A&P The Nervous System 1 & 2 study set

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55) Enlargements of the spinal cord occur A) near the posterior median sulcus. B) adjacent to the anterior median fissure. C) in segments of the spinal cord that control the limbs. D) in the thoracic region of the spinal cord. E) none of the above


59) Gray matter in the spinal cord is mostly A) fissures. B) cerebrospinal fluid. C) interneurons. D) axons. E) myelin


68) Regions of the brain that are involved in interpreting data or coordinating motor responses are A) commissural areas. B) sensory areas. C) association areas. D) motor areas. E) processing areas.


72) The area anterior to the central sulcus is the A) parietal lobe. B) temporal lobe. C) frontal lobe. D) occipital lobe. E) postcentral gyrus.


77) The ________ acts as a switching and relay center for integration of conscious and unconscious sensory and motor pathways.


78) Overseeing the postural muscles of the body and making rapid adjustments to maintain balance and equilibrium are functions of the A) cerebrum. B) midbrain. C) cerebellum. D) pons. E) medulla


7) Most neurons in the brain are A) bipolar. B) unipolar. C) anaxonic. D) multipolar. E) tripolar.


82) Which part of the following develops from the forebrain? A) central canal B) cerebellum C) pons D) thalamus E) midbrain


83) The cerebrum is separated from the cerebellum by the A) longitudinal fissure. B) central sulcus. C) lateral sulcus. D) transverse fissure. E) corpus callosum


84) Which of the following is a function of the cerebellum? A) temperature regulation B) thirst sensation C) hunger sensation D) postural reflexes E) hormone production


88) The area of the CNS most concerned with balance is the A) spinal cord. B) thalamus. C) basal nuclei. D) cerebellum. E) cerebrum.


90) A disorder affecting the comprehension and use of words is termed A) amnesia. B) aphasia. C) apraxia. D) dyslexia. E) hemiaplasia


91) ________ refers to the loss of memory from disease or trauma.


96) There are ________ pairs of cranial nerves.A) 6 B) 8 C) 10 D) 12 E) 31


9) The glial cells responsible for maintaining the blood-brain barrier are the A) astrocytes. B) Schwann cells. C) microglia. D) ependymal cells. E) fiber cells.


92) The phrenic nerves arise from the A) cervical plexus. B) thoracic plexus. C) lumbar plexus. D) sacral plexus. E) brain.


38) Neurotransmitters are released from the A) dendrites. B) synaptic terminals/knobs. C) collaterals. D) hillock. E) synapse.


41) Adrenergic synapses release the neurotransmitter A) acetylcholine. B) norepinephrine. C) dopamine. D) serotonin. E) GABA


42) The processing of the same information at the same time by several neuronal pools is called A) serial processing. B) parallel processing. C) divergent processing. D) convergent processing. E) facilitation.


5) In general, the nervous system A) controls everything. B) is fast acting. C) is long lasting. D) responds to changes in the external environment only. E) all of the above


13) The myelin sheaths that surround the axons of some of the neurons in the CNS are formed by A) astrocytes. B) Schwann cells. C) oligodendrocytes. D) microglia. E) ependymal cells.


19) Branches that sometimes occur along the length of an axon are called A) action potentials. B) synaptic knobs. C) collaterals. D) hillocks. E) synapse.


2) The brain and spinal cord comprise the A) autonomic nervous system. B) peripheral nervous system. C) central nervous system. D) efferent nervous system. E) afferent nervous system.


20) Neurons that have one axon and one dendrite with the soma between them are called A) polypolar. B) unipolar. C) bipolar. D) tripolar. E) multipolar.


24) The polarization of a nerve fiber refers to having the A) sodium and potassium ions inside the cell. B) sodium ions inside the cell and potassium outside the cell. C) potassium ions inside the cell and sodium outside the cell. D) chloride ions inside the cell. E) hillock and knob at opposite ends.


25) Saltatory conduction A) occurs only if the myelin sheath is continuous. B) occurs only if nodes of Ranvier are lacking. C) is faster than conduction on an unmyelinated axon. D) is slower that conduction on an unmyelinated axon. E) occurs at the synapse.


3) The three general functions of the nervous system are A) sensory, motor, and predictive. B) sensory, motor, and manipulative. C) sensory, motor, and integrative. D) reflexive, predictive, and motor. E) emotion, memory, and movement.


31) During continuous conduction, A) action potentials move in all directions along an axon. B) action potentials occur at successive nodes along the length of the stimulated axon. C) local currents depolarize adjacent areas of membrane so that action potentials continue to form along the membrane. D) action potentials produce a local current that is strong enough to spread along the length of the axon. E) local potentials produce a continuous outward flow of potassium ions.


40) The ion needed to initiate the release of acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft is A) sodium. B) potassium. C) calcium. D) chloride. E) zinc.


45) The specialized membranes that protect the spinal cord are termed A) cranial meninges. B) cranial mater. C) spinal meninges. D) spinal mater. E) epidural membranes.


49) Diffusion across the arachnoid villi returns excess CSF to A) the third ventricle. B) arterial circulation. C) venous circulation. D) the fourth ventricle. E) the central canal.


14) Which of the following is a glial cell? A) astrocytes B) Schwann cells C) oligodendrocytes D) microglia E) all of the above


16) The neurilemma of axons in the peripheral nervous system is formed by A) astrocytes. B) ependymal cells. C) oligodendrocytes. D) microglia. E) Schwann cells.


21) Neurons that have several dendrites and a single axon extending away from the soma are called A) polypolar. B) unipolar. C) bipolar. D) tripolar. E) multipolar


87) The highest levels of information processing occur in the A) cerebrum. B) midbrain. C) cerebellum. D) medulla. E) spinal cord


8) Neurons normally derive ATP solely through A) aerobic respiration. B) anaerobic respiration. C) formation of creatine phosphate. D) use of stored glycogen. E) both A and D


12) The largest and most numerous of the glial cells in the central nervous system are the A) astrocytes. B) Schwann cells. C) oligodendrocytes. D) microglia. E) ependymal cells.


22) Interneurons A) are found only in the central nervous system. B) carry only sensory impulses. C) carry only motor impulses. D) only connect motor neurons to other motor neurons. E) are found between neurons and their effectors.


26) The most rapid action potentials are conducted on A) thick, myelinated axons. B) thick, unmyelinated axons. C) thin, myelinated axons. D) thin, unmyelinated axons. E) dendrites.


27) Opening of sodium channels in the membrane of a neuron results in A) depolarization. B) repolarization. C) hyperpolarization. D) increased negative charge inside the membrane. E) none of the above


37) Synaptic knobs occur at the ends of A) dendrites. B) somas. C) telodendria. D) peduncles. E) axons.


39) Which type of synapse dominates the nervous system? A) chemical B) electrical C) mechanical D) processing E) radioactive


43) Which of the following lists the parts of a reflex arc in the correct order? A) receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector B) receptor, effector, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron C) receptor, sensory neuron, effector, interneuron, motor neuron D) effector, receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron E) receptor, interneuron, sensory neuron, motor neuron, effector


44) The following is a series of events that occur at a typical cholinergic synapse. Place the events in the correct sequence. 1. Calcium ions enter the cytoplasm of the synaptic knob and ACh release occurs. 2. Arriving action potential depolarizes the synaptic knob and the presynaptic membrane. 3. Depolarization ends as ACh is broken down into acetate and choline by AChE. 4. ACh release ceases because calcium ions are removed from the cytoplasm of the synaptic knob. 5. The synaptic knob reabsorbs choline from the synaptic cleft and uses it to resynthesize ACh. 6. ACh diffuses across the synaptic cleft and binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. 7. Sodium channels on postsynaptic surface are activated, producing a graded depolarization. The correct sequence of events is A) 2, 1, 6, 7, 4, 3, 5. B) 2, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5, 7. C) 1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 4, 6. D) 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7. E) 7, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 1.


46) Blood vessels servicing the spinal cord are found in the A) pia mater. B) dura mater. C) epidural space. D) subdural space. E) subarachnoid space.


47) The dural sinuses are located in the A) dura mater. B) arachnoid. C) pia mater. D) cortex. E) subarachnoid space


54) The white matter of the spinal cord contains A) bundles of axons that share common origins, destinations, and functions. B) bundles of dendrites that share common origins, destinations, and functions. C) sensory and motor nuclei. D) both axons and dendrites. E) interneurons.


58) The posterior horns of the spinal cord contain A) sensory nuclei. B) somatic motor nuclei. C) autonomic motor nuclei. D) nerve tracts. E) all of the above


64) Major centers concerned with autonomic control of breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, and digestive activities are located in the A) medulla oblongata. B) pons. C) midbrain. D) diencephalons. E) cerebellum.


71) The two cerebral hemispheres are separated by the A) longitudinal fissure. B) central sulcus. C) lateral sulcus. D) frontal lobe. E) postcentral sulcus


75) The surface of the postcentral gyrus contains the A) primary sensory cortex. B) primary motor cortex. C) visual cortex. D) olfactory cortex. E) auditory cortex.


11) Which of the following is a function of neurons? A) support B) information processing C) secretion of cerebrospinal fluid D) isolation of neuroglia E) phagocytosis


23) Most neurons lack centrioles. This observation explains A) why neurons grow such long axons. B) why these neurons cannot regenerate. C) the conducting ability of neurons. D) the ability of neurons to communicate with each other. E) the ability of neurons to live long lives.


28) The following are the main steps in the generation of an action potential. 1. Sodium channels are inactivated. 2. Potassium channels open and potassium moves out of the cell, initiating repolarization. 3. Sodium channels regain their normal properties. 4. A graded depolarization brings an area of an excitable membrane to threshold. 5. A temporary hyperpolarization occurs. 6. Sodium channel activation occurs. 7. Sodium ions enter the cell and depolarization occurs. The proper sequence of these events is A) 4, 6, 7, 3, 2, 5, 1 B) 4, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 5 C) 5, 7, 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 D) 2, 4, 6, 7, 1, 3, 5 E) 4, 2, 5, 6, 7, 3, 1


30) The all-or-none principle states that A) all stimuli will produce identical action potentials. B) all stimuli great enough to bring the membrane to threshold will produce identical action potentials. C) the greater the magnitude of the stimuli, the greater the intensity of the action potential. D) only sensory stimuli can activate action potentials. E) only motor stimuli can activate action potentials.


32) If a resting potential becomes more negative, the cell A) repolarizes. B) hyperpolarizes. C) depolarizes. D) refracts. E) summates.


33) A neuron that is excited to subthreshold is said to be A) summed. B) facilitated. C) hyperpolarized. D) converged. E) graded.


50) Head injuries that damage cerebral blood vessels are serious conditions because A) they could cause severe pain. B) these spaces compress and distort the relatively soft tissues of the brain. C) epicardial tissue will be affected. D) the venous sinus will not drain. E) pathways will be blocked.


51) The projections of gray matter toward the outer surface of the spinal cord are called A) wings. B) horns. C) pyramids. D) fibers. E) tracts


52) Masses of myelinated nerve fibers appear A) gray. B) white. C) yellow. D) brown. E) transparent


6) The part of the peripheral nervous system that brings information to the central nervous system is the A) motor division. B) afferent division. C) efferent division. D) autonomic division. E) somatic division.


62) The walls of the diencephalon form the A) hypothalamus. B) thalamus. C) brain stem. D) midbrain. E) cerebellum


63) The part of the brain that functions to control skeletal muscles is the A) medulla oblongata. B) cerebral cortex. C) midbrain. D) diencephalons. E) thalamus.


70) If Broca's area is damaged, what might result? A) loss of sensation B) loss of ability to speak C) loss of upper limb control D) loss of memory E) mental retardation


73) The cortex inferior to the lateral sulcus is the A) parietal lobe. B) temporal lobe. C) frontal lobe. D) occipital lobe. E) cerebellar lobe.


76) Stimulation of the reticular formation results in A) sleep. B) increased consciousness. C) coma. D) decreased cerebral function. E) none of the above


80) The basal nuclei include which of the following? A) sensory nuclei B) caudate nucleus C) autonomic motor nuclei D) thalamus E) all of the above


85) Brain waves found on an EEG in normal adults under resting conditions are A) theta waves. B) alpha waves. C) beta waves. D) delta waves. E) all of the above


89) After suffering a stroke, Cindy finds that she cannot move her right arm. This would suggest that the stroke damage is in the area of the A) right frontal lobe. B) left frontal lobe. C) right temporal lobe. D) left temporal lobe. E) occipital lobe.


86) Complex motor activities such as riding a bicycle or eating A) only require neural processing at the level of the cerebrum. B) involve little input from the brain. C) require the coordinated activity of several regions of the brain. D) are controlled at the level of the spinal cord. E) do not require input from the cerebellum.


93) The area of skin supplied by sensory nerve fibers from a particular dorsal root is called a A) somite. B) microtome. C) dermatome. D) sensory unit. E) motor unit.


1) Which of the following is a function of the motor division of the nervous system? A) providing sensation of the internal and external environments B) integrating sensory information C) coordinating voluntary and involuntary activities D) sending signals to muscles


10) The cytoplasmic extensions that, together with the cell body, provide the main receptive surfaces for neurons are the A) axons. B) soma. C) synapses. D) dendrites. E) neurofibrils.


15) Small phagocytic cells that are especially obvious in damaged tissue in the CNS are the A) astrocytes. B) Schwann cells. C) oligodendrocytes. D) microglia. E) ependymal cells.


18) Aggregations of ribosomes in neurons are referred to as A) neurofilaments. B) neurofibrils. C) synapses. D) Nissl bodies. E) microglia.


29) When a neuron is at rest, which ion passes through its membrane most easily? A) sodium B) chloride C) sulfate D) potassium E) proteins


34) Which of the following is a function of the brain interstitium? A) provides cushioning for delicate neural tissues B) provides buoyant support for the brain C) acts as a transport medium for nutrients D) provides a medium for nerve impulse transmission E) acts as a transport medium for chemical messengers


36) Tetrodotoxin is a toxin that blocks the sodium channels from opening. What effect would this have on the function of neurons? A) Neurons would depolarize more rapidly. B) Action potentials would lack a repolarization phase. C) The refractory period would be shorter than normal. D) The neurons would not be able to propagate action potentials. E) none of the above


4) Information received by the brain concerning internal or external environmental conditions is called a(n) A) action potential. B) effector. C) stimulus. D) sensation. E) response


48) What contains a delicate network of collagen and elastin fibers through which cerebrospinal fluid circulates? A) epidural space B) dural sinus C) arachnoid villi D) subarachnoid space E) pia mater


53) Axons crossing from one side of the spinal cord to the other within the gray matter are found in the A) anterior gray horns. B) lateral gray horns. C) posterior gray horns. D) gray commissures. E) white commissures.


56) The entire spinal cord is divided into ________ segments. A) 5 B) 12 C) 25 D) 31 E) 35


57) The horns of the spinal cord contain A) nerve tracts. B) columns. C) meninges. D) nerve cell bodies. E) all of the above


61) Which of the following link(s) the cerebral hemispheres with the brain stem? A) medulla oblongata B) pons C) midbrain D) diencephalon E) cerebellum


66) The ventricle associated with the pons and upper medulla is the A) first. B) second. C) third. D) fourth. E) latera


67) The visual cortex is located in the A) frontal lobe. B) parietal lobe. C) temporal lobe. D) occipital lobe. E) cerebellum.


35) If the sodium-potassium pumps in the plasma membrane fail to function, A) the extracellular concentration of potassium ions will increase. B) the intracellular concentration of sodium ions will increase. C) the membrane will lose its capacity to generate action potentials. D) the inside of the membrane will have a resting potential that is more positive than normal. E) all of the above


60) If the dorsal root of a spinal nerve is severed, A) motor control of skeletal muscles would be impaired. B) motor control of visceral organs would be impaired. C) the spinal cord would not be able to process information at that level. D) the brain would not be able to communicate with that level of the spinal cord. E) incoming sensory information would be disrupted.


65) A neural cortex is found on the surface of the A) cerebrum. B) midbrain. C) cerebellum. D) pons. E) both A and C


69) The region of the brain that is involved in conscious thought and intellectual function as well as processing somatic sensory and motor information is the A) medulla. B) pons. C) midbrain. D) cerebellum. E) cerebrum.


74) The primary connection between cerebral hemispheres is the A) cerebellum. B) precentral gyrus. C) postcentral gyrus. D) midbrain. E) corpus callosum


79) What is the function of the cerebral association areas? A) to analyze and interpret sensory information B) memory C) reasoning D) learning E) all of the above


81) Which of the following is glandular tissue? A) third ventricle B) posterior pituitary C) thalamus D) hypothalamus E) anterior pituitary


94) The nerve that controls the biceps brachii muscle is the A) ulnar. B) radial. C) median. D) axillary. E) musculocutaneous


95) Nerves exit the vertebral canal through A) vertebral foramen. B) intervertebral foramina. C) sacral foramina. D) intervertebral discs. E) both B and C


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