A&P II Final

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

sacroplasmic recticulum which is the muscle version of the smooth endoplasmic recticulum

100% of the calcium ions required for the contraction of the skeletal muscle fibers come from the _________


1st carpometacarpal


A 5 year old has a fracture of the right distal humerus. The x-ray showed that one side of the bone is bent while the other is broken. This is known as a _________ fracture.


A joint is not moveable while an articulation allows some range of motion. T or F


A module quiz may include questions about previous modules' concepts. This is possible when the material being assessed requires firm understanding of those previous concepts. T or F

18% 3rd degree burn

A patient arrives at the ER with a full charring of the skin on the majority of their lower limb. How would you classify the burn?

-the cortical thickness of the tibia diaphysis, the weight bone bearing of body, is likely to have increased -bone markings involved in maintaining the center of gravity such as the greater trochanter of the femurs is likely to have enlarged -as long as this patient has maintained a balanced diet and has no issue in term of calcium homeostasis, the bone density may have increased

A patient's weight has increased steadily and significantly over the past 10 years. What would you predict inn term of bone remodeling?

Z lines/discs

A sacromere is the area of a myofibril between two _________-


A very heavy object falls on the proximal part of one of your nails. Chances are that you have damaged the nail root and nail matrix and that your nail will fall off. T OR F

structural type of bone

All the answers below influence bone remodeling, except:

number of insertions

All the criteria below can be used to name muscles, except:


All the internal organs are protected by bones. T or F

just good study habits

Arriving on time for our class meetings, checking Canvas for the material covered during a missed meeting (including prompts of activities) are all:


Based on its epidermal structure, the photo is from a section of ______ skin

the shape of the bones

Based on which criterion do we classify bones as flat, irregular, short, long, and seasmoid?


Bones that overall have the same thickness throughout are structurally classified as _________ bones


Both excitbility and _________ illustrate the ability of skeletal muscles to respond to a stimulus by triggering and propagating an electrical signal

5/30 = 1/6

Calculate the mechanical advantage MA of the system below. LA=30 cm PA=5 cm

-a newton is abbreviated N -in an isometric contraction, the work is nul since it is the effort force multiplied bu the distance -forces are expressed in newtons (N) -forces have a direction -a newton is calculated as a mass in kg multiplied by the acceleration in m/s^2 -the resistance is the force exerted by the load

Choose all the answers that apply to forces.

-the eccrine sweat glands, the only sweat glands active before puberty, release a largely odorless water-based secretion via exocytosis -the sweat glands responsible for body odor are the apocrine sweat glands that only get activated by hormones at puberty

Choose all the answers that correctly explain why children should not have smelly sweat before they reach puberty

-skin -hair -sudorfierous, sebacoues, mammary, and ceruminous glands -nails -sensory receptors

Choose all the structures that belong to the integumentary system

-their own tendons -bones -other skeletal muscles -the dermis

Choose all the structures/tissues/organs to which skeletal muscles can attach

sagittal suture, intervertebral discs, temporomandibular joint

Choose the answer that lists joints from the least to the most moveable

type and amount of melanin

Hair color depends on which pigmnet(s)?


Each bone is a single organ. T or F


Ehlers-Danlos syndromes are genetic disorders of the connective tissues. The most severe form is often associated with extremely loose joints and joints pain. The main risk associated to the loose joints is _________ of synovial joints.


For most of the programs (nursing, radiological sciences, ect..) that require 2-semester A&P course series, one must earn at least an ______ in both A&P 1 and 2

-axial muscle -inserts on the mastoid process of the temporal bone -muscle of the anterior neck -originates from the sternum and the clavicle -allows flexion of the neck and lateral rotation of the head

From its name, what can you infer about the sternocleidomastoid?

-while the bicepts brachii is an arm muscle the bicepts femoris is a thigh muscle -both muscles are appendicular muscles -both muscles have 2 origins

From their names, select all the statements that illustrate commonalities or differences between the bicepts brachii and bicepts femoris.


Gomphoses, synchondroses, sutures, and synostoses belong to the same functional category of joints. Which one?

Granulosum layer

Identify the epidermal layer shown by the arrow

-the bone density and even the bone mass decrease over time -the bones would become more porous with decreased mineralization of the spongy bone tissue

If a tumor develops in a parathyroid gland it can cause the gland to continuously release high levels of parathyroid hormone (called hyperparathyroidism). What impact, if any, would you predict hyperparathyroidism to have on the bones?

False, but you will be so well prepared that you will not need any, will you?

If you fill each module study guide, you will get extra-credit points. T or F


If you have a zygomaticus major, you would likely have a zygomaticus _________

hair matrix

In which part of the hair do we find dividing, growing, and metabolically active cells?

fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial

Joints are structurally classified in ___________

-karin's melanocytes more likely synthesize less melanin than rachel's -karin and rachel more likely synthesize different forms of melanin

Karin has a fair skin and Rachel has a darker complexion. What is the most likely explanation for the skin complexion difference between those 2 persons?

contraction of a muscle usually moves its insertion towards its origin(s)

Knowing the origin(s) and the insertion of a muscle helps to determine the movement permitted by the contracting muscle. Choose the statement that best supports this fact.

muscular system, skeletal system, move body parts

Lever systems illustrate how the cooperation between body systems is required for complex body functions. With lever systems, the _______________ and the ____________ cooperate to __________________

-a mechanical advantage>1 -a resistance between the fulcrum and the effort -little range of motion

Lever systems that are mechanically advantageous are characterized by:

dense regular fibrous tissue

Ligaments are joint structures made of __________

those quizzes can only be taken on a computer or an IPAD

Module quizzes require to use lockdown and respondus monitor


Moving the index finger so it describes a cone in space is called __________


Moving the lower limb away from the body within a frontal place is called ________

-just try answering indicating where you are blocking -it is not about being correct/right, it is truly about exercising the brain, making it do some gym... and this way, the instructor knows where the learners are blocking! even if wrong, a learner who tries will get participation points!

Participation is worth 20% in this course. This is crazy scary... what if you do not understand a concept in class and I am asking you?


Presence of a synovial cavity, articular cartilage, synovial membrane, and ligaments are characteristics of what type of joint?

step 2 in the 4 main steps of the ossification process(intramembranous ossification)

Secretion of osteoid by osteoblasts, calcification of osteoid, differentiate of osteoblasts in osteocytes

-a fibrocartilage callus is formed after the blood flow is stopped -the fibrocartilage callus is replaced by bone tissue within a couple of months following the fracture in a process that is reminiscent of endochondral ossification -once can see the location of a previous fracture on X-rays for many months or even years (depending on the extent of the initial break) after the fracture is healed because of the remodeling taking place to remove the body callus

Select all the answers that apply to bone repair

-osteoclasts -osteoblasts

Select all the cells that are part of the bone remodeling unit

-the homeostatic control of calcemia is about maintaining the levels of Ca++ in the blood within a physiological range, irrespectively of the bone tissue health -aging is known to be accompanied by a decline in the ability to form new bone tissue and mineralize it adequately. Hence promoting bone mineralization as bones form in childhood and exercising regularly in adulthood will promote long-lasting bone health -Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone are the main hormones regulating calcemia by negative feedback -Calcitriol is necessary to promote calcium absorption from the diet and calcium reabsorption from the forming urine, thereby increasing serum calcium levels when a calcium-rich diet is followed. This helps maintaining both calcemia and health bone health -Calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D; vitamin D is synthesized by the keratinocytes of the epidermis -In absence of vitamin D, calcemia can still be maintained in adults, albeit at the expense of bone health -Because some hormones involved in regulating calcemia use the bone as a calcium ion reservoir, having a calcium-rich diet helps preventing bone resorption to maintain calcemia

Select all the choices that apply to the homeostatic control of calcemia and its interactions with bone tissue homeostasis

-Also called the subcutaneous membrane/layer -one may found Pacinian receptors embedded in it -Quasi absent deep of the crease lines -Made of connective tissue among which mostly the connective specialized adipose tissue -vascularized

Select all the choices that apply to the hypodermis.

-functionally classified as amphiarthroses -structurally classified as cartilaginous/symphysis

Select all the choices that apply to the intervertebral discs

-smooth muscle tissue -cardiac muscle tissue -skeletal muscle tissue -skeletal muscles

Select all the components of the muscular system.

-symphysis are cartilaginous amphiathrotic joints -fibrous joints are normally synarthroses but some like the syndesmoses are amphiarthrosises -synotoses are usually cartilaginous joints that have ossified -sutures are fibrous synarthrotic joints -synchondroses can be temporary or premanent -cartilaginous joints are mostly amphiarthrosis, but some like the synchondroses are synarthroses -all synovial joints are diathroses

Select all the correct choices about the joints.

-full charring of the skin -basal cell carcinoma -sunburn -melanoma

Select all the examples of major skin imbalances

coxal and glenohumeral

Select all the joints that allow abduction and adduction.

Carotene, melanin, hemoglobin

Select all the molecules that determine and influence the complexion of an idividual.

-circumduction -abduction, adduction -flexion, extension, hyperextension -medial and lateral rotations

Select all the movements at the glenohumeral joint.

-cleavage or tension lines -epidermal ridges -crease or flexure lines

Select all the skin characteristics that are true anatomical skin markings

-thick skin is not hairy; thin skin is hairy excepting at the fingertips and toe tips -the thick skin covers the plantar and palmar regions only -the stratum lucidum is an epidermal layer specific of the thick skin

Select all the statements that differentiate thick and thin skin.

located exclusively within the appendicular skeleton

Select the answer that best applies to the long bones

the cruciate ligaments maintain the alignment of the femur and the tibia during repeated flexion/extensions

Select the statement that best applies to the cruciate ligaments

-module introduction. The instructor posted a 3 min video showing how to set up course specific notificaitons

Setting up the notifications for your grades, deadlines, announcement from our canvas course shell can be very useful! Yes but where to find information about how to set up notifications and can you have some of them coming directly to your phone as text messages?


Since ligaments are types of joints they belong to the skeletal system. T or F

-decreased production of synovial fluid -thinning of the articular cartilage -decreased flexibility of the stabilizing ligaments

Thankfully we are not all going to suffer from arthritis as we get older. However what we can all expect, to some degree, with our synovial joints?


The "socket" of the coxal joint is called _________

A-asymmetry B-border C-color D-diameter E-evolving

The ABCDE rule?


The ______ are to the upper limb what the femurs are to the lower legs.


The accessory structures of the skin (hair, nails, and glands) all derive from the epidermis. T or F


The amount of tension that a muscle develops when contracting is called

-firbrous/synarthrotic -sutures

The collagen fibers are the shortest for which types of joints?

A band

The darker portion of the sacromere composed of thick filaments with more or less overlapping thin filaments is called the ____________


The endosteum that lines the medullary cavity of long bones is made of epithelial tissue. T or F

-structurally classified as a cartilaginous joint -will mature into a synostosis

The epiphyseal plate is a temporary synchondrosis Select all that applies to this statement.


The facet joints between adjacent vertebrae are ___________ (structural)/_________________(functional) joints


The fibrous membrane covering the entire outer surface of the bone except where the bones are articulating is called the _________


The fibula is _______ to the tibia but the ulna is _________ to the radius . Yet both the fibula and the ulna are aligned with the 5th digit of the foot and hand respectively.

all the material covered during the semester is fair game for the exam

The final examination is entirely comprehensive. What does it mean?

isotonic concentric

The flexion at the elbow joint is a ________ contraction

250 N

The mechanical advantage of a lever system is 1/5. How much effort does it take to hold a load of 5 kg? Use g=10 m/s^2


The more moveable a joint is, and the least stable it is. T or F


The overlap between the thin and the thick filaments in the A band of each sacromere increases when the muscle fiber contracts. This also means that the H zone of each sacromere gets smaller even though the length of the A band remains constant. Overall the entire muscle fibers get darker. T or F


The perimysium is to a bundle of skeletal muscle fibers what the ________ is to a single skeletal muscle fiber


The properties of skeletal muscles and all the muscle tissue types to return to their initial length after being stretched is called

False, in fact, they need to be completed by the deadline to earn points

The readiness quizzes are optional. T or F


The skin has an endocrine function. This is through via vitamin D, a precursor of the hormone called calcitirol; calcitriol plays an important role in regulating calcemia. T or F

synaptic cleft

The space between an axon terminal and the motor plate part of the sarcolemma is called the ________


The temporalis and the __________ are axial/head and neck muscles used for masication.

-extension -hyperextension -flexion

The tibiofemural is classically classified as a hinge joint. Given the structural classification which movements do you predict it to allow?


The unit of contraction of the skeletal muscles is the

-You will be able to get extra-credit quesitons at the module quizzes for instance. But usually those are short answer/essay questons -Yes, there are option for extra-credit points in the course. They will just be embedded in graded assignments. Or you can earn extra-credit points. For instance the information sheet if returned by the deadline is worth 10 points out of 0! This means 10 extra-credit points for the participation category of assignments.

There is no extra-credit assignments like we used to have in the fall semester. Does this mean you will never have any chance to get any extra-credit?

parietal bones

Which of these bones does NOT make the ventral part of the carnium


Which of these movements is not an angular movement?


Which of these movements is not classified as a special movement?

-a synonym for osteon is Harvesian system -the central canal, labeled B is called the harvesian canal

This is a micrograph of an osteon.

sphincter muscles (concentric organization of the muscle fibers)

This is the orbicularis oculi and orbiculatis oris

T or transverse tubules

Tunnel-like extensions of the sacrolemma into the depth of each muscle fiber are called ___________


We typically are concerned only with our shin bones, but there are 2 bones between the knee and the ankle. These are called the tibia (the major bone, or shin bone) and the fibula (the minor bone). They dont move much in relation to one another. What is the functional classification fo the interosseous membrane between the tibia and the fibula?

-help learners meeting the course outcomes -help learners understand the material -help learners becoming confident explaining concepts aloud -promote cooperation between peers

What are some of the intended goals of the participation assignment group?

haline cartilage

What covers the articular bone markings involved in freely movable joints (such as the parts of the femur and tibia involved in making the knee joint for instance)?

adipose tissue to store triglycerides or neutral fats (yellow bone marrow)

What does the diaphysis of adult long bones contain?

superior oblique

What is labeling A?

smooth muscle tissue

Which subtypes of muscle tissue is non-striated?

displaced fractures

Which type of fractures will require reduction, that is open or closed reduction?

ultimately converted into the active hormone calcitriol, a hormone that promotes calcium absorption from the diet

What is the fate of the vitamin D?

A or dark band

What is the green arrow pointing to


What is the main respiratory muscle organized as a rectus thoracic muscle?


What is the mode of secretion of the sebaceous glands (=functional classification of those glands)?


What is the name of the onion-shaped or pear-shaped structure which makes the most inferior part of their hair root?


What is the only bone of the skull involved in a freely moveable joint (=joint that allows movement)?

relaxed sacromere

What is this image of


What is this muscle?

comminuted fracture

What type of fracture is this? -closed and complete

You will lose 10% of the points for each 24 hr period you are late

What will happen if you are late in submitting a module quiz and did not make previous arrangements with your instructor? .... I know your internet went down at 10pm and the module quiz was due at 11:59pm... but that is not a valid excuse.....

-this person is likely to have a calcitriol deficiency -the bone denstiy is likely to decrease at a faster rate for this patient than expected with normal aging -over time, this person will be more likely to experience bone breaks than with normal again -this person is likely to have a disrupted calcium homeostasis -this person is likely to experience symptoms of osteomalacia -this person is likely to develop osteoporotic bones

What would you predict in term of bone health to a 50 year-old adult diagnosed with chronic liver or kidney disease?


When a person makes a pinching motion with their thumb and forefinger they are preforming a movement called ___________


When the skeletal muscle cells contract, the length of I bands and the 1/2 bands decrease. T or F

-in the page "setting up an office hour appointment" on the introduction module -in the first page of the syllabus that the syllabus is available online in the introduction module and on the vertical menu of our canvas course shell -on the homepage of our canvas course shell

Where can you find the weblink to click on directly to set an appointment with me during my office hours? It is actually on my email signature when I send you an email via my DSU email address! I forgot to let you know:)

posterior aspect of the thigh

Where is the harmstring group of muscles located?


Which bone cells are responsible for sensing the changes in bone homeostasis?

-a class of lever systems that privilege range of motion over mechanical advantage -a class of lever system represented by the leg or arm lever systems -class 3

Which class of lever system is the most common in the body?

corneum and lucidum

Which epidermal strata are exclusively made of dead keratinocytes?

sebecceous glands

Which exocrine glands of the skin often get plugged, inflamed, and may even get infected in teenagers and young adults?

gap junctions

Which functional cell junction is specifically found between cardiac muscle cells and between smooth muscle cells?

injury of the PCL

Which injury is illustrated by the photo?

class 1

Which lever system class has the fulcrum located between the effort and the resistance?

smooth muscle cells only

Which muscle cells are always mononucleated?

synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, diarthrosis

Which of the following answer list the 3 main functional groups of joints?

spindle-shaped cells

Which of the following does not belong to the list? -cross striations -elongated cylindrical cells -excitation by somatic motorneuron -surrounded by an endomysium -multinucleate cells with peripheral nuclei -spindle-shaped cells


Which of the following is not a function of the nails?


While classically classified as a hinge joint, the tibiofemural also allows some rotation. In this context, one should also classify the tibiofemural as a _______ joint.


While tendons belong to the muscular system, ligaments belong to the ______ system


While the textbook is free as an ebook, you will need to purchase LRNR, an online practice platform. The assignments on LRNR will be graded and will be included into your participation grade (20% of your final course grade in all). Information to register to LRNR is already up in the introduction module but we are waiting for the company to set up the link. It should be solved by the end of the first week. T or F

-inform the instructor as soon as possible a two way communication with her. This will allow her to help you following the course as much as possible with the information provided on Canvas and have necessary accommodations for assignment deadlines. Your absences will be recorded but will not count for the 25% limit for a semester

You are unfortunately sick and cannot attend class for a week. Select all the choices that apply to ensure that you do not fall behind in the class


You earned a total of 67.5% for the readiness quizzes. How many points will you be credited at the end of the course? Tip 1: the maximum is 20 points out of the 100 points for your course Tip 2: remember that most of the math for us boils down to proportions or ratio (cross multiplication)

stress, cold, or fright

You would predict the arrector pilli muscles (APM) that attach the hair follicles to the dermis to contract in response to _________


Your final course grade after all adjustments are made is 59%. What letter grade do you earn?

You earn a B, and your friend earns an Q

Your final course grade after all adjustments were made is 89.49 while your friends is 89.51%. What letter grade do you earn? What letter grade does your friend earn?


bones of the palms in one hand


because of the safety measures around COVID-19, face-to-face attendance is optional in this course.

angular movements


skeletal muscles

allow subtle facial expressions


allows bone deposit when calcemia increases

parathyroid hormonne

allows bone resorption when calcemia decreases

effectors activated by the hypothalamus when the core body temperature is below its set point

arrector pilli muscles in thermoregulation





non-articular bone markings

attachment of skeletal muscles


ball in socket

variable; the value of which is being homostatically regulated

blood temperature also called core body temperature in thermoregulation

effectors the diameter of which increases when the core body temp is above its set point; activated by the hypothalamus

blood vessels of the dermis in thermoregualtion


bones are vascularized. T or F


bones of 1 arm


bones of 1 half of the pectoral girdle


bones of 1 wrist


bones of the 1 forearm


bones of the fingers (digits) in 1 hand




carpals and tarsals


carpometacarpal 2,3,4,5


cartilage bones


cell synthesizing melanin

merkel cells

cells interacting with free nerve endings to form slow adapting tactile receptors called Merkel discs that are sensitive to light



-several synovial joints may be found within the same articular capsule -there are more joins in the body than there are bones -synovial joints are part of the lever systems where hey serve as fulcrum -bone markings involved in synovial joints are covered with hyaline cartilage instead of with periosteum

choose all the answers that apply to the general characteristics of the joints.

angular movements




outermost layer of the bone tissue for all the bones

compact bone tissue



skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissues


ball in socket



cranial bones

continuously sense/record the value of the core body temperature

deep thermoreceptors in thermoregulation

langerhans cells

defense cells of the epidermis

special movements





each phalanx


each vertebrae

effectors activated by the hypothalamus when the core body temp is above its set point

eccrine sudoriferous glands in thermoregulation



special movements



facial bones




flat bones of the cranium


force exerted by the load, starts at the location of the load


force exerted by the primer mover or agonist muscle, starts at the insertion of the muscle

step 4 in the 4 main steps of the ossification process (intramembranous ossification)

formation of lamellar bone and bone marrow

step 1 in the 4 main steps of the ossification process(intramembranous ossification)

formation of the ossification center by clustering and differentiation of mesenchymal cells into osteoblasts

step 3 in the 4 main steps of the ossification process(intramembranous ossification)

formation of woven bone by continuous secretion of osteoid from the surface of the expanding ossification center



readiness quizzes


skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissues

generate body heat

ball in socket


sex hormones at puberty

growth spurts in adolescence and signal end of growth in length with closure of epiphyseal plate

zygomatic minor

what muscle is this

red bone marrow




angular movements


control center for body core temperature; continuously receives the value of the core body temperature recorded by the deep

hypothalamus in thiermoregulation

lumbar vertebrae

identify the vertebrae shown

thoracic vertebrae

identify the vertebrae shown

cervical vertebrae C1 also called the atlas; no body and a foramina in each of the transverse processes

identify the vertebrae shown:











rotational movements

lateral rotation


long bones


main epidermal cell type that differentiate from epithelial cells of the stratum basale to secrete keratin and synthesis vitamin D

skeletal muscles

maintain body posture and joint stability




membrane bones


mesenchymal cells

skeletal muscles

move body parts with lever systems


number of bones making the appendicular skeleton


number of bones making the axial skeleton


number of pairs of floating ribs


number of pairs of the false ribs


number of pairs of the true ribs


number of tarsals in 1 ankle


ossification of bone by condensation of osteoblasts within mesenchyme

endochondral and intramembranous






smooth muscle tissue


smooth muscle tissue






special movements

plantar flexion

appositional and interstitiual

postanal ossification processes

endochondral and intramembranous

prenatal ossification processes

diaphysis-deep into the cartilage

primary ossification center


progressive addition of new osteons at or beneath the periosteum


progressive ossification of bones made of hyaline cartilage


progressive replacement of hyaline cartilage at the metaphyses by spongy bone tissue

diploe sanwhiched in 2 layers of cortical bones tissue of flat bones

protection of internal organs


proximal radioulnar

cardiac muscle tissue

pumping blood



final examination


cancellous bone tissue

red bone marrow

thyroid hormones

regulate the relative growth rate of bones (allometric growth)






secondary ossification centers

2 palatines, 2 maxillae

select all the bones that make the hard plate of the mouth.

-made of 2 true layers, one superficial layer made of a heterogenous epithelium and a deep layer made of several types of connective tissues -the largest organ of the body -the skin is also called the cutaneous membrane or the integument

select all the choices that apply to the skin.

-allows elevation, depression, and excursion (lateral deviation) -allows protraction and retraction -a synovial diathrotic type of joints -occur between the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone (not labelled on the temporal bone)

select all the statements that apply to the temporomandibular joint

-amount of skeletal muscle tension pulling on the bones -amount of weight applied to the bones

select the 2 main factors that determine the level of mechanical stress put on the bones



effectors activated by the hypothalamus when the core body temp is below its set point

skeletal muscles in thermoregulation

epiphysis, metaphyses, and diploe

spongy bone tissue

formation of the collar bone around the dyaphysis of a model of a bone in hyaline cartilage; calsification of the chondrocytes

step 1 of the endocondral ossification

formation of the primary ossification center by invasion of the periosteal bud into the diaphysis; the nutrient artery delivers

step 2 of the endochondral ossification

the medullary cavity elongates by resportion of the chondrocytes by osteoblasts; formation of the secondary ossification

step 3 of the endochondral ossification

spongy bone tissue is formed in the epiphyses; the medullary cavity elongates further till the metaphysis where hyaline cartilage

step 4 of the endochondral ossification

growth hormone

stimulate growth in length in infancy and early childhood

module quizzes


yellow bone marrow

storage of neutral fat

special movements



talocrural (ankle or tibia-fibula-talus)


temporal bones

myosin head

the curved structure on the end of thick filaments

stratum basale

the deepest epidermal layer is known as the _________

disphyses of long bones

the lever part of the lever system

2 os coxae, the sacrum, the coccygeal bones, and the pubic symphysis

the pelvis is made of _______

irregular bones

the spine is made up of which type of bones






unpaired cranial bones


unpaired facial bones

smooth muscle tissue

vasodilation and vasoconstriction



in tendons

what are seasmoid bones located?

actin (globular)

what are the arrows pointing to


what are the arrows pointing to?

troponin C

what are the arrows pointing to?

myosin head binding site on actin

what are the peach colored circles?

-the burn shown by the pink rectangle is more likely to get infected than a simple first degree burn -a skin burn the extent of which is shown by the pink rectangle is unlikely to lead to fingerprint loss -a skin burn the extent of which is shown by the pink rectangle is disrupting the basement membrane onto which the epidermis rests

what burn is this?


what is another word for spongy bone tissue

contracted sacromere

what is the bottom sacromere


what is the distance between the yellow and green arrows

basal cell carcinoma

what is the most common skin cancer but also the one that has the best prognosis mostly because of the slow growth of the cancerous cells and the low risk for metatasis?

I or light band

what is the yellow arrow pointing to

myosin tail

what is this

extended or stretched sacromere

what is this sacromere

thick filament

what is this structure

-R represents the resistance force on a projection -this describes a class 2 lever system -E represents the effort force on a linear projection -F represent the fulcrum, the diathrosis, on a linear projection -the mechanical advantage of the system is PA/LA

what is this system


what is this?


what is this?


what is this?

osteogenic cell

what is this?

thin filament

what is this?

cross-section in skeletal muscle

what kind of section is this

longitudinal section in skeletal muscle

what kind of section is this

cardiac muscle tissue

what kind of tissue is this

skeletal muscle tissue

what kind of tissue is this

smooth muscle tissue

what kind of tissue is this

bicepts brachii

what muscle is this

frontal belly of epicranium

what muscle is this


what muscle is this

gluteus maximus

what muscle is this


what muscle is this


what muscle is this


what muscle is this

orbicularis oculi

what muscle is this

orbiculatis oris

what muscle is this

pectoralis major

what muscle is this


what muscle is this

rectus femoris

what muscle is this


what muscle is this


what muscle is this

splenius capitis

what muscle is this

tensor fasciae latae

what muscle is this

tibialis posterior

what muscle is this

vastus medialis

what muscle is this

step 3

what step is this of the intramembranous ossificaiton

step 1

what step is this of the intramembranous ossification

step 2

what step is this of the intramembranous ossification

step 1

what step of bone repair is this?

step 2

what step of bone repair is this?

step 3

what step of bone repair is this?

step 4

what step of bone repair is this?

Compact bone tissue which the structural/functional unit of this type of bone tissue is an osteon

what type of bone tissue is this?

oblique fracture

what type of fracture is this? -closed and complete

transverse fracture

what type of fracture is this? -open and complete

-do not bleed -are painful -repairs quickly since the stratum basale contain many stem cell-like to repair the damaged keratinocytes

what would you predict of superficial wounds (wounds that do not rupture the basement membrane supporting the epidermis)?


which muscle tissue types are functionally classified as voluntary?

step 4

which step is this of the intramembranous ossifiacation

medullary cavity of the long bones

yellow bone marrow

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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