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Duccio, Rucellai Madonna, 1285 from siena organization at oblique angle to the picture plane..depth.. linear perspecive not yet invented... uses gold threads to indicate drapery christ seems firmlu in place on marys lap 30 medallions surround the main frame the frame is "time frame" Italo-Byzantine style softened and graceful

15ft high value of painting was baed on the materials used

idea of the Renaissance

-means rebirth or Revival -works as good as the ancient -A pupular idea in italy- the empire had been broken up -poet petrach- revial anccient text- authors were important -ear of gitto -early 14th century


A salvation theology- occurs faith and repentance pg 6 and 7 scenes in text dominated subject matter in this course

tempra paint- lead to softer colors subtle modeling to create that since of plasticity

From ground pigment and egg yolk panel or support was made of popular sizing=sealing(linen strips added to prevent warping gesso also added outlines applied in charcoal

Arena Chapel

Giotto, 1305 padua

Giotto, Arena Chapel, 1305-10 Padua, Fresco dado below has scenes of the virtues and vices bloc- like sculptural quality to the figures he was born in north of Florence where one of the popes was located commissioned Padua was a university town.. center of the classical revival and humanism block like in figures--- important accpect

Illustrates the lives of marys parents (anna and Joachim) social/contextual analysis

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Florentine Poet decent into hell late mid evil poetry realtionship to R came from the rediscovery of the writings a follower of him: Petrarch inspired by him bore less the generation after him 1st resounding figure of renaissance and scholar humanism

Italian poet wrote Inferno and Divine Comedy (1321), which demonstrated the powerful influence of the church on education and literature. Wrote in the vernacular.

Nicola Pisano. Fortitude, detail of pulpit 1260 no nudes carved during the mid evil Byzantine actual places nudes in Christian

a heroic nude the oldest of its type since antiquity Derived from a figure of Hercules from a sarcophagus

Giotto ognissanti Madonna tempra on panal 1305-10

a new since of space-contrasting to cimbuys or duico figure in space natural human to baby ration still off... from the middle ages cubic and orginized stuctures figures rest on surface greater foreshortening of the arms on the throne marry drappery falls on a plane defines voids as wll as solids she is slightly turned with a hint of contraposto christ 2nd coming


a painting done in neutral shades of gray to simulate the look of sculpture


a steel needle for engraving on a bare copper plate without acid


an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure in which the line of the arms and shoulders contrasts with while balancing those of the hips and legs.

Formal Analysis

analysis of the form or visual appearance of a work of art using the visual language of elements and principles

Fresco- technical analysis

application to damp lime plaster on walls - called intonacco - the ground for the painting sinopie- the preliminary chalk drawings reddish chalk ( from turkey) a secco-dry application (Giotto early mater of this ) less permanent

Limbourge Brothers july 1413-16 realism was objective but it evoked wonder and corresponded to the convention of the time captured the seasons with a since of realism and rituals of the church

artist were trained under a gold smith

Cimabue, Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Prophets, c. 1285, tempera o/wood 12.5 ft high MAry as the heavenly queen Throne as a metaphor for stairway to heaven (hierarchy) robe drapery gives the impression of folds

base of throne- prophets -precursors of christ christ of itself typed with David

Giovanni Pisano, Siena Cathedral Nicola Pisano son

chief architect italy church.. fetch gothic characteristics striped marble.. and missing flying butresses not like french ... so it is Italian gothic

Rogier van der Weyden, St. luke portraying the virgin 1435-1440 Norther Ren. mary is humanist qualities ... sitting on a bench natualistism.. icon like painting but presence of contemporary painted above an alter tempra on oak wood wyden portray himself as st.luke.. medium depicted in drypoint..

christian art had along history by 1400 the worship of images however was a problem ... so why was art tolerated: infused with a new life st luke 1st Christian artist

Cult of the Virgin painting by Duccio 14th c- New humanity in sculpture gothic influence in italy was strongest at this time

christian context continuation of art from the middle ages but new emphasis on virgin in contrast to byzintine more naturalistic

High Renaissance 16th century active in rome and venice


Robert Campin, Virgin and Child Before a Firescreen, 1425 oil paint, strong dark light contrast

city if tournai (belgium) awareness of drapery casual setting, virgin sitting in a normal household firescreen acts a halo


classical roots but more natualism and movement 323-321bc

Giotto, Kiss of Judas

climax of the narrative betrayal of christ quality of time.. arrested the action human action is forground less architectural scene

Clause Sluter, 1340-1406 well of Moses begun in 1395 active in France shadow and highlight from deep relief (deeo undercutting)

commissioned group of prophit figures (tell the forcomming of christ) above them a crucifixion group.. typology unique from midevil art is the individuality of each figure and the treatment of the drapery

Giotto, Arena Chapel, 1305-10 Padua, Fresco stage like sense of space.. theater revival .. but more about his clarity and unity of space

contextual analysis: how did processes of patrongage shape this work? what were the patrons motives? money lenders are not well liked.. and it was commissioned by a money lender... work of adornment... conserend about how he might be judge by god he donated the painting the church social.. university town.. setting is important archtechtal metaphors: christain and classical values: twisted column: solomans temple assoicted with the old testaments-type corthatian- classical revial

designers for courtly life

court life main area art was produced.. showmanship... memorizing.. tapestry were most expensive art-words made artist design the courts... art created only for wealthy and powerful

Limbourg Brothers, January

court life. duke at the table full of food.. internationl gothic style ingering

Franco-Flemish master, portrait of a lady, 1415 oil on panel.. profile... characteristic of late gothic portraiture clothes were also designed by the artist hair shaved to top of forhead

courts and patronage

Limbourg Brothers, October magic to the realism of the painting made them popular a composite image ... not really recording it

created for jean , duke of berry an idealization of the architecture this series shows: artists job has changed.. artist couldn't rely on formula .. make studies from nature and put it in a painting

Nicola Pisano, The adoration of the magi, relief from the pulpit 1265-1268 influence of heavy roman drapery folds horses show a suggestion of organic anatomy

crowded space stylized of the folds horsed are still small compared to the figures .. transitioning

chronicle of france, 14th c


Campin, Annunciation central panel of the Merode tryptych 1427 oil

details of everyday life, virgin reading when being told she will carry christ perspective not mastered accumulation of details.. northern art

Main Message of Christianity

shares with judiasm monotheism and scripture bases (books of the old testment and judiasm) difference more on saints and martar ppl who have sacrafice for thier belief in rome christ as the messiha rights- the last supper body of christ (whine, bread, ritual of the mass love is emphasis legalize in 313 by Constantine- this allowed it to expand in the roman empire after the fall the center of christianity was in constatanopal

Giottos Mi tangere (touch me not)

shows the tomb, creates more of a story since of the void in the sky-- fill the composition... psychological .. human relationship between mary magdolin and christ castoposto

Ambrogio Lorenzetti


Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Peaceful City, from Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country, Sala della Pace, Palazzo, Pubblicco, Siena, 1338-1339, fresco


contextual analysis (intellectual)

social or economical "founder" Petrarch 1304 to 1374 poet and transaltior of anceit works, inspire by Virgil and lawyer created a basic idea of how to think about art and the training of the mind... ex: importance's of humanisms? who was the leader of the movement?

Franciscan order Bellini, Ecstasy of st Francis 1475-1480 cloth merchant high Renaissance can be seen in new york in the frick collection

st francis received the wounds or stigmata of christ wrote canticle of the sun-a poem he wrote gods presence in nature communion with nature

Politics- intense rivalry

started in Germany the Guelphs supported the pope. The Ghibellines supported the holy roman emperor

A wide geographical region- swiss alps to the northern lowlands -fertile hills of france and belgium in bewtween souther germany and france

the "north" part of the renaissance

what was the great schism a symptom of? 1378-1417

the allegiance of the church was at a low point in the late 14th and early 15 centuries time period where 3 ppl claimed to be the pope Avignon- city controlled by the french king division of Christianity based on political alignments

how many moncarch represent a challenge to both the papcy and nobility? in that sense how was it a forerunner of the modern sate>

the french king is challenging the pope for all authority

the great schism

the official split between the Roman Catholic and Byzantine churches that occurred in 1054 ... rised of monchachry power

Robert Campin


Rogier van der Weyden

train in the workshop of robert campin 1430 moved to brussels and became the offical painting of brussels since of volume looks almost sculpture like

Proto-Renaissance 14th century most active in florence


Paul and jean de Limbourg, may 1410 sacred story telling

we see a very well define space vs gothic art .. foreground , middle ground and background ..transitional work building up of details

Vasari's Lives of the Artists a series of biographies first published in 1550 A new focus on humanity ( Immortality through frame used anecdote to convey essential truths) stories of the artist kinda 1st art history.. but more andotal ... some legends with some history Vasari saw Michelangelo as culmination of the era

written by Giorgio Vasari

Italy overall never fully accepted the goth style

13th c italy a land of warring cities, no sense of unity in relation to the gothic style

Masaccio, Holy Trinity Florence


Mannerism Art Rome

1520s through mid 16th c.

Palazzo Vecchio, Florence central plaza began 1299 completed by 1330 sturdy and blocklike rough surface a sense of power and durability

1st intent location of the david by Michelangelo 200 years later politcal hear of flourence


A. obscured Cimabue's reputation a. empty glory B. Giotto restored light to painting C. Naturalism not seen since the Empire D. Compare his Ognissanti Madonna (All Saint's Church) with Cimabue's and Duccio's a. Angels occupy a natural space b. More cubic in structure c. Figures rest on surfaces d. Greater foreshortening of the arms of the throne e. Mary's drapery falls clearly on a plane f. Defines voids as well as solids g. She is slightly turned with a hint of contraposto E. Figure of Christ more childlike a. His gesture foretells the Second Coming F. use of right-left symbolism to connect old and new a. a convention G. Christ is the focus of the work a. attention of others is directed toward him 3 b. kneeling angels form a spatial passageway through a progression of planes c. they extend symbols of the Virgin H. Which two forms of analysis does she use? a. Iconographic and symbolic I. What conclusions does she draw from them? a. Clarity of space and focus on Christ

Giotto some feel the renaissance began him him in the 14th century

An artist who led the way into realism; his treatment of the human body and face replaced the formal stiffness and artificiality that had long characterized the representation of the human body

The northern Renaissance

An extension of the Italian Renaissance to the nations Germany, Flanders, France, and England; it took on a more religious nature than the Italian Renaissance

The guilds

Exerted strong ingluence on government set work standards and prices and protected workers and families lend loyalty to the Guelphs and ghibellines Divied into arti maggiori: Lawyers judge wool and cloth and refiners bankers physicians ( no place for the artist in this until the 14thc when included physicians bc of the chemicals they were dealing with) arti minori: artisan class

Northern Renaissance Artists

Artist reanslated the main ideas of gothic art into a lifelike style realism.. share with italian ren.

Mannerism, transitional style, at its close

Artistic movement against the Renaissance ideals of symetry, balance, and simplicity; went against the perfection the High Renaissance created in art. Used elongated proportions, twisted poese and compression of space.

Mourners on the tomb of philip the bold

Dijon Clause Sluter, 1340-1406

St. Dominic (Spanish) religous order continuation minicant orders

Dominician order is called Black Friars Had to Beg-Could not own- Mendicant friars also included a second and third order of nuns sought to stamp out heresy spelled out a rigorous hard life-asceticism

the Limbourg brothers

Famous Dutch Renaissance miniature painters. International Gothic. Late medieval illuminated manuscript, The Book of Hours of Duc de Berry.



methodology- how our author does it

Focus on genius and innovation significance measured by degree of influence

Byzantine Style 4th to 15th centuries constatinopal

Focused on power and immaterial spirituality use of mosaic 2d emphasis Frontal linear patterns Monumental images

Renaissance: a blend of influences the revival of classicism Classical Style (relistic but idealized 5th century bca Greece

Idealized naturalistic 3D symmetrical ideal nudity related to organic form classical drapery defines form

Iconographic Analysis

Interprets objects and figures in the artwork as signs or symbols, often based on religious or historical contexts that would have been understood at the time when it was made. meaning behind the work

Robert Campin, saint veronica, 1410 earliest painting oil .. glazzing thin coats of oil paint

realism for its time church tradition moved to pitty and lifts her vail to him and his face is imprinted on it veronica - is the real images of jesus notion of truth

House of Hapsburg

Marriage between Spain and the Holy Roman Empire- takes up Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, etc. development of the modern state.. armies , texes ... the cincrete resultus of centurlized power

Northerns came in to replace the Roman Empire.. visa goths .. german tribes

Middle Ages: Seen by Italians as tied to the Goths, Hence Gothic Italians felt that art, science and scholarship has been destroyed An idea that had little basis in fact revile of the idea from arosttile


Not unified unto the 2nd half 19th c. a collection of City states: often at war with each other/violent pride came form the artist out of the city states Florence siena, pisa Mantue, Milan, urbino Republic of Venice Pepal State Kingdom of Naples

the main points of evidence for the french gothic influence in Simone martinis annunciation 1333? why is this influence significant (social and artisically)?

Sienese painters compared to the international gothic style (french)

End of Middle Ages Black Death-1348 during the middle ages, the dominant social order would have been the feudal order: peasants were surfs, dependent of the land owners

Peasants revolts ..led to market econmony.. money .. banking the popes fell under the influence of French monarch great schism- 3 claims to pope undermined catholic hegemony

Nicola Pisano, Pulpit Baptistery, pisa 1260's resurrection transformation ego

Pulpit uses foliate corinthian columns colored marble and granite the sides depict scenes from the life of Christ used gothic tri loved arches between the columns Marbles reliefs over the capitals and in the spandrels

Florentine Renaissance 15th c



The Tribute Money (1427)


The study of how the New Testament is foreshadowed in the Old Testament. systematic pairing of the ot and nt Ex: christ as the new solomon -solomon had built a temple -christs teachings as a new foundation

What is the iconography of the last judgment? (interpretation of the content) jewel-like a temple: time of the reappearance of christ clearly order image: christ is large and centrally located apostles located on right and left sides, above him of angels. christ left, save raised damned on right go to hell. corrupt bishop next to the devil.. political The iconology?

dismisses frontalizing and centralizing of figures(byzantine approach) recording solid volumes, simplicity, direct influence on Masaccio and Michelangelo

Stylistic transitions... Cimabue, Crucifix, 1270's, tempra on board its tempra vs mosaic (Byzantine prefered style)

ending of the byzentine style..greater scenes of plasticy more 3d volume different subject matter..dead christ vs alive christ to increase empathy with christ.. with the s curve of the body .. more emotional..invites compassion for the worship

the Cambrai madonna, unknown artist, c1340 st.luke was credited with painting the 1st painting of virgin and child

essence of the virgin was captured in lukes portrate of her

st. johns altarpiece rogier van der weyden 1455-60

fragmentary realism clear divisions of space.. attention to detail right panal.. collection of head of john the baptist

Duccios Mi tangere

gold byzantine taste stylized, linear rhythmic patterning in the gown of christ has the centralized color red

Nicola Pisano, Pisa Cathedral 1259-1261 4 colonnades, continuing into the pediment

gothic expression in Italy

Leaning Tower of Pisa has 6 arcades-the campanile (or bell tower) was built on a weak foundation (romanisqu)

gothic italy

Duccio Maesta 1308-11 13' wide from Sienna (republic) why was the maesta commisioned from Duccio? carried to the cathedral by the civic

how was this political art florance and sienna went into battle.. statement of sienna worthiness of the holly commissioned by nove led the republic to good

Veneziano, St. Lucy Altarpiece, 1445

italian painting space neatly define .. mathematical .. unity of space

Era of Genius

large # of great artist and new relationship to patrons A brief classical education -shift in ideas renaissance man free ranging thought greek and latin models

Giotto restored light to painting

level of naturalism not seen since fall of roman empire(1000 years)

Limbourg Brothers, June, early 15th c

manuscript illumination image idependted of text book of hours increase in realism and naturalism

Giotto, Santa Maria Novella crucifix, Florence 1300, tempera on panel 18 ft tall commisioned by church born in valley north of floruence italian ren. Trecento Precursors 14th century painting

more naturalism an plasticity transparent drapery structure of christ body painting is more than a substitue for work a visualization of a actual event reconized while active painting

whats left of the northand why?: orthodox christianity

multiple centers, constatinopal and Moscow orthodox means true to the origin had their own traditions western vs easter.. when did the roam catholic become current usage:

Detail, portrait of the jester Gonnella, 1450, attributed to jean fouquet) northern artist, lived in a southern Italy

naturalism and humanism even in courtly art

Switzerland was the only republic durining this time (15th century)

on its west was the kingdom of france east the holy roman empire dukedoms united by allegiance to an elcted emperor burgundy known as the low countries had indepence from france the Netherlands

St. Mark's Cathedral, Venice, begun 1063 Italian painting looked to Constantinople most churches were decorated in mosaics- greek manner

painting...stylized and frontal

Limbourg Brothers February dovecot... kept there doves shit for their herb gardens ... they would steal grains laws governing who could keep the doves

pesant life represented cut away from the house.. lingering from ancient gothic style high horizon line clear foreground, middle ground and background integration of humans and animals with the landscape believable space

Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition of christ, 1435 white used in vertical axes and christ cloak proto museum in Madrid Philip the 2nd

piece to establish his reputation commissioned by the crossbowmen's guild virgin echoing the pose of the deposed christ .. emotional ... creat identification of christ st.john.. in red color and pattern helps balance the comp. work set in a very shollow depth framing original.. found in northern art in contast to itilan since of space very detailed.. stage like space.. tabloid de vant

Giotto and controversy... Italian painters wanted him has the founder of the renaissance and nonitalins wanted a roman painter nationalism

questions of attribution .. Assisi frescoes

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