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Owner-users who have demonstrated that they have an appropriate organization, documented work processes and designated competent resources to manage the repairs and alterations per section 6 may authorize a competent person who does not hold an in-service inspector certificate to assist the Inspector by performing designated inspections during the execution of the work?

The Inspector must be directly involved in the inspection activities, be available at the worksite and: approve the repair procedure, execution methods, materials welding procedures and testing prior to the start of work. - confirm that the person designated to perform the in-process inspection has the required documented competence. - review the completed repair documentation. This shall include the repair procedure, the ITP (travel sheet), the AB-40 and any other relevant documents. - certify the Certificate of Inspection section of the AB-40.


The Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation User Guide provides valuable information and guidance to assist stakeholders in meeting the requirements of the Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation and in assuring the safe operation of their pressure equipment.

Can local thin areas and pitting be accepted in accordance with API 510 and NBIC without submission to ABSA?

The criteria for accepting pits and local thin areas in accordance with API 510 and NBIC may generally be accepted without submission to ABSA. Note: API 577, Article 3.4, provides detailed information on flaw excavation.

Is an in-service inspector certificate of competency required for piping?

The owner must define the competence requirements for their Inspectors who inspect and certify repairs and alterations to pressure piping in accordance with Section 9. An Alberta in-service inspector certificate of competency is not required, unless the piping is classed as boiler external piping.

Who must determine the root cause that prompted the repair work?

The owner must ensure that the root cause that prompted the repair or alteration is determined and then take suitable action to prevent similar causes that can affect the integrity of the pressure equipment. This may require that the operational and maintenance history of the item is reviewed, other equipment in the system is inspected and that the inspection plans, process and mechanical design, and operational and maintenance work processes are revised accordingly.

All repairs and alterations must be authorized by a competent person (e.g. Inspector),designated by the owner prior to?

The start of work.

API 579 covers fitness-for-service assessment methods and procedures for evaluating commonly encountered flaws, including general and widespread corrosion and pitting, blisters, crack-like flaws, and fire damage. Each API 579 assessment of the flaws in a boiler or pressure vessel shall be submitted to an ABSA SCO for acceptance, whenever the minimum design conditions of the original code of construction are not met and it is intended that the item will be placed in service without repairing it based on the results of the API 579 assessment. True or False.


All Alterations that meet the registration exemption criteria shall be documented as repairs and must be approved by the owner-user's engineer or Inspector when they are inspected and certified by the owner per section 6, or by the ABSA Inspector when the item is not inspected and certified by the owner-user. True or False.


A Contractor/Owner installing a fitting by welding for attaching a valve and machine for hot tapping shall: ensure the following- hold a valid Certificate of Authorization Permit for the hot tap activity, per AB-513 Section 6; - install the fitting in accordance with the requirements of the engineering design, hot tap procedure and the QMS; - certify the installation using an AB-83 form if the installation was done on a pressure piping system, or an AB-40 form if the installation was done on a pressure vessel. true or false?


Owner-users who are required to hold a CAP under PESR section 11(3) and have demonstrated that they have an appropriate organization, documented work processes and designated competent resources to manage repairs and alterations at their facilities, may be authorized under their CAP to inspect and certify certain repairs done at their plant sites. True or False?


Piping and components that are replaced, modified or added to an existing piping system in conformance to the original registered piping design specifications are not considered to be alterations and the design information does not require submission to ABSA Design Survey for review and registration. Any such replacements, modifications and additions must be approved by the owner-user s engineer. True or False?.


The addition of non-load bearing attachments to pressure-retaining items when postweld heat treatment is not required. Is not required to be submitted to design survey true or Fasle?


API 577

Welding Inspection and Metallurgy

Hot tap is deemed to be an alteration, is notification to ABSA required?

Yes and the hot tap procedure must be submitted to ABSA for each proposed hot tap. Notwithstanding this requirement, owner-users, who have an acceptable hot tap procedure and an appropriate organization, documented work processes and designated competent resources to manage hot taps under their CAP, may be authorized to perform hot taps without submitting individual hot tap procedures for registration

May an ABSA inspector authorize an inspection company inspector or owner user inspector to inspect and certify repairs to a boiler or pressure vessel that is not covered under the scope of an owner-user s CAP?

Yes providing the inspection company or owner-user has a CAP that covers the inspection and certification of repairs and the ABSA Inspector is satisfied that the item will be repaired in accordance with AB-513.

Pressure equipment means?

a thermal liquid heating system and any containment for an expansible fluid under pressure, including, but not limited to, fittings, boilers, pressure vessels and pressure piping systems, as defined in the regulations. Note: Fired process heaters that contain an expansible fluid under pressure are covered under this definition.

Organizations that service, repair, set or seal pressure relief valves require a Certificate of Authorization Permit for these activities. Repair or alteration of other fittings, that are repaired or altered in an existing pressure piping system or boiler or pressure vessel, are normally included under the authorized scope of the repair organization s CAP and would be conducted and documented accordingly (eg. Fitting repairs in a piping system would be covered under a piping repair CAP and documented on?

an AB-83 form.

All alterations to ASME Section VIII Division 2 and 3 vessels require submission to ABSA design survey for review and registration. This requirement applies to the pressure boundary and ?

anything attached to the pressure boundary.

All repairs and alterations to boilers and pressure vessels must be inspected and certified by an Inspector. The ABSA Inspector is responsible for inspecting and certifying all of the following except one. a. all alterations; b. all repairs and alterations to equipment in facilities of public occupancy, c. all repairs and alterations to ASME Section VIII, Div. 2 & 3 vessels. d. repairs and alterations that are done at a repair organization s (i.e. not an owner-user s) facility, e. repairs under an owner-user Certificate of Authorization Permit as provided for in Section 6.2 of AB-513 f. all repairs and alterations done at owners sites that are not inspected and certified by the owner-user under its Certificate of Authorization Permit.

e. repairs under an owner-user Certificate of Authorization Permit as provided for in Section 6.2 of AB-513


means Integrity Management System, which is a system for ensuring that the pressure equipment is designed, constructed, installed, operated, maintained, and decommissioned in accordance with the PESR.

Pressure piping system means?

pipes, tubes, conduits, fittings, gaskets, bolting andother components that make up the system for the conveyance of an expansible fluid under pressure and may also control the flow of the fluid.

Post-construction repairs and alterations refers to?

repairs and alterations to pressure equipment after all new construction inspection, stamping and certifications on the required construction data reports have been completed.

All repairs and alterations to boilers and pressure vessels must be inspected and certified by an Inspector. The owner-user Inspector is responsible for inspecting and certifying?

repairs under an owner-user Certificate of Authorization Permit as provided for in Section 6.2 of AB-513

PESR section 40(3) states?

that no repair shall be undertaken without the prior agreement of a Safety Codes Officer and 40(6) requires that the owner must notify an ABSA Safety Codes Officer reasonably in advance of each repair or alteration to a boiler, fired-heater pressure coil, thermal liquid heating system, or pressure vessel. When repairs are inspected under an owner-user s CAP, notification may be limited to ensuring that the ABSA Inspector is made aware of the repair. Note, the repair organization is required, under the terms of their Alberta quality program Certificate of Authorization Permit, to notify an ABSA Inspector prior to the start of each repair or alteration that they will be doing.

The owner must retain the AB-40 on file how long?

the life of the equipment.

Pressure piping listed under PESR section 4, partial exemptions, is exempt from the specific requirements defined in this AB-513 document. However, the owner is responsible to ensure that any repairs done to such piping conform to?

the original Code of Construction.

PESR section 40 establishes that the owner must ensure that the design information for an alteration of pressure equipment is submitted _____________ for registration in accordance with PESR section 14. The allowable stresses of the original code of construction shall be used for all alterations, including re-rating. PESR section 40 also establishes that the owner may be required to submit to ABSA details of the repair procedures for acceptance.

to ABSA (Design Survey)

Certification means that all the applicable inspection and certification requirements covered in this document have been completed and certified by the Inspector on the applicable report form?

(AB-40 for boiler and pressure vessel repairs and alterations).

ABSA policy documents were developed through close cooperation with owners andother stakeholders; their input has been invaluable in compiling this document. In particular, we would like to acknowledge the input from the following user groups that represent the industry sectors in Alberta: Name all five?

(ARPIA) Alberta Refinery & Petrochemical Inspection Association (UCIA) Upstream Chief Inspectors Association (CCIA) Contract Chief Inspectors Association (GUAC) Generation Utilities Advisory Committee (IMAPP) Integrity Management Association Pulp Producers

Legislation that governs the pressure equipment discipline includes the following 6?

1. Safety Codes Act 2. Pressure Equipment Exemption Order (Alberta Regulation 56/2006) 3. Pressure Equipment Safety Regulation (Alberta Regulation 49/2006) 4. Power Engineers Regulation (Alberta Regulation 85/2003) 5. Pressure Welders Regulation (Alberta Regulation 169/2002) 6. Administrative Items Regulation (Alberta Regulation 16/2004)

The repair organization is responsible to ensure an AB-40 is submitted to ABSA, for every repair or alteration of boilers and pressure vessels performed in Alberta, within ___ days of the completion of the repair or alteration. This report must also be provided to the owner.

10 days

All welding, brazing and other joining procedures used for repairs and alterations shall meet the registration and other requirements per PESR section ___and ___ Supplementary welding procedure requirements and welding data shall also be developed, as required to ensure the integrity of the welded item under the operating conditions.

18, 27.

Markings shall be produced by casting, etching, embossing, debossing, stamping or engraving. Letters and numbers must be at least ____ high. Whole numbers shall be used on the nameplate.


The QMS certificate holder must provide?

A documented system that identifies the actions needed to ensure that the repair or alteration restores the equipment to a safe working condition and meets AB-513.

Repairs and alterations of pressure equipment installed in Alberta must be done by?

A repair organization that holds an Alberta QMS Certificate of Authorization Permit (CAP) for the scope of work that is to be undertaken per PESR section 11(1). Note: This also applies for organizations who hold a National Board R Certificate of Authorization. Organizations that repair and alter ASME Section VIII Division 2 or Division 3 vessels must also hold a valid ASME Certificate of Authorization for construction of Division 2 or 3 vessels respectively.

PESR section 15 lists the information, as applicable, that must be provided to ABSA Design Survey in order to register an alteration to a boiler or pressure vessel. ABSA form _______ Design Registration Application must be provided with the alteration submission.


Other piping systems must be constructed in accordance with the latest adopted construction Code, and the design must be submitted to ABSA in accordance with PESR section 14 and section 16 when the aggregated capacity of the new system exceeds 500 liters. ABSA forms _______ Design Registration Application and ________ Engineering Requirements for Design and Construction of Pressure Piping Systems must be submitted with the piping registration submission.

AB-31, AB-96.

ABSA Form______, Boilers and Pressure Vessels Repair and Alteration Report, shall be used to document and certify each alteration and each repair.


The Alberta repair and alteration report form, _____, is used to document the completion of a welded repair or alteration to a boiler or pressure vessel.


The scope of repairs that an owner-user is authorized to inspect and certify under their CAP is listed on ABSA form_______, and is based on the owner-user s organization structure, the maturity of their quality management systems and the range of competent resources they have available.


Notification of repairs and alterations will assist ABSA in ensuring that all repairs and alterations are done in accordance with_______, and to complete their required inspection and certification activities when the inspection is not covered under the scope of an owner-user s CAP.


The Pressure Piping Construction and Test Data Report, _____, is used to document repairs and alterations to piping systems. If the _____ sections do not cover the scope of the piping repair, for example welded repairs for cracks, pits etc, a supplement should be added to the _____and suitable notation made in the remarks section.

AB-83, AB-83, AB-83

The proposed repair or alteration methods for pressure equipment shall be accepted, prior to start of work, by the Inspector who is responsible for inspecting and certifying the repair or alteration. Alteration procedures (and repair procedures when required by an ABSA Inspector) shall have been accepted by?

ABSA s Design Survey Department.

Hot taps to pressure vessels shall be inspected by? A. ABSA B. Owner User Inspector


Hot tapping is the technique of attaching a welded branch fitting or a bolted or mechanical fitting to piping or equipment that is in service and then creating an opening in that piping or equipment by drilling or cutting a portion of the item within the attached fitting. API _____ publication provides an in-depth review of the safety aspects that need to be considered when hot tapping.

API 2201

API _____Section 11 provides additional information of welding issues related to hot tapping and in-service welding.

API 577

API 579 API-579-1/

ASME FFS-1 Fitness for service

Welders and welding operators must meet the requirements of the Pressure Welders Regulation and have the required valid ______ performance qualification cards for the welding procedures to be used.


Inspectors who inspect and certify repairs to boilers and pressure vessels under their employer's CAP must hold an?

Alberta in-service inspector certification.

ASME Section VIII Div 2

Alternative Rules

ASME Section VIII Div 3

Alternative Rules High Pressure Vessels

When is an Alteration nameplate required?

An alteration nameplate shall be attached adjacent to the original boiler or pressure vessel manufacturer's stamping whenever the alteration procedure is required to be submitted to ABSA design survey.

The scope of inspection and certification of repairs and alterations of boilers and pressure vessels that can be done by an owner-user and what must be inspected and certified by ABSA.is found in what appendix?

Appendix 1

All alterations to boilers and pressure vessels and all repairs that are not inspected and certified by an owner-user must be?

Authorized, inspected and certified by an ABSA Inspector. Refer to Section 11 of this document.


Boiler, pressure vessel, and pressure piping code

Repairs and alterations to boilers and pressure vessels done in another jurisdiction in Canada that are to be brought into Alberta must be done under a quality control program acceptable to the jurisdiction, where the item is being repaired or altered, in accordance with?

CSA B51.


Certification of In-Service Pressure Equipment Inspectors.

The addition of nozzles identical to existing nozzles, or for which reinforcement calculations are not required, which meet the other applicable parts of the original code of construction (example UG-45) and are located not less than 3 times the sum of their corroded inside diameters from existing nozzles. Require submission to design survey true or false?



Finite Element Analysis (FEA)Requirements Regarding the Use of FEA to Support a Pressure Equipment Design Submission.

Pressure piping data reports must be retained on file by the owner for at least?

Five years (refer PESR section 31).


Guidelines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Assembly

Is hot tapping permitted on pressure vessels?

Hot tapping of pressure piping systems and pressure vessels may be permitted. Hot tapping of boilers is not permitted.

The repair or alteration procedure must be accepted by the ______ prior to the start of work.


Are NBIC, API, and PCC codes and standards adopted as regulations in Alberta?

NBIC, API, and PCC codes and standards and similar publications are not adopted directly as regulations in Alberta. Their application is established through reference in this document and other ABSA policy documents. The Safety Codes Act, regulations and AB-513 requirements shall govern in the event that there is a conflict between these requirements and any industry code and standard.


National Board Inspection Code (Part 3)

Repairs and alterations to pressure vessels done outside of Canada shall be done by an organization who holds the appropriate?

National Board R stamp and they must provide a NB repair or alteration report, certified by a NB commissioned Inspector, to ABSA.

ASME B31.1

Nonmandatory Appendix V Recommended practice for operation, maintenance and modification of power piping systems

AB-512 ?

Owner User Pressure Equipment Integrity Management Requirements This specifies quality management system requirements for owners who are required to hold a Certificate of Authorization Permit under PESR section 11(3).

AB-512a ?

Owner-User Scope and Responsibilities form. This form is used to define the responsibility for key activities under the owner-user s program.

The adopted codes and standards and other recognized and generally accepted good engineering standards that are cited in AB-513, A full listing of the codes and standards that are adopted as regulations is provided where?

PESRSection 6.

API 570

Piping Inspection Code


Pressure Equipment Repair and Alteration Requirements This covers inspection and certification and other requirements for repairs and alterations to pressure equipment.


Pressure Piping Alternative Test Methods Procedure Requirements.


Pressure Piping Construction Requirements. This specifies quality management system requirements for persons who construct pressure piping.

API 510

Pressure Vessel Inspection Code

ASME Section IX

Qualification Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding and Brazing Operators

When the item is to be installed in Alberta, but the repair or alteration has been completed outside of Alberta, the appropriate Canadian provincial form, or National Board ___ Report of Repair or ___ Report of Alterations, must be submitted to ABSA.

R1, R2

API 582

Recommended Practice and Supplementary Welding Guidelines for the Chemical, Oil and Gas Industries.

When is a repair nameplate required?

Repair nameplates are generally not required for items that are installed in Alberta as this repair history is available through equipment records and the repair and alteration reports that ABSA keeps on file. Owners are also required to maintain current records for all repairs or alterations of their equipment. Repair nameplates are required for repairs to pressurized cargo transport vessels, and if required by the NBIC for R stamped repairs. Repair nameplates may also be required by the owner or the repair organization, or when the ABSA Inspector considers this necessary (e.g., for out-of-province equipment, and when there has been extensive repair work done)


Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping

ASME Section IV

Rules for Construction of Heating Boilers

ASME Section I

Rules for Construction of Power Boilers

ASME Section Vlll Div 1

Rules for the Construction of Pressure Vessels

API 2201

Safe Hot Tapping Practices in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries

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