Academic words,chapters 11-12

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Icelandic Translation : Úflutningur English definition : — n 1. the act or an instance of emigrating 2. emigrants considered collectively


Icelandic Translation : Þar að auki English definition : — adv in addition; moreover


Icelandic Translation : Berskjaldað English definition : — n 1. the act of exposing or the condition of being exposed 2. the position or outlook of a house, building, etc; aspect: the bedroom has a southern exposure 3. lack of shelter from the weather, esp the cold: to die of exposure 4. a surface that is exposed: an exposure of granite 5. mountaineering See exposed the degree to which a climb, etc is exposed 6. photog a. the act of exposing a photographic film or plate to light, X-rays, etc b. an area on a film or plate that has been exposed to light, etc c. ( as modifier ): exposure control 7. photog a. the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate multiplied by the time for which it is exposed b. a combination of lens aperture and shutter speed used in taking a photograph: he used the wrong exposure 8. appearance or presentation before the public, as in a theatre, on television, or in films


Icelandic Translation : Endurbæta English definition : — vb ( tr ) to intensify or increase in quality, value, power, etc; improve; augment


Icelandic Translation : Fengið í hendur English definition : — vb 1. to select for and appoint to a post, etc: to assign an expert to the job 2. to give out or allot (a task, problem, etc): to assign advertising to an expert 3. to set apart (a place, person, time, etc) for a particular function or event: to assign a day for the meeting 4. to attribute to a specified cause, origin, or source; ascribe: to assign a stone cross to the Vikings 5. to transfer (one's right, interest, or title to property) to someone else 6. ( also intr ) law (formerly) to transfer (property) to trustees so that it may be used for the benefit of creditors 7. military Compare attach to allocate (men or materials) on a permanent basis 8. computing to place (a value corresponding to a variable) in a memory location — n 9. law a person to whom property is assigned; assignee


Icelandic Translation : Fram úr English definition : — vb 1. to be superior to (a person or thing), esp in size or quality; excel 2. ( tr ) to go beyond the limit or bounds of: to exceed one's income ; exceed a speed limit 3. to be greater in degree or quantity than (a person or thing)


Icelandic Translation : Frávik English definition : — n 1. an act or result of deviating 2. statistics the difference between an observed value in a series of such values and their arithmetic mean 3. the error of a compass due to local magnetic disturbances


Icelandic Translation : Fylgja eftir English definition : — vb 1. to ensure observance of or obedience to (a law, decision, etc) 2. to impose (obedience, loyalty, etc) by or as by force 3. to emphasize or reinforce (an argument, demand, etc)


Icelandic Translation : Gera kleift English definition : — vb 1. to provide (someone) with adequate power, means, opportunity, or authority (to do something) 2. to make possible 3. to put (a digital electronic circuit element) into an operative condition by supplying a suitable input pulse


Icelandic Translation : Grundvallar English definition : — adj 1. of, involving, or comprising a foundation; basic 2. of, involving, or comprising a source; primary 3. music denoting or relating to the principal or lowest note of a harmonic series 4. of or concerned with the component of lowest frequency in a complex vibration — n 5. a principle, law, etc, that serves as the basis of an idea or system 6. a. the principal or lowest note of a harmonic series b. the bass note of a chord in root position 7. physics fundamental frequency , Also called: first harmonic a. the component of lowest frequency in a complex vibration b. the frequency of this component


Icelandic Translation : Halda í við English definition : — vb 1. to hold up under; withstand: to sustain great provocation 2. to undergo (an injury, loss, etc); suffer: to sustain a broken arm 3. to maintain or prolong: to sustain a discussion 4. to support physically from below 5. to provide for or give support to, esp by supplying necessities: to sustain one's family ; to sustain a charity 6. to keep up the vitality or courage of 7. to uphold or affirm the justice or validity of: to sustain a decision 8. to establish the truth of; confirm


Icelandic Translation : Hjálpa English definition : — vb ( tr ) to make easier; assist the progress of


Icelandic Translation : Hliðstætt English definition : — adj 1. similar or corresponding in some respect 2. biology Compare homologous (of organs and parts) having the same function but different evolutionary origin: the paddle of a whale and the fin of a fish are analogous 3. linguistics formed by analogy: an analogous plural


Icelandic Translation : Hugmyndafræðilegar English definition : — n , pl -gies 1. a body of ideas that reflects the beliefs and interests of a nation, political system, etc and underlies political action 2. philosophy, sociol the set of beliefs by which a group or society orders reality so as to render it intelligible 3. speculation that is imaginary or visionary 4. the study of the nature and origin of ideas


Icelandic Translation : Hvati English definition : — n 1. a motivating influence; stimulus 2. a. an additional payment made to employees as a means of increasing production b. ( as modifier ): an incentive scheme — adj 3. serving to incite to action


Icelandic Translation : Hæfi English definition : 1. the ability or power to contain, absorb, or hold 2. the amount that can be contained; volume: a capacity of six gallons 3. a. the maximum amount something can contain or absorb (esp in the phrase filled to capacity ) b. ( as modifier ): a capacity crowd 4. the ability to understand or learn; aptitude; capability: he has a great capacity for Greek 5. the ability to do or produce (often in the phrase at capacity ): the factory's output was not at capacity 6. a specified position or function: he was employed in the capacity of manager 7. a measure of the electrical output of a piece of apparatus such as a motor, generator, or accumulator 8. electronics a former name for capacitance 9. computing a. the number of words or characters that can be stored in a particular storage device b. the range of numbers that can be processed in a register 10. the bit rate that a communication channel or other system can carry 11. legal competence: the capacity to make a will


Icelandic Translation : Inbyggt English definition : — adj 1. of or relating to the essential nature of a thing; inherent 2. anatomy situated within or peculiar to a part: intrinsic muscles [C15: from Late Latin intrinsecus from Latin, inwardly, from intrā within + secus alongside; related to sequī to follow] intrinsical or intrinsical — adj [C15: from Late Latin intrinsecus from Latin, inwardly, from intrā within + secus alongside; related to sequī to follow]


Icelandic Translation : Rétt svo English definition : — adj 1. of, in, on, or constituting a margin 2. close to a limit, esp a lower limit: marginal legal ability 3. not considered central or important; insignificant, minor, small 4. economics relating to goods or services produced and sold at the margin of profitability: marginal cost 5. chiefly ( Brit ), ( NZ ) politics of or designating a constituency in which elections tend to be won by small margins: a marginal seat 6. designating agricultural land on the margin of cultivated zones 7. economics relating to a small change in something, such as total cost, revenue, or consumer satisfaction — n 8. chiefly ( Brit ), ( NZ ) politics a marginal constituency


Icelandic Translation : Samanstanda English definition : — vb 1. to include; contain 2. to constitute the whole of; consist of: her singing comprised the entertainment


Icelandic Translation : Samsvarandi English definition : — n chem the state of having equal valencies


Icelandic Translation : Sjá fyrir English definition : — vb 1. ( tr ) to supply or provide, esp with lodging or board and lodging 2. ( tr ) to oblige or do a favour for 3. to adjust or become adjusted; adapt 4. ( tr ) to bring into harmony; reconcile 5. ( tr ) to allow room for; contain 6. ( tr ) to lend money to, esp on a temporary basis until a formal loan has been arranged


Icelandic Translation : Sjónarhorn English definition : — n 1. a way of regarding situations, facts, etc, and judging their relative importance 2. the proper or accurate point of view or the ability to see it; objectivity: try to get some perspective on your troubles 3. the theory or art of suggesting three dimensions on a two-dimensional surface, in order to recreate the appearance and spatial relationships that objects or a scene in recession present to the eye 4. the appearance of objects, buildings, etc, relative to each other, as determined by their distance from the viewer, or the effects of this distance on their appearance 5. a view over some distance in space or time; vista; prospect 6. a picture showing perspective


Icelandic Translation : Skipting English definition : — n , pl -chies 1. a system of persons or things arranged in a graded order 2. a body of persons in holy orders organized into graded ranks 3. the collective body of those so organized 4. a series of ordered groupings within a system, such as the arrangement of plants and animals into classes, orders, families, etc 5. linguistics, maths ordering heterarchy Compare tree a formal structure, usually represented by a diagram of connected nodes, with a single uppermost element 6. government by an organized priesthood


Icelandic Translation : Sýndu English definition : — vb , ( US ) -els , -elling , -elled , -els , -eling , -eled 1. ( foll by in ) to take pleasure or wallow: to revel in success 2. to take part in noisy festivities; make merry — n 3. ( often plural ) an occasion of noisy merrymaking 4. a less common word for revelry


Icelandic Translation : Sýnir English definition : — pron 1. an unspecified or unknown thing; some thing: he knows something you don't ; take something warm with you 2. an unspecified or unknown amount; bit: something less than a hundred 3. an impressive or important person, thing, or event: isn't that something? 4. something else a remarkable person or thing 5. something or other one unspecified thing or an alternative thing — adv 6. to some degree; a little; somewhat: to look something like me 7. informal ( foll by an adjective ) (intensifier): it hurts something awful


Icelandic Translation : Undirkomið English definition : — adj 1. of lesser order or importance 2. under the authority or control of another: a subordinate functionary — n 3. a person or thing that is subordinate — vb (usually foll by to ) 4. to put in a lower rank or position (than) 5. to make subservient: to subordinate mind to heart


Icelandic Translation : Álykta English definition : — vb 1. ( may take a clause as object ) to reach (a conclusion about something) by reasoning; conclude (that); infer 2. archaic to trace the origin, course, or derivation of


Icelandic Translation : Átta sig English definition : — adj (foll by of ) 1. having knowledge; cognizant: aware of his error 2. informed of current developments: politically aware


Icelandic Translation : Óbeint English definition : — adj (foll by in ) 1. not explicit; implied; indirect: there was implicit criticism in his voice 2. absolute and unreserved; unquestioning: you have implicit trust in him 3. contained or inherent: to bring out the anger implicit in the argument 4. maths Compare explicit (of a function) having an equation of the form f( x,y ) = 0, in which y cannot be directly expressed in terms of x, as in xy + x ² + y ³ x ² = 0 5. obsolete intertwined


Icelandic Translation : Óstöðuleiki English definition : — n , pl -ties 1. lack of stability or steadiness 2. tendency to variable or unpredictable behaviour 3. physics a fast growing disturbance or wave in a plasma

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