ACNT 6789

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In the context of interpersonal communication styles, _____ involves expressing feelings and needs directly and honestly without violating the rights of others. Answers: a.assertive behavior b.passive behavior c.submissive behavior d.passive-aggressive behavior

A. Assertive behavior Assertive behavior involves expressing feelings and needs directly and honestly without violating the rights of others. Assertive people accept responsibility for their feelings and actions. See 2-4: Group Communication

Which of the following takes place in a series interview? Answers: a.Different interviewers are involved who most likely ask questions from different perspectives. b.Multiple candidates meet with an interviewer with the help of videoconferencing technologies. c.An interviewee is placed in a number of anxiety-producing situations. d.Applicants use a computer to provide answers to a list of carefully selected questions.

A. Different interviewers are involved who most likely ask questions from different perspectives. In a series interview, candidates meet individually with a number of different interviewers. Each interviewer will likely ask questions from a differing perspective. See 14-1: Understanding Types of Employment Interviews

Which of the following is a guideline that assists in effective email usage? Answers: a.Do not contribute to email overload. b.Send messages that are formatted. c.Check mails once every week. d.Do not use separate accounts for receiving messages.

A. Do not contribute to email overload. A guideline that assists in effective email usage is to not contribute to email overload. Be certain individuals need a copy of the email, and forward an email from another person only with the original writer's permission. See 5-3: Electronic Mail Communication

According to a UNESCO report of employer views, in today's business climate, _____ is considered to be a soft skill that is essential for workers. Answers: a.entrepreneurial ability b.discipline-specific skills c.arithmetic ability d.writing ability

A. Entrepreneurial ability A UNESCO report of employer views revealed certain skills to be essential for workers in today's business climate. Emotional intelligence, communication skills, team skills, flexibility, creativity and entrepreneurial ability are some of the required soft skills. See 14-3: Conducting a Successful Interview

_____ refers to the assumption that one's own cultural norms are the right way to do things. Answers: a.Ethnocentrism b.Nepotism c.Cultural relativism d.Territoriality

A. Ethnocentrism Ethnocentrism is the assumption that one's own cultural norms are the right way to do things. Problems occur between people of different cultures primarily because people tend to assume that their own cultural norms are the right way to do things. See 1-4: Contextual Forces Influencing Business Communication

In a chronological résumé, which of the following headings normally appears in the portion that presents qualification? Answers: a.Experience b.Administration c.Public Relations d.Honors and Activities

A. Experience The chronological résumé is the traditional organizational format for résumés. Two headings normally appear in the portion that presents qualifications: "Education" and "Experience." See 13-2: Planning a Targeted Résumé

Unlike a functional résumé, a chronological résumé: Answers: a.follows the traditional organizational format that emphasizes dates and job titles. b.highlights the tasks that an applicant can perform well. best for applicants who have gaps in their work histories or are just entering the job market. effective for applicants who have little or no experience.

A. Follows the traditional organizational format that emphasizes dates and job titles. A chronological résumé emphasizes dates and job titles, whereas a functional résumé highlights an applicant's transferable skills. See 13-2: Planning a Targeted Résumé

The structure of a proposal: Answers: a.includes details about the manner in which a problem is solved. usually designed to be in the email format. c.does not include the purpose as a separate heading. d.does not include the budget of a project.

A. Includes details about the manner in which a problem is solved. A proposal includes (1) details about the manner in which a problem will be solved and (2) the price to be charged or costs to be incurred. Often the proposal is a lengthy report designed to "sell" the prospective buyer on the ability of the bidder to perform. See 11-5: Proposals

Which of the following statements is true of an appendix of a report? Answers: a.It contains supplementary information that supports the report but is not appropriate for inclusion in the report itself. b.Placing supplementary material in an appendix makes the report body excessively long. c.A report cannot contain more than one appendix. d.It provides a preview of how the topic is divided into parts and the order in which the parts will be presented.

A. It contains supplementary information that supports the report but is not appropriate for inclusion in the report itself. An appendix contains supplementary information that supports a report but is not appropriate for inclusion in the report itself. This information may include questionnaires and accompanying transmittal letters, summary tabulations, verbatim comments from respondents, complex mathematical computations and formulas, legal documents, and a variety of items the writer presents to support the body of the report and the quality of the research. See 11-1: Parts of a Formal Report

Which of the following best describes an index? Answers: a.It is an alphabetical guide to the subject matter in a report. b.It is a collection of information, such as questionnaires, that supports a report. c.It is a short summary of the essential elements in a report. d.It is an alphabetical listing of the sources used in preparing a report.

A. It is an alphabetical guide to the subject matter in a report. The three basic addenda parts are the references, appendixes, and index. See 11-1: Parts of a Formal Report

Which of the following is an advantage of email communication? Answers: a.It reduces a company's costs. b.It ensures a quick verbal response. c.It is safe from malicious attacks. d.It offers a personal touch.

A. It reduces a company's costs. Email reduces a company's costs. Sending email messages represents a substantial savings for companies in long-distance telephone costs and postal mail-outs. See 5-3: Electronic Mail Communication

Julius, a manager in a data analytics company, has assigned five of his team members to a particular project. At the end of every week, he is required to submit a progress report to his supervisor. For this, he needs to create a chart that will allow him to efficiently track his team members' progress by scheduling different activities and plotting the planned and actual hours put into those tasks. In this case, which of the following charts would best fulfill Julius's requirement? Answers: a.The Gantt chart b.An area chart c.A flowchart d.The Pournelle chart

A. The Gantt Chart In this case, the Gantt chart would best fulfill Julius's requirement. The Gantt chart, another variation of the bar chart, is useful for tracking progress toward completing a series of events over time. See 10-3: Types of Graphic Aids

At a project completion meeting, Alex, an employee at Salont Technologies, was called on without a prior notice to present the methods used for completing the project successfully. Being an experienced speaker, he easily analyzed the request and delivered a simple, yet effective presentation. In this scenario, which of the following presentation styles did Alex use? Answers: a.The impromptu presentation style b.The extemporaneous presentation style c.The memorized presentation style d.The manuscript presentation style

A. The impromptu presentation style In this scenario, Alex used the impromptu style of presentation. An impromptu presentation is a presentation in which a speaker is called on without prior notice. See 12-4: Refining Your Delivery

Which of the following techniques should a sender follow to communicate ethically and responsibly? Answers: a.The sender's viewpoints should be supported with objective facts. b.The sender should embellish facts to make ideas sound better. c.The sender should use such words that convey several meanings in addition to what is intended. d.The sender's message should support his or her interests.

A. The sender's viewpoints should be supported with objective facts. To communicate ethically and responsibly, a sender's viewpoints should be supported with objective facts. Facts should be accurately documented to allow a reader to judge the credibility of the source and to give credit where credit is due. See 3-4: Step 4: Adapt the Message to the Audience's Needs and Concerns

Which of the following should you do to distinguish your application message from the competition? Answers: a.Use first-person pronouns and writer-focused statements. b.Apologize for a shortcoming and admit failure. c.Use strong adjectives and generalizations to sound better. d.Tailor the message to the employer's need.

A. Use first-person pronouns and writer-focused statements. An excellent application message might be the most difficult message you ever attempt to write. See 13-5: Composing Application Messages

Abdul, a manager at Chrysum Corp., was assigned the task of overseeing the operations in a foreign office for a week. Before leaving the country, Abdul recorded a message on his phone to inform callers that he was away from home and would return their calls when he returned. In this scenario, the technology used by Abdul is an example of: Answers: a.voice mail communication. b.cellphone communication. c.instant messaging. d.weblogging.

A. Voice mail communication. In this scenario, the technology used by Abdul is an example of voice mail communication. Voice mail technology allows flexibility in staying in touch without the aid of a computer and reduces telephone tag. See 5-5: Voice and Wireless Communication

Stazia Inc. is a software company that intends to collaborate with Softron Inc., another multinational software company. Steve, the chief executive officer of Stazia, decides to discuss the company's objectives with Jared, the chief executive officer of Softron. Steve seeks to obtain information about the services Softron offers and the quality process it follows. In this scenario, which of the following mediums of communication should Steve use to ensure confidentiality of information? Answers: a.A voice mail b.A face-to-face meeting c.A memo d.An oral presentation

B. A face-to-face meeting. In this scenario, Steve should hold a face-to-face meeting to ensure confidentiality of information. A face-to-face meeting is ideal for communicating confidential information and negotiating. It is also effective in reading nonverbal communication cues. See 3-2: Step 2: Determine the Purpose, and Select an Appropriate Channel and Medium

Alan, the chief executive officer of Pioneer Inc., was requested by Jack, a student at Woodhouse Elementary School, to share some information about Pioneer for his project report. While Alan could have forwarded one of the several emails he had written about the company to his clients, he used simple words and gave simple basic facts about Pioneer when responding to Jack. In this scenario, which of the following audience characteristics did Alan consider? a.Cultureb.Agec.Expectationsd.Rapport

B. Age In this scenario, Alan considered Jack's age while responding to him. A message answering an elementary-school student's request for information from a company would not be worded the same as a message answering a similar request from an adult. See 3-3: Step 3: Envision the Audience

_____ specialize in placing a candidate in a position on a temporary basis until he or she finds a full-time job. Answers: a.Professional organizations b.Employment contractors c.Career services centers d.Career counsellors

B. Employment contractors Employment contractors specialize in providing temporary employees and might be able to place you in a position on a temporary basis until you find a full-time job. See 13-1: Preparing for the Job Search

Identify a true statement about the content outline of a report. Answers: a.An effective content outline contains not more than two Roman numeral sections. b.It is subject to modification as the writer develops the report. c.Adding page numbers in the contents page will convert it to an outline item. d.It provides written authorization to complete the report.

B. It is subjective to modification as the writer develops the report. Outlining is an essential prerequisite to writing a report. The outline is a planning document and is thus subject to modification as the writer develops the report. See 11-2: Organization of Formal Reports

While preparing for an interview, information about the job sought pertinent in an interview includes _____. Answers: a.job redesign b.job title c.job rotation d.job enlargement

B. Job title While preparing for an interview, information about the job sought pertinent in an interview includes: (i) job title; (ii) job qualifications; (iii) probable salary range; and (iv) career path of the job. See 14-2: Preparing for an Interview

Which of the following is an addenda item of a proposal? Answers: a.A time schedule for implementation of the project b.Letters of recommendation c.Limitations of the proposal d.Purpose of the study

B. Letters of recommendation Maps, questionnaires, letters of recommendation, and similar materials are suitable addenda items. A bibliography and an appendix are also examples of addenda items. See 11-5: Proposals

Which of the following is a virtual team management tool for team games? Answers: a.Huddle b.Prelude c.Blackboard d.Jive

B. Prelude Prelude is a virtual team management tool for team games. Virtual team games help increase trust and enhance communication. See 5-6: Collaborating in Virtual Teams

Which of the following statements is true of the purpose section of a proposal? Answers: a.A proposal should always include the purpose and the scope under the same heading. b.Problem and purpose are often used as interchangeable terms in reports. c.The purpose is included only in the last section of a proposal. d.The purpose section avoids including objectives of a measurable nature.

B. Problem and purpose are often used as interchangeable terms in reports. Many proposals are rejected simply because writers promise more than they can actually deliver. See 11-5: Proposals

Which of the following is true of pronunciation? Answers: a.Faulty pronunciation can be rectified by using verbal fillers. b.The first pronunciation of a word given in the dictionary is the desired pronunciation. c.Perfect articulation leads to perfect pronunciation. d.The second pronunciation given in the dictionary is the outdated pronunciation.

B. The first pronunciation of a word given in the dictionary is the desired pronunciation. A dictionary provides the best source to review pronunciation. Two pronunciations are often given for a word, the first one being the desired pronunciation and the second an acceptable variation. See 12-4: Refining Your Delivery

Allen and Ray are childhood friends. At their workplace, Ray is Allen's boss. During one of their conversations, Allen brings up the fact that according to the company's policy regarding promotions, he is eligible to be promoted. Allen tells Ray that not only has he been with the company for 10 years, but he has also made significant contributions to the company. Ray, however, seems reluctant and gives Allen a number of reasons as to why promoting him right now would not be a good move. He tells Allen that he will think about the promotion next year. After their conversation, Allen feels that Ray did not show professionalism and did not take the matter seriously. Which of the following dimensions of context has most likely affected this interaction? Answers: a.The physical context b.The social context c.The chronological context d.The cultural context

B. The social context. The social dimension of context most likely affected this interaction. The social context refers to the nature of the relationship between the communicators, as well as who is present. Imagine how the relationship between your manager and yourself might affect your request for a raise. See 3-1: Step 1: Consider the Applicable Contextual Forces

Which of the following methods improves the transition from one sentence to the next in a formal report? Answers: a.Repeating words b.Using tabulations and enumerations c.Avoiding first-person pronouns d.Using active voice

B. Using tabulations and enumerations To improve transition from one sentence to the next in a formal report, use tabulations and enumerations. When you have a series of items, bullet them or give each a number and list them consecutively. See 11-3: Choosing a Writing Style for Formal Reports

Which of the following questions should you ask before writing a persuasive message to know your product, service, or idea? Answers: a.How might cultural differences affect your message? b.What is the cost to the receiver? c.Who are the people to whom the persuasive message is directed? d.What do you want the reader to do?

B. What is the cost to the receiver? Before writing a persuasive message, one of the questions you should ask to know your product, service, or idea is "What is the cost to the receiver?" Similar questions must be answered about other viable alternatives or competing products. Of particular importance is the question, "What is the major difference?" People are inclined to choose an item (or alternative) that has some distinct advantage. See 8-1: Persuasion Strategies

Illumination Apparel is a fashion retailer chain. In 2001, it opened 126 outlets in different cities. Stacy, a sales manager at Illumination Apparel, has to present the data on the total revenue generated in these 126 outlets in the last 10 years. In this case, which of the following graphics is best suited for Stacy's presentation? Answers: A.A flowchart b.A photograph c.A map d.A pictogram

C. A map In this case, a map is best suited for Stacy's presentation. A map shows geographic relationships. See 10-3: Types of Graphic Aids

Stuart is agitated by the political developments that took place in his country in the last couple of months and decides to share his views. He posts his concerns online by filling a simple online form on his browser. The visitors to his online journal can post comments. The technology used in this scenario is an example of: Answers: a.Skyping. b.Yammering. c.blogging. d.crowdsourcing.

C. Blogging The technology used in this scenario is an example of blogging. A weblog, or blog, is a type of online journal typically authored by an individual and does not allow visitors to change the original posted material, but to only add comments. Blogging allows average citizens to become publishers. See 5-4: Web Page Communication and Social Media

Which of the following should you do when interpreting and analyzing a graphic presented within text? Answers: a.List all the statistics presented in the text to emphasize their importance. b.Restate what the graphic shows. c.Emphasize the main point you are making. d.Include additional graphics to reiterate what the main graphic states.

C. Emphasize the main point you are making.

Angela wants to teach her employees how to handle customer service complaints efficiently. She creates a procedure manual that includes a step-by-step diagram with written instructions. In this case, the graphic used in the procedure manual is a _____. Answers: chart b.pictogram c.flowchart d.pie chart

C. Flowchart In this case, the graphic used in the procedure manual is a flowchart. A flowchart is a step-by-step diagram of a procedure or a graphic depiction of a system or organization. See 10-3: Types of Graphic Aids

In the context of cultural dimensions identified by the GLOBE study of 62 societies, _____ refers to the degree to which people express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their families. Answers: a.egalitarianism b.egocentrism collectivism d.reciprocal altruism

C. In-group collectivism In-group collectivism refers to the degree to which people express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their groups or families. See 3-3: Step 3: Envision the Audience

Which of the following best describes the role of the executive summary in a formal report? Answers: a.It is a part of the report text. b.It contains supplementary information that supports the report but is not appropriate for inclusion in the report itself. c.It simplifies the reader's understanding of the long report. d.It aids the reader in locating a specific graphic in the report.

C. It simplifies the reader's understanding of the long report.

Which of the following tips should be followed to improve voice mail communication? Answers: a.Avoid updating your greeting frequently. b.Speak fast and in a loud voice. c.Keep your message brief, typically 60 seconds or less. d.Avoid repeating your name and phone number.

C. Keep your message brief, typically 60 seconds or less. One of the tips to improve voice mail communication is to keep your message brief, typically 60 seconds or less. Ensure that your message will be understandable. See 5-5: Voice and Wireless Communication

Written defamatory remarks are referred to as _____. Answers: a.slander b.jargon c.libel d.treason

C. Libel Written defamatory remarks are referred to as libel, and similar spoken remarks are referred to as slander. If you choose to make negative statements about a person, be sure the facts in question are supported. See 3-4: Step 4: Adapt the Message to the Audience's Needs and Concerns

Jakeel, a salesperson at Sensations Inc., attended a regional sales meeting where he was more of a listener than a participant. During the meeting, he tried to jot down as many of the discussion details as possible in his notebook. Later, when his colleagues were talking about what was discussed in the meeting, Jakeel could not share his viewpoints. This scenario illustrates that Jakeel most likely has a bad listening habit of _____. Answers: a.faking attention b.stereotyping c.over-listening d.casual listening

C. Over-listening This scenario illustrates that Jakeel most likely has a bad listening habit of over-listening. When we attempt to record many details in writing or in memory, we can over-listen and miss the speaker's major points. See 2-3: Listening as a Communication Skill

Which of the following is a disadvantage of virtual teams? Answers: a.Decreased productivity b.Limited market opportunities c.Poor leadership d.Inefficient knowledge transfer

C. Poor leadership Common disadvantages of virtual teams include reduced communication effectiveness caused by more limited access to various communication media, poor leadership, and incompetent team members. These disadvantages can be overcome through effective virtual team training, proper goal setting, team building, and successful coordination. See 1-4: Contextual Forces Influencing Business Communication

While applying for a job, after you conduct research, complete a self-assessment of your qualifications, and identify a job listing, you should: Answers: a.interview with companies. b.supplement your résumé with a portfolio or video recording. c.prepare a targeted résumé and an application message. a video résumé on YouTube.

C. Prepare a targeted resume and an application message. While applying for a job, after you conduct research, complete a self-assessment of your qualifications, and identify a job listing using traditional or electronic sources, you should prepare a targeted résumé and an application message in the required formats. See 13-1: Preparing for the Job Search

_____ is the feeling we have when we act and think as if we're involved in an unmediated, face-to-face conversation. Answers: a.Social stratification b.Social loafing c.Social presence d.Social altruism

C. Social presence Social presence is the feeling we have when we act and think as if we're involved in an unmediated, face-to-face conversation. The more a technology resembles a face-to-face conversation, the more social presence there is. See 1-4: Contextual Forces Influencing Business Communication

Which of the following is true of electronic meeting systems (EMS)? Answers: a.They are a group of Internet-based applications that allow the creation of user-generated content. b.They cannot be used when people are not in the same room at the same time. c.They enable group members in brainstorming ideas, voting, outlining ideas, or expanding on the ideas of others. d.They consist of computer software programs that can help group members collaborate when meeting face-to-face.

C. They enable group members in brainstorming ideas, voting, outlining ideas, or expanding on the ideas of others. Using electronic meeting systems (EMS), group members can brainstorm ideas, vote, outline ideas, or expand on the ideas of others. EMS can also be used when people are not in the same room at the same time. See 5-6: Collaborating in Virtual Teams

Identify a true statement about short reports. Answers: a.They focus on the executive summary rather than the body. b.They do not use headings or subheadings. c.They might incorporate graphics to reinforce the written text. d.They cannot be directed to a reader outside an organization.

C. They might incorporate graphics to reinforce the written text. Short reports incorporate many of the same organizational strategies as long reports. See 11-4: Short Reports

Danny, a manager at Peshler Constructions, is in charge of creating and presenting a report on the feasibility of building a new office in another city. He wants to make the presentation interesting and gain the attention of the audience effectively. In this scenario, which of the following techniques would capture the attention of his audience at the beginning of the presentation? Answers: a.Using verbal fillers b.Using jargon c.Using quotations by experts d.Using "docu-points"

C. Using quotations by experts An effective introduction captures attention of, and involves, the audience. In this scenario, Danny should use a quotation by an expert to gain the attention of the audience. See 12-2: Organizing the Content

A(n) _____ consists of three or more people who collaborate from different physical locations, perform interdependent tasks, have shared responsibility for the outcome of the work, and rely on some form of technology to communicate with one another. Answers: team hoc team c.virtual team d.matrix team

C. Virtual team A virtual team consists of three or more people who collaborate from different physical locations, perform interdependent tasks, have shared responsibility for the outcome of the work, and rely on some form of technology to communicate with one another. A phone line, fiber-optic cable, wireless signal, satellite signal, or other technology connects people who are communicating in a virtual team. See 1-4: Contextual Forces Influencing Business Communication

A _____ is a collaborative website that hosts the collective work of many authors. Answers: a.cookie b.weblog d.flame

C. Wiki Although a traditional website's content is usually controlled by the sponsoring individual or agency, a wiki is a collaborative website that hosts the collective work of many authors. Similar to a blog in structure and logic, a wiki allows anyone to edit, delete, or modify content, even the work of previous authors. See 5-4: Web Page Communication and Social Media

A functional résumé could be best for you when: Answers: have little or no transferable skills. b.your work history is consistent and has no gaps. c.your education or experience is scant. have progressed up a clearly defined career ladder.

C. Your education or experience is scant. If you consider yourself well qualified, a functional résumé is worth considering. If your education or experience is scant, a functional résumé could be best for you. See 13-2: Planning a Targeted Résumé

Which of the following is an example of a form report? Answers: a.A request for proposal b.An annual report c.A justification report d.A bank check

D. A bank check When designed properly, form reports increase clerical accuracy by providing designated places for specific items. See 11-4: Short Reports

Which of the following is true of a computer-assisted interview? Answers: a.A computer-assisted interview is ineffective in conducting screening interviews. b.A computer-assisted interview obliges an applicant to give polite, socially acceptable responses. c.A computer-generated report generates a list of unstructured interview questions for the interviewer to ask. d.A computer-generated report flags any contradictory responses and highlights any potential problem areas.

D. A computer-generated report flags any contradictory responses and highlights any potential problem areas. In a computer-assisted interview, a computer-generated report flags any contradictory responses, highlights any potential problem areas, and generates a list of structured interview questions for the interviewer to ask. See 14-1: Understanding Types of Employment Interviews

After earning a scholarship for securing superior grades in school, Miquel receives a congratulatory letter from the dean of the school. This communication interaction is considered _____. Answers: a.directive behavior b.visual kinesic communication c.vocal kinesic communication d.a positive stroke

D. A positive stroke This communication interaction is considered a positive stroke. Getting a pat on the back from a supervisor, receiving a congratulatory phone call or text message, and being listened to by another person are examples of everyday positive strokes. By paying attention to the importance of strokes, managers can greatly improve communication and people's feelings about their work. See 2-1: Behavioral Theories That Impact Communication

Which of the following is the first step in the process for planning, preparing, and rehearsing presentations? Answers: a.Adapting the message to the audience's needs and concerns b.Organizing the message to be delivered c.Rehearsing delivery d.Considering the applicable contextual forces

D. Considering the applicable contextual forces In the process for planning, preparing, and rehearsing presentations, the first step is to consider the applicable contextual forces. As with written messages, presentations should be well planned. See 12-1: Planning an Effective Business Presentation

In effective groups, members: Answers: a.have unique goals, interests, and benefits. b.share the same status. not have a leader. d.establish norms for standard behavior.

D. Establish norms for standard behavior. A norm is a standard or average behavior. All groups possess norms. People conform to norms because conformity is easy and nonconformity is difficult and uncomfortable. See 2-4: Group Communication

Which of the following is a guideline you should follow for preparing an effective table? Answers: a.Avoid using numbers to refer to the table. b.Avoid adding source notes and explanatory notes beneath the table. c.Use titles that compel readers to review the table. d.Indent the second line of a label for the rows two or three spaces.

D. Indent the second line of a label for the rows two or three spaces A table aids in clarifying large quantities of data in a small space. See 10-3: Types of Graphic Aids

Which of the following statements is true of decentralized decision making? Answers: a.It primarily involves upward communication. b.It requires every decision to be made by the top management. c.It follows traditional lines of authority. d.It enables teams to communicate in a peer-to-peer fashion.

D. It enables teams to communicate in a peer-to-peer fashion. Decentralized decision making enables teams of people to communicate in a peer-to-peer fashion, rather than following traditional lines of authority, and new technologies give employees the ability to communicate easily and openly with one another and with those outside the firm. See 1-4: Contextual Forces Influencing Business Communication

In which of the following ways does outlining before communicating a complex message benefit the sender? Answers: a.It reinforces a "me attitude." b.It facilitates prolonging the duration of communication. c.It ensures that unimportant points are also given emphasis. d.It permits concentration on one phase at a time.

D. It permits concentration on one phase at a time. Outlining before communicating complex messages permits concentration on one phase at a time. Having focused separately on (a) the ideas that need to be included, (b) the distinction between major and minor ideas, and (c) the sequence of ideas, total concentration can now be focused on the next challenge—expressing. See 3-5: Step 5: Organize the Message

The director of human resources at Perlis Inc., an automobile manufacturing company, wants to chart employee absenteeism over a two-year period. He wants to represent this data graphically. In this scenario, the data will be best represented by a _____. Answers: a.pie chart c.flowchart d.line chart

D. Line chart In this scenario, the data will be best represented by a line chart. A line chart depicts changes in quantitative data over time and illustrates trends. See 10-3: Types of Graphic Aids

A short update on a current project requested during a meeting without advance notice is an example of a(n) _____. Answers: a.extemporaneous presentation b.crisis briefing c.manuscript presentation d.oral briefing

D. Oral briefing A short update on a current project requested during a meeting without advance notice is an example of an oral briefing. Oral briefings are informal presentations prepared and presented with little time for planning and developing. See 12-1: Planning an Effective Business Presentation

Which of the following is an accurate statement about a proposal? Answers: a.Methodologies should be kept vague to protect trade secrets. b.Presenting the qualification of personnel involved in the proposal is irrelevant. c.The summary is always at the end of the proposal. d.Page design features add to the effectiveness of the proposal.

D. Page design features add to the effectiveness of the proposal. To add to the overall effectiveness of a proposal, a writer should incorporate appealing, but not distracting, page design features. The reader's positive impression of the high standards exhibited in the proposal is likely to influence his or her confidence in the writer's ability to implement the proposed solution. See 11-5: Proposals

Linda, a manager at Addoso Inc., is writing a proposal on how a new work benefit will affect employees' attitude toward their jobs. She places limits on what she proposes to do in her report. In this case, these limitations will be placed under the _____ section of her proposal. Answers: a.methods b.evaluation c.references d.scope

D. Scope In this case, the limitations of Linda's proposal will be placed under the scope section of her proposal. When determining the scope of your proposal, you can place limits on what you propose to do or on what the material or equipment you sell can accomplish. See 11-5: Proposals

Proxemics revolves around two concepts, which are _____ and personal space. Answers: a.haptics b.kinesics c.polychronic time d.territoriality

D. Territoriality Proxemics, or the study of human space, revolves around two concepts: territoriality and personal space. Territoriality refers to your need to establish and maintain certain spaces as your own. See 2-2: Nonverbal Communication

In a sales message, _____. Answers: a.cliched statements should be included to make the message sound authentic b.general remarks about a product's durability and appearance should be included to create desire c.a well-known anecdote should be included to gain the reader's attention d.the desired action should be defined in specific terms that are easy to complete

D. The desired action should be defined in specific terms that are easy to complete. In a sales message, the desired action should be defined in specific terms that are easy to complete. For proper clarity and emphasis, the last paragraph of a sales message should be relatively short. Yet, it must accomplish four important tasks: define the specific action wanted, present it as easy to take, encourage quick action, and ask confidently. See 8-2: Sales Messages

Patrick prepares a presentation for a research paper that begins with the major idea. He then realizes that the topic could be antagonizing and may not please his audience. In this scenario, which of the following outlining approaches should Patrick use? Answers: a.The contingency approach b.The system approach c.The deductive approach d.The inductive approach

D. The inductive approach In this scenario, Patrick should use the inductive approach. If an audience might be antagonized by the main idea in a deductive message, lead up to the main idea by making the message inductive. If a sender wants to encourage audience involvement, use the inductive approach. See 3-5: Step 5: Organize the Message

Which of the following is an advantage of face-to-face meetings? Answers: a.They restrict dominance by high-status members. b.They minimize the environmental impact caused by travel. c.They allow companies to reduce travel budget. d.They provide a rich nonverbal context.

D. They provide a rich nonverbal context. Face-to-face meetings provide a rich nonverbal context and direct human contact. are appropriate when one needs the richest nonverbal cues, including body, voice, proximity, and touch. See 2-5: Meeting Management

Karen, a software engineer, finds out that some of the laptops that his colleagues are using for software testing have been infected by a type of virus that has slowed down their work to a large extent. Karen writes a report with a solution to the problem and presents it to her manager. This type of report is an example of a(n) _____. Answers: a.external proposal b.justification report c.letter report d.unsolicited proposal

D. Unsolicited proposal Many large firms and governmental organizations use highly structured procedures to ensure understanding of contract terms. See 11-5: Proposals

A stress interview is a freewheeling exchange and can shift from one subject to another, depending on the interests of the participants. Answers: True False

False A stress interview is designed to place an interviewee in an anxiety-producing situation so that an evaluation can be made of the interviewee's performance under stress. In all cases, interviewees should attempt to assess the nature of the interview quickly and adjust behavior accordingly. See 14-1: Understanding Types of Employment Interviews

A way to use your visuals effectively is to read the visuals line for line rather than paraphrasing them. Answers: True False

False A way to use your visuals effectively is to paraphrase the visual rather than reading it line for line. To increase the quality of your delivery, develop a workable method of recording what you plan to say about each graphic. See 12-4: Refining Your Delivery

According to the transactional process model of communication, in face-to-face communication situations, parties to the encounter fail to interpret each other's nonverbal signals. Answers: True False

False According to the transactional process model of communication, two parties involved in a communication encounter are potentially both communicating at the same time, particularly if the encounter is face-to-face. That is because in face-to-face communication situations, parties to the encounter are continuously interpreting each other's nonverbal signals. See 1-2: The Communication Process

An inherent problem related to speaking rate is verbal fillers. Answers: True False

False An inherent problem related to speaking rate is verbal fillers—also called non-words. Verbal fillers are irritating to the audience and destroy the speaker's effectiveness. See 12-4: Refining Your Delivery

Smiling during a phone interview is unnecessary. Answers: True False

False During a phone interview, you should smile because smiling will add enthusiasm to your voice and help to project a positive image to the listener. See 14-3: Conducting a Successful Interview

Groups formed for short-term tasks spend more time on maintenance than on the task. Answers: True False

False Groups formed for short-term tasks, such as arranging a dinner and program, will spend more time on the task than on maintenance. However, groups formed for long-term assignments, such as an accounting team auditing a major corporation, may devote much effort to maintenance goals. See 2-4: Group Communication

Clan culture refers to a structured and formalized workplace where leaders act like coordinators or administrators. Answers: True False

False Hierarchy culture refers to a structured and formalized workplace where leaders act like coordinators or administrators. It has an internal focus and is controlled. Clan culture refers to a friendly workplace where leaders act like father figures. See 3-1: Step 1: Consider the Applicable Contextual Forces

Make every statement in a presentation a major point in order to avoid overwhelming and boring your audience. Answers: True False

False In a typical presentation of 15-20 minutes, limit your presentation to only a few major subpoints (typically three to five) that support or flesh out your primary theme or topic in order to avoid overwhelming and boring your audience. Making every statement in a presentation into a major point—something to be remembered—is impossible, unless the presentation lasts only 2 or 3 minutes. See 12-2: Organizing the Content

In formal reports, the use of the first-person pronoun "I" is generally acceptable. Answers: True False

False In formal reports, the use of "I" is generally unacceptable. Because of the objective nature of research, the fewer personal references you use, the better. See 11-3: Choosing a Writing Style for Formal Reports

The first step in the process for planning presentations is to adapt a message to the audience's needs and concerns. Answers: True False

False In the process for planning, preparing, and rehearsing presentations, the first step is to consider the applicable contextual forces. As with written messages, presentations should be well planned. See 12-1: Planning an Effective Business Presentation

Technizone Consultants decides to send an invitation to other companies to join it in its charity function. In this case, a memorandum report format should be used instead of a letter report format. Answers: True False

False In this case, a letter report format should be used instead of a memorandum report format. The memorandum report is directed to an organizational insider, as are most email reports. The letter report is directed to a reader outside the organization. See 11-4: Short Reports

Instead of self-marketing, standard verbiage connects your experiences to your future with a specific company and reflects your personality and values. Answers: True False

False Instead of standard verbiage included in dozens of model documents, your self-marketing connects your experiences to your future with a specific company and reflects your personality and values. See 13-5: Composing Application Messages

Learning about other cultures and developing sensitivity will help maximize ethnocentric reactions when dealing with other cultures. Answers: True False

False Learning about other cultures and developing sensitivity will help minimize ethnocentric reactions when dealing with other cultures. Problems occur between people of different cultures primarily because people tend to assume that their own cultural norms are the right way to do things. See 1-4: Contextual Forces Influencing Business Communication

All proposals are written to generate business outside an organization by proposing to meet the needs, and solve problems, of other organizations. Answers: True False

False Proposals can be either internal or external. Managers prepare internal proposals to justify or recommend purchases or changes in the company; for instance, installing a new computer system, introducing telecommuting or other flexible work schedules, or reorganizing the company into work groups. An external proposal is a written description of how one organization can meet the needs of another by, for example, providing products or services. See 11-5: Proposals

When an effective graphic is used in a report, there is no need for additional interpretation and analysis of the data. Answers: True False

False Text and graphics are partners in the communication process. A graphic that follows an introduction and brief explanation will supplement what has been said in the report. Additional interpretation and needed analysis should follow the graphic. See 10-4: Including Graphics in Text

The typical cellphone screen can accommodate no more than 100 characters. Answers: True False

False Text messaging on a cellphone or personal digital assistant is a refinement of computer instant messaging. The typical cellphone screen can accommodate no more than 160 characters, and because the keypad is far less versatile, text messaging puts an even greater premium on conciseness. See 5-3: Electronic Mail Communication

The larger the group, the more its members have the opportunity to communicate with each other. Answers: True False

False The smaller the group, the more its members have the opportunity to communicate with each other. Large groups often inhibit communication because the opportunity to speak and interact is limited. See 2-4: Group Communication

To distinguish your application message from the competition, apologize for your shortcomings and admit failure. Answers: True False

False To distinguish your application message from the competition, focus on strengths and portray a positive attitude. Concentrate on the positive aspects of your education or experience that have prepared you for the particular job. Apologizing for a shortcoming or admitting failure only weakens your case and raises questions about your self-esteem. See 13-5: Composing Application Messages

Nonverbal messages can be dismissed since they do not contribute to verbal messages. Answers: True False

False To listen effectively, you must observe the speaker. Facial expressions and body motions always accompany speech and contribute much to messages. See 2-3: Listening as a Communication Skill

If a candidate has been selected for a job after an interview, the candidate is expected to send a follow-up message to the human resources department of the company. Answers: True False

False When an application message and résumé do not elicit a response, a follow-up message might bring results. Sent a few weeks after the original message, it includes a reminder that an application for a certain job is on file. See 14-4: Preparing Other Employment Messages

Before interviewing with a company, a candidate should research about the company's latest stock market quote. Answers: True False

True A candidate should research the following information about the company with which he or she interviews: (i) name; (ii) status in the industry; (iii) latest stock market quote; (iv) recent news and developments; (v) scope of the company; (vi) corporate officers; and (vii) products and services. See 14-2: Preparing for an Interview

As people tend to make comparisons during analysis from a tabulation, the totals are helpful in communicating quantitative information. Answers: True False

True As people tend to make comparisons during analysis, the totals are helpful in communicating quantitative information. People generally want to know proportions or ratios, and these are best presented as percentage parts of the total. See 10-1: Communicating Quantitative Information Visual data can be distorted easily, leading the reader to form incorrect opinions about the data. Use of talking titles can help avert this problem. See 10-2: Using Graphics

Communication is the process of exchanging and interpreting information and meaning between or among individuals through a system of symbols, signs, and behavior. Answers: True False

True Communication is the process of exchanging and interpreting information and meaning between or among individuals through a system of symbols, signs, and behavior. In ideal situations, the goal is to reach mutual understanding. See 1-1: Value of Communication

In recent years, developments among U.S. businesses have shifted attention away from the employment of traditional organizational subunits as the only mechanisms for achieving organizational goals and toward the increased use of groups. Answers: True False

True In recent years, developments among U.S. businesses have shifted attention away from the employment of traditional organizational subunits as the only mechanisms for achieving organizational goals and toward the increased use of groups. Many businesses today have downsized and eliminated layers of management. See 2-4: Group Communication

Most employers prefer to receive résumés in standard format through electronic media. Answers: True False

True Most employers prefer to receive résumés in standard format through electronic media. Whether presented on paper or electronically, the arrangement of a résumé is just as important as the content. See 13-3: Preparing Résumés for Print and Electronic Delivery

Most work resulting from proposals is covered by a working agreement or contract to avoid discrepancies in the intents of the parties. Answers: True False

True Most work resulting from proposals is covered by a working agreement or contract to avoid discrepancies in the intents of the parties. Many large firms and governmental organizations use highly structured procedures to ensure understanding of contract terms. See 11-5: Proposals

Whether on campus or at a company location, interview methods and practices vary with the situation. Answers: True False

True Whether on campus or at a company location, interview methods and practices vary with the situation. See 14-2: Preparing for an Interview

While preparing for an interview, candidates should study salaries in comparable firms, as well as regional averages. Answers: True False

True While preparing for an interview, candidates should study salaries in comparable firms, as well as regional averages. Employee reviews of selected companies, salaries, and sample interview questions are available online, and some universities share taped interviews with various company recruiters. See 14-2: Preparing for an Interview

A limitation of language translation is that some words in one language do not always have an equivalent meaning in other languages. Answers: True False

True Words in one language do not always have an equivalent meaning in other languages, and the concepts the words describe are often different as well. Translators can be helpful, but keep in mind that a translator is working with a second language and must listen to one language, mentally cast the words into another language, and then speak them. See 1-4: Contextual Forces Influencing Business Communication

Which of the following is true of outlining before communicating a complex message? Answers: a.It encourages positive reaction toward the message and the sender. b.It enables concentration on multiple phases at a time. c.It ensures that insignificant points appear at emphatic positions. d.It provides the opportunity to eliminate all the minor ideas.

a. It encourages positive reaction toward the message and the sender. Receivers benefit when a message has been well outlined. Relationships between ideas are easier to distinguish and remember. Reactions to the message and its sender are more likely to be positive. See 3-5: Step 5: Organize the Message

Which of the following is true of downward communication? Answers: a.Orientation to a company's rules and practices is an element of downward communication. b.The process of creating progress reports is an example of downward communication. c.Recording a project's results and accomplishments involves downward communication. d.Problem solving and clarifications in organizations involve downward communication.

a. Orientation to a company's rules and practices is an element of downward communication. Teaching people how to perform their specific tasks is an element of downward communication. Another element is orientation to a company's rules, practices, procedures, history, and goals. See 1-3: Communicating within Organizations

Which of the following is true of career services centers? Answers: a.Some centers assist students in preparing electronic portfolios to supplement their résumés. b.They specialize in providing temporary employees to companies. c.Most centers maintain a manual database and require printed résumés from students. d.They help unemployed individuals avail state aid.

a. Some centers assist students in preparing electronic portfolios to supplement their résumés. Some career services centers assist students in preparing electronic portfolios to supplement their résumés. Typically, a career services center has a website and a browsing room loaded with career information and job announcement bulletins. See 13-1: Preparing for the Job Search

Ali, a manager at BuzzEdge Inc., had to deliver a presentation at a technical conference. He wrote out the entire speech one week before the conference, and during the conference, he read it out to the audience. In this scenario, which of the following presentation styles did Ali use? Answers: a.The manuscript presentation style b.The extemporaneous presentation style c.The impromptu presentation style d.The memorized presentation style

a. The manuscript presentation style In this scenario, Ali used the manuscript style of presentation. Manuscript, or scripted, presentations involve writing an entire speech and reading it to the audience. See 12-4: Refining Your Delivery

Identify a true statement about cellphone communication. Answers: a.Cellphone communication is cost-effective when communicating with people located in several locations and time zones. b.The radio frequencies that transmit the voice signals in cellphone communication can be picked up by other equipment. c.Confidential or sensitive information can be effectively shared through cellphones. d.Cellphone communication dramatically deteriorates performance among salespersons.

b. The radio frequencies that transmit the voice signals in cellphone communication can be picked up by other equipment. Not so long ago, voice communication referred strictly to communication over phone lines, and using the telephone effectively is still an important skill in any profession. See 5-5: Voice and Wireless Communication

For preparing an effective table, you should: Answers: a.document the source of the data presented by adding source notes above the table. a superscript symbol beside an entry that requires additional explanation. c.give the table a title that forces the reader to review the table. d.refer to the table as "the following table" or "the figure on the following page."

b. place a superscript symbol beside an entry that requires additional explanation. For preparing an effective table, place a superscript symbol beside an entry that requires additional explanation and include the explanatory note beneath the visual. Proper labeling techniques make the content in a table clear. See 10-3: Types of Graphic Aids

Which of the following numbering systems is recommended when incorporating graphs, pictures, and tables in a written report? Answers: a.Number the graphs as "Graph 1," and so on, the pictures as "Figure 1," and so on, and the tables as "Table 1," and so on. b.Number the graphs and the pictures as "Figure 1," and so on, and the tables as "Table 1," and so on. c.Number all the graphs, pictures, and tables in a single numbering system—that is, "Figure 1," "Figure 2," and so on. d.Use only Roman numerals while numbering the graphics.

c. Number all the graphs, pictures, and tables in a single numbering system—that is, "Figure 1," "Figure 2," and so on. Although your report may include tables, graphs, maps, and even photographs, you will find organizing easier and writing about the illustrations more effective if you label each item as a "Figure" followed by a number; then number the items consecutively. Both writers and readers appreciate the single numbering system, which makes the sentence read, "Evidence presented in Figures 3, 4, and 5 supports..." See 10-4: Including Graphics in Text

Which of the following statements best defines a justification report? Answers: a.It is a report that meets the demand for numerous, repetitive reports. b.It is a report designed to solve a specific problem or answer research questions. c.It is a report that includes only the minimum supporting materials to achieve effective communication. d.It is a report that outlines comparative information clearly to the reader.

d. It is a report that outlines comparative information clearly to the reader. A report that outlines comparative information clearly to the reader is known as a justification report. It is used commonly when comparing items for purchase. Your analysis, along with your reasons and recommendations, will be delivered in a justification report. See 11-2: Organization of Formal Reports

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