Acacia Quiz 3
What was the quote of the week?
"Chase a check, never chase a bitch" - Future
Summations of knowledge
"Know thyself", "Moderation in all things/ Nothing in excess."
What were all the tings Pythagoras discovered and studied?
47th proposition of Euclid(Proves pythagorean theorem. The Earth (found that it was round). harmonic intervals that produce music. Pursued scientific truth to define the divine nature of reality(Philosophy)
What happened to Crotona and Cylon
A revelution broke out, a person denied entry into the brotherhood, burned down the house of Milon, where 40 pythagoreans were killed
A fraternity can represent these four things?
Brotherhood, Academic Group, Business, Social Group
What did they call the people who lived in the house of advanced students?
Cenobites or other known as Mathematikoi
Pythagoras was taught by a handful of influential people: Name them all.
Creophilus, Pherecydes, Hermodamus, Anaximander, Thales.
What was Pythagoras of Samos described as in the first of...
First Pure Mathematician. he is an extremely important figure in the development of mathematics.
What are the six meanings of ACACIA
Greek Word, which is used to designate distinctiveness and leadership among mankind. Designates the spirit of immortality or survival of the soul. The name of a far eastern evergreen which is a symbol of strength and ruggedness. Indicates a truly masculine state and having the power to pollinize or perpetuate life. The ritualistic significance in the age-old order to which our fraternity owes its heritage. Our Fraternity
Where and when was Pythagoras born?
Greek island of Samos in 582 B.C.
Who was Pythagoras's Parents? What did they do
His mother, Pythia, was a prophetess of Apollo and his father, Mnesarchus, was a wealthy merchant.
Where did he travel in order to discover the wisdom of other lands.
Phoenicia, Egypt, Arabia, Crete, India, Persia, Gaul, and Chaldea.
What were the three degrees of initiation:
Preparation, Purification, Perfection
Crotona eventually created what?
Pythagorean Institute. Which was the first University
What were the two classes of members in Crotona.
The Acusmatici(Pledges) and the Esoterics(Actives)
what does "One bad apple spoils the barrel." mean?
a single bad influence can ruin that would otherwise remain good. The same is true for a fraternity's rep
Two of the most commonly cited factors contributing to a poor fraternal environment are ________ and ________.
apathy and cliques
Brotherhood is treating others...
as you would have them treat you
How did Pythagoras explain or see in the triangle?
base of the right triangle as the divine, the altitude as the human, the hypotenuse connecting the divine and the human with mathematical perfection, represented philosophy.
Where did pythagoras escape too?
fled to locris. Lorcris though wouldn't take him in and went to Metapontum, where he died of hunger in 507 B.C. (May have died in the fire as well)
While many of the details of Pythagoras' teachings are now outdated his lifelong _____________, _________________, and the example of _______ ________ that he established are standards worthy of students and fraternity men today
pursuit of learning, his search for truth and wisdom, fraternal brotherhood.
Where did he settle after his travels to the lands. What did he establish?
settled in Crotona, and established the Pythagorean Society and Brotherhood.
Brotherhood is not a _______ with _________.
synonymous with friendship