ACS Exam 1: Chapters 1-4

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Example of social comparison

"I am never going to be as tall and fit as her" comparing yourself body to her body and well being

What are examples of feedback?

"Uh-huh" and "that's right"

What is message?

"package" of info that is transported during communication

What is in Maslow's hierarchy of human needs?

1. Physical (air,food, water, sleep, and shelter) 2. Safety (Police) 3. Social 4. Self-esteem 5. Self-actualization(putting our unique abilities to work and our daily lives)

What are the two implications that show interpersonal communication is dynamic?

1.No two interactions with the same personal will be identical. First encounter may seem easy, but second encounter may be harder if there isnt anymore communication involved 2.No two moments within the same interaction will ever be identical. Our moods, thoughts, perceptions, and emotions are constantly changing. So one moment it could be good but later at a different moment could be bad or weird

Example of dynamic in interpersonal communication

A skype interaction with a sibling that comes awkward and the a joke may come up and the mood changes which changes the communication between them and the mood dies down which also affects the communication

What is an example of a channel and name the component

A visually impaired friend "reads" a message you left her, touching the Braille Letters with her fingertips(tactile)

What is sexual orientation?

An enduring emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectionate attraction to others that exists along a continuum ranging from exclusive homosexuality to exclusive heterosexuality to various forms of bisexuality

What is culture?

An established, coherent set of beliefs, attitudes values, and practices shared by a large group of people. Culture includes nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities, and even age

What is a sender?

An individual who generates the information to be communicated packages it into a message, and chooses the channel(s) for sending it

How does interpersonal communication intertwine with moral principles?

Any communication that is created between you and another person definitely affects their moral principles because in one situation if your friends tell you to smoke cigarettes this does deal with your moral principles as you know it is not right but you do it anyway because of peer pressure and later the outcome is affected which explains how communication is irreversible

What is online communication?

Any interaction by means of social networking sites such as Facebook, e-mail, text or instant messaging chatrooms or multiplayer video games

What are the three characteristics of competent interpersonal communication?

Appropriateness, effectiveness, and ethics

What do they mean when interpersonal communication is transactional?

Both parties contribute to the meaning

Example of dyadic in interpersonal communication

Chatting with your mom or sister on the phone (pair is you/mom and or sister) exchanging a series of Facebook messages with a long-distance friend(pair is you and your friend)

What is an example of interactive communication model?

Classroom instruction, group presentations, team/coworker meetings. Classroom instructions sometimes teachers ask questions and students give feedback to the questions

What is intrapersonal communication?

Communication involving only one person

What is feedback?

Comprised of the verbal and nonverbal messages that recipients convey to indicate their reaction to communication. More like response to the sender's messages

What are fields of experience?

Consists of the beliefs, attitudes, values, and or disapproval

What are content and relationship information?

Content information is the actual meaning of the words you utter and relationship information are the signals indicating how each of you views your relationship

What are some issues in interpersonal communication?

Culture, Gender and Sexual Orientation, Online communication, and the dark side of interpersonal relations

How is interpersonal communication Dynamic?

During interactions of people, communications and all that influences, like perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and emotions are all constantly in flux, so they are constantly changing(dynamic).

What are the four aspects of interpersonal communication

Dynamic, Transactional, Dyadic, and Impact

How is interpersonal communication irreversible?

Every time you interpersonally communicate, you and the person or group that you communicate are affected, so the outcome is affected. So basically once you communicate something to someone you cannot take it back.

Why is communication important?

Everything you communicate affects the future and it also affects the present because of the communication activities happened in the past. This is also the reason why communication is a process.

What is does the linear communication model not include that the transactional and the interactive communication model has

Feedback and fields of experience

What is self presentation goal?

Goals in which there are desires you have to present yourself in certain ways so that others perceive you as being a particular type of person

How is interpersonal communication intentional or unintentional?

In interpersonal communication, you and the other person attach meaning to nearly everything whether if it is communicated or not. You start talking about your friend and your friends look the other way but she is feeling tired but you don't know that so this context has become unintentional where if your friend looks at you and pays attention it becomes intentional. Non-verbal actions in communications play a role in explaining how interpersonal communication can be unintentional and intentional

When do they mean when interpersonal communication is dyadic?

Interpersonal Communication involves pairs of people or dyads.

What do they mean that interpersonal communication is dynamic?

Interpersonal communication is constantly in motion and changing over time.

What do they mean when interpersonal communication creates impact?

Interpersonal communications sometimes changes the participants' thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and relationships. Interpersonal communication has a profound effect with impact

How does measuring up to your own standards help improve self-esteem?

It can make you realize that your ought self(the self that you want to be) and the ideal self(the characteristics you want to possess based on your desire can take over you when yourself is inferior to those two selves.

What are the three different communication models?

Linear, Transactional, and Interactive

What are five suggestions in improving your online competence?

Match the gravity of your message to your communication medium, don't assume that online communication is always more efficient, presume that your posts are public, remember that your posts are permanent, practice the art of creating drafts

Online communication how is that an issue in interpersonal communication?

Online communication helps us keep contact with friends, family members, colleagues, and romantic partners despite being separate geographically

What would happen to communications between people with similar fields of experience than the people that are dissimilar with fields of experience?

People with similar fields of experience are more likely to understand each other in communication than people with dissimilar fields of experience

What are examples of noise?

Poor reception of the cell phone, a storm knocking down the internet in the computer

What is instrumental goal?

Practical aims you want to achieve or tasks you want to accomplish through a particular interpersonal encounter.

Example of self presentation goal

Roommate is being fired, you ask him what happen because you want to be supportive(self presentation goal)

What is an example of a transactional communication model?

Shared look between friends(so the communication between the friends is jointed and encountered)

Example of self concept

So a girl that might be religious, gay, and black. The religious, gay, and black is going to be the perception by many people that tells her who she is as a person.

example of secure attachment?

Someone who is warm and supportive in a relationship, high self-esteem, and the confidence in the ability to communicate

The dark side of interpersonal relations

Sometimes interpersonal relationship are good and make you filled with joys but other times it can lead to destruction that is why we need to practice being a competent communicator to avoid the destruction of the relationship

What is an example of intrapersonal communication?

Talking to yourself out loud or having a mental "conversation" inside one's head

What is an example of linear communication model?

Text and instant-messaging, e-mail, wall posts, scripted public speeches

Example of impact in interpersonal communication

The bonds that we create from our relationships when we interpersonally communicate and it eases the distance that we natutrally make with other people

What is the central theme that interpersonal communication creates?

The communication choices we make determine the personal, interpersonal, and relationship outcomes that follow

What happens in the interactive communication model?

The communication model involves senders and receivers however this time additional factors are in the model which are feedback and fields of experience. So there is no ending point because of the feedback like the linear communication model

What happens in the transactional communication model?

The communication model suggest that communication is fundamentally multi-directional. That is EACH PARTICIPANT EQUALLY influences the communication behavior of the other participants. There are NO senders or receivers

How does interpersonal communication convey both content and relationship information?

The content information is important as the relationship information is interpreted by the content information being conveyed. This relationship information, in result, will have an impact on the relationship which explains interpersonal communication in which the communication between two people are impacting their thoughts, feelings and emotions.

What is appropriateness?

The degree to which your communication matches situational, relational, and cultural expectations regarding how you should communicate?

What is interpersonal communication?

The dynamic form of communication between two (or more) people in which the messages exchanged significantly influence their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and relationships

What are the five features of communication?

The five features of communication are messages, interactions, contexts, channels, and medias

What are the five principles of interpersonal communication?

The five principles of interpersonal communication are it conveys both content and relationship information, it is irreversible, it is dynamic, it can be intentional or unintentional, and it can be intertwined with ethics and moral principles

What is looking-glass self and give an example

The idea of defining our self-concepts through thinking about how others see us "I feel good/bad about how others see me"

What is communication?

The process through which people use messages to generate meanings within and across contexts, cultures, channels, and media

What are ethics?

The set of moral principles that guide our behaviors toward others

What is gender?

The social, psychological, and cultural traits generally associated with one sex or the other

What are the three sources of self?

The three sources of self are gender, culture, and family that help shape ourselves

What are examples of media?

Webcams, cell phones, texting, e-mail, letters, face to face information

Example of transactional in interpersonal communication

You and a romantic partner share an intimate dinner, jointly reminiscing about past times together and exchanging expressions of affections fluidly back and forth. So you and the romantic partner are both equally expressing communication about the past times together, but sometimes it's not transactional and could be linear

Example of impersonal communication

You and your partner watch tv about this ad. You comment on this ad. Minutes later your partner ends up hugging you. The impersonal communication is when your partner ends up hugging you because your communication has a effect on your partner.

What else can you do to improve your self esteem?

You must improve yourselves by reducing discrepancies(mismatches between your ideal and ought to actual self) Make a list of positive and negative attributes and compare them. Visit your ought and ideal self and if you can attain them figure what you can do to be that self or just revisit your standards and adjust. Also create an action plan to resolve any self-discrepancies.

Example of relationship goals

You tell your friend that you want to buy this jacket for years and your friend lends you money. you told him or her that you will pay him or her back(relationship goals) you want to build or maintain that relationship by paying him or her back

Example of instrumental goal?

You want join a singing competition, and you apply for it, so you tried to persuade the judges by singing and telling them that you have taken music lessons that assists with your singing(instrumental goal) you put a practical aim in hoping that you will be in a singing competiton

Example of self-awareness

Your friend failed a test, so you immediately text her trying to comfort her, you have self-awareness because you have an awareness of being compassionate to others

example of appropriateness

a person that tries to avoid cussing in front of six graders because it is considered inappropriate to use foul language at the school of six graders.

What is I-It?

a relationship that has differences between two people and refuse to communicate competently and ends up result in the two people treating each other as objects and ends up in manipulation and being disrespectful. This ends up in the fall of relationships

What is I-Thou?

a relationship that you have with a person that results from communicating competently and having an open mind and warming heart

What is secure attachment?

attachment that is low on both anxiety and avoidance

What is preoccupied attachment?

attachments that are high in anxiety and low in avoidance

What are five components of a channel

auditory(sound), visual(sight), tactile(touch), olfactory(scent), oral(taste)

What is interaction?

comes from the series of messages that is being exchanged from person to person

What is meta-communication?

communication about communication?

What happens in the linear communication model?

communication is an activity in which information flows in one direction from a starting point to an end point.

What is interpersonal communication competence?

consistently communicate in ways that are appropriate(your communication follows accepted norms), effective(communication achieves goals), and ethical(communication treats people fairly)

What is context?

different situations in which communication occurs

What is impersonal communication?

exchanges that have a negligible perceived impact on our thoughts, emotions behavior, and relationships

What is noise?

factors of the environment that impede messages from reaching their destination

What is relationship goal?

goals that require building, maintaining, or terminating bonds with others.

What are the motives for interpersonal communication?

interpersonal communication fulfills human needs, and also specific goals

What are self fulfilling prophecies and give examples

predictions about future interactions that lead us to behave in ways that ensure the interaction unfolds as we predicted. Example would be that you see yourself good in communicating to people this leads you to predict that you will do good at a job interview

What are communication skills?

repeatable goal directed behaviors and behavioral patterns

What are the three goals of interpersonal communication?

self-presentation, instrumental, and relationship goals?

What is channel?

sensory dimension along which communicators transmit information.

Example of ethics

someone asking you to rob a bank, but you told them you cant do it because of your moral principles or your ethics that you set yourself. This ethics that you have helps with you being a competent communicator and therefore making your outcome good.

example of preoccupied attachment?

someone who worrys constantly when faced with relationship challenges and reacts in negative emotions

What is self-awareness?

the ability to step outside yourself(so to speak); view yourself as a unique person distinct from your surrounding environment; and reflect on your thoughts, feelings ,and behaviors

What is effectiveness

the ability to use communication to accomplish the three types of interpersonal goals(self-representational, instrumental, and relational)

What is attachment anxiety?

the degree to which a person fears rejection by relationship partner

What is social comparison?

the observation and assignment that measures other people's behavior and then comparing it against our own behavior

What is self concept?

the overall perception that you have of who you are

What is self-esteem

the overall value, positive, or negative that we assign to ourselves

What is a receiver?

the person for whom a message is intended and to whom the message is delivered

What is self monitoring?

the process of observing our own communication and the norms of the situation in order to make appropriate communication choices

What are the three components of self?

the three components of self are self-awareness, self concept, self-esteem

What is media?

tools for exchanging messages

Name a way you can improve self esteem?

we can improve self-esteem by measure what we see in other people to our own standards

What is an example of meta-communication?

you are talking to your friend about something that you mentioned last week

example of effectiveness

your friend's dog died and you comfort him saying everything will be all right. You are trying to have relationship goals by maintaining the relationship by comforting your friend therefore making your communication effective

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