A&P II - Exam #3 Study Guide

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Pyruvate can be used for anaerobic ____ or aerobic respiration.


In gluconeogensis glucose is synthesized from ____ and amino acids.


Glucose and ____ metabolism is crucial to the body.


Anabolic reactions include ____ and gluconeogensis.


The digess process begins first with the ____ of foods.


The disaccharide starch is catabolized into ____, which is then converted into glucose.


The act of protein digestion begins in the mouth with ____ digestion.


The fluid from the _____ _____ joins sperm from the ____ _____ at the ejaculatory duct.

seminal vesicles; ductus deferens

Glucose then can be absorbed by the ____ ____.

small intestine

The ____ is full of mitochondria that synthesize ATP so the sperm cell can swim.


The entire process of starch digestion begins in the ____ with amylase.


Characteristics and Functions of High Density Lipoproteins:

-A vehicle for removing excess cholesterol in the body. -After being synthesized by the liver, picks up cholesterol and phospholipids from other organs. -A high level of this lipoprotein is healthy.

Male Sexual Response Stages: Excitement

-Deep artery dilation. -Bulbourethral fluid is secreted.

Components of Mechanical Digestion

-Deglutition -Mastication -Segmentation -Churning -Peristalsis -Haustral Contractions -Bolus Formation

Characteristics and Functions of Very Low Density Lipoproteins:

-Eventually become LDL's after triglycerides are removed from the molecule. -Transport lipids to the adipose tissue for storage.

Characteristics and Functions of Chylomicrons:

-Formed in the absorptive cells of the small intestine and then stored in adipocytes as triglyceride. -Converted into monoglycerides and free fatty acids by lipoprotein lipase.

Male Sexual Excitement Stages: Resolution

-Internal pudendal artery constricts. -Blood is squeezed from the erectile tissues as the trabecular muscles contract.

Male Sexual Excitement Stages: Orgasm-Expulsion

-Internal urethral sphincter contracts. -Bulb and root of penis are rythmically compressed.

Macromolecules that target Lipids:

-Lingual Lipase -Pancreatic Lipase -Gastric Lipase -Bile Salts -Lecithin

Macromolecules that target Proteins:

-Pepsin -Trypsin -Carboxypeptidase -Aminopeptidase -HCI -Chymotrypsin -Aminopeptidase

Macronutrients consist of:

-Protein -Water -Carbohydrate -Glucose -Fat -Actin, myosin, titin, tropomyosin, troponin, and collagen.

Macromolecules that target Carbohydrates:

-Salivary Amylase -Dextrinase -Maltase -Lactase -Pancreatic Amylase -Glucoamylase -Sucrase

Chemical Components of Digestion

-Salivary Amylase -Pepsin -Hydrochloric Acid -Pancreatic Lipase

The Pancreas:

-Secretes inactive enzymes that when activated will digest proteins. -Secretes Zymogens. -Secretes enzymes that digest fats. -Secretes deoxyribonuclease. -Secretes an enzyme that digests carbohydrates.

Micronutrients consist of:

-Sodium -Magnesium -Chloride -Ascorbic Acid -Folic Acid -Calcium -Iron -Calcitrol -Niacin -Alpha-tocopherol

Male Sexual Excitement Stages: Orgasm-Emission

-Sperm are moved via muscular contractions from the ductus deferens to the ampulla to the urethra. -The prostate begins to secrete components of seminal fluid.

The Gallbladder:

-Stores and concentrates the substance that breaks globules of fat into droplets of fat. -Contraction is induced by cholecystokinin.

The Liver:

-Synthesizes Bile -Synthesizes Bile Acids -Releases its secretions into the bile canaliculi.

Characteristics and Functions of Low Density Lipoproteins:

-Utilized by cells for membrane structure. -Contributes to steroid hormone synthesis. -Levels are elevated by cigarette smoking, coffee, and stress.


-Vitamin A -Vitamin E -Retinol -Alpha-Tocopherol -Vitamin D -Vitamin K -Calcitrol -Phylloquinone


-Vitamin B -Ascorbic Acid -Riboflavin -Cobalamin -Pantothenic -Biotin -Vitamin C -Thiamine -Pyridoxine -Niacin -Folic Acid

____ macromolecules are broken down by ____ monomers. 1. Proteins = _____ 2. Carbohydrates = ____ 3. Nucleic Acids = ____ 4. Fats = ____

1. Amino Acids 2. Monosaccharides 3. Nucleotides 4. Monoglycerides and Fatty Acids

The Pathway of Ejaculation

1. Seminiferous Tubules 2. Epididymis 3. Ductus Deferens 4. Ampulla of Ductus Deferens 5. Ejaculatory Duct 6. Prostatic Urethra 7. Membranous Urethra 8. Spongy Urethra 9. External Urethral Orifice

Which of the following is not a process carried out by bacterial flora? A. Digestion of most of the proteins we get in the diet B. Digestion of cellulose C. Production of some of the gases found in flatus D. Formation of part of the feces E. Synthesis of vitamin K

A. Digestion of most of the proteins we get in the diet

__________ happens in the cytoplasm, whereas __________ happens in the mitochondrion. A. Glycolysis; the citric acid (Krebs) cycle B. Aerobic respiration; anaerobic fermentation C. Anaerobic fermentation; glycolysis D. Glycolysis; pyruvic acid reduction E. The citric acid (Krebs) cycle; mitochondrial electron-transport

A. Glycolysis; the citric acid (Krebs) cycle

Why would an enlarged prostate gland interfere with urination? A. It compresses the urethra. B. It produces thicker prostatic secretions that block the urethra. C. It develops calcified deposits that block the urethra. D. It inhibits urine production. E It inhibits the micturition reflex.

A. It compresses the urethra.

Which of the following nutrients must be digested in order to be absorbed? A. Proteins B. Minerals C. Cholesterol D. Water E. Vitamins

A. Proteins

Which of the following is not associated with the large absorptive surface of the small intestine?0-2013 A. Rugae B. Intestinal length C. Microvilli D. Circular folds (plicae circulares) E. Villi

A. Rugae

Which of the following nutrients is absorbed by the lacteals of the small intestine? A. Triglycerides B. Amino acids C. Minerals D. Water-soluble vitamins E. Glucose

A. Triglycerides

The ion exchange molecule in the plasma membrane of parietal cells exchanges ________ ions going out for ________ ions coming in. A. bicarbonate; chloride B. bicarbonate;potassium C. bicarbonate;hydrogen D. potassium;bicarbonate E. chloride;bicarbonate

A. bicarbonate; chloride

In the parietal cells, the enzyme carbonic anhydrase causes a reaction between: A. carbon dioxide and water. B. carbonic acid and water. C. bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions. D. hydrogen ions and potassium ions. E. hydrogen ions and chloride ions.

A. carbon dioxide and water.

Which of the following inhibits the secretion of the gastric glands? A. duodenum pH of less than two B. lipids in the stomach C. gastrin D. The first and third choices are both correct answers E. All the above are correct

A. duodenum pH of less than two.

The hormone ________ stimulates the secretion of the enzyme ________ in the stomach. A. gastrin;pepsin B. gastrin;secretin C. gastrin;cholecystokinin D. pepsin;secretin E. pepsin;gastrin

A. gastrin;pepsin

Blood sugar refers to what molecule circulating in blood? A. glucose B. sucrose C. fructose D. sucrase

A. glucose

Secretin is released from the duodenum in response to: A. hydrochloric acid in chyme. B. sodium hydroxide in chyme. C. the hormone gastrin. D. partially digested protein. E. partially digested carbohydrate.

A. hydrochloric acid in chyme.

Enzymes assist in the occurrence of reactions by A. lowering the activation energy. B. raising the activation energy. C. providing ATP. D. using ATP.

A. lowering the activation energy.

Which of the following events occur during anaphase I? A. separation of homologous chromosomes B. formation of synaptonemal complex C. lengthening of kinetochore microtubules D. The first and second choices are both correct. E. A, B and C

A. separation of homologous chromosomes

Male infertility (sterility) refers to A. the inability to fertilize an egg. B. low sperm count. C. the inability to have an erection. D. low levels of testosterone. E. a lack of seminal fluid during ejaculation.

A. the inability to fertilize an egg.

An enzyme to take off one amino acid from the NH2 side of the peptide chain. __________________


Arrange the following electron acceptors in the proper order in which they participate in electron transport. 1 = Cytochrome c 2 = Oxygen 3 = Cytochrome c oxidase A. 1, 2, 3 B. 1, 3, 2 C. 2, 3, 1 D. 3, 1, 2 E. 3, 2, 1

B. 1, 3, 2 -Cytochrome C -Cytochrome C Oxidase -Oxygen

The NET result of a single glycolysis run is the formation of: A. 1 NADH and 1 ATP. B. 2 NADH and 2 ATP. C. 2 NADH and 4 ATP. D. 4 NADH and 2 ATP. E. 4 NADH and 4 ATP.

B. 2 NADH and 2 ATP.

In glycolysis, glucose is converted to A. CO2 and H2O. B. 2 pyruvate molecules. C. citrate. D. acetyl coA. E. NAD+ and ADP.

B. 2 pyruvate molecules.

Which of these processes is essential for all of the rest to happen? A. Anaerobic fermentation B. Glycolysis C. Electron transport chain D. Lactic acid reduction E. Citric acid cycle

B. Glycolysis

Each of the following lists some of the tissue layers of the digestive tract. Which one has them in correct order from lumen to external surface? A. Mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, lamina propria, serosa B. Lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa C. Mucosa, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis externa, lamina propria D. Mucosa, submucosa, muscularis mucosae, muscularis externa, lamina propria E. Serosa, lamina propria, submucosa, muscularis mucosae, muscularis externa

B. Lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa

Which of the following best describers the reduction of the coenzyme NAD? A. NAD + H -> NADH B. NAD+ + H -> NADH C. NAD+ + H -> NADH2 D. NADH -> NAD+ + H E. NADH -> NAD + H

B. NAD+ + H -> NADH

Which of the following is a product of glycolysis? A. Glucose B. Pyruvic acid C. Acetyl-CoA D. Lactic acid E. Carbon dioxide

B. Pyruvic acid

Which of the following is not an accessory organ of digestion? A. Tongue B. Spleen C. Salivary glands D. Liver E. Pancreas

B. Spleen

What function do many B vitamins serve in the production of energy? A. They function as enzymes. B. They function as co-enzymes. C. They function as energy sources. D. They function as hypoenzymes.

B. They function as co-enzymes.

When protons are pumped outside the cell membrane A. water is made. B. a proton motive force is created. C. NADH gets reduced. D. electrons are lost.

B. a proton motive force is created.

The physiological process that moves a nutrient from the outside of the body to the inside is called __________. A. ingestion B. absorption C. digestion D. secretion E. compaction

B. absorption

In simple terms sucrase A. joins glucose and fructose together to form sucrose. B. breaks sucrose into glucose and fructose. C. forms a disaccharide from a monosaccharide. D. breaks sucrose into hydrogen, oxygen and carbon atoms.

B. breaks sucrose into glucose and fructose.

The oral phase of swallowing is under __________ control and the pharyngo-esophageal phase is __________. A. autonomic nervous system; controlled by autonomic reflexes B. central nervous system; controlled by autonomic reflexes C. involuntary; also involuntary D. voluntary; also voluntary E. central nervous system; also controlled by the central nervous system

B. central nervous system; controlled by autonomic reflexes

Gastric secretion begins during the ________ phase and ends during the ________ phase. A. cephalic;gastric B. cephalic;intestinal C. gastric;cephalic D. gastric;intestinal E. intestinal;gastric

B. cephalic;intestinal

A primary spermatocyte... A. divides by mitosis to produce two secondary spermatocytes. B. divides by meiosis to produce two secondary spermatocytes. C. divides by meiosis to produce four spermatids. D. divides by meiosis to produce two spermatids. E. divides by mitosis to produce two spermatids.

B. divides by meiosis to produce two secondary spermatocytes.

Which of the following hormones does not inhibit gastric gland secretions? A. secretin B. gastrin C. Gastric inhibitory peptide. D. cholecystokinin

B. gastrin

Cells obtain energy by ________ food molecules such as glucose. A. reducing B. oxidizing C. redoxing D. anabolizing E. phosphorylating

B. oxidizing

The __________ regulates the flow of contents from the stomach to the duodenum. A. antrum B. pyloric sphincter C. fundic region D. gastric rugae E. cardiac region

B. pyloric sphincter

Spermatogenesis occurs in the A. epididymis. B. seminiferous tubules. C. prostate gland. D. vas deferens. E. seminal vesicle.

B. seminiferous tubules.

Which of the following is not a function of gastric hydrochloric acid (HCl)? A. Convert Fe3+ to Fe2+ B. Destroy ingested pathogens C. Emulsify lipids D. Activate pepsinogen to pepsin E. Activate lingual lipase

C. Emulsify lipids

What is the synthesis of glucose from amino acids called? A. Glycogen catabolism B. Glycogenesis C. Gluconeogenesis D. Glycogenolysis E. Glycolysis

C. Gluconeogenesis

________ ions are actively transported into the gastric gland duct, in exchange for ________ ions which enter the parietal cells. A. Potassium;hydrogen B. Potassium;chloride C. Hydrogen;potassium D. Hydrogen;chloride E. Chloride;potassium

C. Hydrogen; potassium

Which of the following is true concerning oxygen in regards to aerobic respiration? A. It directly transfers electrons and protons to NAD+ and FAD. B. It is the only substrate of aerobic respiration. C. It is the final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration. D. It directly receives electrons and protons from NAD+ and FAD. E. It transports electrons to the mitochondrion.

C. It is the final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration.

A hydrogen atom consists of A. protons only. B. electrons only. C. a proton and an electron. D. a proton and several electrons. E. a variable number of protons and electrons.

C. a proton and an electron.

The network of nerves that regulate digestive motility, secretion, and blood flow is called the A. central nervous system. B. limbic system. C. enteric nervous system. D. sympathetic nervous system. E. reticular formation.

C. enteric nervous system.

Minerals are __________, whereas vitamins are __________. A. incomplete nutrients; complete nutrients B. inessential nutrients; essential nutrients C. inorganic elements; organic compounds D. micronutrients; macronutrients E. water-soluble elements; lipid-soluble compounds

C. inorganic elements; organic compounds

The movement of protons through ATP synthase occurs from the: A. matrix to the intermembrane space. B. matrix to the cytoplasm. C. intermembrane space to the matrix. D. intermembrane space to the cytoplasm. E. cytoplasm to the intermembrane space.

C. intermembrane space to the matrix.

Under anaerobic conditions, the end-product of glycolysis is converted to: A. CO2 and H2O. B. amino acids. C. lactic acid. D. hydrochloric acid. E. acetic acid.

C. lactic acid.

How often can a sucrase molecule be used to hydrolyze sucrose? A. once B. twice C. many times D. never

C. many times

Carbohydrate digestion begins in the __________, whereas protein digestion begins in the __________. A. stomach; small intestine B. small intestine; stomach C. mouth; stomach D. mouth; small intestine E. liver; small intestine

C. mouth; stomach

An example of chemical digestion is the break down of __________ into __________. A. proteins; nucleotides B. amino acids; proteins C. nucleic acids; nucleotides D. polysaccharides; amino acids E. fatty acids; cholesterol

C. nucleic acids; nucleotides

Where is sucrase found in the human body? A. on the gastric surface B. in the liver C. on the microvilli of the small intestine D. in the pancreas

C. on the microvilli of the small intestine

Which B vitamin is found in egg yolk (and other foods) and functions as part of Coenzyme A? A. riboflavin B. niacin C. pantothenic acid D. biotin

C. pantothenic acid

An inability to achieve an erection in response to direct genital stimulation may be due to damage to the ______________. A. sympathetic nerve fibers of S2 to S4. B. spinal nerves T12 to L2. C. parasympathetic fibers of S2 to S4 D. obturator nerve E. external iliac artery

C. parasympathetic fibers of S2 to S4

The acrosome contains enzymes used to A. dissolve the mucosa of the uterus. B. penetrate the vagina. C. penetrate barriers surrounding the ovum. D. dissolve the stickiness of the semen. E. dissolve the mucosa of the vagina.

C. penetrate barriers surrounding the ovum.

Which of the following enzymes is produced by the stomach? A. insulin B. secretin C. pepsin D. trypsin E. chymotrypsin

C. pepsin

The muscle tone of the __________ along the colon contracts it lengthwise, causing its walls to bulge and form pouches called __________. A. internal sphincters; ceca B. circular folds; ceca C. taeniae coli; haustra D. internal sphincters; omental (epiploic) appendages E. haustra; taeniae coli

C. taeniae coli; haustra

The penis is homologous to A. a finger. B. the vagina. C. the clitoris. D. the urethra. E. the appendix.

C. the clitoris

In the example shown, what co-enzyme is used to assist in the production of ATP from pyruvate? A. green co-factor B. carbon dioxide C. thiamine pyrophosphate D. an apoenzyme

C. thiamine pyrophosphate

Oxygen acts as A. carrier of electrons, passing electrons down the chain B. a reducing agent C.the terminal electron acceptor D. a coenzyme

C.the terminal electron acceptor

An enzyme to take off one amino acid from the -COOH side of the peptide chain. ___________________


Arrange the following events in the proper order in which they occur during meiosis I. 1 = Separation of homologous chromosomes 2 = Formation of tetrads 3 = Crossing-over 4 = Independent assortment A. 1, 2, 3, 4 B. 1, 3, 2, 4 C. 2, 3, 1, 4 D. 2, 3, 4, 1 E. 2, 4, 3, 1

D. 2, 3, 4, 1 -Formation of tetrads. -Crossing-over. -Independent assortment. -Separation of homologous chromosomes.

Which of the following features is unique to meiosis? A. synapsis B. homologous recombination C. reduction division D. All of the choices are correct. E. Only the first and second choices are correct.

D. All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following events occur during prophase I? A. breakdown of nuclear envelope B. condensation of chromosomes C. movement of centrosomes D. All of these choices are correct. E. Only the first and second choices are correct.

D. All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following occurs during the gastric phase of gastric secretion? A. Gastrin secretion begins. B. The secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin is stimulated. C. Gastric activity is stimulated in response to food increasing the pH of the stomach's contents. D. All of these take place in the gastric phase. E. None of these take place in the gastric phase.

D. All of these take place in the gastric phase.

Which of the following represents the overall reaction for aerobic respiration? A. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 O2 B. C6H12O6 + 6 CO2 → 6 O2 + 6 H2O C. C6H12O6 + 6 H2O → 6 CO2 + 6 O2 D. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O E. O2+ 6 H2O → C6H12O6 + 6 CO2

D. C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O

Which of the following are macronutrients? A. Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, but not water B. Nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins C. Sodium, potassium, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins D. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and water E. Sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, and phosphorous

D. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and water

Which of the following is a final product of aerobic respiration? A. Glucose B. Lactic acid C. Pyruvic acid D. Carbon dioxide E. Oxygen

D. Carbon dioxide

Carbohydrates function as structural components in all of the following except __________. A. ATP B. glycoproteins C. nucleic acids D. amino acids E. glycolipids

D. amino acids

Protons received from NADH A. act as coenzymes. B. are passed along the electron transport chain along with the electrons. C. are the terminal electron acceptors. D. are pumped outside the cell.

D. are pumped outside the cell.

How does sucrose change the configuration of sucrase? A. by significant trauma when they collide randomly B. by changing the pH of the solvent C. by force when under pressure D. by binding to the active site

D. by binding to the active site

The hydrogen ions used to form hydrochloric acid in the stomach are derived from A. chloric acid. B. citric acid. C. carboxylic acid. D. carbonic acid. E. carbalcoholic acid.

D. carbonic acid.

The penile urethra is enclosed by the A. corpus cavernosum. B. prepuce. C. trabecular muscle. D. corpus spongiosum. E. frenulum.

D. corpus spongiosum.

When it is cold, the _____________ contracts and draws the testes closer to the body to keep them warm. A. pampiniform plexus B. corpus spongiosum C. corpus cavernosum D. cremaster muscle E. perineum

D. cremaster muscle

The three most abundant classes of nutrients are __________. A. proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates B. proteins, fats, and minerals C. triglycerides, starches, and proteins D. fats, proteins, and carbohydrates E. carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals

D. fats, proteins, and carbohydrates

At the end of meiosis II, there are A. two haploid cells, with each chromosome containing two sister chromatids. B. two haploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid. C. four haploid cells, with each chromosome containing two sister chromatids. D. four haploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid. E. four diploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid.

D. four haploid cells, with each chromosome consisting of a single chromatid.

At the end of meiosis I, each daughter cell is A. diploid, and each chromosome consists of a single chromatid. B. diploid, and each chromosome consists of two chromatids. C. haploid, and each chromosome consists of a single chromatid. D. haploid, and each chromosome consists of two chromatids. E. haploid, containing a mixture of single- and double-chromatid chromosomes.

D. haploid, and each chromosome consists of two chromatids.

The four daughter cells produced in meiosis A. are diploid just like the parent cell. B. have double the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. C. have one-fourth the number of chromosomes of the parent cell. D. have one of each pair of chromosomes found in the parent cell. E. have identical chromosomes.

D. have one of each pair of chromosomes found in the parent cell.

Hydrochloric acid is formed when: A. hydrogen ions and chloride ions join in the parietal cell cytoplasm. B. hydrogen ions and chloride ions join in the parietal cell nucleus. C. hydrogen ions and chloride ions join in the stomach lumen. D. hydrogen ions and chloride ions join in the duct of the gastric gland.

D. hydrogen ions and chloride ions join in the duct of the gastric gland.

Consuming B vitamins in excess of need will: A. decrease formation of energy (ATP). B. increase formation of energy (ATP). C. increase rate of muscle formation. D. increase B vitamins in urine.

D. increase B vitamins in urine.

A crossover in meiosis is an exchange of genetic material between A. sister chromatids of the same chromosome. B. sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes. C. sister chromatids of non-homologous chromosomes. D. non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes. E. non-sister chromatids of non-homologous chromosomes.

D. non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.

The enzyme(s) called __________ break(s) down the substrate called __________. A. nucleases; nucleotides B. lactose; lactase C. lactase; glucose D. peptidases; proteins E. lipases; micelles

D. peptidases; proteins

The spindle apparatus is fully formed by the end of A. metaphase II. B. anaphase II. C. prophase II. D. prometaphase II. E. telophase II.

D. prometaphase II.

Which of the following does NOT stimulate the secretion of HCl in the stomach? A. the smell of food B. the taste of food C. the distention of the stomach as it fills with food D. secretin E. All of the above stimulate secretion of HCl in the stomach

D. secretin

The outermost layer of the digestive tract, which is composed of a thin layer of areolar tissue and simple squamous epithelium, is called the __________. A. muscularis externa B. lumen C. mucosa (mucous membrane) D. serosa (mesentery) E. submucosa

D. serosa (mesentery)

Separation of ________ occurs in anaphase II of meiosis. A. non-homologous chromosomes B. homologous chromosomes C. non-sister chromatids D. sister chromatids E. the two nuclei

D. sister chromatids

Enzyme that breaks down DNA. _________________


An enzyme to break apart the final two amino acids resulting from a former protein. _________________


Which of the following describes meiosis II in humans? A. 4N -> 2N B. 2N -> 2N C. 2N -> 1N D. 1N -> 2N E. 1N -> 1N

E. 1N -> 1N Rationale: Meiosis II is identical to mitosis and the resulting cells have the exact same number of chromosomes as the original cell at the end of Meiosis I.

________stimulation via the ________ nerve causes the secretion of HCl in the stomach. A. Sympathetic;gastric B. Sympathetic;vagus C. Sympathetic;trigeminal D. Parasympathetic;gastric E. Parasympathetic;vagus

E. Parasympathetic;vagus

What process produces most of the NADH that contributes to ATP synthesis in the cell? A. Anaerobic fermentation B. Glycolysis C. The mitochondrial proton pumps D. The electron transfer from FADH2 E. The citric acid cycle

E. The citric acid cycle

Where does HDL in the body come from? A. The gallbladder B. The small intestine C. The pancreas D. The diet E. The liver

E. The liver

Which of the following is not a function of lipids? A. They form the plasma membrane structure. B. They form the structure of some hormones. C. They form myelin around nerve fibers. D. They provide cushioning around soft organs. E. They form skeletal muscle fibers.

E. They form skeletal muscle fibers.

The electrons that are transferred through the electron transport system initially belonged to: A. NADH. B. FADH2. C. ATP. D. oxygen. E. both NADH and FADH2

E. both NADH and FADH2

High-quality __________ proteins are those that provide all the essential amino acids. A. incomplete B. globular C. fibrous D. net E. complete

E. complete

The penile urethra is enclosed by the A. corpus cavernosum. B. prepuce. C. frenulum. D. trabecular muscle. E. corpus spongiosum.

E. corpus spongiosum.

Each spermatid... A. divides by meiosis to produce four sperm cells. B. divides by mitosis to produce four sperm cells. C. divides by meiosis to produce two sperm cells. D. divides by mitosis to produce two sperm cells. E. differentiates into a sperm cell.

E. differentiates into a sperm cell.

A spermatogonium... A. divides by mitosis to produce two spermatids. B. divides by meiosis to produce four spermatids. C. divides by meiosis to produce two primary spermatocytes. D. divides by mitosis to produce two primary spermatocytes. E. divides by mitosis to produce a spermatogonium and a primary spermatocyte.

E. divides by mitosis to produce a spermatogonium and a primary spermatocyte.

Ion exchange molecules in the plasma membrane of the parietal cells: A. exchange a hydrogen ion coming in for a potassium ion going out. B. exchange bicarbonate ions going out for hydrogen ions coming in. C. exchange chloride ions going out for potassium ions coming in. D. exchange hydrogen ions going out for chloride ions coming in. E. exchange bicarbonate ions going out for chloride ions coming in.

E. exchange bicarbonate ions going out for chloride ions coming in.

Sperm cells get energy to power their movement from _________ contributed by the ____________. A. prostaglandins; prostate gland B. seminogelin; prostate gland C. sucrose; bulbourethral gland D. semen; seminiferous gland E. fructose; seminal vesicles

E. fructose; seminal vesicles

The layer that is responsible for the motility that propels food and residue through the digestive tract is called the __________. A. submucosa B. mucosa (mucous membrane) C. lumen D. serosa E. muscularis externa

E. muscularis externa

From their formation to ejaculation, sperm cells take the following pathway: A. seminiferous tubule, rete testis, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, urethra, ductus deferens. B. seminiferous tubule, epididymis, rete testis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra. C. seminiferous tubule, epididymis, rete testis, urethra, ejaculatory duct, ductus deferens. D, seminiferous tubule, epididymis, rete testis, ejaculatory duct, ductus deferens, urethra. E. seminiferous tubule, rete testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra.

E. seminiferous tubule, rete testis, epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra.

Acid reflux into the esophagus ("heartburn") is normally prevented by __________. A. pharyngeal constrictors B. pharyngeal and buccal sphincters C. esophageal glands D. the upper esophageal sphincter E. the lower esophageal sphincter (LES)

E. the lower esophageal sphincter (LES)

True/False A hydrogen atom consists of a proton and a pair of electrons.


True/False Absorption of many nutrients starts in the stomach.


True/False Chromosome duplication occurs between meiosis I and meiosis II.


True/False Germ-line cells are haploid but gametes are diploid.


True/False Meiosis II of spermatogenesis results in the formation of secondary spermatocytes.


True/False Replication of chromosomes occurs between meiosis I and meiosis II.


True/False The carbonic acid ion is then joined to a hydrogen ion by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase.


True/False The enzyme carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the formation of bicarbonate from carbon dioxide and hydrogen.


True/False The first step in the formation of hydrochloric acid is the active transport of carbon dioxide into the parietal cells.


True/False The formation of ATP as a result of the activity of the electron transport system is termed substrate-level phosphorylation.


True/False The medulla oblongata controls gastric secretion both by the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system and the endocrine system.


True/False Under aerobic conditions, the end-product of glycolysis is further reduced to yield more ATP.


True/False When chyme enters the duodenum, gastric secretion increases.


Secondary Sex Characteristics:

Features that further distinguish the sexes such as facial hair and enlarged breasts.

Brush-border enzyme that breaks down oligosaccharides. _________________


Component that activates pepsinogen. _________________


The haploid ____ contains the sperm's DNA which it intends to donate to a zygote.


Starch is digested first into _____, then into disaccharides.


Brush-border enzyme that is vital to digestion of breast milk, but is not present in the majority of adults. _______________


Mouth secreted-enzyme that increases in activity upon entering the HCI of the stomach. _________________

Lingual Lipase

Brush-border enzyme that targets the release of glucose from maltose. _________________




Secondary Sex Organs:

Organs other than gonads that are necessary for reproduction such as the penis and vagina.

Primary Sex Organs:

Organs that produce gametes such as the testes and ovaries.

The secretions of the male reproductive tract ____ in the testes where _____ are produced.

originate; sperm

Enzyme that produces two free fatty acids and a monoglyceride. __________________

Pancreatic Lipase

Acidophilic enzyme that cleaves all peptide bonds between tyrosine and phenylalanine. ________________


Once in the stomach, _____ hydrolyzes peptide bonds.


The ____ ____ of the tail contains an axoneme and supporting fibers.

principal piece

The second largest producer of seminal volume, the _____ ____ surrounds the urethra and ejaculatory duct.

prostate gland

In glycolosis glucose is split into two molecules of ____ to prepare for other processes.


Enzyme that breaks down RNA. __________________


Enzyme which hydrolyzes starch but is deactivated in the stomach. ________________

Salivary Amylase





True/False At the end of meiosis I, there are two haploid cells, each with two sister chromatids per chromosome.


True/False Both chemical and mechanical digestion start in the mouth and continue in the stomach.


True/False Cholecystokinin, which is produced in the small intestine, inhibits gastric secretions in the stomach.


True/False Crossing-over allows the reassortment of linked genes.


True/False Crossing-over occurs during prophase I of meiosis.


True/False Distention of the stomach activates has a direct stimulatory effect on the gastric glands.


True/False During glycolysis, a 6-carbon sugar diphosphate molecule is split into two 3-carbon sugar phosphate molecules.


True/False Gastrin functions to increase the production of HCl in the stomach.


True/False In the parietal cell, carbonic acid dissociates into a bicarbonate ion and a hydrogen ion.


True/False NADH serves as an electron carrier that can donate its hydrogen to other molecules.


True/False Secretin is released from the duodenum in response to acidic chyme.


True/False Testosterone stimulates development of the secondary sex characteristics, spermatogenesis, and libido.


True/False The digestive system processes food, extracts nutrients, and eliminates the residue.


True/False The energy captured in the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP comes from the proton motive force created by electron transport.


True/False The primary spermatocytes and the spermatogonia each contain 46 chromosomes.


True/False The proliferative phase of the uterus is driven by estrogen from the ovaries.


True/False The region of the cell where chromosome pairs line up is referred to as the metaphase plate.


True/False The spermatids and the secondary spermatocytes each contain 23 chromosomes.


True/False When oxygen accepts electrons, water is produced as a byproduct.


True/False Whenever a molecule is oxidized, another molecule must be reduced.


Once foods are broken down into chemical monomers, the digestive system works as a means of ____ to move nutrients from the GI tract into the cells of the body.


The ____ contains enzymes that penetrate the egg for fertilization.


The ____ border in the intestines will finish the breakdown and begin absorption.


Contributating a small portion of the overall seminal volume (5%), the ____ ____ are involved with pre-ejaculatory secretions for lubrication and preparation of the urethra for the passage of sperm.

bulbourethral glands

Then in the small intestine trypsin, chymotrypsin, and ____ will continue the breakdown of proteins.


Glycolosis and glycogenolysis are ____ reactions.


Indigestible residues along with some of the non-reabsorbed secretions of digestive organs undergo ____ where the fluids are removed and a remaining solid is created.


The final step requires ____ where the fecal matter resulting from compaction is excreted from the body.


Starting in the mouth, the mechanical and chemical breakdown of food is referred to as the process of ____.


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