(A&P) Chapter 26 Digestive System

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Gastric mixing changes A. foodstuffs into bile. B. food into chyle. C. a bolus into chyme. D. chyle into pepsin. E. proteins into lipids.

C. a bolus into chyme.

An enzyme found within saliva is salivary A. pancreatase. B. nuclease. C. amylase. D. protease. E. pepsin.

C. amylase.

T/F: The function of the muscularis of the GI tract wall is to both propel and mix the contents of the tract.


T/F: The liver and gallbladder are accessory digestive organs.


T/F: The outer layer of the mucularis of the colon is discontinuous (does not entirely surround the colon), and forms the bundles of smooth muscles known as the teniae coli


T/F: The stomach is considered part of the upper gastrointestinal tract.


T/F: Vitamin K and B vitamins produced by bacteria of the large intestine are absorbed into the blood.


The wall of the pharynx is formed by three muscle pairs: the superior, middle, and inferior pharyngeal _______________.


Which is NOT a function of the digestive system? a. Absorption b. Ingestion c. Secretion d. Micturition e. Elimination

d. Micturition

Peristalsis a. is under voluntary control. b. involves the opening and closing of muscular sphincters. c. involves back-and-forth movement for mixing. d. is the alternating contraction of muscle layers in the GI tract wall that propels materials through the tract. e. All of the choices are correct.

d. is the alternating contraction of muscles layers in the GI tract wall that propels materials through the tract.

The initial site of both mechanical and chemical digestion is the a. stomach. b. small intestine. c. esophagus. d. oral cavity. e. pharynx.

d. oral cavity.

Which organ is not part of the gastrointestinal tract? a. Esophagus b. Large intestine c. Stomach d. Oral cavity e. Liver

e. Liver

Which organ is NOT considered an accessory digestive organ? a. Tongue b. Teeth c. Pancreas d. Salivary glands e. Pharynx

e. Pharynx

The largest salivary gland is the ________ gland, and its duct opens near the second upper molar.


The gastrointestinal tract lining changes along its length. Choose one section of the tract that has a simple epithelium and one section that has a stratified epithelium, and for each section describe the specific epithelium present and how that type of epithelium suits the organ's function.

A variety of answers are possible, but an obvious example follows. The oral cavity and pharynx have stratified squamous epithelium to contend with the friction of the food that is ingested. The small intestine has a simple columnar epithelium with many secretory cells; this epithelium is thin and has many microvilli (large surface area) to allow for efficient absorprtion and secretion.

Of the five types of secretory cells in the gastric glands, which ones secrete pepsinogen? A. Chief cells B. Parietal cells C. Surface mucous cells D. Mucous neck cells E. Enteroendocrine cells

A. Chief cells

Which region of the digestive tract moves material by peristalsis, haustral churning, and mass movement? A. Large intestine B. Small intestine C. Stomach D. Esophagus E. Pharynx

A. Large intestine

Bile salts are A. amphipathic. B. completely hydrophilic. C. completely hydrophobic.

A. amphipathic.

The __________ are considered the opening from the oral cavity to the oropharynx. A. fauces B. choana C. conchae D. fossae E. glossus

A. fauces

The accumulation of large amounts of adipose tissue in the __________ that extends from the inferolateral surface of the stomach can form what is commonly called a "beer belly". A. greater omentum B. mesentery proper C. mesocolon D. lesser omentum E. falciform ligament

A. greater omentum

Vagus nerve activity ________ release of pancreatic juice. A. stimulates B. inhibits

A. stimulates

Protein digestion begins in the A. stomach. B. mouth. C. esophagus. D. small intestine. E. large intestine.

A. stomach.

Stenosis (constriction) of the hepatopancreatic ampulla would interfere with A. the transport of bile and pancreatic juice. B. the secretion of mucus. C. the passage of chyme into the small intestine. D. peristalsis. E. salivary gland secretion.

A. the transport of bile and pancreatic juice.

The presence of fatty chyme in the small intestine stimulates it to release _______, which causes the A. gastrin, liver to secrete an alkaline solution. B. CCK, gallbladder to release bile. C. CCK, stomach to increase gastric secretion. D. secretin, stomach to increase motility. E. secretin, pancreas to release acidic pancreatic juice.

B. CCK, gallbladder to release bile.

Which phase of digestion involves the thought, smell, and sight of food? A. Gastric phase B. Cephalic phase C. Enteric phase D. Colic phase

B. Cephalic phase

Which of the following is considered to be one of the primary digestive system hormones? A. Bile B. Gastrin C. Hydrochloric acid D. Pancreatic amylase

B. Gastrin

Which is an accurate description of glucose and sucrose? A. Glucose is a monosaccharide, sucrose is a polysaccharide, both molecules are starches. B. Glucose is a monosaccharide, sucrose is a disaccharide, both molecules are carbohydrates. C. Glucose is a disaccharide, sucrose is a monosaccharide, both molecules are lipids. D. Glucose is a disaccharide, sucrose is a glycolipid, both molecules are essential nutrients. E. Glucose is a monoamine, sucrose is a dipeptide, both molecules are acidic.

B. Glucose is a monosaccharide, sucrose is a disaccharide, both molecules are carbohydrates.

(Sorry can't add a pic w/o $$) This figure shows an intestinal villus. What is the structure indicated by the number 1? A. Intestinal artery B. Lacteal C. Microvillus D. Intestinal vein E. Flagellum

B. Lacteal

Lactose intolerant individuals cannot digest the _________ lactose because they lack the enzyme _________. A. polysaccharide; maltase B. disaccharide; lactase C. monosaccharide; dextrolactase D. lipid; pancreatic lipase E. fatty acid; sucrolactase

B. disaccharide; lactase

Pepsinogen is an A. active enzyme that is released in the small intestine and digests carbohydrates. B. inactive precursor to the enzyme pepsin that digests proteins in the stomach. C. active enzyme that digests proteins within the small intestine. D. inactive precursor to a nonspecific enzyme that is synthesized in the pancreas and released in the small intestine.

B. inactive precursor to the enzyme pepsin that digests proteins in the stomach.

The enzyme pepsin becomes active when pH is A. high. B. low.

B. low.

The lingual salivary glands are A. unicellulilar endocrine glands. B. unicellulilar exocrine glands. C. multicellulilar endocrine glands. D. multicellulilar exocrine glands.

B. unicellulilar exocrine glands.

Proteolytic enzymes secreted from the pancreas are activated A. once they reach the pancreatic duct. B. within the lumen of the small intestine. C. in secretory vesicles within pancreatic secretory cells. D. once they reach the large intestine.

B. within the lumen of the small intestine.

This figure shows the stomach. What structure does number 3 indicate? A. Esophagus B. Ilium C. Duodenum D. Jejunum E. Descending colon

C. Duodenum

Where are the transverse palatine folds located? A. Soft palate B. Glossopalatine arch C. Hard palate D. Pharyngopalatine arch E. Labial frenulum

C. Hard palate

(Sorry can't add a pic w/o $$) This figure shows an intestinal villus. What is the invagination indicated by the number 2? A. Gastric gland B. Lymphatic nodule C. Intestinal gland D. Endocrine gland E. Peyer patch

C. Intestinal gland

Which is not a lobe of the liver? A. Right lobe B. Caudate lobe C. Round lobe D. Quadrate lobe E. Left lobe

C. Round lobe

Which cranial nerves innervate the salivary glands? A. V and VII B. XI and XII C. VII and IX D. VI and IX E. V and XI

C. VII and IX

What is the primary function of the large intestine? A. Storage of vitamins and minerals B. Protein digestion and nutrient absorption C. Water and electrolyte absorption D. Secretion of water, salts, sodium bicarbonate, and enzymes

C. Water and electrolyte absorption

Nucleosidase is an enzyme that breaks the A. phosphodiester bond between nucleotides within DNA. B. bond that attaches the phosphate to the nucleoside. C. bond between the sugar and the nitrogenous base of the nucleoside. D. bonds within the nitrogenous bases of rRNA.

C. bond between the sugar and the nitrogenous base of the nucleoside.

Digestion of carbohydrates within the small intestine involves enzymes that come from the a: mouth. b: stomach. c: pancreas. d: lining of the small intestine. A. a, b B. b, c C. c, d D. a, d E. a, b, c, d

C. c, d

If a fatty meal has been ingested, the liver and gallbladder need to be alerted about the need for bile. The receptors that are responsible for sensing the fat in the ingested food are refered to as A. bilireceptors. B. mechanoreceptors. C. chemoreceptors. D. omental neurons E. osmodetectors.

C. chemoreceptors.

As a protein is broken down into smaller and smaller fragments, each fragment ultimately requires splitting of the last peptide bond within it. The breaking of the bond between those last two amino acids is catalyzed by the enzyme A. pepsin. B. chymotrypsin. C. dipeptidase. D. trypsin. E. glucoamylase.

C. dipeptidase.

Villi A. are found throughout the gastrointestinal tract. B. generate movement of materials in the large intestine. C. increase surface area in the small intestine. D. contain both smooth and skeletal muscle fibers. E. All of the choices are correct.

C. increase surface area in the small intestine.

Lysozyme within saliva primarily functions to A. moisten and disperse food. B. initiate the chemical breakdown of starch. C. inhibit bacterial growth. D. wash materials off teeth.

C. inhibit bacterial growth.

This figure shows an intestinal villus. The structure indicated by number 3 is a A. submucosal gland. B. Brunner gland. C. lymphatic nodule. D. plicae circulares. E. mucous gland.

C. lymphatic nodule.

Mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors are found in the A. adventitia of the upper portion of the GI tract. B. epithelium of the inferior portion of the GI tract. C. mucosa and submucosa of the GI tract along its length. D. myenteric plexus of the mucosa of the intestine. E. muscularis interna of the entire length of the GI tract.

C. mucosa and submucosa of the GI tract along its length.

Carboxypeptidase is an enzyme that helps digest A. amino acids within the stomach. B. complex carbohydrates within the small intestine. C. peptides within the small intestine. D. disaccharides within the duodenum. E. starch within the stomach.

C. peptides within the small intestine.

The central cavity of a tooth is filled with A. cementum. B. dentin. C. pulp. D. enamel. E. calcium phosphate.

C. pulp.

Nucleic acids are digested within the A. mouth. B. stomach. C. small intestine. D. pancreas. E. large intestine.

C. small intestine.

Mastication is a process that facilitates A. propulsion of materials through the intestine, and it involves simultaneous secretion of enzymes. B. mixing of food within the stomach, and it occurs with simultaneous hormone secretion there. C. swallowing of food, and it increases the surface area of the food for exposure to enzymes. D. absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream, and it involves carrier proteins in the epithelium.

C. swallowing of food, and it increases the surface area of the food for exposure to enzymes.

Which of the following statements is true about teeth? A. The primary component of teeth is dentin. B. The outer surface of enamel forms the crown of a tooth. C. The root is covered by cementum. D. All of the choices are correct.

D. All of the choices are correct.

Which duct transports bile to and from the gallbladder? A. Common bile duct B. Pancreatic duct C. Hepatopancreatic duct D. Cystic duct E. Hepatic duct

D. Cystic duct

(Sorry can't add a pic w/o $$) This figure shows the stomach. What mesentery is attached to the region indicated by number 6? A. Falciform ligament B. Mesentery proper C. Gastric ligament D. Greater omentum E. Lesser omentum

D. Greater omentum

The esophagus A. secretes digestive enzymes from its mucosa. B. is located anterior to the trachea. C. opens to the stomach at the pyloric sphincter. D. contains both smooth and skeletal muscle fibers. E. is lined with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.

D. contains both smooth and skeletal muscle fibers.

In some digestive reflexes, the facial nerve stimulates salivary glands; the salivary glands are acting as A. afferents. B. receptors. C. efferents. D. effectors. E. control centers.

D. effectors.

Cholecystokinin is a(n) _________ released by the _________. A. enzyme; stomach B. enzyme; small intestine C. enzyme; gallbladder D. hormone; small intestine E. hormone; gallbladder

D. hormone; small intestine

Stenosis (constriction) of the pyloric sphincter would interfere with A. passage of bile and pancreatic juice into the duodenum. B. peristalsis. C. passage of a bolus into the stomach. D. passage of chyme into the duodenum. E. mucus secretion.

D. passage of chyme into the duodenum.

Digestion of proteins is initiated by the enzyme A. amylase. B. hydrochloric acid. C. aminopeptidase. D. pepsin. E. CCK.

D. pepsin.

The lining of the gastrointestinal tract that allows for absorption and secretion is A. keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. B. nonkeratinized stratfied squamous epithelium. C. areolar connective tissue. D. simple columnar epithelium. E. simple squamous epithelium.

D. simple columnar epithelium.

Amylase from saliva digests A. lipids. B. protein. C. glucose. D. starch.

D. starch.

Duodenal glands (Brunner glands) that secrete a viscous mucus into the small intestine are located in the A. serosa. B. adventitia. C. mucosa. D. submucosa. E. muscularis interna.

D. submucosa.

(Sorry can't add a pic w/o $$) This figure shows the stomach. Which number indicates the fundus? A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 7 E. 8

E. 8

Which of the following is the correct sequence of regions of the small intestine, from beginning to end? A. Ileum - duodenum - jejunum B. Jejunum - duodenum - ileum C. Duodenum - ileum - jejunum D. Ileum - jejunum - duodenum E. Duodenum - jejunum - ileum

E. Duodenum - jejunum - ileum

Which is not a fold of peritoneum that forms a mesentery? A. Lesser omentum B. Falciform ligament C. Mesentery proper D. Mesocolon E. Intraperitoneal ligament

E. Intraperitoneal ligament

This figure shows an intestinal villus. What specific layer does number 4 indicate? A. Circular layer of muscularis B. Longitudinal layer of muscularis C. Lamina propria D. Basement membrane E. Muscularis mucosae

E. Muscularis mucosae

The projections on the superior surface of the tongue, some of which house taste buds, are the A. tonsils. B. cilia. C. rugae. D. glossal spines. E. papillae.

E. papillae.

T/F: Bile catalyzes the breakdown of triglyceride into a monoglyceride and two free fatty acids.


T/F: Salivary amylase is activated once it enters the acidic environment of the stomach.


T/F: Short reflexes of digestion involve the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves.


T/F: The cystic duct and common bile duct unite to form the common hepatic duct.


T/F: The gallbladder is part of the gastrointestinal tract.


T/F: The pancreas is part of the alimentary canal.


T/F: The pharyngeal phase of swallowing is a voluntary process that is controlled by the cerebral cortex.


T/F: The pharynx is lined with a keratinized epithelium to protect against abrasion.


T/F: The term "motility" refers only to involuntary contractions (not voluntary contractions) that mix and move materials through the GI tract.


T/F: The transverse colon is part of the upper gastrointestinal tract.


T/F: The upper half of the esophagus contains smooth muscle and the lower half contains skeletal muscle.


The sinusoids of the liver are lined by phagocytic reticuloendothelial cells, also called ___________ cells.


Describe the anatomy and physiology of swallowing. Specifically, explain the three phases of swallowing, and how they are controlled.

The cerebrum and skeletal muscles govern the voluntary phase, which is followed by the involuntary pharyngeal phase (coordination of palate and pharynxy governed by medulla), and the involuntary esophageal phase (peristalsis and sphincter coordination).

T/F: Chief cells store and release an inactive precursor of a proteolytic enzyme (rather than the active form) to avoid destroying proteins within themselves.


T/F: Cholecystokinin decreases stomach motility and inhibits release of gastrin.


T/F: During swallowing, elevation of the uvula and soft palate prevents food or fluid from entering the nasopharynx.


T/F: Long reflexes of digestion involve activity of the central nervous system.


T/F: Maltase is a brush border enzyme of the small intestine that digests the sugar maltose.


T/F: Mastication is one component of the mechanical digestion of food.


T/F: Once micelles enter intestinal epithelial cells, fatty acids and monoglycerides combine to form triglycerides.


T/F: Pancreatic juice is secreted by the exocrine pancreatic acini.


T/F: Sympathetic stimulation causes saliva to be more viscous.


T/F: The esophagus is part of the gastrointestinal tract.


T/F: The quadrate lobe is visible on the inferior surface of the liver, adjacent to the gallbladder.


T/F: The submandibular ducts open into the floor of the oral cavity, lateral to the lingual frenulum.


Within intestinal epithelial cells, lipids are wrapped in a protein coat to form __________, which will be packaged into secretory vesicles at the Golgi apparatus.

chylomicrons or chylomicron

The process of swallowing is also called _____________.


The process by which bile breaks up large fat droplets into smaller ones is called __________.


The teniae coli of the large intestine pull the large intestine into many sacs, collectively called _____________.


Of the three regions of the small intestine, the terminal (end) portion is the _____________.


A lymphatic capillary within a villus of the small intestine is called a ____________.


Lipids are absorbed from the small intestine into lymphatic capillaries called _________.


There are two aspects to digestion: chemical digestion and _____ digestion.


A complex carbohydrate that consists of several repeating units of simple sugars is referred to as a _________.


At the pylorus of the stomach, closure of the pyloric sphincter during the multistep process of gastric emptying leads to a reverse current of material; this reverse flow event is known as ___________.


The _____________ is the region of the oral cavity between the gums and the cheeks or lips.


Which peritoneal fold attaches the liver to the anterior internal body wall? A. Coronary ligament B. Falciform ligament C. Mesentery proper D. Intraperitoneal ligament E. Hepatic ligament

B. Falciform ligament

What type of epithelium lines the majority of the oral cavity? A. Keratinized stratified squamous B. Nonkeratinized stratified squamous C. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar D. Keratinized stratified cuboidal E. Nonkeratinized stratified cuboidal

B. Nonkeratinized stratified squamous

The inferior esophageal sphincter is also known as the A. cardiac sphincter. B. pyloric sphincter. C. pharyngoesophageal sphincter. D. pharyngealgastric sphincter. E. esophageal hiatus.

A. cardiac sphincter.

Manufacturers of some medications used to treat heartburn advertise that their products shut down the acid-producing pumps in the stomach. Where are these "acid-producing pumps"? In other words, which type of gastric gland cell secretes acid? A. Chief cells B. Parietal cells C. Mucous neck cells D. Surface mucous cells E. Enteroendocrine cells

B. Parietal cells

Which list of terms progresses from the most superficial structure to the deepest? A. Peritoneal cavity, visceral peritoneum, parietal peritonoeum B. Parietal peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, visceral peritoneum C. Visceral peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, parietal peritoneum D. Visceral peritoneum, parietal peritoneum, peritoneal cavity

B. Parietal peritoneum, peritoneal cavity, visceral peritoneum

Which is the layer of the serous membrane that directly covers the surface of internal organs? A. Omental layer B. Visceral peritoneum C. Parietal peritoneum D. Rectal peritoneum E. Muscularis mucosa

B. Visceral peritoneum

Lacteals A. are found only in the large intestine. B. absorb the products of fat digestion. C. secrete intestinal juice. D. connect directly to the liver. E. All of the choices are correct.

B. absorb the products of fat digestion.

The term "canines" describes the teeth that A. are most anterior, used for slicing and cutting. B. are lateral to the incisors, used for puncturing and tearing. C. bear dental cusps for cutting and grinding. D. are only found as permanent teeth.

B. are lateral to the incisors, used for puncturing and tearing.

What is the correct order for the list of structures of the large intestine, starting at the cecum and ending at the rectum? a: Left colic flexure b: Ascending colon c: Transverse colon d: Right colic flexure e: Sigmoid colon f: Descending colon A. f, c, d, e, a, b B. b, d, c, a, f, e C. e, b, a, c, d, f D. b, a, c, d, f, e E. e, b, d, c, a, f

B. b, d, c, a, f, e

The presence of food in the stomach triggers the release of a hormone that stimulates contraction of the pyloric sphincter. Specifically, these events involve release of A. secretin in the cephalic phase of digestion. B. gastrin in the gastric phase of digestion. C. CCK in the intestinal phase of digestion. D. lipase in the intestinal phase of digestion. E. chyle in the secretory phase of digestion

B. gastrin in the gastric phase of digestion.

Bacteria within the large intestine are called A. indigenous macrobiota. B. indigenous microbiota. C. exogenous macrobiota. D. exogenous microbiota.

B. indigenous microbiota.

The buccal, lingual, and labial salivary glands are __________ salivary glands. A. extrinsic B. intrinsic

B. intrinsic

The pancreas is located primarily on the ______ side of the body, and it produces an _______ juice that is rich in a variety of enzymes. A. left, acidic B. left, alkaline C. right, acidic D. right, alkaline

B. left, alkaline

The mastication center is located in the _____________ of the brain. A. hippocampus and amygdala B. medulla and pons C. hypothalamus D. entorhinal cortex and basal nuclei E. solitary nucleus

B. medulla and pons

The deciduous teeth are the _________ teeth, and there are a total of ____ deciduous teeth. A. milk; 8 B. milk; 20 C. wisdom; 4 D. permanent; 20 E. permanent; 28

B. milk; 20

The term "retroperitoneal" may be used to describe the location of certain abdominal organs. This means that such organs are located A. between the visceral and parietal layers of the peritoneum. B. posterior to the parietal peritoneum. C. in the peritoneal cavity. D. between folds of the parietal peritoneum. E. deep to the visceral peritoneum.

B. posterior to the parietal peritoneum.

Secretin is a hormone that is secreted by the A. stomach. B. small intestine. C. large intestine. D. liver. E. pancreas.

B. small intestine.

Most saliva is produced by the _________ gland. A. parotid B. submandibular C. sublingual D. lingual E. buccal

B. submandibular

A sphincter is a A. thickening of the longitudinal layer of the muscularis that propels materials through the GI tract. B. thickening of the circular layer of the muscularis that controls movement of materials through the GI tract. C. fold of the mucosa of the GI tract that increases the total surface area for absorption of nutrients. D. circle of adventitia that anchors the GI tract to neighboring structures.

B. thickening of the circular layer of the muscularis that controls movement of materials through the GI tract.

"Segmentation" within the small intestine refers to the A. propulsion of material between the segments of the GI tract. B. division of function between the different segments of the small intestine. C. back-and-forth motion that mixes chyme with glandular secretions. D. gastroileal reflex that moves materials from the stomach to the large intestine.

C. back-and-forth motion that mixes chyme with glandular secretions.

Lipid molecules that are absorbed from the GI tract enter A. mesenteric arteries. B. mesenteric veins. C. lymphatic capillaries. D. the liver.

C. lymphatic capillaries.

The type of receptor within the GI tract wall that detects stretch is the A. steroid receptor. B. chemoreceptor. C. mechanoreceptor. D. retroperitoneal proprioceptor.

C. mechanoreceptor.

An increased secretion of watery saliva will result when the A. basal nuclei of the brainstem activate sympathetic pathways to salivary glands. B. basal nuclei of the cerebrum activate somatic pathways to salivary glands. C. salivary nuclei of the brainstem activate parasympathetic pathways to salivary glands. D. salivary nuclei of the cerebrum activate sympathetic pathways to salivary glands. E. glossopharyngeal nuclei of the pons activate somatic and sympathetic pathways to the salivary glands.

C. salivary nuclei of the brainstem activate parasympathetic pathways to salivary glands.

What structures compose a portal triad? A. Branches of the hepatic artery, hepatic vein, and hepatic duct B. Branches of the common bile duct, central vein, and hepatic artery C. Branches of the hepatic duct, cystic duct, and central vein D. Branches of the hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, and hepatic duct E. Branches of the cystic duct, central vein, and hepatic artery

D. Branches of the hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein, and hepatic duct

Which peritoneal fold supports the large intestine? A. Greater omentum B. Lesser omentum C. Falciform ligament D. Mesocolon E. Peritoneal ligament

D. Mesocolon

What material is transported in the sinusoids of the liver? A. Bile B. Arterial blood C. Venous blood D. Mixed arterial and venous blood E. Hepatic juice

D. Mixed arterial and venous blood

What is the correct order for the layers of the GI tract wall, from innermost (next to lumen) to outermost? A. Mucosa - submucosa - adventitia/serosa - muscularis B. Muscularis - mucosa - adventitia/serosa - submucosa C. Adventitia/serosa - mucosa - submucosa - muscularis D. Mucosa - submucosa - muscularis - adventitia/serosa E. Adventitia/serosa - muscularis - mucosa - submucosa

D. Mucosa - submucosa - muscularis - adventitia/serosa

For the majority of the GI tract, which layer(s) of the wall contain smooth muscle? A. Muscularis only B. Mucosa and adventitia C. Serosa only D. Mucosa and muscularis E. Submucosa and muscularis

D. Mucosa and muscularis

Which bones form the hard palate? A. Palatine bones B. Maxillae and inferior nasal conchae C. Ethmoid and sphenoid bones D. Palatine bones and maxillae E. Maxillae and sphenoid

D. Palatine bones and maxillae

Which organ is retroperitoneal? A. Stomach B. Jejunum C. Transverse colon D. Pancreas E. Cecum

D. Pancreas

Late one night, while studying for your anatomy class, you open a box of saltine crackers to do a little snacking. After chewing on a starchy morsel for a few minutes, you begin to notice a sweet taste in your mouth. What accounts for this? A. "Sweet" taste receptors are slower to respond than others B. Activity of bacteria in the mouth lowers the pH C. Esophageal reflux D. Salivary amylase activity E. Phagocytosis by the pharyngeal tonsils produces by-products that taste sweet

D. Salivary amylase activity

The gastroenterologist has just determined that you have a blockage in your jejunum and he will have to perform surgery, making a small incision in the wall to remove the obstruction. Which tunic will be cut first? A. Mucosa B. Submucosa C. Tunica muscularis D. Serosa E. Adventitia

D. Serosa

Which is not found in the wall of the large intestine? A. Goblet cells B. Simple columnar epithelium C. Lymphatic nodules D. Villi E. Intestinal glands

D. Villi

Which layer(s) of the wall of the GI tract contain a nerve plexus? A. Muscularis only B. Mucosa and serosa C. Adventitia only D. Mucosa and muscularis E. Submucosa and muscularis

E. Submucosa and muscularis

An organ that helps break down food but is not part of the tube through which the foodstuffs pass is referred to as a(n) a. chemically digesting organ. b. accessory digestive organ. c. alimentary canal organ. d. diffuse ingestive structure. e. organ of mastication.

b. accessory digestive organ.

Chewed food mixed with saliva is called a _____________, which is swallowed once mastication is complete.


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