Adolescence Final Exam

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Adolescents are most likely to exhibit false-self behavior with their:

c) dates

Intimacy between individuals and their parents _______ between 5th and 10th grades but _______ between 10th grade are young adults

c) declines; increases

Aggressive adolescents who use their aggression strategically- what is referred to as _______ are much more popular than aggressive adolescents whose aggression is unplanned what is referred to as _______

c) proactive aggression; reactive aggression

Dr. Johnson interprets to Janice that she is desperate to please others because she is unconsciously afraid of being abandoned like her father abandoned her as a child. Dr. Johnson is most likely aligned with the following theoretical orientation:

c) psychoanalytic

Kaji, a 16-year-old male, has gone through the rite of passage and is now considered a warrior by his tribesmen. This change in Kaji's role and status may be referred to as:

c) social redefinition

One reason for imbalance or disequilibrium in the family during the adolescent years is that parents:

b) may be experiencing their own type of "identity crisis"

According to research ______ identity status may be temporary

a) achievement

The hormonally induced increase in the rate of growth in height and weight is referred to as:

a) adolescent growth spurt

Research assessing parent-adolescent communication .... following EXCEPT

a) although parents may indicate that they talked to their adolescent

Karen has been known to exercise excessively, count calories, and diet obsessively. She is currently depriving herself of food even tough she is 20 pounds underweight. Karen is probably suffering from :

a) anorexia nervosa

Joshua's parents set rules for him, but he feels that when a rule seems unfair, he can discuss it with his parents and, even if they don't agree to change the rule, they at least listen to his opinions. Joshua's parents fit best into which of the following parenting styles?

a) authoritative

The theoretical approach that would recommend not studying on one's bed because it may make them sleepy is:

a) behavioral

_______ are settings for intimate interactions and friendships, whereas _______ are based on reputation, rather than on actual social interaction

a) cliques; crowds

Jane (16) has decided to become a vegetarian because she believes it is time for her to live according to her own value system rather than the values of her parents. Jane is exhibiting what type of autonomy?

a) cognitive

Which theory of adolescent behavior holds that adolescent can

a) cognitive

Societies in which hunting, fishing, and farming are the primary work activities tend to exhibit a more _________ transition between adolescence and adulthood

a) continuous

Role experimentation occurs during which phase of identity development?

a) diffusion

Research has found that among high school students those who make "virginitiy pledge" are ___ likely to have sex and ____likely to deny having made a pledge

a) equally; more

Theodore has been referred to as an "acting-out" adolescent. He engages in delinquent behavior. Theodore is most likely exhibiting:

a) externalizing symptomatology

Alcohol and marijuana are considered ____ drugs because they are almost always used before harder drugs

a) gateway

Although both sexes experience changes in muscle tissue and body fat, the ratio of muscle to body fat is :

a) greater in boys than girls

Research on the nature of parent-adolescent relationships reveals that:

b) most adolescents resent their parents and rebel against their restrictions

James is the son of devoutly religious parents and insists he is an atheist. This is an example of:

b) negative identity

Between the 9th and 12th grade the significance pf the crowd structure begins to __________ and the salience of peer pressure ________

a) increase; increases

Lowering the minimum purchasing age for alcohol significantly ______ .. alcohol-related car crashes among younger drivers

a) increases

Tyler's parents comment that his 1st year in college has been very good for him because he has learned to accept responsibility for his actions. Tyler's parents are describing"

a) individuation

According to the text, who is more likely to be sexually

a) ingrid

Most studies show that conformity to peers is higher during ______ adolescence than ________ adolescence

a) later; middle

Which of the following characteristics is NOT associated with being an early maturing boy?

a) less likely to misbehave in school

The "deviancy training" process posits that adolescents will become ________ by participating in group based interventions with other antisocial adolescents

a) more

As adolescents' understanding of group dynamics because more sophisticated, they begin feel comfortable excluding individuals fro group activities based on:

a) personality

Bobbie Jo's employer has been sexually harassing her. Bobby Jo has decided to find a new job, which she will start next week, and she also has filed sexual harassment charges against her current employer. Bobbie Jo is using ______ strategies to deal with her stress.

a) primary control

The period of the lifespan when one becomes capable of sexual reproduction

a) puberty

Multidimensional thinking helps adolescents understand:

a) sarcasm

Charlie is able to tune out the television so that he can focus on his art project, which is due in class tomorrow. This is an example of :

a) selective attention

The theory of adolescence that emphasizes the need for confession and forgiveness is:

a) spiritual

Parents ___ their adolescents' sexual activity and sexually active adolescents ____ their parents' disapproval of sexual activity

a) underestimate; underestimate

In contemporary America, the process of social redefinition, which typically begins at age 15-16 is something that occurs:

a) without clarity and without continuity

According to Smetana, adolescents often judge keeping one's room clean and style of dress as _______, whereas parents tend to judge these issues as _________.

a)personal choice; custom or convention

What percentage of teenage pregnancies in the United States are aborted

b) 15

Steve eats lunch with Jeff, Hans, and Mike every day. After school, they play computer games and talk about girls. This group of boys is called:

b) a clique

Dara suffers from depression. What type of disorder does depression reflect?

b) an internalizing disorder

______ is an example of an internalizing disorder; ____ is an example of an externalizing disorder

b) anxiety; deliquency

Tammy's father has absolute standards and expects Tammy to conform to them without exception. If she disobeys he generally punishes her, and sees no reason why he should explain his rules to Tammy. Instead, his response is, "I'm the father and I love you. I know what's best for you." Her father is best described as having what kind of parenting style?

b) authoritarian

Researchers have identifies all of the following EXCEPT as protective factors that decrease adolescent substance abuse

b) avoidance of religious activities

In Marley's society, adolescents are expected to attain adult roles at a certain age; however, they are provided with little training for such responsibilities. Additionally, adolescents tend to be segregated from the workforce and receive little training in school for the types of jobs they will hold as adults. What type of society does Marley most likely belong to?

b) contemporary

According to psychoanalytic theory a meaningful interpretation often leads to ___________

b) defense mechanisms

Viggo says to his friends, "You know, sometimes my Dad is wrong and I tell him so and I give him my opinion. I didn't use to do that when I was younger—I used to think that everything he said was right." Viggo is demonstrating:

b) deidealization

While studying for her biology exam, Jennifer watches her favorite show on TV. This is an example of:

b) divided attention

According to the "Maturation Deviance Hypothesis" children who are most likely to think of themselves as being "off schedule" with respect to their physical development are girls who mature ___________ and boys who mature __________.

b) early;late

This theory emphasizes the need for authenticity and pursuit of meaning:

b) existential

Sixteen-year-old Mercedes believes that the death penalty is wrong because her parents, friends, and church say so. She has never really thought about the issue, but has accepted this view as her own. What is her identity status?

b) foreclosure

(2017) believes that using social media may _____ adolescents develop social ....

b) help

This theoretical perspective sees people as inherently good and capable of positive growth given an environment of warmth, empathy, and unconditional positive regard

b) humanistic

Dr. Brown argues that adolescents can solve problems better than younger children because can store more information in memory and because they have more effective strategies, Dr. Brown's view is most consistent with which of the following perspectives?

b) information-processing perspective

TEST 3 Research on the impact of social media on adolescent intimacy has found all the following EXCEPT :

b) it increases emotional distress

According to Baumrind, children of indulgent parents tend to be:

b) less mature, less responsible and more conforming to their peers

Adolescents are more likely to confirm to _______ opinions when it comes to leisure activities and more likely to be influenced by _______ opinions in matters of educational or occupational plans

b) peers; parents

According to Sullivan, the need for intimacy surfaces during:

b) preadolescence

According to Sullivan with the onset of puberty the preferred "target" of intimacy changes from intimate relationships with members of the ____ sex to intimate relationships with members of the _____ sex

b) same; opposite

Joan goes for a run and then goes to see a movie in order to deal with the stress of finals. Joan is using _________ strategies.

b) secondary control

Intimacy is characterized by all of the following except:

b) self- concealment

Gwen has recently been preoccupied with trying to understand what kind of person she is. As an exercise, she writes out a list of 20 traits that she thinks best describe her. According to the text, Gwen is focusing on her:

b) self-concept

How positively or negatively people feel about themselves defines:

b) self-esteem

Although Sarah's parents divorced seven years ago, the counselor at school attributes Sarah's poor school performance and delinquent behavior to the divorce. This counselor is probably referring to the:

b) sleeper effect of divorce

According to attachment theory an attachment is defined as a ______ and _____

b) strong; flexible

Which of the following statements about the timing and tempo of sexual maturation is true?

b) the duration of puberty varies widely, from 1.5 to 6 years in girls and 2 to 5 years in boys

Many experts endorse a model of depression that suggests individuals who are predisposed toward internalizing problems will develop depression when they are exposed to chronic or acute stressors. This is called

b)the diathesis-stress model

Adolescents spend over half their waking hours with peers, as opposed to only ________ % with adults-including their parents

c) 15

Better connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system during adolescence leads to improvements in:

c) A and B

Christi suffers from chronic depression. She also has unsuccessfully tried to quit smoking cigarettes several times over the past year. Christis problems fall into which category

c) comorbidity

According to psychoanalytic theory symptoms can be reduced through:

c) corrective emotional experience

Adolescent egocentrism results in the following distinct problems in thinking:

c) a and b

Adolescents who are more sexually active are more likely to

c) a and b

Adolescents whose parents ________ are less likely to be involved in drug use and delinquent activity and report more positive relationships with their friends

c) act as consultants helping teenagers work out problems with their friends

During infancy, Julia formed a secure attachment with her parents. This ... formed the basis for all her future approaches to interpersonal relationships ... attachment theorists, Julia is employing:

c) an internal working model

This attachment style is characterized by ambivalence on the part of ... caregiver

c) anxious-resistant

What is a stronger predictor of staying out of trouble for adolescents?

c) attending church youth groups

Adolescents from ____ homes are less likely to become sexually active at an early age and less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior such as having unprotected sex

c) authoritative

Adolescents who are better able to balance autonomy and connectedness is their relationships with their parents are also better able to balance autonomy and intimacy in

c) both a and b

The tendency for adolescents to stay up later is due to :

c) both a and b

Andrea, a 15-year-old, is most likely to learn social skills in a ________ and develop her sense of identity in a ________.

c) clique: crowd

Dr. Jones tells John that just because Sue said no to his prom invitation it doesn't mean that all the girls at his school will also say no if he were to ask them. Dr. Jones is most likely working from which theoretical perspective ?

c) cognitive

TEST 2 Peers usually have more influence than parents on matters of:

c) patterns of leisure activity

Adolescents high in rejection sensitivity show a ____ pattern of brain activity response to exclusion and are ______ likely to develop symptoms of depression

c) different; more

According Cognitive Theory, the D in the A-B-C-D-E approach refers to:

c) dispute the irrational or unrealistic beliefs

As adolescents mature intellectually, they come to define crowds more in terms of:

c) either normals or losers

As Barbara moves into adolescence, her relationship with her mother and father changes. She is becoming less dependent on them and more dependent on herself. She also realizes that her parents are not always right. Which type of autonomy is Barbara expressing?

c) emotional

Erik Erikson believed that ________ is the primary psychosocial crisis of adolescence.

c) establishing a coherent sense of identity

According to the textbook, all of the following factors that affect an individuals vulnerability to the negative effects of stress EXCEPT

c) ethnic background

Jefferey Arnett, the psychologist who created the term "emerging adulthood", believes that developmental period between adolescence and adulthood (emerging adulthood):

c) exists in very few cultures

Edwardo engages in binge drinking. This means that he:

c) has had more than five alcoholic drinks at least once during the past 2 weeks

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for developing substance abuse problems

c) having friends who use and tolerate the use of drugs

All of the following are DSM-5 symptoms of Persistent Depressive Disorder EXCEPT

c) high energy

Researchers have found that, with regard to adolescent sleep patterns:

c) inadequate sleep is associated with poorer mental health and lower grades for adolescents

His friends that his mother is a "real marshmallow" who does whatever he wants and who never enforces the rules she tries to set. If Max's statement is true , best characterized as :

c) indulgent

Biological predispositions toward antisocial behavior include all of the following EXCEPT

c) less developed regions that govern impulse control

The ability to think about one's own thoughts is called:

c) metacognition

Psychologist Jeffery Arnett has suggested that 18-25-year-olds are caught between adolescence adulthood in "emerging adulthood," which is characterized by all BUT:

c) the subjective feeling of emotional immaturity

The ability to understand that others have beliefs, intentions, and knowledge that may be different from one's own is:

c) theory of mind

What percentage of high schools seniors have engaged in binge drinking at least once in the last month

d) 14

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ______ precent of high school seniors have had sexual intercourse

d) 57

Which of the following types of households creates adolescents who develop behavioral autonomy?

d) authoritative

According to social control theory, delinquency is caused by

d) a lack of bonds to the family, the school, or the workplace

Which of the following is NOT a common practice in the process of social redefinition?

d) a real separation from parents

For adolescents, chronic use of marijuana may be associated with abnormalities in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, regions that play an important role in;

d) all of the above

Religious adolescents are:

d) all of the above

Research shows that among both boys and girls, the impact of early maturation on problem behavior or depression is accentuated :

d) all of the above

If an adolescent says "I am shy when I first get to know people, but after I get to know them, I'm usually pretty friendly" they are demonstrating:

d) and organized and integrated self-concept

Since Mark was 5 years old, he has been helping his father maintain the family farm. Now, 30 years later, Mark owns the farm and is teaching his own son how to manage it. Based on your knowledge about the continuity of adolescence, how would you describe Mark's transition?

d) continuous

Most of what is posted on social networking sites is:

d) displays of love and affection

The chief of determinant of socio-metric popularity in high school is:

d) having good social skills

According to recent research, socially anxious adolescents are ______ friendships, which makes them ______ able to develop satisfying....

d) less; less

When it comes to matters like religion, adolescents are more likely to be influenced by ______ over ________

d) parents; friends

The adolescent growth spurt:

d) proceeds along a smooth and rapid course over the teen years

Teenagers whose relationships with parents are emotionally close but not .. tend to ____ romantic relationships that aren't very good

d) remain in

Based on Sullivan's theory of interpersonal development, intimacy is first expressed in:

d) same-sex relationships

Over the past century, the onset of puberty has been coming at an earlier age. This has been referred to as the :

d) secular trend

The theoretical model which advocates modeling the behaviors you want your client to demonstrate is:

d) social-learning

Bruce, a 2nd-year college student, has switched majors three times. He is still undecided about what he wants to do with his life. Bruce is in:

d) state of psychosocial moratorium

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