A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

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how old was Stephen when he first had sexual relations with the prostitute


How many categories are the spiritual torches of hell breaking down to


what happens to Stephen when he slips into a waking nightmare to see his personal hell

6 grotesque devils with goatish features and tails with gray skin

how long had it been since Stephens last confession when he went to talk to the priest

8 months

How is eternity described by Father Arnell

A bird carrying away sand, one grain at a time

What role is Stephen cast as the main character

A farcical teacher or pedagogue because of his seriousness and his height

The old graffiti at the biology lecture hall reminds Stephen of what

A mustache student carving the word years ago

While in college what has Stephen earned

A prefecture

While in college what does Stephen have on his wall

A scroll testifying his leadership of a society devoted to the Virgin Mary

who does Stephen reflect on for find the knowledge in the "light"

Acquinos and Aristotle

what does Stephen believe are the ingredients for beauty

Acquinos theory of wholeness, harmony, and radiance

What animal does Dante say will pull out the eyes of stephen after he hides under the table

An eagle

When the Dedaluses are together in Dublin what does Stephen win money for

An essay

what does Stephen explain to Lynch, as Lynch is hungover

Aristotle's definition of tragedy, provoking pity and terror

Who is the chatty roommate that speaks about his father's race horses back home


Who is carrying a whistle that dangled from his buttonhole

Aubrey Mills

And the house is Stephen who is a hard-core Catholic

Aunt Dante

Who is the childhood story character that Young Stephen identifies with

Baby tuckoo

Why Stephen afraid of the dark

Because a black dog that had eyes as big as carriagelamps might come

Why does wells push Stephen into a square ditch

Because he would not switch his snuff box for Wells chestnuts

How do we know it is spring when speaking of the Whitsuntide play

Because is the time of the Christian feast of Pentecost

In the play, at Belvedere, who has a lot of make up and has dance on stage by himself

Bertie Tallon

Over the summer where does Stephen live with his family

Black rock

Who announces the death Parnell, the Irish patriot

Brother Michael

Who cares for Stephen while he is sick at the Catholic boarding school

Brother Michael

How does Stephen deal with the situation with heron and wallis

By reciting the confitor, a Catholic prayer that big forgiveness for sins

Who does Stephen argue was the greatest poet

Byron (the rebellious Romantic)

Who does Stephen, heron, Nashville and boland agree was a great pose writer

Cardinal Newman

What time of year is it when Stefan is finally able to eat with the adults for the first time


What is the name of the Catholic boarding school of Stephen

Clongowes Wood College

Who is a flabby, chain-smoking, lackluster mess

Coach Mike Flynn

At the Catholic boarding school what is Stephen stick with


What is the hometown of Mr. Dedalus


which friend of Stephen has a monk-like face


who speaks the language of Dublin and does not like Temple


who is the greek inventor from the epigraph that is the reminder for Stephens last name


What is Stephen's governess name


who identifies himself with the nationalist movement


who is a believer in the "sorrowful legend" of Ireland


who is the young peasant that Stephen admires


who tells "Stevie" that he's a born "sneerer"


What is day two of the retreat focus on


What are the four great mysteries of the Catholicism that Father Arnell talks about

Death, judgment, hell, and heaven

What is Stephan's last name


After ceasing going to Clongowes, where do the Dedalus move to a new house


Does Stephen dedicate his first literary work to

E - C

Who has long white hands like Boyle


Who is compared to the tower of Ivory and house of gold


Who is the little protestant girl that Stephen falls in love with at one point


Add childhood who does Stephen have an intention to marry

Eileen Vance

What is the name of the girl that is the first prostitute with Stephen


what is Stephens "borrowed language"


At the retreat who mostly gives sermons

Father Arnall

Who is the math teacher at the Catholic boarding school

Father Arnall

What priest was smarter than Dante

Father Darnell

Who Punishes Stephen for no righteous reason as he can not do school work because of this glasses

Father Dolan

What is Stephen too weak to play


In math class what other color team does Stephen wish there was


Who constantly carries around a cane


Who has a Birdy face with a peaked nose and a crest of messy hair


When Stefan is unable to focus on the mathematical equation what is he compared to

His eyes were like a peacock tail

Who will join Stephen at the school of Belvedere

His younger brother Maurice

what book does Stephen feel is vibrant and "human"


Why does Stephen's class in college have a retreat

In honor of Saint Francis Xavier, the patron saint of the college

Where does stephen have his hidden storage of porn

In the chimney which inspires his dreams of "harlots"

What is the setting of the beginning of a portion of the artist as a young man


What is the name of Mr. Casey


What is the friend that Stephan and Mr. Dedalus see, which is an old friend of mr Dedalus

Johnny Cashman who jokes to be 27 years old

What does Ellen call Stephen


What word does Stephen focus son to calm down after the play


While in college what since emerge from Stephen

Lust gluttony and greed

who calls Stephen "anti-social" and wants him to sign a petition for universal peace


When Stephen visits his aunt, who the actress in the picture that Stephen admires

Mabel Hunter

who tells Stephen that he is a anti-social being


What were nasty Roche and Saurin's father


What is Simon moonan called

McGlade's suck

In the French novel that Stephen adores who is the tall, mysterious man/hero in love with


who does Stephen have romantic dreams of


A childhood who are the two Irish nationalist politicians that Stephen mentions

Michael davit and Parnell

Who does Stephen do a one on one training program with

Mike Flynn

Who used to be a nun

Miss Dante

who is Stephen's neighbor that is brought up in the lecture hall of the university


Who got into a fight with a Anti-Parnell old woman

Mr Casey

Who was repeatedly called Killy O' Shea

Mr Casey

What teacher does not get into dreadful waxes like the other teachers

Mr Harford

Who believes that Ireland has had enough of God

Mr. Casey

In the biology lecture hall what does Mr. Douglas and Porter look for

Mr. Dedalus initials

After skillful essays were written, Who accuses Stephen of heresy

Mr. Tate

What is aunt Dantes first name

Mrs Riordon

When thinking of his own communion, Stephen, and the happiest day of his life who does Stephen think of


Who talks to Stephen about favorite writers with heron

Nash and Boland

In childhood who bullies Stephen and has big hands

Nasty Roche

Is the Father of Stephen a magistrate


In a state of financial decline, how does Stephens father react

Nutty, alcoholic

What color is the first prostitute wearing that Stephanie is with


In the town of Court, where does Mr. Dedalus and Stephen go visit

Queens College, Mr. Dedalus's medical school

who is the person that Stephen recoils at the image of that brings feelings of difference and individuality that rejected his common identity

Revered S.J. Dedalus

Who is the captain of the football team of the Catholic boarding school of Stephen

Rody kickham

What does Athy say the boys got trouble for

Simon Moonan and tusker "lady" Boyle were smuggling

What is the name of Stephan's father

Simon dedalus

In the town of cork, and the Victoria hotel what does Mr. Dedalus do

Sing a sad folk song

While in college, what does Stephen take part in every Saturday evening

Sodality in honor of the Virgin Mary

what did Mr. Casey do to make the old woman say she was blind

Spit on her

who is the patron saint of Stephen

St. Stephen

when describing beauty, who does Stephen use quotes from

St. Thomas Acquinos

Who is afraid of the dark and can't stop thinking of ghost


In math class who is the leader of the Yorks


Who has a Napoleon plain style of dress


Who is called a schemer in front of the whole class


Who is described to have a hairy face


Who are the leaders of a "gang of adventures"

Stephen and Aubrey Mills

what does Davin refer to Stephen as


What is the school name that makes Stephen question his life


who is a great admirer of Stephen that is "gipsy-like"


When going around the town of Cork, what story does mr dedalus make up

That Mr. Douglas was an Old Corkonian and his eldest son was named Peter Pickackafax

What French novel becomes the foundation for Stephens daydreams and zone for escape

The Count of Monte Cristo

What factor does not excite the father of Stephen in going to the new school of Belvedere

The Jesuit teachers

Why is Stephen attracted to the girl he sees at a child's party

The black stocking she wears

When speaking of death what image does Stephen share

The corpse crawling

At Belvedere, what is Stephen elected secretary to

The gymnasium

When with the friends of Mr. dedalus what does Stephen compare himself to

The moon in the famous poem art thou pale for weariness

Who does heron and Wallace see Mr. Douglas walking with

The pretty girl, the E.C.

Who does Stephen go to when he is punished wrongfully

The rector (head priest)

After describing the physical torments of hell in the morning, what is described in the evening

The spiritual torments of hell

What is described in the "jelly-like mass of liquid corruption"

The stench of innumerable corpses in hell

Who does Stephen compares as a "feeble creature like a money"

The two creepy old woman at his aunts house

During the summer with family member does Stephen spend a lot of time with

Uncle Charles, a dapper old man notable for his tobacco pipe

Who plays the horn pipe

Uncle charles

Who are the two boys that are caught smoking outside of the play

Vincent heron and wallice

Who pushes Stephen into a square ditch or cess pool


Who suggests that the kids who got in trouble stole communion wine from the church


as Stephen walks down Grafton Street, what memory comes with a slab in the sidewalk

Wolfe Tone

What is definite temp to do for the girl that he sees a child's party with black stockings

Write a romantic poem

What are the two teams in math class at the boarding school

York and Lancaster

what does Stephen think of a "tundish"

a funnel

what is the sport the Davin talks about in his story to Stephen

a hurling match

how does the priest refer to the priestly robe as

a jube meaning skirt (French)

as dedalus is reflecting on his own life of his "uncertain boyhood", what does he notice that a girl looks like

a magical seabird

what does the professor of Stephen in the university use to try to entertain his students in the lecture

a quote from the comic opera "the Mikado" about playing pool with elliptical billiard balls

what does Stephen have in his pocket to keep him sin-free that he runs around his fingers as walks around the city

a rosary

how fast is the clock in the Dedalus home

an hour and 25 minutes

at the end of chapter 5, what does Stephen tries to see where there is truth

ancient art of augury (what will happen by looking at a pattern of flying birds)

what does physics demonstration of the priest resembling a servant

body and soul have grown to servitude but he has come closer to divinity

how does Stephen handle the rosary

divides it into three parts to represent the three theological virtues

what does Stephen wish he can control

getting irritated when someone disturbs a prayer and annoyed at his mother when she sneezes

after confessing his sin to the priest, how often would Stephen pray

he honored a different saint every day of the week

what position is Stephen offered then denies

joining the Jesuits

what does Stephen do sarcastically when his mother says the unversity has changed him

kisses his hand

what types of art does Stephen believe there is

lyrical, epical, and dramatic

what does Stephen force himself to undergo to undo his shameful past

mortification such as not hiding his changing voice by letting it flow and squeak

what does Stephen go through, showing how poor is family is in the last chapter of the book

pawnshop tickets

what does Stephen compare Ireland to, when thinking that Ireland should come before poetry

pigs and piglets

what clothing item does a priest discuss to Stephen

the Capuchin priestly robe

after confessing to his sins, Stephen prayed to what 3 times daily

the Holy Trinity

who has a creepy skull and shadowed face

the college director, the priest

what is the greek inventor's most famous invention

the feather-and-wax wings he made for himself and his son

whose face in like an unlit lamp, darkened by a dull and torpid soul (poor intelligence blamed to Ireland

the priest (dean of students)

what sound does Stephen make himself go through

the screech of knives being sharpened

what smell does Stephen make himself go through by smelling


when was it discussed that Victor Hugo's prose style suffered

when he broke from the protestant church

After the day of Stephen's confession with the priest, what color are the flowers that look pure and beautiful to him

white flowers

what is the trademark diss word of Lynch


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