tea culture between China and Japan.


[zhǔyi] 1. noun [办法] idea common mistake:注意


[zuìxíng] 1. noun crime He begged a pardon from the king. 他恳求国王赦免自己的罪行。


[zuǐchún] 1. 1. noun lips


[zìcóng] 1. preposition since 自从上了初中,儿子越来越反逆了。 The boy has become more and more rebellious since he went to junior school.


[zìwǒtáozuì] 1. To revel in conceit or self-importance, usually insensibly. 他唱歌时自我陶醉的样子真可笑。 The look of him intoxicated with his own singing is really funny.


[zìyóu] 1. noun freedom 2. adjective free


[zúqiúyùndòngyuán] 1. footballer Famous footballers would make regular appearances on TV. 那些著名的足球运动员会频频在电视上露面。


[zēngguǎng] 1. verb To add (content) and extend. 通过大量的阅读可以增广知识面。 Reading a lot can enlarge one's knowledge.


[zēngjiā] 1. 1. verb increase 增加人民收入 increase people's income


[zīyǎng] 1. verb nourish 2. noun nutriment; nourishment 3. adjective nutritious 这块土地滋养了我,恋土之情长伴心间。 This area of soil has nurtured me. I always feel reluctant to leave my hometown.


[zūnshǒu] 1. 1. verb observe 遵守纪律 observe discipline 遵守命令 comply with orders 遵守法律 abide by the law


[zǐxì] 1. adjective [细心] thorough 2. adjective [小心] careful


[zǒngshì] 1. adverb always; ever; will 我们两家素昔交情很好,可不要因为这点小事伤了感情。 Our two families have been on good terms all along, so don't spoil our relationship just because of such a little thing. # 他的一划鬼话,只有你还相信。 Only you believe his total nonsense. 她总是晚饭后出来散步。 She always takes a walk outside after dinner. 2. adverb Eventually. 努力耕耘总是会有收获的。 Hard work is eventually rewarded.


[zǔ'ài] 1. verb obstruct 阻碍进步 obstuct progress

[zǔ] 1. verb form 组建 set up 2. noun group


[zǔsè] 1. verb block 交通阻塞 traffic jam 因交通阻塞,他们无法准时到达。 Because there was a traffic jam, they were unable to arrive on time.

[ér] 1. conjunction [并且] and 美丽而聪明 beautiful and clever


[érxì] 1. noun [喻] trivial thing 工作不是儿戏。 Work is not a game.


[āi'āi] 1. adjective Sorrowful. 根据剧本要求,这个人物在这里一定要哭得凄凄哀哀。 The script says this character must bitterly cry here.


[ānwèi] 1. 1. verb comfort 我安慰了他几句。 I said a few comforting words to him. 2. 2. adjective reassured 听了你讲的话,我心里很安慰。 After hearing what you had to say, I felt reassured.


[ānzhuāng] 1. verb install


[āotū] 1. adjective (of a surface) uneven, bumpy. 这段路凹凸不平。 The road is very rough, and bumpy.

a Definition: particle (used to indicate a deliberate pause) Example: 今晚的月亮好圆啊! The moon tonight is very round!

ba Definition: particle (indication a suggestion or a request) Example: 我们还是换一个话题吧。 Let's change the subject.

biàn Definition: quantifier (occurrences) <time> Example: 老师连续叫了几遍他的名字,他都没听到。 Teacher called his name continuously several times but he did not hear.


biàn tiáo Definition: note Example: 我在他桌上留了张便条。 I leave a note on his desk.


biànchéng Definition: change into; turn into; become. 那只虫变成了一只蝴蝶 That worm has changed into a butterfly.


biànhuà change; vary


bié chù Definition: elsewhere Example: 他们把当地人迁移到别处定居。 They moved the local people and settle them in elsewhere.


bié rén Definition: other people; others; other person Example: 他因为别人的自私而发怒。 He was angered by the selfishness of the others.

biān Definition: side / edge / margin / border / boundary Example: 黄昏时分,许多人在河边散步。 At dusk, many people taking a stroll along the river side.


biān pào Definition: firecrackers Example: 工厂制造鞭炮时,一定要格外注意安全。 Industry that manufactured fireworks must be sure to pay special attention to safety.


biǎo shì Definition: to express; to show; to say; to state; to indicate; denote Example: 微笑常常表示高兴和友善。 A smile often denotes pleasure and friendship.


biǎo yǎn Definition: perform / act / play / show / performance / exhibition / demonstrate Example: 他第一次上台表演,显得很害羞。 This is his first preformance on the stage, thus he looked very shy.


biǎoyáng praise; commend


bàba Definition: Father 那是我的爸爸 That is my Father


bài nián Definition: new year visiting Example: 大年初一,我和妹妹穿新衣,高高兴兴去拜年。 On New Year's Day, my sister and I wear our new clothes to go for new year visiting.


bàn fǎ Definition: means / method / way (to do something) Example: 治疗背痛的唯一办法是休息。 The only way to cure backache is to rest.


bàn lù Definition: halfway / midway / on the way Example: 他在半路走丢了。 He was lost on the way.


bàn tiān Definition: half of the day / a long time / quite a while / a long while Example: 我们到处找了半天,却找不到那本书。 We searched around for half a day, but still couldn't find the book.


bàng wǎn Definition: in the evening / when night falls / towards evening / at night fall / at dusk Example: 傍晚天空的颜色是一片火红和橘黄相间。 The evening sky flamed with red and orange.


bào dào Definition: report for duty / check in / register Example: 我们吃了早餐,然后就得去报到了。 We had to report for duty after having our breakfast.


bào zhǐ Definition: newspaper Example: 妈妈喜欢一边吃早餐,一边看报纸。 Mum likes to read newspaper and eat breakfast at the same time.

bá Definition: pull up / pull out / select / promote Example: 妈妈帮妹妹把手掌上的刺拔出来。 Mother helped sister to pull out the thorn from her palm.

bái Definition: white; clear; pure; plain 那件衣是白色的 That shirt is white in color.


bái cài Definition: cabbage Example: 农夫从土里拔了一棵大白菜。 The farmer pulled out a cabbage from the mud.


báiyún Definition: white clouds 天上有很多白云 There are a lot of white clouds in the sky.

bèi Definition: preposition (used in passive sentence to introduce doer of action) <by> Example: 参观博物馆的时间被推迟了。 Our visit to the museum is postponed.

bèi by

bèi times; -fold

bèi (two, three, etc) -fold / times (multiplier) / double / to increase or multiply


bèi ké Definition: seashell Example: 小女孩把贝壳穿成一串,戴在脖子上。 The little girl threaded the shells together and wore them round her neck.


bèi zi Definition: blanket / quilt Example: 妈妈悄悄进了孩子的房间给他掖好被子。 Mother slipped into the room of her child and tucked him up with a blanket.

bìng Definition: and; also; together with Example: 我爸爸拿出他的钱包,并给了我10美元。 My father took out his wallet and gave me ten dollars.


bìxū must; have to


bízi Definition: nose 每个人都有一个鼻子 Everybody has one nose


bóbo Example: father's elder brother / uncle Example: 退休后,伯伯一直过着孤单的生活。 After retirement, uncle has been living a lonely life.

bù no; not 你今天不可出去. You cannot go out today.


bù dàn Definition: not only Example: 他不但喜欢唱歌,还喜欢跳舞。 Not only does he like to sing, he likes to dance too.


bù dé liǎo Definition: oh no / very / terribly / desperately serious / disastrous / extremely / exceedingly Example: 他看到混乱的情况,气得不得了。 He was very furious when he saw the mess.


bù gǎn Definition: dare not Example: 我独自在家的时候,从来不敢给陌生人开门。 When I was alone at home, I never dared to open the door to strangers.


bù hǎo yì sī Definition: feel embarrassed Example: 他曾想约她出去,但是又不好意思对她开口。 He feels embarrassed to ask her out.


bù jiǔ Definition: shortly / not long (after) / before too long / soon / soon after Example: 我回家不久,天就开始下雨了。 It started to rain shortly after I reached home.


bù néng Definition: cannot / must not / should not Example: 我们做人一定要诚实,不能说谎。 We have to be honest and must not tell lie.


bù xióng Definition: teddy bear Example: 爸爸买了一只可爱的布熊给妹妹。 Dad bought a cute teddy bear for little sister.


bù zhī bù jué Definition: unconsciously / unwittingly / unaware Example: 他不知不觉地把车开进了沟里。 He drove into the ditch completely unaware.


bùfen part; section; component


bùyào Definition: don't. 他们不要去. They don't want to go.


bú guò Definition: however / but Example: 这不是原作,它只不过是廉价的复制品。 This is not the original; it's only a cheap reproduction.

bā Definition: eight 他们有八部戏 They have a total of eight movies.


bā shì Definition: bus Example: 巴士上人很多,我站起来为老人让座。 The bus is crowded with many people, I stood up and gave up my seats to the elderly.


bā shā Definition: market Example: 巴刹里总是吵吵闹闹的。 The market is always noisy.

bān Definition: move / shift Example: 我们使用起重机将这个大箱子搬进了后院。 We used a crane to lift the huge box into the backyard.

bān move; carry


bān shang Definition: in the class Example: 班上所有的女同学都很文静。 All the female students in the class are very quiet.

bāng Definition: help Example: 不要着急,我们会帮你想办法。 Do not worry, we will help you find solutions.


bāng máng Definition: help Example: 邻居张奶奶生病时,她去帮忙照料。 She helped out when her neighbour Grandma Zhang became ill.

杯 bēi cup; glass

bēi cup; glass


bēn pǎo Definition: run quickly Example: 孩子们在花园里嬉戏奔跑。 The children were scampering around in the garden.


běn lǐng Definition: skill; ability; capability Example: 这种飞机的飞行安全记录令人印象深刻,证明了该机种设计师本领非凡。 This aircraft's safety record is an impressive testament to its designers' skill.


běn zi Definition: book; notebook; edition Example: 机器生产已经代替了手工劳作。 Machines has replaced manual labour.

běn, book ~我喜欢在家里读书本

bīng Definition: ice Example: 冰是水的固体状态。 Ice is water in solid state.


bīng shì Definition: soldier Example: 兵士前来报信,敌军准备侵入边境。 Soldiers came to the messenger and was told that the enemy has prepared to invade the border

bǎ Definition: preposition (used to shift the object to before the verb) Example: 妈妈把哥哥管理得很严,平时不让他出门。 My mother is very strict brother as she usually does not allow him to go out.


bǎi huā Definition: all kinds of flower Example: 百花盛开,一阵阵花香飘进屋里来。 Flowers in full bloom, the scent of the flowers floated inside the house.

bǎo Definition: full Example: 我早上吃得很饱,到中午也不觉得饿。 I was full from the morning breakfast, so I am not hungry till noon.

饱 bǎo be full

bǎo be full


bǎo hù Definition: to shield / to defend / to protect / to safeguard Example: 摩托车手必须戴头盔保护自己免受伤害。 Motorcyclists must wear helmets to shield them from injury.


bǎocún preserve; keep; conserve

bǐ Definition: compare Example: 目前的危机比以前发生过的还严重。 The present crisis is more serious as compared to the last time.


bǐjiào compare; contrast; relatively

chuán Definition: boat; ship. 那条船很大 That boat is very big


chuán lai Definition: (sound) come from Example: 那个房间里传来一阵吵架声。 Quarreling was heard coming from the room.


chuán shuō Definition: it is said / they say / legend / tradition / legend / tradition Example: 有许多关于古代英雄的传说。 There are many legends about the heroes of antiquity.


chuán shuō legend

chuáng Definition: bed Example: 我病了,我得卧床休息。 I am sick, I have to rest in the bed.


chuāng hu Definition: window Example: 厕所窗户是用半透明玻璃做的。 The lavatory windows are made of translucent glass.


chuāng wài Definition: outside the window Example: 我坐在飞机上,欣赏窗外一望无际的天空。 I sat in the plane and enjoy the endless sky outside the window.


chuānghu window; casement

chuī Definition: blow Example: 一阵风吹来,把我点的蜡烛吹灭了。 A gust of wind blew past and blew off the candles that I just lit.

chuǎn Definition: gasp; pant Example: 火车上挤得我都喘不过气来。 There was such a crush on the train that I could hardly breathe.


chà diǎn er Definition: (adv) almost; just about to Example: 他走在河边,突然脚下一滑,差点儿滑进河里。 While he was walking by the river, he suddenly slipped and almost slid into the water.


chànggē Definition: sing 他很会唱歌 He can sing very well.

chá Definition: tea Example: 在我家里,咖啡取代了茶。 Tea has been replaced by coffee in my home.

cháng Definition: long; length; of long duration 那条河很长 That river is very long.

cháng Definition: to taste Example: 我伸出舌头尝了一点辣椒酱,发现一点也不辣。 I held out my tongue to taste a little of the chili sauce and realised that it is not spicy at all.


cháng cháng Definition: frequently / usually / often Example: 微笑常常表示高兴和友善。 A smile often denotes pleasure and friendship.


chángcháng often; frequently

cháo toward ; face

chén Definition: submerge; immerse; sink; deep; profound; to lower; to drop Example: 她沉住气没发脾气,这是值得称赞的。 She did not lose my temper and hold her anger, which is commendable.

chéng Definition: become Example: 他从小喜欢画画,长大后成了一名画家。 He likes to draw since young, thus he grows and and becomes an artist.


chéng liáng Definition: enjoy the cool; relax in a cool place Example: 晚饭后,一家三口每人一只躺椅,在院里乘凉。 After dinner, a family of three with a comfortable chair each, is enjoying the cool in the yard.


chéng rèn Definition: recognize / to acknowledge / to admit Example: 他不但不承认他的过错,反而支吾其词。 Instead of admitting his guilt, he prevaricate.


chéng shì Definition: city / town Example: 从顶楼的窗户望出去, 可以看见整个城市。 You can see the whole city when looking out the window from the top floor.


chéng shí Definition: honest / honesty / honorable / truthful Example: 他的确是个诚实的人,从来都不说谎。 He is indeed an honest man who never lies.


chéngjì success; achievement; score


chí dào Definition: to arrive late / late Example: 他上课迟到了,赶紧向老师道歉。 He was late for class, thus he quickly apologized to the teacher.


chóng xīn Definition: again; once more; re- Example: 姐姐把房间里所有的东西都重新整理了一遍。 Sister rearranged everything in her room again.


chú le Definition: besides; apart from (... also...); in addition to; except (for) Example: 除了偶尔几声啄木鸟的啄木声外,没有任何别的声音打破这里的宁静。 The tranquillity here is not destroyed by any noise, other than the occasional hammering of a wood-pecker.


chúle ... yǐwài except;

chā Definition: insert / stick in / pierce / to take part in / to interfere / to interpose Example: 这些插在生日蛋糕上的小蜡烛五颜六色,十分好看。 These small colorful candle which are inserted on the birthday cake, is very beautiful.

chēng Definition: to call; to praise; to weigh; to estimate; to consider; to call; to address; to name; to say; commend Example: 巴刹里的小贩称东西得时候经常不会太准。 The stall tenders in the supermarket will always weigh the things inaccurately.


chēng zàn Definition: to praise / to acclaim / to commend / to compliment Example: 这个富翁因为捐了许多钱而被称赞为慈善家。 The rich man was praised as a humanitarian because he donated a lot of money.

chōng Definition: rush Example: 时间不早了,我吃了早餐一时就冲出门。 It's getting late, I rush out the door after having my breakfast.


chōng zú Definition: adequate / sufficient / abundant Example: 在有充足的水分的地方,有好的日照时,大多数植物生长良好。 Most plants grow well where there is sufficient moisture and when there is good sunshine.

chōu take out; take from; grow; inhale


chū hǎi Definition: go to sea Example: 波浪太大,渔夫都不敢出海捕鱼。 The wave is too large, thus the fishermen do not dare to go to the sea for fishing.


chū lai Definition: to come out / to emerge Example: 大阳出来了,大地一片光明。 Sun came out and shine the land brightly.


chū mén Definition: go out Example: 如果明天天气好,我门可能出门。 If the weather is fine tomorrow, we may go out.


chū xiàn Definition: to appear / to arise / to emerge Example: 刚下雨后不久,天空中出现一道彩虹。 Shortly after the rain, a rainbow appeared in the sky.


chūn tiān Definition: spring (season) Example: 春天的时候,踩在松软的地面上非常舒服。 It's very comfortable to step on the soft ground in the spring.


chūntiān spring; springtime


chūzū qìchē taxi

chǎo Definition: fried / to stir-fry Example: 我中午吃了一大盘炒米粉。 I ate a plate of fried bee hoon during lunch.


chǎo mǐ fěn Definition: fried bee hoon / stir-fried thin rice noodles Example: 炒米粉是一种常见的食品。 Fried bee hoon is a common food.

chǐ Definition: ruler Example: 绳子的长度是我用直尺量出来的。 I used ruler to measure the length of the rope.

chǒu Definition: ugly Example: 丑陋的毛虫会变成美丽的蝴蝶。 The ugly caterpillar will change into a beautiful butterfly.

cuò Definition: mistake / error / blunder / fault / cross / uneven / wrongly Example: 这件事是我错了,请你原谅。 This matter is I'm in the wrong, please forgive me.


cuò wù Definition: error / mistake Example: 你的作业簿上有不少错误, 需要改过。 Your workbook has a lot of mistakes, you need to correct them.

cài Definition: vegetable Example: 妈妈在屋后的空地里种菜。 Mother grow vegetables at the open space behind the house.


cài yuán Definition: vegetable farm Example: 他经常给他的菜园施肥。 He dunged his vegetable garden regularly.


cái shì Definition: only then it is / is really Example: 昨天上课时打电话给我的才是我女朋友。 Yesterday the one who called me in class then is my girlfriend.

céng layer; story


céng jīng Definition: (refers to something that happened previously) / once / at one time Example: 他否认他曾经遇到过她。 He denies that he has ever met her.

céng layer; story

cì Definition: stab Example: 抢劫者用刀子向受害人刺去。 The mugger thrust at his victim with a knife.


cídiǎn dictionary


cídài magnetic tape

cóng Definition: from Example: 从明天开始,哥哥就是个大学生了。 Starting from tomorrow onwards, my brother is a college student.


cóng lái Definition: all along / always / at all times / never (if used in negative sentence) Example: 他很准时,上学从来不会迟到。 He was very punctual and was never late for school.


cóng qián Definition: once upon a time / previously / formerly Example: 从前这里非常缺水,人们甚至要到十几里以外去挑。 Previously, there is shortage of water here, people have to walk a few miles away to collect water.

cā Definition: to wipe / to erase / rubbing (brush stroke in painting) / to clean / to polish Example: 他擦去地板上的污垢。 He cleaned off the dirt from the floor.

cāi guess

cāi Definition: to guess; perceive Example: 我从你的表情猜到你有好消息。 I guessed that you have good news by looking at your face.


cān guān Definition: visit Example: 老师今天带领我们到博物馆去参观。 Today, the teacher bring us to visit the museum.


cānguān visit; look around


cānjiā join; take part in; attend


cāochǎng Definition: field 下雨事情离开操场 In the event of rain please leave the field.


cōng míng Definition: intelligent; bright Example: 这个孩子比他的同龄人聪明。 The child is bright than his peer.


cōngmáng hurried


cūn wài Definition: outside the village Example: 村外的一个小型发电厂准备投入运营了。 A small power plant outside the village is ready to operate.


cǎi hónɡ Definition: rainbow Example: 大家都很兴奋地看着那道彩虹。 We are very excited to see that rainbow.


cǎi mì Definition: gather nectar Example: 蜜蜂在花丛中飞来飞去,忙着采蜜。 Bees are flying around the flowers, busy with gathering nectar.


cǎo dì Definition: lawn; meadow; sod; turf Example: 那草地上有些跳来跳去的小羊儿。 There are lambs frisking in the meadow.


cǎo yuán Definition: grassland; prairie Example: 一望无际的草原会净化你的思想。 The endless grassland will purify your thought.

de Definition: (used after a verb or between a verb and its object to stress an element of the sentence); (used at the end of a declarative sentence for emphasis); (used to express the idea of 'of that kind') 那是我的杯 That cup is mine


diàn nǎo Definition: computer Example: 我们用电脑取代了老式的加法计算器。 We've replaced the old adding machine with a computer.


diàn shì Definition: television Example: 全世界的电视台通过卫星联系一起。 Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.


diàn shì jù Definition: television drama Example: 愤怒的电视观众一直向电视台写信,抱怨电视剧的内容不健康。 Indignant viewers have been writing in to complain about the moral content of the television drama.

diào Definition: to drop / to fall Example: 小兔子不小心掉进了猎人的陷阱里了。 Rabbit accidentally fell into the trap of the hunter.


diào yú Definition: fishing Example: 钓鱼是一项很需要耐心的活动。 Fishing is an activity which requires patience.


diē dǎo Definition: tumble / fall down Example: 弟弟走路的时候喜欢看书,所以很容易跌倒。 Brother likes to read books while walking, thus he always fall down.

diū Definition: to lose / to put aside / to throw Example: 他弄丢了他的信用卡。 He lost his credit card.


diū shī Definition: (v) lose Example: 警察在一口废弃的井里找到了丢失的财宝。 The police found the lost treasure in an abandoned well.

duàn Definition: broken Example: 大厦上有个被风折断的旗杆。 There is a flagpole that is being broken by wind on the building.

duàn segment; period; paragraph


duànliàn take exercise; physical training


duì fu Definition: (v) handle; deal with / (v) get by with what one has Example: 政府还没有找出对付失业的有效措施。 The government hasn't worked out the effectual measures to deal with unemployment.


duì shǒu Definition: competitor / opponent / adversary / match Example: 他在比赛中打败了对手,顺利进入了决赛圈。 He defeated his opponent in the race, and successfully entered the final round.

duī Definition: a pile / a mass / heap / stack Example: 厨房里还有一大堆盘子要洗。 There is a stack of dishes to be washed in the kitchen.

duǎn Definition: short Example: 虽然仅仅是预先训练了短短几周时间,但他还是能够赢得比赛。 Although it is only a few weeks of pre-training within a short period of time, he was able to win the game.

duǒ Definition: avoid / get out of way / to hide / to go into hiding Example: 姐姐和妹妹躲在房里,独自在谈天。 The two sisters hide in the room and have a chat on their own.

dà Definition: Big 那只猫很大 That is a big cat


dà chī yì jīng Definition: startled Example: 看到我们为弥补损失而做出的极大成绩时,老师定会大吃一惊的。 It will definitely startled the teacher to see how much we have done to make up the loss.


dà dòng Definition: big hole Example: 那里有一个大洞,你走路时要小心,不要掉下去。 There's a big hole there, you need to be careful while walking so as not to fall into it.


dà dāo Definition: broadsword / large knife / machete Example: 他用大刀乱砍藤蔓。 He slashed at the vines with a machete.


dàhǎi Definition: sea 大海上有很多船 There alot of ships at sea.

dài Definition: quantifier (a bag of apples) Example: 他提起一袋水果,向家里走去。 He brought a bag of fruits and went home.

dài Definition: to bring Example: 我病了,妈妈带我去看医生。 I was sick, my mother bring me to the doctor.

dài put on; wear; support; respect


dài tì Definition: replace; substitute for Example:


dài zhe Definition: carried with / take along Example: 同学们早晨来学校,脸上都带着笑容。 Students come to school in the morning with a smile on their face.


dàizi Definition: bag Example: 桌上的纸袋装满了许多好吃的食品。 The paper on the table is filled with a lot of delicious food.


dàjiā Definition: everybody 大家都到了没有? Is everybody here yet?


dàn shì Definition: but; however Example: 这件外衣是长了点,但是等她长大些便会合身的。 The coat is too long, but she'll grow into it.


dàngchéng treat as 军人们把部队当成一个大家庭。 Soldiers view the army as a harmonious community.

dào Definition: quantifier (rainbows) Example: 这座山高而陡,形成一道岩石屏障。 The mountain rose up in a steep wall of rock.


dào chù Definition: in all places / everywhere Example: 我们到处都找了,就是找不到小猫。 We search everywhere but stillI could not find kitten.


dào dǐ Definition: finally; in the end; when all is said and done Example: 我们很难判断他到底多大岁数。 It was difficult for us to tell his exact age.


dào guà Definition: hang upside down Example: 猴子头向下倒挂在树枝上。 The monkey was hanging upside down from the branch.


dàolǐ principle; truth; reason; argument


dàxiàng Definition: big elephant 那只大象很重 That big elephant is very heavy.


dé jiù Definition: be rescued Example: 小猫被困在井里三小时,才得得救。 The cat was trapped in the well for 3 hours before it was finally being rescued.

dì Definition: ground / land Example: 同学们都把地上的垃圾捡起来避免把课室弄脏。 Students picked up the rubbish on the ground to avoid dirtying the classroom.


dì Definition: younger brother 那是我的弟弟 He is my little brother.


dì bǎn Definition: floor Example: 他的脚在地板上到处留下了脏印子。 His feets left dirty footprints everywhere on the floor.


dì fang Definition: area / place / local Example: 北极熊生活在很寒冷的地方。 Polar bears live in a very cold place.


dì tiě Definition: Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) / underground train Example: 在这个城市四处走动最快的办法就是乘坐地铁。 The quickest way to go round the city is by underground train.


dì yī rèn Definition: the first Example: 家长无疑是孩子的第一任老师。 Parents is no doubt the child's first teacher.


dì zhǐ Definition: address Example: 这本名册收录了所有老师的姓名和地址。 This list contains the names and addresses of all teachers.


dì èr tiān Definition: the next day / the second day Example: 假期的第二天,我去乡下探望外婆。 The second day of holiday, I went to the countryside to visit grandmother.


dòng kǒu Definition: talk Example: 让孩子们相互交流,动手动脑动口。 Let's the children to communicate, and work together, think together and talk to each other.


dòng shǒu Definition: get down to work / to hit with hands or fists / to start work / to touch Example: 大家一起动手,赶快把教室打扫干净 Let's work together and faster clean up the classroom.


dòng wù Definition: animal Example: 大象是陆地上最大的动物。 Elephants are the largest animals on land.


dòng wù yuán Definition: zoo Example: 动物园里的小动物一点都不怕人。 The animals in the Zoo are not scary.


dòu fu Definition: tofu / bean curd Example: 妈妈做的豆腐汤很美味,大家都赞不绝口。 Everybody praised that the bean curd soup that Mother cooked is delicious.


dòu fu tāng Definition: tofu soup Example: 豆腐汤富有营养,价钱又便宜,我最爱吃了。 Tofu soup is my favourite as it is nutritious and cheap.


dù zi Definition: stomach / belly Example: 如果喝了不清新的水,容易肚子痛。 You will get stomach pain easily if you do not drink fresh water.


dú zì Definition: alone Example: 因为我丈夫去参加一个只许男人参加的宴会,我只好独自待在家里。 Because my husband has gone to a stag dinner, I have to stay at home alone.


dúshū Definition: read; study 他们在一起读书 They are studying together

dāi Definition: foolish; stupid; no expression; stay Example: 如果明天下雨,我们就呆在家。 If it rains tomorrow, we'll stay at home.


dān xīn Definition: anxious / worried / uneasy Example: 爷爷的病看起来很惨重,我们十分担心。 Grandpa's illness seems very serious, we are very worried.

dāng Definition: when Example: 当老师在班上批评他时,他感到十分羞愧。 When the teacher criticized him in class, he felt very ashamed.


dēng guān Definition: lighting Example: 睡房里的灯光格外柔软,让人轻松入睡。 The bedroom light is especially soft which allow people to fall asleep easily .


dēng gāo wàng yuǎn to stand tall and see far (idiom); taking the long and broad view acute foresight 登高望远,此情此景不可胜言。 One can never fully describe the beautiful scenery you get from the mountain top

děng Definition: wait Example: 弟弟已经准备好等着妈妈带他上学。 Younger brother is ready waiting for mum to take him to school.


dī tóu Definition: bow one's head Example: 会众在一起低头祷告。 The congregation bowed their heads in prayer.


dōng dǎo xī wāi Definition: sway violently Example: 大风把小树刮得东倒西歪。 The trees were swaying violently after being blown by the big wind.


dōng tiān Definition: winter Example: 在寒冷的冬天,小动物们躲在窝里。 In the cold winter, small animals hide in their nest.


dōng xi Definition: thing Example: 他是个小偷,专门在商场偷东西。 He is a thief who is specialized in stealing things in the shopping malls.

dōu Definition: already. 每个人都来了吗? Is everybody here already?


dǎ gǔn Definition: roll about Example: 孩子们喜欢看河马在泥中打滚。 The children enjoyed watching the hippopotamus wallowing in the mud.


dǎ kāi Definition: open Example: 他打开书包后,接着就把课本拿出来。 He took out the text book after opening his bag.


dǎ léi Definition: thunder Example: 我的小狗一听到打雷就藏到床底下。 My little dog always hides under the bed when it thunders.


dǎ zhāo hu Definition: (v) greet sb by word or action / (v) give prior notice Example: 无论谁跟他打招呼,他都不理不睬。 No matter who greeted him, he will ignored.


dǎ zhēn Definition: injection Example: 那个可怜的家伙,虽然不是懦夫,但一提到打针,脸都吓白了。 The poor fellow, though no coward, paled at the mention of the injection.


dǎn zi Definition: courage / nerves Example: 你有勇气承认错误,胆子真好。 You have the courage to admit your mistakes, it is very brave of you.


dǎo guó Definition: island country Example: 罢工不久就蔓延到了这个岛国的所有其他地方。 The strike soon spread to other parts of this island country.


dǎsǎo Definition: sweep; clean. 他每天都打扫房间 He cleans his room everyday.


dǐng lóu Definition: top floor Example: 我的家在顶楼,从窗户望出去景色很美。 My home is on the top floor, there is beautiful view when looked out from the window.

dǒng Definition: to understand / to know Example: 我们迷路了,因为我们看不懂这张地图。 We got lost because we couldn't understand the map.


dǒng shì Definition: sensible; thoughtful; intelligent Example: 妹妹很懂事地照顾着生病的小狗。 My sister is very sensible and thoughtful to take care of the sickly dog.

dǒng understand; know


fàngxué Definition: classes are over, school dismissed 他一放学就去玩篮球. He goes and plays basketball once classes are over.


fáng jiān Definition: room Example: 我奔回房间取回自己的提包。 I run back to my room and retrieve my bag.


fáng zi Definition: house Example: 这间房子是以前建的,看起来有些破旧了。 The house was built previously, therefore it look a little worn out.


fù jìn Definition: (in the) vicinity; nearby; neighboring; next to Example: 妈妈每次都会到附近的百货公司购买日常用品。 My mum will always go to the nearby department store to buy daily necessities.


fù mǔ Definition: parents Example: 由于父母的离异,他遭到了同班同学的歧视。 The classmates discriminated against him because of his parents' divorce.


fù qīn Definition: father Example: 天是父亲节,我给爸爸准备了一份小礼物。 Tomorrow is Father's day, I've prepare a small gift for my father.


fù qīn jié Definition: Father's Day Example: 我们一家人准备到一家有名的餐厅庆祝父亲节。 My family planned to go to a famous restaurant for Father's Day celebration.


fùzá complex; complicated


fùzé be responsible for; conscientious

fú Definition: quantifier (paintings) Example: 这幅画的照片绝妙地再现了原作的色彩。 The photograph of the painting reproduces the colors of the original extremely well.

fú Definition: to support with hand / to help somebody up / to help Example: 我刚伸出手想搀扶他,他就摔倒了。 I was about to stretch out my hand to support him then he fell down.


fā míng Definition: to invent / invention Example: 这项发明是他多年苦心研究的成果。 This invention is the outcome of his years of painstaking research.


fā shēng Definition: to happen / to occur / to take place Example: 火灾是在夜里突然发生的。 The fire happened suddenly in the night.


fā xiàn Definition: to find / to discover Example: 我们爬到半山坡,发现那里有个山洞。 We climbed till the hillside and found a cave there.


fā yá Definition: germinate Example: 她把一些豆子放在水中让它们发芽。 She put some beans into water to germinate.

fān Definition: turn Example: 小猫跳上桌上把食物都给打翻了。 The cat jumped onto the table and turned over all the food on it.


fāngfǎ method


fānyì translate; translation; translator


fāzhǎn develop; recruit; development


fēi cháng Definition: unusual / extraordinary / extreme / very / exceptional Example: 主人的好客给我们留下了非常好的印象。 The host's hospitality left us a very good impression.


fēi xíng Definition: aviation; flying; flight Example: 这次飞行由于技术的原因而被推迟。 The flight was delayed due to to technical reasons.


fēiláifēiqù Definition: flying around 那只小鸟飞来飞去 That small bird is flying around

fēng Definition: quantifier (letters) Example: 我给他写了几封信,但他都没有恢复我。 I wrote him several letters, but he did not reply me.

fēng Definition: wind Example: 湿润的风从南方吹来。 A humid wind blew from the south.

fēng for letters


fēng jǐng rú huà Definition: picturesque Example: 这片湖泊风景如画 。 This lake is picturesque.


fēngfù rich; abundant; plentiful; enrich

...分之... ...

fēnzhī ... for expression of a fraction number

fū hatch


fǎn ér Definition: instead / contrary (to expectations) Example: 他不但不承认错误,反而还恶人先告状! He pushed the blame to me, instead of admitting fault,


fǔdǎo coach; teach; tutor

guà Definition: hang Example: 我在墙上钉了一个图钉,然后在上面挂了一张小图片。 I hammered a tack into the wall and hung a small picture on it.

guì expensive; costly; dear


guì xìng your honorable family name


guì zhòng Definition: precious / expensive Example: 他非常疼爱女儿,经常给她们买贵重的玩具。 He so adores his daughters that he keeps buying them expensive toys.

guò Definition: passed Example: 他们很富有,一家人过着舒适的生活。 They are rich, thus the family lived a comfortable life.


guò qiáo Definition: cross the bridge Example: 要到对岸去,我们必须过桥。 We have to cross the brigde to go over to another side.


guòlái Definition: come over 他们几时要过来? When are they coming over?


guòqu Definition: going over 他们几时要过去? When are they going over?


guó jiā Definition: country / nation Example: 我们的国家有好几种通用的语言。 There are several common languages in our country.

guāi Definition: obedient; well-behaved Example: 为了考到好成绩,姐姐拒绝和朋友出外玩耍,只是乖乖地在家里温习功课。 In order to obtain good results for her upcoming examination, my sister refused to go out with her friends, and obediently stay at home to do her revision.


guān yuán Definition: official Example: 爸爸过去地位十分卑微,现在当了政府官员的顾问,是左右社会的人物了。 My Dad used to have such a low position, but now he's an advising government officials and leading the society.

guāng Definition: light / ray / bright / only / merely / all gone Example: 奶奶老了,牙齿全部掉光了。 Grandma is old, her teeth is all gone.


guǎng kuò Definition: wide; vast; broad Example: 爷爷知识广阔,懂得的东西很多。 Grandpa has a vast knowledge as he knows a lot of things.


guǎngbō broadcast; be on the air

guǒ fruit


guǒ rán Definition: really; sure enough; as expected Example: 教师预言那个男生必将成名,后来这预言果然实现了。 The teacher's prophecy that the boy would become famous and sure enough it is really fulfilled later on.


guǒ shí Definition: fruit / gains Example: 这果实太硬了,很难粉碎。 This fruit is too hard, thus it is difficult to crush.


guǒ zi Definition: fruit Example: 果树上结满了许多果子。 The fruit trees is filled with all the bear fruits.

gài Definition: lid / top / cover / canopy / to build Example: 妈妈轻轻地走过来,为我盖上棉被。 Mom gently came to me and covered me with blanket.


gànbù cadre

gè Definition: <measure> individual. 他有几个苹果? How many apples does he have?


gè dì Definition: all over (the world) / various places Example: 他到世界各地旅行,增长了不少阅读。 He went travelling all around the world and increase his readings.


gè zì Definition: each / respective / apiece Example: 聚会之后我们回到各自的房间。 After the party, we all went off to our respective rooms.


gèng jiā Definition: even more Example: 大家正在努力工作,把公司建立得更加有声有色。 We are all working hard together to establish the company to be even more impressive.


gèzhǒng all kinds of


gù shì Definition: narrative; story; tale Example: 他听了那个鬼故事後浑身发冷。 He shivered all over after hearing the ghost story.


gù yì Definition: deliberately; on purpose; intentionally Example: 我不是故意要让你生气,请你原谅。 I did not mean to make you angry, please forgive me.


gāng gang Definition: just recently / just a moment ago Example: 刚刚还有太阳,忽然天空就下起了大雨。 There's still sun just a moment ago and suddenly the sky started to rain heavily.


gānjìng Definition: clean; neat and tidy. 他的桌子每次都赶净 His table is always neat and tidy.


gāo gāo xìng xìng Definition: happy Example: 我高高兴兴的去参加他们的婚礼。 I went to attend their wedding happily.


gāo pō Definition: high slope Example: 汽车滑出路面,从高坡打著滚翻下去。 The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over down the high slope.


gāoshān Definition: Alpine. 美国有很多高山 There are a lot of alpines in America.


gāoshān Definition: alpine 那里有很多高山 Definition: There are a lot of alpines there.


gāoxìng Definition: happy 那小鸟很高兴的唱歌 That little bird is singing happily.

gēn root; foot; base; origin


gēnběn absoloutly


gēnzhe Definition: follow 那只小狗一直跟着我. That puppy keeps following me around.


gōng dì Definition: construction site Example: 工地很危险,不要走近。 The construction site is dangerous, do not go near.


gōng fu Definition: skill / art / kung fu / labor / effort Example: 他狠下功夫,华文终于夺取了进步。 With his great effort, his Chinese finally improved.


gōng kè classwork eg:


gōng rén Definition: worker Example: 工人在修筑马路,车辆都绕道行驶。 Workers is under the construction of roads, thus the vehicles have to make a detour.


gōng shì bāo Definition: briefcase Example: 我上个月在日本买了一个公事包。 I bought a briefcase from Japan last month.


gōng yuán Definition: park Example: 公园里种植了各种五颜六色的花儿。 The park is planted with a variety of colorful flowers.


gōng yòng Definition: share Example: 我和弟弟共用一个房间。 My brother and I share a room.


gōngchǎng factory; mill; plant; works


gōnggòng qìchē bus (for public transit)


gōngjī Definition: cock; rooster. 那只公鸡很大 That rooster is very big


gōngjīn kilogram


gōngkè Definition: schoolwork; homework. 他们在做功课 They are doing homework together.


gōnglǐ kilometer


gōngyè industry


gū gu Definition: aunt (father's sister) Example: 我的姑姑是一位善良的护士。 My aunt is a good nurse.


gūniang girl; daughter


gǎi zhèng Definition: to correct / to amend / to put right / correction Example: 一个学生犯了错误不要光去责备他,我们最好帮助他改正错误。 Instead of reproaching a student for his mistakes, we had better help him to correct him from his mistakes.

gǎn dare


gǎn dào Definition: to feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; think that; to move; to affect Example: 我们对他没完没了的埋怨感到厌烦。 We are sick and tired of his incessant complaining.


gǎn jī to be grateful to appreciate thankful


gǎn kuài Definition: hurriedly / at once / immediately Example: The sky is turning dark, we must hurry home.


gǎn lái Definition: rush over Example: 听说我生病了,他特地从外地赶来照顾我,真是太让我感动了。 After knowing that I am sick, he specially rush over to take care of me, it really touched me.


gǎndào feel; sense; think


gǎnmào common cold


gǎnxiè thank; be grateful


gǔ lì Definition: to encourage Example: 妈妈鼓励我,而且坚持我应该继续我的教育。 My mother encouraged me and insisted that I continue my education.


gǔ shí hòu Definition: in ancient times Example: 古时候,人们读书都用煤油灯。 In ancient times, people have to use kerosene lamps to study.

huà Definition: word; talk; talk about 他们喜欢说话 They like to talk a lot.

huà language eg:我喜欢在学校里学马来话 I like to learn malay in school

huài Definition: bad / spoiled / broken / to break down / damage Example: 这一事故把汽车损坏得很厉害。 The accident did a serious damage to the car.


huàn yá Definition: (of a child) grow permanent teeth Example: 每个人都会有换牙的经历。 Everyone will have to experience the growing of permanent teeth.

huá Definition: slip / comical / cunning / slippery / smooth Example: 刚刚下过雨的路面,十分湿滑。 The road is slippery as it just rained.


huá tī Definition: slide (playground equipment) Example: 我叮嘱妹妹溜滑梯时要注意安全。 I told my sister to be careful when playing the slide.


huá wén Definition: Chinese language Example: 爸爸正在用华文和那些中国客户在交流。 Dad is using Chinese language to communicate with the China client.


huá xuě Definition: skiing Example: 他滑雪时摔断了腿。 He broke his leg while skiing.


huá yǔ Definition: Mandarin / Chinese (spoken) Example: 学好华语,对我们来说很重要。 It is very important for us to learn Mandarin.


huái yí Definition: to doubt; to suspect; doubt; suspicion Example: 警方怀疑他做了非法的勾当,就把他扣留了起来。 Police suspected that he did illegal dealings, thus he was being detained.


huáng dì Definition: emperor Example: 那个皇帝是个残酷的专制君主。 That emperor was a cruel despot.

huì Definition: be able to; be good at; be skillful in 他们会不会去? Will they be able to go?

huí Definition: return; go back; turn around 他望了带电话所以他要回去拿 He forgot to bring his hand phone that's why he is going back to get it.


huí dá Definition: reply / answer Example: 比赛的时候,选手们都抢着回答主持人的问题。 During the game, the players are all rushing to answer the questions of the host.


huí tóu Definition: turn round / turn back Example: 他一边走,一边不时地回头来看我们。 He is looking back at us at times while he walks.


huíjiā Definition: go home 那些学生下课了就回家 Those students are going home after school.


huílái Definition: return; come back; be back. 他几点会回来 What time is coming back?

huò Definition: maybe, perhaps / might / possibly / or Example: 付款条件是凭单据付现金,或见票即时。 Term of payment: ours is "cash against document or exchange at sight" .


huā shēng Definition: peanut / groundnut Example: 桌上的一碟花生,一下子就被我吃光了。 The table has a dish of peanuts but I ate it all within a short period of time.


huā yuán chéng shì Definition: garden city Example: 新加坡是个举世闻名的花园城市,到处绿树成荫。 Singapore is a world-famous garden city that is full of trees.


huāduǒ Definition: flower. 那些花朵很漂亮 Those flowers are very pretty.


huān lè Definition: happy / joyous Example: 圣诞节来临了,大街小巷充满了节日的欢乐气氛。 Christmas is around the corner, the streets is filled with the festive joyous atmosphere.


huān yíng Definition: welcome Example: 他的器乐曲在学生中很受欢迎。 His instrumental works are popular amongst the students.


huāng zhāng Definition: panic Example: 刚才我找不到皮包,觉得非常慌张。 I was panicking just now when I could not find my wallet.


huāér Definition: flower; blossom; bloom; anything resembling a flower 那里有很多花儿 There are a lot of flowers over there


huī dòng Definition: swing Example: 他愤怒地挥动着拳头。 The man shook his fist angrily.


huī shǒu Definition: wave one's hand Example: 他在街上向我亲切地挥手致意。 He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand.


huǒ bàn Definition: partner; companion Example: 他有个很能干的伙伴,替他把一切弄得井井有条。 He has a practical partner who organizes everything for him.


huǒ shān Definition: volcanic; volcano Example: 地震由于地质断层积聚的压力被释放或由于火山活动引起的地壳的突然变动。 A sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by the release of stress accumulated along geologic faults or by volcanic activity.


huǒ zāi Definition: fire (that burns buildings, etc.) Example: 消防员在火灾中奋不顾身的救人。 Firefighters risked their life rescuing the victims in the fire.


hài pà Definition: frightened / afraid / scared Example: 爸爸生气起来很凶猛,我们都很害怕。 We will get frightened when Dad gets angry as he will be very firece.

hàn Definition: perspiration; sweat Example: 他还没有爬到山顶就已经浑身出汗,气喘吁吁了。 Before he reaches the top of the mountain, he is already sweating and panting.


hàn zì Definition: Chinese character; kanji Example: 那个小男孩第一次会将汉字慢慢地读出来。 That boy can spell out the Chinese character for the first time.

hái Definition: also / in addition / more / still / else / still / yet / (not) yet Example: 即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。 He will come on time even though it rains.


hái zi Definition: child Example: 他是个有礼貌的孩子,大家都很喜欢他。 He is a polite child, everybody like him.


hè kǎ Definition: greeting cards Example: 表姐给我寄了一张非常漂亮的贺卡。 Cousin sent me a very nice greeting card.

hé Definition: <conj.> and 我有一只猫和狗 I have a cat and a dog.


hé qǐ lái Definition: join together / combine Example: 他俩合起来捉弄我。 The two of them join together and make fun of me.


hé zi Definition: case / box Example: 这个盒子里塞满了圣诞礼物。 This box is full of Christmas gifts.


hé zuò Definition: to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation Example: 我建议你不要和那个不诚实的商人合作。 I advise you not to work together with that deceitful businessman.


hémiàn Definition: surface of the river 河面上很平静 The surface of the river is very clam


héng chōng zhí zhuàng lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving and bumping to barge to charge around violently 巴士在车道里横冲直撞。 The bus swerved about recklessly in the bus lane.


héshuǐ Definition: River water 那里的河水很肮脏. The water in that river is very dirty.

hòu Definition: back; after. 他排在我的后面 He is queuing at the back of me.

hòu Definition: thick Example: 北极熊的毛皮很厚,帮助它抵挡寒冷。 Polar bear's fur is thick so as to help it withstand the coldness.


hóng bāo Definition: red packet Example: 小朋友们向大人拜年时,都能收到红包。 When the children pay respect to the adult during Chinese New Year, they can receive a red packet.


hù shi Definition: nurse Example: 当护士拿著针筒走过来时,孩子便嚎啕大哭起来。 The child started to wail when the nurse come over with a syringe.


hú dié Definition: butterfly Example: 花园里有四只蝴蝶。 There's four butterfly in the garden.


hā hā Definition: aha Example: 他嘻嘻哈哈地就把他的尴尬处境应付过去了。 He simply laughed off the embarrassing situation that he is in.


hā hā dà xiào Definition: laugh loudly Example: 孩子们让小丑的滑稽动作逗得哈哈大笑。 The children laughed loudly at the clown's antics.

hē drink


hē shuǐ Definition: drink water Example: 许多小动物来到水池边喝水。 Many small animals came by the pool side to drink water.


hěn yuǎn Definition: very far / miles Example: 天气晴朗时,从塔顶上能看到很远的地方。 On a clear day, you can see for miles from the top of the tower.


hěnduōhuā Definition: a lot of flowers 我的家里有很多花 I have a lot of flowers in my home.


hū rán Definition: suddenly / all of a sudden Example: 小狗忽然叫了起来,吓了我一跳。 The dog barks all of a sudden which startled me.


hūrán suddenly; all of a sudden


hǎi dǐ Definition: bottom/depth of the sea Example: 这些生物生活在太平洋的海底。 These creatures live in the depth of the Pacific Ocean.


hǎi làng Definition: waves Example: 她躺在海滩上,听着海浪拍击岩石的声音。 She lie on the beach, listening to the lap of the wave against the rock.

hǎn shout; cry out; yell; call

hǎo Definition: close / good / well Example: 今天天气非常好,适合外出游玩。 Today's weather is very good, it is suitable to go out and have fun.

hǎo Definition: good; fine; nice; friendly; kind; be in good health; get well; be easy; is easy to answer; so as to; so that. 他们拿到很好的成绩 They scored very good results.


hǎo chī Definition: tasty / delicious Example: 妈妈做的菜非常好吃。 The food that Mom cooks is very delicious.


hǎo xiàng Definition: seem like Example: 我好像听见有人喊叫。 It seems like I heard someone screaming.


hǎopéngyou Definition: good friend. 他是我的好朋友. He is my good friend.


hǎowán Definition: fun, amusing; interesting. 美国是一个好玩的国家. America is a fun place to visit.

jiàn Definition: see; catch sight of. 你见过他吗? Have you meet him before?

jiàn Definition: to establish / to found / to set up / to build / to construct Example: 政府花了很多钱建学校。 The Government spent a lot of money to build schools.


jiàn kāng Definition: health / healthy Example: 爸爸喜欢运动,身体十分健康。 Dad is very healthy as he likes to exercise.


jiàn miàn Definition: meet Example: 我们下次见面的地点,由你来选择。 You will decide the next meeting place the next time we meet.


jiào xǐng Definition: wake (somebody) up Example: 你能打电话叫醒我吗? Can you give me a wake-up call?


jiào zuò Definition: be called / be known as Example: 这个小女孩太可爱了,我把她叫做小精灵。 The little girl is so lovely, she is being known as a sprite.

jiè Definition: to lend / to borrow / excuse / pretext / by means of / to seize (an opportunity) / to take (an opportunity) Example: 我上个星期从图书馆借了四本书。 I went to the library last week to borrow four books.


jié bái Definition: spotlessly white / pure white / clean and white Example: 她洁白的脸和她黑色的衣服形成强烈的对比。 Her white face and her dark dress show a great contrast.

jiù Definition: old Example: 爸爸想卖掉我们的旧车买一部新车。 My father wants to sell off our old car and buy a new one.


jiù shì Definition: is actually / to be exactly / precisely Example: 遇到危险时,我们的本能反应就是跑开。 Running away is our instinctive reaction when we meet danger.


jiùjiu Definition: uncle (mother's brother) Example: 我正打算出去一会儿,可我舅舅来了。 I was just about to go out when my uncle came.


jiā wù Definition: household duties / housework Example: 他们平等分担家务。 They share the housework duties equally between them.

jiān Definition: pointed; sharp; acute Example: 原始人用尖石块和动物的骨制造工具。 Primitive man made tools from sharp stones and animal bones.

jiān Definition: quantifier (shops) Example: 旅馆的单人房间的价钱每天从20美元到50美元不等。 The tariff at the hotel ranges from 20 dollars to 50 dollars a day for a single room.

jiāng Definition: will; shall; ready; prepared; to get; to use Example: 老师将我的缺点指了出来,并教导我如何改正这些缺点。 Teacher pointed out my shortcomings and at the same time teach me how to correct them.

jiāo Definition: teach Example: 弟弟拿着一支笔,要我教他写字。 Brother took a pen and asked me to teach him how to write。

jiāo Definition: hand in; to deliver; to turn over; to make friends; to intersect (lines); to pay (money) Example: 让我把装船单据一件件地交给你吧。 Let me hand you these shipping document one by one.


jiāo ào Definition: arrogant; conceited; full of oneself; proud Example: 她为自己的孩子取得的成绩感到无比骄傲。 She is proud of her children's success.

jiē Definition: hold; join; pick (someone) up Example: 每天放课后,爸爸都会准时地来学校接我放学。 Every day after school, Dad would come on time to pick me up.


jiē chu Definition: bear Example: 撒下了什么种子,就会结出什么果 Different seeds planted will bear different fruits.


jiē dào Definition: street Example: 这条街道的两旁都是商店,十分热闹。 This street is lined with shops at both sides, it is very lively.


jiē zhe Definition: continue / went on to (do something) / to follow / to carry on / then / after that Example: He finished the dinner, and then continue to eat the fruits.


jiějiě Definition: elder sister; sister; a general term for young women. 那是我的姐姐. That is my elder sister.


jiǎ shān Definition: rockery Example: 我们时常在公园的假山旁玩游戏。 We often play games beside the rockery in the park.

jiǎn Definition: pick up / collect / gather Example: 我把捡到的钱包交还给失主。 I picked up the wallet and returned it to owner.


jiǎn chá Definition: inspection; examine; check Example: 这个餐馆有公共卫生部门官员定期前来检查。 The restaurant is inspected regularly by public health officers.

jiǎo Definition: foot Example: 他不小心踢了我一脚,痛得我叫起来。 He accidentally kicked my foot, its so pain that I cried.


jiǎo luò Definition: corner Example: 孩子们正在角落里低声耳语。 The children were whispering in the corner.


jiǎo zhǎng Definition: sole of foot, paw Example: 原来演习时,一根竹签子通过草鞋刺进了她的脚掌。 During rehearsal, a toothpick pireced through her straw shoe and hurt her sole of foot.

jiǔ Definition: Nine 今天的的士费是九块钱 Today's cab fare is nine dollars.


jué de Definition: feel Example: 我觉得今天特别闷热。 I feel that today is exceptionally hot and stuffy.


jué dìng Definition: to decide (to do something); to determine; to resolve Example: 在决定他们应该到哪儿去度假的事情上,他没有多大发言权。 He didn't have much say in deciding where they should spend their holiday.


juǎn bǐ dāo Definition: pencil sharpener Example: 弟弟吵着要买那个漂亮的卷笔刀。 Brother pleaded to buy the beautiful pencil sharpener.

jì Definition: post / lodge at / to mail / to send / to entrust / to depend Example: 昨天下午我收到姐姐寄来的信。 Yesterday afternoon I've received the letter sister posted to me.


jì lù Definition: record Example: 我每天都记录和收看电视台的天气预报。 Every day I record and watch the TV weather forecasts.


jì niàn Definition: to commemorate, souvenir Example: 圣诞节是为了纪念耶酥的诞生。 Christmas commemorates the birth of Christ.


jì xù Definition: to continue; to proceed with; to go on with Example: 姐姐决定在获得学士学位之后继续深造。 My sister decide to pursue her study after obtain her first degree.

jìn Definition: near Example: 考试的日子已经越来越近,老师劝同学们要早点温习功课。 The examination days are getting near, the teacher urged students to revise their homeworks as soon as possible.


jìn qù Definition: enter; go in Example: 庭院用栅栏围著以防外人进去。 The grounds are fenced in to prevent trespassing.

jí Definition: extreme Example: 弟弟参加了越野比赛就是为了挑战自己的极限。 Brother participated in the cross-country race is to challenge his own limits.


jí cōng cōng Definition: hurriedly / in a hurry / hastily Example: 听到奶奶生病住院,我急匆匆地向医院跑去 I hurriedly rush to the hospital once I heard that grandma has been hospitalized.


jí hé Definition: gather / assemble Example: 全校在大礼堂集合。 The whole school assembled in the main hall.


jí máng Definition: hurriedly / hastily Example: 司机急忙踩刹车,车子嗄地一声停住了。 The driver stepped on his brakes hastily and the car came to a screeching halt.


jíhé assemble

jù sentence ~我写一个句子了。 I am writing a sentence now.


jī dàn Definition: egg Example: 每天早上,他吃面包和鸡蛋当早餐。 Every morning, he ate bread and eggs for breakfast.


jī fàn Definition: chicken rice Example: 贩中心有几个卖鸡饭的摊子。 There are several stalls selling chicken rice in the food centre.


jīn huáng Definition: golden yellow / golden / blonde Example: 这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发。 The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls.


jīn sè Definition: golden (color) Example: 礼物被金色的纸包装起来,看上去非常美。 The gift looks beautiful when being wrapped up with a golden colour wrapper.


jīng cǎi Definition: exciting Example: 这是一场精彩的表演,观众都鼓掌叫好。 It was an exciting good show as all the audiences did not clap their hands with excitement.


jīng shén Definition: vigor / vitality / drive / spiritual / mental / psychological Example: 我在一家非常富有创新精神的公司工作。 I worked in a very innovative company.


jū zhù Definition: stay / reside / be a resident (of) Example: 这个小岛很荒凉,无人居住。 The island is desolate, as there is no one stayng here.

jǐ how many; a few; several; some 他有几个苹果 How many apples does he have?

jǐ Definition: squeeze; crowd; pack Example: 这辆公共汽车里挤满了吵吵嚷嚷的小学生。 The bus was packed with noisy schoolchildren.


jǐ cì Definition: a few times / several times / how many times? Example: 昨天我给你打了好几次电话,但是都没有打通。 I rang you several times yesterday but couldn't get through(to you).


jǔ qi Definition: raise / lift up Example: 她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。 She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.


kuà zi Definition: chopsticks Example: 中国人用筷子吃饭。 The Chinese eat with chopsticks.

kuài Definition: fast; quick; rapid 那辆车很快. That is a fast car


kuài huo Definition: merry; happy Example: 他那快活的样子掩饰了他真实的感情。 His cheerful appearance belied his real feelings.


kuàilè Definition: happy; joyful; cheerful. 他是一个快乐的人 He is a happy person

kuā Definition: to boast; to praise Example: 在无人岛上夸耀富有也是白费力气。 It is of no use boasting of being rich on a desert island.


kuā jiǎng Definition: praise Example: 弟弟考到好成绩,妈妈夸奖他一个小礼物。 My mother praised little brother with a small gift when he gets good result.

kuān Definition: lenient / wide / broad Example: 经过这一弯处以后,路就变宽了。 The road broadens after passing this corner.

kàn Definition: see; look at; watch 他们在看戏 They are watching a movie.


kànjian Definition: catch sight of; see. 你可以看见我吗? Can you see me?

kào Definition: depend upon / lean on / near / by / against / to support Example: 风铃可靠风来发出声音的轻铃 A light bell can be sounded by the wind.


kè shì Definition: classroom Example: 老师走进课室时,同学们起立行礼。 When the teacher entered the classroom, the students rose to greet.


kè tīng Definition: living room Example: 在他们的客厅里有一个漂亮的古董屏风。 There is a beautiful antique screen in their living room.


kùnnán difficult; difficulty; trouble


kāi chu Definition: blossom Example: 我来到花园,发现那棵植物竟然开出了的小花。 I came by the garden and found that the plant is blossom with small flowers.


kāi kāi xīn xīn Definition: happy Example: 我希望我们可以开开心心的度过美好的假期。 I hope we can spend the wonderful holiday happily.

kāi open ~鱼是快乐的池塘里游泳。 the fishes are happily swimming in the pond.


kāi shǐ Definition: begin / beginning / start / initial Example: 比赛即将开始。 The match is about to begin.


kāi xué Definition: school term begins Example: 快开学了,妈妈给我买了一个清新的书包。 School term is starting soon, Mom bought me a brand new school bag.


kāixīn Definition: feel happy; rejoice. 他们是一群开心的人 They are a bunch of happy people.


kē xué Definition: science / scientific knowledge / scientific Example: 旅游项目中包括参观科学博物馆。 The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.


kě shì Definition: but Example: 他看起来体格健壮,可是却弱不禁风,常常生病。 He looked strong, but he is actually fragile, and often fall sick.


kě ài Definition: adorable / amiable / cute / lovely Example: 表妹长得活泼可爱,很讨人喜欢。 Everyone adores my cousin as she is very adorable.

kěn Definition: willing to Example: 他忠诚老实,不肯受贿。 He is so honest that he will not accept bribe.

kū Definition: to cry / to weep Example: 妹妹跌倒了,痛得她忍不住哭了。 Sister fell and she began to cry as the pain is unbearable.


kǎ piàn Definition: card Example: 今天是妈妈的生日,我和哥哥做了一张生日卡片给她。 Today is mum's birthday, my brother and I made a birthday card for her.

kǎn Definition : to chop Example: 工人们砍倒了一棵死树。 The workers chopped a dead tree.

kǎo Definition: to give or take examination; to test Example: 他历史考试不及格,其他科目都通过了。 He got a fail in his history test, but he passes the tests in other subjects.

kǒu Definition: mouth; opening; entrance; mouth; a gateway of the Great Wall (often used in place names); cut; hole; the edge of a knife; the edge of a draft animal; <measure> . 每个人只有一个口 Everybody has only one mouth


kǒu dài Definition: pocket Example: 他站在那里,双手插在口袋里。 He stood there with his hands in his pockets.


kǒu kě Definition: thirsty Example: 我打网球时,突然觉得口渴起来。 I felt thirsty all of a sudeen when I was playing tennis.

kǔ Definition: bitter; hard; hardship; suffer from; suffering Example: 他把怒气发泄在他长期受苦的妻子身上。 He vented his ill-temper upon his long suffering wife.


lai bu ji Definition: too late; there is not enough time (to do something) Example: 爸爸很忙,来不及在约定的时间内完成工作。 Dad is too busy that there is not enough time for him to complete his work within the agreed time.

le (modal particle intensifying preceding clause) ~她已经去了假期 she went on a holiday already

li Definition: in 他在里面吗? Is he inside?


liàn xí Definition: practise / train Example: 他每天早晨花两个小时练习赛跑。 Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.

liàng Definition: daybreak / light / bright Example: 这辆汽车亮起了危险信号灯。 The car had its hazard warning lights on.


liàng guāng Definition: light Example: 他要把室内的亮光色彩缓和一下。 He wanted the bright colours in her house toned down.


lián máng Definition: quickly / promptly / at once Example: 听到老师叫我的名字,我连忙站起来。 I stood up at once when I heard the techer call my name.


liáng shuǎng Definition: cool and pleasant Example: 我们享受着湖面上吹来的凉爽微风。 We are enjoying the cool breeze that comes from the lake.


liángkuai nice and cool; pleasantly cool


liánxì integrate; link; contact; connection


lièrén hunter; huntsman

liù Definition: six 那碗面是六块钱! That bowl of noodles cost six dollars!


liú xià Definition: leave behind Example: 妈妈临走前,给我们留下很多食物。 Mum leaves behind many foods for us before she left.


liúniàn accept or keep as souvenir


liúxuéshēng foreign student; overseas student

liǎ two people (used in oral Chinese)


liǎn hóng Definition: embarrassed; blush Example: 他们的赞扬使她脸红。 She blushed at their praises


liǎn shàng Definition: on the face Example: 从妈妈脸上的表情, 可以看出来她很不高兴。 From Mom's facial expression, can see that she is very upset.


liǎng Definition: two; both; either; a few; some. 那里有两辆新的车. There are two new cars parked over there.


liǎo bu qǐ Definition: great; amazing; terrific; etraordinary\ Example: 首次飞跃大西洋是一项了不起的业绩。 Flying across the Atlantic for the first time was a great achievement.


liǎojiě understand; know; find out


luàn qiǎng Definition: snatch Example: 小朋友们都乖乖地等着老师分配礼品,没有乱抢。 There is no chaos rush or snatching, the children were obediently waiting for the teacher to distribute the gifts,


luó bo Definition: radish Example: 森林里的大野狼抓到了正在草丛里吃紅卜的小白兔。 In the forest, the wolf caught the little rabbit who is eating red radish in the bush.


làng huā Definition: foam of wave Example: 浪花弄得海滩都是泡沫。 The breaking waves left the beach covered with foam.

lái Definition: come 他们几是要来? When are they coming?


lì kè Definition: immediately; at once; right away; promptly Example: 她被捕的事立刻在新闻界引起反应。 Her arrest produced an immediate reaction from the press.


lì yòng Definition: exploit; make use of; to use; to take advantage of; to utilize Example: 他们试图利用更好的方法和工具来增加生产力。 They tried to increase production by using better methods and tools.

lìng Definition: other; another; separate; separately Example: 这是一部小说,在另一方面,它又可以被看作一部传记。 This is a novel, but on the other hand, it can be looked as a biography.

lí Definition: pear Example: 梨香甜多汁,我很喜欢吃。 I like to eat pear as it is sweet and juicy.


lí kāi Definition: to depart; to leave Example: 聚会进行到一半,我太太发病了,我们只好赶紧离开。 Halfway through the party, my wife suddenly fell sick thus we have to leave immediately.


lín jū Definition: neighbor Example: 他常常为了噪音和邻居们争吵。 He was always fighting with his neighbors about the noise.


lín lǐ Definition: people of the neighborhood / neighborhood Example: 我在这一活动中得到邻里多数人的支持。 I've enlisted the co-operation of most of my neighbours in my campaign.


lín shī Definition: drench Example: 他全身淋湿了,冷得一直发抖。 He was drench and he was shivering with cold.

lóng Definition: dragon Example: 一种体育活动,举着龙的造形做出有节奏的动作。 There is a physical activity which required to hold a dragon modeling and move with rhythmic movements.


lóng wáng Definition: dragon king Example: 神话中的海龙王拥有一颗夜明珠。 Mythical Dragon King has a luminous pearl.


lóu fáng Definition: building with two or more storeys / multi-story building Example: 这座新楼房还需要一段时间才能建成。 The new building will take some time to be built.


lóu shàng Definition: upstairs Example: 他在楼上睡觉。 He was sleeping upstairs.


lóu tī Definition: stair; staircase Example: 他从楼梯上摔下来,直跌到楼梯底部滚成一团。 He fell down the stairs, landing at the bottom of the staircase .


lóu xià Definition: downstairs Example: 妈妈到楼下的菜市场买今晚煮晚餐的食料。 Mum went to the supermarket which is located downstairs to buy the ingredients to cook for tonight's dinner.


lùyīn record sound; sound recording


lún liú Definition: take turns; alternate Example: 学生们每天都会轮流打扫教室。 The students will take turns to clean up the classroom everyday.


lā jī Definition: (n) trash / rubbish / gabbage Example: 很多东西使水污染,例如轮胎、垃圾和塑胶袋。 Many things pollute water, such as tires, trash, and plastic bags.


lā jī tǒng Definition: rubbish bin Example: 她把剩饭倒进垃圾桶。 She threw the leftovers in the garbage.

lěng Definition: cold Example: 早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。 He puts on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning.


lǎo hǔ Definition: tiger Example: 公园里的老虎被关在笼子里。 The tiger in the park is being locked up in the cage.


lǎo shǔ Definition: rat / mouse Example: 老鼠在奶酪上啃出了一个洞。 The mice have nibbled a hole in the cheese.


lǎoshī Definition: teacher. 我有一个很好的老师 I have a very good teacher

lǐ Definition: pay attention to Example: 他这个人很傲慢,对一般人根本不理。 He is too arrogant, and he simply ignore most of the people.


lǐ miàn Definition: inside / interior Example: 她外面穿了一件毛外套,里面穿一件棉布衬衫。 She was wearing a woolen coat outside, with a cotton blouse inside.


lǐ mào Definition: courtesy / manners Example: 他是个有礼貌的孩子,大家都很喜欢他。 He is a polite child, we all like him.


lǐ wù Definition: gift / present Example: 你送我的礼物太贵重了,我不能收。 The gift that you gave me is too expensive, i cannot accept it.


lǐng hui Definition: claim Example: 昨天,这条金毛犬被主人领回家了。 Yesterday, this golden dog was brought home by its the owner.


lǐng zi Definition: shirt collar Example: 外面雾蒙蒙的有股寒气,于是我把外套的领子翻了起来。 A misty chill hung in the air, so I turned up the collar of my coat.


lǐngdǎo lead; leader; leadership


lǚ xíng Definition: travel Example: 因为天气不好,他们的旅行计划取消了。 Their travel plan was cancelled due to the bad weather.


lǜ dòu Definition: green bean Example: 妈妈要我帮她去巴刹买一些绿豆。 Mom wanted me to help her buy some green beans from the market.

ma Definition: particle (used at the end of a question) Example: 你吃了午饭了吗? Have you eaten your lunch?

ma (modal particle expressing urging)


miàn qián Definition: in front of / facing / presence Example: 即使在凶狠的歹徒面前,叔叔也毫不退缩。 Uncle is not taken aback even in front of the malicious criminals.


miè huǒ Definition: put out a fire Example: —接到消息,消防车立刻赶到火场灭火。 Upon receiving the news, fireman immediately rushed to the scene to put out the fire.

mà Definition: scold Example: 我做了错事,妈妈凶猛地把我骂了一顿。 As I have done wrong, my mother scolded me fiercely.

mài Definition: to sell Example: 这位卖鱼的大叔很友善。 This uncle who is selling fishes, is very friendly.

màn Definition: slow Example: 轻微的口吃使他讲话很慢。 The small impediment slowed down his speed of speaking.


màn màn Definition: slowly; gradually Example: 天空慢慢由蓝色变为红色。 The sky slowly changed from blue to red.


má fan Definition: trouble; troublesome Example: 我自己能做的事,决不麻烦别人。 I will not trouble others with the things I can do unless otherwise.


máo jīn Definition: towel Example: 游泳后,她用毛巾擦干身子。 She dried herself with a towel after her swim.


mèimèi Definition: younger sister 那是我的妹妹 That is my younger sister.


mèn mèn bú lè Definition: in low spirits Example: 因为考分很低使姐姐闷闷不乐。 Sister is in low spirits because of her low grades.

mèng Definition: dream Example: 这些囚犯们梦想着获得自由。 Those prisoners are dreaming of liberty.


mèng jiàn Definition: dream about Example: 我作恶梦梦见从悬崖上摔下来了。 I have nightmares that I dreamt about falling off a cliff.


mì fēng Definition: bee Example: 鲜花招引来许多蜜蜂。 Flowers attract many bees.


mì mì Definition: secret Example: 科学家已经揭开了原子的秘密。 Scientists have unlocked the secret of the atom.


mìng lìng Definition: order / command Example: 教练命令队员跑操场五圈。 The coach order the team to run the five laps around the field.


mìng míng Definition: named after Example: 这个小孩以他父亲的名字而命名。 The child was named after its father, given its father's first name.


mí shàng Definition: obsessed with Example: 弟弟迷上了电脑游戏,不学习也不做功课,整天玩电脑游戏, 因此他的学习成绩越来越差。 Brother is so obsessed with computer games that he does not want to study or do his homeworks but play computer games all day, which resulted in his academic performance getting worse.


míng bai Definition: clear / obvious / unequivocal / to understand / to realize Example: 我不明白这句话的意思。 I don't understand the meaning of this sentence.


míng tiān Definition: tomorrow Example: 他正在为明天的比赛做最后的准备。 He is making the final preparation for tomorrow's game.


mù guā Definition: papaya Example: 爸爸买了一粒木瓜当甜品吃。 Dad bought a papaya to eat for dessert.


mù mǎ Definition: wooden horse Example: 这个玩具木马很可爱。 This toy wooden horse is very adorable.


mùqián current time; at present

mā Definition: wipe Example: 他用一块沾油的抹布擦干净汽车。 He cleaned and wiped the car with an oily rag.


māma Definition: Mother 那是我的妈妈 That is my mother

māo Definition: cat 他有很多猫 He has a lot of cats.

mēn Definition: bored Example: 你每天都是做一模一样的東西,难道不会觉得闷吗? You are doing exactly the same thing every day, don't you feel bored?

měi Definition: beautiful; pretty 她是一个很美的女孩. She is a beautiful girl


měi shí Definition: delicious food Example: 一下飞机,我们恨不得立刻到小贩中心品尝本地美食。 We could not wait to enjoy the local food from the hawker centers once we got down from the plane.


měi wèi Definition: delicious Example: 妈妈做的晚餐,总是那么美味可口。 The dinner cooked by my Mom is always so delicious.


měilì Definition: beautiful. 那些花很美丽 Those flowers are very beautiful.

mō Definition: feel with the hand / to touch / to stroke / to grope / to feel (one's pulse) Example: 我喜欢这块布给我的感觉,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和。 I like the feel of this cloth; it has a warm woolly feel.


mǎ lái rén Definition: Malay Example: 我家隔壁定居了一家马来人。 My neighbour is a Malay.


mǎ lái yǔ Definition: Malay language Example: 我们这学期开始学习马来语。 This semester we start to learn Malay language.

mǎi Definition: buy Example: 爸爸给我买了一辆玩具车。 Dad bought me a toy car.


mǎn tóu dà hàn Definition: perspiring/sweating profusely Example: 天气太热了,我们才走到半路就已经满头大汗了。 We are only halfway through, but all of us are already perspiring profusely as the weather is too hot.


mǎshàng Definition: at once; immediately; straight away; right away. 请马上站起来 Please stand up at once.


mǐ fàn Definition: rice Example: 公公很可惜粮食,掉在桌子上的米饭,都要捡起来吃。 Grandfather feels wasted thus he always pick up the rice that is dropped on the table to eat.

na (modal particle ending a sentence)

niàn Definition: read aloud; study Example: 即使他失败了,却仍然用功念书。 Despite his failure, he continued to studied hard nonetheless.


nián gāo Definition: glutinous rice cake (usually eaten during Chinese New Year) Example: 年糕师傅正在做年糕,然后拿来卖。 Glutinous rice cakes master is making the glutinous rice cake for sales.


nián shào Definition: young / youth Example: 他年少时的毅力和勤奋造就了他今天的成就。 His perseverance and diligence in his youth has made him what he is today.


niú chē shuǐ Definition: Chinatown Example: 我和妈妈一起到牛车水购买年货。 Mom and I went to Chinatown to buy New Year's goodies.


niǎo yǔ huā xiāng Definition: singing birds and fragrant flowers (a fine spring day) Example: 春天,这个疗养院是个充满了鸟语花香的好地方。 During Spring, the nursing home is a good place full of flowers.


nuǎnhuo warm; nice and warm; warm up


nà li Definition: there / that place Example: 那里的环境很差,不适合居住。 The environment there is poor, thus it is not suitable for living.


nài xīn Definition: (to be) patient; patience Example: 护士这项工作很需要耐心。 The occupation of nurses needs alot of patience.

ná Definition: receive / took out Example: 姐姐拿出一块洁自的手绢, 替我擦汗。 Sister took out a clean handkerchief to help me wipe away my sweats.


nán hái Definition: boy Example: 这个小男孩跟他爸爸长的真像。 This little boy looks exactly like his father.


nán kàn Definition: ugly Example: 我昨天睡得很晚,今早起来脸色很难看。 Yesterday I slept late, thus this morning I look pale.


nán wéi qíng Definition: ashamed; embarassed Example: 你当众纠正我的错误,弄得我很难为情。 You made me embarassed by correcting me in front of everybody.


néng gàn Definition: capable / competent Example: 他年轻又能干,前途一片光辉。 He was young and capable, thus his future is bright.


néng gòu Definition: be capable of / can / is able Example: 新建的发电厂能够满足我们对廉价能源的需求吗? Will the new power-station be able to supply our cheap energy requirements?


ní shā Definition: mud and sand Example: 这院子很脏,到处是泥沙。 This yard is very dirty, it is full of mud and sand everywhere.


nítǔ Definition: soil 他们在泥土里种了一些花 They planted some flowers in the soil.


nóng fū Definition: farmer Example: 农夫在田里耕种,十分辛苦。 Farmers work very hard when farming in the fields


nóngcūn rural area; countryside


nóngmín peasant


nóngyè agriculture; farming


nù qì chōng chōng Definition: furiously Example: 他怒气冲冲砰的一声关上门。 He slammed the door in a huff.


nǎ li Definition: where / wherever Example: 我走到哪里,我的小狗就跟到哪里。 My puppy followed me wherever I go.


nǎo dài Definition: (n) person's head / (n) mental capability; brains Example: 他无精打采地低垂着脑袋,独自在哭泣着。 He bowed his head listlessly and is crying alone.


nǎr Definition: where Example: 她从哪儿得到这个消息的? Where did she get the news?

nǐ Definition: You 你去了那里? Where did you go?


nǐ zhuī wǒ pǎo Definition: running around Example: 弟弟和朋友们在游乐场你追我跑的, 玩得很开心。 Brother and friends are running around and playing happily in the playground.


nǐmen Definition: you (second person plural) 你们吃了吗? Have you all eaten yet?


nǔ lì Definition: great effort; strive; try/work hard 她坐在那里努力集中思想准备发言。 She sat there trying hard to gather her thoughts before making her speech.


nǚ'ér Definition: Daughter; girl. 那是我的女儿 That is my daughter.

piàn Definition: a flat, thin piece 他把水果切趁一片一片 He cut the fruits into thin slices.


piào liang Definition: pretty / beautiful Example: 妹妹今天穿的裙子很漂亮。 The dress that sister wore today is very pretty.


pà hēi Definition: afraid of the dark Example: 妹妹怕黑,所以晚上不敢一个人睡。 Sister is afraid of the dark, thus she doesn't dare to sleep alone at night.

pài Definition: send Example: 这名传教士去年被派到印度。 The missionary was sent to India last year.

pài send; appoint

pàng Definition: fat; plump Example: 如果你不多做运动,就会发胖。 If you don't exercise often, you'll get fat.

pào Definition: cannon / gun / firecracker Example: 盟军已经准备炮沿着河等待敌军的到来。 Allied isready along the river with their gun awaiting for the enemy's arrival.


pào chá Definition: make tea Example: 客人要来了, 我得准备去泡茶了。 The guest is coming, thus I have to prepare to make tea.

pá Definition: crawl, climb 那小宝宝在学爬 That baby is learning to crawl.


pá gāo Definition: climb up Example: 弟弟喜欢爬高, 然后在高处看风景。 Little brother likes to climb up to the highest point to view the scenery.


pá shàng pá xià Definition: climb up and down Example: 有一隻蜥蜴在箱內爬上爬下。 There was a lizard climbing up and down in the box.


pádào Definition: Climb till 他们爬到那里了? Where have they climb till now?

pái Definition: to arrange; to put in order Example: 旅行社已为我和我的家安排了一间双人房。 The travel agency has arranged for a double room for my family and myself.


páng biān Definition: side / next to Example: 妈妈坐在旁边哄宝宝入睡。 Mom sat next to the baby to coax him to sleep.

pèng Definition: touch; hit; bump; meet; run into Example: 我在咖啡店碰到了一位好久不见的老朋友。 I bump into an old friend whom I have not met for years at the coffeshop.

péi Definition: to accompany / to keep sb. company Example: 妈妈陪伴著生病的孩子彻夜未眠。 Mom was up all night to accompany the sick child.


péngyǒu Definition: friend 他是我的朋友.


pí láo Definition: fatigue / wearily / weariness / weary Example: 她由于极度疲劳而掉队了。 She fell out from extreme fatigue.


píjiǔ beer


píng guǒ Definition: apple Example: 这些苹果成熟了,它们变得越来越红了。 These apples are ripe, they become more and more red.


píng tǎn Definition: flat; even Example: 这片处地势平坦又没有树木,部队无处隐蔽。 The land was flat and treeless, it gave no cover to the troops.


píng zi Definition: bottle Example: 为了使瓶子下沉到海底,我在瓶子里装满了沙。 To make the bottle sink to the bottom, I filled it with sand.

pò Definition: to break / to split / broken / damaged / worn out Example: 妈妈把我的破衣服缝好了。 Mum amended back my broken shirt.


pó po Definition: grandmother / husband's mother / mother-in-law Example: 婆婆牵着外孙的手。 Grandmother is holding her grandson's hand.


pīn mìng Definition: risk one's life; do something desperately; do one's utmost; with all one's might Example: 小偷一看见警察就拔腿拼命地逃跑。 The thief runs away with all his might when he sees the policeman.


pīpíng criticize; criticism

pǐ Definition: quantifier (horses) Example: 马厩里的那匹马跑了。 The horse in the stable has ran out.

qián Definition: money Example: 这个富翁太吝蔷了,从来不捐钱做慈善。 This rich man are too stingy, he never donate money to charity.


qián miàn Definition: ahead / in front of / preceding / above Example: 雨越下越大,驾车的人都快看不清前面的路。 The rain is getting heavier, thus the driver could not see the road ahead clearly.

qiáng Definition: wall Example: 我能隔着墙听见他在电话里说了些什么。 I could hear what he was saying on the phone through the partition wall.


qiáng zhuàng Definition: strong Example: 他不仅强壮健康,而且还很聪明。 He is not only strong and healthy but also very smart.

qiáo Definition: bridge Example: 这座桥不够牢固,车辆不能通行。 The bridge is not strong enough to allow the passage of vehicles.


qiáo tóu Definition: the start of the bridge Example: 我愿意同你一道走到桥头,但再远的地方一步也不愿意去。 I'm willing to walk to the start of the bridge with you but nothing further than that.


qiú sài Definition: football match; match (ball game) Example: 球赛早已结束了,球场里空无一人。 Game has ended, thus the stadium was empty.


qiú yuán Definition: player (ball game) Example: 这些球员们配合得很好。 These players made a very good combination.

qiān sign ~


qiānbǐ Definition: pencil. 我有两只铅笔 I have two pencils.


qiāo mén Definition: knock on the door Example: 我敲了敲门,但屋里似乎没有动静。 I knocked on the door, but the house seems to be no movement.


qiāo qiāo Definition: quietly; on the quiet Example: 妈妈悄悄的走进我的房间,我一点都没有察觉。 Mother walked quietly into my room without me noticing it.


qiū tiān Definition: autumn Example: 秋天树叶由绿色变成黄褐色。 In autumn, the leaves change from green to brown.

qiǎn Definition: shallow Example: 因为妹妹还不会游泳, 妈妈只让妹妹到浅的游泳池。 Mum only allowed my sister to go into the shallow pool as she does not know how to swim yet.

qiǎng Definition: vie for / fight over / to rush / to scramble / to grab / to rob / to snatch Example: 运动场上,运动员们抢着争第一。 In the field, the athletes are fighting to get first.


quán dǎo Definition: islandwide Example: 这间餐馆是全岛最有名的餐馆。 This restaurant is the islandwide's most famous restaurants.


quánbù all; without exception; complete

què Definition: but; yet; however; while; nevertheless Example: 你在夜晚可以看到星星,白天却看不到。 You can see stars by night, but not by the day.

quān Definition: circle; ring; loop Example: 你可以騎上我的摩托車去遛一圈。 You can have a ride one round on my motorcycle.

qì Definition: be angry Example: 妈妈被弟弟气得晚饭都没吃。 Mom was so angry at brother that she did not eat dinner.


qì shuǐ guàn Definition: soft drink can Example: 这道篱笆墙是用喝过的汽水罐建成的。 The fence wall is built with used soft drink cans.


qìchē Definition: Car / Automobile 那辆气车跑的很快. That is a very fast car.

庆典 [

qìngdiǎn] 1. noun celebration 我们将在大后天举行开业庆典。 The opening celebration will be held the day after tomorrow.

qí Definition: ride Example: 爸爸在广场教弟弟骑脚踏车。 Dad taught my brother to ride a bicycle in the square.


qí guài Definition: strange / odd Example: 我听到隔壁房间里传来一个奇怪的声音。 I heard a strange sound coming from the room next door.


qímǎ Definition: ride on horseback. 约翰喜欢骑马 John loves horseback ridding


qíng kuàng Definition: circumstances / state of affairs / situation Example: 许多危害健康的情况都与吸烟有关。 There are many serious health hazards associated with smoking.


qíng lǎng Definition: sunny and cloudless Example: 天气预报说,明天将会是晴朗的好天气。 The weather forecast says that tomorrow will be a sunny and cloudless day.

qù Definition: leave; remove; get ride of; be apart from; go 他几时要去美国? When does he want to go to America?

qún Definition: crowd / flock / group Example: —群马儿在草原上奔跑。 A group of horse is running in the grasslands.

qīn Definition: kiss. 那小男孩亲那小女孩 That little boy kissed the little girl.

qīng Definition: unmixed; clear; distinct; clarified 那里的河水很清 The water in that river is very clear.


qīng kuài Definition: brisk Example: 他的手指在钢琴键盘上轻快地移动。 His fingers are moving briskly on the piano keyboard.


qīng qīng Definition: lightly / gently Example: 小猫轻轻走过来,没有发出声响。 Kitten came gently, without a sound.


qīngshān Definition: green hills 这理有很多青山 There are a lot of green hills in this area.


qǐ chuáng Definition: to get up / to get out of bed Example: 这个勤奋的学生每天天亮以前就起床了。 The diligent student gets up before dawn every day.


qǐ é guǎn Definition: penguin enclosure Example: 我们在企鹅馆看到了很多可爱的企鹅。 We saw many cute penguins at the penguin enclosure.

qǐng Definition: request; ask; invite; engage; <polite> please. 请倒我一杯水 Please pour me a glass/cup of water.


qǐng jià ask for leave


qǐng qiú Definition: request Example: 他在学校打架受罚后,请求校方给他一个改正的机会。 He requested for a chance of changing for good from the school management after he had been punished for fighting in school.


qǔ chū Definition: take out; draw out Example: 我把大部分钱存在银行活期帐上,这样我就可以随意取出一些。 I keep most of the money into the current bank account so that I can draw out any amount at anytime I want to.

ruǎn Definition: soft / flexible Example: 黄油从冰箱中取出会变软。 The butter will soften after it is taken out of the fridge.

ràng Definition: offer / let Example: 让我看看买卖这块土地的所有官方文件。 Let me see all the official documents concerning the sale of this land.


rán hòu Definition: after / then (afterwards) / after that / afterwards Example: 我们把玫瑰丛挖出来,然后种了一些卷心菜。 We dug up the rose bushes and planted some cabbages.


rè qíng Definition: warmly / passionately Example: 大家都非常感谢主人的热情招待。 We are very grateful to the host's warm hospitality.


rèn lǐng Definition: claim Example: 走失的狗如无人认领通常就不让它再生存了。 Stray dogs are usually put to sleep if no one claims them.


rèn shi Definition: be acquainted with (a person); to know; to be familiar with; to recognize Example: 我介绍他们认识,他们一见面就合得来。 I introduced them to each other and they hit it off straight away.


rèn zhēn Definition: earnest / serious / take seriously / take to heart Example: 老师要大家认真学习,做功课不能随便。 The teacher wants everyone to take their studies seriously and not to do their homework casually.


rèncuò admit


rènhé any; whichever; whatever

rén Definition: human being; man; person; people; adult; grown-up. 这里有很多人 There is a lot of people here.


rén men Definition: people Example: 人们应经常洗澡以保证个人卫生。 People should wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene.


rén mín Definition: (the) people Example: 法律是为保卫人民的权利和财产而制定的。 Laws are constituted to protect individual rights and properties.


rì lì Definition: calendar Example: 我用日历来数一数离我的生日还有多少天。 I used the calendar to count how many days it was until my birthday.


rìlì Definition: Calendar 我买了一个新的日历 I just bought a new calendar

ròu Definition: meat Example: 我最喜欢喝妈妈煮的肉汤。 I like to drink the broth cooked by my mum.


ròu gān Definition: barbecued meat slice Example: 我最喜欢吃肉干。 I love barbecued meat slice the most.


ròu tāng Definition: meat soup Example: 弟弟最喜欢喝肉汤。 Brother love to drink meat soup.


róng yì Definition: easy / likely / liable (to) Example: 这个问题非常简单,容易解决。 This problem is very simple, it is easy to solve.


rù kǒu chù Definition: entrance Example: 警方在广场的入口处设置了路障。 The police barricaded off the entrance of the plaza.


rù mí Definition: fascinated; enchanted Example: 比赛过后,入迷的观众成群结队在街上乱转。 Groups of fascinated fans were milling about in the streets after the match.


rú guŏ Definition: if / in case Example: 如果你对我有什么意见,请尽管提议吧。 If you have any advice for me, please feel free to propose it.


rěn bu zhù Definition: unable to bear/hold back Example: 得知他痛苦的遭遇后,我忍不住同情他。 After learning of his sufferings, I couldn't help sympathizing him.

rǎn Definition: stain; dye Example: 哥哥把头发染成金黄色,看起来很奇怪。 Brother dyed his hair to blond colour and it looks very strange.


shuì zháo Definition: fell asleep Example: 我躺下来,一会儿就睡着了。 I lie down and fell asleep not long after.


shuāng shǒu Definition: both hands Example: 他悲伤地绞紧双手。 He wrung both of his hands in sorrow.

shuō Definition: speak; talk; say 他说话很快. He speaks very fast.


shuō xiào Definition: joke Example: 他对任何人都很拘谨,从不跟人说笑。 He is very formal with everyone and he never joke around with anyone.


shuǐ chí Definition: pond Example: 公园里的水池养着各种各样的鱼。 The pond in the park reared a variety of fish.


shuǐ fèn Definition: moisture content Example: 植物从大气中吸取水分。 The plants absorb in moisture from the atmosphere.


shuǐ gōu Definition: drain Example: 几个小朋友在路旁的水沟捉鱼。 A few kids is catching fish in the roadside drain.


shuǐ píng Definition: water bottle Example: 她从热水瓶倒出热水。 She poured hot water from the thermos.


shuǐguǒ Definition: fruit. 那些水果很新鲜. Those fruits are very fresh


shuǐmiàn Definition: water surface 水面上很平静 The water surface is very calm.


shài gān Definition: dry up Example: 妈妈把晒干的衣服收回来。 Mom keeps the clothes that had been dried up.


shàng bān Definition: go to work Example: 妈妈每天都准时去上班,从不迟到。 Mum goes to work punctually everyday and was never late.


shàng kè Definition: attend class Example: 老师要同学们打开课本,准备上课。 Teacher wanted the students to open up their text book, and get ready for class.


shàng lái Definition: come up Example: 升旗礼开始了,国旗慢慢升上来了。 Flag-raising ceremony began, the national flag rose up slowly.


shàng lóu Definition: go upstairs Example: 这个楼梯很陡,你上楼要小心。 The stairs are steep, you need to be careful when go upstairs.


shàng tái Definition: be on stage Example: 他经常作为独奏者上台演出。 He often appears as a soloist on the stage.


shàng wǔ morning


shàng yī Definition: shirt; jacket; coat; upper outer garment Example: 妈妈挑好了上衣准备出门穿。 My mum have chosen a coat to wear for going out.


shàngkè Definition: attend class; go to class; conduct a class; give a lesson; give a lecture. 我现在要去上课 I have to get to class now


shèhuì society

shèng surplus; remnant; leave (over)


shènglì victory; triumph

shé Definition: snake Example: 蛇卷曲在深草中。 The snake curled up in the long grass.


shé tóu Definition: tongue Example: 舌头是发声器官之一。 The tongue is one of the vocals.

shéi Definition: who 谁得到地一名? Who won first prize?


shén dēng Definition: magic lamp Example: 童话中的神灯可以帮助人们实现愿望。 The magic lamp in the fairytale help people to make wishes come true.


shén qì Definition: expression / manner / spirited / vigorous Example: 我们从他脸上的神气就能看出他多么兴奋。 We could see how excited he was by the expression on his face.


shén tóng Definition: child prodigy Example: 一个一岁的孩子能阅读,会被认为是个神童。 A child who could read at the age of one would indeed be a phenomenon.


shénme Definition: what. 发生了什么事? What just happened?

shì Definition: is, correct; right; yes 他是不是要去? Is he going or not?

shì Definition: try Example: 那个小贩试图卖给我一些小东西。 The peddler tried to sell me some small articles.


shì jiè Definition: world Example: 我家墙壁上挂了一幅世界地图。 My home's wall hung a map of the world.

shí Definition: Ten 我们都有十只手指 We all have ten fingers.

shí Definition: o'clock / time / when / hour / season / period Example: 医生说生病时要多喝水。 The doctor said that we should drink plenty of water when we are sick.

shí Definition: food Example: 夜深了,猫头鹰开始出外觅食了。 It's late night, the owl is starting to hunt for food.

shí Definition: pick Example: 我们在沙滩上拾了很多贝壳。 We picked up a lot of seashells on the beach.


shí fēn Definition: fully / completely / very Example: 他们俩虽非双胞胎,却十分相像。 They're not twins, but they're very like.


shí hou Definition: time / length of time / moment / period Example: 他在面对危险的时候表现出非凡的勇气。 He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.


shí wù Definition: food Example: 运动和营养好的食物对孩子的正常发育十分重要。 Exercise and good food are important to the proper growth of a child.


shíjiàn live up to; carry out; practice


shù gàn Definition: (n) tree trunk Example: 暴风雨把树枝从树干上刮了下来。 The storm has split the branch off from the main tree trunk.


shù xìa Definition: under a tree Example: 我们在树下看到一只受伤的小鸟。 We saw an injured bird under a tree.


shù zhī Definition: branches Example: 那支麻雀飞落在附近的树枝上。 The sparrow landed on a nearby branch.


shùlín Definition: woods; grove. 他门在树林不见了 They are lost in the woods.


shùyè Definition: tree leaves. 地下有多树叶 The ground has a lot of tree leaves.


shā sǐ Definition: kill Example: 他用左轮手枪把那个人杀死了。 He killed the man with a revolver.


shā tān Definition: beach Example: 老师要我们清理沙滩上的垃圾。 Teacher asked us to clean up the garbage on the beach.

shāng Definition: injure / injury / wound Example: 由于腿受伤卧床,因此他没能参加这次会议。 He was laid up with a broken leg, thus he couldn't attend the meeting.


shāng diàn Definition: store / shop Example: 这家商店因公平交易而获好名声。 This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.


shāng hài Definition: injure / harm Example: 摩托车手必须戴头盔保护自己免受伤害。 Motorcyclists must wear helmets to shield them from injury.


shāng liàng Definition: discuss; consult Example: 他事先没有和她商量便作好旅行安排,她对他自作主张很生气。 She was infuriated by his presumption in making the travel arrangements without first discussing with her.


shātān beach

shēn Definition: deep; profound Example: 这些宏伟的宫殿给外宾们留下了深刻的印象。 These magnificent palaces impressed the foreigners deeply.


shēn chū Definition: stretch out / stick out / reach out Example: 那条小狗伸出舌头,不停地流汗。 The puppy sticks out its tongue and is sweating profusely.


shēn gāo Definition: height Example: 他身高和体重都增加了。 He has grown both in height and weight.


shēnchū Definition: extend; extrude 他把手伸出去 He extended his hand out.


shēng qì Definition: angry Example: 他当时很可能知道事情的真相,否则他不会这么生气。 He may have known the truth; otherwise he wouldn't be so angry now.


shēng zhǎng Definition: grow Example: 土壤中的养分能促进植物生长。 The nutrient in the soil acts as a stimulus to growth/to make the plants grow.


shēngcí new word


shēngyīn Definition: sound; voice. 请把电视的声音方底一点. Please lower the sound of the television set.

shěng province

shī Definition: lion Example: 那雄狮往高处的石头上一坐,显得那样威风凛凛。 That male lion sitting on a stone uphill, looking so majestic.


shī Definition: moist / wet Example: 外面下大雨,弟弟全身都被淋湿了。 My brother have been wet from head to toe due to the heavy rain outside.


shī lín lín Definition: dripping wet Example: 她的头发湿淋淋的,一串串的水珠还贴着脸儿往下滴。 Drops of water can be seen streaming down her face as her hair is dripping wet.


shī wàng Definition: be disappointed / to lose hope / to despair Example: 我的学习一直没有进步,让爸爸感到很失望。 My learning has no progress, which made my father very disappointed.


shī wù Definition: lost item/property Example: 我把伞丢了,后来在失物招领处认领回来了。 I lost my umbrella, but was later claimed back from the lost property office.


shīfu master worker; master; teacher


shīzi Definition: Lion 那狮子很大 That is one big lion

shōu Definition: harvest / to receive / to keep Example: 今天是我的生日,我收到很多礼物。 Today is my birthday, I received many gifts.


shōu dào Definition: to receive Example: 妈妈收到我们送她的礼物后, 十分高兴。 Mom is very elated after receiving the present that we gave her.

shū Definition: write; style of calligraphy; script; book; letter; document. 那本书很重 That is a heavy book

shū Definition: to lose Example: 这是公平竟争,你输了,就必须甘愿服输。 This is fair competition, so you must be willing to admit defeat when you lose.


shū bāo Schoolbag ~她背着 书包去上学 she carries her shcoolbag to shcool


shū shu Definition: uncle (father's younger brother) Example: 我的叔叔是一名见义勇为的警察。 My uncle is a courageous policeman.


shūbāo Definition: satchel; schoolbag. 我的书包今天很重 My schoolbag is very heavy today.


shūběn Definition: book. 他们有很多书本 They have a lot of books.


shǎn diàn Definition: lightning Example: 暴雨中出现了好多次闪电。 There were many flashes of lightning during the storm.


shǐ yòng Definition: to use / to employ / to apply / to make use of Example: 这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。 Flash lights are not allowed to be used in this museum.


shǒu dū Definition: capital (city) Example: 军队占领了敌国首都。 The army occupied the enemy's capital.


shǒu yǐng Definition: shadow-playing / hand shadow Example: 在停电的时候,我和哥哥都会用手电筒一起玩手影。 During blackout, my brother and I would play with hand shadow using torchlight.

shǔ count; be reckoned as

suì Definition: years of age Example: 你应该原谅他的健忘症,毕竟他已经七十多岁了。 You should forgive him for his forgetfulness; after all, he is over seventy years old.


suí zhe Definition: along with / in the wake of / following Example: 我们随着导游参观了城堡。 We went on a guided tour round the castle.

suān sour; sick at heart; tingle; acid


suǒ yǒu Definition: all / to have / to possess / to own Example: 这里所有的树都已锯成原木。 All the trees here have been sawn up into logs.


sàn bù Definition: stroll Example: 我们全家人经常在晚饭后去河边散步。 Our family often take a stroll along the river after dinner.

sì Definition: Four 桌子上有碍四粒苹果 There are four apples on the table


sù liào Definition: plastics Example: 这辆新汽车的车身没用多少金属材料,大部分是塑料的。 There isn't much metal in the bodywork of this new car; it's mainly plastic.


sùshè hostel; living quarters; dormitorysùshè hostel


sān wǔ chéng qún Definition: in small groups Example: 人们三五成群地挤在一起避雨. People huddled together in small groups to take shelter from the rain.


sānlúnchē Definition: tricycle; pedicab 那辆三轮车很新 That tricycle is brand new.


sēn lín Definition: jungle; forest Example: 这些大森林的毁坏会带来生态上的严重后果。 The destruction of these big forests could have serious ecological consequences.


sǎodì Definition: sweep the floor 他每天都扫地. He sweeps the floor everyday.

sǐ Definition: die Example: 那只猫被卡车碾死了。 The cat got run over by the lorry and squashed to death.


tiàowǔ Definition: dance 他在学跳舞 He is learning to dance.

tián Definition: field Example: 田里到处都是施肥,充满了臭味。 The fields are filled with fertilizer's smell.

tián 那些水果不够甜 Those fruits are not sweet enough.

tiáo Definition: adjust Example: 水压可能需要调整。 The water pressure may need adjusting.


tiáojiàn condition; qualification; requirement


tiān shén Definition: god / deity Example: 在某种程度上,他有国王的权力,或者说在某种意义上,他有天神的威力。 In a way, he had the power of a king, or in a sense, of a god.


tiānshàng Definition: in the sky 天上有很多白云 There are a lot of white clouds in the sky.


tiāntiān Definition: every day; daily 我天天会去跑步 I go jogging everyday


tiěmén Definition: iron gate; grille 那个铁门很重 That iron gate is very heavy


tuī dǎo Definition: push down Example: 大家一起用力, 一下子就把门给推倒了。 Everybody uses their force together to push down the door in a short time.

tuō Definition: take off Example: 因为天气太热了,所以哥哥到了家就把上衣脱掉。 My brother took off his shirt the moment he reached home as the weather is too hot.

tuǐ Definition: leg Example: 他的双臂和双腿严重受伤。 He suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.


tài jí Definition: tai chi Example: 河边聚集着一群打太极拳的老人。 A group of elderly was doing tai chi along the riverside.


tàidu manner; bearing; attitude


tàiyáng Definition: the sun; sunshine; sunlight. 今天的太阳很热 Today's sun is very hot.

tàn Definition: sigh Example: 他发出一声绝望的叹息,转身走开了。 With a hopeless and despair sigh, he turned away.


tàn xiǎn Definition: explore Example: 哥哥约了几个朋友去森林里探险。 Brother and a few friends went for an adventure to the forest to explore.

tàng Definition: to scald / to burn / to iron / hot Example: 这碗粥太烫了,让它寒意一下才吃。 This bowl of porridge too hot, let it chill for a while before eating.


tái tóu Definition: look up Example: 我站在窗前抬头看天上的月亮。 I stood at the window and look up to see the moon in the sky.


tán tiān Definition: chat Example: 我们一家人坐在院子里谈天。 Our family sit in the courtyards to chat.


táng guǒ Definition: candy Example: 大多数孩子都喜欢吃糖果,但也有一些例外。 Most children like sweets, but there are some exceptions.


tángguǒ Definition: sweets; candy. 他们喜欢吃糖果 They love to eat candy.


táo mìng Definition: flee for life; to escape Example: 当火山爆发时,村民们赶紧逃命。 As the volcano erupted, the villagers fled for lives.


táo pǎo Definition: escape / flee / run away Example: 看到被人发现,坏人赶紧飞快地逃跑了。 The bad guys quickly ran away when they are being found.


táo zǒu Definition: run away / escape / flee Example: 强盗们在警察到来之前逃走了。 The robbers escaped before the police arrived.


tè bié Definition: especially; special; particular; unusual Example: 向导要我们特别留神,因为附近有响尾蛇。 The guide told us to be especially aware of the surroundings because there are rattlesnakes around.

tí Definition: to carry / to lift / to put forward / (upwards character stroke) / lifting (brush stroke in painting) / to mention Example: 我们提了一篮子水果去养老院看望老人。 We carry a basket of fruit to the nursing home to visit elderly.


tí xǐng Definition: remind / call attention to / warn of Example: 母亲不得不反复提醒我打扫寝室。 Mother had to keep reminding me to clean her bedroom.


tí yì Definition: proposal / suggestion / to propose / to suggest Example: 虽然他们基本上同意了那项提议,但我们仍须商定条件。 Though they have agreed to the proposal in principle, we still have to negotiate the terms.

tòng Definition: pain, ache / sadness, sorrow / extremely, deeply, bitterly Example: 我的喉咙很痛,完全吃不下东西。 My throat hurts thus I'm unable to eat anything.


tóng yì Definition: to agree / to consent / to approve Example: 妈妈同意让我学习音乐,并买了一把小提琴给我作为鼓励。 Mom agreed to allow me study music, and even bought a violin as an encouragement for me.


tóngxué Definition: be in the same school; be a schoolmate of sb.; fellow student; schoolmate; a form of address used in speaking to a student. 他是我的同学 He is my schoolmate.


tóngzhì comrade

tóu Definition: head; hair or hair style; top; end; beginning or end; remnant; end; chief; side; aspect; first; leading; previous; last; <dialect> before; prior to. 那只猫的头很小 That cat's head is very small.

tóu Definition: head / quantifier (elephants) Example: 奶奶摸着我的头,说我发烧了。 Grandma touched my head and said I had a fever.


túhuà Definition: drawing; picture; painting. 那些图画很旧

tā Definition: He 他要去那里? Where does he want to go?

tā Definition: it 它跑的很快 It can run very fast

tāng Definition: soup Example: 这汤太烫了,凉一凉才喝。 This soup is too hot, need to let cool down before drinking.


tī zú qiú Definition: play soccer / play football Example: 弟弟觉得跑步很沉闷,他更喜欢踢足球。 Brother thinks that running is boring, he likes to play football more.

tīng Definition: listen; hear 他在听老师说话 He is listening to the teacher talking.


tīng jiǎng Definition: attend a lecture / listen to a talk Example: 上课的时候,我们要专心听讲。 We have to pay attention in class.


tīng xiě Definition: dictate; dictation Example: 法语教师每隔一周给这班学生做一次听写。 The French teacher gives the class a dictation every alternate week.


tīngjiàn Definition: hear. 你能听见我吗? Can you hear me?


tōng zhī Definition: notify; inform; notice; notification Example: 老师让班长通知我们明天有测验。 Teacher asked the monitor to inform us that we have a class test tomorrow.


tū rán Definition: suddenly / abruptly / unexpectedly Example: 阿姨总是能镇定地面对突然发生的事情。 Aunt is always able to face the unexpected situation calmly.


tūrán suddenly

tǎng Definition: to recline / to lie down Example: 沙滩上有不少人躺着在晒太阳。 There are many people lying on the beach to have sun tanning.

tǐng straighten up; stick out; very; rather


wài gōng Definition: grandfather (maternal) Example: 他的外公去年去世了。 His grandpa passed away last year.


wài pó Definition: grandmother (maternal) Example: 你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。 It's very kind of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.


wàn shòu zhī wáng Definition: king of the beasts Example: 虎和狮子到底谁是万兽之王? Lion and tiger, who is the king of the beasts?

wàng Definition: hope / expect / to visit / to gaze (into the distance) / look towards / towards Example: 我向外面望去,窗外正下着雨。 I gazed out from the window and it is raining outside.


wàng jì Definition: forget Example: 他忘记锁门,结果家里好多东西被人偷走了。 He forgot to lock the door, as a result a lot of things at home had been stolen.


wá wa Definition: baby; doll Example: 那孩子紧抱着她的洋娃娃。 The child was hugging her doll.

wán Definition: to finish / to be over / whole / complete / entire Example: 我马上就要做完作业了。 I'm about to finish my project.


wán jù diàn Definition: toy store / toy shop Example: 玩具店就是幼儿的乐园。 The toy shop is a fairyland for young children.


wán pí Definition: playful Example: 小猫顽皮地轻轻咬了我一下。 The little cat playfully gave me a bite.


wán shuǎ Definition: play Example: 你可以看到小孩在河对岸玩耍。 You can see children playing on the other side of the river.


wáng wèi Definition: throne Example: 查尔斯王子是王位的合法继承人。 Prince Charles is the legal heir of the crown.


wánghòu Definition: queen consort; queen. 我们的王后很漂亮 Our Queen is very beautiful.


wánshuǎ play


wányóuxì Definition: recreation; game; play. 他们喜欢玩游戏 They love to play games.

wèi Definition: quantifier (people) Example: 一位老伯伯在公园里散步时不小心摔倒了。 An old man accidentally fell down while taking a stroll in the park.

wèi Definition: feed Example: 那儿有很多喂牛的饲料。 There is much forage for the cattle.


wèi shén me Definition: why / for what reason Example: 为什么这几天这么冷? Why is it so cold this few days?


wèidao Definition: taste; flavor Example: 这汤里有鸡肉的味道。 This soup tastes of chicken.


wèishénme Definition: why; why (or how) is it that. 为什么你今天迟到 Why are you late today?

wèn Definition: ask; inquire; ask after; inquire after; interrogate; examine. 他们问老师很多问题 They asked the teacher a lot of questions.


wèn hǎo Definition: greet / say hello to / send one's regards to Example: 弟弟一看到长辈,就会向他们问好。 Brother will greet the elders whenever he sees them.

wén Definition: to hear / sniff at / to smell Example: 公园里的景色优美, 你吸口气就能闻到花香。 The environment in the park is beautiful, you can can smell the flowers scent by taking in a breath.


wénjù Definition: writing material; stationery. 今天我望了带我的文具 I forgot my stationery set today.


wényì literature and art

wò Definition: shake hands; to hold; to grasp Example: 母亲无意中握住了椅子。 My mom took hold of the chair without her noticing.

wān Definition: curve Example: 这个道路有个急转弯拐向右边。 This road curved sharply to the right.


wēn nuǎn Definition: warm Example: 这种花在温暖的气候中长得茂盛。 This species of flower flourishes in a warm climate.


wěiba Definition: tail; tail-like part 那只猫的尾巴很长 That cat's tail is very long.


wěidà great; mighty


wū dǐnɡ Definition: roof Example: 四根大柱子支撑着这座建筑物的沉重屋顶。 Four large columns upheld the building's heavy roof.


wū yún Definition: black clouds Example: 乌云密布,大雨就要来临。 Dark clouds were gathering in the sky, heavy rain would come soon.


wǎn shang Definition: evening / night Example: 老人前一天晚上停止了呼吸。 The old man ceased breathing the night before.

wǎng Definition: towards Example: 妈妈正在往巴刹的方向走去。 Mom is walking towards the direction of wet market.

wǒ Definition: I , We , Self 我得到第一名 I won the 1st prize


wǒmén Definition: we. 我们很想去 We really feel like going

wǔ Definition: five 我有五块钱 I have five dollars


wǔ cān Definition: lunch Example: 我吃了一个火腿三明治作午餐。 I had a ham sandwich as lunch.


wǔ dào Definition: dance Example: 舞蹈者多彩多姿的旋转令人赏心悦目。 The many different style of whirl danced by the dancer is beautiful to watch.


wǔ lóng Definition: dragon dance Example: 哥哥正在跟着王师傅学习舞龙。 Brother is learning the dragon dance from the master.


wǔ shī Definition: lion dance Example: 这支队伍的舞狮表演十分精彩。 The performance from this lion dance team is very exciting.

xià Definition: to frighten / to scare / to intimidate / to threaten Example: 突然的狗叫声吓了他一跳。 The sudden barking scared him.


xià biān Definition: below; under Example: 茶杯下边压着一封信。 There is a letter below the cup.


xià chén Definition: sink Example: 轮船正在下沉,船长向海岸巡逻队发出闪光信号求救。 The captain of the sinking ship used flares to attract the attention of the coastguard.


xià huài Definition: badly frightened; scared Example: 猫飞快地冲出我房间,一定是什么东西把它吓坏了。 The cat darted out of my room like lightning; something must have frightened it badly.


xià lóu Definition: go downstairs Example: 哥哥反应很快,听到求救声就立刻冲下楼。 Brother has a quick respond, he rushed downstairs when he heard the cry for help.


xià tiān Definition: summer Example: 这种花只在夏天开放,秋天就死了。 This kind of flowers only blossom in summer, and they will die during autumn.


xià wǔ afternoon


xià xuě Definition: snowing Example: 我们喜欢在下雪天滑雪。 We love skiing when it's snowing.


xiàn Definition: line Example: 妈妈一直吩咐弟弟不能站超过地铁黄线,否则会很危险。 Mom has always told my brother not to stand over the subway yellow line, otherwise it will be dangerous.


xiàndài modern times; the contemporary age

xiàng Definition: (look) like / similar (to) / appearance / to appear / to seem / image / portrait / resemble / seem Example: 他的校服十分洁自,看起来像新的一样。 His school uniform is very clean, it looks like a brand new one.

xiàng Definition: from / direction / part / side / towards / to / guide / opposite to Example: 我向窗外望了望,没有发现一个人。 I looked out from the window and found no one.


xiàng pí Definition: rubber / eraser Example: 我的同学借了我的橡皮忘了还。 My classmate borrowed my eraser and forgot to return it.


xiàng qí Definition: Chinese chess Example: 象棋是他最喜欢的娱乐活动。 Chess is his favorite hobby.

xiào Definition: smile; laugh 他们看了那部戏一积笑不停 They laughed non stop after watching that movie.

xiào laugh; smile ~她笑说每次有一个魔术表演 she laughs everytime there is a magic show


xiào róng Definition: grin / smile / smiling expression Example: 我知道她是在开玩笑,因为她脸上堆满笑容。 I knew she was joking because she had a big grin on her face.


xiàqí Definition: chess 我喜欢下棋 I like to play chess.


xiàwǔ Definition: afternoon. 我们下午才上学 We go to school only in the afternoon.

xióng Definition: bear Example: 我在商店里逛了很久,最后买下了一只玩具熊。 I've patronized the shop for quite a long time and finally bought the toy bear.


xiā miàn Definition: prawn noodles Example: 虾面的主料是虾和面。 The main ingredients of prawn noodles is prawn and noodle.

xiān Definition: first Example: 妈妈让我先洗手后才吃饭。 Mom wants me to wash my hand first before having my meals.


xiān nǚ Definition: fairy Example: 孩子们很羡慕故事中生活在仙境里的仙女们。 Children admire the fairies that live in the fairytale.

xiāng Definition: fragrant; sweet-smelling 那些花朵很香 Those flowers are very sweet smelling.


xiāng jiāo pí Definition: banana peel Example: 由于踩到香蕉皮,爷爷不小心摔倒了。 Grandpa fell down because he stepped on a banana peel.


xiāng xìn Definition: be convinced (that something is true); believe; to accept sth. as true Example: 我相信他总有一天会现出原形的。 I believe that he will show his true colors someday.

xiě Definition: blood Example: 他受伤了,流了好多血,需要马上就医。 He needs immediate medical attention, as he is bleeding profusely.

xiě to write ~我在家里写在我的书 I am writing in my book at home


xiězì Definition: Write; lettering. 他们喜欢写字 They love to write


xiōng dì Definition: elder brother / courteous form of address between men Example: 这两兄弟经常吵架;一个很固执,另一个则很自私。 The two brothers often quarrel with each other; one is stubborn, and the other is selfish.


xiōng è Definition: (adj) fierce; frightening; ferocious Example: 这孩子害怕那条外表凶恶的狗。 The child was scared of the fierce looking dog.


xiū xi Definition: rest / to rest Example: 妈妈生病了,需要好好休息。 Mother is ill and she need a good rest.

xiǎng Definition: ring Example: 上课的铃声响了,同学们都走进教室。 The students enter the classroom when the class bell rang.

xiǎng Definition: think; suppose; reckon; consider; want to; would like to; feel like it 他们想去吗?


xiǎo dǎo Definition: small island Example: 这个小岛只能坐小船去。 This small island is accessible only by boat.


xiǎo féi zhū Definition: fat piglet Example: 爷爷家的大母猪刚刚生了六只小肥猪。 The sow in Grandpa's house just gave birth to a large family of six little fat piglet.


xiǎo hóu Definition: young monkey Example: 小猴子看见很多游人,立刻爬上大树躲了起来。 The young monkey immediately climb up the big tree and hide itself when it saw many tourists.


xiǎo tù Definition: little rabbit Example: 我家里养了一只可爱的小兔。 I kept a lovely rabbit at home.


xiǎogǒu Definition: puppy 那只小狗很可爱 That puppy is very cute.


xiǎomāo Definition: kitten 那只小猫很可爱 That kitten is very cute




xiǎoniǎo Definition: Young bird, Small bird 树上有很多只小鸟 There are a lot of small birds on that tree.


xiǎoxīn Definition: be careful 过马路是要小心 Please be careful when crossing the road.


xiǎoyáng Definition: lamb 那群小羊很可爱 That herd of lambs is very cute.

xué Definition: study; learn; imitate; mimic; learning; knowledge; subject of study; branch of learning; school; college. 我今天要上学 I need to get to school today.


xué xí Definition: to learn / to study Example: 我们都明白学习的重要性。 We all understand the importance of learning.


xué yè jìn bù Definition: excel in studies Example: 我祝出国深造的表哥学业进步。 I wish my cousin who is studying abroad to excel in studies.


xuéhuàwén Definition: learn Chinese 那些美国人在学华文 Those Americans are learning Chinese


xuéxiào Definition: school; educational institution. 我的学校很近 My school is very near my home.


xuě bái Definition: snowy white Example: 大象长着一对雪白的象牙。 Elephants have a pair of snowy white elephant ivory.


xuě huā Definition: snowflake Example: 雪花在空中飘着,洁自又美丽。 Snowflakes is floating in the sky, they are clean and beautiful.

xuǎn Definition: to choose / to pick / to select / to elect Example: 你必须在四个选项中选出一个正确的答案。 You have to choose a correct answer from the four options given.


xìn xiāng Definition: mailbox Example: 他在信上贴好邮票,封好信口,然后把信投入信箱。 He stamped the letter, sealed it off and then, put it into the mail box.


xíguàn be used to; usual practice; habit


xíng rén Definition: pedestrian Example: 今天是周末,路上的行人和车辆特别多。 Today is the weekend, many pedestrians and cars can be seen on the road.


xī guǎn Definition: drinking straw Example: 她正在用吸管喝果汁。 She was drinking juice through a straw.


xī shōu Definition: absorb / assimilate Example: 有些食物比另一些食物容易吸收。 Some foods can be assimilate more easily than others.


xī wàng Definition: to wish for / to desire / to hope Example: 我长大后希望成为一名医生。 I hope to become a doctor when I grew up.

xīn Definition: the heart; heart; mind; feeling; intention; center; core. 他是一个好心的人 He is a kind hearted person.


xīn huái to harbor (thoughts) to cherish to entertain (illusions)


xīn nián Definition: New Year Example: 新年到了,年货市场十分热闹。 New Year is around the corner, the New Year stocks market is very lively.


xīn téng Definition: feel sorry (for somebody) / heart pain Example: 看到叔叔病得那么严重,我们都很心疼。 We feel very sorry for our seriously ill uncle.


xīn xiān Definition: fresh Example: 她爱吃新鲜凝乳制的奶酪。 She prefers fresh curd cheese.


xīn yī Definition: new clothes Example: 姐姐穿上了漂壳的新衣。 Sister put on her pretty new clothes.

xīng Definition: star 天上有很多星星 There are a lot of stars in the sky.


xīng fèn Definition: excited Example: 得知他即将被派往国外学习,他非常兴奋。 Knowing that he would be sent to study abroad, he was overjoyed.


xīng qī Definition: week Example: 下星期这个博物馆将举办一个青铜雕塑作品展览。 There will be a display of bronze statuary in this museum next week.


xīng qī tiān Definition: Sunday Example: 爸爸每个星期天都会带我们一家人去野餐。 Dad would take us out for a family picnic every Sunday.


xīnjiāpō Definition: Singapore 新家坡是一个小国 Singapore is a small country.


xū yào Definition: to need; to want; to demand; needs; to require Example: 病人情况危急,因而需要手术。 The patient's condition was critical, thus she needed an operation.


xǐhuān Definition: like; love 他们喜欢看戏 They love watching movies.


xǐng lái Definition: wake up Example: 我醒来时已是白天。 When I woke up, it was already daylight.


xǐshǒu Definition: Wash hands 吃饭前要洗手 Please wash your hands before a meal.


xǔ duō Definition: many / a lot of / much Example: 这家博物馆收藏了许多艺术珍品。 This museum has many art treasures.


yuàn wàng Definition: wish; desire Example: 他想当演员的愿望实现了。 His wish to be an actor has come true.


yuàn zi Definition: courtyard Example: 我们在院子里种了一些榆树。 We planted some elms in the courtyard.

yuán Definition: round; circular; spherical 那个蛋糕很圆 That cake is very round.


yuán quān Definition: circle Example: 地图上标明了一系列的彩色圆圈。 The map had a series of colored circles dotted over it.,

yuè Definition: the moon; month; full-moon shaped; round. 今晚的月亮很圆 Tonight's moon is very round

yuè Definition: the more Example: 他越跑越快,我们都赶不上他了。 The more he run faster, the more we are unable to catch up with him.


yuè bǐng Definition: mooncakes Example: 这块月饼圆圆的,像一个月亮。 This piece of mooncake is as round as the moon.


yuè lái yuè Definition: more and more Example: 爷爷年纪大了,身体处境越来越差。 Grandpa's physical situation is getting more and more worse as he gets older.


yuèliang Definition: the moon. 今晚的月亮很圆 Tonight's moon is very round.


yuèér Definition: moon 今天的月儿很长大 Today's moon is very big.


yuǎn chù Definition: far away / afar Example: 他们从远处赶来参观这个展览会。 They came from afar to see the exhibition.

yào Definition: important; essential; want; ask for; wish; desire; ask (or want) sb. to do sth.; want to; wish to; must; should; it is necessary (or imperative, essential); shall; will; be going to; need; take; <conj.> if; suppose; in case. 他们要不要去? Do they want to go?

yào Definition: medicine Example: 他的药可以注射或口服。 His medicine is a drug that can be injected or consumed.


yán rè Definition: burning hot / scorching / blazing Example: 他很快使自己适应了这个国家炎热的天气。 He adjusted himself very quickly to adapt to the scotching weather of the country.


yáng guāng Definition: sunlight / sunshine Example: 露珠在阳光下闪闪发光。 Dewdrops shine brightly in the sunshine.


yánjiū study; research; consider; discuss


yáo bǎi Definition: sway; waver; swing Example: 大树在风雨中摇摆。 The tree was swaying in the storm.


yè míng zhū Definition: (legendary) luminous pearl Example: 传说中的夜明珠是一种非常珍贵的宝物。 Legendary luminous pearl is a very precious treasure.


yì bǎ sǎn Definition: an umbrella Example: 外面下着倾盆大雨,我给你一把伞遮雨吧。 It'是pouring outside, I'll give you an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain.


yì hàng Definition: one row; one line Example: 这些羊被赶在一起,排成歪歪扭扭的一行。 The sheep were herded in a jagged line.


yì si Definition: idea / opinion / meaning Example: 虽然他的话没说完,但大家都懂得他的意思。 Even though he did not finish his words, everyone get his meaning.


yì zhí Definition: all the while / continuously / always / from the beginning of ... up to ... / all along Example: 自从他离开新加坡后,一直没有回来。 Since his departure from Singapore, he has not been coming back all this while.


yì zǎo Definition: early in the morning Example: 为了方便开始工作,哥哥一早就起床了。 To facilitate the start of work, my brother got up early in the morning.


yìyì meaning; sense; significance


yí chuàn chuàn Definition: a string of (laughter) Example: 生活是一串串的快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。 Life is a string of happiness, not only about survival.


yí dòng Definition: to move / to shift Example: 我们移动了一下桌椅后,发现教室整齐多了。 We found that the classroom is much more neater after we had shifted the tables and chairs.


yí huìr Definition: a moment / a little while Example: 他觉得累了,就坐下来休息一会儿。 He felt tired and sat down to rest for a little while.


yí xià zi Definition: in a short while / all at once / all of a sudden Example: 他很聪明,一下子就想出了个好办法。 He is very smart, he could come up with a good idea in a short while.

yíng Definition: to beat / to win / to profit Example: 由于他的参与,我们赢了比赛。 We win the game because of his participation.


yínháng bank

yòng Definition: use 他还在用电脑 He is still using the computer


yòng lì Definition: forcefully / exert oneself (physically) / put forth one's strength Example: 姐姐拾起一块石头,用力扔向河里。 Sister picked up a stone and throw it into the river forcefully.


yòng xīn Definition: put in effort / motive / intention / diligently / attentively Example: 爸爸做工很用心。 Dad works diligently.


yòngjù\cānjù tableware

yòu Definition: again; also 他们又迟到了 They are late again.

yòu Definition: the right side 他用右手写字. He writes with his right hand.

yóu Definition: swim 他在学游泳 He is learning how to swim.


yóu chāi Definition: postman Example: 她正留意着等邮差送信来。 She was waiting for the postman to deliver her letter.


yóu piào Definition: (postage) stamp Example: 信件贴够了邮票就可以寄予航空。 Letters with enough stamps can go by air.


yóu wán Definition: sightseeing / play Example: 这个假期我们一家人一起出国游玩, 我们高兴极了。 This holiday our family is travelling abroad together to play, we are very delighted.


yóu xì chǎng Definition: playground Example: 几个小朋友在游戏场里溜滑梯,玩得很高兴。 A few children in the playground playing the slide very happily.


yóu xì game; play


yóu yǒng Definition: swim Example: 她虽然身有残疾,却是个游泳好手。 She swims well despite her disabilities.


yóu zhà Definition: deep-fry Example: 他把一盘油炸土豆条全吃完了。 He ate a whole plate of french fries.


yóujú post office


yóuqí especially; particularly


yóuxì Definition: recreation; game; play. 他们喜欢玩游戏. They love to play games.


yù dào Definition: to meet; to run into; to come across; to face Example: 他遇到困难和阻碍就容易泄气。 He is easily discouraged when he faced difficulties and obstacles.


yù mǐ Definition: corn / maize Example: 玉米是一种重要的粮食作物。 Corn is an important food crop.


yùxí preview; prepare lessons

yú Definition: fish. 那条鱼很大 That fish is very big.


yú kuài Definition: cheerful; cheerily; delightful; pleasant; pleasantly; pleasing; happy; delighted Example: 我们在海边的度假村里度过了一个愉快的假期。 We've spent a delightful holiday at the seaside resort.


yú piàn tāng Definition: fish slice soup Example: 妈妈很喜欢喝鱼片汤。 Mother love to drink fish slice soup.


yú wěi shī Definition: Merlion Example: 鱼尾狮像坐落于市内新加坡河畔,是新加坡的标志和象征。 Merlion is located in the city of the Singapore River, it is the Singapore's sign and symbol.


yúkuài happy; cheerful; joyful; delightful


yúshì Definition: therefore, so Example: 马感觉到了危险,于是停了下来。 The horse sensed danger and stopped.


yāzi Definition: duck. 那只鸭子很小 That duck is very small

yě Definition: <adv.> also; too; as well; either. 他也要去 He also wants to go.

yī Definition : one, single 我有一个苹果 I have an apple


yī diǎn er Definition: a bit / a little Example: 今天天气有一点儿热。 The weather today is a little hot.


yī dìng Definition: definitely / surely / certainly / necessarily / fixed / a certain (extent, etc.) / given / particular Example: 老师相信我一定能考出好成绩。 Teachers believe that I will definitely be able to get good grades.


yī dìng Definition: must / surely / certainly / necessarily / fixed / a certain (extent, etc.) / given / particular Example: 今天我一定要把工作完成。 Today I must get the job done.


yī shēng Definition: doctor Example: 我长大后希望成为一名医生。 I want to be a doctor when I grow up.


yī yuàn Definition: hospital Example: 他因遭蛇咬而被送到医院治疗。 He was taken to the hospital for treatment as he was bitten by a snake.


yī yàng Definition: same / like / equal to / the same as / just like Example: 这个飞机模型做得跟真的一样。 The aircraft model was made just like the real thing.


yī yè Definition: one page Example: 老师让我把报告缩短为一页。 My teacher asked me to shorten the report to one page.


yībiān Definition: at the same time 他一边吃饭一边看电视 He is eating dinner and watching TV at the same time.

yīn cloudy; overcast; sinister


yīn wèi because eg:


yīn yuè Definition: music Example: 一些年青人喜欢流行音乐,但仍有其它人喜欢古典音乐。 Some young people like pop music, while there's still others who like classical music.


yīng gāi Definition: ought to / should / must Example: 我们在危险的时候应该保持冷静。 We should keep our composure in danger.


yīng xióng Definition: hero Example: 这次比赛中真正的英雄是我们的守门员。 The real hero of the match was our goalkeeper.


yīnwei Definition: because; for; on account of. 因为他迟倒所以被老师骂. He was scolded by the teacher for being late


yīqiè all; every; everything


yīqǐ Definition: in the same place; together; in company 我们一起上学 We go to school together


yīshēng Definition: doctor; medical man 我的医生是个别男的 My doctor is a male.


yǎnjing Definition: eye 每个人都一对眼睛 Everyone has a pair of eyes

yǎo Definition: bite / nip Example: 你别靠近这条狗,它会咬人。 Do not get near the dog, it will bite.

yǐ Definition: chair Example: 父亲每晚都坐在同一张椅子上, Father sits in the same chair every evening.


yǐ hòu Definition: after / later / afterwards / following / later on / in the future Example: 我以后要当一名科学家。 I want to be a scientist in the future.


yǐ jīng Definition: already Example: 妈妈已经把晚饭准备好了。 Mom had already prepared the dinner.


yǐng xiǎng Definition: an influence / to influence / to affect (usually adversely) / to disturb / impact Example: 父母的一举一动对孩子都有很大的影响。 Parents' every action has a great impact on their children.


yǒng qì Definition: courage / valor Example: 他在面对危险的时候表现出非凡的勇气。 He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.

yǒu Definition: have; there is; exist. 我有一张戏票 I have only one cinema ticket


yǒu míng Definition: famous / well-known Example: 这是一家有名气的公司。 This is a famous company.


yǒu qù Definition: interesting / fascinating / amusing Example: 老师上课很有趣,课室里不时传来阵阵笑声。 The teacher in the class is very interesting, there's laughter coming from the classroom time to time.


yǒuyì friendship


yǔyán language


yǔyī Definition: Rain Coat 我的雨衣是黄色 My rain coat is Yellow in color


zhēng chǎo Defintion: quarrel Example: 因为意见不合,谈判双方的人争吵起来。 Because of disagreements, the negotiating parties started a quarrel.


zhuǎn shēn Definition: turn around Example: 他一转身,就消失在大街上。 He turned around and disappeared in the streets.

zhuā Definition: to grab / to catch / to arrest / to snatch Example: 敌人抓到他后,他受到可怕的折磨。 He suffered a hideous torment when the enemy caught him.


zhuān xīn Definition: focus / absorption / concentrate / concentrate / concentration / engrossed Example: 姐姐做功课时非常专心。 Sister is very focus when doing homework.

zhuāng Definition: contain Example: 水桶里已经装满了水。 The bucket is already filled with water.

zhuī Definition: pursue (a problem) / to chase Example: 他真大胆,敢独自去追持刀的歹徒。 He is really bold as he dared to chase after the criminal who is holding on to a knife alone.


zhuī shā Definition: chase after and kill Example: 昨晚我做了一个恶梦,梦见被魔鬼追杀。 I had a nightmare last night, dreamed of being chased after and killed by a devil.

zhuō Definition: catch Example: 小偷侵犯入我家,被我们捉住了。 The thief violated into our house and was caught by us.


zhuō nòng Definition: to tease; play tricks on Example: 愚人节那天,许多人都被捉弄了。 Many people have been fooled on April Fools Day.


zhuōzi Definition: table 他把电话放在桌子上. He put his phone on the table.

zhàn Definition: stand Example: 爸爸和他的朋友站在走廊上谈天。 Dad and his friends are standing along the corridor chatting.


zhàn zài Definition: stand at Example: 弟弟站在运动场的入口处,我一眼就望见他。 Brother is standing at the entrance to the stadium, I saw him at a glance.


zhào gu Definition: take (good) care of / show some consideration / to attend to / to look after Example: 她答应在孩子们的妈妈上夜班时照顾这些孩子。 She promised to look after the children when their mother were on the night shift.


zhào zhe Definition: act accordingly; follow Example: 我们得照着地图上的指示,我们才不会迷失。 We have to follow the instructions on the map so that we will not get lost.


zhàoyàng carry on in the same style

zhá Definition: fried Example: 爸爸不让我们吃太多的油炸食品。 Daddy don't allow us to eat too many fried foods.


zháo jí Definition: worry / feel anxious Example: 我们等待着消息,越来越着急。 We waited for the news with a growing sense of anxiety.


zháo liáng Definition: catch a cold Example: 我生怕着凉,多盖了条毯子。 In order not to catch a cold, I put on another blanket.

zhè Definition: this; now 1) 这是什么东西? 2) 我在这理. 1) What is this thing? 2) I'm here now.


zhè lǐ Definition: here Example: 由于公路很平坦,这里的交通十分顺畅。 The road is flat, thus the traffic is very smooth.


zhè xiē Definition: these Example: 这些衣服已经晒干了,可以收起来。 These clothes have been dried, you can keep them.


zhème Definition: so; like this. 他们为什么这么迟 Why are they so late?

zhèn Definition: quantitier (wind) <gust> Example: 清晨出门,一阵冷风迎面吹来,冷得我全身发抖。 Out at dawn, a cold air blowing in the face, it was so cold that my whole body is trembling.


zhèng zài Definition: in the process of (doing something or happening) / while (doing) Example: 附近的时装店正在大拍卖。 The local dress shop is having a sale.


zhèngzhì politics; political affairs; political

zhé Definition: break Example: 大厦上有个被风折断的旗杆。 There is a flagpole broken by wind on the building.


zhí wù Definition: botanical / plant / vegetation Example: 新加坡阳光和雨水充满,植物也长得高大。 Singapore is full of sunshine and rain, therefore plants grow tall.

zhòng Definition: heavy Example: 他力气很大,能轻松地把重物搬上了楼。 He has great strength as it is easy for him to carry the heavy stuffs upstairs.

zhòng Definition: to plant / to cultivate Example: 奶奶种了一棵香蕉树,树上结了一大串香蕉。 Grandma planted a banana tree, the tree node a long list of bananas.


zhòng liàng Definition: weight; load Example: 这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。 The maximum load for this lorry is one ton.


zhòng yào Definition: important / significant / major Example: 对我们每个人来说,健康非常重要。 Health is very important for each and everyone of us.

zhù Definition: stay / to live Example: 住在那个城市的人们能保持公共卫生的清洁。 The people lived in that city can keep sanitation clean.

zhù Definition: to wish (offer good wishes) Example: 我祝爷爷的病早曰康复。 I wish that my grandpa would recover from his illness soon.


zhù yuàn Definition: wish Example: 我祝愿我的好朋友能够早日康复。 I wished that my best friend will recover from her illness soon.


zhú zi Definition: bamboo Example: 这个扶手椅是用竹子做成的。 This armchair is made of bamboo.

zhāo Definition: wave Example: 只要伸手一招,德士就会停下来。 You just have to stretch out your hand and wave, the taxi will then stop for you.


zhāo shǒu Definition: wave one's hand Example: 妈妈在远处向我招手。 Mother waves to me from far.

zhēn Definition: true; real; genuine 那些钱是真的 Those money are real.


zhēn de Definition: really / true Example: 据我所知,这个谣言不是真的。 As far as I know, this rumor is not true.

zhēng Definition: struggle; fight; compete Example: 运动场上,运动员们抢着争第一。 Athletes are competing to be the first in the competition.

zhēng Definition: to open (eye) Example: 猫在黑暗中睁大眼睛。 The cat dilated its eyes in the darkness.


zhī dào Definition: to know Example: 我见过他,知道他叫什么名字。 I've seen him before and I know his name.


zhī shi Definition: intellectual / knowledge-related / knowledge Example: 医学知识的新领域正随着时间向前推进。 The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed forwards as time goes on.


zhōng yú Definition: at last; in the end; finally; eventually Example: 她终于找到了一件合意的连衣裙。 She has finally found a dress of her fancy.


zhōu wéi Definition: surroundings Example: 父母决定买下这间房子的原因是因为这里的周围环境都很好。 One of the reasons that my parents decided to buy over this apartment is because the surroundings environment is very good.

zhū Definition: pig Example: 猪是一种家畜。 A pig is a domestic animal.


zhǎngdà Definition: grow up 那条鱼长大了 That fish has grown up already.


zhǎngwò grasp; master; control; have in handmaster; control; have in hand


zhǎnlǎn put on display; exhibit; show

zhǎo Definition: look for; find 我要找陈先生. I'm looking for Mr. Tan.


zhǎo chū Definition: find out / find somethings Example: 你应该查字典找出这个单词的正确读音。 You should look up the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary.

zhǐ Definition: <adv.> only; merely 我们只有一张戏票 We only have one cinema ticket

zhǐ Definition: to point; to direct; to indicate Example: 警察要见证人指出哪个是劫匪。 Police want the witness to point out who is the robber.


zhǐ tiáo Definition: a small piece of paper Example: 一位办事员把一张纸条放在桌子上。 A clerk puts a piece of paper on the desk.


zhǐ yǒu Definition: only Example: 只有知道如何生活的人们,才会开始认识自己和人生。 Only those who learn how to live can come to know themselves and life.


zhǒngzǐ Definition: seeds 那些种子张的很快 Those seeds grew very fast.

zhǔ Definition: cook Example: 妈妈煮菜特别好吃,每一道菜都十分津津有味。 Mom especially good in cooking, every dish is very delicious.


zhǔ rén Definition: master / host / owner Example: 房子原先的主人搬出去了。 The original owner of the house moved out.


zhǔ yi Definition: plan; idea; decision Example: 起初我不同意他的提议,不过后来我改变了主意。 Initially, I disagree with his proposal, but later I changed my mind.


zhǔn bèi Definition: to prepare Example: 他们为穷人准备了米,面及其它各种食物。 They prepared rice, flour and sundry other items of food for the poor.

zuì Definition: most Example: 我最喜欢秋天,因为十分凉爽。 I like Autumn the most because it is very cooling.


zuìchū first; initial

zuò Definition: quantifier (buildings / mountains) <block> Example: 我们一起去爬那座高山。 Let's climb that mountain.

zuò Definition: to sit Example: 你先坐下,有话慢慢说。 Have a sit first and talk things out slowly.


zuò jiā wù Definition: do housework Example: 妈妈每天担任做家务,十分辛苦。 Mum is doing housework everyday, it is very hard for her.


zuó tiān Definition: yesterday Example: 昨天下雨了,结果比赛被取消。 It rained yesterday and in consequence the match was cancelled.


zuǐba Definition: mouth. 每个人都有一个嘴巴 Everyone has one mouth.

zuǒ Definition: the left side 他用左手写字 He is left handed.


zài jiàn Definition: goodbye Example: 说了声再见,他转身就走了。 He turned ad walked away after saying goodbye.

zào Definition: to make; to build; to invent; to manufacture Example: 草原上的许多小动物都会造窝。 Many grassland animals will build a ​​nest/home for themselves.


zá zhì Definition: magazine Example: 那位教育工作者在这些杂志上发表了许多文章。 That educator published many articles in these magazines.

zán we; us; our; I; me; my


zánmen we; us; our


zì yóu Definition: freedom; free Example: 被压迫的人民,在政变之后获得自由。 The oppressed were free after the coup.


zú qiú mí Definition: football fan Example: 我是个足球迷,我每场足球赛都回追看。 I am a football fan, I'll watch every football match.


zēngjiā increase; raise; add

zǎo Definition: <polite> good morning. 早上好 Good Morning.


zǎo cān Definition: breakfast Example: 吃过早餐后,我就去上学。 I'll go to school after eating my breakfast.

zǎo early; ~她醒来得很早,早上去上学 she wakes up very early in the morning to go to school

zǐ Definition: purple Example: 杜松子是一种生有紫红色浆果的常绿灌木。 The juniper is a type of evergreen bush with purple berries.


zǐ xì Definition: careful / attentive / cautious Example: 机场的工作人员正在仔细检查出入境旅客的行李。 Airport staffs are checking all the passengers' baggage carefully.


zǒng shì Definition: always Example: 不管对谁,他总是很有礼貌。 He is always polite no matter to who.


zǒng tǒng Definition: President (of a country) Example: 总统宣布将发行新货币。 The President proclaimed that a new currency would be issued.

zǒu Definition: walk, leave 他走的很快. He walks very fast.


zǒu lù Definition: walk Example: 妹妹胆子很小,晚上不敢一个人走路回家。 Sister is timid, she does not dare to walk home alone at night.


zǔ wū Definition: flat Example: 奶奶住的组屋楼下有许多小店铺。 The flat that grandmother lived in has many small shops downstairs.


zǔguó motherland; fatherland; homeland


zǔo sī yòu xiǎng Definition: think over Example: 他左思右想如何做完那工作。 He reflected how to finish the work.


zǔzhī organize; form; organization

ài Definition: love; affection; like; be fond of; be keen on; cherish; treasure; hold dear; take good care of; be apt to; be in the habit of. 他们爱玩篮球 They love playing basketball


ān quán Definition: safe / secure / safety / security Example: 管理部门采取了一切合理的安全措施。 The management took all reasonable safety precautions.


ānwèi comfort; console; consolation


ěrduo Definition: ear 每个人都一对耳朵 Everyone has a pair of ears

ǎi Short


ɡōnɡ ɡonɡ Definition: grandfather Example: 年初,我跟公公一起到乡下探望亲戚。 During the first day of new year, my grandfather and I went to the countryside to visit the relatives.

交[jiāo] 1.verb [交出] hand ... in 请按时交作业。 Please hand in your homework on time.


绑架 [bǎngjià] 1. verb kidnap

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