ACCESS CH.2 Tables, Keys, and, Relationships

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What is the value range of an integer? Pg 114

-32,768 to +32,767

Define COMPOSITE KEY.Pg. 121

A composite key is referred to when two fields are needed to identify a record.


Indicates the number of instances of one entity that relates to one instance of another entity.

How many steps does it take to create a many-to-many relationships. Pg. 134

It takes four steps. One, create a junction table. Create a primary key that will be unique field or the junction table, add two foreign keys, one to each of the many-to-many tables. Alternatively, you can create a composite key made up of two foreign keys; two, determine whether there are any fields that you want to add to the junction table beyond the keys; three, form two relationships in the Relationships window. This is done by connecting primary key of one the original tables to the foreign key of the junction table. To repeat for the second of the original tables. The junction table has the many-to-many side of both relationships; populate the table.

Define a DELIMIITER. Pg. 107

A delimiter is a character such as a tab or comma that separates fields.

Define FIELD SIZE. pg.114

A field size indicates the maximum length of a data field.

Define FOREIGN KEY. Pg. 120

A foreign key is a field in a table that is the primary key in another table. The primary key and the foreign key form the common field between tables that allow the relationship between two tables to be formed.

Define A JOIN. Pg. 125

A join is created by establishing a relationship between two tables based on common fields in two tables.


A many-to-many-relationship is a relationship between tables in which a record in one table has many matching records.

Define NAME RANGE. Pg. 106

A name range is a smaller portion of a worksheet or group of cells that have been given a name.

Define a NATURAL PRIMARY KEY and give two examples. Pg. 123

A natural primary key is a unique identifier that is part of the data. A social security number is a natural unique identifier for a person or a serial part number of a part is also a natural primary key.

Define a one to-many-relationship. Pg. 127

A one to many relationship is a relationship between two tables in which one record corresponds to many records in the second table. (Cardinality of the relationship.


A one-to-one relationship is a relationship between tables in which a record in one table has only one matching record in the second table.

Define PRIMARY KEY. Pg. 112

A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies the record; it can be any data type, but it should be a field that should not change.

Define a RELATIONSHIP. Pg. 99

A relationship is an association between tables based on common fields.`

When a many-to- many relationship tables do not have a common relationship what occurs? Pg. 128

A table know as a link table, intersection or junction that has a relationship between the two tables.

While imputing data in Access, does Access save the data automatically or does the user a have to manually save. Pg 110

Access automatically saves the data.

Define an ATTRIBUTE. pg. 99

An attribute is information about an entity.

Define AUTO NUMBER. Pg. 123

An auto number is automatically assigned unique value number for every record used for a primary key.

Define an ENTITY. Pg 99

An entity is a person , place, item, or event or which data is to be tracked.

Define and INPUT MASK. pg 116

An input mask defines a consistent template and provides the punctuation, so the punctuation does not have to be done manually.

What functionality does Esc have in Access? Pg 110

Esc stops editing the record and reverts to the record data as it appeared before the user started editing.

T or F. Is it possible to paste numeric cells on non-numeric cells when copying and pasting from Excel to Access? Pg 103


T or F. Deletion of a field in a table can be undone? Pg. 111

False a deletion of a field can not be undone.

T or F. A user can not delete a field in both data sheet view and design view? Pg 111

False, deletion of a field can be done in both data sheet view and design view.

Tor F. You can undo design changes after you have saved? Pg 110

False, you can undo changes as long as you have not saved the file. If the files is not saved the user can use the undo function.

The upper pane in Design View has three columns. What are they? Pg 101

Field Name, Data Type, Description

Excel column headings are imported as what in Access? Pg 104

Field names

If an Excel spreadsheet had different column order than on the Access fields how should the data and transferred? By importing or the cut and paste method. Pg. 104

Importing, because by importing Access matches the column headings with the common fields in Access.

Does an Access table require a primary key for a table and what are the benefits? Pg. 120

No it does not but it helps organize tables, speed up access to data, provide index to a record, and are used to d make relationships.

A short text data type holds up to how many characters? Pg. 113

No more than 255 characters.


Normalization is the process off minimizing the duplication of information in a relational database through effective database design.

What is the best way to identify a primary key? Pg. 120

The best way to identify a primary key is to use an arbitrary numeric key that is assigned to represent and individual item. Such as a 'CustomID or ProductID.

Define FORMAT PROPERTY'S function. Pg 118

The format property tell Access how data is to be displayed. It does not affect the way data is stored.

What can you do with two tables that have one to one relationships? Pg. 129

The tables can be combined into one table.

How many types of relationships are they? Pg. 128

There are 3 types of relationships. One-to-many, one-to-one, and many-to-many.

How many steps does it take to make a one-to-many relationship? Pg.129

There three steps: one , make sure that there is a common field in both tables; two, form the relationship in the relationship window; three, populate the foreign key by adding data to the foreign key in the many side table.

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