A103- Test 1

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Most of the Earth's original carbon dioxide atmosphere (a) has dissolved in the oceans and is locked up in sedimentary carbonate rocks like limestone (b) is present in the atmosphere (c) has escaped into space (d) has been destroyed in the atmosphere by solar radiation (e) has been absorbed by photosynthetic life

(a) has dissolved in the oceans and is locked up in sedimentary carbonate rocks like limestone

The center of the Earth is made of A) solid iron and nickel B) liquid iron and nickel C) liquid rock D) solid rock

A) solid iron and nickel

Our solar system is larger than some galaxies. (a) True (b) False (c) our solar system is larger than all galaxies


The motion of planets in the Ptolemaic model of the Universe can be described as: a) simple circles about the Sun b) small circles, the centers of which move in a larger circle about the Earth c) elliptical orbits about the Sun d) a simple circle about the Earth


Based on the way scientists view the study of astrobiology, failure to find life on any other world would mean: (a) the whole subject has been a waste of time (b) we must have done something wrong, since life has to exist beyond Earth (c) we have learned important lessons about the conditions that made life on Earth possible.


Galileo's contribution to astronomy included: (a) discovering the laws of planetary motion (b) discovering the law of gravity (c) making observations and conducting experiments that dispelled scientific objections to the Sun-centered model (d) modifying Kepler's Laws to agree with observations


Scientists today are interested in searching for life on Mars because: (a) we see clear evidence of a past civilization on Mars (b) Mars contains frozen water ice at its polar caps (c) evidence suggests


The Milky Way Galaxy is: (a) another name for our solar system. (b) a small group of stars visible in our night sky. (c) a collection of more than 100 billion stars, of which our Sun is one.


Which of the following is inconsistent with Kepler's Laws? a) A planet in a circular orbit. b) Planet A, in an orbit approximately twice the size of Planet B's orbit, has an orbital period that is slightly less than three times as long as that of the Planet B. c) Planets having their largest orbital velocity when they are farthest from the sun. d) A planet in a highly eccentric orbit spends most of its time in the outer parts of its orbit.


While all nitrogen atoms have seven protons, some nitrogen atoms have seven neutrons and some have eight neutrons. These two forms of nitrogen are: (a) ions of each nitrogen (b) phases of nitrogen (c) isotopes of nitrogen


If the temperature of the Earth warms up how does the carbon dioxide cycle respond? A) it slows the formation of carbonate minerals in the oceans, thus pulling less carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere B) it increases the rate of volcanic eruptions, thus increasing the rate of carbon dioxide production C) it reduces the rate of volcanic eruptions, thus reducing the rate of carbon dioxide production D) it speeds up the formation of carbonate minerals in the oceans, thus pulling more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere

D) it speeds up the formation of carbonate minerals in the oceans, thus pulling more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere

What are observed facts:

Observed facts are agreed upon by everyone. They are not subject to dispute.

Consider the statement "There's no gravity in space." This statement: a) is completely false. b) is false if you are close to a planet or moon, but true in between the planets. c) is completely true. d) cannot be answered without knowing if you are in an orbit


How did the Copernican revolution alter perceptions of the ancient Greek debate over extraterrestrial life? (a) It showed that Aristotle's argument for a unique Earth was incorrect (b) It showed that the atomists were correct in their belief in an infinite cosmos (c) It proved that extraterrestrial life must really exist


Unlike the planets, comets generally have highly eccentric orbits. Which of Kepler's Laws explains why they spend most of their time far away from the Sun? a) the first law b) the second law c) the third law d) the fourth law


Tycho Brahe's contribution to astronomy included: (a) inventing the telescope (b) proving that Earth orbits the Sun (c) collecting data that enabled Kepler to discover the laws of planetary motion


What causes light from a star to be Doppler-shifted? A) the distance between us and the star B) the gas and dust between us and the star C) the speed of the star toward or away from us D) temperature differences between us and the star


What observed fact led both the Ptolemaic and Copernican models to have orbits of all planets lying in approximately the same plane? a) Everything rises in the east and sets in the west b) Seasonal changes would be different if this were not the case c) planets are always seen close to the ecliptic in the sky d) apparent retrograde motion demanded it


Which of the following correctly describes the law of conservation of energy? a) Energy can change between many different forms, such as potential, kinetic, and thermal, but it is ultimately destroyed. b) It is not really possible for an object to gain or lose potential energy, because energy cannot be destroyed. c) The total quantity of energy in the universe never changes. d) The fact that you can fuse hydrogen into helium to produce energy means that helium can be turned into hydrogen to produce energy. e) An object always has the same amount of energy.


Which of the following is NOT a general difference between terrestrial planets and jovian planets? (a) Terrestrial planets are much smaller and less massive than jovian planets. (b) Terrestrial planets are made largely of metal and rock while jovian planets also contain abundant hydrogen compounds such as methane, ammonia, and water. (c) Terrestrial planets have oceans of liquid water and jovian planets do not.


A habitable planet is: (a) a planet that has oceans like Earth (b) a planet that has life of some kind (c) a planet that may or may not have life, but that has environmental conditions under which it


Plate tectonics is best described as a process that (a) recycles rock between Earth's surface and upper mantle (chapter 4 has a nice overview) (b) brings metal from Earth's core to the surface (c) is a major contributor to the green house effect (d) creates the magnetosphere, thus shielding the earth's atmosphere

(a) recycles rock between Earth's surface and upper mantle (chapter 4 has a nice overview)

There are three key ways in which geology is crucial to the Earth's long-term habitability. Which of the following is NOT one of these ways? (a) Volcanic activity releases gases trapped in Earth's interior. These gases were the original source of Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Outgassing continues to this day, slowly replacing atmospheric gasses lost to space. (b) The availability of chemical elements critical to life depends upon weathering processes that transport these chemicals from the Earth's interior to its surface and atmosphere. (c) Earth's long-term climate is remarkably stable because of feedback processes that tend to counter any warming or cooling that occurs. Plate tectonics plays a fundamental in this feedback process via the carbon dioxide cycle, which naturally regulates the strength of Earth's greenhouse effect. (d) Geological activity created Earth's magnetic field. This field shields Earth's atmosphere from the energetic particles of the solar wind. Without this shielding, it's likely that a significant portion of our planet's atmosphere would by now have been stripped away into space.

(b) The availability of chemical elements critical to life depends upon weathering processes that transport these chemicals from the Earth's interior to its surface and atmosphere.

The Earth owes its habitability primarily to (a) the chemical composition of its surface (b) a combination of its size and its distance from the Sun (c) its size (d) its distance from the Sun

(b) a combination of its size and its distance from the Sun

Earth's oceans are thought to have principally formed (a) during the late stages of accretion as water ice collected on the surface (b) from water vapor outgassed by volcanoes (some water may also have arrived from comets) (c) when Earth underwent differentiation (d) when the Earth briefly passed through the Kuiper Belt

(b) from water vapor outgassed by volcanoes

Why did the solar nebula heat up as it collapsed? (a) The shock wave from a nearby supernova heated the gas. (b) Radiation from other nearby stars that had formed earlier heated the nebula. (c) Nuclear fusion occurring in the core of the proto-sun produced energy that heated the nebula. (d) Collisions among planetesimals generated friction and heat. (e) As the cloud shrank, gravitational potential energy was converted to kinetic energy of the gas composing the nebula.

(e) As the cloud shrank, gravitational potential energy was converted to kinetic energy of the gas composing the nebula.

Why biology may be common in the universe:

1) Evidence exists that organic molecules form easily and naturally, 2) Evidence exists that Earth life can survive under a wide range of conditions, 3) Evidence exists that life appeared early in the history of the Earth.

In order to have a global magnetic field, a planet must have A) an electrically conducting fluid in its interior which is undergoing convection and a reasonably rapid rotation B) magnetic rocks in its interior C) magnetic rocks on its surface D) a large core of solid magnetized iron

A) an electrically conducting fluid in its interior which is undergoing convection and a reasonably rapid rotation

How many of the planets orbit the Sun in the same direction that Earth does? (a) a few (b) most (c) all


Based upon our current understanding, approximately how old is the universe? a) 65 million years b) 6000 years c) 4.6 billion years d) 14 billion years


What is the natural state of motion for an object? a) to slowly slow down and eventually stop b) to move in a circular path c) to move in an elliptical path d) to maintain its current motion unless acted upon by an external force e) to have its large scale motion slowly converted to heat


Without the greenhouse effect, the oceans on the Earth's surface would A) have evaporated B) be much the same as they are today C) have covered the entire surface of the Earth D) be frozen

D) be frozen

The greenhouse effect involves the: A) generation of heat in the outer layer of the Earth's atmosphere due to absorption of short wavelength radiation B) generation of heat in the ozone layer due to the absorption of ultraviolet radiation C) release of heat by volcanism along tectonic plate boundaries D) trapping of infrared radiation from the Earth's surface by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and water

D) trapping of infrared radiation from the Earth's surface by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and water

Compared to your mass here on Earth, your mass out in the space between the stars would be: a) zero. b) much greater. c) the question cannot be answered from the information given d) negligibly small. e) the same (mass measures the amount of material)


The reason Mercury lacks a significant atmosphere is because: (a) it has no plate tectonics (b) it does not have sufficient gravity to hold onto an atmosphere (Weaker gravities lead to lower escape velocities. Gas molecules that make up an atmosphere are in motion due to the temperature of the gas. If a molecule is moving faster than escape velocity it can escape from the planet. This leads to the slow escape of the atmospheres of lower mass planets.) (c) it has been more likely to be hit by asteroids (d) it has less internal heat than the other terrestrial planets

(b) it does not have sufficient gravity to hold onto an atmosphere (Weaker gravities lead to lower escape velocities. Gas molecules that make up an atmosphere are in motion due to the temperature of the gas. If a molecule is moving faster than escape velocity it can escape from the planet. This leads to the slow escape of the atmospheres of lower mass planets.)

Although oxygen is an extremely reactive element and thus binds easily with a large variety of elements, it is a significant component of the Earth's atmosphere. Where does this oxygen come from? (a) outgassing (b) photosynthetic life (d) captured solar wind (c) cometary impacts (e) dissociation of carbon dioxide by the Sun's ultraviolet radiation

(b) photosynthetic life

A rock sample contains 1/2 microgram of the parent radioactive isotope U-235 and 1/2 microgram of its daughter isotope Pb-207. If the half-life of this decay is 700 million years, how old is this rock? (a) 1400 million years (b) 2100 million years (c) 700 million years (d) 350 million years

(c) 700 million years

How do astronomers account for the fact that all the planets orbit the Sun in the same direction and in nearly the same plane? (a) The original solar nebula happened to be disk-shaped by chance. (b) Any planets that once orbited in the opposite direction or a different plane were ejected from the solar system. (c) The laws of conservation of energy and conservation of angular momentum ensure that any rotating, collapsing cloud will end up as a spinning disk. (Since the planets formed out of material orbiting the sun in roughly the same plane the planets built from this material shared the same motions.) (d) The Sun formed first, and as it grew in size it spread into a disk, rather like the way a ball of dough can be flattened into a pizza by spinning it. (e) Luck explains it, as we would expect that most other solar systems would not have all their planets orbiting in such a pattern.

(c) The laws of conservation of energy and conservation of angular momentum ensure that any rotating, collapsing cloud will end up as a spinning disk. (Since the planets formed out of material orbiting the sun in roughly the same plane the planets built from this material shared the same motions.)

Earth has retained a lot of its initial internal heat primarily because of its (a) distance from the Sun (b) large iron core (c) relatively large size (larger planets cool slower than small planets. The earth is the largest of the Terrestrial planets)

(c) relatively large size (larger planets cool slower than small planets. The earth is the largest of the Terrestrial planets)

Given that all bodies in the solar system should have suffered equally from collisions during the period of early bombardment, if we find a body with relatively few craters on its surface we deduce that (a) the surface of the body is made of material that produces fewer impact craters (b) the body must have been located in a region of the solar system that for some reason suffered fewer collisions (c) the body must have formed after the period of early bombardment (d) geological activity or other processes must have removed older craters resulting in a younger, smoother surface

(d) geological activity or other processes must have removed older craters resulting in a younger, smoother surface

What do we mean by the half-life of a radioactive isotope? (a) it is the amount of time a person can be exposed to radiation without getting sick (b) it is the time for half the number of radioactive nuclei to become stable nuclei (c) it is the amount of time for half of the nuclei to become radioactive (d) it is the time for half the number of radioactive nuclei to decay

(d) it is the time for half the number of radioactive nuclei to decay

Geological processes on the Earth's surface owe their origins to (a) the reflectivity of its surface (b) the composition of its atmosphere (c) the rate of impacts (d) the Earth's internal heat (stresses between the lithosphere and the upper mantle are responsible for geological processes. These stresses are the results of motions in the upper mantle stemming from convection that push the lithosphere in different directions)

(d) the Earth's internal heat (stresses between the lithosphere and the upper mantle are responsible for geological processes. These stresses are the results of motions in the upper mantle stemming from convection that push the lithosphere in different directions)

A passenger aboard the spaceship described in question 17 very gently places a heavy suitcase and an empty paper bag outside the airlock of the spaceship. After ten minutes, a) both objects are still moving together alongside the spaceship b) the suitcase is still moving alongside the spaceship, but the paper bag has been left far behind c) both objects are far behind the spaceship


A spaceship is coasting through space with its engines off. Assuming that gravitational forces from distant stars and planets are negligible, how would you characterize its motion? a) the spaceship's velocity is unchanging b) the spaceship's velocity is increasing. c) the spaceship's velocity is decreasing


According to observations, the overall chemical composition of our solar system and other similar star systems is approximately: (a) 98% hydrogen and helium, 2% all other elements combined. (b) 98% ice, 2% metal and rock. (c) 100% hydrogen and helium. (d) 90% earth, 7% water, 2% wind, 1% fire


By a geocentric view of the universe, we mean: (a) the ancient idea that Earth resided at the center of the universe (b) the idea that Earth is the only planet with life in the universe (c) a view of the


Pam accidentally drops her purse. As the purse falls towards the Earth, the Earth "falls" (by a very small amount) towards her purse. (In answering this question, consider Newton's Third Law and recognize that gravity is a force.) (a) true (b) false (c) need more information to determine the validity of this statement (d) Pam does not own a purse (e) this is a stupid question


Today, the research known as SETI is conducted primarily by: (a) scanning the skies for signals from alien civilizations (b) sending spacecraft to the planets (c) using telescopes to observe extrasolar planets.


What concept strongly held by Aristotle held sway over scientific thought for many centuries to the point of becoming integrated into religious doctrine, thus delaying our understanding of motions within the solar system? a) The circle represents perfection and thus motions of heavenly objects must be circular. b) The parallax angles of stars are quite large. c) The Earths size was thought to be much larger than it is. d) The Earth is flat.


Which of the following defines the FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE between two different chemical elements (such as oxygen and carbon)? (a) They have different numbers of protons in their nucleus. (b) They have different numbers of electrons. (c) They have different names. (d) higher mass elements decay more quickly than lower mass elements


Which of the following sequence of electromagnetic radiations is in order of increasing energy? (a) radio, infrared, UV, gamma ray (b) gamma ray, UV, radio, microwave (c) X-ray, visible, infrared, radio (d) UV, infrared, visible, microwave


Why can't the carbon dioxide cycle easily correct for the increasing amounts of carbon dioxide introduced into our atmosphere by industrialization? A) it operates far too slowly to correct for any short-term changes B) pollution has stopped the carbon dioxide cycle from operating C) the carbon dioxide cycle only influences carbon dioxide produced by natural sources D) it operates far too quickly to correct for any short-term changes

A) it operates far too slowly to correct for any short-term changes

A television advertisement claiming that a product is "light- years ahead of its time" does not make sense because: (a) it doesn't specify the number of light-years; (b) it uses "light- years" to talk about time, but a light-year is a unit of distance; (c) light-years can only be used to talk about light.


According to current scientific understanding, life on Earth: (a) was exceedingly improbable (b) arose quite soon after conditions allowed it (c) may have been inevitable, but took billions of years


An extrasolar planet is: (a) a planet that is larger than our Sun (b) a planet that orbits a star other than our Sun (c) a planet located in another galaxy.


Approximately how old is Sun, Earth, and Solar System? a) as old as the Universe b) one third the age of the Universe c) 1 billion years d) 50,000,000 years e) 9000 years


Based on current evidence, the object in our solar system most likely to have a deep, subsurface ocean of liquid water is: (a) Mars (b) Europa (c) Titan


In the Greek geocentric model, the apparent retrograde motion of a planet occurs when: (a) Earth is about to pass the planet in its orbit around the Sun (b) the planet actually goes backward in its orbit around Earth for a period of time (c) the planet is aligned with the Moon in our sky


Kepler's third law predicts the fact that: (a) Mercury travels fastest in the part of its orbit in which it is closest to the Sun (b) Jupiter completes an orbit around the Sun in less time than Saturn (c) all the planets have nearly circular orbits


Suppose you visited another planet that was somewhat smaller than the Earth. a) Your mass and weight would be the same as they are on Earth. b) Your mass would be the same as on Earth, but your weight would be different. c) Your weight would be the same as on Earth, but your mass would be different. d) Your mass would be the same but weight would be undefined.


The Earth is closer to the Sun in January than in July. Therefore, in accord with Kepler's second law: (a) Earth travels faster in its orbit in July than in January (b) Earth travels faster in its orbit in January than in July (c) Earth has summer in January and winter in July (d) The Earth experiences retrograde motion in January


What does temperature measure? a) the average mass of particles in a substance b) the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance c) the average size of particles in a substance d) the total potential energy of particles in a substance e) the total number of particles in a substance


When Einstein's theory of gravity (general relativity) gained acceptance, it demonstrated that Newton's theory had been: (a) wrong (b) incomplete (c) really only a guess (d) plagiarized from Galileo


When we say the universe is expanding, we mean that: (a) everything in the universe is growing in size. (b) the average distance between galaxies is growing with time. (c) the universe is getting older.


While the heliocentric model of Copernicus had many advantages over the Ptolemaic model, it suffered from the assumption that the: a) planets moved in ellipses about the Sun b) planets moved in perfect circles about the Sun c) planets moved in perfect circles about the Earth d) Earth was not rotating on its axis


Smaller worlds are more prone to atmospheric loss via impacts than large worlds because they: A) have no plate tectonics B) have weaker gravities C) are more likely to be hit D) have less internal heat

B) have weaker gravities

If we sent one of our current spacecraft to a nearby star (not the Sun), the trip would take about: (a) a decade (b) a century (c) 100,000 years


In the Copernican geocentric model, the apparent retrograde motion of a planet is caused by: a) the Earth reversing the direction of its orbit about the Sun b) a planet moving in a small circle, the center of which moves in a larger circle about the Earth c) differences in the rates at which the Earth and a planet orbit the sun d) a planet reversing the direction of its orbit about the Sun


Ptolemy's model for the universe contains the assumption that the centers of the epicycles of the inferior planets (Mercury and Venus) lie on a line between the Earth and the Sun (see figure at right; note that it is not drawn to scale). The Ptolemaic model constrained the epicycles in this manner in order to explain the observation that a) these two planets display retrograde motion. b) Venus and Mercury undergo phases just like the Moon. c) these two planets are always observed fairly close to the Sun in the sky. d) Mercury and Venus do not appear to move at a uniform rate


The amount of gravitational potential energy released as an object falls depends on: a) only its mass. b) its mass and its speed at the time it begins falling. c) its mass and the distance it falls. d) only the distance it falls. e) only its speed at the time it begins falling.


The correct order for the eight official planets in our solar system, from closest to farthest from the Sun, is: (a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus (b) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn (c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.


The earth and life on it are made mostly of elements more massive than hydrogen and helium. Where did these elements come from? (a) They were produced in the Big Bang. (b) They were created by chemical reactions in interstellar space. (c) They were produced by nuclear fusion in stars. (d) They were made by our Sun.


The revolution epitomized by Copernicus that still dominates scientific thought could be described as having moved our view of mankind's place in the universe from: a) the edge towards the Big Bang. b) the center to the edge. c) a special place to an average place. d) an average place to a special place.


The currently accepted theory for the formation of the Moon is the: A) co-formation model in which the Moon formed from a rotating disk of gas and dust around the Earth B) fission model in which the Moon was spun out from a rapidly rotating Earth C) giant impact model in which material was blasted from the Earth after an impact with a body the size of the planet Mars D) capture model in which the Moon formed elsewhere and was later captured into orbit by the Earth's gravity

C) giant impact model in which material was blasted from the Earth after an impact with a body the size of the planet Mars

If an object, such as a race car or a planet, moves along a curved path, such as a race track or an orbit, at a constant speed, then a) a force is acting upon it. b) it is accelerating. c) it is in uniform motion. d) both (a) and (b) are true. d) (a), (b), and (c) are true.


The spectrum of light coming from an astronomical object can give us information about the object's: (a) composition (b) temperature (c) velocity (d) choices B and C (e) all of the above


What happens to thermal radiation (a continuous spectrum) if you make the source of the radiation hotter? A) More energy comes out at all wavelengths B) The peak of the spectrum-energy curve (the wavelength at which most energy is emitted) shifts redward C) The peak of the spectrum-energy curve shifts blueward D) A and B E) A and C


Which of the following is not true in the Heliocentric model of Copernicus? a) The Sun is at center b) The Earth orbits like any other planet c) The orbits of the inferior planet are smaller than those of the superior planets d) Retrograde motion occurs when we lap Mars & the other superior planets e) Planets have elliptical orbits.


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