Abnormal Psychology Exam 2 Learning Curve 11a

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anorexia nervosa.

Quinn intensely fears gaining weight. He restricts his food intake, and his body perception is distorted. Quinn MOST likely suffers from:


Repeated episodes of uncontrolled overeating are called:

think in distorted ways

Those suffering from anorexia nervosa often _____, resulting in a self-perception that differs from reality.

Almost all women diagnosed with either disorder experience amenorrhea.

Though separate diagnoses, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa share many common features. Which is NOT one of the common features of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa?

binge-eating disorder

A person with _____ displays many of the behaviors of bulimia nervosa, but does not engage in compensatory behaviors.

great tension.

Veronica suffers from bulimia nervosa. Before a binge episode, Veronica MOST likely feels a sense of:

the absence of a menstrual cycle.

Victoria suffers from amenorrhea, which is:


_____-type anorexia nervosa involves excessive use of diuretics and laxatives, as well as vomiting after each meal.

within a normal range, although it may fluctuate markedly within that range

Sunita has bulimia nervosa. Her weight is MOST likely to be:


Surveys in several European and North American countries in the early 2000s suggest that as many as _____ percent of women develop the full syndrome of bulimia nervosa.


Suzanne has bulimia nervosa. During a binge, Suzanne is LEAST likely to eat:

ice cream

Tamika has bulimia nervosa. During a binge, she is MOST likely to eat:


A woman with anorexia nervosa is MOST likely to _____ her body proportions.


Abigail has recently been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa and has entered into a residential treatment facility to receive treatment. Upon her physical evaluation, the attending doctor noticed Abigail had developed _____, a fine silky hair covering Abigail's torso, face and arms.

2 to 7 percent

About _____ of the population has a binge-eating disorder.

becoming thin

According to the text, fear is the motivator of those with anorexia nervosa and _____ is the goal.


According to the text, frequent vomiting, or chronic diarrhea from the use of laxatives, can cause a dangerous _____ deficiency.


According to the text, people ordinarily consume as many as _____ calories during a typical binge-eating event.

15 and 20

According to the text, the onset of Bulimia Nervosa normally occurs between _____ years of age.

be sexually experienced

Allie is bulimic. Allie MOST likely will differ from someone suffering from anorexia nervosa because Allie is more likely to:

restricting their intake of food.

At least half of those suffering from anorexia nervosa reduce their weight by:


Becoming thin is the goal of most people with anorexia nervosa, and _____ is their primary motivation.

distorted views of her weight and body.

Bindi suffers from anorexia nervosa. Bindi is MOST likely to experience:

binge-purge syndrome; binge-eating disorder

Both Amanda and Becca have eating disorders. Both girls tend to eat rapidly, eat large amounts without physical hunger, and eat alone because of embarrassment. Amanda follows her eating binges by inducing vomiting, whereas Becca does not. Amanda MOST likely suffers from _____, whereas Becca MOST likely suffers from _____.

anorexia; bulimia nervosa

Both Devon and Marissa are concerned about their weight. Devon has begun restricting her diet, only eating one small meal a day. Marissa on the other hand, eats several meals a day; however, she sometimes will binge and then exercise obsessively and purge. Devon MOST likely has_____ nervosa, while Marissa MOST likely has _____.

binge-eating disorder

Both Erica and Fanny have eating disorders. Both girls tend to eat rapidly, eat large amounts without physical hunger, and eat alone because of embarrassment. Erica follows her eating binges by inducing vomiting, whereas Fanny does not. Fanny MOST likely suffers from:

after a period of dieting by people who are fearful of becoming obese

Both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have a similar pattern of development; both disorders typically begin:


Britta was recently diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, and is now seeing a therapist. As the therapist conducts his initial assessment, he notices that Britta has developed _____, a fine, silky hair covering her face and arms.

issues of perfectionism.

Bulimics, anorexics and binge eaters share all of the following EXCEPT:

normal for many overweight individuals.

Carl is obese although he does not engage in binge-eating behavior. Carl's behavior is:

substance abuse

Consqual suffers from anorexia nervosa. She may suffer from _____, as well as medical problems and depression.

compensatory behaviors.

Fasting, forcing oneself to vomit, misusing laxatives, diuretics, or enemas, or exercising excessively are all examples of:

medical complications associated with the disorder.

For those suffering from anorexia nervosa, death is possible from of two sources; suicide or:

binge-purging syndrome.

Geizelle is a freshman in college. She heard about the "Freshman Fifteen," the tendency for college freshman to gain weight during the school term. Afraid of gaining the weight, but unable to control her food intake, Geizelle began purging after each meal. Unfortunately, this only made her hungrier so she eats more only to purge again. Geizelle's behavior is indicative of:

obsessive-compulsive disorder

Some research has suggested that those suffering from anorexia nervosa and those with _____ score equally high on measurements of obsessions and compulsions.


Sometimes, Edna vomits her meal soon after she eats. At other times, she takes an excessive amount of diuretics and laxatives. Edna MOST likely suffers from _____ anorexia nervosa.

14 and 20.

Although anorexia nervosa can appear at any age, the peak age of onset is between ages:

2 and 6

Although many who suffer from anorexia nervosa recover, between _____ percent become seriously ill enough that they will die.

greater hunger and more frequent intense binges.

Although purging after bingeing relieves the immediate sensation of fullness, it also affects one's ability to feel satiated. This often causes:

overestimate her body size.

Darcy suffers from anorexia nervosa. Research suggests that Darcy is MOST likely to:


Deficiencies with _____ may lead to intestinal disorders, kidney disease or heart damage.


Willow suffers from bulimia nervosa. After a binge episode, she tends to feel a sense of:

Anorexia nervosa

_____ is a disorder marked by the pursuit of extreme thinness and by extreme weight loss.

Bulimia nervosa

_____ is best characterized by the cycle of bingeing and then purging.


_____ occurs when an anorexic's menstrual periods stop.

95 percent

Approximately _____ of all cases of anorexia nervosa occur in females.

become overweight.

Because they do not perform compensatory behaviors, about two thirds of those who suffer from binge-eating disorder:


Similar to anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa most commonly occurs among:


If given the opportunity to take a picture of oneself and then "adjust" the picture to best represent their body, anorexics will _____ their body size.


Individuals who suffer from anorexia nervosa often grapple with other psychological difficulties. Which is NOT a common co-occurring disorder?

2 hours.

Most bingeing episodes experienced by a bulimic takes place over a limited period of time, often about:

adolescent girls and young women.

One of the reasons for the current concern about anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is because of its prevalence:

anorexia nervosa.

Tessa has always been slightly overweight. She was generally liked by her peers and was very social in high school. Recently, Tessa's father took a new job, and Tessa had to move to another state and enroll in a new high school. Soon after the move, she became depressed and withdrawn, and had difficulty making new friends. Tessa is MOST at risk for developing:

loss of contact with reality.

The clinical picture of anorexia nervosa involves all of the following EXCEPT:


The idea that "I can avoid guilt by not eating" is a common misconception held by:

bulimia nervosa

Which eating disorder is also known as binge-purge syndrome?

Genevieve, age 15; her parents just divorced

Who is MOST likely to develop symptoms of anorexia nervosa?

obsessive-compulsive patterns.

Hector has a very rigid plan for his food preparation. First, he washes each vegetable thoroughly in water. Then, he slices each vegetable thinly, and divides the slices into four equal amounts. When he eats one portion, he lines each strip up so they are all even. Hector's behavior is not uncommon for a person suffering from anorexia nervosa, because he or she will sometimes display:

Bulimia nervosa

Heloise is evaluating a client and finds the following: normal body weight, irregular menstrual cycles, tooth loss, and dehydration caused by chronic diarrhea. Which is the MOST likely diagnosis Heloise will give to these issues?

inappropriate influence of weight and shape on appraisal of oneself

In addition to repeated episodes of bingeing, followed by compensatory behaviors lasting 3 months, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) also requires _____ to qualify for a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa.

overestimate her body size.

Jordan, as part of a research study, is allowed to take a picture of herself with a camera that has an adjustable lens. She is asked to adjust the lens until the picture corresponds to her mental picture of herself. If Jordan is anorexic, she is MOST likely to:

bulimia nervosa

Josette has always been very moody and easily bored. She also makes poor choices, and sometimes engages in impulsive behavior such as shoplifting or overeating. Josette's behaviors and emotional responses are similar to those with:


Many people with anorexia nervosa display _____ patterns. For example, they may set rigid rules for food preparation or even cut food into specific shapes.

The binge-purge cycles of bulimia nervosa must be present for at least 3 months in order to be diagnosed.

Marlon, a 22-year-old college student, has recently discovered that if he makes himself vomit after every other meal he will lose weight and become more slender. After doing this for three weeks, he shares this revelation with his friend Duane, to which Duane responds, "Man, I never thought of you as bulimic!" Which is an accurate response to Duane's statement?


One personality trait that often precedes the development of anorexia nervosa is:


Patients with bulimia nervosa may display the characteristics of a personality disorder, particularly _____ personality disorder. For example, they are more likely to have long histories of mood swings compared to patients with anorexia nervosa.

food; result

People with anorexia nervosa are often preoccupied with _____, and this preoccupation is often the _____ of their food deprivation.


Repeated cases of binge eating are required to diagnose bulimia nervosa; the text suggests that those who suffer from this disorder may binge up to _____ times per week.


Repeatedly vomiting after bingeing will affect one's ability to feel _____; this causes greater hunger.

this method of compensation fails to prevent the absorption of at least half of the calories consumed during a binge.

To the uninformed individual, the practice of self-induced vomiting after a meal may seem to be a good way to prevent the digestion and absorption of the food that was consumed. A savvy student of psychology, however, knows that:

more sexually experienced

Unlike anorexics, bulimics tend to be:


When Frederika first began to develop anorexia nervosa, she stopped eating cakes and cookies. Then, she stopped eating pastas, meats, and fruits. Now, she only eats green vegetables, such as celery and spinach. Frederika MOST likely suffers from _____ anorexia nervosa.

becoming pregnant

Which is LEAST likely for someone suffering from anorexia nervosa?


Which is NOT a medical complication of bulimia nervosa?


Which is NOT a possible cause of death for someone with anorexia nervosa?

They generally spend little time thinking about food.

Which statement regarding people with anorexia nervosa is FALSE?

Nate, age 29; he was just promoted at work More likely: Helena, age 17; she just won a soccer scholarship, Jenna, age 25; she just moved across the country, Leon, age 21; his girlfriend just left him

Who is LEAST likely to develop symptoms of anorexia nervosa?

binge-eating disorder

Xavier engages in repeated eating binges during which he feels no control over his eating. He does not perform compensatory behaviors, and as a result of his frequent binges, he has become obese. Xavier MOST likely suffers from:


Young newlywed Deanna has struggled with anorexia nervosa for more than a year. Her husband thinks that if Deanna becomes pregnant, she will have to eat more. However, Deanna cannot become pregnant because her menstrual cycles have stopped. This condition is known as:

anorexia nervosa.

Zeekal has recently been hospitalized. She is severely underweight, her body temperature is low, her heart rate is below normal, and her feet are swollen. All of Zeekal's physiological symptoms could be associated with:

maladaptive attitudes and misconceptions

Zuma strives to be perfect. She often thinks she needs to excel in all of the activities she engages in, and believes that she will become a better person if she sacrifices things, including food. Zuma is experiencing _____, which could lead her to develop an eating disorder.


_____ -type anorexia nervosa involves the systematic removal of certain kinds of foods, leading to a very limited diet.


_____ disorder involves bingeing, but not purging.

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