3. Give two examples of conquistadors and explain what they did.
Two examples of conquistadors were Francisco Pizarro and Hernan Cortes. Francisco Pizarro led the Spanish force and defeated the Inca Empire. Hernan Cortes defeated the Aztec temple.
French and Indian War
War between Britain and France over land in North America
New Netherland
Dutch colony begun in modern New York City
Group of English people who founded a colony in Plymouth
How did Spain build an American Empire?
What was life like for enslaved Africans in the colonies?
What were colonial activities in North America?
New France
Area of the Americas explored and claimed by France
Hernando Cortés
Conquistador who defeated the Aztec conquistadors Spanish explorers in the Americas
Francisco Pizarro
Conquistador who defeated the Inca
4. What area did Coronado explore?
Coronado explored modern-day United States of America.
3. How did England gain land from the French?
England gained land from the French due to war. In 1754, British and the French clashed over the Ohio Valley, and started the French and Indian War. In 1763, when the war ended, France lost the war and was forced to give all their land in North America to England.
2. In which two places did English colonists first settle?
English colonists first settle in Jamestown and Plymouth. In 1607, English colonists made a permanent settlement called Jamestown, in modern Virginia. In 1620, the Pilgrims found an English colony in Plymouth, in Massachusetts.
1. Which voyages gave Europeans new knowledge of the world?
Europeans gained new knowledge of the world by other explorers. Balboa's voyage was into the Pacific Ocean, while Ferdinand Magellan's voyage was around the world.
First permanent settlement in America
1. What was the main economic activity in New France?
In New France, trade with beaver fur was the main economy.
Christopher Columbus
Italian explorer who landed in the Americas
Land controlled by another nation
Last Incan emperor
How do empires rise and fall?
Like the Persian Empire,
Native American leader who led an attack on the villages of Massachusetts; also called King Philip
4. Why did Native Americans lose their way of life?
Native Americans lost their way of life due to war and disease. Conflicts with land between the Europeans and the Native Americans caused wars, included King Phillip's War. The Native Americans lost to the Europeans.
People who did not agree with the practices of the Church of England
Person with mixed Spanish and Native American blood
Spanish explorers in the Americas
System of mining and farming using natives as slave labor
5. What challenges to their power did the Spanish face?
The Spanish faced social and political challenges. Spanish priests, such as Bartolomé de Las Casas, protested against the encomienda system. In New Mexico, Native Americans are rebelling against Spanish rule.
2. What was the main goal of Cortéz in his conquests?
The main goal of Cortéz in his conquests was to seek and gain great riches.